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耶和華、雅威、YHWH、TWOT編號 484、Strong number 03068以下節錄自「舊約神學辭典」,華神出版社(TWOT的中文翻譯本)




以下是 The Jerome Biblical Commentary 的說法

11 (D) Yahweh. This is the personal name of the God ofIsrael. The pronunciation "Yahweh" has been recovered inrecent times. In the Hebr Bible the name is written withthe four consonants (Tetragrammaton) YHWH and the vowelsof the word adonai (adonai ="lord"at some time in thelate pre-Christian centuries Jews ceased to pronounce thesacred name out of an exaggerated reverence, and saidinstead Adonai). This combination produced the non-wordJehovah that appeared in the AV.


Achtemier, Paul J., Th.D., Harpers Bible Dictionary,(San Francisco: Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc.) 1985.

Yahweh. The most important name for God in the ot is thetetragrammaton YHWH (occurs about 6,800 times), usuallypronounced Yahweh, though the known pronunciation was lostin the postexilic period. Due to the increasing sanctityattached to the name and the consequent desire to avoidmisuse, the title Adonai (Heb., My Great Lord) waspronounced in place of the tetragrammaton. In writtentexts the vowels of Adonai were combined with the consonantsYHWH to remind readers to pronounce Adonai instead of Yahweh.The incorrect hybrid, Jehovah, arose from Christianmisunderstanding in the late Middle Ages. The respect forthe sanctity of the personal name of God is reflected inmodern Judaism

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