经文:创世记 1:1-1:1 注释:
1; God creates heaven and earth;
3; the light;
6; the firmament;
9; separates the dry land;
14; forms the sun, moon, and stars;
20; fishes and fowls;
24; cattle, wild beasts, and creeping things;
26; creates man in his own image, blesses him;
29; grants the fruits of the earth for food.
* beginning.
Pr 8:22-24 16:4 Mr 13:19 Joh 1:1-3 Heb 1:10 1Jo 1:1
* God.
Ex 20:11 31:18 1Ch 16:26 Ne 9:6 Job 26:13 38:4 Ps 8:3 33:6,9
Ps 89:11,12 96:5 102:25 104:24,30 115:15 121:2 124:8 134:3
Ps 136:5 146:6 148:4,5 Pr 3:19 8:22-30 Ec 12:1 Isa 37:16 40:26
Isa 40:28 42:5 44:24 45:18 51:13,16 65:17 Jer 10:12 32:17
Jer 51:15 Zec 12:1 Mt 11:25 Ac 4:24 14:15 17:24 Ro 1:19,20
Ro 11:36 1Co 8:6 Eph 3:9 Col 1:16,17 Heb 1:2 3:4 11:3 2Pe 3:5
Re 3:14 4:11 10:6 14:7 21:6 22:13
经文:创世记 1:2-1:2 注释:
* without.
Job 26:7 Isa 45:18 Jer 4:23 Na 2:10
* Spirit.
Job 26:14 Ps 33:6 104:30 Isa 40:12-14
经文:创世记 1:3-1:3 注释:
* God.
Ps 33:6,9 148:5 Mt 8:3 Joh 11:43
* Let.
Job 36:30 38:19 Ps 97:11 104:2 118:27 Isa 45:7 60:19 Joh 1:5,9
Joh 3:19 2Co 4:6 Eph 5:8,14 1Ti 6:16 1Jo 1:5 2:8
经文:创世记 1:4-1:4 注释:
* that.
10,12,18,25,31 Ec 2:13 11:7
* the light from the darkness. Heb. between the light and
between the darkness.
经文:创世记 1:5-1:5 注释:
* Day, and.
8:22 Ps 19:2 74:16 104:20 Isa 45:7 Jer 33:20 1Co 3:13 Eph 5:13
1Th 5:5
* And the evening and the morning were. Heb. And the evening
was, and the morning was.
经文:创世记 1:6-1:6 注释:
* Let there.
14,20 7:11,12 Job 26:7,8,13 37:11,18 38:22-26 Ps 19:1 33:6,9
Ps 104:2 136:5,6 148:4 150:1 Ec 11:3 Jer 10:10,12,13 51:15
Zec 12:1
* firmament. Heb. expansion.
经文:创世记 1:7-1:7 注释:
* divided.
Pr 8:28,29
* above.
Job 26:8 Ps 104:10 148:4 Ec 11:3
* and it.
9,11,15,24 Mt 8:27
经文:创世记 1:8-1:8 注释:
* God.
5,10 5:2
* evening.
经文:创世记 1:9-1:9 注释:
Job 26:7,10 38:8-11 Ps 24:1,2 33:7 95:5 104:3,5-9 136:5,6
Pr 8:28,29 Ec 1:7 Jer 5:22 Jon 1:9 2Pe 3:5 Re 10:6
经文:创世记 1:10-1:10 注释:
* God saw.
4 De 32:4 Ps 104:31
经文:创世记 1:11-1:11 注释:
* Let the.
2:5 Job 28:5 Ps 104:14-17 147:8 Mt 6:30 Heb 6:7
* grass. Heb. tender grass. fruit.
29 2:9,16 Ps 1:3 Jer 17:8 Mt 3:10 7:16-20 Mr 4:28 Lu 6:43,44
Jas 3:12
经文:创世记 1:12-1:12 注释:
* earth.
Isa 61:11 Mr 4:28
* herb.
Isa 55:10,11 Mt 13:24-26 Lu 6:44 2Co 9:10 Ga 6:7
经文:创世记 1:13-1:13 注释:
经文:创世记 1:14-1:14 注释:
* Let there.
De 4:19 Job 25:3,5 38:12-14 Ps 8:3,4 19:1-6 74:16,17 104:19,20
Ps 119:91 136:7-9 148:3,6 Isa 40:26 Jer 31:35 33:20,25
* lights.
Or, rather, luminaries or light-bearers; being a different
world from that rendered light, in ver. 3, the day from the
* between the day and between the night. and let.
8:22 9:13 Job 3:9 38:31,32 Ps 81:3 Eze 32:7,8 46:1,6
Joe 2:10,30,31 3:15 Am 5:8 8:9 Mt 2:2 16:2,3 24:29 Mr 13:24
Lu 21:25,26 23:45 Ac 2:19,20 Re 6:12 8:12 9:2
经文:创世记 1:15-1:15 注释:
经文:创世记 1:16-1:16 注释:
* to rule. Heb. for the rule, etc.
De 4:19 Jos 10:12-14 Job 31:26 38:7 Ps 8:3 19:6 74:16
Ps 136:7,8,9 148:3,5 Isa 13:10 24:23 45:7 Hab 3:11 Mt 24:29
Mt 27:45 1Co 15:41 Re 16:8,9 21:23
* he made the stars also. Or, with the stars also.
经文:创世记 1:17-1:17 注释:
9:13 Job 38:12 Ps 8:1,3 Ac 13:47
经文:创世记 1:18-1:18 注释:
Ps 19:6 Jer 31:35
经文:创世记 1:19-1:19 注释:
经文:创世记 1:20-1:20 注释:
* Let the waters.
22 2:19 8:17 Ps 104:24,25 148:10 Ac 17:25
* moving. or, creeping.
1Ki 4:33
* life. Heb. a living soul.
30 Ec 2:21
* fowl that may fly. Heb. let fowl fly.
This marginal reading is more conformable to the original, and
reconciles this passage with ch. 2:19. The word fowl, from
the Saxon {fleon,} to fly, exactly corresponds to the
original, which denotes every thing that flies, whether bird
or insect.
* open firmament. Heb. face of the firmament.
经文:创世记 1:21-1:21 注释:
* great.
6:20 7:14 8:19 Job 7:12 26:5 Ps 104:24-26 Eze 32:2 Jon 1:17
Jon 2:10 Mt 12:40
* brought.
8:17 9:7 Ex 1:7 8:3
* God saw.
经文:创世记 1:22-1:22 注释:
28 8:17 9:1 30:27,30 35:11 Le 26:9 Job 40:15 42:12 Ps 107:31,38
Ps 128:3 144:13,14 Pr 10:22
经文:创世记 1:23-1:23 注释:
经文:创世记 1:24-1:24 注释:
* Let.
6:20 7:14 8:19 Job 38:39,40 39:1,5,9,19 40:15 Ps 50:9,10
Ps 104:18,23 148:10
Cattle, denotes domestic animals living on vegetables;--Beasts
of the earth, wild animals; especially such as live on flesh;
and--Creeping things, reptiles; or all the different genera of
serpents, worms, and such animals as have no feet.
经文:创世记 1:25-1:25 注释:
2:19,20 Job 12:8-10 26:13
经文:创世记 1:26-1:26 注释:
* Let us.
3:22 11:7 Job 35:10 Ps 100:3 149:2 Isa 64:8 Joh 5:17 14:23
1Jo 5:7
* man.
In Hebrew, Adam; probably so called either from the red earth
of which he was formed, or from the blush or flesh-tint of
the human countenance: the name is intended to designate the
* in our.
5:1 9:6 Ec 7:29 Ac 17:26,28,29 1Co 11:7 2Co 3:18 4:4 Eph 4:24
Col 1:15 3:10 Jas 3:9
* have dominion.
9:2,3,4 Job 5:23 Ps 8:4-8 104:20-24 Ec 7:29 Jer 27:6
Ac 17:20,28,29 1Co 11:7 2Co 3:18 Eph 4:24 Col 3:10 Heb 2:6-9
Jas 3:7,9
经文:创世记 1:27-1:27 注释:
* in the image.
Ps 139:14 Isa 43:7 Eph 2:10 4:24 Col 1:15
* See
* male.
2:21-25 5:2 Mal 2:15 Mt 19:4 Mr 10:6 1Co 11:8,9
经文:创世记 1:28-1:28 注释:
22 8:17 9:1,7 17:16,20 22:17,18 24:60 26:3,4,24 33:5 49:25
Le 26:9 1Ch 4:10 26:5 Job 42:12 Ps 107:38 127:1-5 128:3,4
Isa 45:18 1Ti 4:3
* moveth. Heb. creepeth.
Ps 69:34 *marg:
经文:创世记 1:29-1:29 注释:
* I have.
Ps 24:1 115:16 Ho 2:8 Ac 17:24,25,28 1Ti 6:17
* bearing. Heb. seeding. to you.
2:16 9:3 Job 36:31 Ps 104:14,15,27,28 111:5 136:25 145:15,16
Ps 146:7 147:9 Isa 33:16 Mt 6:11,25,26 Ac 14:17
经文:创世记 1:30-1:30 注释:
9:3 Job 38:39-41 39:4,8,30 40:15,20 Ps 104:14 145:15,16 147:9
* life. Heb. a living soul.
经文:创世记 1:31-1:31 注释:
* very good.
Job 38:7 Ps 19:1,2 104:24,31 La 3:38 1Ti 4:4
* and the.
5,8,13,19,23 2:2 Ex 20:11
经文:创世记 2:1-2:1 注释:
1; The first Sabbath.
4; Further particulars concerning the manner of creation.
8; The planting of the garden of Eden, and its situation;
15; man is placed in it; and the tree of knowledge only
18; The animals are named by Adam.
21; The making of woman, and the institution of marriage.
* Thus.
4 1:1,10 Ex 20:11 31:17 2Ki 19:15 2Ch 2:12 Ne 9:6 Job 12:9
Ps 89:11-13 104:2 136:5-8 146:6 Isa 42:5 45:18 48:13 55:9
Isa 65:17 Jer 10:12,16 Zec 12:1 Ac 4:24 Heb 4:3
* host.
De 4:19 17:3 2Ki 21:3-5 Ps 33:6,9 Isa 34:4 40:26-28 45:12
Jer 8:2 Lu 2:13 Ac 7:42
经文:创世记 2:2-2:2 注释:
* And on.
1:31 Ex 20:11 23:12 31:17 De 5:14 Isa 58:13 Joh 5:17 Heb 4:4
* seventh day God.
The LXX., Syriac, and the Samaritan Text read the sixth day,
which is probably the true reading; as
[vav [,] which stands for six, might
easily be changed into [zayin,] which denotes seven.
* rested.
Or, rather, ceased, as the Hebrew word is not opposed to
weariness, but to action; as the Divine Being can neither know
fatigue, nor stand in need of rest.
经文:创世记 2:3-2:3 注释:
* blessed.
Ex 16:22-30 20:8-11 23:12 31:13-17 34:21 35:2,3 Le 23:3 25:2,3
De 5:12-14 Ne 9:14 13:15-22 Pr 10:22 Isa 56:2-7 58:13,14
Jer 17:21-27 Eze 20:12 Mr 2:27 Lu 23:56 Heb 4:4-10
* created and made. Heb. created to make.
经文:创世记 2:4-2:4 注释:
* the generations.
1:4 5:1 10:1 11:10 25:12,19 36:1,9 Ex 6:16 Job 38:28 Ps 90:1,2
* Lord.
Ex 15:3 1Ki 18:39 2Ch 20:6 Ps 18:31 86:10 Isa 44:6 Re 1:4,8
Re 11:17 16:5
经文:创世记 2:5-2:5 注释:
* plant.
1:12 Ps 104:14
* had not.
Job 5:10 38:26-28 Ps 65:9-11 135:7 Jer 14:22 Mt 5:45 Heb 6:7
* to till.
3:23 4:2,12
经文:创世记 2:6-2:6 注释:
* there went up a mist. or, a mist which went up.
经文:创世记 2:7-2:7 注释:
* formed man.
Ps 100:3 139:14,15 Isa 64:8
* of the dust. Heb. the dust of, etc. dust.
3:19,23 Job 4:19 33:6 Ps 103:14 Ec 3:7,20 12:7 Isa 64:8
Ro 9:20 1Co 15:47 2Co 4:7 5:1
* and breathed.
Job 27:3 33:4 Joh 20:22 Ac 17:25
* nostrils.
7:22 Ec 3:21 Isa 2:22
* a living.
Nu 16:22 27:16 Pr 20:27 Zec 12:1 1Co 15:45 Heb 12:9
经文:创世记 2:8-2:8 注释:
* a garden.
13:10 Eze 28:13 31:8,9 Joe 2:3
* eastward.
3:24 4:16 2Ki 19:12 Eze 27:23 31:16,18
* put the.
经文:创世记 2:9-2:9 注释:
* every.
Eze 31:8,9,16,18
* tree of life.
3:22 Pr 3:18 11:30 Eze 47:12 Joh 6:48 Re 2:7 22:2,14
* tree of knowledge.
17 3:3,22 De 6:25 Isa 44:25 47:10 1Co 8:1
经文:创世记 2:10-2:10 注释:
* a river.
Ps 46:4 Re 22:1
* Eden.
Eden denotes pleasure or delight; but was certainly the name
of a place, and was, most probably, situated in Armenia, near
the sources of the great rivers Euphrates, Tigris, Phasis, and
经文:创世记 2:11-2:11 注释:
* Havilah.
10:7,29 25:18 1Sa 15:7
经文:创世记 2:12-2:12 注释:
Bdellium is a transparent aromatic gum. The onyx is a
precious stone, so called from a Greek word signifying a man's
nail, to the colour of which it nearly approaches.
Nu 11:7
* onyx.
Ex 28:20 39:13 Job 28:16 Eze 28:13
经文:创世记 2:13-2:13 注释:
* Gihon.
The Araxes, which runs into the Caspian sea.
* Ethiopia. Heb. Cush.
The country of the ancient Cussaei.
10:6 Isa 11:11
经文:创世记 2:14-2:14 注释:
* Hiddekel.
Da 10:4
* The Tigris. toward the east of. or, eastward to.
10:11,22 25:18
* Euphrates.
15:18 De 1:7 11:24 Re 9:14
经文:创世记 2:15-2:15 注释:
* the man. or, Adam.
2 Job 31:33
* put.
8 Ps 128:2 Eph 4:28
经文:创世记 2:16-2:16 注释:
* God.
1Sa 15:22
* thou mayest freely eat. Heb. eating thou shalt eat.
9 3:1,2 1Ti 4:4 6:17
经文:创世记 2:17-2:17 注释:
* of the tree.
9 3:1-3,11,17,19
* thou shalt surely die. Heb. dying thou shalt die. surely.
3:3,4,19 20:7 Nu 26:65 De 27:26 1Sa 14:39,44 20:31 22:16
1Ki 2:37,42 Jer 26:8 Eze 3:18-20 18:4,13,32 33:8,14 Ro 1:32
Ro 5:12-21 6:16,23 7:10-13 8:2 1Co 15:22,56 Ga 3:10 Eph 2:1-6
Eph 5:14 Col 2:13 1Ti 5:6 Jas 1:15 1Jo 5:16 Re 2:11 20:6,14
Re 21:8
经文:创世记 2:18-2:18 注释:
* good.
1:31 3:12 Ru 3:1 Pr 18:22 Ec 4:9-12 1Co 7:36
* I will.
3:12 1Co 11:7-12 1Ti 2:11-13 1Pe 3:7
* meet for him. Heb. as before him.
经文:创世记 2:19-2:19 注释:
* And out.
* brought.
22,23 1:26,28 6:20 9:2 Ps 8:4-8
* Adam. or, the man.
经文:创世记 2:20-2:20 注释:
* gave names to. Heb. called. but.
经文:创世记 2:21-2:21 注释:
15:12 1Sa 26:12 Job 4:13 33:15 Pr 19:15 Da 8:18
经文:创世记 2:22-2:22 注释:
* made. Heb. builded.
Ps 127:1 1Ti 2:13
* brought.
19 Pr 18:22 19:14 Heb 13:4
经文:创世记 2:23-2:23 注释:
* bone.
29:14 Jud 9:2 2Sa 5:1 19:13 Eph 5:30
* flesh.
* Woman. Heb. Isha.
1Co 11:8,9
* taken.
1Co 11:8
* Man. Heb. Ish.
经文:创世记 2:24-2:24 注释:
* leave.
24:58,59 31:14,15 Ps 45:10
* cleave.
Le 22:12,13 De 4:4 10:20 Jos 23:8 Ps 45:10 Pr 12:4 31:10
Ac 11:23
* and they shall be one flesh.
The LXX., Vulgate, Syriac, Arabic, and Samaritan read, "they
two;" as is also read in several of the Parallel Passages.
Mal 2:14-16 Mt 19:3-9 Mr 10:6-12 Ro 7:2 1Co 6:16,17 7:2-4,10
1Co 7:11 Eph 5:28-31 1Ti 5:14 1Pe 3:1-7
经文:创世记 2:25-2:25 注释:
* naked.
* ashamed.
Ex 32:25 Ps 25:3 31:17 Isa 44:9 47:3 54:4 Jer 6:15 17:13
Eze 16:61 Joe 2:26 Mr 8:38 Lu 9:26 Ro 10:11
经文:创世记 3:1-3:1 注释:
1; The serpent deceives Eve.
6; Both she and Adam transgress the divine command, and fall
into sin and misery.
8; God arraigns them.
14; The serpent is cursed.
15; The promised seed.
16; The punishment of mankind.
21; Their first clothing.
22; Their expulsion from paradise.
* Now.
13-15 Isa 27:1 Mt 10:16 2Co 11:3,14 Re 12:9 20:2
* serpent.
The Samaritan Copy, instead of {nachash,} "a serpent," reads
{cachash,} "a liar or deceiver," read Joh 8:44.
* he said.
Nu 22:28,29 Ec 4:10 1Pe 3:7
* Yea, hath. Heb. Yea, because, etc. hath.
Mt 4:3,6,9
经文:创世记 3:2-3:2 注释:
* serpent.
Ps 58:4
经文:创世记 3:3-3:3 注释:
* But.
* touch.
20:6 Ex 19:12,13 1Ch 16:22 Job 1:11 2:5 19:21 1Co 7:1 2Co 6:17
Col 2:21
经文:创世记 3:4-3:4 注释:
* serpent.
Joh 8:44
* Ye.
13 De 29:19 2Ki 1:4,6,16 8:10 Ps 10:11 2Co 2:11 11:3 1Ti 2:14
经文:创世记 3:5-3:5 注释:
* God.
Ex 20:7 1Ki 22:6 Jer 14:13,14 28:2,3 Eze 13:2-6,22 2Co 11:3
2Co 11:13-15
* your.
7,10 Mt 6:23 Ac 26:18
* as gods.
Ex 5:2 2Ch 32:15 Ps 12:4 Eze 28:2,9 29:3 Da 4:30 6:7
Ac 12:22,23 2Co 4:4 2Th 2:4 Re 13:4,14
* knowing.
22 2:17
经文:创世记 3:6-3:6 注释:
* saw.
Jos 7:21 Jud 16:1,2
* pleasant. Heb. a desire.
Eze 24:16,21,25
* to the eyes.
6:2 39:7 Jos 7:21 2Sa 11:2 Job 31:1 Mt 5:28 1Jo 2:16
* and did.
1Ti 2:14
* and he did eat.
12,17 Ho 6:7 *marg:
Ro 5:12-19
经文:创世记 3:7-3:7 注释:
* And the.
5 De 28:34 2Ki 6:20 Lu 16:23
* knew.
10,11 2:25
* and they.
Job 9:29-31 Isa 28:20 59:6
* aprons. or, things to gird about.
经文:创世记 3:8-3:8 注释:
* And they.
10 De 4:33 5:25
* cool of the day. Heb. wind.
Job 34:21,22 38:1
* hid.
Job 22:14 31:33 34:22 Ps 139:1-12 Pr 15:3 Jer 23:24 Am 9:2,3
Jon 1:3,9,10 Ro 2:15 Heb 4:13
经文:创世记 3:9-3:9 注释:
4:9 11:5 16:8 18:20,21 Jos 7:17-19 Re 20:12,13
经文:创世记 3:10-3:10 注释:
* and I was.
2:25 Ex 3:6 Job 23:15 Ps 119:120 Isa 33:14 57:11 1Jo 3:20
* because.
7 2:25 Ex 32:25 Isa 47:3 Re 3:17,18 16:15
经文:创世记 3:11-3:11 注释:
4:10 Ps 50:21 Ro 3:20
经文:创世记 3:12-3:12 注释:
2:18,20,22 Ex 32:21-24 1Sa 15:20-24 Job 31:33 Pr 19:3 28:13
Lu 10:29 Ro 10:3 Jas 1:13-15
经文:创世记 3:13-3:13 注释:
* What.
4:10-12 44:15 1Sa 13:11 2Sa 3:24 12:9-12 Joh 18:35
* The serpent.
4-6 2Co 11:3 1Ti 2:14
经文:创世记 3:14-3:14 注释:
* thou art.
1 9:6 Ex 21:28-32 Le 20:25
* dust.
Ps 72:9 Isa 29:4 65:25 Mic 7:17
经文:创世记 3:15-3:15 注释:
* enmity.
Nu 21:6,7 Am 9:3 Mr 16:18 Lu 10:19 Ac 28:3-6 Ro 3:13
* thy seed.
Mt 3:7 12:34 13:38 23:33 Joh 8:44 Ac 13:10 1Jo 3:8,10
* her seed.
Ps 132:11 Isa 7:14 Jer 31:22 Mic 5:3 Mt 1:23,25 Lu 1:31-35,76
Ga 4:4
* it shall.
Ro 16:20 Eph 4:8 Col 2:15 Heb 2:14,15 1Jo 3:8 5:5 Re 12:7,8,17
Re 20:1-3,10
* thou.
49:17 Isa 53:3,4,12 Da 9:26 Mt 4:1-10 Lu 22:39-44,53
Joh 12:31-33 14:30,31 Heb 2:18 5:7 Re 2:10 12:9-13 13:7 15:1-6
Re 20:7,8
经文:创世记 3:16-3:16 注释:
* in sorrow.
35:16-18 1Sa 4:19-21 Ps 48:6 Isa 13:8 21:3 26:17,18 53:11
Jer 4:31 6:24 13:21 22:23 49:24 Mic 4:9,10 Joh 16:21 1Th 5:3
1Ti 2:15
* thy desire.
* to. or, subject to. rule.
Nu 30:7,8,13 Es 1:20 1Co 7:4 11:3 14:34 Eph 5:22-24 Col 3:18
1Ti 2:11,12 Tit 2:5 1Pe 3:1-6
经文:创世记 3:17-3:17 注释:
* Because.
1Sa 15:23,24 Mt 22:12 25:26,27,45 Lu 19:22 Ro 3:19
* and hast.
6,11 2:16,17 Jer 7:23,24
* cursed.
5:29 Ps 127:2 Ec 1:2,3,13,14 2:11,17 Isa 24:5,6 Ro 8:20-22
* in sorrow.
Job 5:6,7 14:1 21:17 Ps 90:7-9 Ec 2:22,23 5:17 Joh 16:33
经文:创世记 3:18-3:18 注释:
* Thorns.
Jos 23:13 Job 5:5 31:40 Pr 22:5 24:31 Isa 5:6 7:23 32:13
Jer 4:3 12:13 Mt 13:7 Heb 6:8
* bring forth. Heb. cause to bud. herb.
Job 1:21 Ps 90:3 104:2,14,15 Ro 14:2
经文:创世记 3:19-3:19 注释:
* In.
Ec 1:3,13 Eph 4:28 1Th 2:9 2Th 3:10
* till.
Job 1:21 Ps 90:3 104:29 Ec 5:15
* for dust.
2:7 18:27
* and.
23:4 Job 17:13-16 19:26 21:26 34:15 Ps 22:15,29 104:29
Pr 21:16 Ec 3:20 12:7 Da 12:2 Ro 5:12-21 1Co 15:21,22
经文:创世记 3:20-3:20 注释:
* Adam.
2:20,23 5:29 16:11 29:32-35 35:18 Ex 2:10 1Sa 1:20 Mt 1:21,23
* Eve. Heb. Chavah; that is, living. of.
Ac 17:26
经文:创世记 3:21-3:21 注释:
* make.
7 Isa 61:10 Ro 3:22 2Co 5:2,3,21
经文:创世记 3:22-3:22 注释:
* as one.
5 1:26 11:6,7 Isa 19:12,13 47:12,13 Jer 22:23
* tree.
2:9 Pr 3:18 Re 2:7 22:2
* eat.
Ps 22:26 Joh 6:48-58
经文:创世记 3:23-3:23 注释:
* till.
19 2:5 4:2,12 9:20 Ec 5:9
经文:创世记 3:24-3:24 注释:
* east.
* Cherubims.
Ex 25:2,20,22 1Sa 4:4 1Ki 6:25-35 Ps 80:1 99:1 104:4
Eze 10:2-22 Heb 1:7
* a flaming.
Nu 22:23 Jos 5:13 1Ch 21:16,17 Heb 1:7
* to keep.
Joh 14:6 Heb 10:18-22
经文:创世记 4:1-4:1 注释:
1; The birth, occupation, and offering of Cain and Abel.
8; Cain murders his brother Abel.
11; The curse of Cain.
17; Has a son called Enoch, and builds a city, which he calls
after his name.
18; His descendants, with Lamech and his two wives.
25; The birth of Seth,
26; and Enos.
* knew.
Nu 31:17
* Cain.
That is, gotten or acquired.
* I have.
25 3:15 5:29 1Jo 3:12
经文:创世记 4:2-4:2 注释:
* Abel. Heb. Hebel. And Abel.
30:29-31 37:13 46:32-34 47:3 Ex 3:1 Ps 78:70-72 Am 7:15
* a keeper. Heb. a feeder.
25,26 Ps 127:3 Joh 8:44 1Jo 3:10,12,15
* tiller.
3:23 9:20
经文:创世记 4:3-4:3 注释:
* A.M. 129. B.C. 3875. in process of time. Heb. at the end of
Either at the end of the year, or of the week, i.e., on the
1Ki 17:7 Ne 13:6
* the fruit.
Le 2:1-11 Nu 18:12
经文:创世记 4:4-4:4 注释:
* the firstlings.
Ex 13:12 Nu 18:12,17 Pr 3:9 Heb 9:22 1Pe 1:19,20 Re 13:8
* flock. Heb. sheep, or, goats. fat.
Le 3:16,17
* had.
15:17 Le 9:24 Nu 16:35 Jud 6:21 1Ki 18:24,38 1Ch 21:26
2Ch 7:1 Ps 20:3 *marg:
Heb 11:4
经文:创世记 4:5-4:5 注释:
* But.
Nu 16:15 Heb 11:4
* wroth.
31:2,5 Job 5:2 Ps 20:3 Isa 3:10,11 Mt 20:15 Lu 15:28-30
Ac 13:45
经文:创世记 4:6-4:6 注释:
1Ch 13:11-13 Job 5:2 Isa 1:18 Jer 2:5,31 Joh 4:1-4,8-11
Mic 6:3-5 Mt 20:15 Lu 15:31,32
经文:创世记 4:7-4:7 注释:
* If thou doest well.
19:21 2Sa 24:23 2Ki 8:28 Job 42:8 Pr 18:5 Ec 8:12,13
Isa 3:10,11 Jer 6:20 Mal 1:8,10,13 Ac 10:35 Ro 2:7-10 12:1
Ro 14:18 15:16 Eph 1:6 1Ti 5:4 1Pe 2:5
* be accepted. or, have the excellency.
Job 29:4 Pr 21:27 Heb 11:4
* sin.
8-13 Ro 7:8,9 Jas 1:15
* unto thee, or, subject unto thee.
3:16 *marg:
经文:创世记 4:8-4:8 注释:
* talked.
2Sa 3:27 13:26-28 20:9,10 Ne 6:2 Ps 36:3 55:21 Pr 26:24-26
Mic 7:6 Lu 22:48
* Cain rose.
2Sa 14:6 Job 11:15 Ps 24:3-6 139:19 Mt 23:35 Lu 11:51
1Jo 3:12-15 Jude 1:11
经文:创世记 4:9-4:9 注释:
* Where is.
3:9-11 Ps 9:12
* I know.
37:32 Job 22:13,14 Ps 10:13,14 Pr 28:13 Joh 8:44 Ac 5:4-9
经文:创世记 4:10-4:10 注释:
* What.
3:13 Jos 7:19 Ps 50:21
* blood. Heb. bloods. crieth.
18:20 Ex 3:7 2Ki 9:26 Job 16:18 24:12 31:38,39 Ps 9:12 72:14
Isa 5:7 Ac 5:3,9 Heb 11:4 12:24 Jas 5:4 Re 6:10
经文:创世记 4:11-4:11 注释:
14 3:14 De 27:16-26 28:15-20 29:19-21 Ga 3:10
* opened.
Job 16:18 31:38-40 Isa 26:21 Re 12:16
经文:创世记 4:12-4:12 注释:
* it.
3:17,18 Le 26:20 De 28:23,24 Ro 8:20
* a fugitive.
14 Le 26:36 De 28:65,66 Ps 109:10 Jer 20:3,4 Ho 9:17
经文:创世记 4:13-4:13 注释:
My punishment is greater than I can bear. or, Mine iniquity
is greater than that it may be forgiven.
Job 15:22 Re 16:9,11,21
经文:创世记 4:14-4:14 注释:
* driven.
Job 15:20-24 Pr 14:32 28:1 Isa 8:22 Ho 13:3
* from thy.
16 Job 21:14,15 Ps 51:11-14 143:7 Mt 25:41,46 2Th 1:9
* fugitive.
De 28:65 Ps 109:10
* See
* that.
15 9:5,6 Le 26:17,36 Nu 17:12,13 35:19,21,27 2Sa 14:7
Job 15:20-24 Pr 28:1
经文:创世记 4:15-4:15 注释:
* Therefore.
1Ki 16:7 Ps 59:11 Ho 1:4 Mt 26:52
* sevenfold.
24 Le 26:18,21,24,28 Ps 79:12 Pr 6:31
* set a mark, etc.
Or, rather, "gave a sign or token to Cain, that those who
found him should not kill him."
Eze 9:4,6 Re 14:9,11
经文:创世记 4:16-4:16 注释:
* went.
14 3:8 Ex 20:18 2Ki 13:23 24:20 Job 1:12 2:7 20:17 Ps 5:11
Ps 68:2 Jer 23:39 52:3 Joh 1:3,10 Mt 18:20 Lu 13:26 1Th 1:9
* Nod.
So called from {nad,} "a vagabond," which Cain is termed in
ver. 12.
经文:创世记 4:17-4:17 注释:
* Enoch.
* and he.
11:4 Ec 2:4-11 Da 4:30 Lu 17:28,29
* the name.
2Sa 18:18 Ps 49:11
经文:创世记 4:18-4:18 注释:
* A.M. cir. 194. B.C. cir. 3810. Lamech.
5:21 36:2
经文:创世记 4:19-4:19 注释:
* two wives.
2:18,24 Mt 19:4-6,8
经文:创世记 4:20-4:20 注释:
* the.
21 1Ch 2:50-52 4:4,5 Joh 8:44 Ro 4:11,12
* father.
The inventor or teacher, 1; Sa 10:12.
* dwell.
2 25:27 Jer 35:9,10 Heb 11:9
经文:创世记 4:21-4:21 注释:
* A.M. cir. 500. B.C. cir. 3504. father.
Ro 4:11,12
* the harp.
31:27 Job 21:12 Isa 5:12 Am 6:5
经文:创世记 4:22-4:22 注释:
* instructer. Heb. whetter. brass.
Ex 25:3 Nu 31:22 De 8:9 33:25 2Ch 2:7
经文:创世记 4:23-4:23 注释:
* hear.
Nu 23:18 Jud 9:7
I have slain a man to my wounding. or, I would slay a man in
my wound, etc.
* to my hurt. or, in my hurt.
经文:创世记 4:24-4:24 注释:
* if.
* seventy.
Mt 18:22
经文:创世记 4:25-4:25 注释:
* A.M. 130. B.C. 3874. and called.
5:3,4 1Ch 1:1 Lu 3:38
* Seth. Heb. Sheth; i.e., appointed, or put. God.
经文:创世记 4:26-4:26 注释:
* A.M. 235. B.C. 3769. To him.
* Enos. Heb. Enosh.
to call upon the name of the Lord. or, call themselves by the
name of the Lord.
De 26:17,18 1Ki 18:24 Ps 116:17 Isa 44:5 48:1 63:19 Jer 33:16
Joe 2:32 Zep 3:9 Ac 2:21 11:26 Ro 10:13 1Co 1:2 Eph 3:14,15
经文:创世记 5:1-5:1 注释:
1; Recapitulation of the creation of man.
3; The genealogy, age, and death of the patriarchs from Adam to
22; The godliness and translation of Enoch.
25; The birth of Noah, etc.
* book.
The original word rendered "book," signifies a register,
account, history, or any kind of writing.
2:4 6:9 10:1 1Ch 1:1 Mt 1:1 Lu 3:36-38
* in the likeness.
1:26,27 Ec 7:29 12:1 1Co 11:7 2Co 3:18 Eph 4:24 Col 3:10
Heb 1:3 12:9
经文:创世记 5:2-5:2 注释:
* Male.
1:27 Mal 2:15
* their.
2:15,23 *marg:
Ac 17:26
经文:创世记 5:3-5:3 注释:
* A.M. 130. B.C. 3874. hundred.
The chronology differs in the Hebrew Text, the Samaritan, the
LXX., and Josephus. The LXX. adds 100; years to each of the
patriarchs Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, and Enoch,
before the birth of their sons; while they take 20; from the
age of Methuselah, and add 6; to that of Lamech. Thus the
space from the creation to the deluge is made 2,242; years,
according to the Vatican copy, but 2,262; by the Alexandrine;
and the sum total by Josephus is 2,265, by the Samaritan
1,307, and the Hebrew Text, 1,656. The sum total from the
Deluge to the 70th year of Terah, according to these
authorities, is, Heb. 292; Sam. 942; Sept. Vat. 1,172; Alex.
1,072, and Josephus 1,002.
* in his.
Job 14:4 15:14-16 25:4 Ps 14:2,3 51:5 Lu 1:35 Joh 3:6 Ro 5:12
1Co 15:39 Eph 2:3
* called.
经文:创世记 5:4-5:4 注释:
* And the.
1Ch 1:1-3 Lu 3:36-38
* and he.
7,10,13,19,22,26,30 1:28 9:1,7 11:12 Ps 127:3 144:12
经文:创世记 5:5-5:5 注释:
* A.M. 930. B.C. 3074. nine.
8,11,14,17-32 De 30:20 Ps 90:10
* and he died.
8,11,14-32 3:19 2Sa 14:14 Job 30:23 Ps 49:7-10 89:48 Ec 9:5,8
Ec 12:5,7 Eze 18:4 Ro 5:12-14 1Co 15:21,22 Heb 9:27
经文:创世记 5:6-5:6 注释:
* A.M. 235. B.C. 3769. begat.
经文:创世记 5:7-5:7 注释:
经文:创世记 5:8-5:8 注释:
* A.M. 1042. B.C. 2962.
经文:创世记 5:9-5:9 注释:
* A.M. 325. B.C. 3679. Cainan. Heb. Kenan.
1Ch 1:2 Lu 3:37
经文:创世记 5:10-5:10 注释:
* begat.
经文:创世记 5:11-5:11 注释:
* A.M. 1140. B.C. 2864. died.
经文:创世记 5:12-5:12 注释:
* A.M. 395. B.C. 3609. Mahalaleel. Gr. Maleleel.
Lu 3:37
经文:创世记 5:13-5:13 注释:
* and begat.
经文:创世记 5:14-5:14 注释:
* A.M. 1235. B.C. 2769.
经文:创世记 5:15-5:15 注释:
* A.M. 460. B.C. 3544. Jared. Heb. Jered.
1Ch 1:2
经文:创世记 5:16-5:16 注释:
* and begat.
经文:创世记 5:17-5:17 注释:
* A.M. 1290. B.C. 2714. died.
经文:创世记 5:18-5:18 注释:
* A.M. 622. B.C. 3382. Enoch.
4:17 1Ch 1:3
* Henoch.
Lu 3:37 Jude 1:14,15
经文:创世记 5:19-5:19 注释:
* and begat.
经文:创世记 5:20-5:20 注释:
* he died.
经文:创世记 5:21-5:21 注释:
* A.M. 687. B.C. 3317. Methuselah. Gr. Mathusala.
Lu 3:37
经文:创世记 5:22-5:22 注释:
6:9 17:1 24:40 48:15 Ex 16:4 Le 26:12 De 5:33 13:4 28:9
1Ki 2:4 2Ki 20:3 Ps 16:8 26:11 56:13 86:11 116:9 128:1 So 1:4
Ho 14:9 Am 3:3 Mic 4:5 6:8 Mal 2:6 Lu 1:6 Ac 9:31 Ro 8:1
1Co 7:17 2Co 6:16 Eph 5:15 Col 1:10 4:5 1Th 2:12 4:1
Heb 11:5,6 1Jo 1:7
经文:创世记 5:23-5:23 注释:
* A.M. 987. B.C. 3017.
经文:创世记 5:24-5:24 注释:
* walked.
* he was not.
The same expression occurs,
37:30 42:36 Jer 31:15 Mt 2:18
* for.
2Ki 2:11 Lu 23:43 Heb 11:5,6 1Jo 1:7
经文:创世记 5:25-5:25 注释:
* A.M. 874. B.C. 3130.
4:18 *marg:
经文:创世记 5:26-5:26 注释:
* begat sons.
经文:创世记 5:27-5:27 注释:
* A.M. 1656. B.C. 2348. he died.
经文:创世记 5:28-5:28 注释:
* A.M. 1056. B.C. 2948.
经文:创世记 5:29-5:29 注释:
* he called.
6:8,9 7:23 9:24 Isa 54:9 Eze 14:14,20 Mt 24:37 Lu 3:36
Lu 17:26,27 Heb 11:7 1Pe 3:20 2Pe 2:5
* Noah. Gr. Noe, i.e., rest or comfort. because.
3:17-19 4:11,12
经文:创世记 5:30-5:30 注释:
* begat sons.
经文:创世记 5:31-5:31 注释:
* A.M. 1651. B.C. 2353. he died.
经文:创世记 5:32-5:32 注释:
* A.M. 1556. B.C. 2448. Shem.
6:10 7:13 9:18,19,22-27 10:1,21,32 1Ch 1:4-28 Lu 3:36
经文:创世记 6:1-6:1 注释:
1; The wickedness of the world, which provoked God's wrath, and
caused the flood.
8; Noah finds grace.
9; His generations, etc.
14; The order, form, dimensions, and end of the ark.
* A.M. 1556. B.C. 2448. to multiply.
经文:创世记 6:2-6:2 注释:
* the sons.
4:26 Ex 4:22,23 De 14:1 Ps 82:6,7 Isa 63:16 Mal 2:11 Joh 8:41
Joh 8:42 Ro 9:7,8 2Co 6:18
* saw.
2Pe 2:14
* that they.
3:6 39:6,7 2Sa 11:2 Job 31:1 1Jo 2:16
* and they.
24:3 27:46 Ex 34:16 De 7:3,4 Jos 23:12,13 Ezr 9:1,2,12
Ne 13:24-27 Mal 2:15 1Co 7:39 2Co 6:14-16
经文:创世记 6:3-6:3 注释:
* My.
Nu 11:17 Ne 9:30 Isa 5:4 63:10 Jer 11:7,11 Ac 7:51 Ga 5:16,17
1Th 5:19 1Pe 3:18-20 Jude 1:14,15
* is.
Ps 78:39 Joh 3:6 Ro 8:1-13 Ga 5:16-24 1Pe 3:20
经文:创世记 6:4-6:4 注释:
* giants.
Nu 13:33 De 2:20,21 3:11 1Sa 17:4 2Sa 21:15-22
* after.
* men of.
11:4 Nu 16:2
经文:创世记 6:5-6:5 注释:
* God.
13:13 18:20,21 Ps 14:1-4 53:2 Ro 1:28-31 3:9-19
* every imagination. or, the whole imagination.
The Hebrew word signifies not only the imagination, but also
the purposes and desires.
8:21 De 29:19 Job 15:16 Pr 6:18 Ec 7:29 9:3 Jer 17:9
Eze 8:9,12 Mt 15:19 Mr 7:21-23 Eph 2:1-3 Tit 3:3
* thoughts.
Jer 4:14
* continually. Heb. every day.
经文:创世记 6:6-6:6 注释:
* repented.
Ex 32:14 Nu 23:19 De 32:36 1Sa 15:11,29 2Sa 24:16 1Ch 21:15
Ps 106:45 110:4 Jer 18:8-10 26:19 Ho 11:8 Jon 3:10 Mal 3:6
Ro 11:29 Heb 6:17,18 Jas 1:17
* grieved.
De 5:29 32:29 Ps 78:40 81:13 95:10 119:158 Isa 48:18 63:10
Eze 33:11 Lu 19:41,42 Eph 4:30 Heb 3:10,17
经文:创世记 6:7-6:7 注释:
* I will.
Ps 24:1,2 37:20 Pr 10:27 16:4
* both man, and beast. Heb. from man unto beast.
Jer 4:22-27 12:3,4 Ho 4:3 Zep 1:3 Ro 3:20-22
经文:创世记 6:8-6:8 注释:
19:19 Ex 33:12-17 Ps 84:11 145:20 Pr 3:4 8:35 12:2 Jer 31:2
Lu 1:30 Ac 7:46 Ro 4:4 11:6 1Co 15:10 Ga 1:15 2Ti 1:18
Tit 2:11 3:7 Heb 4:16 2Pe 2:5
经文:创世记 6:9-6:9 注释:
* These.
2:4 5:1 10:1
* just.
7:1 Job 12:4 Pr 4:18 Ec 7:20 Eze 14:14,20 Hab 2:4 Lu 2:25
Lu 23:50 Ac 10:22 Ro 1:17 Ga 3:11 Heb 11:7 2Pe 2:5
* perfect. or, upright.
2Ch 15:17 25:2 Job 1:1,8 Ps 37:37 Lu 1:6 Php 3:9-15
* and Noah.
5:22,24 17:1 48:15 1Ki 3:6 Lu 1:6 1Pe 2:5
经文:创世记 6:10-6:10 注释:
* A.M. 1556. B.C. 2448. Shem.
经文:创世记 6:11-6:11 注释:
* before.
7:1 10:9 13:13 2Ch 34:27 Lu 1:6 Ro 2:13 3:19
* filled.
Ps 11:5 55:9 140:11 Isa 60:18 Jer 6:7 Eze 8:17 28:16 Ho 4:1,2
Hab 1:2 2:8,17
经文:创世记 6:12-6:12 注释:
* God.
8 18:21 Job 33:27 Ps 14:2 33:13,14 53:2,3 Pr 15:3
* for all.
4,5 7:1,21 9:12,16,17 Job 22:15-17 Lu 3:6 1Pe 3:19,20 2Pe 2:5
经文:创世记 6:13-6:13 注释:
* The end.
Jer 51:13 Eze 7:2-6 Am 8:2 1Pe 4:7
* filled.
4,11,12 49:5 Ho 4:1,2
* and behold.
* with. or, from.
* the earth.
Jer 4:23-28 Heb 11:7 2Pe 3:6,7,10-12
经文:创世记 6:14-6:14 注释:
* A.M. 1536. B.C. 2468. Make.
Mt 24:38 Lu 17:27 1Pe 3:20
* rooms. Heb. nests. shalt pitch.
Ex 2:3
经文:创世记 6:15-6:15 注释:
* cubits.
7:20 De 3:11
经文:创世记 6:16-6:16 注释:
* window.
8:6 2Sa 6:16 2Ki 9:30
* the door.
7:16 Lu 13:25
* with.
Eze 41:16 42:3
经文:创世记 6:17-6:17 注释:
* behold.
13 7:4,21-23 9:9 Ex 14:17 Le 26:28 De 32:39 Ps 29:10 Isa 51:12
Eze 5:8 6:3 34:11,20 Ho 5:14 2Pe 2:5
* bring.
7:4,17,21-23 Job 22:16 Ps 29:10 93:3,4 107:34 Isa 54:9 Am 9:6
Mt 24:39 Lu 17:27 Heb 11:7 1Pe 3:20
* is the.
2:7 7:15
* shall die.
7 Ps 107:34 Ro 5:12-14,21 6:23 8:20-22
经文:创世记 6:18-6:18 注释:
* establish.
9:9,11 17:4,7,21
* come.
7:1,7,13 Isa 26:20 Heb 11:7 1Pe 3:20 2Pe 2:5
经文:创世记 6:19-6:19 注释:
The cubit being nearly 22; inches, and the ark being 300; cubits
in length, 50; in breadth, and 30; in height, (ver. 15,) its
size was equal to 547; feet long, 91; feet broad, and 54; feet
high; and it is computed to had been 81,062; tons burthen.
These dimensions were sufficient to contain all the persons
and animals in it, and food for more than a year.
* two.
7:2,3,8,9,15,16 8:17 Ps 36:6
经文:创世记 6:20-6:20 注释:
* fowls.
1:20-24 Ac 10:11,12
* two.
1:28 2:19 7:8-16 Joh 5:40
经文:创世记 6:21-6:21 注释:
1:29,30 Job 38:41 40:20 Ps 35:6 104:27,28 136:25 145:16 147:9
Mt 6:26
经文:创世记 6:22-6:22 注释:
7:5,9,16 17:23 Ex 40:16,19,21,23,25,27,32 De 12:32 Mt 7:24-27
Joh 2:5 15:14 Heb 11:7,8 1Jo 5:3,4
经文:创世记 7:1-7:1 注释:
1; Noah, with his family, and the living creatures, enter the
ark, and the flood begins.
17; The increase and continuance of the flood for forty days.
21; All flesh is destroyed by it.
24; Its duration.
* A.M. 1656. B.C. 2348. Come.
7,13 Job 5:19-24 Ps 91:1-10 Pr 14:26 18:10 Isa 26:20,21
Eze 9:4-6 Zep 2:3 Mt 24:37-39 Lu 17:26 Ac 2:39 Heb 11:7
1Pe 3:20 2Pe 2:5
* thee.
6:9 Ps 33:18,19 Pr 10:6,7,9 11:4-8 Isa 3:10,11 Php 2:15,16
2Pe 2:5-9
经文:创世记 7:2-7:2 注释:
* every clean.
8 6:19-21 8:20 Le 11:1-47 De 14:1-21 Ac 10:11-15
* sevens. Heb. seven, seven. not.
Le 10:10 Eze 44:23
经文:创世记 7:3-7:3 注释:
经文:创世记 7:4-7:4 注释:
* For.
10 2:5 6:3 8:10,12 29:27,28 Job 28:25 36:27-32 37:11,12 Am 4:7
* forty days.
* and every.
21-23 6:17
* destroy. Heb. blot out.
21,23 6:7,13,17 Ex 32:32,33 Job 22:16 Ps 69:28 Re 3:5
经文:创世记 7:5-7:5 注释:
* all that.
6:22 Ex 39:32,42,43 40:16 Ps 119:6 Mt 3:15 Lu 8:21 Joh 2:5
Joh 8:28,29 13:17 Php 2:8 Heb 5:8
经文:创世记 7:6-7:6 注释:
5:32 8:13
经文:创世记 7:7-7:7 注释:
1,13-15 6:18 Pr 22:3 Mt 24:38 Lu 17:27 Heb 6:18 11:7 1Pe 3:20
2Pe 2:5
经文:创世记 7:8-7:8 注释:
经文:创世记 7:9-7:9 注释:
16 2:19 Isa 11:6-9 65:25 Jer 8:7 Ac 10:11,12 Ga 3:28 Col 3:11
经文:创世记 7:10-7:10 注释:
* after seven days. or, on the seventh day.
* waters.
4,17-20 6:17 Job 22:16 Mt 24:38,39 Lu 17:27
经文:创世记 7:11-7:11 注释:
* second month.
The first month was Tisri, which answers to the latter end of
September and first half of October; the second was
Marchesvan, which answers to part of October and part of
* all.
1:7 6:17 8:2 Job 28:4 38:8-11 Ps 33:7 74:15 Pr 8:28,29
Isa 24:19 Jer 5:22 51:16 Eze 26:19 Am 9:5,6 Mt 24:38 1Th 5:3
* windows. or, flood-gates.
1:7 8:2 2Ki 7:2,19 Ps 78:23,24 Mal 3:10
经文:创世记 7:12-7:12 注释:
* forty.
4,17 Ex 24:18 De 9:9,18 10:10 1Ki 19:8 Mt 4:2
经文:创世记 7:13-7:13 注释:
* day.
1,7-9 6:18 Heb 11:7 1Pe 3:20 2Pe 2:5
* and Shem.
5:32 6:10 9:18,19 10:1,2,6,21 1Ch 1:4-28
经文:创世记 7:14-7:14 注释:
* They.
* sort. Heb. wing.
经文:创世记 7:15-7:15 注释:
6:20 Isa 11:6
经文:创世记 7:16-7:16 注释:
* as.
* the.
2Ki 4:4,5 De 33:27 Ps 46:2 91:1-10 Pr 3:23 Mt 25:10 Lu 13:25
Joh 10:27-30 1Pe 1:5
经文:创世记 7:17-7:17 注释:
经文:创世记 7:18-7:18 注释:
* waters prevailed.
Ex 14:28 Job 22:16 Ps 69:15
* ark.
Ps 104:26
经文:创世记 7:19-7:19 注释:
* and all the high hills.
At the present day every mountain where search has been made,
conspire in one uniform, universal proof that they all had the
sea spread over their highest summits; shells, skeletons of
fish, etc., having been found there.
Job 12:15 Ps 46:2,3 104:6-9 Jer 3:23 2Pe 3:6
经文:创世记 7:20-7:20 注释:
* and the mountains.
Ps 104:6 Jer 3:23
经文:创世记 7:21-7:21 注释:
4 6:6,7,13,17 Job 22:15-17 Isa 24:6,19 Jer 4:22-27 12:3,4
Ho 4:3 Joe 1:17-20 2:3 Zep 1:3 Mt 24:39 Lu 17:27 Ro 8:20,22
2Pe 2:5
经文:创世记 7:22-7:22 注释:
* breath of life. Heb. breath of the spirit of life.
2:7 6:17
经文:创世记 7:23-7:23 注释:
* every living substance.
The most incontestable evidence has been afforded of the
universality of this fact: the moose deer, a native of
America, has been found buried in Ireland; elephants, native
of Asia and Africa, in the midst of England; crocodiles,
natives of the Nile, in the heart of Germany; and shell fish,
never known in any but the American seas, with the entire
skeletons of whales, in the most inland counties of England.
21,22 Job 22:15-17 Isa 24:1-8 Mt 24:37-39 Lu 17:26,27 1Pe 3:20
2Pe 2:5
* and Noah.
Ex 14:28-30 Job 5:19 Ps 91:1,9,10 Pr 11:4 Eze 14:14-20
Mal 3:17,18 Mt 25:46 Heb 11:7 1Pe 3:20 2Pe 2:5,9 3:6
经文:创世记 7:24-7:24 注释:
* compare with ver. 11; of this chapter.
The breaking up of the fountains of the great deep, and the
raining forty days and nights, had raised the waters fifteen
cubits, or twenty-two feet and a half, above the highest
mountain; after which forty days, it appears to have continued
at this height one hundred and fifty days more.
经文:创世记 8:1-8:1 注释:
1; God remembers Noah, and assuages the waters.
4; The ark rests on Ararat.
6; Noah sends forth a raven and then a dove.
13; Noah, being commanded, goes forth from the ark.
20; He builds an altar, and offers sacrifice, which God accepts,
and promises to curse the earth no more.
* God remembered.
19:29 30:22 Ex 2:24 1Sa 1:19 Ne 13:14,22,29,31 Job 14:13
Ps 106:4 132:1 136:23 137:7 Am 8:7 Hab 3:2 Re 16:19 18:5
* the cattle.
Nu 22:32 Ps 36:6 Jon 4:11 Ro 8:20-22
* a wind.
Ex 14:21 Ps 104:7-9 Pr 25:23
经文:创世记 8:2-8:2 注释:
* fountains.
7:11 Pr 8:28 Jon 2:3
* the rain.
Job 37:11-13 38:37 Mt 8:9,26,27
经文:创世记 8:3-8:3 注释:
* continually. Heb. in going and returning. hundred.
经文:创世记 8:4-8:4 注释:
* the ark.
* seventh month.
That is, of the year, not of the deluge.
* Ararat.
Ararat is generally understood to be Armenia, as it is
rendered elsewhere, in which there is a great chain of
mountains, like the Alps or the Pyrenees, upon the highest
part of which, called by some, "The Finger Mountain," the ark
is supposed to have rested.
2Ki 19:37 Isa 37:38 Jer 51:27
经文:创世记 8:5-8:5 注释:
* decreased continually. Heb. were in going and decreasing.
the tenth.
经文:创世记 8:6-8:6 注释:
* opened the window.
6:16 Da 6:10
经文:创世记 8:7-8:7 注释:
* a raven.
Le 11:15 1Ki 17:4,6 Job 38:41 Ps 147:9
* went forth to and fro. Heb. in going forth and returning.
经文:创世记 8:8-8:8 注释:
* a dove.
10-12 So 1:15 2:11,12,14 Mt 10:16
经文:创世记 8:9-8:9 注释:
* found.
De 28:65 Eze 7:16 Mt 11:28 Joh 16:33
* and she.
Ps 116:7 Isa 60:8
* pulled her. Heb. caused her to come.
经文:创世记 8:10-8:10 注释:
* stayed.
Ps 40:1 Isa 8:17 26:8 Ro 8:25
* seven.
12 7:4,10
经文:创世记 8:11-8:11 注释:
* an olive.
Ne 8:15 Zec 4:12-14 Ro 10:15
经文:创世记 8:12-8:12 注释:
* And he.
Ps 27:14 130:5,6 Isa 8:17 25:9 26:8 30:18 Hab 2:3 Jas 5:7,8
* seven.
10 2:2,3
经文:创世记 8:13-8:13 注释:
* A.M. 1657. B.C. 2347. six.
经文:创世记 8:14-8:14 注释:
From this, it appears, that Noah was in the ark a complete
solar year, or 365; days; for he entered it on the 17th day of
the 2nd month, in the 600th year of his life, and continued in
it till the 27th day of the 2nd month, in the 601st year of
his life, as we see above.
经文:创世记 8:15-8:15 注释:
经文:创世记 8:16-8:16 注释:
7:1,7,13 Jos 3:17 4:10,16-18 Ps 91:11 121:8 Da 9:25,26
Zec 9:11 Ac 16:27,28,37-39
经文:创世记 8:17-8:17 注释:
* Bring.
* breed.
1:22 9:1,7 Ps 107:38 144:13,14 Jer 31:27,28
经文:创世记 8:18-8:18 注释:
Ps 121:8
经文:创世记 8:19-8:19 注释:
* kinds. Heb. families.
经文:创世记 8:20-8:20 注释:
* builded.
4:4 12:7,8 13:4 22:9 26:25 33:20 35:1,7 Ex 20:24,25 24:4-8
Ro 12:1 Heb 13:10,15,16 1Pe 2:5,9
* clean beast.
7:2 Le 11:1-47
* burnt.
Le 1:1-17
经文:创世记 8:21-8:21 注释:
* smelled.
Le 1:9,13,17 26:31 So 4:10,11 Isa 65:6 Eze 20:41 Am 5:21,22
2Co 2:15 Eph 5:2 Php 4:18
* sweet savour. Heb. savour of rest. curse.
3:17 4:12 5:29 6:17
* for. or, though. the imagination.
6:5 Job 14:4 15:14-16 Ps 51:5 58:3 Pr 20:9 Ec 7:20 Isa 47:12
Isa 47:15 48:8 53:6 Jer 8:6 17:9 18:12 Mt 15:19 Joh 3:6
Ro 1:21 3:23 8:7,8 Eph 2:1-3 Jas 1:14,15 4:1,2 1Jo 5:19
* neither.
9:11-15 Isa 54:9,10
* as I.
2Pe 3:6,7
经文:创世记 8:22-8:22 注释:
* While the earth remaineth. Heb. as yet all the days of the
Isa 54:8
* seed-time.
Most of the European nations divide the year into four
distinct parts, called quarters or seasons; but there are six
divisions in the text, which obtained in Palestine among the
Hebrews, and exist among the Arabs to the present day.
According to this gracious promise, the heavenly bodies have
preserved their courses, the seasons their successions, and
the earth its increase for the use of man.
45:6 Ex 34:21 Ps 74:16,17 So 2:11,12 Isa 54:9 Jer 5:24 Jas 5:7
* day.
Jer 31:35 33:20-26
经文:创世记 9:1-9:1 注释:
1; God blesses Noah and his sons, and grants them flesh for
4; Blood and murder are forbidden.
8; God's covenant, of which the rainbow was constituted a
18; Noah's family replenish the world.
20; Noah plants a vineyard.
21; Is drunken, and mocked by his son.
25; Curses Canaan.
26; Blesses Shem.
27; Prays for Japheth, and dies.
* blessed.
7 1:22,28 2:3 8:17 24:60 Ps 112:1 128:3,4 Isa 51:2
* Be.
7,19 1:28 8:17 10:32
经文:创世记 9:2-9:2 注释:
1:28 2:19 35:5 Le 26:6,22 Job 5:22,23 Ps 8:4-8 104:20-23
Eze 34:25 Ho 2:18 Jas 3:7
经文:创世记 9:3-9:3 注释:
* Every.
Le 11:1-47 22:8 De 12:15 14:3-21 Ac 10:12-15 1Ti 4:3-5
* even.
1:29,30 Ps 104:14,15 Ro 14:3,14,17,20 1Co 10:23,25,26,31
Col 2:16,21,22 1Ti 4:3,4
经文:创世记 9:4-9:4 注释:
* the life.
Le 3:17 7:26 17:10-14 19:26 De 12:16,23 14:21 15:23 1Sa 14:34
Ac 15:20,25,29 1Ti 4:4
经文:创世记 9:5-9:5 注释:
* every.
Ex 21:12,28,29
* and at.
4:9,10 Le 19:16 Nu 35:31-33 De 21:1-9 Ps 9:12 Mt 23:35
* brother.
Ac 17:26
经文:创世记 9:6-9:6 注释:
* by.
Ex 21:12-14 22:2,3 Le 17:4 24:17 Nu 35:25 1Ki 2:5,6,28-34
Mt 26:52 Ro 13:4 Re 13:10
* in.
1:26,27 5:1 Ps 51:4 Jas 3:9
经文:创世记 9:7-9:7 注释:
1,19 1:28 8:17
经文:创世记 9:8-9:8 注释:
经文:创世记 9:9-9:9 注释:
11,17 6:18 17:7,8 22:17 Isa 54:9,10 Jer 31:35,36 33:20 Ro 1:3
经文:创世记 9:10-9:10 注释:
15,16 8:1 Job 38:1-41 41:1-34 Ps 36:5,6 145:9 Jon 4:11
经文:创世记 9:11-9:11 注释:
* And I.
8:21,22 Isa 54:9
* neither shall all.
7:21-23 8:21,22 2Pe 3:7,11
经文:创世记 9:12-9:12 注释:
17:11 Ex 12:13 13:16 Jos 2:12 Mt 26:26-28 1Co 11:23-25
经文:创世记 9:13-9:13 注释:
Eze 1:28 Re 4:3 10:1
经文:创世记 9:14-9:14 注释:
经文:创世记 9:15-9:15 注释:
* remember.
Ex 28:12 Le 26:42-45 De 7:9 1Ki 8:23 Ne 9:32 Ps 106:45
Jer 14:21 Eze 16:60 Lu 1:72
* the waters.
Isa 54:8-10
经文:创世记 9:16-9:16 注释:
* everlasting.
9-11 8:21,22 17:13,19 2Sa 23:5 Ps 89:3,4 Isa 54:8-10 55:3
Jer 32:40 Heb 13:20
经文:创世记 9:17-9:17 注释:
经文:创世记 9:18-9:18 注释:
* Shem.
23 10:1 1Ch 1:4
* Ham.
* Canaan. Heb. Chenaan.
经文:创世记 9:19-9:19 注释:
* These.
* and of.
8:17 10:2-32 1Ch 1:4-28
经文:创世记 9:20-9:20 注释:
* an husbandman.
3:18,19,23 4:2 5:29 Pr 10:11 12:11 Ec 5:9 Isa 28:24-26
* planted.
De 20:6 28:30 Pr 24:30 So 1:6 1Co 9:7
经文:创世记 9:21-9:21 注释:
* and was.
6:9 19:32-36 Pr 20:1 23:31,32 Ec 7:20 Lu 22:3,4 Ro 13:13
1Co 10:12 Ga 5:21 Tit 2:2
* and he.
Hab 2:15,16 Re 3:18
经文:创世记 9:22-9:22 注释:
* Ham.
25 10:6,15-19 1Ch 1:8,13-16
* told.
2Sa 1:19,20 Ps 35:20,21 40:15 70:3 Pr 25:9 30:17 Ob 1:12,13
Mt 18:15 1Co 13:6 Ga 6:1
经文:创世记 9:23-9:23 注释:
Ex 20:12 Le 19:32 Ro 13:7 Ga 6:1 1Ti 5:1,17,19 1Pe 2:17 4:8
经文:创世记 9:24-9:24 注释:
经文:创世记 9:25-9:25 注释:
* Cursed.
22 3:14 4:11 49:7 De 27:16 28:18 Mt 25:41 Joh 8:34
* a servant.
The devoted nations, which God destroyed before Israel, were
descended from Canaan: and so were the Phoenicians and
Carthaginians, who were at length subjugated with dreadful
destruction by the Greeks and Romans. The Africans, who have
been bought and sold like beasts, were also his posterity.
Jos 9:23,27 Jud 1:28-30 1Ki 9:20,21 2Ch 8:7,8 Joh 8:34
经文:创世记 9:26-9:26 注释:
* Blessed.
De 33:26 Ps 144:15 Ro 9:5
* the Lord.
10:10-26 12:1-3 Lu 3:23-36
* Sem.
Heb 11:16
* his servant. or, servant to them.
经文:创世记 9:27-9:27 注释:
* enlarge. or, persuade. Japheth.
Japheth denotes enlargement, and how wonderfully have his
boundaries been enlarged; for not only Europe, but Asia Minor,
part of Armenia, Iberia, the whole of the vast regions of Asia
north of Taurus, and probably America, fell to the share of
his posterity.
* he shall dwell.
These words may mean either that God or that Japheth shall
dwell in the tents of Shem. In either sense the prophecy has
been literally fulfilled.
* dwell.
Isa 11:10 Ho 2:14 Mal 1:11 Ac 17:14 Ro 11:12 15:12
Eph 2:13,14,19 3:6,13 Heb 11:9,10
经文:创世记 9:28-9:28 注释:
经文:创世记 9:29-9:29 注释:
* A.M. 2006. B.C. 1998. nine.
5:5,20,27,32 11:11-25 Ps 90:10
经文:创世记 10:1-10:1 注释:
1; The generations of Noah.
2; Japheth.
6; Ham.
8; Nimrod the first monarch, and the descendants of Canaan.
21; The sons of Shem.
* are the.
2:4 5:1 6:9 Mt 1:1
* and unto.
经文:创世记 10:2-10:2 注释:
21 1Ch 1:5-7 Isa 66:19 Eze 27:7,12-14,19 38:2,6,15 39:1
Re 20:8
经文:创世记 10:3-10:3 注释:
经文:创世记 10:4-10:4 注释:
* A.M. 1666. B.C. 2338. Kittim.
Nu 24:24 Isa 23:1,12 Da 11:30
* Chittim. Dodanim. or, Rodanim.
经文:创世记 10:5-10:5 注释:
* A.M. 1757. B.C. 2247. isles.
25 Ps 72:10 Isa 24:15 40:15 41:5 42:4,10 49:1 51:5 59:18
Isa 60:9 Jer 2:10 25:22 Zep 2:11
* after his.
20 11:1-9
经文:创世记 10:6-10:6 注释:
* A.M. 1676. B.C. 2228. And the.
9:22 1Ch 1:8-16 4:40 Ps 78:51 105:23,27 106:22
* Ham.
Ham signifies burnt or black; and this name was peculiarly
significant of the regions allotted to his family. To the
Cushites, or descendants of Cush, were allotted the hot
southern regions of Asia, along the shores of the Persian
Gulf, Susiana or Chusistan, etc.; to the sons of Canaan,
Palestine and Syria; to the sons of Mizraim, Egypt and Libya,
in Africa.
* Cush.
Isa 11:11
* Phut.
Jer 46:9 *marg:
Eze 27:10
经文:创世记 10:7-10:7 注释:
* Seba.
Ps 72:10
* Havilah.
* Sheba.
1Ki 10:1 Eze 27:22
* Dedan.
Isa 21:13 Eze 27:15
经文:创世记 10:8-10:8 注释:
* A.M. 1715. B.C. 2289. Nimrod.
Mic 5:6
经文:创世记 10:9-10:9 注释:
* a mighty.
6:4 25:27 27:30 27:30 Jer 16:16 Eze 13:18 Mic 7:2
* before the Lord.
6:11 13:13
* Even.
2Ch 28:22 Ps 52:7
经文:创世记 10:10-10:10 注释:
* A.M. 1745. B.C. 2259. And the.
Jer 50:21 Mic 5:6
* Babel. Gr. Babylon.
11:9 Isa 39:1 Mic 4:10
* Calneh.
Isa 10:9 Am 6:2
* Shinar.
11:2 14:1 Isa 11:11 Da 1:2 Zec 5:11
经文:创世记 10:11-10:11 注释:
* A.M. 1700. B.C. 2304. went forth Asshur. or, he went out
into Assyria.
Mic 5:6
* Asshur.
Nu 24:22,24 Ezr 4:2 Ps 83:8 Eze 27:23 32:22 Ho 14:3
* Nineveh.
2Ki 19:36 Isa 37:37 Jon 1:2 3:1-10 Na 1:1 2:8 3:7 Zep 2:13
* the city of. or, the streets of the city.
经文:创世记 10:12-10:12 注释:
经文:创世记 10:13-10:13 注释:
* Ludim.
1Ch 1:11,12 Jer 46:9 Eze 30:5
经文:创世记 10:14-10:14 注释:
* Pathrusim.
Isa 11:11 Jer 44:1
* Philistim.
1Ch 1:12 Jer 47:4
* Caphtorim.
De 2:23 Jer 47:4 Am 9:7
经文:创世记 10:15-10:15 注释:
* Canaan.
1Ch 1:13
* Sidon. Heb. Tzidon.
49:13 Jos 11:8 Isa 23:4
* Zidon. Heth.
15:18-21 28:3-20 Ex 3:8 34:11 Nu 34:2-15 Jos 12:8-24 2Sa 11:3
经文:创世记 10:16-10:16 注释:
* Jebusite.
Jud 1:21 2Sa 24:18 Zec 9:7
经文:创世记 10:17-10:17 注释:
* Hivite.
经文:创世记 10:18-10:18 注释:
* Arvadite.
Eze 27:8
* Zemarite.
Jos 18:22 2Ch 13:4
* Hamathite.
Nu 34:8 2Sa 8:9 2Ki 17:24,30 Isa 10:9 Eze 47:16,17 Zec 9:2
经文:创世记 10:19-10:19 注释:
* And the.
13:12-17 15:18-21 Nu 34:2-15 De 32:8 Jos 12:7,8 14:1-21:45
* as thou comest.
* Gerar.
Ge 20:1 26:1
* Gaza. Heb. Azzah.
Jud 16:1 Jer 25:20
* Sodom.
13:10-13 14:2 18:20 19:24,25 Ho 11:8
经文:创世记 10:20-10:20 注释:
6 11:1-9
经文:创世记 10:21-10:21 注释:
* Shem.
Shem signifies name or renown; and his, indeed, was great both
in a temporal and spiritual sense, inasmuch as he was destined
to be the lineal ancestor of the promised Seed of the woman,
to which Noah might allude in his pious ejaculation, ch. 9:26.
* the father.
* Eber.
Nu 24:24
* the brother.
经文:创世记 10:22-10:22 注释:
* children.
9:26 1Ch 1:17-27
* Elam.
14:1-9 2Ki 15:19 Job 1:17 Isa 11:11 21:2 22:6 Jer 25:25
Jer 49:34-39 Ac 2:9
* Arphaxad. Heb. Arpachshad. Lud.
Isa 66:19
* Aram.
Nu 23:7
经文:创世记 10:23-10:23 注释:
* Uz.
Job 1:1 Jer 25:20
经文:创世记 10:24-10:24 注释:
* Salah. Heb. Shelah.
经文:创世记 10:25-10:25 注释:
* A.M. 1757. B.C. 2247. Eber.
21 1Ch 1:19
* the name.
11:16-19 Lu 3:35,36
* Peleg. i.e., division. in.
32 De 32:8 Ac 17:26
经文:创世记 10:26-10:26 注释:
1Ch 1:20-28
经文:创世记 10:27-10:27 注释:
1Ch 1:20-28
经文:创世记 10:28-10:28 注释:
* A.M. cir. 1797. B.C. cir. 2207.
25:3 1Ki 10:1 1Ch 1:20-28
经文:创世记 10:29-10:29 注释:
* Ophir.
1Ki 9:28 22:48 1Ch 8:18 9:10,13 Job 22:24 28:16 Ps 45:9
Isa 13:12
* Havilah.
2:11 25:18 1Sa 15:7
经文:创世记 10:30-10:30 注释:
* mount of the east.
Nu 23:7
经文:创世记 10:31-10:31 注释:
5,20 Ac 17:26
经文:创世记 10:32-10:32 注释:
* are the.
1,20,31 5:29-31
* and by.
Any man who can barely read his Bible, and has but heard of
such people as the Assyrians, Elamites, Lydians, Medes,
Ionians, and Thracians, will readily acknowledge that Asshur,
Elam, Lud, Madai, Javan, and Tiras, grandsons of Noah, were
their respective founders.
* nations.
25 9:1,7,19 Ac 17:26
经文:创世记 11:1-11:1 注释:
1; One language in the world.
2; The building of Babel.
5; It is interrupted by the confusion of tongues, and the
builders dispersed.
10; The generations of Shem.
27; The generations of Terah, the father of Abram.
31; Terah, with Abram and Lot, remove from Ur to Haran.
* A.M. 1757. B.C. 2247. was.
Isa 19:18 Zep 3:9 Ac 2:6
* language. Heb. lip. speech. Heb. words.
经文:创世记 11:2-11:2 注释:
* from the east. or, eastward.
* Shinar.
9 10:10 14:1 Isa 11:11 Da 1:2 Zec 5:11
经文:创世记 11:3-11:3 注释:
* they said one to another. Heb. a man said to his neighbour.
Go to.
4,7 Ps 64:5 Pr 1:11 Ec 2:1 Isa 5:5 41:6,7 Jas 4:13 5:1
* not as.
Heb 3:13 10:24
* burn throughly. Heb. burn to a burning. brick.
Ex 1:14 5:7-18 2Sa 12:31 Isa 9:10 65:3 Na 3:14
* slime.
14:10 Ex 2:3
经文:创世记 11:4-11:4 注释:
* whose.
De 1:28 9:1 Da 4:11,22
* and let.
2Sa 8:13 Ps 49:11-13 Pr 10:7 Da 4:30 Joh 5:44
* lest.
8,9 Ps 92:9 Lu 1:51
经文:创世记 11:5-11:5 注释:
18:21 Ex 19:11 Ps 11:4 33:13,14 Jer 23:23,24 Joh 3:13 Heb 4:13
经文:创世记 11:6-11:6 注释:
* Behold.
3:22 Jud 10:14 1Ki 18:27 Ec 11:9
* the people.
1 9:19 Ac 17:26
* imagined.
6:5 8:21 Ps 2:1-4 Lu 1:51
经文:创世记 11:7-11:7 注释:
* Go to.
The Hebrew word signifies, "Come," or, "make preparation," as
for a journey or the execution of a purpose.
* let.
5 1:26 3:22 Isa 6:8
* confound.
Job 5:12,13 12:20 Ps 2:4 33:10 Ac 2:4-11
* may.
10:5,20,32 42:23 De 28:49 Ps 55:9 Jer 5:15 1Co 14:2-11,23
经文:创世记 11:8-11:8 注释:
* Lord.
4,9 49:7 De 32:8 Lu 1:51
* upon.
经文:创世记 11:9-11:9 注释:
* Babel. that is, Confusion.
The tower of Babel, Herodotus informs us, was a furlong or 660
feet, in length and breadth; and, according to Strabo, it rose
to the same altitude. It was of a pyramidical form,
consisting of eight square towers, gradually decreasing in
breadth, with a winding ascent on the outside, so very broad
as to allow horses and carriages to pass each other, and even
to turn. This magnificent structure is so completely
destroyed that its very site is doubtful; and when supposed to
be discovered, in all cases exhibiting a heap of rubbish.
10:5,10,20,31 Isa 13:1-14:32 Jer 50:1-51:64 1Co 14:23
* the face.
10:25,32 Ac 17:26
经文:创世记 11:10-11:10 注释:
* A.M. 1658. B.C. 2346.
27 10:21,22 1Ch 1:17-27 Lu 3:34-36
经文:创世记 11:11-11:11 注释:
* A.M. 2158. B.C. 1846. Shem.
* begat sons.
1:28 5:4 9:7 Ps 127:3,4 128:3,4 144:12
经文:创世记 11:12-11:12 注释:
* A.M. 1693. B.C. 2311. begat.
Lu 3:36
经文:创世记 11:13-11:13 注释:
* A.M. 2096. B.C. 1908.
经文:创世记 11:14-11:14 注释:
* A.M. 1723. B.C. 2281.
经文:创世记 11:15-11:15 注释:
* A.M. 2126. B.C. 1878.
经文:创世记 11:16-11:16 注释:
* A.M. 1757. B.C. 2247. Eber.
10:21,25 Nu 24:24 1Ch 1:19
* Peleg.
Lu 3:35
* Phalec.
经文:创世记 11:17-11:17 注释:
* A.M. 2187. B.C. 1817.
经文:创世记 11:18-11:18 注释:
* A.M. 1787. B.C. 2217. Reu.
Lu 3:35
* Ragau.
经文:创世记 11:19-11:19 注释:
* A.M. 1996. B.C. 2008.
经文:创世记 11:20-11:20 注释:
* A.M. 1819. B.C. 2185. Serug.
Lu 3:35
* Saruch.
经文:创世记 11:21-11:21 注释:
* A.M. 2026. B.C. 1978.
经文:创世记 11:22-11:22 注释:
* A.M. 1849. B.C. 2155. Nahor.
Jos 24:2
* Nachor.
经文:创世记 11:23-11:23 注释:
* A.M. 2049. B.C. 1955.
经文:创世记 11:24-11:24 注释:
* A.M. 1878. B.C. 2126. Terah.
Lu 3:34
* Thara.
经文:创世记 11:25-11:25 注释:
* A.M. 1997. B.C. 2007.
经文:创世记 11:26-11:26 注释:
* A.M. 1948. B.C. 2056. Abram.
12:4,5 22:20-24 29:4,5 Jos 24:2 1Ch 1:26,27
经文:创世记 11:27-11:27 注释:
* A.M. 2008. B.C. 1996. Lot.
31 12:4 13:1-11 14:12 19:1-29 2Pe 2:7
经文:创世记 11:28-11:28 注释:
* Ur.
15:7 Ne 9:7 Ac 7:2-4
经文:创世记 11:29-11:29 注释:
* Sarai.
17:15 20:12
* Milcah.
22:20 24:15
* Iscah.
Iscah is called the daughter-in-law of Terah, (ver. 31,) as
being Abram's wife; yet Abram afterwards said, "she is the
daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother."
(ch. 20:12.) Probably Haran was the eldest son of Terah, and
Abram his youngest by another wife; and thus Sarai was the
daughter, or grand-daughter of Terah, Abram's father, but not
of his mother.
经文:创世记 11:30-11:30 注释:
* barren.
15:2,3 16:1,2 18:11,12 21:1,2 25:21 29:31 30:1,2 Jud 13:2
1Sa 1:2 Ps 113:9 Lu 1:7,36
经文:创世记 11:31-11:31 注释:
* A.M. 2078. B.C. 1926. took.
26,27 12:1
* they went.
28 12:1 Jos 24:2,3 Heb 11:8
* Ur.
Ur was probably the place called Ouri, in Mesopotamia, two
days' journey from Nisibis, in the way to the river Tigris.
Jos 24:2 Ne 9:7 Ac 7:2-4
* the land.
10:19 24:10
* B.C. cir. 1923. A.M. cir. 2081. Haran.
32 12:4 24:10,15 27:43 29:4,5 Ac 7:2-4
* Charran.
经文:创世记 11:32-11:32 注释:
* A.M. 2083. B.C. 1921.
经文:创世记 12:1-12:1 注释:
1; God calls Abram, and blesses him with a promise of Christ.
4; He departs with Lot from Haran, and comes to Canaan.
6; He journeys through Canaan,
7; which is promised to him in a vision.
10; He is driven by famine into Egypt.
11; Fear makes him feign his wife to be his sister.
14; Pharaoh, having taken her from him, by plagues is compelled
to restore her.
18; He reproves Abram, whom he dismisses.
* had.
11:31,32 15:7 Ne 9:7 Isa 41:9 51:2 Eze 33:24
* Get.
Jos 24:2,3 Ps 45:10,11 Lu 14:26-33 Ac 7:2-6 2Co 6:17 Heb 11:8
Re 18:4
经文:创世记 12:2-12:2 注释:
13:16 15:5 17:5,6 18:18 22:17,18 24:35 26:4 27:29 28:3,14
35:11 46:3 Ex 1:7 32:10 Nu 14:12 24:9,10 De 26:5 2Sa 7:9
1Ki 3:8,9 Mic 7:20 Ro 4:11 Ga 3:7
* thou shalt.
14:14-16 18:18 19:29 28:4 1Ki 1:47 Ga 3:14
经文:创世记 12:3-12:3 注释:
* And I.
27:29 Ex 23:22 Nu 24:9 Mt 25:40,45
* in thee.
18:18 22:18 26:4 28:14 30:27,30 39:5 Ps 72:17 Ac 3:25,26
Ro 4:11 1Co 1:30 Ga 3:8,16,28 Eph 1:3 Col 3:11 Re 7:9
经文:创世记 12:4-12:4 注释:
* and Lot.
* departed out.
Heb 11:8
经文:创世记 12:5-12:5 注释:
* the souls.
14:14,21 *marg:
* in.
* and into.
10:19 Ac 7:4 Heb 11:8,9
* Canaan.
So called from Canaan the son of Ham, lies between the
Mediterranean sea on the west, the wilderness of Paran,
Idumea, and Egypt on the south, the mountains of Arabia on the
east, and the mountains of Lebanon and Phoenicia on the north.
Its length, from Dan to Beersheba, is about 200; miles, and its
breadth, from the Mediterranean sea to its eastern borders,
about 90.
经文:创世记 12:6-12:6 注释:
* passed.
Heb 11:9
* Sichem.
33:18 34:2 35:4 Jos 20:7 24:32 Jud 9:1 1Ki 12:1
* Shechem.
Joh 4:5
* Sychar.
Ac 7:16
* Sychem. plain.
The word rendered "plain" should be rendered "oak," or
according to Celsius, the "turpentine-tree."
* Moreh.
De 11:30 Jud 7:1
* Canaanite.
10:15,18,19 13:7 15:18-21
经文:创世记 12:7-12:7 注释:
* appeared.
17:1 18:1 32:30
* Unto thy.
13:15 17:3,8 26:3 28:13 Ex 33:1 Nu 32:11 De 1:8 6:10 30:20
Ps 105:9-12 Ro 9:8 Ga 3:16 4:28
* builded.
8 8:20 13:4,18 26:25 33:20 Heb 11:13
经文:创世记 12:8-12:8 注释:
* of Beth-el.
28:19 35:3,15,16 Jos 8:17 18:22 Ne 11:31
* Hai.
Jos 7:2 8:3
* Ai.
Ne 11:31
* Aija.
Isa 10:28
* Aiath. called.
4:26 13:4 21:33 Ps 116:4 Joe 2:32 Ac 2:21 Ro 10:12-14 1Co 1:2
经文:创世记 12:9-12:9 注释:
* going on still. Heb. in going and journeying.
13:3 24:62 Ps 105:13 Heb 11:13,14
经文:创世记 12:10-12:10 注释:
* A.M. 2084. B.C. 1920. was a.
26:1 42:5 43:1 47:13 Ru 1:1 2Sa 21:1 1Ki 17:1-18:46 2Ki 4:38
2Ki 6:25 7:1-8:1 Ps 34:19 107:34 Jer 14:1 Joh 16:33 Ac 7:11
Ac 14:22
* went.
26:2,3 43:1 46:3,4 2Ki 8:1,2 Ps 105:13
经文:创世记 12:11-12:11 注释:
* a fair.
14 26:7 29:17 39:6,7 2Sa 11:2 Pr 21:30 So 1:14
经文:创世记 12:12-12:12 注释:
* will kill.
20:11 26:7 1Sa 27:1 Pr 29:25 Mt 10:28 1Jo 1:8-10
经文:创世记 12:13-12:13 注释:
* Say.
Joh 8:44 Ro 3:6-8 6:23 Col 3:6
* thou.
11:29 20:2,5,12,13 26:7 Isa 57:11 Mt 26:69-75 Ga 2:12,13
* and.
Ps 146:3-5 Jer 17:5-8 Eze 18:4
经文:创世记 12:14-12:14 注释:
* beheld.
3:6 6:2 39:7 Mt 5:28
经文:创世记 12:15-12:15 注释:
* princes.
Es 2:2-16 Pr 29:12 Ho 7:4,5
Pharaoh was a common name of the Egyptian kings, and signified
a "ruler," or "king," or "father of his country."
40:2 41:1 Ex 2:5,15 1Ki 3:1 2Ki 18:21 Jer 25:19 46:17 Eze 32:2
* taken.
20:2 Es 2:9 Ps 105:4 Pr 6:29 Heb 13:4
经文:创世记 12:16-12:16 注释:
* And he.
13:2 20:14
* he had.
24:35 26:14 32:5,13-15 Job 1:3 42:12 Ps 144:13,14
经文:创世记 12:17-12:17 注释:
20:18 1Ch 16:21 21:22 Job 34:19 Ps 105:14,15 Heb 13:4
经文:创世记 12:18-12:18 注释:
3:13 4:10 20:9,10 26:9-11 31:26 44:15 Ex 32:21 Jos 7:19
1Sa 14:43 Pr 21:1
经文:创世记 12:19-12:19 注释:
经文:创世记 12:20-12:20 注释:
Ex 18:27 1Sa 29:6-11 Ps 105:14,15 Pr 21:1
经文:创世记 13:1-13:1 注释:
1; Abram and Lot return with great riches out of Egypt.
6; Strife arises between Abram's herdsmen and those of Lot.
8; Abram meekly refers it to Lot to choose his part of the
10; and Lot goes to Sodom.
14; God renews the promise to Abram.
18; He removes to Hebron, and there builds an altar.
* A.M. 2086. B.C. 1918. the south.
The south of Canaan; as in leaving Egypt, it is said he "came
from the south," (ver. 3,) and the southern part of the
promised land lay north-east of Egypt.
12:9-20 20:1 21:33 Jos 10:40 18:5 1Sa 27:10 2Sa 24:7
经文:创世记 13:2-13:2 注释:
24:35 26:12,13 De 8:18 1Sa 2:7 Job 1:3,10 22:21-25 Ps 112:1-3
Pr 3:9,10 10:22 Mt 6:33 1Ti 4:8
经文:创世记 13:3-13:3 注释:
* from.
* Beth-el and Hai.
i.e., The place which was afterwards called Bethel by Jacob,
and so called when Moses wrote; for its first name was Luz.
(ch. 28:19.)
经文:创世记 13:4-13:4 注释:
* Unto.
18 12:7,8 35:1-3 Ps 26:8 42:1,2 84:1,2,10
* called.
4:26 Ps 65:1,2 107:1,8,15 116:2,17 145:18 Isa 58:9 Jer 29:12
Zep 3:9 1Co 1:2 Eph 6:18,19
经文:创世记 13:5-13:5 注释:
* tents.
4:20 25:27 Jer 49:29
经文:创世记 13:6-13:6 注释:
36:6,7 Ec 5:10,11 Lu 12:17,18 1Ti 6:9
经文:创世记 13:7-13:7 注释:
* a strife.
21:25 26:20 Ex 2:17 1Co 3:3 Ga 5:20 Tit 3:3 Jas 3:16 4:1
* Canaanite.
10:19 12:6 15:18-21 34:30 Ne 5:9 Php 2:14,15 Col 4:5
1Th 4:12 1Pe 2:12
* dwelled.
i.e., They were there when Abram and Lot came to pitch their
tents in the land.
经文:创世记 13:8-13:8 注释:
* Let.
Pr 15:1 Mt 5:9 1Co 6:6,7 Php 2:14 Heb 12:14 Jas 3:17,18
* brethren. Heb. men, brethren.
11:27-31 45:24 Ex 2:13 Ps 133:1 Ac 7:26 Ro 12:10 Eph 4:2,3
1Th 4:9 Heb 13:1 1Pe 1:22 2:17 3:8 4:8 2Pe 1:7 1Jo 2:9-11
1Jo 3:14-19 4:7,20,21
经文:创世记 13:9-13:9 注释:
* Is not.
20:15 34:10
* if thou wilt.
Ps 120:7 Ro 12:18 1Co 6:7 Heb 12:14 Jas 3:13-18 1Pe 3:8-12
经文:创世记 13:10-13:10 注释:
* and beheld.
3:6 6:2 Nu 32:1-42 1Jo 2:15,16
* the plain.
19:17,24,25 De 34:3 1Ki 7:46 Ps 107:34 1Jo 2:15
* the garden.
2:9,10 Isa 51:3 Eze 28:13 31:8 Joe 2:3
* Zoar.
14:2,8 19:20,22-30 De 34:3 Isa 15:5 Jer 48:34
Instead of "Zoar," which was situated at the extremity of the
plain of Jordan, the Syriac reads "Zoan," which was situated
in the south of Egypt, and in a well-watered country.
经文:创世记 13:11-13:11 注释:
* A.M. 2087. B.C. 1917. chose.
* they.
9,14 Ps 16:3 119:63 Pr 27:10 Heb 10:25 1Pe 2:17
经文:创世记 13:12-13:12 注释:
* Lot dwelled.
* pitched.
14:12 19:1 Ps 26:5 1Co 15:33 2Pe 2:7,8
经文:创世记 13:13-13:13 注释:
* But the.
15:16 18:20 19:4-11 1Sa 15:18 Isa 1:9 3:9 Eze 16:46-50
Mt 9:10,13 11:23,24 Joh 9:24,31 Ro 1:27 2Pe 2:6-8,10 Jude 1:7
* before.
6:11 10:9 38:7 2Ki 21:6 Isa 3:8 Jer 23:24 Heb 4:13
经文:创世记 13:14-13:14 注释:
* was.
* Lift.
10 Isa 49:18 60:4
* northward.
28:14 De 3:27
经文:创世记 13:15-13:15 注释:
12:7 15:18 17:7,8 18:18 24:7 26:3,4 28:4,13 35:12 48:4 Ex 33:1
Nu 34:2,12-29 De 26:2-4 34:4 2Ch 20:7 Ne 9:7,8 Ps 37:22,29
Ps 105:9-12 112:1,2 Isa 63:18 Mt 5:5 Ac 7:5
经文:创世记 13:16-13:16 注释:
12:2,3 15:5 17:6,16,20 18:18 21:13 22:17 25:1-34 26:4 28:3,14
32:12 35:11 36:1-43 46:3 Ex 1:7 32:13 Nu 23:10 De 1:10
Jud 6:3,5 1Ki 3:8 4:20 1Ch 21:5 27:23 2Ch 17:14-18 Isa 48:18
Isa 48:19 Jer 33:22 Ro 4:16-18 Heb 11:12 Re 7:9
经文:创世记 13:17-13:17 注释:
经文:创世记 13:18-13:18 注释:
* plain. Heb. plains. Mamre.
14:13 18:1
* Hebron.
23:2 35:27 37:14 Nu 13:22 Jos 14:13
* altar.
4 8:20 12:7,8 Ps 16:8 1Ti 2:8
经文:创世记 14:1-14:1 注释:
1; The battle of four kings against the king of Sodom and his
12; Lot is taken prisoner.
14; Abram rescues him.
17; Melchizedek blesses Abram at his return, who gives him
21; The rest of the spoil, his partners having had their
portions he restores to the king of Sodom.
* A.M. 2091. B.C. 1913.
* Shinar.
10:10 11:2 Isa 11:11 Da 1:2 Zec 5:11
* Ellasar.
Isa 37:12
* Elam.
10:22 Isa 21:2 22:6 Jer 25:25 49:34-39 Eze 32:24
经文:创世记 14:2-14:2 注释:
* Sodom.
10:19 13:10 19:24 Isa 1:9,10
* Admah.
De 29:23 Ho 11:8
* Zeboiim.
1Sa 13:18 Ne 11:34
* Zoar.
19:20-30 De 34:3 Isa 15:5 Jer 48:34
经文:创世记 14:3-14:3 注释:
* salt sea.
19:24 Nu 34:12 De 3:17 Jos 3:16 Ps 107:34 *marg:
经文:创世记 14:4-14:4 注释:
* they served.
* they rebelled.
Eze 17:15
经文:创世记 14:5-14:5 注释:
* Rephaims.
15:20 De 3:11,20,22 2Sa 5:18,22 23:13 1Ch 11:15 14:9 Isa 17:5
* Ashteroth.
The same as Ashteroth, a city of Bashan, where Og afterwards
De 1:4 Jos 12:4 13:12,31
* Zuzims.
De 2:20-23 1Ch 4:40 Ps 78:51 105:23,27 106:22
* Emims.
De 2:10,11
* Shaveh Kiriathaim. or, the plains of Kiriathaim;
Kiriathaim was beyond Jordan, 10; miles west-ward from Medeba,
and afterwards belonged to Sihon, king of Heshbon.
Jos 13:19 Jer 48:1,23
经文:创世记 14:6-14:6 注释:
* Horites.
36:8,20-30 De 2:12,22 1Ch 1:38-42
* El-paran. or, the plain of Paran.
16:7 21:21 Nu 12:16 13:3 Hab 3:3
经文:创世记 14:7-14:7 注释:
* Kadesh.
En-mishpat or Kadesh, was about 8; leagues south of Hebron.
16:14 20:1 Nu 20:1 De 1:19,46
* Amalekites.
36:12,16 Ex 17:8-16 Nu 14:43,45 24:20 1Sa 15:1-35 27:1-12
1Sa 30:1-31
* Hazezon-tamar.
Called by the Chaldee, "En-gaddi," a town on the western shore
of the Dead Sea.
Jos 15:62 2Ch 20:2
经文:创世记 14:8-14:8 注释:
* same.
2 13:10 19:20,22
* in.
经文:创世记 14:9-14:9 注释:
经文:创世记 14:10-14:10 注释:
* slime pits.
Places where asphaltus or bitumen sprung out of the ground:
this substance which is properly denoted by the word "slime,"
abounds in these parts.
* fell.
Jos 8:24 Ps 83:10 Isa 24:18 Jer 48:44
* the mountain.
经文:创世记 14:11-14:11 注释:
16,21 12:5 De 28:31,35,51
经文:创世记 14:12-14:12 注释:
* Lot.
11:27 12:5
* who.
13:12,13 Nu 16:26 Job 9:23 Jer 2:17-19 1Ti 6:9-11 Re 3:19 18:4
经文:创世记 14:13-14:13 注释:
* one.
1Sa 4:12 Job 1:15
* the.
39:14 40:15 41:12 43:32 Ex 2:6,11 Jon 1:9 2Co 11:22 Php 2:5
* dwelt.
* Mamre.
24 13:18
* Amorite.
10:16 Nu 21:21
* and these.
经文:创世记 14:14-14:14 注释:
* his brother.
11:27-31 13:8 Pr 17:17 24:11,12 Ga 6:1,2 1Jo 2:18
* armed. or, led forth.
Ps 45:3-5 68:12 Isa 41:2,3
* trained. or, instructed. born.
12:5,16 15:3 17:12,27 18:19 23:6 Ec 2:7
* Dan.
De 34:1 Jud 18:29 20:1
经文:创世记 14:15-14:15 注释:
* And he.
Ps 112:5
* smote.
Isa 41:2,3
* Damascus.
De 15:2 1Ki 15:18 Ac 9:2
经文:创世记 14:16-14:16 注释:
11,12 12:2 1Sa 30:8,18,19 Isa 41:2
经文:创世记 14:17-14:17 注释:
* to.
Jud 11:34 1Sa 18:6 Pr 14:20 19:4
* after.
Heb 7:1
* king's.
2Sa 18:18
经文:创世记 14:18-14:18 注释:
* king.
Ps 76:2 Heb 7:1,2
* bread.
Mt 26:26-29 Ga 6:10
* the priest.
Ps 110:4 Heb 5:6,10 6:20 7:1,3,10-22
* the most.
Ru 3:10 2Sa 2:5 Ps 7:17 50:14 57:2 Mic 6:6 Ac 7:48 16:17
经文:创世记 14:19-14:19 注释:
* he blessed.
27:4,25-29 47:7,10 48:9-16 49:28 Nu 6:23-27 Mr 10:16 Heb 7:6,7
* Blessed be.
Ru 3:10 2Sa 2:5 Eph 1:3,6
* high.
Mic 6:6 Ac 16:17
* possessor.
22 Ps 24:1 50:10 115:16 Mt 11:25 Lu 10:21
经文:创世记 14:20-14:20 注释:
* blessed.
9:26 24:27 Ps 68:19 72:17-19 144:1 Eph 1:3 1Pe 1:3,4
* which.
Jos 10:42 Ps 44:3
* tithes.
28:22 Le 27:30-32 Nu 28:26 De 12:17 14:23,28 2Ch 31:5,6,12
Ne 10:37 13:12 Am 4:4 Mal 3:8,10 Lu 18:12 Ro 15:16 Heb 7:4-9
经文:创世记 14:21-14:21 注释:
* persons. Heb. souls.
经文:创世记 14:22-14:22 注释:
* lift.
Ex 6:8 De 32:40 Da 12:7 Re 10:5,6
* unto.
21:23-31 Jud 11:35
* the most.
20 17:1 Ps 24:1 83:18 Isa 57:15 Da 4:34 Hag 2:8
* possessor.
19 21:33
经文:创世记 14:23-14:23 注释:
* That I.
1Ki 13:8 2Ki 5:16,20 Es 9:15,16 2Co 11:9-11 12:14
* lest.
2Co 11:12 Heb 13:5
经文:创世记 14:24-14:24 注释:
* Save.
Pr 3:27 Mt 7:12 Ro 13:7,8
* Aner.
* let.
1Co 9:14,15 1Ti 5:18
经文:创世记 15:1-15:1 注释:
1; God encourages Abram, who complains for want of an heir.
4; God promises him a son, and a multiplying of his seed.
6; Abram is justified by faith.
7; Canaan is promised again, and confirmed by a sign, and a
vision, prophetic of the condition of his posterity till
brought out of Egypt.
* A.M. 2093. B.C. 1911. in.
46:2 Nu 12:6 1Sa 9:9 Eze 1:1 3:4 11:24 Da 10:1-16 Ac 10:10-17
Ac 10:22 Heb 1:1
* Fear.
14-16 26:24 46:3 Ex 14:13 De 31:6 1Ch 28:20 Ps 27:1 Isa 35:4
Isa 41:10,14 43:1,5 44:2,8 51:12 Da 10:12 Mt 8:26 10:28-31
Mt 28:5 Lu 1:13,30 12:32 Re 1:17
* thy shield.
De 33:29 Ps 3:3 5:12 18:2 84:9,11 91:4 119:114 Pr 30:5
* and thy.
De 33:26-29 Ru 2:12 Ps 16:5,6 58:11 142:5 Pr 11:18 La 3:24
1Co 3:22 Heb 13:5,6 Re 21:3,4
经文:创世记 15:2-15:2 注释:
* what.
* childless.
25:21 30:1,2 1Sa 1:11 Ps 127:3 Pr 13:12 Isa 56:5 Ac 7:5
* the.
24:2,10 39:4-6,9 43:19 44:1 Pr 17:2
经文:创世记 15:3-15:3 注释:
* Behold.
12:2 13:16 Pr 13:12 Jer 12:1 Heb 10:35,36
* born.
14:14 Pr 29:21 30:23 Ec 2:7
经文:创世记 15:4-15:4 注释:
* shall come.
17:16 21:12 2Sa 7:12 16:11 2Ch 32:21 Phm 1:12
经文:创世记 15:5-15:5 注释:
* tell.
De 1:10 Ps 147:4 Jer 33:22 Ro 9:7,8
* So.
12:2 13:16 16:10 22:17 28:14 Ex 32:13 De 1:10 10:22 1Ch 27:23
Ro 4:18 Heb 11:12
经文:创世记 15:6-15:6 注释:
* he believed.
Ro 4:3-6,9,20-25 Ga 3:6-14 Heb 11:8 Jas 2:23
* he counted.
Ps 106:31 Ro 4:11,22 2Co 5:19 Ga 3:6
经文:创世记 15:7-15:7 注释:
* brought.
11:28-31 12:1 Ne 9:7 Ac 7:2-4
* to give.
12:7 13:15-17 Ne 9:8 Ps 105:11,42,44 Ro 4:13
经文:创世记 15:8-15:8 注释:
24:2-4,13,14 Jud 6:17-24,36-40 1Sa 14:9,10 2Ki 20:8 Ps 86:17
Isa 7:11 Lu 1:18,34
经文:创世记 15:9-15:9 注释:
22:13 Le 1:3,10,14 3:1,6 9:2,4 12:8 14:22,30 Ps 50:5 Isa 15:5
Lu 2:24
经文:创世记 15:10-15:10 注释:
* divided them.
Jer 34:18,19 2Ti 2:15
* the birds.
Le 1:17
经文:创世记 15:11-15:11 注释:
* fowls.
Eze 17:3,7 Mt 13:4
* Abram.
Ps 119:13
经文:创世记 15:12-15:12 注释:
* deep.
2:21 1Sa 26:12 Job 4:13,14 33:15 Da 10:8,9 Ac 20:9
* horror.
Ps 4:3-5 Ac 9:8,9
经文:创世记 15:13-15:13 注释:
* thy.
17:8 Ex 1:1-2:25 5:1-23 22:21 23:9 Le 19:34 De 10:19 Ps 105:11
Ps 105:12,23-25 Ac 7:6,7 Heb 11:8-13
* four.
Ex 12:40,41 Ga 3:17
经文:创世记 15:14-15:14 注释:
* that.
46:1-34 Ex 6:5,6 7:1-14:31 De 4:20 6:22 7:18,19 11:2-4
Jos 24:4-7,17 1Sa 12:8 Ne 9:9-11 Ps 51:4 78:43-51 105:27-37
Ps 135:9,14
* with.
Ex 3:21,22 12:35,36 Ps 105:37
经文:创世记 15:15-15:15 注释:
* And thou.
25:8 Nu 20:24 27:13 Jud 2:10 Job 5:26 Ec 12:7 Ac 13:36
* in peace.
2Ch 34:28 Ps 37:37 Isa 57:1,2 Da 12:13 Mt 22:32 Heb 6:13-19
Heb 11:13-16
* buried.
23:4,19 25:8,9 35:29 49:29,31 50:13 Ec 6:3 Jer 8:1,2
* good.
25:7,8 1Ch 23:1 29:28 Job 5:26 42:17
经文:创世记 15:16-15:16 注释:
* in the.
Ex 12:40
* Amorites.
1Ki 21:26 2Pe 3:8,9
* not.
Da 8:23 Zec 5:5-11 Mt 23:32-35 1Th 2:16
经文:创世记 15:17-15:17 注释:
* smoking.
Ex 3:2,3 De 4:20 Jud 6:21 13:20 1Ch 21:26 Isa 62:1 Jer 11:4
* a burning lamp. Heb. a lamp of fire.
2Sa 22:9
* passed.
Jer 34:18,19
经文:创世记 15:18-15:18 注释:
* made.
9:8-17 17:1-27 24:7 2Sa 23:5 Isa 55:3 Jer 31:31-34 32:40
Jer 33:20-26 Ga 3:15-17 Heb 13:20
* Unto thy.
12:7 13:15 17:8 26:4 28:4,13,14 35:12 50:24 Ex 3:8 6:4 23:23
Ex 23:27-31 34:11 Nu 34:3 De 1:7,8 7:1 11:24 34:4 Jos 1:3,4
Jos 12:1-20 19:1-38 1Ki 4:21 2Ch 9:26 Ne 9:8 Ps 105:11
* from.
Nu 34:5 Jos 15:4 Isa 27:12
* Euphrates.
2:14 2Sa 8:3 1Ch 5:9
经文:创世记 15:19-15:19 注释:
* Kenites.
Nu 24:21,22
经文:创世记 15:20-15:20 注释:
* Rephaims.
14:5 Isa 17:5
经文:创世记 15:21-15:21 注释:
* Amorites.
10:15-19 Ex 23:23-28 33:2 34:11 De 7:1
* Girgashites.
Mt 8:28
经文:创世记 16:1-16:1 注释:
1; Sarai, being barren, gives Hagar to Abram.
4; Hagar, being afflicted for despising her mistress, runs
7; An angel commands her to return and submit herself, promises
her a numerous posterity, and shows their character and
13; Hagar names the place, and returns to Sarai.
15; Ishmael is born.
16; The age of Abram.
* A.M. 2092. B.C. 1912. bare.
15:2,3 21:10,12 25:21 Jud 13:2 Lu 1:7,36
* Egyptian.
12:16 21:9,21
* name.
Ga 4:24
* Agar.
经文:创世记 16:2-16:2 注释:
* the Lord.
17:16 18:10 20:18 25:21 30:2,3,9,22 Ps 127:3
* obtain children. Heb be builded.
30:3,6 Ex 21:4 Ru 4:11
* hearkened.
经文:创世记 16:3-16:3 注释:
* A.M. 2093. B.C. 1911. had.
* gave.
5 30:4,9
* his.
25:6 28:9 32:22 35:22 Jud 19:1-4 2Sa 5:13 1Ki 11:3 Ga 4:25
经文:创世记 16:4-16:4 注释:
* her mistress.
1Sa 1:6-8 2Sa 6:16 Pr 30:20,21,23 1Co 4:6 13:4,5
经文:创世记 16:5-16:5 注释:
* My wrong.
Lu 10:40,41
* the Lord.
31:53 Ex 5:21 1Sa 24:12-15 2Ch 24:22 Ps 7:8 35:23 43:1
经文:创世记 16:6-16:6 注释:
* Abram.
13:8,9 Pr 14:29 15:1,17,18 1Pe 3:7
* in.
24:10 Job 2:6 Ps 106:41,42 Jer 38:5
* as it pleaseth thee. Heb. that which is good in thine eyes.
dealt hardly with her. Heb. afflicted her.
Pr 29:19
* fled.
Ex 2:15 Pr 27:8 Ec 10:4
经文:创世记 16:7-16:7 注释:
* found.
Pr 15:3
* the fountain.
25:18 Ex 15:22 1Sa 15:7
* Shur.
The desert of Shur being between the south of Canaan, where
Hebron was situated, and Egypt, it is likely that Hagar was
returning to her own country.
经文:创世记 16:8-16:8 注释:
* Sarai's maid.
1,4 Eph 6:5-8 1Ti 6:1,2
* whence.
3:9 4:10 Ec 10:4 Jer 2:17,18
* I flee.
1Sa 26:19
经文:创世记 16:9-16:9 注释:
* submit.
Ec 10:4 Eph 5:21 6:5,6 Tit 2:9 1Pe 2:18-25 5:5,6
经文:创世记 16:10-16:10 注释:
* the angel.
22:15-18 31:11-13 32:24-30 48:15,16 Ex 3:2-6 Jud 2:1-3 6:11
Jud 6:16,21-24 13:16-22 Isa 63:9 Ho 12:3-5 Zec 2:8,9 Mal 3:1
Joh 1:18 Ac 7:30-38 1Ti 6:16
* I will.
17:20 21:13,16 25:12-18 Ps 83:6,7
经文:创世记 16:11-16:11 注释:
* shalt.
17:19 29:32-35 Isa 7:14 Mt 1:21-23 Lu 1:13,31,63
* Ishmael. i.e., God shall hear. because.
41:51,52 1Sa 1:20
* hath.
29:32,33 Ex 2:23,24 3:7 Job 38:41 Ps 22:24
经文:创世记 16:12-16:12 注释:
* be a.
21:20 Job 11:12 39:5-8
* wild.
The word rendered "wild" also denotes the "wild ass;" the
description of which animal in Job 39:5-8, affords the very
best representation of the wandering, lawless, freebooting
life of the Bedouin and other Arabs, the descendants of
* his hand.
* he shall.
经文:创世记 16:13-16:13 注释:
28:17:19 一共查出 0 筆,引用資料有問題!select chineses,engs from main where sengs = '28' or engs='28'
经文:创世记 16:14-16:14 注释:
* Beer-lahri-roi.
That is, The well of him that liveth and seeth me.
21:31 24:62 25:11
* Kadesh.
Nu 13:26
经文:创世记 16:15-16:15 注释:
* A.M. 2094. B.C. 1910. Hagar.
11 25:12 1Ch 1:28 Ga 4:22,23
* Ishmael.
17:18,20,25,26 21:9-21 25:9,12 28:9 37:27
经文:创世记 16:16-16:16 注释:
经文:创世记 17:1-17:1 注释:
1; God renews the covenant with Abram, and changes his name to
Abraham, in token of a greater blessing.
9; Circumcision is instituted.
15; Sarai's name is changed to Sarah, and she is blessed.
17; Isaac is promised, and the time of his birth fixed.
23; Abraham and Ishmael are circumcised.
* A.M. 2107. B.C. 1897. was.
* the Lord.
* Almighty.
18:14 28:3 35:11 Ex 6:3 Nu 11:23 De 10:17 Job 11:7 Ps 115:3
Jer 32:17 Da 4:35 Mt 19:26 Eph 3:20 Php 4:13 Heb 7:25
* walk.
5:22,24 6:9 48:15 1Ki 2:4 3:6 8:25 2Ki 20:3 Ps 116:9 Isa 38:3
Mic 6:8 Lu 1:6 Ac 23:1 24:16 Heb 12:28
* perfect. or, upright, or sincere.
6:9 De 18:13 Job 1:1 Mt 5:48
经文:创世记 17:2-17:2 注释:
* And I.
4-6 9:9 15:18 Ps 105:8-11 Ga 3:17,18
* multiply.
12:2 13:16 22:17
经文:创世记 17:3-17:3 注释:
17 Ex 3:6 Le 9:23,24 Nu 14:5 16:22,45 Jos 5:14 Jud 13:20
1Ki 18:39 Eze 1:28 3:23 9:8 Da 8:17,18 10:9 Mt 17:6 Re 1:17
经文:创世记 17:4-17:4 注释:
* a father.
12:2 13:16 16:10 22:17 25:1-18 32:12 35:11 36:1-43 Nu 1:1-54
Nu 26:1-65 Ro 4:11-18 Ga 3:28,29
* many nations. Heb. multitude of nations.
经文:创世记 17:5-17:5 注释:
* but thy name.
15 32:28 Nu 13:16 2Sa 12:25 Ne 9:7 Isa 62:2-4 65:15 Jer 20:3
Jer 23:6 Mt 1:21-23 Joh 1:42 Re 2:17
* Abraham. i.e., father of a great multitude.
经文:创世记 17:6-17:6 注释:
* nations.
4,20 35:11
* kings.
16 36:31-43 Ezr 4:20 Mt 1:6-17
经文:创世记 17:7-17:7 注释:
* And I.
15:18 26:24 Ex 6:4 Ps 105:8-11 Mic 7:20 Lu 1:54,55,72-75
Ro 9:4,8,9 Ga 3:17 Eph 2:12
* God.
26:24 28:13 Ex 3:6,15 Le 26:12 Ps 81:10 Eze 28:26 Mt 22:32
Heb 8:10 11:16
* and to.
Ex 19:5,6 Mr 10:14 Ac 2:39 Ro 9:7-9
经文:创世记 17:8-17:8 注释:
* And I.
12:7 13:15,17 15:7-21 Ps 105:9,11
* wherein thou art a stranger. Heb. of thy sojournings.
23:4 28:4
* everlasting.
48:4 Ex 21:6 31:16,17 40:15 Le 16:34 Nu 25:13 De 32:8 2Sa 23:5
Ps 103:17 Heb 9:15
* their.
Ex 6:7 Le 26:12 De 4:37 14:2 26:18 29:13
经文:创世记 17:9-17:9 注释:
Ps 25:10 103:18 Isa 56:4,5
经文:创世记 17:10-17:10 注释:
* Every.
11 34:15 Ex 4:25 12:48 De 10:16 30:6 Jos 5:2,4 Jer 4:4 9:25,26
Ac 7:8 Ro 2:28,29 3:1,25,28,30 4:9-11 1Co 7:18,19 Ga 3:28
Ga 5:3-6 6:12 Eph 2:11 Php 3:3 Col 2:11,12
经文:创世记 17:11-17:11 注释:
* the flesh.
Ex 4:25 Jos 5:3 1Sa 18:25-27 2Sa 3:14
* a token.
Ac 7:8 Ro 4:11
经文:创世记 17:12-17:12 注释:
* he that is eight days old. Heb. a son of eight days.
21:4 Le 12:3 Lu 1:59 2:21 Joh 7:22,23 Ac 7:8 Ro 2:28 Php 3:5
* is born.
23 Ex 12:48,49
经文:创世记 17:13-17:13 注释:
* born.
14:14 15:3 Ex 12:44 21:4
* bought.
37:27,36 39:1 Ex 21:2,16 Ne 5:5,8 Mt 18:25
经文:创世记 17:14-17:14 注释:
* cut.
Ex 4:24-26 12:15,19 30:33,38 Le 7:20,21,25,27 18:29 19:8
Nu 15:30,31 Jos 5:2-12
* broken.
Ps 55:20 Isa 24:5 33:8 Jer 11:10 31:32 1Co 11:27,29
经文:创世记 17:15-17:15 注释:
* As.
5 32:28 2Sa 12:25
* Sarah. i.e., princess.
经文:创世记 17:16-17:16 注释:
* And I.
1:28 12:2 24:60 Ro 9:9
* give.
* be a mother of nations. Heb. become nations.
35:11 Ga 4:26-31 1Pe 3:6
* kings.
6 Isa 49:23
经文:创世记 17:17-17:17 注释:
* fell.
3 Le 9:24 Nu 14:5 16:22,45 De 9:18,25 Jos 5:14 7:6 Jud 13:20
1Ch 21:16 Job 1:20 Eze 1:28 Da 8:17 Mt 2:11 Re 5:8 11:16
* laughed.
18:12 21:6 Joh 8:56 Ro 4:19,20
经文:创世记 17:18-17:18 注释:
* O that.
Jer 32:39 Ac 2:39
* before.
4:12,14 Ps 4:6 41:12 Isa 59:2
经文:创世记 17:19-17:19 注释:
* Sarah.
21 18:10-14 21:2,3,6 2Ki 4:16,17 Lu 1:13-20 Ro 9:6-9 Ga 4:28-31
* Isaac.
{Yitzchak,} which we change into Isaac, signifies laughter; in
allusion to Abraham's laughing, ver. 17. By this Abraham did
not express his unbelief or weakness of faith, but his joy at
the prospect of the fulfilment of so glorious a promise; and
to this our Lord evidently alludes, Joh 8:56.
经文:创世记 17:20-17:20 注释:
* I have blessed.
* twelve.
* and I.
经文:创世记 17:21-17:21 注释:
* my.
21:10-12 26:2-5 46:1 48:15 Ex 2:24 3:6 Lu 1:55,72 Ro 9:5,6,9
Ga 3:29 Heb 11:9
* at.
18:10 21:2,3 Job 14:13 Ac 1:7
经文:创世记 17:22-17:22 注释:
3 18:33 35:9-15 Ex 20:22 Nu 12:6-8 De 5:4 Jud 6:21 13:20
Joh 1:18 10:30
经文:创世记 17:23-17:23 注释:
* circumcised.
10-14,26,27 18:19 34:24 Jos 5:2-9 Ps 119:60 Pr 27:1 Ec 9:10
Ac 16:3 Ro 2:25-29 4:9-12 1Co 7:18,19 Ga 5:6 6:15
经文:创世记 17:24-17:24 注释:
1,17 12:4 Ro 4:11,19,20
经文:创世记 17:25-17:25 注释:
Not only the Jews, but the Arabs, who are the descendants of
Ishmael, retain the rite of circumcision to this day; and the
latter perform it, as the other Mahometanus also do, at the
age of thirteen.
经文:创世记 17:26-17:26 注释:
12:4 22:3,4 Ps 119:60
经文:创世记 17:27-17:27 注释:
* circumcised.
经文:创世记 18:1-18:1 注释:
1; The Lord appears to Abraham, who entertains angels.
9; Sarah is reproved for laughing at the promise of a son.
16; The destruction of Sodom is revealed to Abraham.
23; Abraham makes intercession for the inhabitants.
* appeared.
15:1 17:1-3,22 26:2 48:3 Ex 4:1 2Ch 1:7 Ac 7:2
* Mamre.
13:18 14:13
* and he sat.
In these verses we have a delightful picture of genuine and
primitive hospitality: a venerable father sits at the tent
door, not only to enjoy the current of refreshing air, but
that if he saw any weary and exhausted travellers, he might
invite them to rest and refresh themselves during the heat of
the day, and the same custom still continues in the east. It
was not the custom, nor was there any necessity, for strangers
to knock at the door, or to speak first, but to stand till
they were invited.
经文:创世记 18:2-18:2 注释:
* And he.
Jud 13:3,9 Heb 13:2
* three.
22 19:1 Heb 13:2 1Pe 4:9
* he ran.
Ro 12:13
* bowed.
23:7 33:3-7 43:26,28 44:14 Ru 2:10 2Ki 2:15
经文:创世记 18:3-18:3 注释:
* favour.
经文:创世记 18:4-18:4 注释:
* wash your feet.
In those ancient times, shoes such as ours, were not in use;
and the foot was protected only with sandals or soles,
fastened round the foot with straps. It was, therefore, not
only necessary from motives of cleanliness, but also a very
great refreshment, in so hot a country, to get the feet washed
at the end of a day's journey; and this is the first thing
that Abraham proposes.
19:2 24:32 43:24 1Sa 25:41 Lu 7:44 Joh 13:5-15 1Ti 5:10
* tree.
Rest in the shade was the second requisite for the refreshment
of a weary traveller.
经文:创世记 18:5-18:5 注释:
* And I.
Jud 6:18 13:15 Mt 6:11
* bread.
This was the third requisite, and is introduced in its proper
order; as eating immediately after exertion or fatigue is very
* comfort. Heb. stay.
Jud 19:5 Ps 104:15 Isa 3:1
* are ye come. Heb. ye have passed.
19:8 33:10
经文:创世记 18:6-18:6 注释:
* Make ready quickly. Heb. hasten. three.
Isa 32:8 Mt 13:33 Lu 10:38-40 Ac 16:15 Ro 12:13 Ga 5:13
Heb 13:2 1Pe 4:9
经文:创世记 18:7-18:7 注释:
19:3 Jud 13:15,16 Am 6:4 Mal 1:14 Mt 22:4 Lu 15:23,27,30
经文:创世记 18:8-18:8 注释:
* he took.
19:3 De 32:14 Jud 5:25
* stood.
Ne 12:44 Lu 12:37 17:8 Joh 12:2 Ga 5:13 Re 3:20
* and they.
19:3 Jud 13:15 Lu 24:30,43 Ac 10:41
经文:创世记 18:9-18:9 注释:
* Where.
* in.
24:67 31:33 Tit 2:5
经文:创世记 18:10-18:10 注释:
* he said.
13,14 16:10 22:15,16
* according.
17:21 21:2 2Ki 4:16,17
* lo, Sarah.
17:16,19,21 21:2 Jud 13:3-5 Lu 1:13 Ro 9:8,9 Ga 4:23,28
经文:创世记 18:11-18:11 注释:
* old.
17:17,24 Lu 1:7,18,36 Ro 4:18-21 Heb 11:11,12,19
* the.
31:35 Le 15:19
经文:创世记 18:12-18:12 注释:
* laughed.
13 17:17 21:6,7 Ps 126:2 Lu 1:18-20,34,35 Heb 11:11,12
* my.
Eph 5:33 1Pe 3:6
经文:创世记 18:13-18:13 注释:
* Wherefore.
Joh 2:25
经文:创世记 18:14-18:14 注释:
* Is.
Nu 11:23 De 7:21 1Sa 14:6 2Ki 7:1,2 Job 36:5 42:2 Ps 93:1 95:3
Jer 32:17 Mic 7:18 Zec 8:6 Mt 3:9 14:31 19:26 Mr 10:27
Lu 1:13,37 8:50 Eph 3:20 Php 3:21 4:13 Heb 11:19
* I will.
10 17:21 De 30:3 2Ki 4:16 Ps 90:13 Mic 7:18 Lu 1:13,18
经文:创世记 18:15-18:15 注释:
* denied.
4:9 12:13 Job 2:10 Pr 28:13 Joh 18:17,25-27 Eph 4:23 Col 3:9
1Jo 1:8
* Nay.
Ps 44:21 Pr 12:19 Mr 2:8 Joh 2:25 Ro 3:19
经文:创世记 18:16-18:16 注释:
* to bring.
Ac 15:3 20:38 21:5 Ro 15:24 3Jo 1:6
经文:创世记 18:17-18:17 注释:
2Ki 4:27 2Ch 20:7 Ps 25:14 Am 3:7 Joh 15:15 Jas 2:23
经文:创世记 18:18-18:18 注释:
* become.
12:2,3 22:17,18 26:4 Ps 72:17 Ac 3:25,26 Ga 3:8,14 Eph 1:3
经文:创世记 18:19-18:19 注释:
* For I.
2Sa 7:20 Ps 1:6 11:4 34:15 Joh 10:14 21:17 2Ti 2:19
* command.
17:23-27 De 4:9,10 6:6,7 11:19-21 32:46 Jos 24:15 1Ch 28:9
Job 1:5 Ps 78:2-9 Pr 6:20-22 22:6 Isa 38:19 Eph 6:4 1Ti 3:4
1Ti 3:5,12 2Ti 1:5 3:15
* that the.
1Sa 2:30,31 Ac 27:23,24,31
经文:创世记 18:20-18:20 注释:
* the cry.
4:10 19:13 Isa 3:9 5:7 Jer 14:7 Jas 5:4
* sin.
经文:创世记 18:21-18:21 注释:
* I will go down.
This is spoken figuratively; and as the Jewish writers speak,
according to the language of men. So eyes, ears, hands, and
other members of the body are attributed to God, for effecting
those things which men cannot accomplish without these
11:5,7 Ex 3:8 33:5 Mic 1:3 Joh 6:38 1Th 4:16
* see.
Job 34:22 Ps 90:8 Jer 17:1,10 Zep 1:12 Heb 4:13
* I will know.
Ex 33:5 De 8:2 13:3 Jos 22:22 Ps 139:1-24 Lu 16:15 2Co 11:11
经文:创世记 18:22-18:22 注释:
* the men.
2 19:1
* stood.
The two, whom we suppose to have been created angels, departed
at this time; and accordingly two entered Sodom at evening:
while the one, called Jehovah throughout the chapter,
continued with Abraham, who "stood yet before the Lord."
1 Ps 106:23 Jer 15:1 18:20 Eze 22:30 Ac 7:55 1Ti 2:1
经文:创世记 18:23-18:23 注释:
* drew.
Ps 73:28 Jer 30:21 Heb 10:22 Jas 5:17
* Wilt.
25 20:4 Nu 16:22 2Sa 24:17 Job 8:3 34:17 Ps 11:4-7 Ro 3:5,6
经文:创世记 18:24-18:24 注释:
* there.
32 Isa 1:9 Jer 5:1 Mt 7:13,14
* spare.
Ac 27:24
经文:创世记 18:25-18:25 注释:
* be far.
Jer 12:1
* that the.
Job 8:20 9:22,23 Ec 7:15 8:12,13 Isa 3:10,11 57:1,2 Mal 3:18
* Shall.
De 32:4 Job 8:3 34:17-19 Ps 11:5-7 58:11 94:2 98:9 Ro 3:6
* Judge.
Joh 5:22-27 2Co 5:10
经文:创世记 18:26-18:26 注释:
Isa 6:13 10:22 19:24 65:8 Jer 5:1 Eze 22:30 Mt 24:22
经文:创世记 18:27-18:27 注释:
* I have.
30-32 Ezr 9:6 Job 42:6-8 Isa 6:5 Lu 18:1
* dust.
2:7 3:19 Job 4:19 Ps 8:4 144:3 Ec 12:7 Isa 6:5 64:8 Lu 5:8
1Co 15:47,48 2Co 5:1,2
经文:创世记 18:28-18:28 注释:
* wilt.
Nu 14:17-19 1Ki 20:32,33 Job 23:3,4
* If I.
经文:创世记 18:29-18:29 注释:
Eph 6:18 Heb 4:16
经文:创世记 18:30-18:30 注释:
44:18 Jud 6:39 Es 4:11-16 Job 40:4 Ps 9:12 10:17 89:7 Isa 6:5
Isa 55:8,9 Heb 12:28,29
经文:创世记 18:31-18:31 注释:
27 Mt 7:7,11 Lu 11:8 18:1 Eph 6:18 Heb 4:16 10:20-22
经文:创世记 18:32-18:32 注释:
* Oh.
30 Jud 6:39 Pr 15:8 Isa 42:6,7 Jas 5:15-17 1Jo 5:15,16
* I will not.
Ex 32:9,10,14 33:13,14 34:6,7,9,10 Nu 14:11-20 Job 33:23
Ps 86:5 Isa 65:8 Mic 7:18 Mt 7:7 Eph 3:20 Jas 5:16
经文:创世记 18:33-18:33 注释:
* And the.
16,22 32:26
* and Abraham.
经文:创世记 19:1-19:1 注释:
1; Lot entertains two angels.
4; The vicious Sodomites are smitten with blindness.
12; Lot is warned, and in vain warns his sons-in-law.
15; He is directed to flee with his family to the mountains, but
obtains leave to go into Zoar.
24; Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed.
26; Lot's wife becomes a pillar of salt.
29; Lot dwells in a cave.
31; The incestuous origin of Moab and Ammon.
And there came two angels. Or, rather, "the two angels came,"
referring to those mentioned in the preceding chapter, and
there called "men." It seems, (from ch. 18, ver. 22,) that
these two angels were sent to Sodom, while the third, who was
the Lord or Jehovah, remained with Abraham.
* rose.
18:1-5 Job 31:32 Heb 13:2
* bowed.
经文:创世记 19:2-19:2 注释:
* turn.
Heb 13:2
* wash.
* Nay.
Instead of lo, nay, some MSS. have lo, to him. "And they said
unto him, for we lodge in the street;" where, nevertheless,
the negation is understood. Knowing the disposition of the
inhabitants, and appearing in the character of mere
travellers, they preferred the open street to any house; but
not yet willing to make themselves known, as Lot pressed them
vehemently, and as they knew him to be a righteous man, they
consented to take shelter under his hospitable roof.
Jud 19:17-21 Lu 24:28,29 Ac 16:15
经文:创世记 19:3-19:3 注释:
* pressed.
2Ki 4:8 Lu 11:8 14:23 24:28,29 2Co 5:14
* a feast.
18:6-8 21:8 Lu 5:29 Joh 12:2 Heb 13:2
* unleavened.
18:6 Ex 12:15,39 Jud 6:19 1Sa 28:24 1Co 5:8
经文:创世记 19:4-19:4 注释:
* But.
Pr 4:16 6:18 Mic 7:3 Ro 3:15
* all.
13:13 18:20 Ex 16:2 23:2 Jer 5:1-6,31 Mt 27:20-25
经文:创世记 19:5-19:5 注释:
Le 18:22 20:13 Jud 19:22 Isa 1:9 3:9 Jer 3:3 6:15 Eze 16:49,51
Mt 11:23,24 Ro 1:23,24,26,27 1Co 6:9 1Ti 1:10 2Ti 3:13 Jude 1:7
经文:创世记 19:6-19:6 注释:
* Lot.
Jud 19:23
* door.
Two words are here used for door: the first {pethach,} which
is the door-way, at which Lot went out; the latter, {deleth,}
the leaf of the door, which he shut after him when out.
经文:创世记 19:7-19:7 注释:
4 Le 18:22 20:13 De 23:17 Jud 19:23 1Sa 30:23,24 Ac 17:26
Ro 1:24 1Co 6:9-11 Jude 1:7
经文:创世记 19:8-19:8 注释:
* I have.
Ex 32:22
* let.
31-38 42:37 Jud 19:24 Mr 9:6 Ro 3:8
* therefore.
18:5 Jud 9:15 Isa 58:7
经文:创世记 19:9-19:9 注释:
* Stand.
1Sa 17:44 25:17 Pr 9:7,8 Isa 65:5 Jer 3:3 6:15 8:12 Mt 7:6
* This.
13:12 Ex 2:14 Ac 7:26-28 2Pe 2:7,8
* pressed.
11:6 1Sa 2:16 Pr 14:16 17:12 27:3 Ec 9:3 10:13 Da 3:19-22
经文:创世记 19:10-19:10 注释:
经文:创世记 19:11-19:11 注释:
* with blindness.
The word {sanverim,} rendered "blindness," and which occurs
only here, and in 2; Ki 6:18, is supposed to denote dazzlings,
deceptions, or confusions of sight from excessive light; being
derived by Schultens, who is followed by Parkhurst, from the
Arabic {sana,} to pour forth, diffuse, and nor, light. Dr.
Geddes, to the same purpose, thinks it is compounded of the
Arabic {sana,} which signifies a flash, and or, light. The
Targums, in both places where it occurs, render it by
eruptions, or flashes of light, or as Mercer, in Robertson,
explains the Chaldee word, irradiations.
2Ki 6:18 Ac 13:11
* that they.
Ec 10:15 Isa 57:10 Jer 2:36
经文:创世记 19:12-19:12 注释:
* Hast.
7:1 Nu 16:26 Jos 6:22,23 Jer 32:39 2Pe 2:7,9
* son.
14,17,22 Re 18:4
经文:创世记 19:13-19:13 注释:
* cry.
13:13 18:20 Jas 5:4
* Lord hath.
1Ch 21:15,16 Ps 11:5,6 Isa 3:11 36:10 37:36 Eze 9:5,6
Mt 13:41,42,49,50 Ac 12:23 Ro 3:8,9 Jude 1:7 Re 16:1-12
经文:创世记 19:14-19:14 注释:
* which.
Mt 1:18
* Up.
17,22 Nu 16:21,26,45 Jer 51:6 Lu 9:42 Re 18:4-8
* as one.
Ex 9:21 12:31 2Ch 30:10 36:16 Pr 29:1 Isa 28:22 Jer 5:12-14
Jer 20:7 Eze 20:49 Mt 9:24 Lu 17:28-30 24:11 Ac 17:32 1Th 5:3
经文:创世记 19:15-19:15 注释:
* hastened.
17,22 Nu 16:24-27 Pr 6:4,5 Lu 13:24,25 2Co 6:2 Heb 3:7,8
Re 18:4
* are here. Heb. are found. iniquity. or, punishment.
经文:创世记 19:16-19:16 注释:
* lingered.
Ps 119:60 Joh 6:44
* the Lord.
Ex 34:6 Nu 14:18 De 4:31 1Ch 16:34 Ps 34:12 86:5,15 103:8-10
Ps 103:13 106:1,8 107:1 111:4 118:1 136:1 Isa 63:9 La 3:22
Mic 7:18,19 Lu 6:35,36 18:13 Ro 9:15,16,18 2Co 1:3 Eph 2:4,5
Tit 3:5
* brought.
Jos 6:22 2Pe 2:9
经文:创世记 19:17-19:17 注释:
* he said.
* Escape.
14,15,22 1Sa 19:11 1Ki 19:3 Ps 121:1 Mt 3:7 24:16-18 Heb 2:3
* look.
26 Lu 9:62 17:31,32 Php 3:13,14
经文:创世记 19:18-19:18 注释:
32:26 2Ki 5:11,12 Isa 45:11 Joh 13:6-8 Ac 9:13 10:14
经文:创世记 19:19-19:19 注释:
* and thou.
Ps 18:1-50 40:1-17 103:1-22 106:1-107:43 116:1-19 1Ti 1:14-16
* lest some.
12:13 De 31:17 1Sa 27:1 1Ki 9:9 Ps 77:7-11 116:11 Mt 8:25,26
Mr 9:19 Ro 8:31
经文:创世记 19:20-19:20 注释:
* this.
30 Pr 3:5-7 Am 3:6
* and my.
12:13 Ps 119:175 Isa 55:3
经文:创世记 19:21-19:21 注释:
* See, I.
4:7 Job 42:8,9 Ps 34:15 102:17 145:19 Jer 14:10 Mt 12:20
Lu 11:8 Heb 2:17 4:15,16
* thee. Heb. thy face. that.
12:2 18:24
经文:创世记 19:22-19:22 注释:
* for.
32:25-28 Ex 32:10 De 9:14 Ps 91:1-10 Isa 65:8 Mr 6:5 2Ti 2:13
Tit 1:2
* called.
13:10 14:2 Isa 15:5 Jer 48:34
* Zoar. i.e., little.
经文:创世记 19:23-19:23 注释:
* risen. Heb. gone forth.
经文:创世记 19:24-19:24 注释:
* the Lord.
De 29:23 Job 18:15 Ps 11:6 Isa 1:9 13:19 Jer 20:16 49:18 50:40
La 4:6 Eze 16:49,50 Ho 11:8 Am 4:11 Zep 2:9 Mt 11:23,24
Lu 17:28,29 2Pe 2:6 Jude 1:7
* brimstone.
The word rendered "brimstone," (q.d. brennestone, or
brinnestone, {id est} burning-stone,) is always rendered by
the LXX. "sulphur," and seems to denote a meteorous
inflammable matter.
经文:创世记 19:25-19:25 注释:
13:10 14:3 Ps 107:34
经文:创世记 19:26-19:26 注释:
* looked.
This unhappy woman, says the Rev. T. Scott, "looked back,"
contrary to God's express command, perhaps with a hope of
returning, which latter supposition is favoured by our Lord's
words, "Let him not return back: remember Lot's wife." She
was, therefore, instantaneously struck dead and petrified, and
thus remained to after ages a visible monument of the Divine
17 Pr 14:14 Lu 17:31,32 Heb 10:38
* and.
Nu 16:38
经文:创世记 19:27-19:27 注释:
* early.
Ps 5:3
* to the.
18:22-33 Eze 16:49,50 Hab 2:1 Heb 2:1
经文:创世记 19:28-19:28 注释:
Ps 107:34 2Pe 2:7 Jude 1:7 Re 14:10,11 18:9,18 19:3 21:8
经文:创世记 19:29-19:29 注释:
* that God.
8:1 12:2 18:23-33 30:22 De 9:5 Ne 13:14,22 Ps 25:7 105:8,42
Ps 106:4 136:23 145:20 Eze 36:31,32 Ho 11:8
经文:创世记 19:30-19:30 注释:
* Lot.
* for he.
49:4 Jer 2:36,37 Jas 1:8
* Zoar.
13:10 14:22 De 34:3 Isa 15:5 Jer 48:34
经文:创世记 19:31-19:31 注释:
* not.
28 Mr 9:6
* to come.
4:1 6:4 16:2,4 38:8,9,14-30 De 25:5 Isa 4:1
经文:创世记 19:32-19:32 注释:
* Come.
* drink.
9:21 Pr 23:31-33 Hab 2:15,16
* seed.
Le 18:6,7 Mr 12:19
经文:创世记 19:33-19:33 注释:
* drink.
Le 18:6,7 Pr 20:1 23:29-35 Hab 2:15,16
经文:创世记 19:34-19:34 注释:
Isa 3:9 Jer 3:3 5:3 6:15 8:12
经文:创世记 19:35-19:35 注释:
Ps 8:4 Pr 24:16 Ec 7:26 Lu 21:34 1Co 10:11,12 1Pe 4:7
经文:创世记 19:36-19:36 注释:
8 Le 18:6,7 Jud 1:7 1Sa 15:33 Hab 2:15 Mt 7:2
经文:创世记 19:37-19:37 注释:
* A.M. 2108. B.C. 1896. Moab.
This name is generally interpreted of the father; from {mo,}
of, and {av,} a father.
* Moabites.
Nu 21:29 22:1-41 24:1-25 De 2:9,19 23:3 Jud 3:1-31 Ru 4:10
2Sa 8:1-18 2Ki 3:1-27
经文:创世记 19:38-19:38 注释:
* Ben-ammi.
i.e., Son of my people, from {ben,} a son, and {ammi,} my
* children.
De 2:9,19 23:3 Jud 10:6-18 11:1-40 1Sa 11:1-15 2Sa 10:1-19
Ne 13:1-3,23-28 Ps 83:4-8 Isa 11:14 Zep 2:9
经文:创世记 20:1-20:1 注释:
1; Abraham sojourns at Gerar.
2; Denies his wife, who is taken by Abimelech.
3; Abimelech is reproved for her in a dream.
9; He rebukes Abraham.
14; Restores Sarah;
16; and reproves her.
17; Abimelech and his family are healed at Abraham's prayer.
* A.M. cir. 2107. B.C. cir. 1897. from.
13:1 18:1 24:62
* Kadesh.
14:7 16:1,7,14 Nu 13:26 20:16 De 1:19 32:51 1Sa 15:7 Ps 29:8
* Gerar.
Gerar was a city of Arabia Petr(9161), under a king of the
Philistines, 25; miles from Eleutheropolis beyond Daroma, in
the south of Judah. From ch. 10:19, it appears to have been
situated in the angle where the south and west sides of Canaan
met, and to have been not far from Gaza. Jerome, in his
Hebrew Traditions on Genesis, says, from Gerar to Jerusalem
was three days' journey. There was a wood near Gerar, spoken
of by Theodoret; and a brook, (ch. 26:26,) on which was a
monastery, noticed by Sozomen.
10:19 26:1,6,20,26 2Ch 14:13,14
经文:创世记 20:2-20:2 注释:
* said.
12:11-13 26:7 2Ch 19:2 20:37 32:31 Pr 24:16 Ec 7:20 Ga 2:11,12
Eph 4:25 Col 3:9
* Abimelech.
12:15 26:1,16
经文:创世记 20:3-20:3 注释:
* a dream.
28:12 31:24 37:5,9 40:8 41:1-36 Job 4:12,13 33:15 Mt 1:20
Mt 2:12,13 27:19
* a dead.
7 Ps 105:14 Eze 33:14,15 Jon 3:4
* a man's wife. Heb. married to an husband.
经文:创世记 20:4-20:4 注释:
* had.
* wilt.
17,18 18:23-25 19:24 2Sa 4:11 1Ch 21:17
经文:创世记 20:5-20:5 注释:
* in the integrity. or, simplicity, or sincerity.
Jos 22:22 1Ki 9:4 2Ki 20:3 1Ch 29:17 Ps 7:8 25:21 78:72
Pr 11:3 20:7 2Co 1:12 1Th 2:10 1Ti 1:13
* and innocency.
Job 33:9 Ps 24:4 26:6 73:13 Da 6:22
经文:创世记 20:6-20:6 注释:
* withheld.
18 31:7 35:5 Ex 34:24 1Sa 25:26,34 Ps 84:11 Pr 21:1 Ho 2:6,7
* sinning.
39:9 Le 6:2 Ps 51:4 81:12 2Th 2:7,11
* to touch.
3:3 26:11 1Co 7:1 2Co 6:17
经文:创世记 20:7-20:7 注释:
* a prophet.
The word {navi,} rendered a prophet, not only signifies one
who foretell future events, but also an intercessor,
instructor. See 1; Sa ch. 10.
1Ki 18:1-46 1Co 14:4
The title was also given to men eminent for eloquence and
literary abilities: hence Aaron, because he was the spokesman
of Moses to the Egyptian king, is called a prophet.
Ex 4:16 7:1 12:1-3 18:17 7:1 1Ch 16:22 Ps 25:14 105:9-15
Heb 1:1
* pray.
Le 6:4,7 1Sa 7:5,8 12:19,23 2Sa 24:17 1Ki 13:6 2Ki 5:11 19:2-4
Job 42:8 Jer 14:11 15:1 27:18 Jas 5:14-16 1Jo 5:16 Re 11:5,6
* surely.
18 2:17 12:17 Job 34:19 Ps 105:14 Eze 3:18 33:8,14-16 Heb 13:4
* all.
12:15 Nu 16:32,33 2Sa 24:17
经文:创世记 20:8-20:8 注释:
经文:创世记 20:9-20:9 注释:
* What hast.
12:18 26:10 Ex 32:21,35 Jos 7:25 1Sa 26:18,19 Pr 28:10
* a great.
38:24 39:9 Le 20:10 2Sa 12:5,10,11 Ro 2:11 Heb 13:4
* ought.
34:7 2Sa 13:12 Tit 1:11
经文:创世记 20:10-20:10 注释:
经文:创世记 20:11-20:11 注释:
* Surely.
22:12 42:18 Ne 5:15 Job 1:1 28:28 Ps 14:4 36:1-4 Pr 1:7 2:5
Pr 8:13 16:6 Ro 3:18
* slay.
12:12 26:7
经文:创世记 20:12-20:12 注释:
* And yet.
11:29 12:13 1Th 5:22
* she is the.
Ebn Batrik, in his annals, among other ancient traditions, has
preserved the following: "Terah first married Yona, by whom
he had Abraham; afterwards he married Tehevita, by whom he had
经文:创世记 20:13-20:13 注释:
* God.
12:1,9,11-20 Ac 7:3-5 Heb 11:8
* This.
1Sa 23:21 Ps 64:5 Ac 5:9
* say.
经文:创世记 20:14-20:14 注释:
* took.
11 12:16
* restored.
2,7 12:19,20
经文:创世记 20:15-20:15 注释:
* my land.
13:9 34:10 47:6
* where it pleaseth thee. Heb. as is good in thine eyes.
经文:创世记 20:16-20:16 注释:
* thy.
5 Pr 27:5
* thousand.
What these pieces were is not certain; but it is probable they
were shekels, as it is so understood by the Targum; and the
LXX. render it {didrachma,} by which the Hebrew shekel is
rendered in ch. 23:15, 16.
* behold.
Or, "behold IT (the 1,000; shekels) is to thee," etc.
* a covering.
* thus.
1Ch 21:3-6 Pr 9:8,9 12:1 25:12 27:5 Jon 1:6 Re 3:19
经文:创世记 20:17-20:17 注释:
7 29:31 1Sa 5:11,12 Ezr 6:10 Job 42:9,10 Pr 15:8,29 Isa 45:11
Mt 7:7 21:22 Ac 3:24 Php 4:6 1Th 5:25 Jas 5:16
经文:创世记 20:18-20:18 注释:
7 12:17 16:2 30:2 1Sa 1:6 5:10
经文:创世记 21:1-21:1 注释:
1; Isaac is born, and circumcised.
6; Sarah's joy.
8; Isaac is weaned.
9; Hagar and Ishmael are cast forth.
15; Hagar in distress.
17; The angel relieves and comforts her.
23; Abimelech's covenant with Abraham at Beer-sheba.
* visited.
50:24 Ex 3:16 4:31 20:5 Ru 1:6 1Sa 2:21 Ps 106:4 Lu 1:68 19:44
Ro 4:17-20
* Sarah as.
17:19 18:10,14 Ps 12:6 Mt 24:35 Ga 4:23,28 Tit 1:2
经文:创世记 21:2-21:2 注释:
* conceived.
2Ki 4:16,17 Lu 1:24,25,36 Ac 7:8 Ga 4:22 Heb 11:11
* at the set.
17:19,21 18:10,14 Ro 9:9
经文:创世记 21:3-21:3 注释:
6,12 17:19 22:2 Jos 24:3 Mt 1:2 Ac 7:8 Ro 9:7 Heb 11:18
经文:创世记 21:4-21:4 注释:
17:10-12 Ex 12:48 Le 12:3 De 12:32 Lu 1:6,59 2:21 Joh 7:22,23
Ac 7:8
经文:创世记 21:5-21:5 注释:
17:1,17 Ro 4:19
经文:创世记 21:6-21:6 注释:
* God.
17:17 18:12-15 1Sa 1:26-28 2:1-10 Ps 113:9 126:2 Isa 49:15,21
Isa 54:1 Lu 1:46-55 Joh 16:21,22 Ga 4:27,28 Heb 11:11
* to laugh.
Sarah most likely remembered the circumstance mentioned in ch.
18:12; and also the name Isaac, which implies laughter.
* will laugh.
Lu 1:14,58 Ro 12:15
经文:创世记 21:7-21:7 注释:
* Who.
Nu 23:23 De 4:32-34 Ps 86:8,10 Isa 49:21 66:8 Eph 3:10
2Th 1:10
* for I.
经文:创世记 21:8-21:8 注释:
* A.M. 2111. B.C. 1893. and was.
1Sa 1:22 Ps 131:2 Ho 1:8
* feast.
19:3 26:30 29:22 40:20 Jud 14:10,12 1Sa 25:36 2Sa 3:20
1Ki 3:15 Es 1:3
经文:创世记 21:9-21:9 注释:
* Sarah.
16:3-6,15 17:20
* Egyptian.
* mocking.
2Ki 2:23,24 2Ch 30:10 36:16 Ne 4:1-5 Job 30:1 Ps 22:6 42:10
Ps 44:13,14 Pr 20:11 La 1:7 Ga 4:22,29 Heb 11:36
经文:创世记 21:10-21:10 注释:
* Cast out.
The word rendered "cast out," signifies also to divorce. See
Le 21:7. In this latter sense, it may be understood here.
25:6,19 17:19,21 20:11 22:10 36:6,7 Mt 8:11,12 22:13 Joh 8:35
Ga 4:22-31 1Jo 2:19
* heir.
Joh 8:35 Ga 3:18 4:7 1Pe 1:4 1Jo 2:19
经文:创世记 21:11-21:11 注释:
* because.
17:18 22:1,2 2Sa 18:33 Mt 10:37 Heb 12:11
经文:创世记 21:12-21:12 注释:
* hearken.
1Sa 8:7,9 Isa 46:10
* in Isaac.
17:19,21 Ro 9:7,8 Heb 11:18
经文:创世记 21:13-21:13 注释:
18 16:10 17:20 25:12-18
经文:创世记 21:14-21:14 注释:
* A.M. 2112. B.C. 1892. rose up.
19:27 22:3 24:54 26:31 Ps 119:60 Pr 27:14 Ec 9:10
* took.
25:6 36:6,7
* child.
Or, youth, (see ver. 12, 20,) as Ishmael was now 16; or 17
years of age.
* sent.
Joh 8:35
* wandered.
16:7 37:15 Ps 107:4 Isa 16:8 Ga 4:23-25
* Beer-sheba.
So called when Moses wrote; but not before Abraham's covenant
with Abimelech, ver. 31. Such instances of the figure
prolepsis are not infrequent in the Pentateuch.
33 22:19 26:33 46:1 1Ki 19:3
经文:创世记 21:15-21:15 注释:
* the water.
14 Ex 15:22-25 17:1-3 2Ki 3:9 Ps 63:1 Isa 44:12 Jer 14:3
* and she cast the child.
Or, "and she sent the lad," to screen him from the intensity
of the heat.
经文:创世记 21:16-21:16 注释:
* Let.
44:34 1Ki 3:26 Es 8:6 Isa 49:15 Zec 12:10 Lu 15:20
* lift.
27:38 29:11 Jud 2:4 Ru 1:9 1Sa 24:16 30:4
经文:创世记 21:17-21:17 注释:
* heard.
16:11 Ex 3:7 22:23,27 2Ki 13:4,23 Ps 50:15 65:2 91:15 Mt 15:32
* the angel.
* What.
Jud 18:23 1Sa 11:5 Isa 22:1
* fear.
15:1 46:3 Ex 14:13 Ps 107:4-6 Isa 41:10,13,14 43:1,2 Mr 5:36
经文:创世记 21:18-21:18 注释:
* I will.
13 16:10 17:20 25:12-18 1Ch 1:29-31
经文:创世记 21:19-21:19 注释:
Nu 22:31 2Ki 6:17-20 Isa 35:5,6 Lu 24:16-31
经文:创世记 21:20-21:20 注释:
* God.
17:20 28:15 39:2,3,21 Jud 6:12 13:24,25 Lu 1:80 2:40
* an archer.
10:9 16:12 25:27 27:3 49:23,24
经文:创世记 21:21-21:21 注释:
* in the.
Nu 10:12 12:16 13:3,26 1Sa 25:1
* a wife.
24:3,4 26:34,35 27:46 28:1,2 Jud 14:2 1Co 7:38
经文:创世记 21:22-21:22 注释:
* A.M. 2118. B.C. 1886. Abimelech.
20:2 26:26
* God.
20:17 26:28 28:15 30:27 39:2,3 Jos 3:7 2Ch 1:1 Isa 8:10 45:14
Zec 8:23 Mt 1:23 Ro 8:31 1Co 14:25 Heb 13:5 Re 3:9
经文:创世记 21:23-21:23 注释:
* swear.
14:22,23 24:3 26:28 31:44,53 De 6:13 Jos 2:12 1Sa 20:13,17,42
1Sa 24:21,22 30:15 Jer 4:2 2Co 1:23 Heb 6:16
* that thou wilt not deal falsely with me. Heb. if thou shalt
lie unto me. I have.
经文:创世记 21:24-21:24 注释:
14:13 Ro 12:18 Heb 6:16
经文:创世记 21:25-21:25 注释:
* reproved.
26:15-22 29:8 Ex 2:15-17 Jud 1:15 Pr 17:10 25:9 27:5 Mt 18:15
* because.
Wells of water were of great consequence in those hot
countries, especially where the flocks were numerous; because
water was scarce, and digging to find it was attended with the
expense of much time and labour.
* servants.
13:7 26:15-22 Ex 2:16,17
经文:创世记 21:26-21:26 注释:
* I wot.
"Wot," though used for the present, is the past tense of the
almost obsolete word "to wit," from the Saxon {witan,} to
13:7 2Ki 5:20-24
经文:创世记 21:27-21:27 注释:
* took.
14:22,23 Pr 17:8 18:16,24 21:14 Isa 32:8
* made.
26:28-31 31:44 1Sa 18:3 Eze 17:13 Ro 1:31 Ga 3:15
经文:创世记 21:28-21:28 注释:
经文:创世记 21:29-21:29 注释:
33:8 Ex 12:26 1Sa 15:14
经文:创世记 21:30-21:30 注释:
* a witness.
31:44-48,52 Jos 22:27,28 24:27
经文:创世记 21:31-21:31 注释:
* called.
* Beer-sheba.
i.e., The well of the oath, or the well of the seven: alluding
to the seven ewe lambs. The verb rendered "to swear" is
derived from the word translated seven.
14 26:23 Jos 15:28 Jud 20:1 2Sa 17:11 1Ki 4:25
经文:创世记 21:32-21:32 注释:
27 14:13 31:53 1Sa 18:3
* the Philistines.
10:14 26:8,14 Ex 13:17 Jud 13:1
经文:创世记 21:33-21:33 注释:
* grove. or, tree.
Am 8:14
The original word {eshel,} has been variously translated a
grove, a plantation, an orchard, a cultivated field, and an
oak; but it may denote a kind of tamarisk, as it is rendered
by Gesenius, the same with the Arabic {athl.}
* Beer-sheba.
De 16:21 Jud 3:7
* called.
4:26 12:8 26:23,25,33
* on the name.
Dr. Shuckford justly contends, that the expression rendered,
"he called on the name," signifies "he invoked in the name."
* everlasting.
De 33:27 Ps 90:2 Isa 40:28 57:15 Jer 10:10 Ro 1:20 16:26
1Ti 1:17
经文:创世记 21:34-21:34 注释:
20:1 1Ch 29:15 Ps 39:12 Heb 11:9,13 1Pe 2:11
经文:创世记 22:1-22:1 注释:
1; Abraham is tempted to offer Isaac.
3; He gives proof of his faith and obedience.
11; The angel prevents him.
13; Isaac is exchanged for a ram.
14; The place is called Jehovah-jireh.
15; Abraham is again blessed.
20; The generations of Nahor unto Rebekah.
* A.M. 2132. B.C. 1872. Jos. Ant. God.
Ex 15:25,26 16:4 De 8:2 13:3 Jud 2:22 2Sa 24:1 2Ch 32:31
Pr 17:3 1Co 10:13 Heb 11:17 Jas 1:12-14 2:21 1Pe 1:7
* tempt.
Or prove, or try, as tempt, from tento, originally signified.
* Behold, here I am. Heb. Behold me.
7,11 Ex 3:4 Isa 6:8
经文:创世记 22:2-22:2 注释:
* Take.
17:19 21:12 Joh 3:16 Ro 5:8 8:32 Heb 11:17 1Jo 4:9,10
* Moriah.
2Ch 3:1
* and offer.
Jud 11:31,39 2Ki 3:27 Mic 6:7
经文:创世记 22:3-22:3 注释:
17:23 21:14 Ps 119:60 Ec 9:10 Isa 26:3,4 Mt 10:37 Mr 10:28-31
Lu 14:26 Ga 1:16 Heb 11:8,17-19
经文:创世记 22:4-22:4 注释:
* third.
Ex 5:3 15:22 19:11,15 Le 7:17 Nu 10:33 19:12,19 31:19 Jos 1:11
2Ki 20:5 Es 5:1 Ho 6:2 Mt 17:23 Lu 13:32 1Co 15:4
* saw.
1Sa 26:13
经文:创世记 22:5-22:5 注释:
* Abide.
Heb 12:1
* come.
Heb 11:19
经文:创世记 22:6-22:6 注释:
* laid it.
Isa 53:6 Mt 8:17 Lu 24:26,27 Joh 19:17 1Pe 2:24
经文:创世记 22:7-22:7 注释:
* My father.
Mt 26:39,42 Joh 18:11 Ro 8:15
* Here am I. Heb. Behold me.
* but.
4:2-4 8:20
* lamb. or, kid.
Ex 12:3
经文:创世记 22:8-22:8 注释:
18:14 2Ch 25:9 Mt 19:26 Joh 1:29,36 1Pe 1:19,20 Re 5:6,12
Re 7:14 13:8
经文:创世记 22:9-22:9 注释:
* place.
2-4 Mt 21:1-46 26:1-27:66
* built.
* bound.
Ps 118:27 Isa 53:4-10 Mt 27:2 Mr 15:1 Joh 10:17,18 Ac 8:32
Ga 3:13 Eph 5:2 Php 2:7,8 Heb 9:28 1Pe 2:24
经文:创世记 22:10-22:10 注释:
Isa 53:6-12 Heb 11:17-19 Jas 2:21-23
经文:创世记 22:11-22:11 注释:
* angel.
12,16 16:7,9,10 21:17
* Abraham.
1 Ex 3:4 1Sa 3:10 Ac 9:4 26:14
经文:创世记 22:12-22:12 注释:
* Lay.
1Sa 15:22 Job 5:19 Jer 19:5 Mic 6:6-8 1Co 10:13 2Co 8:12
Heb 11:19
* now.
20:11 26:5 42:18 Ex 20:20 1Sa 12:24,25 15:22 Ne 5:15 Job 28:28
Ps 1:6 2:11 25:12,14 111:10 112:1 147:11 Pr 1:7 Ec 8:12,13
Ec 12:13 Jer 32:40 Mal 4:2 Mt 5:16 10:37,38 16:24 19:29
Ac 9:31 Heb 12:28 Jas 2:18,21,22 Re 19:5
* seeing.
Joh 3:16 Ro 5:8 8:32 1Jo 4:9,10
经文:创世记 22:13-22:13 注释:
* behind.
8 Ps 40:6-8 89:19,20 Isa 30:21 1Co 10:13 2Co 1:9,10
* in the.
1Co 5:7,8 1Pe 1:19,20
经文:创世记 22:14-22:14 注释:
* called.
16:13,14 28:19 32:30 Ex 17:15 Jud 6:24 1Sa 7:12 Eze 48:35
* Jehovah-jireh. i.e., The Lord will see, or provide.
8,13 Ex 17:15
* In.
De 32:36 Ps 22:4,5 Da 3:17-25 Mic 4:10 Joh 1:14 2Co 1:8-10
1Ti 3:16
* it shall be seen.
"In the mount of the Lord it shall be provided." The meaning
is, that God, in the greatest difficulties, when all human
assistance is vain, will make a suitable provision for the
deliverance of those who trust in Him.
经文:创世记 22:15-22:15 注释:
经文:创世记 22:16-22:16 注释:
12:2 Ps 105:9 Isa 45:23 Jer 49:13 51:14 Am 6:8 Lu 1:73
Ro 4:13,14 Heb 6:13,14
经文:创世记 22:17-22:17 注释:
* in blessing.
12:2 27:28,29 28:3,14-22 49:25,26 De 28:2-13 Eph 1:3
* I will multiply.
13:16 15:5 17:6 26:4 De 1:10 Jer 33:22
* shore. Heb. lip.
1Ki 9:26
* thy seed.
24:60 Nu 24:17-19 De 21:19 Jos 1:1-10:43 2Sa 8:1-18 10:1-19
Ps 2:8,9 72:8,9 Jer 32:22 Da 2:44,45 Mic 1:9 Lu 1:68-75
1Co 15:57 Re 11:15
经文:创世记 22:18-22:18 注释:
* And in.
12:3 18:18 26:4 Ps 72:17 Ac 3:25 Ro 1:3 Ga 3:8,9,16,18,28,29
Eph 1:3
* obeyed.
3,10 26:5 1Sa 2:30 Jer 7:23 Heb 11:1-40
经文:创世记 22:19-22:19 注释:
* So Abraham.
* to Beer-sheba.
21:31 Jos 15:28 Jud 20:1
经文:创世记 22:20-22:20 注释:
* A.M. 2142. B.C. 1862. told.
Pr 25:25
* Milcah.
11:29 24:15,24
* Nahor.
11:26 24:10,24 31:53
经文:创世记 22:21-22:21 注释:
* Huz.
Job 1:1
* Uz. Buz.
Job 32:2
* Kemuel.
Kemuel might have given name to the Kamilites, a people of
Syria, mentioned by Strabo, to the west of the Euphrates.
* Aram. Syrians.
24:10 Nu 23:7 Ps 60:1 *title
Ps 60:2-12
经文:创世记 22:22-22:22 注释:
经文:创世记 22:23-22:23 注释:
* Bethuel.
24:15,24,47 25:20 28:2,5
* Rebekah.
24:51,60,67 Ro 9:10
* Rebecca.
经文:创世记 22:24-22:24 注释:
* concubine.
16:3 25:6 Pr 15:25
* Maachah.
He may have been the father of the Macetes, in Arabia Felix:
there is a city called Maca towards the straits of Ormus.
经文:创世记 23:1-23:1 注释:
1; The age and death of Sarah.
3; The purchase of the field and cave of Machpelah;
19; where Sarah is buried.
* A.M. 2144. B.C. 1860. Sarah.
It is worthy of remark, that Sarah is the only woman whose
age, death, and burial are distinctly noted in the Sacred
* an.
经文:创世记 23:2-23:2 注释:
* Kirjath-arba.
19 13:18 Nu 13:22 Jos 10:39 14:14,15 20:7 Jud 1:10 1Sa 20:31
2Sa 2:11 5:3,5 1Ch 6:57
* came.
For the convenience of feeding his numerous flocks, Abraham
had several places of temporary residence; and it is likely,
that while he sojourned at Beer-sheba, as we find he did from
ver. 19; of the preceding chapter, Sarah died at Hebron, which
was 24; miles distant.
* mourn.
27:41 50:10 Nu 20:29 De 34:8 1Sa 28:3 2Sa 1:12,17 2Ch 35:25
Jer 22:10,18 Eze 24:16-18 Joh 11:31,35 Ac 8:2
经文:创世记 23:3-23:3 注释:
* Heth.
5,7 10:15 25:10 27:46 49:30 1Sa 26:6 2Sa 23:39
经文:创世记 23:4-23:4 注释:
* stranger.
17:8 47:9 Le 25:23 1Ch 29:15 Ps 39:12 105:12,13 119:19
Heb 11:9,13-16 1Pe 2:11
* buryingplace.
3:19 49:30 50:13 Job 30:23 Ec 6:3 12:5,7 Ac 7:5
* bury.
经文:创世记 23:5-23:5 注释:
经文:创世记 23:6-23:6 注释:
* my lord.
18:12 24:18,35 31:35 32:4,5,18 42:10 44:5,8 Ex 32:22 Ru 2:13
* a mighty prince. Heb. a prince of God.
21:22 Isa 45:14 1Jo 3:1,2
* prince.
13:2 14:14 24:35
经文:创世记 23:7-23:7 注释:
18:2 19:1 Pr 18:24 Ro 12:17,18 Heb 12:14 1Pe 3:8
经文:创世记 23:8-23:8 注释:
* intreat.
1Ki 2:17 Lu 7:3,4 Heb 7:26 1Jo 2:1,2
经文:创世记 23:9-23:9 注释:
* much money. Heb. full money.
Ro 12:17 13:8
经文:创世记 23:10-23:10 注释:
* dwelt.
Or, sitting (as the word frequently denotes) among the
children of Heth, at the gate of the city, where all public
business was transacted. Ephron, though a chief man, might
have been personally unknown to Abraham; but now he answers
for himself, making a free tender of the field and cave to
Abraham, in the presence of all the people, which amounted to
a legal conveyance to the Patriarch.
* audience. Heb. ears. all that.
18 34:20,24 Ru 4:1-4 Job 29:7 Isa 28:6
* his.
24:10 Mt 9:1 Lu 2:3,4
经文:创世记 23:11-23:11 注释:
* my lord.
6 2Sa 24:20-24 1Ch 21:22-24 Isa 32:8
* in the.
18 Nu 35:30 De 17:6 19:15 Ru 4:1,4,9,11 Jer 32:7-12 Lu 19:24
经文:创世记 23:12-23:12 注释:
7 18:2 19:1
经文:创世记 23:13-23:13 注释:
* I will.
14:22,23 2Sa 24:24 Ac 20:35 Ro 13:8 Php 4:5-8 Col 4:5 Heb 13:5
经文:创世记 23:14-23:14 注释:
经文:创世记 23:15-23:15 注释:
* is worth.
Though the words "is worth" are not in the Text, yet they are
clearly implied, to adapt the Hebrew to the English idiom. A
shekel, according to the general opinion, was equal in value
to about 2s. 6d. of our money, but according to Dr. Prideaux,
3s. English. In those early times, money was given in weight;
for it is said (ver. 16.) that "Abraham weighed," {wayishkal,}
the silver; and hence, we find that it was a certain weight
which afterwards passed as a current coin; for the word shekel
is not only used to denote a piece of sliver, but also to
* shekels.
Ex 30:15 Eze 45:12
经文:创世记 23:16-23:16 注释:
* weighed.
43:21 Ezr 8:25-30 Job 28:15 Jer 32:9 Zec 11:12 Mt 7:12 Ro 13:8
Php 4:8 1Th 4:6
* four.
15 Ex 30:13 Eze 45:12
经文:创世记 23:17-23:17 注释:
* the field.
20 25:9 49:30-32 50:13 Ac 7:16
* made sure.
20 Ru 4:7-10 Ps 112:5 Jer 32:7-14 Mt 10:16 Eph 5:15 Col 4:5
经文:创世记 23:18-23:18 注释:
* all.
34:20 Ru 4:1 Jer 32:12
经文:创世记 23:19-23:19 注释:
3:19 25:9,10 35:27-29 47:30 49:29-32 50:13,25 Job 30:23 Ec 6:3
Ec 12:5,7
经文:创世记 23:20-23:20 注释:
* were.
Ru 4:7-10 2Sa 24:24 Jer 32:10,11
* for a.
25:9 49:31,32 50:5,13,24,25 2Ki 21:18
经文:创世记 24:1-24:1 注释:
1; Abraham swears his servant.
10; The servant's journey.
12; His prayer.
14; His sign.
15; Rebekah meets him;
18; fulfils his sign;
22; receives jewels;
23; shows her kindred;
25; and invites him home.
26; The servant blesses God.
29; Laban entertains him.
34; The servant shows his message.
50; Laban and Bethuel approve it.
58; Rebekah consents to go, and departs.
62; Isaac meets and marries her.
* was old.
18:11 21:5 25:20 1Ki 1:1 Lu 1:7
* well stricken in age. Heb. gone into days. blessed.
12:2 13:2 49:25 Ps 112:1-3 Pr 10:22 Isa 51:2 Mt 6:33 Ga 3:9
Eph 1:3 1Ti 4:8
经文:创世记 24:2-24:2 注释:
* eldest.
15:2 1Ti 5:17
* ruled.
10 39:4-6,8,9 44:1
* Put.
9 47:29 1Ch 29:24
经文:创世记 24:3-24:3 注释:
* swear.
21:23 26:28-31 31:44-53 50:25 Ex 20:7 22:11 23:13 Le 19:12
Nu 5:21 De 6:13 10:20 Jos 2:12 1Sa 20:17 Ne 13:25 Isa 45:23
Isa 48:1 65:16 Jer 4:2 12:16 Zep 1:5 Heb 6:16
* the.
14:22 2Ki 19:15 2Ch 2:12 Ne 9:6 Ps 115:15 Jer 10:11
* that.
6:2,4 26:34,35 27:46 28:1,2,8 Ex 34:16 De 7:3,4 1Co 7:39
2Co 6:14-17
经文:创世记 24:4-24:4 注释:
* to my kindred.
11:25-32 12:1,7 22:20-23 28:2
There does not appear in all this concern the least taint of
worldly policy, or any of those motives which usually govern
men in the settlement of their children. No mention is made
of riches, or honours, or natural accomplishments, but merely
of what related to God.--Fuller.
经文:创世记 24:5-24:5 注释:
* Peradventure.
58 Ex 20:7 9:2 Pr 13:16 Jer 4:2
经文:创世记 24:6-24:6 注释:
Ga 5:1 Heb 10:39 11:9,13-16 2Pe 2:20-22
经文:创世记 24:7-24:7 注释:
* Lord.
Ezr 1:2 Da 2:44 Jon 1:9 Re 11:13
* took.
* which spake.
13:15 15:18 17:8 22:16-18 26:3,4,24 Ex 13:5 32:13 Nu 14:16,30
Nu 32:11 De 1:8 34:4 Jos 1:6 Jud 2:1 Ac 7:5 Heb 11:9
* angel.
Ex 23:20-23 33:2 Ps 32:8 34:7 73:24 103:20 Pr 3:5,6 Isa 63:9
Heb 1:14
经文:创世记 24:8-24:8 注释:
* clear.
Nu 30:5,8 Jos 2:17-20 9:20 Joh 8:32
* only.
4,5,6 Ac 7:2
经文:创世记 24:9-24:9 注释:
经文:创世记 24:10-24:10 注释:
* for. or, and. all the.
2 39:4-6,8,9,22,23
* Mesopotamia.
De 23:4 Jud 3:8-10 1Ch 19:6 Ac 2:9
* city.
11:31 27:43 29:1,4,5
经文:创世记 24:11-24:11 注释:
* kneel.
33:13,14 Pr 12:10
* women go out to draw water. Heb. women which draw water go
13-20 Ex 2:16 1Sa 9:11 Joh 4:7
经文:创世记 24:12-24:12 注释:
* O Lord.
27 15:1 17:7,8 26:24 28:13 31:42 32:9 Ex 3:6,15 1Ki 18:36
2Ki 2:14 Mt 22:32
* I pray.
27:10 43:14 Ne 1:11 2:4 Ps 37:5 90:16,17 118:25 122:6 127:1
Pr 3:6 Php 4:6 1Th 3:10,11
经文:创世记 24:13-24:13 注释:
* I stand.
43 Ps 37:5 Pr 3:6
* daughters.
11 29:9,10 Ex 2:16 Jud 5:11 1Sa 9:11 Joh 4:7
经文:创世记 24:14-24:14 注释:
* And let.
Jud 6:17,37 1Sa 14:9
* she that.
44 Pr 19:14
* thereby.
15:8 Ex 4:1-9 Jud 6:17,37 7:13-15 18:5 1Sa 6:7-9 10:2-10
1Sa 14:8,10 20:7 2Sa 5:24 20:9 2Ki 20:8-11 Isa 7:11 Ro 1:10
经文:创世记 24:15-24:15 注释:
* before.
45 Jud 6:36-40 Ps 34:15 65:2 145:18,19 Isa 58:9 65:24
Da 9:20-23
* Rebekah.
24 22:20-23
* Milcah.
11:27,29 22:23
* pitcher.
21:14 29:9 Ex 2:16 Ru 2:2,17 Pr 31:27
经文:创世记 24:16-24:16 注释:
* fair to look upon. Heb. good of countenance.
26:7 39:6
* known.
4:1 Nu 31:17,18 So 5:2
经文:创世记 24:17-24:17 注释:
* Let.
1Ki 17:10 Joh 4:7,9
* water of.
26:1-35 Isa 21:14 30:25 35:6,7 41:17,18 49:10
经文:创世记 24:18-24:18 注释:
Pr 31:26 1Pe 3:8 4:8,9
经文:创世记 24:19-24:19 注释:
14,45,46 1Pe 4:9
经文:创世记 24:20-24:20 注释:
经文:创世记 24:21-24:21 注释:
* wondering at.
2Sa 7:18-20 Ps 34:1-6 107:1,8,15,43 116:1-7 Lu 2:19,51
* to wit. i.e., "to know," or "to learn."
* the Lord.
经文:创世记 24:22-24:22 注释:
* took.
30 Ex 32:2,3 Es 5:1 Jer 2:32 1Ti 2:9,10 1Pe 3:3,8
* earring. or, jewel for the forehead.
Ex 32:2,3 Isa 3:19-23 Eze 16:11,12
From the word being in the singular number, it is not likely
to have been an ear-ring, or a "jewel for the forehead," but
"a jewel for the nose, a nose-ring," which is in use
throughout Arabia and Persia, particularly among young women.
It is very properly translated [epirrinon,] "an ornament for
the nose," by Symmachus; and Sir John Chardin informs us, that
"it is a custom in almost all the East, for the women to wear
rings in their noses, in the left nostril, which is bored low
down in the middle. These rings are of gold, and have
commonly two pearls and one ruby between, placed in the ring.
I never saw a girl or young woman in Arabia or in all Persia,
who did not wear a ring after this manner in her nostril."
* of half.
* bracelets.
The word rendered "bracelet," from a root which signifies "to
join or couple together," may imply whatever may clasp round
the arms and legs; for rings and ornaments are worn round both
by females in India and Persia. The small part of the leg,
and the whole arm, from the shoulder to the wrist, are
generally decorated in this way. As these were given to
Rebekah for "her hands," it sufficiently distinguishes them
from similar ornaments for the ankles.
经文:创世记 24:23-24:23 注释:
经文:创世记 24:24-24:24 注释:
15 11:29 22:20,23
经文:创世记 24:25-24:25 注释:
18:4-8 Jud 19:19-21 Isa 32:8 1Pe 4:9
经文:创世记 24:26-24:26 注释:
48,52 22:5 Ex 4:31 12:27 34:8 1Ch 29:20 2Ch 20:18 29:30 Ne 8:6
Ps 22:29 66:4 72:9 95:6 Mic 6:6 Php 2:10
经文:创世记 24:27-24:27 注释:
* Blessed.
12 9:26 14:20 Ex 18:10 Ru 4:14 1Sa 25:32,39 2Sa 18:28
1Ch 29:10-13 Ps 68:19 72:18,19 Lu 1:68 Eph 1:3 1Ti 1:17
* of his.
32:10 Ps 98:3 100:5 Mic 7:20 Joh 1:17
* the Lord.
48 Pr 3:6 4:11-13 8:20
* of my.
4 13:8 Ex 2:11,13
经文:创世记 24:28-24:28 注释:
* of.
48,55,67 31:33
* her mother's.
Some have conjectured from this, that her father Bethuel was
dead; and the person called Bethuel, (ver. 50,) was a younger
brother. This is possible; but as Dr. A. Clarke remarks, the
mother's house might be mentioned were even the father alive;
for in Asiatic countries, the women have apartments entirely
separate from those of the men, in which their little children
and grown-up daughters reside with them. This was probably
the case here; though, from the whole narrative, it is very
probable that Bethuel was dead, as the whole business appears
to be conducted by Rebekah's brothers.
经文:创世记 24:29-24:29 注释:
55,60 29:5
经文:创世记 24:30-24:30 注释:
经文:创世记 24:31-24:31 注释:
* thou.
26:29 Jud 17:2 Ru 3:10 Ps 115:15 Pr 17:8 18:16
* for I.
经文:创世记 24:32-24:32 注释:
* he ungirded. i.e., Laban ungirded. straw.
Straw, by the eastern mode of threshing, was cut or shattered,
and reduced to a kind of chaff. With this, sometimes mixed
with a little barley, the eastern people still feed their
labouring beasts, as they anciently did.
* wash.
18:4 19:2 43:24 Jud 19:21 1Sa 25:41 Lu 7:44 Joh 13:4-14
1Ti 5:10
经文:创世记 24:33-24:33 注释:
Job 23:12 Ps 132:3-5 Pr 22:29 Ec 9:10 Joh 4:14,31-34 Eph 6:5-8
1Ti 6:2
经文:创世记 24:34-24:34 注释:
经文:创世记 24:35-24:35 注释:
* the Lord.
1 12:2 13:2 25:11 26:12 49:25 Ps 18:35 112:3 Pr 10:22 22:4
1Ti 4:8
* flocks.
12:16 13:2 26:13,14 Job 1:3 42:10-12 Ps 107:38 Mt 6:33
经文:创世记 24:36-24:36 注释:
* Sarah.
11:29,30 17:15-19 18:10-14 21:1-7 Ro 4:19
* unto.
21:10 25:5
经文:创世记 24:37-24:37 注释:
* And my.
2-9 6:2 27:46 Ezr 9:1-3
* Canaanites.
The Canaanites were infected with gross idolatry; and
consequently, not proper persons with whom to form so intimate
a connection; especially as Jehovah had shown Abraham that
they were filling up the measure of their iniquity, and were
doomed to destruction.
经文:创世记 24:38-24:38 注释:
* But.
4 12:1
* my father's.
i.e., Where the family of Haran his brother had settled; and
where he himself had remained some time with his father Terah.
Nahor did not dwell at Ur of the Chaldees, but at Haran in
Mesopotamia. The true worship of God seems to have been in
some measure preserved in this family, though afterwards
经文:创世记 24:39-24:39 注释:
* Peradventure.
We may see, says Calmet, by this and other passages of
Scripture, (Jos 9:18,) what the sentiments of the ancients
were relative to an oath. They believed that they were bound
precisely by what was spoken, and had no liberty to interpret
the intentions of those by whom the oath was made.
经文:创世记 24:40-24:40 注释:
* And he.
* before.
5:22,24 6:9 17:1 48:15 1Ki 2:3 8:23 2Ki 20:3 Ps 16:8
* will.
7 Ex 23:20 33:2 Ps 1:3 91:11 Da 3:28 Heb 1:14 Re 22:8,16
经文:创世记 24:41-24:41 注释:
8 De 29:12
经文:创世记 24:42-24:42 注释:
* O Lord.
12-14 Ac 10:7,8,22
* prosper.
12,31 39:3 Ezr 8:21 Ne 1:11 Ps 37:5 90:17 Ro 1:10
经文:创世记 24:43-24:43 注释:
经文:创世记 24:44-24:44 注释:
* Both.
Isa 32:8 1Ti 2:10 Heb 13:2 1Pe 3:8
* the woman.
14 2:22 Pr 16:33 18:22 19:14
* appointed.
Those events, which appear to us the effect of choice,
contrivance, or chance, are matters of appointment with God;
and the persuasion of this does not prevent, but rather
encourage, the use of all proper means; at the same time that
it confines us to proper means, and delivers the mind from
useless anxiety about consequences.
经文:创世记 24:45-24:45 注释:
* before.
15-20 Isa 58:9 65:24 Da 9:19,23 Ac 4:24-33 10:30 12:12-17
Mt 7:7
* speaking.
1Sa 1:13-15 2Sa 7:27 Ne 2:4 Ro 8:26
经文:创世记 24:46-24:46 注释:
经文:创世记 24:47-24:47 注释:
* I put.
22,53 Ps 45:9,13,14 Isa 62:3-5 Eze 16:10-13 Eph 5:26,27
经文:创世记 24:48-24:48 注释:
* bowed.
* led me.
27 22:23 Ex 18:20 Ezr 8:21 Ps 32:8 48:14 107:7 Pr 3:5,6 4:11
Isa 48:17
经文:创世记 24:49-24:49 注释:
* now if.
47:29 Jos 2:14
* deal kindly and truly. Heb. do mercy and truth.
32:10 Pr 3:3
* that I.
Nu 20:17 De 2:27
经文:创世记 24:50-24:50 注释:
* Laban.
These seem both to be brothers, of whom Laban was the eldest
and chief: the opinion of Josephus appears to be very
correct, that Bethuel, the father, had been dead some time.
* The thing.
Ps 118:23 Mt 21:42 Mr 12:11
* we.
31:24,29 2Sa 13:22 Ac 11:17
经文:创世记 24:51-24:51 注释:
* Rebekah.
* hath.
15 2Sa 16:10
经文:创世记 24:52-24:52 注释:
* worshipped.
26,48 1Ch 29:20 2Ch 20:18 Ps 34:1,2 95:6 107:21,22 116:1,2
Mt 2:11 Ac 10:25,26
经文:创世记 24:53-24:53 注释:
* jewels. Heb. vessels.
The original word denotes vessels, utensils, instruments,
furniture, or dress; and these presented by Abraham's servant
might have been of various kinds.
Ex 3:22 11:2 12:35
* brother.
No mention is made of her father.
* precious.
This term, rendered "precious things," as may be seen in the
parallel texts, is used to express exquisite fruits or
delicacies, and precious plants or flowers: but here it may
mean gifts in general, though rather of an inferior kind to
those mentioned above.
De 33:13-16 2Ch 21:3 Ezr 1:6 So 4:13 Isa 39:2
经文:创世记 24:54-24:54 注释:
* Send me.
56,59 28:5,6 45:24 2Sa 18:19,27,28 Pr 22:29 Ec 7:10 Lu 8:38,39
经文:创世记 24:55-24:55 注释:
* a few days. or, a full year, or ten months.
4:3 Le 25:29 Jud 14:8
经文:创世记 24:56-24:56 注释:
* Hinder.
45:9-13 Pr 25:25
* prospered.
Jos 1:8 Isa 48:15
经文:创世记 24:57-24:57 注释:
经文:创世记 24:58-24:58 注释:
Ps 45:10,11 Lu 1:38
经文:创世记 24:59-24:59 注释:
* their.
* nurse.
35:8 Nu 11:12 1Th 2:5
经文:创世记 24:60-24:60 注释:
* they.
1:28 9:1 14:19 17:16 28:3 48:15,16,20 Ru 4:11,12
* be thou the mother.
Or, "be thou for thousands of myriads;" a large family being
always considered, in ancient times, as a proof of the
peculiar blessing and favour of God.
* thousands.
Da 7:10
* thy seed.
22:17 Le 25:46 De 21:19
经文:创世记 24:61-24:61 注释:
* they rode.
Ge 31:34 1Sa 30:17 Es 8:10,14
* followed.
2:24 Ps 45:10
经文:创世记 24:62-24:62 注释:
* Lahai-roi.
Ge 16:14 25:11
* south.
经文:创世记 24:63-24:63 注释:
* to meditate. or, to pray.
They who acknowledge God in all their ways, will find him
present to direct their paths, and make their way prosperous;
and when the prayer of faith meets with an immediate answer,
the glory ought as speedily to be rendered to God in solemn
praise and thanksgiving.
Jos 1:8 Ps 1:2 77:11,12 104:34 119:15 139:17,18 143:5,6
经文:创世记 24:64-24:64 注释:
* lighted.
Jos 15:18 Jud 1:14
经文:创世记 24:65-24:65 注释:
* a vail.
20:16 1Co 11:5,6,10 1Ti 2:9
经文:创世记 24:66-24:66 注释:
Mr 6:30
经文:创世记 24:67-24:67 注释:
* his mother.
18:6,9,10 So 8:2 Isa 54:1-5
* Sarah's tent.
Sarah, being dead, her tent, which, according to the custom of
the east, was distinct from that of Abraham, became now
appropriated to the use of Rebekah.
* and took.
2:22-24 2Co 11:1,2 Eph 5:22-33
* comforted.
37:35 38:12 1Th 4:13,15
经文:创世记 25:1-25:1 注释:
1; The sons of Abraham by Keturah.
5; The division of his goods.
7; His age, death, and burial.
11; God blesses Isaac.
12; The generations of Ishmael.
17; His age and death.
19; Isaac prays for Rebekah, being barren.
22; The children strive in her womb.
24; The birth of Esau and Jacob.
27; Their different characters and pursuits.
29; Esau sells his birthright.
* A.M. cir. 2151. B.C. cir. 1853.
23:1,2 28:1 1Ch 1:32,33
经文:创世记 25:2-25:2 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2152. B.C. cir. 1852. she bare.
1Ch 1:32,33 Jer 25:25
* Zimri. Midian.
36:35 37:28,36 Ex 2:15,16 18:1-4 Nu 22:4 25:17,18 31:2,8
Jud 6:1-8:35
* Shuah.
Job 2:11
经文:创世记 25:3-25:3 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2180. B.C. cir. 1824. Sheba.
1Ki 10:1 Job 6:19 Ps 72:10
* Dedan.
Jer 25:23 49:8 Eze 25:13 27:20
* Asshurim.
2Sa 2:9 Eze 27:6
经文:创世记 25:4-25:4 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2200. B.C. cir. 1804. Ephah.
Isa 60:6
经文:创世记 25:5-25:5 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2175. B.C. cir. 1829.
21:10-12 24:36 Ps 68:18 Mt 11:27 28:18 Joh 3:35 17:2
Ro 8:17,32 9:7-9 1Co 3:21-23 Ga 3:29 4:28 Col 1:19 Heb 1:2
Isaac typified the Son of God, "whom HE hath appointed Heir of
all things."
经文:创世记 25:6-25:6 注释:
* concubines.
1 16:3 30:4,9 32:22 35:22 Jud 19:1,2,4
* gifts.
Ps 17:14,15 Mt 5:45 Lu 11:11-13 Ac 14:17
* sent.
* east country.
Arabia Deserta, which was eastward of Beer-sheba, where
Abraham dwelt.
Jud 6:3 Job 1:1,3
经文:创世记 25:7-25:7 注释:
* A.M. 2183. B.C. 1821.
经文:创世记 25:8-25:8 注释:
* gave.
17 35:18 49:33 Ac 5:5,10 12:23
* good.
15:15 35:28,29 47:8,9 49:29 Jud 8:32 1Ch 29:28 Job 5:26 42:17
Pr 20:29 Jer 6:11
* gathered.
7 35:29 49:33 Nu 20:24 27:13 Jud 2:10 Ac 13:36
经文:创世记 25:9-25:9 注释:
* Isaac.
21:9,10 35:29
* in the cave.
23:9-20 49:29,30 50:13
经文:创世记 25:10-25:10 注释:
* The field.
* there.
经文:创世记 25:11-25:11 注释:
* after.
12:2 17:19 22:17 50:24
* La-hai-roi.
16:14 24:62
经文:创世记 25:12-25:12 注释:
16:10-15 17:20 21:13 Ps 83:6
经文:创世记 25:13-25:13 注释:
* the names.
1Ch 1:29-31
* Nebajoth.
From Nebajoth sprang the Nabatheans, who inhabited Arabia
Petraea; from Kedar, the Cedreans, who dwelt near the
Nabatheans; and from Jetur, the Itureans, who inhabited a
small tract of country east of Jordan, which afterwards
belonged to Manasseh.
36:3 Isa 60:7
* Kedar.
Ps 120:5 So 1:5 Isa 21:16,17 42:11
经文:创世记 25:14-25:14 注释:
* Dumah.
Isa 21:11,16
经文:创世记 25:15-25:15 注释:
* Hadar. or, Hadad.
More than 300; MSS. and printed editions read Hadad, as in
1; Ch 1:30.
* Tema.
1Ch 5:19 Job 2:11
* Naphish.
These are evidently the same people mentioned in 1; Ch 5:19,
who, with the Itureans, assisted the Hagarenes against the
Israelites, but were overcome by the two tribes of Reuben and
Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh.
经文:创世记 25:16-25:16 注释:
* castles.
The word {tiroth,} rendered "castles," is supposed by some to
denote here "towers," fortified rocks, or mountain-tops, and
fastnesses of various kinds in woods and hilly countries; but
it rather means, "shepherds' cots," surrounded by sufficient
enclosures to prevent the cattle from straying, as the cognate
Syriac word {teyaro,} and Arabic {tawar,} signify "a
* twelve.
经文:创世记 25:17-25:17 注释:
* A.M. 2231. B.C. 1773. these are.
* gathered.
经文:创世记 25:18-25:18 注释:
* Havilah.
2:11 10:7,29 20:1 21:14,21
* as thou.
* toward.
2Ki 23:29 Isa 19:23,24
* died. Heb. fell.
14:10 Ps 78:64
* in the.
经文:创世记 25:19-25:19 注释:
* A.M. 2108. B.C. 1896. Abraham.
1Ch 1:32 Mt 1:2 Lu 3:34 Ac 7:8
经文:创世记 25:20-25:20 注释:
* A.M. 2148. B.C. 1856. when he.
22:23 24:67
* the Syrian.
24:29 28:5,6 31:18,20,24 35:9 De 26:5 Lu 4:27
经文:创世记 25:21-25:21 注释:
* A.M. 2167. B.C. 1837. intreated.
1Sa 1:11,27 Ps 50:15 65:2 91:15 Isa 45:11 58:9 65:24 Lu 1:13
* because.
11:30 15:2,3 16:2 17:16-19 1Sa 1:2 Lu 1:7
* and the.
1Ch 5:20 2Ch 33:13 Ezr 8:23 Ps 145:19 Pr 10:24
* and Rebekah.
Ro 9:10-12
经文:创世记 25:22-25:22 注释:
* A.M. 2168. B.C. 1836. enquire.
1Sa 9:9 10:22 22:15 28:6 30:8 Eze 20:31 36:37
经文:创世记 25:23-25:23 注释:
* Two nations.
17:16 24:60
* two manner.
27 32:6 33:3 36:31 Nu 20:14
* the elder.
27:29,40 2Sa 8:14 1Ki 22:47 1Ch 18:13 2Ch 25:11,12 Ps 60:8,9
Ps 83:5-15 Isa 34:1-17 63:1-6 Jer 49:7-22 Eze 25:12-14 35:1-15
Am 1:11,12 Ob 1:1-16 Mal 1:2-5 Ro 9:10-13
经文:创世记 25:24-25:24 注释:
经文:创世记 25:25-25:25 注释:
* Esau.
The word Esau has been generally considered to imply made,
formed, or perfected; or perfect, robust, etc. But it appears
to be a dialectical variation of the Arabic atha, to be
covered with hair; whence athai, hairy, as no doubt the word
Esau imports, in allusion to the circumstance of his being
covered with red hair or down at his birth.
经文:创世记 25:26-25:26 注释:
* And after.
* took.
Ho 12:3
* Jacob.
* Isaac was.
经文:创世记 25:27-25:27 注释:
* a cunning.
10:9 21:20 27:3-5,40
* a plain main.
6:9 28:10,11 31:39-41 46:34 Job 1:1,8 2:3 Ps 37:37
* dwelling.
Heb 11:9
经文:创世记 25:28-25:28 注释:
* he did eat of his venison. Heb. venison was in his mouth.
* Rebekah.
经文:创世记 25:29-25:29 注释:
* A.M. 2199. B.C. 1805. and he.
Jud 8:4,5 1Sa 14:28,31 Pr 13:25 Isa 40:30,31
经文:创世记 25:30-25:30 注释:
* with that same red pottage. Heb. with that red, with that red
This, we are informed, (ver. 34,) was of lentiles, a sort of
* Edom. i.e., red.
36:1,9,43 Ex 15:15 Nu 20:14-21 De 23:7 2Ki 8:20
经文:创世记 25:31-25:31 注释:
经文:创世记 25:32-25:32 注释:
* at the point to die. Heb. going to die. and what.
Job 21:15 22:17 34:9 Mal 3:14
* birthright.
Ex 22:9
经文:创世记 25:33-25:33 注释:
* Swear.
14:22 24:3 Mr 6:23 Heb 6:16
* and he sold.
27:36 36:6,7 Heb 12:16
经文:创世记 25:34-25:34 注释:
* eat.
Ec 8:15 Isa 22:13 1Co 15:32
* thus Esau.
Ps 106:24 Zec 11:13 Mt 22:5 26:15 Lu 14:18-20 Ac 13:41
Php 3:18,19 Heb 12:16,17
经文:创世记 26:1-26:1 注释:
1; Isaac, because of famine, sojourns in Gerar, and the Lord
instructs and blesses him.
7; He is reproved by Abimelech for denying his wife.
12; He grows rich, and the Philistines envy his prosperity.
18; He digs Esek, Sitnah, and Rehoboth.
23; God appears to him at Beer-sheba, and blesses him; and
Abimelech makes a covenant with him.
34; Esau's wives.
* A.M. 2200. B.C. 1804. the first.
* And Isaac.
* Abimelech.
20:2 21:22-32
经文:创世记 26:2-26:2 注释:
* appeared.
12:7 17:1 18:1,10-20
* dwell.
12:1 Ps 37:3
经文:创世记 26:3-26:3 注释:
* Sojourn.
12,14 20:1 Ps 32:8 37:1-6 39:12 Heb 11:9,13-16
* I will be.
28:15 39:2,21 Isa 43:2,5 Php 4:9
* unto thee.
12:1,7 13:15,17 15:18 17:8
* oath.
22:16,18 Ps 105:9 Mic 7:20 Heb 6:17
经文:创世记 26:4-26:4 注释:
* multiply.
13:16 15:5,18 17:4-8 18:18 22:17 Heb 11:2
* seed shall.
12:2,3 22:18 Ps 72:17 Ac 3:25 Ga 3:8,16
经文:创世记 26:5-26:5 注释:
12:4 17:23 18:19 22:16,18 Ps 112:1,2 128:1-6 Mt 5:19 7:24
1Co 15:58 Ga 5:6 Heb 11:8 Jas 2:21
经文:创世记 26:6-26:6 注释:
* Gerar.
经文:创世记 26:7-26:7 注释:
* She is my sister.
12:13 20:2,5,12,13 Pr 29:25 Mt 10:28 Eph 5:25 Col 3:9
* fair.
经文:创世记 26:8-26:8 注释:
* a window.
Jud 5:28 Pr 7:6 So 2:9
* sporting.
Pr 5:18,19 Ec 9:9 Isa 62:5
经文:创世记 26:9-26:9 注释:
经文:创世记 26:10-26:10 注释:
12:18,19 20:9,10
经文:创世记 26:11-26:11 注释:
* toucheth.
20:6 Ps 105:15 Pr 6:29 Zec 2:8
经文:创世记 26:12-26:12 注释:
* sowed.
The author of the "History of the Piratical States of Barbary"
observes, (p. 44,) that the Moors of that country are divided
into tribes like the Arabians, and like them dwell in tents,
formed into itinerant villages; that "these wanderers farm
lands of the inhabitants of the towns, sow and cultivate them,
paying their rent with the produce, such as fruits, corn, wax,
etc. They are very skilful in choosing the most advantageous
soils for every season, and very careful to avoid the Turkish
troops, the violence of the one little suiting the simplicity
of the other." It is natural to suppose, that Isaac possessed
the like sagacity, when he sowed in the land of Gerar, and
received that year an hundred-fold.
* received. Heb. found. an hundredfold.
Ps 67:6 72:16 Ec 11:6 Zec 8:12 Mt 13:8,23 Mr 4:8 1Co 3:6
2Co 9:10,11 Ga 6:7,8
* blessed.
3,29 24:1,35 30:30 Job 42:12
经文:创世记 26:13-26:13 注释:
* And the man waxed great.
Dr. Adam Clarke remarks, that there is a strange and
observable occurrence of the same term in the original, which
is literally, "And the man was GREAT, and he went, going on,
and was GREAT, until that he was exceeding GREAT." How simple
is this language, and yet how forcible!
* waxed great.
24:35 Ps 112:3
* went forward. Heb. went going.
经文:创世记 26:14-26:14 注释:
* had possession.
12:16 13:2 Job 1:3 42:12 Ps 112:3 144:13,14 Pr 10:22
* servants. or, husbandry. envied.
37:11 1Sa 18:9 Job 5:2 Ps 112:10 Pr 27:4 Ec 4:4
经文:创世记 26:15-26:15 注释:
* his father's.
* had stopped.
In those countries, a well of water was a great acquisition;
and hence, this mode of injuring new settlers, or revenging
themselves on their enemies, is still resorted to among the
经文:创世记 26:16-26:16 注释:
* Go.
Dr. A. Clarke observes, that this is the first instance on
record of what was termed among the Greeks, ostracism, i.e.,
the banishment of person from the state, of whose power,
influence, or riches, the people were jealous.
* mightier.
Ex 1:9
经文:创世记 26:17-26:17 注释:
经文:创世记 26:18-26:18 注释:
* in the days.
Houbigant contends, that instead of {bimey,} "in the days," we
should read, {avdey,} "servants;" agreeably to the Samaritan,
Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate: "And Isaac digged again the
wells of water which the servants of Abraham his father had
* and he.
21:31 Nu 32:38 Ps 16:4 Ho 2:17 Zec 13:2
经文:创世记 26:19-26:19 注释:
* springing water. Heb. living.
So 4:15 Joh 4:10,11 7:38
经文:创世记 26:20-26:20 注释:
* did strive.
* Esek. i.e., Contention.
经文:创世记 26:21-26:21 注释:
* Sitnah. i.e., Hatred.
Ezr 4:6
经文:创世记 26:22-26:22 注释:
* digged.
The wells in Arabia are generally dug in the rock: their
mouths are about six feet in diameter, and they are from
nineteen to twenty feet in depth. But Niebuhr informs us,
that many wells are from 160; to 170; feet deep.
* Rehoboth. i.e., Room. the Lord.
Ps 4:1 18:19 118:5
* be fruitful.
17:6 28:3 41:52 Ex 1:7
经文:创世记 26:23-26:23 注释:
* Beer-sheba.
21:31 46:1 Jud 20:1
经文:创世记 26:24-26:24 注释:
* I am the.
15:1 17:7 24:12 28:13 31:5 Ex 3:6 Mt 22:32 Ac 7:32
* fear.
3,4 13:16 22:19 Ps 27:1-3 46:1,2 Isa 12:2 41:10,13-15 43:1,2
Isa 44:2 51:7,12 Lu 12:32 Heb 13:6 Re 1:17
经文:创世记 26:25-26:25 注释:
* builded.
8:20 12:7 13:18 22:9 33:20 35:1 Ex 17:15
* called.
Ps 116:17
经文:创世记 26:26-26:26 注释:
* Abimelech.
20:3 21:22-32
* Phichol.
Phichol, as well as Abimelech, "father king," seems to have
been a name of office or dignity among the Philistines; for it
is not probable that they were the same as are mentioned in
the days of Abraham (ch. 21:22, 32.)
经文:创世记 26:27-26:27 注释:
* seeing.
14,16 Jud 11:7 Ac 7:9,14,27,35 Re 3:9
* sent me.
经文:创世记 26:28-26:28 注释:
* We saw certainly. Heb. Seeing we saw. was with.
21:22,23 39:5 Jos 3:7 2Ch 1:1 Isa 45:14 60:14 61:6,9 Ro 8:31
1Co 14:25 Heb 13:5
* Let there.
21:31,32 24:3,41 31:49-53 Heb 6:16
经文:创世记 26:29-26:29 注释:
* That thou wilt. Heb. If thou shalt, etc. not.
* the blessed.
12 12:2 21:22 22:17 24:31 Ps 115:15
经文:创世记 26:30-26:30 注释:
19:3 21:8 31:54 Ro 12:18 Heb 12:14 1Pe 4:9
经文:创世记 26:31-26:31 注释:
* betimes.
19:2 21:14 22:3 31:55
* sware.
14:22 21:23,31,32 25:33 31:44 1Sa 14:24 20:3,16,17 30:15
Heb 6:16
经文:创世记 26:32-26:32 注释:
* We have.
25 Pr 2:4,5 10:4 13:4 Mt 7:7
经文:创世记 26:33-26:33 注释:
* Shebah. i.e., an oath. therefore.
* Beer-sheba. i.e., the well of the oath.
This may have been the same city which was called Beer-sheba a
hundred years before this, in the time of Abraham; but as the
well, from which it had its name originally, was closed up by
the Philistines, the name of the place might have been
abolished with the well; when, therefore, Isaac re-opened it,
he restored the ancient name of the place.
经文:创世记 26:34-26:34 注释:
* A.M. 2208. B.C. 1796. And Esau.
* the daughter.
24:3 Ex 34:16 1Co 7:2 Heb 12:16
* Bashemath.
经文:创世记 26:35-26:35 注释:
* Which.
6:2 27:46 28:1,2,8
* grief of mind. Heb. bitterness of spirit.
经文:创世记 27:1-27:1 注释:
1; Isaac sends Esau for venison.
6; Rebekah instructs Jacob to obtain the blessing.
14; Jacob, feigning to be Esau, obtains it.
30; Esau brings venison.
33; Isaac trembles.
34; Esau complains, and by importunity obtains a blessing.
41; He threatens Jacob's life.
42; Rebekah disappoints him, by sending Jacob away.
* A.M. 2244. B.C. 1760.
* dim.
48:10 1Sa 3:2 Ec 12:3 Joh 9:3
* eldest son.
经文:创世记 27:2-27:2 注释:
* I know not.
48:21 1Sa 20:3 Pr 27:1 Ec 9:10 Isa 38:1,3 Mr 13:35 Jas 4:14
经文:创世记 27:3-27:3 注释:
* take, I.
10:9 25:27,28
* take me. Heb. hunt.
25:27,28 1Co 6:12
经文:创世记 27:4-27:4 注释:
* that I may eat.
The blessing, says Dr. A. Clarke, which Isaac was to confer on
his son, was a species of divine right, and must be
communicated with appropriate ceremonies. As eating and
drinking were used among the Asiatics on almost all religious
occasions, and especially in making and confirming covenants,
it is reasonable to suppose, that something of this kind was
essentially necessary on this occasion; and that Isaac could
not convey the right, till he had eaten of the meat provided
for the purpose by him who was to receive the blessing.
* that my.
7,23,25,27 14:19 24:60 28:3 48:9,15-20 49:28 Le 9:22,23
De 33:1-29 Jos 14:13 22:6 Lu 2:34 24:51 Heb 11:20
经文:创世记 27:5-27:5 注释:
经文:创世记 27:6-27:6 注释:
经文:创世记 27:7-27:7 注释:
* before the.
De 33:1 Jos 6:26 1Sa 24:19
经文:创世记 27:8-27:8 注释:
13 25:23 Ac 4:19 5:29 Eph 6:1
经文:创世记 27:9-27:9 注释:
* two.
Jud 13:15 1Sa 16:20
* savoury.
{Matammim,} from {taam,} to taste or relish: how dressed is
uncertain, but its name declares it nature.
经文:创世记 27:10-27:10 注释:
经文:创世记 27:11-27:11 注释:
* hairy man.
经文:创世记 27:12-27:12 注释:
* feel.
22 Job 12:16 2Co 6:8
* a deceiver.
36 25:27 1Th 5:22
* and I shall.
9:25 De 27:18 Jer 48:10 Mal 1:14
经文:创世记 27:13-27:13 注释:
* Upon.
25:23,33 43:9 1Sa 14:24-28,36-45 25:24 2Sa 14:9 Mt 27:25
经文:创世记 27:14-27:14 注释:
* mother.
4,7,9,17,31 25:28 Ps 141:4 Pr 23:2,3 Lu 21:34
经文:创世记 27:15-27:15 注释:
* goodly raiment. Heb. desirable.
The Septuagint translates it "a goodly robe," which was a long
garment that great men used to wear, (Lu 20:46; 15:22.) The
priest afterwards in the law had "holy garments" to minister
in, (Ex 28:2-4.) Whether the first-born before the law had
such to minister in is not certain: for, had they been common
garments, why did not Esau himself or his wives keep them?
But being, in likelihood, holy robes, received from their
ancestors, the mother of the family kept them in sweet chests,
from moths and the like; whereupon it is said, (ver. 27,)
"Isaac smelled the smell of his garments."
经文:创世记 27:16-27:16 注释:
* skins.
Travellers inform us, that the Eastern goats have long, fine,
and beautiful hair, of the most delicate silky softness;
indeed the animals generally in those hot countries are not
covered with so thick a coat of hair as they are in more
northerly regions; so that Isaac might easily be deceived,
when his eyes were dim, and his feeling no less impaired than
his sight.
经文:创世记 27:17-27:17 注释:
经文:创世记 27:18-27:18 注释:
经文:创世记 27:19-27:19 注释:
* I am.
21,24,25 25:25 29:23-25 1Ki 13:18 14:2 Isa 28:15 Zec 13:3,4
Mt 26:70-74
* that thy.
经文:创世记 27:20-27:20 注释:
* Because.
Ex 20:7 Job 13:7
* to me. Heb. before me.
经文:创世记 27:21-27:21 注释:
* Come.
Ps 73:28 Isa 57:19 Jas 4:8
* may feel.
经文:创世记 27:22-27:22 注释:
* The voice.
How wonderful, says Mr. Scott, is that difference which there
is betwixt the faces and the voices of the several individuals
of the human species! Scarcely any two of the innumerable
millions are exactly alike in either, and yet the difference
cannot be defined or described! The power, wisdom, and
kindness of our Creator should be admired and adored in this
remarkable circumstance; for they are very visible. This
description of Jacob is not unaptly accommodated to the
character of a hypocrite: his voice, his language, is that of
a Christian; his hands, or conduct, that of an ungodly man:
but the judgment will proceed from God, the Judge of all, at
the last day, as in the present case, not by the voice, but by
the hands.
经文:创世记 27:23-27:23 注释:
* his hands.
* he blessed.
Ro 9:11,12 Heb 11:20
经文:创世记 27:24-27:24 注释:
* I am.
1Sa 21:2,13 27:10 2Sa 14:5 Job 13:7,8 15:5 Pr 12:19,22 30:8
Zec 8:16 Ro 3:7,8 Eph 4:25 Col 3:9
经文:创世记 27:25-27:25 注释:
* that my.
经文:创世记 27:26-27:26 注释:
经文:创世记 27:27-27:27 注释:
* blessed.
Heb 11:20
* the smell of a field.
A field where aromatic plants, flowers, fruits, and spices
grew in abundance, with which these garments (see ver. 15) of
Esau might probably have been perfumed by being laid up with
So 2:13 4:11-14 7:12,13 Ho 14:6,7
* which.
26:12 Heb 6:7
经文:创世记 27:28-27:28 注释:
* of the dew.
De 11:11,12 32:2 33:13,28 2Sa 1:21 1Ki 17:1 Ps 65:9-13 133:3
Isa 45:8 Jer 14:22 Ho 14:5-7 Mic 5:7 Heb 11:20
* the fatness.
39 45:18 49:20 Nu 13:20 Ps 36:8 Ro 11:17
* plenty.
De 7:13 8:7-9 33:28 Jos 5:6 1Ki 5:11 2Ch 2:10 Ps 65:9,13
Ps 104:15 Joe 2:19 Zec 9:17
经文:创世记 27:29-27:29 注释:
* Let people.
9:25,26 22:17,18 49:8-10 2Sa 8:1-18 10:1-19 1Ki 4:21 Ps 2:6-9
Ps 72:8 Isa 9:7 Da 2:44,45 Re 19:16
* be lord.
37 25:22,23,33 2Sa 8:14 1Ki 11:15,16 22:47 1Ch 5:2
2Ch 25:11-14 Ps 60:1-12 *title
Ps 60:2-12 Isa 63:1-6 Mal 1:2-5 Ro 9:12
* cursed.
12:3 Nu 22:11,12 23:8 24:9 Zep 2:8,9 Mt 25:40,45
经文:创世记 27:30-27:30 注释:
经文:创世记 27:31-27:31 注释:
* eat.
经文:创世记 27:32-27:32 注释:
经文:创世记 27:33-27:33 注释:
* trembled very exceedingly. Heb trembled with a great
trembling greatly.
Job 21:6 37:1 Ps 55:5
* taken. Heb. hunted. thou camest.
* yea.
28:3,4 Joh 10:10,28,29 Ro 5:20,21 11:29 Eph 1:3 Heb 11:20
经文:创世记 27:34-27:34 注释:
* he cried.
1Sa 30:4 Pr 1:24-28,31 19:3 Lu 13:24-28 Heb 12:17
经文:创世记 27:35-27:35 注释:
19-23 2Ki 10:19 Job 13:7 Mal 2:10 Ro 3:7,8 2Co 4:7 1Th 4:6
经文:创世记 27:36-27:36 注释:
* Jacob. i.e., a supplanter.
25:26,31-34 32:28 Joh 1:47
* he took.
经文:创世记 27:37-27:37 注释:
* I have.
29 25:23 2Sa 8:14 Ro 9:10-12
* with.
* sustained. or, supported.
经文:创世记 27:38-27:38 注释:
34,36 49:28 Pr 1:24-26 Isa 32:10-12 65:14 Heb 12:17
经文:创世记 27:39-27:39 注释:
* Behold.
36:6-8 Jos 24:4 Heb 11:20
* the fatness. or, of the fatness.
It is here foretold, says Bp. Newton, that as to temporal
advantages, the two brothers should be much alike. (See ver.
28.) Esau had cattle, beasts, and substance in abundance, and
he went to dwell in Mount Seir of his own accord. When the
Israelites desired leave to pass through the territories of
Edom, the country abounded with fruitful fields and vineyards.
(Nu 20:17.)
经文:创世记 27:40-27:40 注释:
* thy sword.
32:6 Mt 10:34
* serve.
25:23 2Sa 8:14 1Ki 11:15-17 2Ki 14:7,10 1Ch 18:11-13
2Ch 25:11,12 Ps 60:8 Ob 1:17-21
* that thou.
2Ki 8:20-22 2Ch 21:8,10 28:17
经文:创世记 27:41-27:41 注释:
* hated.
4:2-8 37:4,8 Eze 25:12-15 35:5 Am 1:11,12 Ob 1:10-14
1Jo 3:12-15
* The days.
Ge 35:29 50:3,4,10,11 De 34:8 2Ch 35:24 Ps 35:14
* then.
32:6 2Sa 13:28,29 Ps 37:12,13,16 140:4,5 142:3 Pr 1:12,13,16
Pr 6:14 Ec 7:9 Ob 1:10 Eph 4:26,27 Tit 1:15,16 3:3 1Jo 3:12-15
经文:创世记 27:42-27:42 注释:
* comfort himself.
37:18-20 42:21,22 1Sa 30:5 Job 20:12-14 Ps 64:5 Pr 2:14
Pr 4:16,17
经文:创世记 27:43-27:43 注释:
* obey.
8,13 28:7 Pr 30:17 Jer 35:14 Ac 5:29
* Haran.
11:31 12:4,5 28:10
经文:创世记 27:44-27:44 注释:
* a few days.
经文:创世记 27:45-27:45 注释:
* then I.
Pr 19:21 La 3:37 Jas 4:13-15
* why.
4:8-16 9:5,6 2Sa 14:6,7 Ac 28:4
经文:创世记 27:46-27:46 注释:
* I am.
Nu 11:15 1Ki 19:4 Job 3:20-22 7:16 14:13 Jon 4:3,9
* because.
26:34,35 28:8 34:1,2
* if Jacob.
经文:创世记 28:1-28:1 注释:
1; Isaac blesses Jacob, and sends him to Padan-aram.
6; Esau marries Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael.
10; Jacob journeys, and has a vision of a ladder.
18; The stone of Beth-el.
20; Jacob's vow.
* blessed.
3,4 27:4,27-33 48:15 49:28 De 33:1 Jos 22:7
* Thou shalt.
6:2 24:3,37 26:34,35 27:46 34:9,16 Ex 34:15,16 2Co 6:14-16
经文:创世记 28:2-28:2 注释:
* Arise.
Ho 12:12
* Padan-aram.
5 22:20-23 24:10,15-24 25:20 29:1 31:18 32:10 35:9 46:15
* Laban.
经文:创世记 28:3-28:3 注释:
* God.
17:1-6 22:17,18 35:11 43:14 48:3 Ex 6:3 Ps 127:1 2Co 6:18
Re 21:22
* and make.
1:28 9:1 13:16 24:60 41:52 Ps 127:3-5 128:1-6
* a multitude. Heb. an assembly.
经文:创世记 28:4-28:4 注释:
* the blessing.
12:1-3,7 15:5-7 17:6-8 22:17,18 Ps 72:17 Ro 4:7,8 Ga 3:8,14
Eph 1:3
* wherein thou art a stranger. Heb. of thy sojournings.
* which.
12:7 13:14-17 15:18-21 Ps 39:12 105:6-12 Heb 11:9-13
经文:创世记 28:5-28:5 注释:
* sent away Jacob.
Whoever observes Jacob's life, after he had surreptitiously
obtained his father's blessing, will perceive that he enjoyed
very little worldly felicity. His brother purposed to murder
him, to avoid which he was forced to flee from his father's
house; his uncle Laban deceived him, as he had deceived his
father, and treated him with great rigour; after a servitude
of 21; years, he was obliged to leave him in a clandestine
manner, not without danger of being brought back, or murdered
by his enraged brother; no sooner were these fears over, than
he experienced the baseness of his son Reuben, in defiling his
bed; he had next to bewail the treachery and cruelty of Simeon
and Levi toward the Shechemites; then he had to feel the loss
of his beloved wife; he was next imposed upon by his own sons,
and had to lament the supposed untimely end of Joseph; and to
complete all, he was forced by famine to go into Egypt, and
there died, in a strange land. So just, wonderful, and
instructive are all the ways of Providence!
* Padan-aram.
经文:创世记 28:6-28:6 注释:
* Esau.
* Thou.
经文:创世记 28:7-28:7 注释:
27:43 Ex 20:12 Le 19:3 Pr 1:8 30:17 Eph 6:1,3 Col 3:20
经文:创世记 28:8-28:8 注释:
* the daughters.
1 24:3 26:34,35
* pleased not. Heb. were evil in the eyes.
1Sa 8:6
经文:创世记 28:9-28:9 注释:
* unto Ishmael.
25:13-17 36:3,13,18
* Mahalath. called also, Bashemath.
* the sister.
经文:创世记 28:10-28:10 注释:
11:31 32:10 Ho 12:12 Ac 7:2 25:13
经文:创世记 28:11-28:11 注释:
* took.
18 31:46 Mt 8:20 2Co 1:5
* put them.
This should be "put it;" for we find (ver. 18) it was only one
经文:创世记 28:12-28:12 注释:
* he dreamed.
15:1,12 20:3,6,7 37:5-11 40:1-41:57 Nu 12:6 Job 4:12-21
Job 33:15,16 Da 2:1-49 4:1-37 7:1 Mt 1:20 2:12,13,19 Heb 1:1
* ladder.
32:1,2 2Ch 16:9 Isa 41:10 Joh 1:51 2Ti 4:16,17 Heb 1:14
经文:创世记 28:13-28:13 注释:
* the Lord stood.
35:1,6,7 48:3
* I am.
15:1 17:6,7 26:24 31:42 32:9 46:3 Ex 3:6,15,16 Mt 22:32
Heb 11:16
* the land.
4 12:7 13:15 35:12,15,17 Ps 105:11 Eze 37:24,25 Ac 7:5
经文:创世记 28:14-28:14 注释:
* thy seed.
13:16 32:12 35:11,12 Nu 23:10 Ac 3:25 Re 7:4,9
* spread abroad. Heb. break forth. to the west.
13:14 De 12:20 Mt 8:11
* and in thee.
12:3 18:18 22:18 26:4 Ps 72:17 Ac 3:25 Ga 3:8,16 Eph 1:3
经文:创世记 28:15-28:15 注释:
* I am.
20,21 26:24 31:3 32:9 39:2,21 46:4 Ex 3:12 Jud 6:16 Ps 46:7,11
Isa 7:14 8:10 41:10 43:2 Jer 1:19 Mt 18:20 28:20 Ro 8:31,32
1Ti 4:8
* keep.
48:16 Ps 121:5-8
* bring.
* for I.
De 31:6 Jos 1:5 1Ki 8:57 Joh 10:28,29 Heb 13:5,6 Jude 1:1
* until.
Nu 23:19 Jos 23:14-16 Mt 24:35
经文:创世记 28:16-28:16 注释:
* and I.
Ex 3:5 15:11 Jos 5:15 1Sa 3:4-7 Job 9:11 33:14 Ps 68:35
Isa 8:13
经文:创世记 28:17-28:17 注释:
* he was.
Ex 3:6 Jud 13:22 Mt 17:6 Lu 2:9 8:35 Re 1:17
* the house.
22 35:1-13 2Ch 5:14 Ec 5:1 1Ti 3:15 Heb 10:21 1Pe 4:17
经文:创世记 28:18-28:18 注释:
* rose up.
22:3 Ps 119:60 Ec 9:10
* and took.
The practice of setting up stones as a memorial by travellers
still exists in Persia, and other parts of the East.
* set it.
31:13,45 35:14,20 Jos 24:26,27 1Sa 7:12 2Sa 18:18 Isa 19:19
* poured.
Le 8:10-12 Nu 7:1
经文:创世记 28:19-28:19 注释:
* the name.
12:8 35:1 48:3 Jud 1:22-26 1Ki 12:29 Ho 4:15 12:4,5
* Beth-el. i.e., the house of God.
经文:创世记 28:20-28:20 注释:
* vowed.
31:13 Le 27:1-34 Nu 6:1-20 21:2,3 Jud 11:30,31 1Sa 1:11,28
1Sa 14:24 2Sa 15:8 Ne 9:1-10:39 Ps 22:25 56:12 61:5,8 66:13
Ps 76:11 116:14,18 119:106 132:2 Ec 5:1-7 Isa 19:21 Joh 1:16
Ac 18:18 23:12-15
* If God.
* will give.
1Ti 6:8
经文:创世记 28:21-28:21 注释:
* I come.
Jud 11:31 2Sa 19:24,30
* then.
Ex 15:2 De 26:17 2Sa 15:8 2Ki 5:17
经文:创世记 28:22-28:22 注释:
* God's.
17 12:8 21:33 33:20 35:1,15
* I will.
14:20 Le 27:30-33 De 14:22,23
经文:创世记 29:1-29:1 注释:
1; Jacob comes to the well of Haran.
9; He becomes acquainted with Rachel.
13; Laban entertains him.
18; Jacob covenants for Rachel.
23; He is deceived by Laban with Leah.
28; He marries also Rachel, and serves for her seven years more.
32; Leah bears Reuben;
33; Simeon;
34; Levi;
35; and Judah.
* Jacob.
Ps 119:32,60 Ec 9:7
* went on his journey. Heb. lifted up his feet. came.
22:20-23 24:10 25:20 28:5-7 Nu 23:7 Jud 6:3,33 7:12 8:10
1Ki 4:30 Ho 12:12
* people. Heb. children. east.
The district of Mesopotamia, and the whole country beyond the
Euphrates, are called Kedem, or the East, in the Sacred
经文:创世记 29:2-29:2 注释:
* a well.
24:11,13 Ex 2:15,16 Joh 4:6,14
* there.
Ps 23:2 So 1:6,7 Isa 49:10 Re 7:17
* a great stone.
In Arabia, and other places in the East, they cover up their
wells of water, lest the sand, which is put in motion by the
winds, should fill and quite stop them up. So great was their
care not to leave the well open any length of time, that they
waited till the flocks were all gathered together before they
began to draw water; and when they had finished, the well was
immediately closed again.
经文:创世记 29:3-29:3 注释:
* the flocks.
Instead of {haadarim,} "the flocks," the Samaritan reads
{haroin,} "the shepherds," as does also the Arabic in Walton's
Polyglott. This verse describes what was usually done by some
mutual compact among the shepherds, and shows the purpose for
which the flocks lay by the well; for the stone was not
removed till all the flocks had been collected. Scott.
经文:创世记 29:4-29:4 注释:
* Of Haran.
11:31 24:10 27:43 28:10 Ac 7:2,4
* Charran.
经文:创世记 29:5-29:5 注释:
* son of.
24:24,29 31:53
经文:创世记 29:6-29:6 注释:
* Is he well? Heb. there peace to him?
37:14 43:27 Ex 18:7 1Sa 17:22 25:5 2Sa 20:9
经文:创世记 29:7-29:7 注释:
* Lo.
Ga 6:9,10 Eph 5:16
* it is yet high day. Heb. yet the day is great.
经文:创世记 29:8-29:8 注释:
* until.
3 34:14 43:32
* roll.
Mr 16:3 Lu 24:2
经文:创世记 29:9-29:9 注释:
* Rachel.
24:15 Ex 2:15,16,21 So 1:7,8
* for she kept them.
In those primitive times, a pastoral life was not only
considered useful but honourable: nor was it beneath the
dignity of the daughters of the most opulent chiefs to carry
water from the well, or tend the sheep. Jacob, Moses, and
David were shepherds.
经文:创世记 29:10-29:10 注释:
* rolled.
Ex 2:17
经文:创世记 29:11-29:11 注释:
* kissed.
13 27:26 33:4 43:30 45:2,14,15 Ex 4:27 18:7 Ro 16:16
* and wept.
33:4 43:30 45:2,14,15
经文:创世记 29:12-29:12 注释:
* brother.
13:8 14:14-16
* and she.
经文:创世记 29:13-29:13 注释:
* tidings. Heb. hearing. he ran.
* kissed.
45:15 Ex 4:27 18:7 2Sa 19:39 Lu 7:45 Ac 20:37 Ro 16:16
* all these.
Col 4:5
经文:创世记 29:14-29:14 注释:
* art my.
12,15 2:23 13:8 Jud 9:2 2Sa 5:1 19:12,13 Mic 7:5 Eph 5:30
* the space of a month. Heb. a month of days.
经文:创世记 29:15-29:15 注释:
* tell me.
30:28 31:7
经文:创世记 29:16-29:16 注释:
* was Leah.
17,25-32 30:19 31:4 33:2 35:23 46:15 49:31 Ru 4:11
经文:创世记 29:17-29:17 注释:
* Rachel.
6-12,18 30:1,2,22 35:19,20,24 46:19-22 48:7 1Sa 10:2 Jer 31:15
Mt 2:18
* beautiful.
12:11 24:16 39:6 Pr 31:30
经文:创世记 29:18-29:18 注释:
* loved.
* I will serve.
In ancient times, it was a custom among many nations to give
dowries for their wives; but Jacob, being poor, offered for
Rachel seven year's service.
31:41 34:12 Ex 22:16,17 2Sa 3:14 Ho 3:2 12:12
经文:创世记 29:19-29:19 注释:
Ps 12:2 Isa 6:5,11
经文:创世记 29:20-29:20 注释:
* A.M. 2251. B.C. 1753. served.
30:26 Ho 12:12
* for the love.
24:67 So 8:6,7 1Co 13:7 2Co 5:14 Eph 5:2
经文:创世记 29:21-29:21 注释:
* Give me.
Mt 1:18
* my days.
18,20 31:41
* go in.
4:1 38:16 Jud 15:1
经文:创世记 29:22-29:22 注释:
* and made.
Jud 14:10-18 Ru 4:10-13 Mt 22:2-10 25:1-10 Joh 2:1-10 Re 19:9
经文:创世记 29:23-29:23 注释:
* brought her.
24:65 38:14,15 Mic 7:5
经文:创世记 29:24-29:24 注释:
* Zilpah.
16:1 24:59 30:9-12 46:18
经文:创世记 29:25-29:25 注释:
* in the morning.
1Co 3:13
* wherefore.
27:35,36 Jud 1:7 Pr 11:31 Mt 7:2,12 Joh 21:17 Re 3:19
经文:创世记 29:26-29:26 注释:
* country. Heb. place.
经文:创世记 29:27-29:27 注释:
* week.
2:2,3 8:10-12 Le 18:18 Jud 14:10,12 Mal 2:15 1Ti 6:10
* we will.
经文:创世记 29:28-29:28 注释:
* fulfilled her week.
The public marriage feast made on this occasion, seems to have
formed the regular method of recognising the marriage, and
lasted seven days: it would therefore have been improper to
have broken off the solemnities to which all the men of the
place had been invited (ver. 22) and probably Laban wished to
keep the fraud from the public eye. It is perfectly plain
that Jacob did not serve seven years more before he got Rachel
to wife.
经文:创世记 29:29-29:29 注释:
* Bilhah.
24 30:3-8 35:22,25 37:2
经文:创世记 29:30-29:30 注释:
* he loved.
20,31 44:20,27 De 21:15 Mt 6:24 10:37 Lu 14:26 Joh 12:25
* served.
18 30:25,26 31:15,41 1Sa 18:17-27 Ho 12:12
经文:创世记 29:31-29:31 注释:
* saw.
Ex 3:7
* was hated.
30 27:41 De 21:15 Mal 1:3 Mt 6:24 10:37 Lu 14:26 Joh 12:25
* he opened.
16:1 20:18 21:1,2 25:21 30:1,2,22 Jud 13:2,3 1Sa 1:5,20,27
1Sa 2:21 Ps 127:3 Lu 1:7
经文:创世记 29:32-29:32 注释:
* A.M. 2252. B.C. 1752. his name.
35:22 37:21,22,29 42:22,27 46:8,9 49:3,4 1Ch 5:1
* Reuben. that is, See a son. looked.
Ex 3:7 4:31 De 26:7 1Sa 1:11,20 2Sa 16:12 Ps 25:18 106:44
Lu 1:25
经文:创世记 29:33-29:33 注释:
* A.M. 2253. B.C. 1751. Because.
* called.
34:25,30 35:23 42:24 49:5,6
* Simeon. that is, Hearing.
经文:创世记 29:34-29:34 注释:
* A.M. 2254. B.C. 1750. was.
34:25 35:23 46:11 49:5-7 Ex 2:1 32:26-29 De 33:8-10
* Levi. that is, joined.
Nu 18:2-4
经文:创世记 29:35-29:35 注释:
* A.M. 2255. B.C. 1749. called.
35:26 38:1-30 43:8,9 44:18-34 46:12 49:8-12 De 33:7 1Ch 5:2
Mt 1:2
* Judah. that is, Praise. left bearing. Heb. stood from
That is, for a time; for she had several children afterwards.
(See ch. 30:17, etc.).
经文:创世记 30:1-30:1 注释:
1; Rachel, in grief for her barrenness, gives Bilhah her maid
unto Jacob.
5; Bilhah bears Dan and Naphtali.
9; Leah gives Zilpah her maid, who bears Gad and Asher.
14; Reuben finds mandrakes, with which Leah buys her husband's
company of Rachel.
17; Leah bears Issachar, Zebulun, and Dinah.
22; Rachel bears Joseph.
25; Jacob desires to depart.
27; Laban detains him on a new agreement.
37; Jacob's policy, whereby he becomes rich.
* when Rachel.
* Rachel envied.
Envy and jealousy are most tormenting passions to the breast
which harbours them, vexatious to all around, and introductory
to much impatience and ungodliness. "Who is able to stand
before envy?"
37:11 1Sa 1:4-8 Ps 106:16 Pr 14:30 Ec 4:4 1Co 3:3 Ga 5:21
Tit 3:3 Jas 3:14 4:5
* or else I die.
35:16-19 37:11 Nu 11:15,29 1Ki 19:4 Job 3:1-3,11,20-22 5:2
Job 13:19 Jer 20:14-18 Joh 4:3,8 2Co 7:10
经文:创世记 30:2-30:2 注释:
* anger.
31:36 Ex 32:19 Mt 5:22 Mr 3:5 Eph 4:26
* Am I.
16:2 25:21 50:19 1Sa 1:5 2:5,6 2Ki 5:7
* withheld.
De 7:13,14 Ps 113:9 127:3 Lu 1:42
经文:创世记 30:3-30:3 注释:
* Behold.
9 16:2,3
* she shall.
50:23 Job 3:12
* have children by her. Heb. be built up by her.
16:2 *marg:
Ru 4:11
经文:创世记 30:4-30:4 注释:
* to wife.
16:3 21:10 22:24 25:1,6 33:2 35:22 2Sa 12:11
经文:创世记 30:5-30:5 注释:
经文:创世记 30:6-30:6 注释:
* A.M. 2256. B.C. 1748. God.
29:32-35 Ps 35:24 43:1 La 3:59
* Dan. that is, Judging.
35:25 46:23 49:16,17 De 33:22 Jer 13:2,24 15:14-20
经文:创世记 30:7-30:7 注释:
* A.M. 2257. B.C. 1747.
经文:创世记 30:8-30:8 注释:
* great wrestlings. Heb. wrestlings of God.
23:6 32:24 Ex 9:28 1Sa 14:15 *marg:
* and she.
35:25 46:24 49:21 De 33:23
* Naphtali. that is, My wrestling.
32:24,25 Mt 4:13
* Nephthalim.
经文:创世记 30:9-30:9 注释:
* A.M. 2256. B.C. 1748. left.
17 29:35
* gave her.
4 16:3
经文:创世记 30:10-30:10 注释:
经文:创世记 30:11-30:11 注释:
* she.
35:26 46:16 49:19 De 33:20,21
* Gad. that is, A troop, or company.
Isa 65:11
经文:创世记 30:12-30:12 注释:
经文:创世记 30:13-30:13 注释:
* A.M. 2257. B.C. 1747. Happy am I. Heb. In my happiness.
will call.
Pr 31:28 So 6:9 Lu 1:48
* and she.
35:26 46:17 49:20 De 33:24,25
* Asher. that is, Happy.
经文:创世记 30:14-30:14 注释:
* A.M. 2256. B.C. 1748. mandrakes.
The mandrake may be the Hebrew {dudaim:} it is so rendered by
all the ancient versions, and is a species of melon, of an
agreeable odour. Hasselquist, speaking of Nazareth in
Galilee, says, "What I found most remarkable at this village
was the great number of mandrakes which grew in a vale below
it. I had not the pleasure of seeing this plant in blossom,
the fruit now (May 5th, O. S.) hanging ripe on the stem, which
lay withered on the ground. From the season in which this
mandrake blossoms and ripens fruit, one might form a
conjecture that it was Rachel's {dudaim.} These were brought
her in the wheat harvest, which in Galilee is in the month of
May, about this time, and the mandrake was now in fruit." The
Abbee Mariti describes it as growing "low like a lettuce, to
which its leaves have a great resemblance, except that they
have a dark green colour. The flowers are purple, and the
root is for the most part forked. The fruit, when ripe in the
beginning of May, is of the size and colour of a small apple,
exceedingly ruddy, and of a most agreeable odour. Our guide
thought us fools for suspecting it to be unwholesome."
So 7:13
* Give me.
经文:创世记 30:15-30:15 注释:
Nu 16:9,10,13 Isa 7:13 Eze 16:47 1Co 4:3
经文:创世记 30:16-30:16 注释:
经文:创世记 30:17-30:17 注释:
* A.M. 2257. B.C. 1747.
6,22 Ex 3:7 1Sa 1:20,26,27 Lu 1:13
经文:创世记 30:18-30:18 注释:
* and she.
35:23 46:13 49:14,15 De 33:18 1Ch 12:32
* Issachar. that is, An hire.
经文:创世记 30:19-30:19 注释:
经文:创世记 30:20-30:20 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2258. B.C. cir. 1746. now will.
15 29:34
* and she.
35:23 46:14 49:13 Jud 4:10 5:14 Ps 68:27
* Zebulun. that is, Dwelling.
Mt 4:13
* Zabulon.
经文:创世记 30:21-30:21 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2259. B.C. 1745. and called.
34:1-3,26 46:15
* Dinah. that is, Judgment.
经文:创世记 30:22-30:22 注释:
* remembered.
8:1 21:1 29:31 1Sa 1:19,20 Ps 105:42
* opened.
2 21:1,2 25:21 29:31 Ps 113:9 127:3
经文:创世记 30:23-30:23 注释:
"Be fruitful and multiply," was the blessing of God:
barrenness therefore was reckoned a reproach. The intense
desire of having children, observable among the Jewish women,
arose not only from this reproach of barrenness, but from the
hope of being the mother of the promised seed, and Him in whom
all the nations of the earth were to be blessed.
29:31 1Sa 1:5,6 Isa 4:1 Lu 1:21,25,27
经文:创世记 30:24-30:24 注释:
* And she.
35:24 37:2,4 39:1-23 42:6 48:1-22 49:22-26 De 33:13-17
Eze 37:16 Ac 7:9-15 Heb 11:21,22 Re 7:8
* Joseph. that is, Adding.
经文:创世记 30:25-30:25 注释:
* Send me away.
* mine.
18:33 31:55
* and to.
24:6,7 26:3 27:44,45 28:13,15 31:13 Ac 7:4,5 Heb 11:9,15,16
经文:创世记 30:26-30:26 注释:
* my wives.
29:19,20,30 31:26,31,41 Ho 12:12
* for thou.
29,30 31:6,38-40
经文:创世记 30:27-30:27 注释:
* favour.
18:3 33:15 34:11 39:3-5,21 47:25 Ex 3:21 Nu 11:11,15 Ru 2:13
1Sa 16:22 1Ki 11:19 Ne 1:11 2:5 Da 1:9 Ac 7:10
* the Lord.
30 12:3 26:24 39:2-5,21-23 Ps 1:3 Isa 6:13 61:9 65:8
经文:创世记 30:28-30:28 注释:
经文:创世记 30:29-30:29 注释:
5 31:6,38-40 Mt 24:45 Eph 6:5-8 Col 3:22-25 Tit 2:9,10
1Pe 2:15,18
经文:创世记 30:30-30:30 注释:
* increased. Heb. broken forth.
* and the.
* since my coming. Heb. at my foot.
De 11:10
* when.
2Co 12:14 1Ti 5:8
经文:创世记 30:31-30:31 注释:
2Sa 21:4-6 Ps 118:8 Heb 13:5
经文:创世记 30:32-30:32 注释:
* of such.
35 31:8,10
经文:创世记 30:33-30:33 注释:
* righteousness.
31:37 1Sa 26:23 2Sa 22:21 Ps 37:6
* answer.
Isa 59:12
* in time to come. Heb. to-morrow.
Ex 13:14
* that shall be.
Supply the ellipsis by inserting "if found," after "stolen,"
and the sense will be clear.
经文:创世记 30:34-30:34 注释:
Nu 22:29 1Co 7:7 14:5 Ga 5:12
经文:创世记 30:35-30:35 注释:
* he removed.
From this it appears, that, as Jacob had agreed to take all
the parti-coloured for his wages, and was now only beginning
to act upon this agreement, and consequently had as yet no
right to any of the cattle, therefore Laban separated from the
flock all such cattle as Jacob might afterwards claim in
consequence of his bargain, leaving only the black and white
with Jacob.
* the hand.
经文:创世记 30:36-30:36 注释:
经文:创世记 30:37-30:37 注释:
* Jacob.
* green poplar.
{Livneh} is the white poplar, so called from the whiteness of
its leaves, bark, and wood, from {lavan} to be white.
* hasel.
Jerome, Hiller, Celsius, Dr. Shaw, Bochart, and other learned
men, say, that {luz} is not the "hazel" but the almond-tree,
as the word denotes both in Arabic and Syriac.
* chestnut tree.
The Heb. word {armon,} signifies "the plane-tree," so called
from the bark naturally peeling off, and leaving the trunk
naked, as its root {aram,} signifies.
Eze 31:8
经文:创世记 30:38-30:38 注释:
经文:创世记 30:39-30:39 注释:
* brought forth.
31:9-12,38,40,42 Ex 12:35,36
经文:创世记 30:40-30:40 注释:
经文:创世记 30:41-30:41 注释:
* whensoever the stronger cattle did conceive.
As the means which Jacob used would not in general produce
similar effects, nay, probably the experiment was never in any
other instance tried with effect, it is more in harmony with
Divine truth to suppose that he was directed by some Divine
intimation; and rendered successful, if not by a direct
miracle, yet at least by the Lord's giving a new and uncommon
bias to the tendency of natural causes.
经文:创世记 30:42-30:42 注释:
经文:创世记 30:43-30:43 注释:
30 13:2 24:35 26:13,14 28:15 31:7,8,42 32:10 33:11 36:7 Ec 2:7
Eze 39:10
The Lord will, in one way or other, honour those who simply
trust his providence.
经文:创世记 31:1-31:1 注释:
1; Jacob, displeased with the envy of Laban and his sons,
departs secretly.
19; Rachel steals her father's images.
22; Laban pursues after him, and complains of the wrong.
34; Rachel's stratagem to hide the images.
36; Jacob's complaint of Laban.
43; The covenant of Laban and Jacob at Galeed.
* Jacob.
8,9 Job 31:31 Ps 57:4 64:3,4 120:3-5 Pr 14:30 27:4 Ec 4:4
Eze 16:44 Tit 3:3
* glory.
"Glory" is here used for "wealth," riches, or property; since
those who possess riches, generally make them the subject of
glory. The original word cavod, signifies both "glory" and
45:13 Es 5:11 Job 31:24,25 Ps 17:14 49:16,17 Ec 4:4 Isa 5:14
Jer 9:23 Mt 4:8 1Ti 6:4 1Pe 1:24
经文:创世记 31:2-31:2 注释:
* countenance.
4:5 De 28:54 1Sa 18:9-11 Da 3:19
* it was.
* as before. Heb. as yesterday and the day before.
Ex 4:10 De 19:4 1Sa 19:7 *marg:
经文:创世记 31:3-31:3 注释:
* Return.
28:15,20,21-29:15 32:9 35:1 46:2,3 50:24 Ps 46:1 50:15 90:15
* land.
13,18 13:15 26:3-5 28:4,13,15 30:25
* with thee.
21:22 26:24 28:15 32:9 Isa 41:10 Heb 13:5
经文:创世记 31:4-31:4 注释:
经文:创世记 31:5-31:5 注释:
* I see.
* the God.
3,13,42,53 32:9 48:15 50:17
经文:创世记 31:6-31:6 注释:
38-42 30:29 Eph 6:5-8 Col 3:22-25 Tit 2:9,10 1Pe 2:18
经文:创世记 31:7-31:7 注释:
* ten times.
The Hebrew, {asereth monim,} is literally, as Aquila renders,
"ten numbers;" and Symmachus, "ten times in number;" which
probably implies an indefinite number: see ver. 41.
Le 26:26 Nu 14:22 Ne 4:12 Job 19:8 Isa 4:1 Zec 8:23
* God.
29 20:6 Job 1:10 Ps 37:28 105:14,15 Isa 54:17
经文:创世记 31:8-31:8 注释:
经文:创世记 31:9-31:9 注释:
1,16 Es 8:1,2 Ps 50:10 Pr 13:22 Mt 20:15
经文:创世记 31:10-31:10 注释:
* a dream.
24 20:6 28:12 Nu 12:6 De 13:1 1Ki 3:5
* rams. or, he-goats. ringstraked.
* grisled.
The original word, {beroodim,} from {barad,} "hail" means
marked with white spots like hail; to which our word grisled,
from the old french {gresle,} now {grele,} hail, perfectly
agrees; hence {gresle,} spotted with white on a dark ground.
经文:创世记 31:11-31:11 注释:
* the angel.
5,13 16:7-13 18:1,17 48:15,16
* Here am I.
22:1 Ex 3:4 1Sa 3:4,6,8,16 Isa 58:9
经文:创世记 31:12-31:12 注释:
* Lift up.
* I have seen.
42 Ex 3:7,9 Le 19:13 De 24:15 Ps 12:5 139:3 Ec 5:8 Ac 7:34
Eph 6:9
经文:创世记 31:13-31:13 注释:
* the God.
28:12-22 35:7
* return.
3 32:9
经文:创世记 31:14-31:14 注释:
* Rachel.
Ru 4:11
* yet any.
2:24 29:24,29
经文:创世记 31:15-31:15 注释:
* sold us.
41 29:15-20,27-30 30:26 Ex 21:7-11 Ne 5:8
经文:创世记 31:16-31:16 注释:
* which God.
1,9 30:35-43
* whatsoever.
Ps 45:10
经文:创世记 31:17-31:17 注释:
* upon camels.
24:10,61 1Sa 30:17
经文:创世记 31:18-31:18 注释:
* for to go.
27:1,2,41 28:21 35:27-29
经文:创世记 31:19-31:19 注释:
* images. Heb. teraphim.
30,32 35:2 Jos 24:2 Jud 17:4,5 18:14-24,31 1Sa 19:13 Eze 21:21
Ho 3:4
These might have been images devoted to superstitious or
idolatrous purposes, as they are termed gods by Laban, in ver.
30. The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan render it,
{tzalmanaya,} "images;" the LXX. and Theodoret,
[eidolon [经文:创世记 31:20-31:20 注释:
* unawares to Laban. Heb. the heart of Laban. See references
on ver. 27.
经文:创世记 31:21-31:21 注释:
* passed.
2:14 15:18 Jos 24:2,3
* set his.
46:28 Nu 24:1 2Ki 12:17 Jer 50:5 Lu 9:51-53
* Gilead.
23 Nu 32:1 De 3:12 Jos 13:8,9 Jud 10:18 1Ki 17:1
经文:创世记 31:22-31:22 注释:
30:36 Ex 14:5-31 Job 5:12,13
经文:创世记 31:23-31:23 注释:
13:8 24:27 Ex 2:11,13
经文:创世记 31:24-31:24 注释:
* the Syrian.
28:5 De 26:5 Ho 12:12
* dream.
10,29 20:3 40:5 41:1 Nu 12:6 22:20,26 1Ki 3:5 Job 33:15-17,25
Mt 1:20 2:12 27:19
* Take heed.
42 24:50 Nu 24:13 2Sa 13:22 Ps 105:14,15 Isa 37:29
* either good or bad. Heb. from good to bad.
经文:创世记 31:25-31:25 注释:
12:8 33:18 Heb 11:9
经文:创世记 31:26-31:26 注释:
* What.
36 3:13 4:10 12:18 20:9,10 26:10 Jos 7:19 1Sa 14:43 17:29
Joh 18:35
* carried.
16 2:24 34:29 1Sa 30:2
经文:创世记 31:27-31:27 注释:
* Wherefore.
3-5,20,21,31 Jud 6:27
* steal away from me. Heb. hast stolen me.
20 *marg:
* that I.
Pr 26:23-26
* with mirth.
24:59,60 Job 21:11-14
* tabret.
Ex 15:20
经文:创世记 31:28-31:28 注释:
* kiss.
55 29:13 Ex 4:27 Ru 1:9,14 1Ki 19:20 Ac 20:37
* foolishly.
3,13,24 1Sa 13:13 2Ch 16:9 1Co 2:14
经文:创世记 31:29-31:29 注释:
* the power.
Ps 52:1 Joh 19:10,11
* the God.
42,53 28:13 Jos 24:2,3 2Ki 19:10 Da 2:47 3:28 6:20,26
* yesternight.
* Take.
Ac 5:38,39 9:5
经文:创世记 31:30-31:30 注释:
* my gods.
19 Ex 12:12 Nu 33:4 Jud 6:31 18:24 1Sa 5:2-6 2Sa 5:21
Isa 37:19 46:1,2 Jer 10:11 43:12
经文:创世记 31:31-31:31 注释:
* Because.
26,27 20:11 Pr 29:25
经文:创世记 31:32-31:32 注释:
* whomsoever.
This was rash, and might have produced fatal effects; but
Jacob was partial to Rachel, and did not suspect her; and he
was indignant at being accused of a crime which he deeply
abhorred. Scott.
19,30 44:9-12
* before.
23 13:8 19:7 30:33 1Sa 12:3-5 2Co 8:20,21 12:17-19
* For Jacob.
1Sa 14:24-29
经文:创世记 31:33-31:33 注释:
* Leah's.
经文:创世记 31:34-31:34 注释:
* had taken.
* furniture.
The word, {car,} rendered "furniture," properly denotes "a
large round pannier," placed one on each side of a camel, for
a person, especially women, to ride in. It is a hamper, like
a cradle, having a back, head, and sides, like a great chair.
Moryson describes them as "two long chairs like cradles,
covered with red cloth, to hang on the two sides of the
camel." Hanway calls them {kedgavays,} which "are a kind of
covered chairs, which the Persians hang over their camels in
the manner of {panniers,} and are big enough for one person to
sit in." Thevenot, who calls then {counes,} says that they
lay over them a cover, which keeps then both from the rain and
sun; and Maillet describes them as covered cages, hanging on
each side of a camel. The late Editor of Calmet has furnished
a correct delineation of these cars, as seen on one side of a
camel, copied from Dalton's Prints of Egyptian Figures.
* searched. Heb. felt.
经文:创世记 31:35-31:35 注释:
* my lord.
18:12 Ex 20:12 Le 19:3 Eph 6:1 1Pe 2:18 3:6
* rise up.
Le 19:32 1Ki 2:19
* custom.
18:11 Le 15:19
经文:创世记 31:36-31:36 注释:
* was wroth.
30:2 34:7 49:7 Nu 16:15 2Ki 5:11 13:19 Pr 28:1 Mr 3:5 Eph 4:26
Jas 1:19,20
经文:创世记 31:37-31:37 注释:
* set it here.
32 Jos 7:23 1Sa 12:3,4 Mt 18:16 1Co 6:4,5 1Th 2:10 Heb 13:18
1Pe 2:12 3:16
经文:创世记 31:38-31:38 注释:
* twenty.
* ewes.
30:27,30 Ex 23:26 De 28:4
* the rams.
Eze 34:2-4
经文:创世记 31:39-31:39 注释:
* torn of.
Ex 22:10,31 Le 22:8 1Sa 17:34,35 Joh 10:12,13
* I bare.
Ex 22:10-13
* or stolen.
Lu 2:8
经文:创世记 31:40-31:40 注释:
Ex 2:19-22 3:1 Ps 78:70,71 Ho 12:12 Lu 2:8 Joh 21:15-17
Heb 13:7 1Pe 5:2-4
经文:创世记 31:41-31:41 注释:
* fourteen.
38 29:18-30 30:33-40 1Co 15:10 2Co 11:26
* ten times.
经文:创世记 31:42-31:42 注释:
* Except.
24,29 Ps 124:1-3
* fear.
53 27:33 Ps 76:11,12 124:1 Isa 8:13
* hath seen.
12 11:5 16:11,13 29:32 Ex 3:7 1Ch 12:17 Ps 31:7 Jude 1:9
经文:创世记 31:43-31:43 注释:
经文:创世记 31:44-31:44 注释:
* let us.
15:18 21:22-32 26:28-31 1Sa 20:14-17
* a witness.
48,52 21:30 De 31:19,21,26 Jos 22:27 24:25-27
God can put a bridle into the mouth of wicked man to restrain
their malice; and then, though they have no love for his
people, they will pretend to it, and try to make a merit of
necessity. Scott.
经文:创世记 31:45-31:45 注释:
经文:创世记 31:46-31:46 注释:
* brethren.
* Gather.
Jos 4:5-9,20-24 7:26 2Sa 18:17 Ec 3:5
* an heap.
The word {gal,} rendered "heap," properly signifies a round
heap or circle; probably like the Druidical remains in this
country, which have been traced in India, Persia, Western
Asia, Greece, and Northern Europe. These usually consist of
irregular circles of large stones, with a principal one in the
midst; the former probably being used for seats, and the
latter for an altar; corresponding to the stone set up as a
pillar by Jacob, and the heap of stones collected by his
brethren. They appear to have been used, as Gilgal
undoubtedly was, (Jos 4:5; Jud 2:1; 3:19; ch. 20. 1; Sa 7:16;
10:8, 17; 11:15; 13:7; 15:33. 2; Sa 19:15, 40. 2; Ki 2:1.) as
temples, and as places for holding councils, and assembling
the people. For a satisfactory elucidation of this subject,
consult the Fragments to Calmet, Nos. 156, 735, 736.
经文:创世记 31:47-31:47 注释:
* Jegar-sahadutha. i.e., the heap of witness. Chald. Galeed.
i.e., the heap of witness. Heb.
Heb 12:1
经文:创世记 31:48-31:48 注释:
* This heap.
Jos 24:27
* Galeed. or, Gilead.
23 De 2:36 3:16 Jos 13:8,9
经文:创世记 31:49-31:49 注释:
* Mizpah. i.e., a beacon, or watch-tower.
Jud 10:17 11:11,29
* Mizpeh.
1Sa 7:5 1Ki 15:22 Ho 5:1
经文:创世记 31:50-31:50 注释:
* afflict.
Le 18:18 Mt 19:5,6
* God.
Jud 11:10 1Sa 12:5 Jer 29:23 42:5 Mic 1:2 Mal 2:14 3:5 1Th 2:5
经文:创世记 31:51-31:51 注释:
* I have cast.
For {yarithi,} "I have set up," we may read yaritha, "Thou
hast set up," with one Heb. and one Sam. MS: see ver. 45.
经文:创世记 31:52-31:52 注释:
经文:创世记 31:53-31:53 注释:
* God of Abraham.
11:24-29,31 17:7 22:20-24 24:3,4 Ex 3:6 Jos 24:2
* their father.
For {avihem,} "Their father," several MSS. read avichem, "Your
father," for Terah was an idolater: see Jos 24:2.
* judge.
* sware.
14:22 21:23,24 24:3 26:28-31
* fear.
42 De 6:13
经文:创世记 31:54-31:54 注释:
* offered sacrifice. or, killed beasts. did eat.
21:8 26:30 37:25 Ex 18:12 2Sa 3:20,21
经文:创世记 31:55-31:55 注释:
* and kissed.
28 33:4 Ru 1:14
* blessed.
24:60 28:1 Nu 23:5,8,11 De 23:5 Pr 16:7
* returned.
18:33 30:25 Nu 24:25 De 32:36 Ps 76:10 Ac 28:4,5
经文:创世记 32:1-32:1 注释:
1; Jacob's vision at Mahanaim.
3; His message to Esau.
6; He is afraid of Esau's coming.
9; He prays for deliverance.
13; He sends a present to Esau, and passes the brook Jabbok.
24; He wrestles with an angel at Peniel, where he is called
31; He halts.
* angels.
Ps 91:11 Heb 1:4 1Co 3:22 Eph 3:10
经文:创世记 32:2-32:2 注释:
* God's.
Jos 5:14 2Ki 6:17 Ps 34:7 103:21 148:2 Da 10:20 Lu 2:13
* the name.
Jos 21:38 2Sa 2:8,12 17:24,26,27 1Ki 2:8 4:14
* Mahanain. i.e., two hosts, or camps.
So 6:13
Mahanaim was situated between Gilead and the river Jabbok,
near the present Djezan.
经文:创世记 32:3-32:3 注释:
* sent.
Mal 3:1 Lu 9:52 14:31,32
* land.
The land, or mountains, of Seir was situated south and east of
the Dead Sea; forming a continuation of the eastern Syrian
chain of mountains, beginning with Antilibanus, and extending
from thence to the eastern gulf of the Red Sea.
* Seir.
14:6 33:14,16 36:6-8 De 2:5,22 Jos 24:4
* country. Heb. field. Edom.
经文:创世记 32:4-32:4 注释:
* my lord.
5,18 4:7 23:6 27:29,37 33:8 Ex 32:22 1Sa 26:17 Pr 6:3 15:1
Lu 14:11
1Pe 3:6
* servant.
1Ki 20:32 Ec 10:4
经文:创世记 32:5-32:5 注释:
* have oxen.
30:43 31:1,16 33:11 Job 6:22
* may find.
33:8,15 47:25 Ru 2:2 1Sa 1:18 2Sa 16:4
经文:创世记 32:6-32:6 注释:
* and four.
8,11 27:40,41 33:1 Am 5:19
经文:创世记 32:7-32:7 注释:
* greatly.
Ex 14:10 Ps 18:4,5 31:13 55:4,5 61:2 142:4 Mt 8:26 Joh 16:33
Ac 14:22 2Co 1:4,8-10 2Ti 3:12
* distressed.
35:3 Ps 107:6
* and he.
Ps 112:5 Pr 2:11 Isa 28:26 Mt 10:16
经文:创世记 32:8-32:8 注释:
33:1-3 Mt 10:16
经文:创世记 32:9-32:9 注释:
* Jacob.
1Sa 30:6 2Ch 20:6,12 32:20 Ps 34:4-6 50:15 91:15 Php 4:6,7
* O God.
17:7 28:13 31:29,42,53 Ex 3:6
* the Lord.
经文:创世记 32:10-32:10 注释:
* not worthy of the least of all. Heb. less than all.
18:27 2Sa 7:18 Job 42:5,6 Ps 16:2 Isa 6:5 63:7 Da 9:8,9 Lu 5:8
Lu 17:10 2Co 12:11 1Ti 1:12-15 1Pe 5:5 1Jo 1:8-10
* mercies.
24:27 Ps 8:5
* truth.
24:27 28:15 Ps 61:7 85:10 Mic 7:20
* my staff.
28:10,11 Job 8:7 Ps 18:35
* two bands.
5,7 30:43 De 8:18 Ps 18:35 84:7 Job 17:9 Pr 4:18
经文:创世记 32:11-32:11 注释:
* Deliver.
1Sa 12:10 24:15 Ps 16:1 25:20 31:2 43:1 59:1,2 119:134 142:6
Pr 18:19 Da 3:17 Mt 6:13
* the mother.
De 22:6 Ho 10:14
* with. Heb. upon.
经文:创世记 32:12-32:12 注释:
* thou.
6 Ex 32:13 Nu 23:19 1Sa 15:29 Mt 24:35 2Ti 2:13 Tit 1:2
Heb 6:17
* I will.
28:13-15 46:3,4
经文:创世记 32:13-32:13 注释:
* which.
1Sa 25:8
* to his hand.
Or, "under his hand" or power; i.e., what Providence had put
in his power or possession.
* a present.
20,21 18:2 33:10 42:6 43:11,26 1Sa 25:27 Pr 17:8 18:16 19:6
Pr 21:14
经文:创世记 32:14-32:14 注释:
This was a princely present. The "thirty milch camels" were
particularly valuable; for among the Arabs they constitute a
principal part of their riches; being every way so
serviceable, that the providence of God appears peculiarly
kind and wise in providing such animals for those countries,
where no other animal could be of equal service. The
she-camel gives milk continually, not ceasing even when with
young; the milk of which, when mixed with three parts of
water, affords the most pleasant and wholesome beverage.
30:43 31:9,16 De 8:18 1Sa 25:2 Job 1:3 42:12
经文:创世记 32:15-32:15 注释:
经文:创世记 32:16-32:16 注释:
* space.
20 33:8,9 Ps 112:5 Pr 2:11 Isa 28:26 Mt 10:16
经文:创世记 32:17-32:17 注释:
* Whose art.
经文:创世记 32:18-32:18 注释:
经文:创世记 32:19-32:19 注释:
经文:创世记 32:20-32:20 注释:
* I will appease.
43:11 1Sa 25:17-35 Job 42:8,9 Pr 15:18 16:14 21:14
* peradventure.
1Sa 6:5 1Ki 20:31 Jon 3:9 2Ti 2:25
* of me. Heb. my face.
Job 42:8,9 Pr 6:35
经文:创世记 32:21-32:21 注释:
经文:创世记 32:22-32:22 注释:
* his two wives.
29:21-35 30:1-24 35:18,22-26 1Ti 5:8
* the ford Jabbok.
Or, "the ford of Jabbok," a stream which takes its rise in the
mountains of Gilead, and falls into the Jordan to the south of
the lake of Gennesareth. It is now called the Zerka.
De 2:37 3:16 Jos 12:2
经文:创世记 32:23-32:23 注释:
* sent them. Heb. caused to pass.
经文:创世记 32:24-32:24 注释:
* wrestled.
30:8 Lu 13:24 22:44 Ro 8:26,27 15:30 Eph 6:12,18 Col 2:1 4:12
Heb 5:7
* man.
28,30 48:16 Isa 32:2 Ho 12:3-5 1Co 15:47
* breaking of the day. Heb. ascending of the morning.
Ex 14:27 So 2:17
经文:创世记 32:25-32:25 注释:
* that he.
19:22 Nu 14:13,14 Isa 41:14 45:11 Ho 12:3,4 Mt 15:22-28
Lu 11:5-8
* touched.
32 Ps 30:6,7 Mt 26:41,44 2Co 12:7-9
经文:创世记 32:26-32:26 注释:
* Let me go.
Ex 32:10 De 9:14 So 7:5 Isa 45:11 64:7 Lu 24:28,29
* I will not.
So 3:4 Ho 12:4 Lu 18:1-7 Ro 8:37 1Co 15:58 2Co 12:8,9 Heb 5:7
* thou bless.
1Ch 4:10 Ps 67:1,6,7 115:12,13
经文:创世记 32:27-32:27 注释:
经文:创世记 32:28-32:28 注释:
* Thy name.
17:5,15 33:20 35:10 Nu 13:16 2Sa 12:25 2Ki 17:34 Isa 62:2-4
Isa 65:15 Joh 1:42 Re 2:17
* Israel. i.e., a prince of God. as a prince.
Or, according to the LXX., Vulgate, Houbigant, Dathe, and
Rosenmuller, "because thou hast power with God, thou shalt
also prevail with men." There is a beautiful antithesis
between the two terms, with [Elohim,] {Elohim,} god, the
Almighty, with [anashim,] {anashim,} weak, feeble men, as the
word imports; seeing thou hast had power with the Almighty,
surely thou shalt prevail over perishing mortals.
* power.
24 Ho 12:3-5
* with men.
25:31 27:33-36 31:24,36-55 33:4 1Sa 26:25 Pr 16:7
经文:创世记 32:29-32:29 注释:
* Wherefore.
27 De 29:29 Jud 13:16-18 Job 11:7 Pr 30:4 Isa 9:6 Lu 1:19
* blessed.
26 27:28,29 28:3,4,13,14 Ho 6:1
经文:创世记 32:30-32:30 注释:
* Jacob.
* Penuel.
28:19 Jud 8:8,17 1Ki 12:25
* Peniel. i.e., the face of God.
Peniel, or Penuel, was evidently situated near the ford of
Jabbok, on the north of that stream, about forty miles from
* I have.
16:13 Ex 24:10,11 33:14,19-23 Nu 12:8 De 5:24 34:10
Jud 6:22,23 13:21,22 Isa 6:5 Joh 1:18 2Co 3:18 4:6 Ga 1:6
Eph 1:17 Col 1:15 2Ti 1:10 Heb 11:27
经文:创世记 32:31-32:31 注释:
* rose upon.
19:15,23 Mal 4:2
* he halted.
25 Ps 38:17 2Co 12:7,9
经文:创世记 32:32-32:32 注释:
* eat not.
1Sa 5:5
经文:创世记 33:1-33:1 注释:
1; Jacob and Esau's meeting; and Esau's departure.
17; Jacob comes to Succoth.
18; At Shalem he buys a field, and builds an altar, called
* Esau came.
27:41,42 32:6
* And he.
经文:创世记 33:2-33:2 注释:
* Rachel.
29:30 30:22-24 37:3 Mal 3:17
经文:创世记 33:3-33:3 注释:
* passed.
Joh 10:4,11,12,15
* bowed.
18:2 42:6 43:26 Pr 6:3 Ec 10:4 Lu 14:11
* seven times.
1Sa 2:5
经文:创世记 33:4-33:4 注释:
* embraced.
32:28 43:30,34 45:2,15 Job 2:12 Ne 1:11 Ps 34:4 Pr 16:7 21:1
* fell on.
45:14,15 46:29 Lu 15:20 Ac 20:37
经文:创世记 33:5-33:5 注释:
* with. Heb. to. children.
30:2 48:9 Ru 4:13 1Sa 1:27 1Ch 28:5 Ps 127:3 Isa 8:18 Heb 2:13
经文:创世记 33:6-33:6 注释:
经文:创世记 33:7-33:7 注释:
经文:创世记 33:8-33:8 注释:
* What meanest thou by all this drove? Heb. What is all this
band to thee?
* to find.
32:5 39:5 Es 2:17
经文:创世记 33:9-33:9 注释:
* have enough.
27:39 Pr 30:15 Ec 4:8
* my brother.
4:9 27:41 Jud 20:23 Pr 16:7 Ac 9:17 21:20 Phm 1:7,16
* keep that thou hast unto thyself. Heb. be that to thee that
is thine.
经文:创世记 33:10-33:10 注释:
* if now.
19:19 47:29 50:4 Ex 33:12,13 Ru 2:10 1Sa 20:3 Jer 31:2
* receive.
To accept a present from an inferior was a customary pledge of
friendship; but returning it implied disaffection. It was on
this ground that Jacob was so urgent with Esau to receive his
* I have seen.
32:30 43:3 2Sa 3:13 14:24,28,32 Job 33:26 Ps 41:11 Mt 18:10
Re 22:4
经文:创世记 33:11-33:11 注释:
* my blessing.
32:13-20 Jos 15:19 Jud 1:15 1Sa 25:27 30:26 2Ki 5:15 2Co 9:5,6
* and because.
9 Php 4:11,12,18
* enough. Heb. all things.
Ro 8:31,32 1Co 3:21 2Co 6:10 Php 4:12,18 1Ti 4:8
* urged him.
2Ki 2:17 5:16,23 Lu 14:23
经文:创世记 33:12-33:12 注释:
经文:创世记 33:13-33:13 注释:
* the children.
1Ch 22:5 Pr 12:10 Isa 40:11 Eze 34:15,16,23-25 Joh 21:15-17
经文:创世记 33:14-33:14 注释:
* according as, etc.
Heb. according to the foot of the work, etc.; and according to
the foot of the children.
* be able.
Isa 40:11 Mr 4:33 Ro 15:1 1Co 3:2 9:19-22
* unto Seir.
32:3 De 2:1 Jud 5:4 2Ch 20:10 Eze 25:8 35:2,3
经文:创世记 33:15-33:15 注释:
* leave. Heb. set, or place.
What needeth it? Heb. Wherefore is this?
* find grace.
34:11 47:25 Ru 2:13 1Sa 25:8 2Sa 16:4
经文:创世记 33:16-33:16 注释:
经文:创世记 33:17-33:17 注释:
* Succoth.
Jos 13:27 Jud 8:5,8,16 1Ki 7:46 Ps 60:6
* not.
Ex 12:37 13:20
* Succoth. i.e., Booths.
Succoth was on the east of Jordan, between the brook Jabbok
and that river, about 40; miles from Jerusalem, and
consequently near Penuel; where a city was afterwards built,
which Joshua assigned to the tribe of Gad. Jerome says, that
Succoth was in the district of Scythopolis; and the Jews
inform us, that the name of Darala was sometime after applied
to it.
经文:创世记 33:18-33:18 注释:
* Shalem.
The word {Shalem,} in the Samaritan {Shalom,} should probably
be rendered "in peace," or "in safety;" as it is translated by
the Chaldee, Arabic, Coverdale, and Matthewes.
Joh 3:23 4:5 Ac 7:16
* a city of Shechem.
Or, rather, "the city Shechem," which was situated in a narrow
valley, abounding with springs, between Mounts Ebal and
Gerizim, having the former on the north, and the latter on the
south; 10; miles from Shiloh, and 34; from Jerusalem. It became
the capital of Samaria, after the ruin of the city of that
Jos 24:1 Jud 9:1 Joh 4:5
* Sychar.
Ac 7:16
* Sychem. Padan-aram.
25:20 28:6,7 35:9 46:15
经文:创世记 33:19-33:19 注释:
* bought.
23:17-20 49:30-32 Jos 24:32 Joh 4:5 Ac 7:16
* Hamor.
34:2-31 Ac 7:16
* Emmor. pieces of money. or, lambs.
经文:创世记 33:20-33:20 注释:
* altar.
8:20 12:7,8 13:18 21:33
* El-elohe-Israel. i.e., God, the God of Israel.
32:28 35:7
经文:创世记 34:1-34:1 注释:
1; Dinah is ravished by Shechem.
4; He sues to marry her.
13; The sons of Jacob offer the condition of circumcision to the
20; Hamor and Shechem persuade them to accept it.
25; The sons of Jacob upon that advantage slay them, and spoil
their city.
30; Jacob reproves Simeon and Levi.
* A.M. 2272. B.C. 1732.
* Dinah.
30:21 46:15
* the daughters.
26:34 27:46 28:6 30:13 Jer 2:36 1Ti 5:13 Tit 2:5
经文:创世记 34:2-34:2 注释:
* Shechem.
10:17 33:19
* saw her.
6:2 39:6,7 Jud 14:1 2Sa 11:2 Job 31:1,9 Pr 13:20 Mt 5:28
* took her.
* defiled her. Heb. humbled her.
De 21:14 22:24,29 Jud 19:24,25 Eze 22:10,11
经文:创世记 34:3-34:3 注释:
* soul.
Ru 1:14 1Sa 18:1
* kindly unto the damsel. Heb. to the heart of the damsel.
2Sa 19:7 2Ch 30:22 Isa 40:2 Ho 2:14 *marg:
经文:创世记 34:4-34:4 注释:
21:21 Jud 14:2 2Sa 13:13
经文:创世记 34:5-34:5 注释:
* now his.
30:35 37:13,14 1Sa 10:27 16:11 17:15 2Sa 13:22 Lu 15:25,29
* held.
Le 10:3 Ps 39:9
经文:创世记 34:6-34:6 注释:
经文:创世记 34:7-34:7 注释:
* were.
46:7 2Sa 13:21
* wrought.
Ex 19:5,6 De 22:21 Jos 7:15 Jud 19:22-25 20:6 2Sa 13:12,13
Ps 93:5 Pr 7:7 1Pe 2:9
* thing.
20:9 Le 4:2,13,27 De 23:17 1Co 6:18 10:8 Eph 5:3 Col 3:5
1Ti 5:13 Heb 13:4 Jas 3:10
经文:创世记 34:8-34:8 注释:
* The soul.
3 1Ki 11:2 Ps 63:1 84:2 119:20
经文:创世记 34:9-34:9 注释:
6:2 19:14 24:3 26:34,35 27:46 De 7:3
经文:创世记 34:10-34:10 注释:
* and the land.
21-23 13:9 20:15 42:34 47:27
经文:创世记 34:11-34:11 注释:
18:3 33:15
经文:创世记 34:12-34:12 注释:
* Ask me.
On the practice of purchasing wives, De La Roque says,
"Properly speaking, a young man who would marry must purchase
his wife; and fathers among the Arabs are never so happy as
when they have many daughters. They form part of the riches
of the house. Accordingly, when a young man would treat with
a person whose daughter he is inclined to marry, he says to
him, 'Will you give me your daughter for fifty sheep, for six
camels, or for a dozen cows?' according to the rank of her
family, and the circumstances of him who desires to marry
* dowry.
24:53 29:18 31:41 Ex 22:16,17 De 22:28,29 1Sa 18:25-27
2Sa 3:14 Ho 3:2 Mt 14:17
经文:创世记 34:13-34:13 注释:
* deceitfully.
25:27-34 Jud 15:3 2Sa 13:23-29 Job 13:4,7 Ps 12:2 Pr 12:13
Pr 12:18-20 24:28,29 26:24-26 Isa 59:13 Mic 7:2 Ro 12:19
1Th 5:15 Mt 28:13
经文:创世记 34:14-34:14 注释:
* uncircumcised.
17:11 Jos 5:2-9 1Sa 14:6 17:26,36 2Sa 1:20 15:7 1Ki 21:9
Mt 2:8,13 23:1-39 Ro 4:11
经文:创世记 34:15-34:15 注释:
Ga 4:12
经文:创世记 34:16-34:16 注释:
经文:创世记 34:17-34:17 注释:
经文:创世记 34:18-34:18 注释:
经文:创世记 34:19-34:19 注释:
* because.
29:20 So 8:6 Isa 62:4
* honourable.
41:20 Nu 22:15 1Sa 22:14 2Ki 5:1 1Ch 4:9 Isa 3:3-5 5:13 23:8,9
Ac 13:50 17:12
经文:创世记 34:20-34:20 注释:
* the gate.
22:17 23:10 De 17:5 Ru 4:1 Job 29:7 Pr 31:23 Am 5:10,12,15
Zec 8:16
经文:创世记 34:21-34:21 注释:
经文:创世记 34:22-34:22 注释:
经文:创世记 34:23-34:23 注释:
Pr 1:12,13 23:4,5 28:20 Joh 2:16 6:26,27 Ac 19:24-26
1Ti 6:6-10
经文:创世记 34:24-34:24 注释:
* hearkened.
In thus falling into this measure, the Shechemites must either
have had great affection for their chief and his son, or have
been under the influence of the most passive obedience. The
petty princes of Asia have always been absolute and despotic;
their subjects paying them the most prompt and blind
obedience. The following instance will sufficiently
illustrate and confirm this statement: Abu Thaher, chief of
the Carmathians, about the year 930, with only 500; horse, went
to lay siege to Bagdad: the khalif's general marched out to
seize him; but before the attack, sent an officer to summon
him to surrender. "How many men has the khalif's general?"
said Abu Thaher; "30,000," replied the officer. "Among them
all," says the Carmathian chief, "has he got three like mine?"
Then ordering his followers to approach, he commanded one to
stab himself, another to throw himself from a precipice, and a
third to plunge into the Tigris: all three instantly obeyed,
and perished! Then turning to the officer, he said, "He who
has such troops need not value the number of his enemies!"
* went out.
* every male.
17:23 Isa 1:10-16 Mt 7:6 Ro 2:28,29 1Co 7:19
经文:创世记 34:25-34:25 注释:
* sore.
Jos 5:6,8
* Simeon.
29:33,34 49:5,7 Nu 31:7,17 Pr 4:16 6:34,35
* slew.
49:6 2Ch 32:25
经文:创世记 34:26-34:26 注释:
* edge. Heb. mouth.
De 32:42 2Sa 2:26 Isa 31:8
经文:创世记 34:27-34:27 注释:
* spoiled.
Es 9:10,16 1Ti 6:10
* they.
2,31 Ex 2:14 Jos 7:1,21
* See on
经文:创世记 34:28-34:28 注释:
Nu 31:17 De 8:17,18 Job 1:15,16 20:5
经文:创世记 34:29-34:29 注释:
经文:创世记 34:30-34:30 注释:
* Ye have.
49:5-7 Jos 7:25 1Ki 18:18 1Ch 2:7 Pr 11:17,29 15:27
* to stink.
Ex 5:21 1Sa 13:4 27:12 1Ch 19:6
* and I being.
De 4:17 7:7 1Ch 16:12 Ps 105:12
* and I shall.
12:2,12 28:13,14 1Sa 16:2 27:1 Ro 4:18-20
经文:创世记 34:31-34:31 注释:
13 49:7 Pr 6:34
经文:创世记 35:1-35:1 注释:
1; God commands Jacob to go to Bethel.
2; He purges his house of idols.
6; He builds an altar at Bethel.
8; Deborah dies at Allon-bachuth.
9; God blesses Jacob at Bethel.
16; Rachel travails of Benjamin, and dies in the way to Edar.
22; Reuben lies with Bilhah.
23; The sons of Jacob.
27; Jacob comes to Isaac at Hebron.
28; The age, death, and burial of Isaac.
* God said.
22:14 De 32:36 Ps 46:1 91:15
* Beth-el.
7 12:8 13:3,4 28:10-22 31:3,13 Ps 47:4 Ec 5:4-6 Ho 12:4
Na 1:15
* when thou.
16:8 27:41-45 Ex 2:15
经文:创世记 35:2-35:2 注释:
* unto his.
18:19 Jos 24:15 Ps 101:2-7
* strange.
31:19,34 Ex 20:3,4 23:13 De 5:7 6:14 7:25 11:28 32:16 Jos 23:7
Jos 24:2,20,23 Jud 10:16 Ru 1:15 1Sa 7:3 2Sa 7:23 2Ki 17:29
1Ch 16:26 Jer 5:7 16:20 Da 5:4 Ac 19:26 1Co 10:7 2Co 6:15-17
Ga 4:8
* clean.
22 34:2,24,25 Ex 19:10,14 Le 15:5 17:16 Nu 31:24 2Ki 5:10,12,13
Job 1:5 Ps 51:2,7 Ec 5:1 Isa 1:16 52:11 Jer 13:27 Eze 18:31
Eze 20:7 36:25 Joh 13:10,11 2Co 7:1 Heb 10:22 Jas 4:8
1Pe 2:1,2 Jude 1:23
经文:创世记 35:3-35:3 注释:
* who answered.
28:12,13 32:7,24 Ps 46:1 50:15 66:13,14 91:15 103:1-5 107:6,8
Ps 116:1,2,16-18 118:19-22 Isa 30:19
* was with.
28:20 31:3,42 Pr 3:6 Isa 43:2
经文:创世记 35:4-35:4 注释:
* ear-rings.
These rings were not worn as mere ornaments, but for
superstitious purposes; perhaps as amulets or charms, first
consecrated to some false god, or formed under some
constellation, and stamped with magical characters.
Maimonides mentions rings and jewels of this kind, with the
image of the sun, moon, etc., impressed upon them; and
Augustine describes them (Epist. 73,) as used for this
execrable purpose.
Ex 32:2-4 Jud 8:24-27 Ho 2:13
* hid them.
Ex 32:20 De 7:5,25 Isa 2:20 30:22
* the oak.
Jos 24:25,26 Jud 9:6
经文:创世记 35:5-35:5 注释:
34:30 Ex 15:15,16 23:27 34:24 De 11:25 Jos 2:9-11 5:1 1Sa 11:7
1Sa 14:15 2Ch 14:14 17:10 Ps 14:5
经文:创世记 35:6-35:6 注释:
* Luz.
12:8 28:19,22 Jud 1:22-26
经文:创世记 35:7-35:7 注释:
* built.
1,3 Ec 5:4,5
* El-beth-el. i.e., the god of Beth-el.
28:13,19,22 Ex 17:15 Jud 6:24 Eze 48:35
经文:创世记 35:8-35:8 注释:
* Rebekah's.
* under an oak.
1Sa 31:13
* Allon-bachuth. i.e., the oak of weeping.
Jud 2:1,5
经文:创世记 35:9-35:9 注释:
12:7 17:1 18:1 26:2 28:13 31:3,11-13 32:1,24-30 35:1 46:2,3
48:3,4 Jer 31:3 Ho 12:4 Ac 7:2
经文:创世记 35:10-35:10 注释:
17:5,15 32:27,28 1Ki 18:31 2Ki 17:34
经文:创世记 35:11-35:11 注释:
* God Almighty.
17:1 18:14 43:14 48:3,4 Ex 6:3 2Co 6:18
* a nation.
12:2 13:16 15:5 17:5-7,16 18:18 22:17 28:3,4,14 32:12 46:3
48:4 Ex 1:7 Nu 1:1-26:65 1Sa 1:1- 2Ch 36:23
经文:创世记 35:12-35:12 注释:
* the land.
12:7 13:14-17 15:18 26:3,4 28:3,4,13 48:4 Ex 3:8 Jos 6:1-21:45
* to.
Ne 13:1-31
经文:创世记 35:13-35:13 注释:
11:5 17:22 18:33 Jud 6:21 13:20 Lu 24:31
经文:创世记 35:14-35:14 注释:
20 28:18,19 Ex 17:15 1Sa 7:12
经文:创世记 35:15-35:15 注释:
* Bethel.
经文:创世记 35:16-35:16 注释:
* a little way to come. Heb. a little piece of ground.
2Ki 5:19
* Ephrath.
48:7 Ru 1:2 1Ch 2:19 Ps 132:6 Mic 5:2 Mt 2:1,16,18
* hard labour.
3:16 1Ti 2:15
经文:创世记 35:17-35:17 注释:
* Fear not.
30:24 1Sa 4:19-21
经文:创世记 35:18-35:18 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2275. B.C. cir. 1729. her soul.
30:1 1Sa 4:20,21 Ps 16:10 Ex 12:7 La 2:12 Lu 12:20 23:46
Ac 7:59
* Ben-oni. i.e., the son of my sorrow.
1Ch 4:9
* Benjamin. i.e., the son of my right hand.
42:4,38 43:14 44:27-31 Ps 80:17
The Samaritan has {ben yamim,} "the son of days," i.e., of his
old age, (ch. 44:20,) which Jerome renders Benjamin, {id est,
filius dextrae, Benjamin,} that is, "the son of the right
经文:创世记 35:19-35:19 注释:
* Rachel died.
* Ephrath.
Jos 19:15 Ru 1:2 4:11 Mic 5:2 6:2 Mt 2:1,6,18
经文:创世记 35:20-35:20 注释:
* the pillar.
9,14 1Sa 10:2 2Sa 18:17,18
经文:创世记 35:21-35:21 注释:
* tower.
Mic 4:8 Lu 2:8
经文:创世记 35:22-35:22 注释:
error in strong number parsing >
poneros <See definition 4190> ephane
enantion <See definition 1726>
autou <See definition 848>,] "and it appeared evil in his
# 18; 29:31-35; 30:5-24; 46:8-27; 49:1-28; Ex 1:1-5; 6:14-16; Nu 1:5-15|
# Nu 1:20-46; 2:3-33; 7:12-89; 26:5-51,57-62; 34:14-28; De 33:1-29|
# Jos 13:1-21:45; 1Ch 2:1,2; 12:23-40; 27:16-22; Eze 48:1-35; Ac 7:8|
# Re 7:4-8; 21:14|
经文:创世记 35:23-35:23 注释:
29:32-35 30:18-20 33:2 46:8-15
经文:创世记 35:24-35:24 注释:
16-18 30:22-24 46:19-22
经文:创世记 35:25-35:25 注释:
30:4-8 37:2 46:23-25
经文:创世记 35:26-35:26 注释:
* And the sons.
30:9-13 46:16-18
* in Padan-aram. Except Benjamin.
18 25:20 28:2 31:18
经文:创世记 35:27-35:27 注释:
* Jacob.
27:43-45 28:5
* Mamre.
13:18 14:13 18:1 23:2,19 Jos 14:12-15 15:13 21:11 2Sa 2:1,3,11
2Sa 5:1,3,5
经文:创世记 35:28-35:28 注释:
25:7 47:28 50:26
经文:创世记 35:29-35:29 注释:
* A.M. 2288. B.C. 1716. Isaac.
3:19 15:15 25:7,8,17 27:1,2 49:33 Job 5:26 Ec 12:5-7
* his sons.
23:19,20 25:9 27:41 49:31
经文:创世记 36:1-36:1 注释:
1; Esau's three wives.
6; His removal to mount Seir.
9; His sons.
15; The dukes which descended of his sons.
20; The sons and dukes of Seir the Horite.
24; Anah finds mules.
31; The kings of Edom.
40; The dukes that descended of Esau.
* A.M. 2208. B.C. 1796.
22:17 25:24-34 27:35-41 32:3-7 Nu 20:14-21 De 23:7 1Ch 1:35
Isa 63:1 Eze 25:12
经文:创世记 36:2-36:2 注释:
* Esau.
9:25 26:34,35 27:46
* Adah. or, Bashemath.
* Aholibamah.
* Judith. the daughter.
We ought, most probably, to read here and in ver. 14, as in
ver. 20, "the son of Zibeon;" which is the reading of the
Samaritan, Septuagint, (and Syriac, in ver. 2,) and which
Houbigant and Kennicott contend to be genuine.
经文:创世记 36:3-36:3 注释:
25:13 28:9
* Mahalath.
经文:创世记 36:4-36:4 注释:
* Adah.
1Ch 1:35
* Eliphaz.
Job 2:11
* Reuel. not.
Ex 2:18 Nu 10:29
经文:创世记 36:5-36:5 注释:
* in the land.
经文:创世记 36:6-36:6 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2264. B.C. cir. 1740. persons. Heb. souls.
Eze 27:13 Re 18:13
* went.
13:6,11 17:8 25:23 28:4 32:3
经文:创世记 36:7-36:7 注释:
* their riches.
* the land.
17:8 28:4
经文:创世记 36:8-36:8 注释:
* mount Seir.
20 14:6 32:3 De 2:5 Jos 24:4 1Ch 4:42 2Ch 20:10,23 Eze 35:2-7
Mal 1:3
* Esau.
经文:创世记 36:9-36:9 注释:
* the Edomites. Heb. Edom.
经文:创世记 36:10-36:10 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2230. B.C. cir. 1774.
3,4 1Ch 1:35-54
经文:创世记 36:11-36:11 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2270. B.C. cir. 1734. Zepho.
15,16 1Ch 1:35,36
* Zephi.
经文:创世记 36:12-36:12 注释:
* Timna.
22 1Ch 1:36
* Amalek.
14:7 Ex 17:8-16 Nu 24:18-20 De 23:7 25:17-19 1Sa 15:2,3-9
经文:创世记 36:13-36:13 注释:
17 1Ch 1:37
经文:创世记 36:14-36:14 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2292. B.C. cir. 1712.
2,5,18 1Ch 1:35
经文:创世记 36:15-36:15 注释:
* First aristocracy of dukes, from A.M. cir. 2429, to A.M. cir.
2471; from B.C. cir. 1575, to B.C. cir. 1533.
* dukes.
The word duke is from the Latin {dux,} a captain or leader,
from {duco,} to lead, guide; which is the exact import of the
Hebrew [alluph [] {alluph,} from
[aleph, lamed, pheh,] to lead, guide; and is here applied to
heads of families, chieftains, or princes, who were military
18 1Ch 1:35
* Eliphaz.
Job 21:8 Ps 37:35
* duke Teman.
4,11,12 1Ch 1:36,45,51-54 Job 2:11 4:1 Jer 49:7,20 Eze 25:13
Am 1:12 Ob 1:9 Hab 3:3
经文:创世记 36:16-36:16 注释:
* Duke Korah.
As it is certain from ver. 4, that Eliphaz was Esau's son by
Adah, and from ver. 11, 12, that Eliphaz had but six sons,
"Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, Kenaz, and Amalek;" as is is also
certain, from ver. 5, 14, that Korah was the son of Esau (not
Eliphaz) by Aholibamah; and as the words duke Korah are
omitted by both the Samaritan Text and Version, Dr. Kennicott
pronounces them to be an interpolation.
* dukes.
Ex 15:15
经文:创世记 36:17-36:17 注释:
* Reuel.
4,13 1Ch 1:37
经文:创世记 36:18-36:18 注释:
5,14 1Ch 1:35
经文:创世记 36:19-36:19 注释:
* who is Edom.
经文:创世记 36:20-36:20 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2198. B.C. cir. 1806.
2,22-30 14:6 De 2:12,22 1Ch 1:38-42
经文:创世记 36:21-36:21 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2204. B.C. cir. 1800.
经文:创世记 36:22-36:22 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2248. B.C. 1756. Hemam.
1Ch 1:39
* Homan.
* Timna.
经文:创世记 36:23-36:23 注释:
* Alvan.
1Ch 1:40
* Alian.
* Shepho. or, Shephi.
1Ch 1:40
经文:创世记 36:24-36:24 注释:
* found.
Le 19:19 De 2:10 2Sa 13:29 18:9 1Ki 1:38,44 4:28 Zec 14:15
经文:创世记 36:25-36:25 注释:
* Dishon.
* Anah.
2,5,14,18 1Ch 1:41
经文:创世记 36:26-36:26 注释:
* Hemdan.
1Ch 1:41
* Amram.
经文:创世记 36:27-36:27 注释:
* Ezer.
21 1Ch 1:38
* Akan.
1Ch 1:42
* Jakan.
经文:创世记 36:28-36:28 注释:
* Uz.
Job 1:1 Jer 25:20 La 4:21
经文:创世记 36:29-36:29 注释:
* Horites.
20,28 1Ch 1:41,42
* duke Lotan.
20 1Ch 1:38
经文:创世记 36:30-36:30 注释:
* From A.M. cir. 2093, to A.M. cir. 2429; from B.C. cir. 1911,
to B.C. cir. 1575. dukes in the.
2Ki 11:19 Isa 23:15 Da 7:17,23
经文:创世记 36:31-36:31 注释:
* the kings.
17:6,16 25:23 Nu 20:14 24:17,18 De 17:14-20 33:5,29
1Ch 1:43-50
* before there.
Moses may here allude to the promise which God made to Jacob
(ch. 35:11,) that kings should proceed from him; and here
states that these kings reigned before that prophecy began to
be fulfilled.
经文:创世记 36:32-36:32 注释:
经文:创世记 36:33-36:33 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2135. B.C. cir. 1869. Bozrah.
Bozrah, Bezer, or Bostra, was situated in Arabia Deserta, and
the eastern part of Edom; and, according to Eusebius, was 24
miles from Edrei. It afterwards belonged to Moab, and was
given by Moses to Reuben, but again reverted to Edom. It is
now called Boszra; and is described by Burckhardt as the
largest town in the Haouran, including its ruins, though only
inhabited by about twelve or fifteen families. It is situated
in the open plain, two hours distant from Aare, and is at
present the last inhabited place in the south-east extremity
of the Haouran. It is of an oval shape, it greatest length
being from east to west; and its circumference three quarters
of an hour.
Isa 34:6 63:1 Jer 49:13,22 Am 1:12 Mic 2:12
经文:创世记 36:34-36:34 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2177. B.C. cir. 1827. Temani.
Eusebius places Teman, or Th(916d)an, which probably gave name to
"the land of Temani," in Arabia Petr(9161), five miles from Petra,
and says there was a Roman garrison there.
11,15 Job 2:11 Jer 49:7
经文:创世记 36:35-36:35 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2219. B.C. cir. 1785.
经文:创世记 36:36-36:36 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2261. B.C. cir. 1743.
经文:创世记 36:37-36:37 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2303. B.C. cir. 1701. Rehoboth.
10:11 1Ch 1:48
经文:创世记 36:38-36:38 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2315. B.C. cir. 1659.
经文:创世记 36:39-36:39 注释:
* A.M. cir. 2387. B.C. cir. 1617. Hadar.
1Ch 1:50
* Hadad Pai.
After his death was an aristocracy.
Ex 15:15
经文:创世记 36:40-36:40 注释:
* Second aristocracy of dukes, from A.M. cir. 2471, B.C. cir.
1533; to A.M. cir. 2513, B.C. cir. 1491. And these.
31 1Ch 1:51-54
* dukes.
15,16 Ex 15:15 1Ch 1:51-54
* Alvah. or, Aliah.
1Ch 1:51
经文:创世记 36:41-36:41 注释:
经文:创世记 36:42-36:42 注释:
经文:创世记 36:43-36:43 注释:
* the dukes.
15,18,19,30,31 Ex 15:15 Nu 20:14
* their.
25:12 De 2:5
* father.
25:30 36:43 45:8 1Ch 4:14
* the Edomites. Heb. Edom.
经文:创世记 37:1-37:1 注释:
1; Joseph is loved by Jacob, but hated by his brethren.
5; His dreams and the interpretation.
12; Jacob sends him to his brethren, who counsel to slay him.
21; At Reuben's desire they cast him into a pit;
25; and afterwards sell him to the Ishmaelites; while Ruben
grieves at not finding him.
31; His coat, covered with blood, is sent to Jacob, who mourns
him inordinately.
36; Joseph is brought to Egypt and sold to Potiphar.
* A.M. 2276. B.C. 1728.
* wherein his father was a stranger. Heb. of his father's
17:8 23:4 28:4 *marg:
36:7 Heb 11:9-16
经文:创世记 37:2-37:2 注释:
* the generations.
{Toledoth,} the history, narrative, or account of the lives
and actions of Jacob and his sons; for in this general sense
the original must be taken, as in the whole ensuing history
there is no genealogy of Jacob's family.
2:4 5:1 6:9 10:1
* wives.
30:4,9 35:22,25,26
* evil report.
1Sa 2:22-24 Joh 7:7 1Co 1:11 5:1 11:18
经文:创世记 37:3-37:3 注释:
* loved.
Joh 3:35 13:22,23
* son.
* a coat.
23,32 Jud 5:30 2Sa 13:18 Ps 45:13,14 Eze 16:16
* colours.
{Kethoneth passim}, a coat made of stripes of different
coloured cloth.
经文:创世记 37:4-37:4 注释:
* hated him.
5,11,18-24 4:5 27:41 49:23 1Sa 16:12,13 17:28 Ps 38:19 69:4
Joh 7:3-5 15:18,19 Tit 3:3 1Jo 2:11 3:10,12 4:20
* and could not speak peaceably unto him.
Or, rather, "and they could not speak peace to him," i.e.,
they would not accost him in a friendly manner: they would
not even wish him well, in the eastern mode of salutation of,
Peace be to thee! It is not an unusual thing for an Arab or
Turk to hesitate to return the {sal(836d)}, if given by a
Christian, or by one of whom he has not a favourable opinion;
and this may always be considered as an act of hostility.
经文:创世记 37:5-37:5 注释:
* dreamed.
28:12 40:5 41:1 42:9 Nu 12:6 Jud 7:13,14 1Ki 3:5 Ps 25:14
Da 2:1 4:5 Joe 2:28 Am 3:7
* and they.
4,8 49:23 Joh 17:14
经文:创世记 37:6-37:6 注释:
* Hear.
44:18 Jud 9:7
经文:创世记 37:7-37:7 注释:
* your sheaves.
42:6,9 43:26 44:14,19
* obeisance.
Php 2:10 Col 1:18
经文:创世记 37:8-37:8 注释:
* reign over us.
4 Ex 2:14 1Sa 10:27 17:28 Ps 2:3-6 118:22 Lu 19:14 20:17
Ac 4:27,28 7:35 Heb 10:29
经文:创世记 37:9-37:9 注释:
* another dream.
7 41:25,32
* the sun.
10 43:28 44:14,19 45:9 46:29 47:12 50:15-21 Ac 7:9-14
* stars.
Da 8:10 Php 2:15
经文:创世记 37:10-37:10 注释:
* Shall I.
27:29 Isa 60:14 Php 2:10,11
经文:创世记 37:11-37:11 注释:
* envied.
26:14-16 Ps 106:16 Ec 4:4 Isa 11:13 26:11 Mt 27:18 Mr 15:10
Ac 7:9 13:45 Ga 5:21 Tit 3:3 Jas 3:14-16 4:5
* observed.
24:31 Da 7:28 Lu 2:19,51
经文:创世记 37:12-37:12 注释:
* in Shechem.
1 33:18 34:25-31
经文:创世记 37:13-37:13 注释:
* come.
1Sa 17:17-20 Mt 10:16 Lu 20:13
* Here am I.
22:1 27:1,18 1Sa 3:4-6,8,16 Eph 6:1-3
经文:创世记 37:14-37:14 注释:
* see whether it be well with. Heb. see the peace of thy
brethren, etc.
29:6 41:16 1Sa 17:17,18 2Sa 18:32 1Ki 2:33 Ps 125:5 Jer 29:7
Lu 19:42
* Hebron.
23:2 35:27 Nu 13:22 Jos 14:13,15
经文:创世记 37:15-37:15 注释:
* he was.
* What.
Jud 4:22 2Ki 6:19 Joh 1:38 4:27 18:4,7 20:15
经文:创世记 37:16-37:16 注释:
* seek.
Lu 19:10
* tell me.
So 1:7
经文:创世记 37:17-37:17 注释:
* Dothan.
2Ki 6:13
经文:创世记 37:18-37:18 注释:
* conspired.
1Sa 19:1 Ps 31:13 37:12,32 94:21 105:25 109:4 Mt 21:38 27:1
Mr 12:7 14:1 Lu 20:14,15 Joh 11:53 Ac 23:12
经文:创世记 37:19-37:19 注释:
* Behold.
Simulated Irony: Where the words in question are used by man
either in dissimulation or hypocrisy. For other instances of
this figure see 2; Sa 6:20; Ps 22:8; Isa 5:19; Mt 22:16;
27:29; 27:40, 42, 43; Mk 15:29.
* dreamer. Heb. master of dreams.
5,11 28:12 49:23 *marg:
经文:创世记 37:20-37:20 注释:
* and let.
Ps 64:5 Pr 1:11,12,16 6:17 27:4 Tit 3:3 Joh 3:12
* Some.
1Ki 13:24 2Ki 2:24 Pr 10:18 28:13
* and we.
1Sa 24:20 26:2 Mt 2:2-16 27:40-42 Mr 15:29-32 Joh 12:10,11
Ac 4:16-18
经文:创世记 37:21-37:21 注释:
* Reuben heard.
35:22 42:22
* not kill him. Heb. {nephesh.}
Jos 10:28 Ge 9:5 Mt 10:28
经文:创世记 37:22-37:22 注释:
* Reuben said.
* Shed.
Mt 27:24
* lay.
Ge 22:12 Ex 24:11 De 13:9 Ac 12:1
经文:创世记 37:23-37:23 注释:
* stript.
3,31-33 42:21 Ps 22:18 Mt 27:28
* colours. or, pieces.
经文:创世记 37:24-37:24 注释:
* and cast.
Ps 35:7 La 4:20
* the pit.
Ps 40:2 88:6,8 130:1,2 Jer 38:6 La 3:52-55 Zec 9:11
经文:创世记 37:25-37:25 注释:
* they sat.
Es 3:15 Ps 14:4 Pr 30:20 Am 6:6
* Ishmeelites.
28,36 16:11,12 25:1-4,16-18 31:23 Ps 83:6
* Gilead.
31:21 43:11 Jer 8:22
* spicery.
{Nechoth,} is rendered by the LXX. "incense;" Syriac,
"resin;" Samaritan, "balsam;" Acquila, "storax;" which is
followed by Bochart. This drug is abundant in Syria, and
here Moses joins with it resin, honey, and myrrh; which
agrees with the nature of the storax, which is the resin of a
tree of the same name, of a reddish colour, and peculiarly
pleasant fragrance.
* balm
{Tzeri,} which in Arabic, as a verb, is to flow, seems to be
a common name, as balm or balsam with us, for many of those
oily, resinous substances, which flow spontaneously, or by
incision, from various trees or plants; accordingly the
ancients have generally interpreted it resin.
* myrrh.
{Lot,} is probably, as Junius, De Dieu, Celsius, and Ursinus
contend, the same as the Arabic {ladan}, Greek [ladanon,] and
Latin {ladanum}.
经文:创世记 37:26-37:26 注释:
* What profit.
25:32 Ps 30:9 Jer 41:8 Mt 16:26 Ro 6:21
* conceal.
20 4:10 De 17:8 2Sa 1:16 Job 16:18 Eze 24:7
经文:创世记 37:27-37:27 注释:
* sell him.
22 Ex 21:16,21 Ne 5:8 Mt 16:26 26:15 1Ti 1:10 Re 18:13
* let not.
1Sa 18:17 2Sa 11:14-17 12:9
* he is our.
29:14 42:21
* were content. Heb. hearkened.
经文:创世记 37:28-37:28 注释:
* Midianites.
25 25:2 Ex 2:16 Nu 25:15,17 31:2,3,8,9 Jud 6:1-3 Ps 83:9
Isa 60:6
* sold.
45:4,5 Ps 105:17 Zec 11:12,13 Mt 26:15 27:9 Ac 7:9
经文:创世记 37:29-37:29 注释:
* he rent.
34 34:13 Nu 14:6 Jud 11:35 2Ki 19:1 Job 1:20 Joe 2:13
Ac 14:14
经文:创世记 37:30-37:30 注释:
20 42:13,32,35 Jer 31:15
经文:创世记 37:31-37:31 注释:
3,23 Pr 28:13
经文:创世记 37:32-37:32 注释:
* thy son's.
3 44:20-23 Lu 15:30
经文:创世记 37:33-37:33 注释:
* evil beast.
20 44:28 1Ki 13:24 2Ki 2:24 Pr 14:15 Joh 13:7
经文:创世记 37:34-37:34 注释:
29 Jos 7:6 2Sa 1:11 3:31 1Ki 20:31 21:27 2Ki 19:1 1Ch 21:16
Ezr 9:3-5 Ne 9:1 Es 4:1-3 Job 1:20 2:12 Ps 69:11 Isa 22:12,13
Isa 32:11 36:22 37:1,2 Jer 36:24 Joe 2:13 Jon 3:5-8 Mt 11:21
Mt 26:65 Ac 14:14 Re 11:3
经文:创世记 37:35-37:35 注释:
* his daughters.
31:43 35:22-26
* rose up.
2Sa 12:17 Job 2:11 Ps 77:2 Jer 31:15
* For I.
42:31 44:29-31 45:28
经文:创世记 37:36-37:36 注释:
* the Midianites.
28 25:1,2 39:1
* officer. Heb. eunuch.
But the word signifies not only eunuchs, but also
chamberlains, courtiers, and officers.
Es 1:10 Isa 56:3
* captain. Or, chief marshal. Heb. chief of the slaughtermen,
or executioners.
39:1-23 40:4 2Ki 25:8 *marg:
经文:创世记 38:1-38:1 注释:
1; Judah begets Er, Onan, and Shelah.
6; Er's marriage with Tamar, and death.
8; The trespass of Onan.
11; Tamar is reserved for Shelah.
12; Judah's wife dies.
13; Tamar deceives Judah.
27; She bears twins, Pharez and Zarah.
* A.M. 2265. B.C. 1739.
* it came.
As there cannot be above 23; years from the selling of Joseph,
unto Israel's going down into Egypt; and as it is impossible
that Judah should take a wife, and by her have three sons
successively, and Shelah, the youngest, marriageable when
Judah begat Pharez of Tamar, and Pharez be grown up, married,
and have two sons, all within so short a period; Mr.
Ainsworth conceives that the time here spoken of is soon
after Jacob's coming to Shechem, (ch. 33.) We have
accordingly adapted the chronology to correspond with that
* turned.
19:2,3 Jud 4:18 2Ki 4:8 Pr 9:6 13:20
* Adullamite.
An inhabitant of Adullam, a city of Canaan, afterwards given
to Judah, situated in the southern part of that tribe, west
of Hebron.
Jos 12:15 15:35 1Sa 22:1 2Sa 23:13 Mic 1:15
经文:创世记 38:2-38:2 注释:
* saw.
3:6 6:2 24:3 34:2 Jud 14:2 16:1 2Sa 11:2 2Co 6:14
* Shuah.
46:12 1Ch 2:3
* Shua.
* took.
6:4 24:3
经文:创世记 38:3-38:3 注释:
* A.M. 2266. B.C. 1738. Er.
46:12 Nu 26:19
经文:创世记 38:4-38:4 注释:
* A.M. 2267. B.C. 1737. Onan.
46:12 Nu 26:19
经文:创世记 38:5-38:5 注释:
* A.M. 2268. B.C. 1736.
* Shelah.
11,26 46:12 Nu 26:20 1Ch 4:21
* Chezib.
Chezib is said, by Eusebius and Jerome, to have been situated
near Adullam, and to be then uninhabited.
经文:创世记 38:6-38:6 注释:
* took.
21:21 24:3
* Tamar.
Mt 1:3
经文:创世记 38:7-38:7 注释:
* Er.
46:12 Nu 26:19
* wicked.
6:8 13:13 19:13 2Ch 33:6
* and the.
1Ch 2:3 Ps 55:23
经文:创世记 38:9-38:9 注释:
* he is.
De 25:6 Ru 1:11 4:10
* lest that.
Job 5:2 Pr 27:4 Tit 3:3 Jas 3:14,16 4:5
经文:创世记 38:10-38:10 注释:
* displeased. Heb. was evil in the eyes of.
Nu 11:1 22:34 2Sa 11:27 1Ch 21:7 Pr 14:32 24:18 Jer 44:4
Hag 1:13
* him also.
46:12 Nu 26:19
经文:创世记 38:11-38:11 注释:
* till Shelah.
Ru 1:11,13
* in her.
Le 22:13
经文:创世记 38:12-38:12 注释:
* in process of time. Heb. the days were multiplied.
24:67 2Sa 13:39
* sheep shearers.
31:19 1Sa 25:4-8,36 2Sa 13:23-29
* Timnath.
Timnath is, in all probability, that in the border of Judah,
between Jerusalem and Diospolis, given to Dan, and mentioned
in the history of Samson as belonging to the Philistines.
1 Jos 15:10,35,37
* Timnah.
Jos 19:43
* Thimnathah.
Jud 14:1
经文:创世记 38:13-38:13 注释:
经文:创世记 38:14-38:14 注释:
* and sat.
Pr 7:12 Jer 3:2 Eze 16:25
* an open place. Heb. the door of eyes, or of Enajim}
Some think {ainayim} means "the two fountains," or "double
fountain;" while others regard it as a proper name, and the
same as Enaim, a city of Judah, (Jos 15:34.) So the LXX.
render it Enan.
* Timnath.
* that Shelah.
经文:创世记 38:15-38:15 注释:
经文:创世记 38:16-38:16 注释:
* Go to.
2Sa 13:11
* What wilt.
De 23:18 Eze 16:33 Mt 26:15 1Ti 6:10
经文:创世记 38:17-38:17 注释:
* I will.
Eze 16:33
* a kid. Heb. a kid of the goats. Wilt thou.
20,24,25 Pr 20:16 Lu 16:8
经文:创世记 38:18-38:18 注释:
* Thy signet.
{Chothem,} or {chothemeth,} as in ver. 25, is properly a
ring-seal, with which impressions were made to ascertain
property, etc. From Jer 22:24, we find that it was worn on
the hand; though it might also have been suspended from the
neck by a ribband, as the Arabs still wear it.
25,26 Jer 22:24 Lu 15:22
* bracelets.
{Pathil,} from {pathal,} to twist, wreathe, may denote either
a wreath for the arm or neck, a twisted collar, or bracelet.
In the former sense the LXX. render it by [ormiskon,] and
Aquila and Symmachus by [strepton;] and in the latter sense,
the Vulgate renders it by {armillam.} It may have been a
collar by which the signet was suspended; though its being
used in the plural seems to favour the opinion of its being a
* gave it her.
25,26 Ho 4:11
经文:创世记 38:19-38:19 注释:
* laid by her vail.
14 2Sa 14:2,5
经文:创世记 38:20-38:20 注释:
* his friend.
20:9 Le 19:17 Jud 14:20 2Sa 13:3 Lu 23:12
经文:创世记 38:21-38:21 注释:
* openly by the way side. or, in Enajim.
经文:创世记 38:22-38:22 注释:
经文:创世记 38:23-38:23 注释:
* lest we.
2Sa 12:9 Pr 6:33 Ro 6:21 2Co 4:2 Eph 5:12 Re 16:15
* be shamed. Heb. become a contempt.
经文:创世记 38:24-38:24 注释:
* played the harlot.
34:31 Jud 19:2 Ec 7:26 Jer 2:20 3:1,6,8 Eze 16:15,28,41
Eze 23:5,19,44 Ho 2:5 3:3 4:15
* let her.
20:3,7,9 Le 20:10 21:9 De 22:21-27 24:16 2Sa 12:5,7
Jer 29:22,23 Mt 7:1-5 Ro 2:1,2 14:22
经文:创世记 38:25-38:25 注释:
* Discern.
18 37:32 Ps 50:21 Jer 2:26 Ro 2:16 1Co 4:5 Re 20:12
经文:创世记 38:26-38:26 注释:
* acknowledged.
* She hath.
1Sa 24:17 2Sa 24:17 Eze 16:52 Hab 1:13 Joh 8:9 Ro 3:19
* more righteous. Not less to blame, but more righteous.
* And he knew.
4:1 2Sa 16:22 20:3 Job 4:5 34:31,32 40:5 Mt 3:8 Ro 13:12
Tit 2:11,12 1Pe 4:2,3
经文:创世记 38:27-38:27 注释:
经文:创世记 38:28-38:28 注释:
经文:创世记 38:29-38:29 注释:
* A.M. 2283. B.C. 1721. How hast, etc. or, Wherefore hast
thou made this breach against thee? his name.
46:12 Nu 26:20 1Ch 2:4 9:4 Ne 11:4,6
* Perez.
Mt 1:3 Lu 3:33
* Phares. Pharez. i.e., a breach.
经文:创世记 38:30-38:30 注释:
* Zarah.
1Ch 9:6
* Zerah.
Mt 1:3
* Zara.
经文:创世记 39:1-39:1 注释:
1; Joseph is bought by Potiphar, and preferred in the family.
7; He resists his mistress's temptation.
13; He is falsely accused by her.
20; He is cast into prison.
21; God is with him there, and he is advanced by the keeper of
* A.M. 2276. B.C. 1728. Joseph.
37:36 45:4 Ps 105:17 Ac 7:9
* the Ishmeelites.
经文:创世记 39:2-39:2 注释:
* the Lord.
21,22 21:22 26:24,28 28:15 1Sa 3:19 16:18 18:14,28 Ps 1:3
Ps 46:7,11 91:15 Isa 8:9,10 41:10 43:2 Jer 15:20 Mt 1:23
Ac 7:9,10 8:31
* house.
1Co 7:20-24 1Ti 6:1 Tit 2:9,10
经文:创世记 39:3-39:3 注释:
* saw that.
21:22 26:24,28 30:27,30 1Sa 18:14,28 Zec 8:23 Mt 5:16
Php 2:15,16 Re 3:9
* prosper.
23 30:27 Jos 1:7,8 1Ch 22:13 2Ch 26:5 Ne 2:20 Ps 1:3 1Co 16:2
经文:创世记 39:4-39:4 注释:
* Joseph.
21 18:3 19:19 32:5 33:8,10 1Sa 16:22 Ne 2:4,5 Pr 16:7
* overseer.
22 15:2 24:2 41:40,41 Pr 14:35 17:2 22:29 27:18 Ac 20:28
经文:创世记 39:5-39:5 注释:
* for Joseph's.
12:2 19:29 30:27 De 28:3-6 2Sa 6:11,12 Ps 21:6 72:17 Ac 27:24
Eph 1:3
经文:创世记 39:6-39:6 注释:
* he left.
4,8,23 Lu 16:10 19:17
* save.
43:32 Pr 31:11
* a goodly person.
{Yephaih toar, weephaih maraih,} "beautiful in person and
beautiful in countenance." Joseph's beauty is so celebrated
in the East, that a handsome man is frequently compared to
him; and the Persian poets vie with each other in
descriptions of his comeliness.
12:14,15 29:17 1Sa 16:12 17:42 Ac 7:20
经文:创世记 39:7-39:7 注释:
* A.M. 2285. B.C. 1719. cast.
6:2 Job 31:1 Ps 119:37 Eze 23:5,6,12-16 Mt 5:28 2Pe 2:14
1Jo 2:16
* Lie.
2Sa 13:11 Pr 2:16 5:9 7:13 Jer 3:3 Eze 16:25,32,34
经文:创世记 39:8-39:8 注释:
* refused.
Pr 1:10 2:10,16-19 5:3-8 6:20-25,29,32,33 7:5,25-27 9:13-18
Pr 22:14 23:26-28
* my master.
Pr 18:24
经文:创世记 39:9-39:9 注释:
* none.
24:2 Ne 6:11 Lu 12:48 1Co 4:2 Tit 2:10
* how then.
20:3,6 Le 20:10 2Sa 11:27 Job 31:9-12,23 Pr 6:29,32
Jer 5:8,9 1Co 6:9,10 Ga 5:19-21 Heb 13:4 Re 21:8 22:15
* sin.
42:18 Le 6:2 Nu 32:23 2Sa 12:13 Ne 5:15 Ps 51:4 Jer 28:16
Jer 50:7 1Jo 3:9
经文:创世记 39:10-39:10 注释:
* as she spake.
8 Pr 2:16 5:3 6:25,26 7:5,13 9:14,16 22:14 23:27
* or to be.
Pr 1:15 5:8 1Co 6:18 15:33 1Th 5:22 1Ti 5:14 2Ti 2:22
1Pe 2:11
经文:创世记 39:11-39:11 注释:
* none of the men.
Job 24:15 Pr 9:17 Jer 23:24 Mal 3:5 Eph 5:3,12
经文:创世记 39:12-39:12 注释:
* caught.
8,10 Pr 7:13-27 Ec 7:26 Eze 16:30,31
* and he left.
1Sa 15:27 Pr 1:15 5:8 6:5 Ec 7:26 Mr 14:51,52 1Co 15:33
2Ti 2:22 1Pe 2:11
经文:创世记 39:13-39:13 注释:
经文:创世记 39:14-39:14 注释:
* he hath.
The base affection of this woman being disappointed, was
changed into rancorous hatred, and she exults in the
opportunity of being revenged on Joseph. She begins her
accusation in the affected language of offended modesty,
rage, and disdain, by charging her husband, whom we may
reasonably assume she did not greatly love, with being an
accessory to the indignity she pretended to have received:
"He hath brought in a Hebrew," a very abomination to an
Egyptian, "to mock us," insult and treat me in a base,
unworthy manner.
* an Hebrew.
17 10:21 14:13 40:15 Ps 120:3 Eze 22:5
* he came.
7 Ps 35:11 55:3 Pr 10:18 Isa 51:7 54:17 Mt 5:11 26:59 Lu 23:2
2Co 6:8 1Pe 2:20 3:14-18 4:14-19
* loud. Heb. great.
经文:创世记 39:15-39:15 注释:
经文:创世记 39:16-39:16 注释:
Ps 37:12,32 Jer 4:22 9:3-5 Tit 3:3
经文:创世记 39:17-39:17 注释:
14 Ex 20:16 23:1 1Ki 18:17 21:9-13 Ps 37:14 55:3 120:2-4
Pr 12:19 19:5,9 Mt 26:65
经文:创世记 39:18-39:18 注释:
经文:创世记 39:19-39:19 注释:
* heard.
Job 29:16 Pr 18:17 29:12 Ac 25:16 2Th 2:11
* his wrath.
4:5,6 Pr 6:34,35 So 8:7
经文:创世记 39:20-39:20 注释:
* into the prison.
{Baith hassohar,} "the round house," from the form of the
building according to some; or, "the watch or guard house,"
from the Arabic {sahara,} to watch, according to others.
40:15 41:14 Ps 105:18,19 Isa 53:8 Da 3:21,22 2Ti 2:9 1Pe 2:19
* the king's.
40:1-3,15 41:9-14 Ps 76:10
经文:创世记 39:21-39:21 注释:
* the Lord.
2 21:22 49:23,24 Isa 41:10 43:2 Da 6:22 Ro 8:31,32,37
1Pe 3:13,14,17 4:14-16
* shewed him mercy. Heb. extended kindness unto him. gave
40:3 Ex 3:21 11:3 12:36 Ps 105:19,22 106:46 Pr 16:7 Da 1:9
Ac 7:9,10
经文:创世记 39:22-39:22 注释:
* committed.
4,6,7,9 40:3,4 1Sa 2:30 Ps 37:3,11
经文:创世记 39:23-39:23 注释:
* keeper.
* because.
2,3 49:23,24 1Sa 2:30 Ps 1:3 37:3-11 Isa 43:2 Da 6:22
经文:创世记 40:1-40:1 注释:
1; The chief butler and baker of Pharaoh being imprisoned,
Joseph is charged with them.
5; He interprets their dreams.
20; They are accomplished according to his interpretation.
23; The ingratitude of the butler, in forgetting Joseph.
* it came.
39:20-23 Es 6:1
* the butler.
{Mashkeh,} from {shakah,} to give drink, is the same as
{saky} among the Arabians and Persians, and signifies a
13 Ne 1:11 2:1,2
经文:创世记 40:2-40:2 注释:
* wroth.
Ps 76:10 Pr 16:14 19:12,19 27:4 Ac 12:20
* the chief of the butlers.
1Ch 27:27
经文:创世记 40:3-40:3 注释:
* the place.
* where Joseph was bound.
Or, "where Joseph was confined," for he doubtless had his
personal liberty. This place, we learn from the preceding
chapter, (ver. 20,) was the king's prison. All the officers
in the employment of the ancient kings of Egypt, according to
Diodorus Siculus, were taken from the most illustrious
families of the priesthood in the country; no slave or common
person being ever permitted to serve in the presence of the
king. As these persons were of the most noble families, it
is natural to expect they would be put, when accused, into
the state prison.
经文:创世记 40:4-40:4 注释:
* the captain.
37:36 39:1,21-23 Ps 37:5
* a season.
{Yamim,} literally days; how long is uncertain, though the
word may signify, as many suppose, a complete year (see Ge
4:3; 24:55); and as Pharaoh called them to an account on his
birthday, (ver. 20,) Calmet supposes they had offended on the
preceding birthday, and thus had been one whole year in
经文:创世记 40:5-40:5 注释:
* A.M. 2287. B.C. 1717.
8 12:1-7 20:3 37:5-10 41:1-7,11 Nu 12:6 Jud 7:13,14 Es 6:1
Job 33:15-17 Da 2:1-3 4:5,9,19 7:1-8:27
经文:创世记 40:6-40:6 注释:
* and, behold.
8 41:8 Da 2:1-3 4:5 5:6 7:28 8:27
经文:创世记 40:7-40:7 注释:
* Wherefore.
Jud 18:24 1Sa 1:8 2Sa 13:4 Ne 2:2 Lu 24:17
* look ye so sadly to-day. Heb. are your faces evil.
经文:创世记 40:8-40:8 注释:
* Do not, etc.
41:15,16 Job 33:15,16 Ps 25:14 Isa 8:19 Da 2:11,28,47 4:8
Da 5:11-15 1Co 12:10,11 Am 3:7
经文:创世记 40:9-40:9 注释:
* a vine.
37:5-10 Jud 7:13-15 Da 2:31 4:8,10-18
经文:创世记 40:10-40:10 注释:
经文:创世记 40:11-40:11 注释:
* And I took, etc.
From this we find that wine anciently was the mere expressed
juice of the grape, without fermentation. The {saky,} or
cup-bearer, took the bunch, pressed the juice into the cup,
and instantly delivered it to his master.
* pressed.
49:11 Le 10:9 Pr 3:10
* hand.
21 1Ki 10:5 2Ch 9:4 Ne 1:11 2:1
经文:创世记 40:12-40:12 注释:
* This.
18 41:12,25,26 Jud 7:14 Da 2:36-45 4:19-33
* The three.
41:26 Jud 7:14 Mt 26:26 1Co 10:4 Ga 4:25
经文:创世记 40:13-40:13 注释:
* within.
* shall.
20-22 2Ki 25:27 Ps 3:3 Jer 52:31
* lift up thine head. or, reckon.
19 *marg:
20 *marg:
经文:创世记 40:14-40:14 注释:
* think on me. Heb. remember me with thee. on me.
1Sa 25:31 Lu 23:42 1Co 7:21
* shew.
Jos 2:12 1Sa 20:14,15 2Sa 9:1 1Ki 2:7
经文:创世记 40:15-40:15 注释:
* stolen.
37:28 Ex 21:16 De 24:7 1Ti 1:10
* the Hebrews.
14:13 41:12
* done.
39:8-12,20 1Sa 24:11 Ps 59:3,4 Da 6:22 Joh 10:32 15:25
Ac 24:12-21 25:10,11 1Pe 3:17,18
经文:创世记 40:16-40:16 注释:
* the chief.
* white baskets. or, baskets full of holes.
经文:创世记 40:17-40:17 注释:
* bake-meats. Heb. meat of Pharaoh, the work of a baker, or
49:20 1Ch 12:20
经文:创世记 40:18-40:18 注释:
12 41:26 1Co 10:4 11:24
经文:创世记 40:19-40:19 注释:
* within.
* lift up thy head from off thee. or, reckon thee and take thy
office from thee. hang thee.
22 41:13 De 21:22,23 Jos 8:29 10:26 2Sa 21:6 Pr 30:17 Ga 3:13
* and the birds.
17 1Sa 17:44,46 2Sa 21:10 Eze 39:4 Ac 20:27
经文:创世记 40:20-40:20 注释:
* third day.
* birthday.
21:8 Es 1:3 Job 3:1 Mt 14:6 Mr 6:21
* lifted up. or, reckoned.
13,19 *marg:
2Ki 25:27 Mt 18:23-25 25:19 Lu 16:1,2
经文:创世记 40:21-40:21 注释:
* gave the cup.
13 Ne 2:1
经文:创世记 40:22-40:22 注释:
* he hanged.
8,19 41:11-13,16 Jer 23:28 Da 2:19-23,30 5:12 Ac 5:30
经文:创世记 40:23-40:23 注释:
* but forgat him.
Job 19:14 Ps 31:12 105:19 Ec 9:15,16 Am 6:6
经文:创世记 41:1-41:1 注释:
1; Pharaoh has two dreams.
9; Joseph interprets them.
33; He gives Pharaoh counsel, and is highly advanced, and
46; The seven years of plenty.
50; He begets children.
53; The famine begins.
* A.M. 2289. B.C. 1715. two full years.
{Shenathayim yamim,} "two years of days," two complete solar
revolutions; as a month of days is a full month.
* that Pharaoh.
20:3 37:5-10 40:5 Jud 7:13,14 Es 6:1 Job 33:15,16 Da 2:1-3
Da 4:5-18 7:1-8:27 Mt 27:19
* the river.
31:21 Ex 1:22 4:9 De 11:10 Isa 19:5 Eze 29:3,9
经文:创世记 41:2-41:2 注释:
* there came.
* a meadow.
Or, rather, "on, or among the reeds or sedges;" for so
{achoo} is generally supposed to denote (see Job 8:11); so
called, according to Mr. Parkhurst, from its fitness for
making ropes, or the like, to connect or join things
together, from {achah,} to join, connect: thus the Latin
{juncus,} a bulrush, {a jungendo,} from joining, for the same
reason. He supposes it to be that sort of reed growing near
the Nile which Hasselquist describes as "having scarce any
branches, but numerous leaves, which are narrow, smooth,
channelled on the upper surface, and the plant about eleven
feet high. The Egyptians make ropes of the leaves."
经文:创世记 41:3-41:3 注释:
* ill favoured.
经文:创世记 41:4-41:4 注释:
* So Pharaoh awoke.
1Ki 3:15
经文:创世记 41:5-41:5 注释:
* seven ears.
A species of wheat, which grows in Egypt, bears, when
perfect, seven ears on one stalk, as its natural
conformation. It differs from ours in having a solid stem,
or at least a stem full of pith, in order to yield sufficient
nourishment and support to so great a weight as the ears
which it bears.
* rank. Heb. fat.
De 32:14
经文:创世记 41:6-41:6 注释:
* blasted.
Eze 17:10 19:12 Ho 13:15
经文:创世记 41:7-41:7 注释:
* a dream.
20:3 37:5
经文:创世记 41:8-41:8 注释:
* his spirit.
40:6 Da 2:1-3 4:5,19 5:6 7:28 8:27 Hab 3:16
* the magicians of Egypt.
The word here used (chartummim) may mean no more than
interpreters of abstruse or difficult subjects; especially of
dreams and visions, which formed a considerable part of the
ancient pagan religion; and the Egyptian priests were the
first who professed this art. The word may be of affinity
with, or derived from, the Persian {chiradmand,} wise,
learned, judicious, intelligent, from {chirad,}
understanding, judgment, and {mand,} endowed with. They seem
to have been such persons as Josephus calls sacred scribes;
or professors of sacred learning.
Ex 7:11,22 8:7,18,19 9:11 Le 19:31 20:6 De 18:9-14 Isa 8:19
Isa 19:3 29:14 47:12,13 Da 1:20 2:2 4:7 5:7,11 Ac 17:18
* the wise men.
Mt 2:1 Ac 7:22
* but there.
40:8 Job 5:12,13 Ps 25:14 Isa 19:11-13 29:14 Da 2:4-11,27,28
Da 5:8 1Co 1:19 3:18-20
经文:创世记 41:9-41:9 注释:
* I do remember.
经文:创世记 41:10-41:10 注释:
* Pharaoh.
39:20 40:2,3
* captain.
经文:创世记 41:11-41:11 注释:
经文:创世记 41:12-41:12 注释:
* servant.
37:36 39:1,20
* interpreted.
经文:创世记 41:13-41:13 注释:
* me he restored.
40:12,20-22 Jer 1:10 Eze 43:3
经文:创世记 41:14-41:14 注释:
* sent.
1Sa 2:7,8 Ps 105:19-22 113:7,8
* and they brought him hastily. Heb. made him run.
Ex 10:16 1Sa 2:8 Ps 113:7,8 Da 2:25
* he shaved.
2Sa 19:24 2Ki 25:29 Es 4:1-4 5:1 Isa 61:3,10 Jer 52:32,33
经文:创世记 41:15-41:15 注释:
* I have heard.
9-13 Ps 25:14 Da 5:12,16
* that thou canst understand a dream to interpret it. or, when
thou hearest a dream, thou canst interpret it.
经文:创世记 41:16-41:16 注释:
* It is not.
40:8 Nu 12:6 2Ki 6:27 Da 2:18-23,28-30,47 4:2 Ac 3:7,12
Ac 14:14,15 1Co 15:10 2Co 3:5
* peace.
37:14 Lu 19:42
经文:创世记 41:17-41:17 注释:
经文:创世记 41:18-41:18 注释:
Jer 24:1-3,5,8
经文:创世记 41:19-41:19 注释:
经文:创世记 41:20-41:20 注释:
经文:创世记 41:21-41:21 注释:
* eaten them up. Heb. come to the inward parts of them.
Eze 3:3 Re 10:9,10
* still.
Ps 37:19 Isa 9:20
经文:创世记 41:22-41:22 注释:
经文:创世记 41:23-41:23 注释:
* withered. or, small. thin.
6 2Ki 19:26 Ps 129:6,7 Ho 8:7 9:16 13:15
* blasted.
All the mischief done to corn or fruit by blasting, smutting,
mildew, etc. are attributed to the east wind. (See Parallel
Passages.) In Egypt it is peculiarly destructive, because it
comes through the parched deserts of Arabia, often destroying
vast numbers of people. The destructive nature of the {Sam,
Simoom, Smoom,} or {Samiel,} is mentioned by almost all
travellers. When this pestilential wind advances, its
approach is indicated by a redness in the air. The principal
stream of the blast always moves in a line of about 20; yards
in breadth, and 12; feet above the surface of the earth; but
its parching influence pervades all places to a considerable
distance. The only means of preservation from its noxious
influence is to lie flat, with the face upon the ground, till
the blast be over. Camels and other animals instinctively
perceive its approach, and bury their mouths and nostrils in
the ground. It rarely last more than seven or eight minutes,
but so poisonous are its effects, that it instantly
suffocates those who are unfortunate enough to inhale it.
经文:创世记 41:24-41:24 注释:
* I told this.
8 Ex 8:19 Da 4:7
经文:创世记 41:25-41:25 注释:
* God.
16 Ex 9:14 Jos 11:6 Ps 98:2 Isa 41:22,23 43:9 Da 2:28,29
Da 2:45,47 Am 3:7 Mt 24:40 Mr 13:23 Eph 1:17 Re 4:1
经文:创世记 41:26-41:26 注释:
* are. or, signify.
2,5,29,47,53 40:18 Ex 12:11 1Co 10:4
* good ears are seven.
* the dream is one.
2:24 Ex 26:6 1Jo 5:7
经文:创世记 41:27-41:27 注释:
* seven years of famine.
2Sa 24:19 2Ki 8:1
经文:创世记 41:28-41:28 注释:
* What God.
经文:创世记 41:29-41:29 注释:
经文:创世记 41:30-41:30 注释:
* seven years.
27,54 2Sa 24:13 1Ki 17:1 2Ki 8:1 Lu 4:25 Jas 5:17
* shall be.
21,51 Pr 31:7 Isa 65:16
* consume.
47:13 Ps 105:16
经文:创世记 41:31-41:31 注释:
* the plenty.
It is well known, that in Egypt there is scarcely any rain,
the country depending for its fertility upon the overflowing
of the Nile; and that the fertility is in proportion to the
duration and quality of the overflow, in order to saturate
the land and prepare for the seed. Pliny has given a scale,
by which the plenty or dearth may ascertained; which may be
considered as perfectly correct. The ordinary height of the
inundations is 16; cubits. When the waters are lower than
this standard, they do not overflow the whole ground; when
above this standard they are too long in running off. In the
first case, the ground is not saturated; by the second, the
waters are detained so long on the ground that seed-time is
lost. The province marks both. If it rise only 12; cubits, a
famine is the consequence; at 13; hunger prevails; 14; produces
general rejoicing; 15; perfect security; and 16; all the
luxuries of life.
* grievous. Heb. heavy.
1Sa 5:6 Isa 24:20
经文:创世记 41:32-41:32 注释:
* doubled.
37:7,9 Job 33:14,15 2Co 13:1
* it is because.
Nu 23:19 Isa 14:24-27 46:10,11 Mt 24:35
* established by. or, prepared of.
Isa 30:33 Mt 25:34,41 Mr 10:40 1Co 2:9 Re 9:15
经文:创世记 41:33-41:33 注释:
* therefore.
Da 4:27
* look out.
Ex 18:19-22 De 1:13 Ac 6:3
经文:创世记 41:34-41:34 注释:
* officers. or, overseers.
Nu 31:14 2Ki 11:11,12 2Ch 34:12 Ne 11:9
* and take.
Job 5:20 Ps 33:19 Pr 6:6-8 22:3 27:12 Lu 16:5
经文:创世记 41:35-41:35 注释:
* gather.
48,49,56 45:6,7
* hand.
Ex 4:13
经文:创世记 41:36-41:36 注释:
* that the.
* perish not. Heb. be not cut off.
经文:创世记 41:37-41:37 注释:
* the thing.
Ps 105:19 Pr 10:20 25:11 Ac 7:10
* good.
Jos 22:30 2Sa 3:36 1Ki 21:2
经文:创世记 41:38-41:38 注释:
* in whom.
Nu 27:18 Job 32:8 Da 4:6,8,18 5:11,14 6:3
经文:创世记 41:39-41:39 注释:
经文:创世记 41:40-41:40 注释:
* Thou shalt.
39:4-6 45:8,9,26 Ps 105:21,22 Pr 22:29 Da 2:46-48 5:29 6:3
* be ruled. Heb. be armed, or kiss.
1Sa 10:1 Job 31:27 Ps 2:12
经文:创世记 41:41-41:41 注释:
44 39:5,22 Es 10:3 Pr 17:2 22:29 Da 2:7,8 4:2,3 6:3 Mt 28:18
Php 2:9-11
经文:创世记 41:42-41:42 注释:
* his ring.
Es 3:10,12 6:7-12 8:2,8,10,15 10:3 Da 2:46,47 5:7,29 Lu 15:22
* fine linen. or, silk.
Eze 27:7
* a gold chain.
Pr 1:9 31:22,24 So 1:10 Eze 16:10,11 Da 5:7,16,29 Lu 19:16-19
经文:创世记 41:43-41:43 注释:
* and they.
Es 6:8,9
* Bow the knee. or, Tender father.
* Heb. Abrech.
Php 2:10
* ruler.
42:6,30,33 45:8,26 Ac 7:10
经文:创世记 41:44-41:44 注释:
* lift up his hand.
Ex 11:7
经文:创世记 41:45-41:45 注释:
* Zaphnath-paaneah.
Which in Coptic signifies a revealer of secrets, or, the man
to whom secrets are revealed. Jerome says this name
signified in Egyptian, {Savatorem mundi,} "the Saviour of the
world;" and {Psotem-phaneh,} in Coptic, is certainly
"salvation of the world," from [SOT,] for
[soteria [,] salvation, {em,} the sign
of the genitive case, and [PHENEH], world. If this
interpretation be correct, Pharaoh must have meant Egypt by
the world, or which Joseph might be justly termed the Saviour.
We know that the Romans called their empire {Universis
Orbis-Orbis Terrarum,} "all the world:" the Chinese say the
same of their empire at the present day, and the phrase is
used in the East: Nadir Shah is described on his coins as
"Conqueror of the World," i.e., Persia. See the same
phraseology applied to Syria, Palestine, etc.
Lu 2:1 Ac 11:28
* priest of. or, prince.
14:18 Ex 2:16 *marg:
2Sa 8:18 20:26 *Heb:
* On.
46:20 Eze 30:17
* Aven.
经文:创世记 41:46-41:46 注释:
* years.
37:2 Nu 4:3 2Sa 5:4 Lu 3:23
* he stood.
1Sa 16:21 1Ki 12:6,8 Pr 22:29 Da 1:19 Lu 21:36 Jude 1:24
经文:创世记 41:47-41:47 注释:
* From A.M. 2289, B.C. 1715, to A.M. 2296, B.C. 1708.
26:12 Ps 72:16
经文:创世记 41:48-41:48 注释:
34-36 47:21
经文:创世记 41:49-41:49 注释:
22:17 Jud 6:5 7:12 1Sa 13:5 Job 1:3 Ps 78:27 Jer 33:22
经文:创世记 41:50-41:50 注释:
* unto Joseph.
46:20 48:5
* Asenath.
45 46:20
* priest. or, prince.
2Sa 8:18
经文:创世记 41:51-41:51 注释:
* called. A.M. 2292. B.C. 1712.
48:5,13,14,18-20 De 33:17
* Manasseh. i.e., Forgetting.
30 Ps 45:10 Isa 57:16
* forget.
Ps 30:5,11 Pr 31:7 Isa 65:16
经文:创世记 41:52-41:52 注释:
* A.M. 2293. B.C. 1711. called he.
29:32-35 30:6-13 50:23
* Ephraim. i.e., Fruitful.
48:16-19 49:22 Isa 40:1,2
* the land.
Ps 105:17,18 Am 6:6 Ac 7:10
经文:创世记 41:53-41:53 注释:
* A.M. 2296. B.C. 1708.
29-31 Ps 73:20 Lu 16:25
经文:创世记 41:54-41:54 注释:
* the seven.
3,4,6,7,27 45:11 Ps 105:16 Ac 7:11
* according.
* and the dearth.
42:2,5,6 43:1 45:11 47:13
经文:创世记 41:55-41:55 注释:
* famished.
2Ki 6:25-29 Jer 14:1-6 La 4:3-10
* Go unto.
40,41 Ps 105:20-22 Mt 3:17 17:5 Joh 1:14-16 Php 4:19
Col 1:19
经文:创世记 41:56-41:56 注释:
* the face.
Isa 23:17 Zec 5:3 Lu 21:35 Ac 17:26
* all the storehouses. Heb. all wherein was. sold.
42:6 47:14-24
经文:创世记 41:57-41:57 注释:
* all countries.
42:1,5 50:20 De 9:28 Ps 105:16,17
* in all lands.
经文:创世记 42:1-42:1 注释:
1; Jacob sends his ten sons to buy corn in Egypt.
16; They are imprisoned by Joseph for spies.
18; They are set at liberty, on condition to bring Benjamin.
21; They have remorse for Joseph.
24; Simeon is kept for a pledge.
25; They return with corn, and their money.
29; Their relation to Jacob.
36; Jacob refuses to send Benjamin.
* when Jacob.
41:54,57 Ac 7:12
* saw. i.e, heard, from the report of others, that there was
plenty in Egypt.
The operations of one sense are frequently put for those of
another in Hebrew; (see the Parallel Passages.)
2 Ex 5:19 20:18 1Ki 19:3 Ho 5:13 Ga 2:7
* Why do ye.
Jos 7:10 2Ki 8:3,4 Ezr 10:4 Jer 8:14
经文:创世记 42:2-42:2 注释:
* get you.
43:2,4 45:9
* that we.
43:8 Ps 118:17 Isa 38:1 Mt 4:4
经文:创世记 42:3-42:3 注释:
经文:创世记 42:4-42:4 注释:
* Benjamin.
* Lest.
38 3:22 11:4 33:1,2 43:14,29 44:20-22,27-34
经文:创世记 42:5-42:5 注释:
* for.
12:10 26:1 41:57 Ac 7:11 11:28
经文:创世记 42:6-42:6 注释:
* governor.
{Shallit,} an intendant, protector, ruler, from {shalat,} to
be over or a protector, to rule: hence the Arabic {salita,}
to obtain and exercise dominion, rule; and {sult(836e),} ruler,
lord, prince, and king.
41:40,41 45:8,26 Ps 105:16-21 Ac 7:10
* he it was.
* bowed.
18:2 19:1 37:7,9 44:14 Re 3:9
经文:创世记 42:7-42:7 注释:
* roughly unto them. Heb. hard things with them.
9-12,14-17,19,20 Mt 15:23-26
经文:创世记 42:8-42:8 注释:
* but they knew.
Lu 24:16 Joh 20:14 21:4
经文:创世记 42:9-42:9 注释:
* remembered.
* Ye are spies.
Persons who, under the pretence of wishing to buy corn,
desire only to find out whether the land be so defenceless
that the tribes to which you belong may attack it
successfully, drive out the inhabitants, and settle
themselves in it; or, having plundered it, retire into their
deserts. This is a frequent custom among the Arabs to the
present day.
9,16,30,31,34 Nu 13:2,16-20 Jos 2:1 6:23 Jud 1:24 1Sa 26:4
Lu 20:20 Heb 11:31
* nakedness.
Ex 32:35
经文:创世记 42:10-42:10 注释:
27:29,37 37:8 44:9 1Sa 26:17 1Ki 18:7
经文:创世记 42:11-42:11 注释:
* We are, etc.
We do not belong to different tribes; and it is not likely
that one family would make a hostile attempt upon a whole
kingdom; nor, if any serious design had been intended, that
one man would have sent his sons on so hazardous an
* true men.
19,33,34 Joh 7:18 2Co 6:4
经文:创世记 42:12-42:12 注释:
* nakedness.
经文:创世记 42:13-42:13 注释:
* Thy servants.
11,32 29:32-35 30:6-24 35:16-26 43:7 46:8-27 Ex 1:2-5
Nu 1:1-54 10:1-36 26:1-65 34:1-29 1Ch 2:1-8:40
* one is not.
36,38 37:30 44:20,28 45:26 Jer 31:15 La 5:7 Mt 2:16,18
经文:创世记 42:14-42:14 注释:
9-11 Job 13:24 19:11 Mt 15:21-28
经文:创世记 42:15-42:15 注释:
* By the life.
7,12,16,30 De 6:13 1Sa 1:26 17:55 20:3 Jer 5:2,7 Mt 5:33-37
Mt 23:16-22 Jas 5:12
* except.
20,34 43:3 44:20-34
经文:创世记 42:16-42:16 注释:
* kept in prison. Heb. bound.
经文:创世记 42:17-42:17 注释:
* put. Heb. gathered.
Isa 24:22 Ac 5:18
* ward.
40:4,7 41:10 Le 24:12 Ps 119:65 Ac 4:3 Heb 12:10
经文:创世记 42:18-42:18 注释:
* I fear God.
20:11 Le 25:43 Ne 5:9,15 Lu 18:2,4
经文:创世记 42:19-42:19 注释:
* house.
40:3 Isa 42:7,22 Jer 37:15
* carry corn.
1,2,26 41:56 43:1,2 45:23
经文:创世记 42:20-42:20 注释:
* bring.
15,34 43:5,19 44:23
* And they.
26 6:22 Joh 2:5
经文:创世记 42:21-42:21 注释:
* they said.
41:9 Nu 32:23 2Sa 12:13 1Ki 17:18 Job 33:27,28 34:31,32
Job 36:8,9 Ho 5:15 Mt 27:3,4 Mr 9:44,46,48 Lu 16:28 Ac 19:18
* we saw.
37:23-28 Jud 1:7 Pr 21:13 24:11,12 28:17 Jer 2:17,19 4:18
Jer 34:17 Mt 7:2 1Jo 1:9 Jas 2:13
* this distress.
Pr 1:27,28
经文:创世记 42:22-42:22 注释:
* Spake I.
37:21,22,29,30 Lu 23:41 Ro 2:15
* his blood.
4:10 9:5,6 1Ki 2:32 2Ch 24:22 Ps 9:12 Eze 3:18 Lu 11:50,51
Ac 28:4 Re 13:10 16:9
经文:创世记 42:23-42:23 注释:
* he spake unto them by a interpreter. Heb. an interpreter was
between them.
The {mailitz} does not seem to have been an interpreter in
our sense of the term; as we have many evidences in this book
that the Egyptians, Hebrews, Canaanites, and Syrians, could
understand each other in a general way; and it appears from
several passages in this very chapter, (particularly ver.
24,) that Joseph and his brethren understood each others'
language, as his brethren and Joseph's steward also did (ch.
43:19, etc; compare ch. 39; 49.) It seems to denote an
officer who is called in Abyssinia, according to Mr. Bruce,
{Kal Hatz(822c)} "the voice or word of the king," who always
stands at the side of a lattice window of a balcony, within
which the king sits; who is never seen, but who speaks
through a hole in the side of it, covered in the inside with
a curtain, to this officer, by whom he speaks to the persons
Joh 16:13,14 2Co 5:20
经文:创世记 42:24-42:24 注释:
* wept.
43:30 Isa 63:9 Lu 19:41 Ro 12:15 1Co 12:26 Heb 4:15
* Simeon.
34:25 49:5-7 Jude 1:22,23
经文:创世记 42:25-42:25 注释:
* commanded.
44:1,2 Isa 55:1
* to give them.
45:21 Mt 6:33
* and thus.
Mt 5:44 Ro 12:17-21 1Pe 3:9
经文:创世记 42:26-42:26 注释:
经文:创世记 42:27-42:27 注释:
* the inn.
43:21 44:11 Ex 4:24 Lu 2:7 10:34
* inn.
{Malon,} from {loon,} to stay, abide, lodge, denotes any
place to stay and lodge in, particularly a place where
travellers usually stop to lodge, which is generally near a
well, where they fill their {girbehs,} or leathern bottles,
with fresh water, and having unladen and clogged their
camels, asses, etc., permit them to crop any little verdure
there may be in the place, keeping watch over them by turns.
Our word inn here gives us a false idea, there were no such
places of entertainment in the desert which Joseph's brethren
had to pass; nor are there any at the present day. The only
accommodation such a place affords is either a well, or a
{khan,} or {caravanserai,} which is generally no more than
four bare walls, perfectly exposed, the place being open at
the top, and furnishing a wretched lodging: and even these,
it is probable, were not in use at this early period.
经文:创世记 42:28-42:28 注释:
* their heart.
36 27:33 Le 26:36 De 28:65 1Ki 10:5 Ps 61:2 So 5:6
Lu 21:26
* failed them. Heb. went forth.
This refers to the spasmodic affection which is felt in the
breast at any sudden alarm or fright.
* What is.
Isa 45:7 La 2:17 3:37 Am 3:6
经文:创世记 42:29-42:29 注释:
经文:创世记 42:30-42:30 注释:
* roughly to us. Heb. with us hard things.
经文:创世记 42:31-42:31 注释:
* true.
经文:创世记 42:32-42:32 注释:
* twelve brethren.
经文:创世记 42:33-42:33 注释:
经文:创世记 42:34-42:34 注释:
* traffick.
34:10,21 1Ki 10:15 Eze 17:4
经文:创世记 42:35-42:35 注释:
* every man's.
27,28 43:21
经文:创世记 42:36-42:36 注释:
* Me have ye.
37:20-35 43:14
* all these things are against me.
{Alay hayoo cullanah,} literally, "upon me are all these
things:" rendered by the Vulgate, {in me h(9163) omnia mala
reciderunt,} "all these evils fall back upon me;" they lie
upon me as heavy loads, hastening my death: they are more
than I can bear.
45:28 47:12 1Sa 27:1 Job 7:7 Ps 34:19 Ec 7:8 Isa 27:9 38:10
Isa 41:10,13,14 Mt 14:31 Ro 8:28,31 1Co 10:13 2Co 4:17
Jas 5:7-11
经文:创世记 42:37-42:37 注释:
* Slay my.
43:9 44:32-34 46:9 Mic 6:7
经文:创世记 42:38-42:38 注释:
* his brother.
13 30:22-24 35:16-18 37:33,35 44:20,27-34
* if mischief.
4 44:29
* bring.
37:35 44:29,31 1Ki 2:6 Ps 71:18 90:10 Ec 1:14 2:26 Isa 38:10
Isa 46:4
经文:创世记 43:1-43:1 注释:
1; Jacob is hardly persuaded to send Benjamin.
15; Joseph entertains his brethren.
19; They discover their fears to the steward.
26; Joseph makes them a feast.
18:13 41:54-57 42:5 Ec 9:1,2 La 5:10 Ac 7:11-13
经文:创世记 43:2-43:2 注释:
4,20 42:1,2 Pr 15:16 16:18 31:16 1Ti 5:8 6:6-8
经文:创世记 43:3-43:3 注释:
* man.
42:15-20,33,34 44:23
* did solemnly protest. Heb. protesting, protested.
Ac 7:34
* see my face.
5 2Sa 3:13 14:24,28,32 Ac 20:25,38
经文:创世记 43:4-43:4 注释:
经文:创世记 43:5-43:5 注释:
* will not.
42:38 44:26 Ex 20:12
经文:创世记 43:6-43:6 注释:
经文:创世记 43:7-43:7 注释:
* asked us straitly. Heb. asking asked us.
3 *marg:
* tenor. Heb. mouth. could we certainly know. knowing could
we know.
3 *marg:
经文:创世记 43:8-43:8 注释:
* lad with me.
42:38 44:26 Ex 20:12
* that we.
42:2 De 33:6 2Ki 7:4,13 Ps 118:17
* also our.
45:19 50:8,21 Nu 14:31 Ezr 8:21
经文:创世记 43:9-43:9 注释:
* will be.
42:37 44:32,33 1Ki 1:21 Job 17:3 Ps 119:122 Phm 1:18,19
Heb 7:22
* of my hand.
9:5 31:39 Eze 3:18,20 33:6,8 Lu 11:50
经文:创世记 43:10-43:10 注释:
* this second time. or, twice by this.
经文:创世记 43:11-43:11 注释:
* If it must be.
14 Es 4:16 Ac 21:14
* carry down.
32:13-21 33:10 37:25 De 33:14 1Sa 9:7 25:27 1Ki 4:21 10:25
1Ki 15:19 2Ki 8:8 16:8 20:12 Ps 68:29 72:10 76:11 Pr 17:18
Pr 18:16 19:6 21:14 Eze 27:17
* a little balm.
37:25 Jer 8:22 Eze 27:15
* balm.
For an explanation of the words {tzori, nechoth,} and {lot,}
here rendered respectively balm, spices, and myrrh, see on
ch. 37:25. {Devash,} honey, is supposed by some not to have
been that produced by bees, but a syrup produced from ripe
dates. The Jewish doctors observe, that the word in 2; Ch
31:5; signifies dates; and the Arabians, at this day, call the
choicest dates preserved with butter, {dabous,} and the honey
obtained from them, {dibs,} or {dabs.} {Benanim,} nuts
signifies pistachio nuts, the finest thing found in Syria;
but, according to the others, a small nut, the produce of a
species of the turpentine tree. {Shekaidim} is certainly
* honey.
Le 20:24
* spices.
1Ki 10:15 So 4:10,14-16 5:1 8:14
经文:创世记 43:12-43:12 注释:
* double.
Ro 12:17 13:8 2Co 8:21 Php 4:8 1Th 4:6 5:21 Heb 13:8
* mouth.
经文:创世记 43:13-43:13 注释:
经文:创世记 43:14-43:14 注释:
* And God.
17:1 22:14 32:11-28 39:21 Ezr 7:27 Ne 1:11 Es 4:16 Ps 37:5-7
Ps 85:7 100:5 119:41 Pr 1:1 16:7 21:1 Isa 49:13 Lu 1:50
Ac 7:10 21:14 1Ti 1:2,16 Tit 1:4 2Jo 1:3
* If I be, etc. or, and I, as I have been, etc.
Es 4:16
* See on ver.
经文:创世记 43:15-43:15 注释:
经文:创世记 43:16-43:16 注释:
* the ruler.
19 15:2 24:2-10 39:4,5 44:1
* slay. Heb. kill a killing.
21:8 26:30 31:54 1Sa 25:11
{Tevoch taivach,} "slay a slaying," or make a great
slaughter: let preparations be made for a great feast or
entertainment. See a similar form of speech in ch. 31:54.
1Sa 25:11 Pr 9:2
* dine with. Heb. eat.
经文:创世记 43:17-43:17 注释:
经文:创世记 43:18-43:18 注释:
* the men.
42:21,28,35 Jud 13:22 Job 15:21 Ps 53:5 73:16 Isa 7:2
Mt 14:26,27 Mr 6:16
* seek occasion against us. Heb. Roll himself upon us.
De 22:14,17 Jud 14:4 Job 30:14 Ro 7:8
经文:创世记 43:19-43:19 注释:
经文:创世记 43:20-43:20 注释:
* we came indeed down. Heb. coming down we came down.
3,7 42:3,10,27,35
经文:创世记 43:21-43:21 注释:
* we came.
* we have.
12 Ro 12:17 13:8 Heb 13:5,18 1Pe 2:12 3:16
经文:创世记 43:22-43:22 注释:
经文:创世记 43:23-43:23 注释:
* Peace.
Jud 6:23 19:20 1Sa 25:6 1Ch 12:18 Ezr 4:17 Lu 10:5 24:36
Joh 14:27 20:19,21,26
* I had your money. Heb. Your money came to me.
{Caspechem ba ailai,} "your money comes to me:" as I am the
steward, the cash for the corn belongs to me. Ye have no
occasion to be apprehensive of any evil; the whole
transaction is between myself and you; receive therefore the
money as a present from "the God of your father," no matter
whose hands he employs to convey it.
* Simeon.
14 42:24,36
经文:创世记 43:24-43:24 注释:
18:4 19:2 24:32 Lu 7:44 Joh 13:4-17
经文:创世记 43:25-43:25 注释:
经文:创世记 43:26-43:26 注释:
* bowed.
28 27:29 37:7-10,19,20 42:6 Ps 72:9 Ro 14:11 Php 2:10,11
经文:创世记 43:27-43:27 注释:
* welfare. Heb. peace.
37:14 41:16 Ex 18:7 Jud 18:15 1Sa 17:22 25:5 1Ch 18:10
* Is your father well. Heb. Is there peace to your father?
the old.
经文:创世记 43:28-43:28 注释:
* bowed.
26 37:7,9,10
* made obeisance.
Ex 18:7 2Sa 1:2 14:4 1Ki 1:16 2Ch 24:17
经文:创世记 43:29-43:29 注释:
* mother's son.
30:22-24 35:17,18
* of whom.
* God.
45:8 Jos 7:19 2Ch 29:11 Ps 133:1,2 Mt 9:2,22 Mr 10:24
1Ti 1:2 Heb 13:1
* my son.
Nu 6:25 Ps 111:4 112:4 Isa 30:19 33:2 Mal 1:9
经文:创世记 43:30-43:30 注释:
* his bowels.
1Ki 3:26 Jer 31:20 Ho 11:8 Php 1:8 2:1 Col 3:12 1Jo 3:17
* wept there.
42:24 Joh 11:33-38 Ac 20:19,31,37 2Ti 1:4
经文:创世记 43:31-43:31 注释:
* refrained.
45:1 Isa 42:14 Jer 31:16 1Pe 3:10
* bread.
经文:创世记 43:32-43:32 注释:
* eat bread.
16 31:54
* for that is an abomination.
The Chaldee Paraphrast renders this clause, "Because the
Hebrews eat the cattle which the Egyptians worship." But, as
we learn from ver. 16, compared with this verse, that the
provision for the entertainment of the Egyptians themselves
was animal food, this reason cannot be just. The true reason
seems to be that assigned by the LXX., [Bedlyma gar estin tois
Aigyptiois pas poim(826e) probaton:] "For every shepherd is an
abomination to the Egyptians."
46:34 Ex 8:26
经文:创世记 43:33-43:33 注释:
* 44.12
经文:创世记 43:34-43:34 注释:
* messes.
2Sa 11:8
* was five times.
Sir John Chardin observes, that "in Persia, Arabia, and the
Indies, there are some houses where they place several plates
in large salvers, and set one of these before each person, or
before two or three, according to the magnificence of each
house. The great men of the state are always served by
themselves, in the feasts that are made for them; and with
great profusion, their part of each kind of provision being
always double, treble, or a larger proportion of each kind of
45:22 1Sa 1:5 9:22-24
* were merry. Heb. drank largely.
Pr 31:6 Ec 9:7 10:19 So 5:1 Hab 1:6 Mt 11:19 Joh 2:10
经文:创世记 44:1-44:1 注释:
1; Joseph's policy to stay his brethren.
6; The cup is found in Benjamin's sack.
14; They are brought before Joseph.
18; Judah's humble supplication to Joseph.
* the steward. Heb. him that was over his house.
24:2 43:16,19
* Fill the.
42:25 43:2 Isa 3:1
经文:创世记 44:2-44:2 注释:
42:15,16,20 43:32 De 8:2,16 13:3 Mt 10:16 2Co 8:8
经文:创世记 44:3-44:3 注释:
经文:创世记 44:4-44:4 注释:
* Up.
De 2:16
* Wherefore.
1Sa 24:17 2Ch 20:11 Ps 35:12 109:5 Pr 17:13 Joh 10:32
经文:创世记 44:5-44:5 注释:
* divineth. or, maketh trial.
15 *marg:
30:27 Le 19:26 1Ki 20:33 2Ki 21:6
In the East, there is an ancient tradition, that there was a
Cup which possessed the strange property of representing in
it the whole world, and all the things which were then doing.
The cup is called {Jami Jemsheed,} "the cup of Jemsheed," a
very ancient king of Persia; and they say that it was
discovered, filled with the elixir of immortality, when
digging to lay the foundations of Persepolis. The Persian
poets are full of allusions to this cup, which they style
{Jem jehan nima,} the cup shewing the universe; and to it
they ascribe all the prosperity of their ancient monarchs.
Many of the Mahometan princes and governors affect still to
have information by means of a cup. Now, though it cannot be
admitted that Joseph practised divination, yet, according to
the superstition of those times, supernatural influence might
be attributed to HIS CUP.
经文:创世记 44:6-44:6 注释:
经文:创世记 44:7-44:7 注释:
34:25-31 35:22 37:18-32 38:16-18 Jos 22:22-29 2Sa 20:20
2Ki 8:13 Pr 22:1 Ec 7:1 Heb 13:18
经文:创世记 44:8-44:8 注释:
* the money.
42:21,27,35 43:12,21,22
* how then.
7 Ex 20:15 De 5:19 Mt 19:18 Ro 13:9 Jas 2:10,11
经文:创世记 44:9-44:9 注释:
* both.
31:32 Job 31:38-40 Ps 7:3-5 Ac 25:11
* and we.
经文:创世记 44:10-44:10 注释:
* he with whom.
17,33 Ex 22:3 Mt 18:24,25
经文:创世记 44:11-44:11 注释:
经文:创世记 44:12-44:12 注释:
* began.
* and the cup.
26-32 42:36-38 43:14
经文:创世记 44:13-44:13 注释:
37:29-34 Nu 14:6 2Sa 1:2,11 13:19
经文:创世记 44:14-44:14 注释:
* he was yet.
* fell.
37:7-9 50:18 Php 2:10,11
经文:创世记 44:15-44:15 注释:
* What.
4,5 3:13 4:10
* wot ye not.
21:26 39:8 Ex 32:1
* divine. or, make trial.
经文:创世记 44:16-44:16 注释:
* Judah.
32 43:8,9
* What shall we say.
De 25:1 Ezr 9:10,15 Job 40:4 Pr 17:15 Isa 5:3 Da 9:7 Ac 2:37
* God hath.
37:18-28 42:21,22 Nu 32:23 Jos 7:1,18 Jud 1:7 Pr 28:17 Mt 7:2
Lu 12:2
* iniquity.
43:9 Isa 27:9 Da 9:7
* behold.
9 37:7,9
经文:创世记 44:17-44:17 注释:
* God forbid.
18:25 42:18 2Sa 23:3 Ps 75:2 Pr 17:15
* he shall.
* in peace.
26:29 37:32,33
经文:创世记 44:18-44:18 注释:
* Oh my Lord.
"No paraphrase," says Dr. A. Clarke, "can heighten the effect
of Judah's address to Joseph. To add, would be to diminish
its excellence; to attempt to explain, would be to obscure
its beauties; to clothe the ideas in other language than that
of Judah, and his translators in our Bible, would ruin its
energy, and destroy its influence. It is perhaps one of the
most tender, affecting pieces of natural oratory ever spoken
or penned: and we need not wonder to find that, when Joseph
heard it, he could not refrain himself, but wept aloud. His
soul must have been insensible beyond what is common to human
nature, had he not immediately yielded to a speech so
delicately tender, and so powerfully impressive."
* let thy.
18:30,32 2Sa 14:12 Job 33:31 Ac 2:29
* anger.
Ex 32:22 Es 1:12 Ps 79:5
* as Pharaoh.
41:40,44 Pr 19:12 Da 3:15,19-23 5:19 Joh 5:22
经文:创世记 44:19-44:19 注释:
42:7-10 43:7,29
经文:创世记 44:20-44:20 注释:
* we said.
Every word in this verse is simplicity and pathos itself. No
man of the least sensibility can read it without great
emotion. Indeed the whole speech is exquisitely beautiful,
and perhaps the most complete pattern of genuine natural
eloquence extant in any language. When we read this generous
speech, we forgive Judah all the past, and cannot refuse to
say, "Thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise."
* a child.
35:18 37:3,19 43:7,8 46:21
* and his brother.
37:33-35 42:36,38
* he alone.
27-29 Lu 7:12
经文:创世记 44:21-44:21 注释:
* Bring.
42:15,20 43:29
* that I may.
Jer 24:6 40:4 Am 9:4
经文:创世记 44:22-44:22 注释:
* his father would die.
30 42:38
经文:创世记 44:23-44:23 注释:
42:15-20 43:3,5
经文:创世记 44:24-44:24 注释:
* we told him.
经文:创世记 44:25-44:25 注释:
经文:创世记 44:26-44:26 注释:
43:4,5 Lu 11:7
经文:创世记 44:27-44:27 注释:
29:18-21,28 30:22-25 35:16-18 46:19
经文:创世记 44:28-44:28 注释:
* the one.
* Surely.
37:33 42:36,38
经文:创世记 44:29-44:29 注释:
* And if.
42:36,38 43:14 Ps 88:3,4
* sorrow.
31 42:38 De 31:17 Ps 88:4
经文:创世记 44:30-44:30 注释:
* When I.
* his life
1Sa 18:1 25:29 2Sa 18:33
经文:创世记 44:31-44:31 注释:
* when he.
1Sa 4:17,18 2Co 7:10 1Th 4:13
* servants shall.
29 37:26,27,35 1Sa 22:22
* grave.
29 37:35
经文:创世记 44:32-44:32 注释:
经文:创世记 44:33-44:33 注释:
* therefore.
What must Benjamin have felt when he heard his brother
conclude his speech by a proposal which could never have been
thought of if it had not been actually made! Perhaps the
annals of the whole world do not produce an instance of so
heroic and disinterested affection in any mere man.
* I pray thee.
Ex 32:32 Ro 5:7-10 9:3
* instead.
Heb 7:22 1Jo 3:16
经文:创世记 44:34-44:34 注释:
* lest.
1Sa 2:33,34 2Ch 34:28 Es 8:6 Jer 52:10,11
* come on. Heb. find.
Ex 18:8 Job 31:29 Ps 116:3 119:143 *marg:
经文:创世记 45:1-45:1 注释:
1; Joseph makes himself known to his brethren.
5; He comforts them in God's providence.
9; He sends for his father.
16; Pharaoh confirms it.
21; Joseph furnishes then for their journey, and exhorts them
to concord.
25; Jacob is revived with the news.
* could not.
43:30,31 Isa 42:14 Jer 20:9
* Cause.
2Sa 1:20 Mt 18:15 Ac 10:41 1Co 13:5
经文:创世记 45:2-45:2 注释:
* wept aloud. Heb. gave forth his voice in weeping.
"This," says Sir J. Chardin, "is exactly the genius of the
people of Asia; their sentiments of joy or grief are properly
transports, and their transports are ungoverned, excessive,
and truly outrageous. When anyone returns from a long
journey or dies, his family burst into cries that may be
heard twenty doors off; and this is renewed at different
times, and continues many days, according to the vigour of
the passion. Sometimes they cease all at once, and then
begin as suddenly, with a greater shrillness and loudness
than one could easily imagine."
Nu 14:1 Ru 1:9 2Ki 20:3 Ac 20:37
经文:创世记 45:3-45:3 注释:
* I am Joseph.
Mt 14:27 Ac 7:13 9:5
* for they.
Job 4:5 23:15 Zec 12:10 Mt 14:26 Mr 6:50 Lu 5:8 24:37,38
Re 1:7
* troubled. or, terrified.
经文:创世记 45:4-45:4 注释:
* I am Joseph.
37:28 50:18 Mt 14:27 Ac 9:5
经文:创世记 45:5-45:5 注释:
* be not grieved.
Isa 40:1,2 Lu 23:34 2Co 2:7,11
* nor angry with yourselves. Heb. neither let there be anger
in your eyes. God.
7,8 47:25 50:20 1Sa 1:19 2Sa 12:12 16:10-12 17:14 Job 1:21
Ps 105:16,17 Ac 2:23,24 4:24-28 7:9-15
经文:创世记 45:6-45:6 注释:
* two years.
41:29-31,54,56 47:18
* earing.
Earing means ploughing or seed-time from the Anglo-Saxon
{erian,} probably from {aro,} to plough; and agrees with
[aroo [,] Greek, {charatha,} Arabic,
and {charash,} Hebrew.
47:23 Ex 34:21 De 21:4 1Sa 8:12 Isa 30:24
经文:创世记 45:7-45:7 注释:
* to preserve you a posterity. Heb. to put for you a remnant.
to save.
Jud 15:18 1Ch 11:14 Ps 18:50 44:4 Ac 7:35
经文:创世记 45:8-45:8 注释:
* it was not.
5 Joh 15:16 19:11 Ro 9:16
* father.
41:39-48 Jud 17:10 Job 29:16 Ps 105:21,22
经文:创世记 45:9-45:9 注释:
* Thus saith.
* come.
经文:创世记 45:10-45:10 注释:
* in the land.
46:29,34 47:1-6 Ex 8:22 9:26
* Goshen.
Goshen was the most eastern district of Lower Egypt, and the
frontier of that country and Arabia, not far from the Arabian
gulf, and lying next to Canaan; for Jacob went directly
thither when he came into Egypt, from which it was about
eighty miles distant, though Hebron was distant from the
Egyptian capital about three hundred miles.
* be near.
Joh 14:2,3 17:24
经文:创世记 45:11-45:11 注释:
47:6,12 Mt 15:5,6 Mr 7:9-12 1Ti 5:4
经文:创世记 45:12-45:12 注释:
* your eyes.
42:23 Lu 24:39 Joh 20:27
* my mouth.
* Not as.
经文:创世记 45:13-45:13 注释:
* my glory.
Joh 17:24 1Pe 1:10-12 Re 21:23
* bring.
Ac 7:14
经文:创世记 45:14-45:14 注释:
29:11 33:4 46:29 Ro 1:31
经文:创世记 45:15-45:15 注释:
* Moreover.
2 29:11,13 33:4 Ex 4:27 Ru 1:9,14 1Sa 10:1 20:41 2Sa 14:33
Lu 15:20 Ac 20:37
* talked.
Ps 77:4
经文:创世记 45:16-45:16 注释:
* it pleased Pharaoh well. Heb. was good in the eyes of
16:6 20:15 34:18 41:33 De 1:33 2Sa 3:36 2Ch 30:4 Es 1:21 2:4
Es 5:14 Ac 6:5
经文:创世记 45:17-45:17 注释:
* lade your.
42:25,26 44:1,2
经文:创世记 45:18-45:18 注释:
* the fat.
27:28 47:6 Nu 18:12,29 De 32:14 Ps 81:16 147:14 Isa 28:1,4
经文:创世记 45:19-45:19 注释:
* commanded.
Isa 49:1,23
* waggons.
27 46:5
* for your.
经文:创世记 45:20-45:20 注释:
* regard not. Heb. let not your eye spare, etc.
De 7:16 19:13,21 Isa 13:18 Eze 7:4,9 9:5 20:17
* stuff.
Ex 22:7 Jos 7:11 1Sa 10:22 25:13 30:24 Eze 12:3,4 Mt 24:17
Lu 17:31
* the good.
18 20:15 Ezr 9:12 Isa 1:19
经文:创世记 45:21-45:21 注释:
* waggons.
19,27 46:5 Nu 7:3-9 Eze 23:24
* commandment. Heb. mouth.
19 Ex 17:1 Nu 3:16 2Ch 8:13 35:16 Ec 8:2 La 1:18
经文:创世记 45:22-45:22 注释:
* To all.
It is a common custom with all the Asiatic sovereigns to give
both garments and money to ambassadors and persons of
distinction, whom they particularly wish to honour. De La
Motraye says, "that they then clothed them (the ambassadors)
with {caffetans} (long vests of gold or silver brocade) with
large silk flowers."
* each.
Jud 14:12,19 2Ki 5:5,22,23 Re 6:11
* to Benjamin.
经文:创世记 45:23-45:23 注释:
* laden with. Heb. carrying.
* good things.
24:10 43:11 Ex 16:3
* meat.
As {mazon} is derived from {zoon,} to prepare, provide, Dr.
A. Clarke thinks it may mean here prepared meat; some made-up
dish, delicacies, confectionaries, etc. In Asiatic countries
they have several curious methods of preserving flesh by
potting, by which it may be kept, for any length of time,
sweet and wholesome. Some delicacy, similar to the savoury
meat which Isaac loved, may here be intended; sent to Jacob
in consideration of his age, and to testify the respect of
his son; for of other kinds of meat he could have no need, as
he had large flocks and herds, and could kill a lamb, kid,
etc. when he pleased.
经文:创世记 45:24-45:24 注释:
* See that.
37:22 42:21,22 Ps 133:1-3 Joh 13:34,35 Eph 4:31,32 Php 2:2-5
Col 3:12,13 1Th 5:13
经文:创世记 45:25-45:25 注释:
经文:创世记 45:26-45:26 注释:
* Joseph.
Lu 24:34
* and he is.
8,9 Ps 105:21
* And Jacob's. Heb. And his.
37:35 42:36,38 44:28 Jon 2:7
* he believed.
Job 9:16 29:24 Ps 126:1 Lu 24:11,41
经文:创世记 45:27-45:27 注释:
* the spirit.
Jud 15:19 1Sa 30:12 Ps 85:6 Isa 57:15 Ho 6:2
经文:创世记 45:28-45:28 注释:
* It is enough.
46:30 Lu 2:28-30 Joh 16:21,22
经文:创世记 46:1-46:1 注释:
1; Jacob is comforted by God at Beer-sheba.
5; Thence he with his company goes into Egypt.
8; The number of his family that went into Egypt.
28; Joseph meets Jacob.
31; He instructs his brethren how to answer Pharaoh.
* A.M. 2298. B.C. 1706. Beer-sheba.
21:14,31,33 26:22,23 28:10 1Sa 3:20
* and offered.
4:4 8:20 12:8 22:13 33:20 35:3,7 Job 1:5 42:8
* unto.
21:33 26:23,25 28:13 31:42,53
经文:创世记 46:2-46:2 注释:
* in the visions.
15:1,13 22:11 Nu 12:6 24:4 2Ch 26:5 Job 4:13 33:14,15 Da 2:19
Ac 9:10 10:3 16:9
* Jacob.
22:1 Ex 3:3,4 1Sa 3:4,10 Ac 9:4 10:13
经文:创世记 46:3-46:3 注释:
* the God.
* fear not.
15:1,13 26:2,3 Isa 41:10 43:1,2 Jer 40:9 Ac 27:24
* I will.
12:2 13:15,16 18:18 22:17 28:14 35:11 47:27 Ex 1:7-10 De 1:10
De 10:22 26:5 Ac 7:17
经文:创世记 46:4-46:4 注释:
* will go.
28:15 48:21 Isa 43:1,2
* and I will.
15:14-16 50:5,13,24,25 Ex 3:8
* and Joseph.
This last and most solemn office, as Mr. Hewlett observes,
that could be paid to a parent, was generally performed by
the nearest relation of the deceased. This promise must have
given great consolation to the venerable patriarch's mind.
经文:创世记 46:5-46:5 注释:
* Jacob.
Ac 7:15
* in the waggons.
31:17,18 45:19,21,27 Ex 10:24,26
经文:创世记 46:6-46:6 注释:
* into Egypt.
15:13 Nu 20:15 De 10:22 26:5 Jos 24:4 1Sa 12:8 Ps 105:23
Isa 52:4 Ac 7:15
经文:创世记 46:7-46:7 注释:
经文:创世记 46:8-46:8 注释:
* the names.
29:1-30:43 35:23 49:1-33 Ex 1:1-5 6:14-18 1Ch 2:1-55 8:1-40
* Reuben.
29:32 35:22,23 49:3,4 Ex 6:14 Nu 1:5,20,21 2:10-13 26:5-11
De 33:6 1Ch 2:1-10
经文:创世记 46:9-46:9 注释:
经文:创世记 46:10-46:10 注释:
* Simeon.
29:33 34:25,30 49:5-7 Ex 6:15 Nu 1:6,22,23 2:12,13 26:12,13
1Ch 2:1 4:24-43
* Jemuel. or, Nemuel.
* Jachin. or, Jarib.
* Zohar. or, Zerah.
1Ch 4:24
* Canaanitish.
经文:创世记 46:11-46:11 注释:
* Levi.
29:34 49:5-7 Ex 6:16 Nu 3:17-22 4:1-49 8:1-26 26:57,58
De 33:8-11 1Ch 2:1,11,16 6:1-3 22:1-26:32
* Gershon. or, Gershom.
1Ch 6:16
经文:创世记 46:12-46:12 注释:
* Judah.
29:35 38:1-3,7,10,24-30 49:8-12 Nu 1:7,26,27 26:19-21 De 33:7
Jud 1:2 1Ch 2:1,3-5 3:1-24 4:1,21 5:2 Ps 78:68 Mt 1:1-3
Heb 7:14 Re 5:5
经文:创世记 46:13-46:13 注释:
* Issachar.
30:14-18 35:23 49:14,15 Nu 1:8,28-30 26:23-25 De 33:18
1Ch 2:1 7:1-5 12:32
* Phuvah. or, Puah.
* Job. or, Jashub.
1Ch 7:1
经文:创世记 46:14-46:14 注释:
* Zebulun.
30:19,20 49:13 Nu 1:9,30,31 26:26,27 De 33:18,19 1Ch 2:1
经文:创世记 46:15-46:15 注释:
* Leah.
29:32-35 30:17-21 35:23 49:3-15 Ex 1:2,3 Nu 1:1-54 10:1-36
Nu 26:1-65 1Ch 2:1
* Padanaram.
* with his.
30:21 34:1-31
经文:创世记 46:16-46:16 注释:
* sons of.
30:11 35:26 49:19 Nu 1:11,24,25 26:15-17 De 33:20,21 1Ch 2:2
1Ch 5:11-16
* Ziphion. or, Zephon.
* Ezbon. or, Ozni.
* Arodi. or, Arod.
Nu 26:15-17
经文:创世记 46:17-46:17 注释:
* Asher.
30:13 35:26 49:20 Nu 1:13,40,41 26:44-46 De 33:24 1Ch 2:2
1Ch 7:30-40
经文:创世记 46:18-46:18 注释:
* Zilpah.
29:24 30:9-13 35:26 Ex 1:4
经文:创世记 46:19-46:19 注释:
* Rachel.
29:18 30:24 35:16-18,24 44:27 Ex 1:3,5 1Ch 2:2
* Joseph.
37:1-36 39:1-23 40:1-45:28 47:1-31 49:22-27 50:1-14
Nu 1:36,37 26:38-41 De 33:12-17
经文:创世记 46:20-46:20 注释:
* Manasseh.
41:50-52 48:4,5,13,14,20 Nu 1:32-35 26:28-37 De 33:13-17
1Ch 5:23-26 7:14-29
* priest. or, prince.
41:45,50 *marg:
经文:创世记 46:21-46:21 注释:
* the sons.
49:27 Nu 1:11,36,37 De 33:12 1Ch 7:6-12 8:1-7
* Ehi.
Nu 26:38
* Ahiram. Muppim.
Nu 26:39
* Shupham.
1Ch 7:12
* Shuppim. Huppim.
Nu 26:39
* Hupham.
经文:创世记 46:22-46:22 注释:
经文:创世记 46:23-46:23 注释:
* Dan.
30:6 35:25 49:16,17 Nu 1:12,38,39 10:25 De 33:22 1Ch 2:2 7:12
1Ch 12:35
* Hushim.
Nu 26:42,43
* Shuham.
经文:创世记 46:24-46:24 注释:
* Naphtali.
30:7,8 35:25 49:21 Nu 1:15,42,43 26:48-50 De 33:23 2Ki 15:29
1Ch 2:2 12:34
* Jahzeel.
1Ch 7:13
* Jahziel.
经文:创世记 46:25-46:25 注释:
* Bilhah.
29:29 30:3-8 35:22,25 Ex 1:2
经文:创世记 46:26-46:26 注释:
* loins. Heb. thigh.
35:11 Ex 1:5 Jud 8:30
经文:创世记 46:27-46:27 注释:
* threescore and ten.
Threescore and six were before mentioned, (ver. 26,) so that
Joseph and his two sons, together with Jacob himself,
complete the seventy persons here enumerated; and the number
in ver. 15, 18, 22, and 25; amount to that number. The
addition of five persons in the LXX. in ver. 20, was either
the cause or the consequence of another difference here; for
in that version the number is seventy-five ver. 15, 18, 22,
Ex 1:5 24:1 De 10:22 Ac 7:14
经文:创世记 46:28-46:28 注释:
* Judah.
43:8 44:16-34 49:8
* to direct.
* Goshen.
Goshen seems to have been a city, after which the land of
Goshen was called. The LXX. render it by [Heroonpolis,]
Heroonpolis, "city of Heroon;" which by some writers is
simply called Heroum, and is by the ancient geographers
placed in the eastern part of Egypt, not far from the Arabian
34 45:10 47:1
经文:创世记 46:29-46:29 注释:
* his chariot.
41:43 45:19,21
* fell on.
33:4 45:14 Lu 15:20 Ac 20:37
经文:创世记 46:30-46:30 注释:
45:28 Lu 2:29,30
经文:创世记 46:31-46:31 注释:
45:16-20 47:1-3 Ac 18:3 Heb 2:11
经文:创世记 46:32-46:32 注释:
* shepherds.
4:2 31:18 37:2 47:3 Ex 3:1 1Sa 16:11 17:15 Ps 78:70-72
Isa 40:11 Zec 13:5
* their trade hath been to feed cattle. Heb. they are men of
34 9:20 1Ki 9:27 18:5,6
* and they.
经文:创世记 46:33-46:33 注释:
* What is.
32 47:2-4 Jon 1:8
经文:创世记 46:34-46:34 注释:
* Thy servants.
32 30:35 34:5 37:12
* for every.
From the fragments of Manetho, preserved in Josephus and
Africanus, it appears that hordes of marauders, call
{hycassos,} or shepherd kings, whose chief occupation, like
the Bedouin Arabs of the present day, was to keep flocks,
made a powerful irruption into Egypt, which they subdued, and
ruled, by a succession of kings, with great tyranny for 259
years. Hence the persons, and even the very name of
shepherds were execrated, and held in the greatest odium by
the Egyptians.
43:32 Ex 8:26
经文:创世记 47:1-47:1 注释:
1; Joseph presents his father, and five of his brethren before
11; He gives them habitation and maintenance.
13; He gets the Egyptians' money;
16; their cattle;
18; and their lands, except the priests', to Pharaoh.
23; He restores the land for a fifth.
28; Jacob's age.
29; He swears Joseph to bury him with his fathers.
* Joseph.
45:16 46:31 Heb 2:11
* in the land.
45:10 46:28,34 Ex 8:22 9:26
经文:创世记 47:2-47:2 注释:
* presented.
Ac 7:13 2Co 4:14 Col 1:28 Jude 1:24
经文:创世记 47:3-47:3 注释:
* What is.
46:33,34 Am 7:14,15 Jon 1:8 2Th 3:10
* shepherds.
经文:创世记 47:4-47:4 注释:
* For to.
12:10 15:13 De 26:5 Ps 105:23 Isa 52:4 Ac 7:6
* for the famine.
43:1 Ac 7:11
* let thy.
经文:创世记 47:5-47:5 注释:
经文:创世记 47:6-47:6 注释:
* is.
11 13:9 20:15 34:10 45:18-20 Pr 21:1 Joh 17:2
* Goshen.
* men of activity.
{Anshey chayil,} men of strength, power, ability, or prowess.
It implies both fitness of mind and body; and so valour,
prudence, diligence, and virtue.
* rulers.
Ex 18:21 1Sa 21:7 1Ch 27:29-31 2Ch 26:10 Pr 22:29
* cattle
{Mikneh}, from {kanah}, to posses, signifies property or
possession of any kind, though it frequently is used for
cattle, because in ancient times they constituted the
principal part of a man's possessions.
16 Ex 9:3-6,10,21
经文:创世记 47:7-47:7 注释:
* And Jacob.
10 35:27 Ex 12:32 Nu 6:23,24 Jos 14:13 1Sa 2:20 2Sa 8:10
2Sa 19:39 1Ki 1:47 2Ki 4:29 Mt 26:26 Lu 22:19 1Pe 2:17
经文:创世记 47:8-47:8 注释:
* How old art thou. Heb. How many are the days of the years of
thy life?
经文:创世记 47:9-47:9 注释:
* The days.
1Ch 29:15 Ps 39:12 119:19,54 2Co 5:6 Heb 11:9-16 13:14
1Pe 2:11
* and hundred.
Job 14:1 Ps 39:5 89:47,48 90:3-12 Jas 4:14
* have not.
28 5:27 11:11,24,25 25:7,8 35:28 50:26 Ex 6:4 7:7 De 34:7
Jos 24:29 2Sa 19:32-35 Job 8:8,9 42:16,17
经文:创世记 47:10-47:10 注释:
7 14:19 Nu 6:23-27 De 33:1 Ru 2:4 2Sa 8:10 19:39 Ps 119:46
Ps 129:8 Heb 7:7
经文:创世记 47:11-47:11 注释:
* Rameses.
6 Ex 1:11 12:37 Joh 10:10,28 14:2,23 17:2,24
经文:创世记 47:12-47:12 注释:
* nourished.
Ru 4:15
* his father.
Ex 20:12 Mt 15:4-6 Mr 7:10-13 1Ti 4:8 5:4,8
* according to their families. or, as a little child is
nourished. Heb. according to the little ones.
1,21,24 1Th 2:7
经文:创世记 47:13-47:13 注释:
* A.M. 2300. B.C. 1704. so that.
41:30,31 1Ki 18:5 Jer 14:1-6 La 2:19,20 4:9 Ac 7:11
* fainted.
Jer 9:12 Joe 1:10-12
经文:创世记 47:14-47:14 注释:
* the money.
* Joseph brought.
Lu 16:1,2,10-12 1Co 4:2 1Pe 4:10
经文:创世记 47:15-47:15 注释:
* A.M. 2301. B.C. 1703. Give us bread.
18,19,24 Jud 8:5,8 1Sa 21:3 25:8 Ps 37:3 Isa 33:16 Mt 6:11
经文:创世记 47:16-47:16 注释:
* Give your cattle.
This was the wisest measure that could be adopted, both for
the preservation of the people and the cattle. As the people
had not grain for their own sustenance, consequently they
could have none for their cattle: hence they were in the
most imminent danger of starving; and the people also were in
equal danger; as they must have divided a portion of that
bought for themselves with the cattle, which, for the sake of
tillage, etc., they wished of course to preserve till the
seven years' famine should end.
Da 6:5-7 Pr 12:17 1Co 10:32 Php 4:8 Col 4:5
经文:创世记 47:17-47:17 注释:
* for horses.
Ex 9:3 1Ki 10:28 Job 2:4 Isa 31:1 Mt 6:24
* fed them. Heb. led them.
经文:创世记 47:18-47:18 注释:
* A.M. 2302. B.C. 1702.
2Ki 6:26 Jer 38:9
经文:创世记 47:19-47:19 注释:
* buy us.
Ne 5:2,3 Job 2:4 La 1:11 5:6,9 Mt 16:26 Php 3:8,9
* and give.
经文:创世记 47:20-47:20 注释:
经文:创世记 47:21-47:21 注释:
* A.M. 2303. B.C. 1701.
* And as.
It is highly probable, that Joseph was influenced by no
political motive in removing the people to the cities, but
merely by motives of prudence and humanity; for, as the corn
was laid up in the cities, it would be more eligible to bring
then from distant towns and villages to places where they
might be more conveniently supplied with food.
* to cities.
经文:创世记 47:22-47:22 注释:
* of the priests. or, princes.
14:18 41:45,50 *marg:
2Sa 8:18
* for the priests.
De 12:19 Jos 21:1-45 Ezr 7:24 Ne 13:10 Mt 10:10 1Co 9:13
Ga 6:6 2Th 3:10 1Ti 5:17
经文:创世记 47:23-47:23 注释:
* bought.
* here is seed.
41:27 45:6 Ps 41:1 107:36,37 112:5 Pr 11:26 12:11 13:23
Ec 11:6 Isa 28:24,25 55:10 Mt 24:45 2Co 9:10
经文:创世记 47:24-47:24 注释:
* the fifth part.
25 41:34 Le 27:32 1Sa 8:15-17 Ps 41:1 112:5
经文:创世记 47:25-47:25 注释:
* Thou hast.
6:19 41:45 *marg:
45:6-8 50:20 Pr 11:26,27
* let us.
18:3 33:15 Ru 2:13
经文:创世记 47:26-47:26 注释:
* made it a law.
From this history, and from Diodorus Siculus (lib. i.), we
learn that the land of Egypt was divided into three parts:
one belonged to the Priests, (ver. 22, 26;) a second was the
king's, (which appears to have been the land of Rameses, or
Goshen, ver. 11;) the remainder was the subjects'. Now
Joseph, having purchased the land of the people (ver. 19,
20), restored it, on the condition of their paying a fifth
part of the produce to the king, beyond which he appears to
have made no demand.
* except.
22 Eze 7:24
* priests. or, princes.
经文:创世记 47:27-47:27 注释:
* dwelt.
* grew.
8:7,9 13:16 26:4 28:14 46:3 Ex 1:7,12 De 10:22 26:5 Ne 9:23
Ps 105:24 107:38 Zec 10:8 Ac 7:17
经文:创世记 47:28-47:28 注释:
* A.M. 2315. B.C. 1689. seventeen.
* the whole age. Heb. the days of the years of his life.
8 *marg:
9 Ps 90:10,12 119:84
经文:创世记 47:29-47:29 注释:
* must die.
9 3:19 50:24 De 31:14 2Sa 7:12 14:14 1Ki 2:1 Job 7:1
Job 14:14 30:23 Ps 6:5 49:7,9 89:48 Heb 9:27
* put.
* deal kindly.
* bury me not.
50:24,25 Ac 7:15,16 Heb 11:22
经文:创世记 47:30-47:30 注释:
23:19 25:9 49:29-32 50:5-14,25 2Sa 19:37 1Ki 13:22 Ne 2:3,5
经文:创世记 47:31-47:31 注释:
* Swear.
* And Israel bowed.
As {shachah,} which primarily signifies to bow, denotes also
to worship; and as {mittah,} a bed, pronounced {matteh,} is a
staff; the LXX. have taken the passage in the latter sense,
and rendered it [kai prosekun(8273)en Israel epi to akron t(8273)
rabdou autou,] "and Israel worshipped upon the top of his
staff," which is literally copied by the apostle Paul, in his
Epistle to the Hebrews. The present reading is, however,
supported by the Masoretic pointing and the Targums; and is
most probably correct, as it would appear that Jacob was
confined to his bed.
29 24:26 48:1,2 1Ki 1:47 Heb 11:21
经文:创世记 48:1-48:1 注释:
1; Joseph with his sons visits his sick father.
2; Jacob strengthens himself to bless them.
3; He repeats God's promise.
5; He takes Ephraim and Manasseh as his own sons.
7; He tells Joseph of his mother's grave.
8; He blesses Ephraim and Manasseh.
17; He prefers the younger before the elder.
21; He prophesies their return to Canaan.
* thy father.
Joh 11:3
* his two sons.
41:50-52 46:20 50:23 Job 42:16 Ps 128:6
经文:创世记 48:2-48:2 注释:
* strengthened.
De 3:28 1Sa 23:16 Ne 2:18 Ps 41:3 Pr 23:15 Eph 6:10
经文:创世记 48:3-48:3 注释:
* God.
17:1 28:3 35:11 Ex 6:3 Re 21:11
* appeared.
28:12-19 35:6,7,9,11,12 Ho 12:4
* Luz.
Jud 1:23
经文:创世记 48:4-48:4 注释:
* Behold I.
12:2 13:15,16 22:17 26:4 28:3,13-15 32:12 35:11 46:3 47:27
Ex 1:7,11
* will give.
De 32:8 Am 9:14,15
* everlasting.
经文:创世记 48:5-48:5 注释:
* two sons.
41:50-52 46:20 Jos 13:7 14:4 16:1-17:18
* are mine.
Le 20:26 Nu 1:10,32-35 26:28-37 Isa 43:1 Eze 16:8 Mal 3:17
2Co 6:18 Eph 1:5
* Reuben.
1Ch 5:1,2 Re 7:6,7
经文:创世记 48:6-48:6 注释:
* and shall be called.
Jos 14:4
经文:创世记 48:7-48:7 注释:
* Padan.
* Rachel.
35:9,16-19 1Sa 10:2 Mt 2:18
* to Ephrath.
Ru 1:2 1Sa 1:1 17:12 Mic 5:2
经文:创世记 48:8-48:8 注释:
经文:创世记 48:9-48:9 注释:
* my sons.
30:2 33:5 Ru 4:11-14 1Sa 1:20,27 2:20,21 1Ch 25:5 26:4,5
Ps 127:3 Isa 8:18 56:3-5
* bless them.
27:4,28,29,34-40 28:3,4 49:28 De 33:1 Heb 11:21
经文:创世记 48:10-48:10 注释:
* the eyes.
27:1 1Sa 3:2 4:15
* dim. Heb. heavy.
Isa 6:10 59:1
* kissed.
27:27 31:55 45:15 1Ki 19:20
经文:创世记 48:11-48:11 注释:
* I had not.
37:33,35 42:36 45:26
* God.
Eph 3:20
经文:创世记 48:12-48:12 注释:
* he bowed himself.
Joseph thus shewed that his external greatness did not render
him forgetful of the respect due to his father. The
Egyptians were remarkable for the reverence paid to old age:
"for if a young person meet his senior, he instantly turns
aside to make way for him; if an aged person enter an
apartment, the youth always rise from their seats;" and Mr.
Savary observes, that the same reverence is still paid to old
age in Egypt.
18:2 19:1 23:7 33:3 42:6 Ex 20:12 34:8 Le 19:3,32 1Ki 2:19
2Ki 4:37 Pr 31:28 Eph 6:1
经文:创世记 48:13-48:13 注释:
经文:创世记 48:14-48:14 注释:
* his right hand.
Ex 15:6 Ps 110:1 118:16
* and laid.
Nu 8:10,18 De 34:9 Mt 19:13,15 6:5 16:18 Lu 4:40 13:13 Ac 6:6
Ac 8:17-19 13:3 1Ti 4:14 5:22
* guiding.
* firstborn.
18 41:51 46:20
经文:创世记 48:15-48:15 注释:
* blessed.
16 27:4 28:3 49:28 De 33:1 Heb 11:21
* did walk.
5:22-24 6:9 17:1 24:20 1Ki 3:6 Ps 16:8 Isa 30:21 Jer 8:2
Lu 1:6 1Co 10:31 2Co 1:12 Col 2:6 1Th 2:12
* fed me.
28:20,22 Ps 23:1 37:3 103:4,5 Ec 2:24,25 5:12,18 6:7
Isa 33:16 Mt 6:25-34 1Ti 6:6-10
经文:创世记 48:16-48:16 注释:
* Angel.
16:7-13 28:15 31:11-13 Ex 3:2-6 23:20,21 Jud 2:1-4 6:21-24
Jud 13:21,22 Ps 34:7,22 121:7 Isa 47:4 63:9 Ho 12:4,5 Mal 3:1
Ac 7:30-35 1Co 10:4,9
* redeemed.
Ps 34:2 Mt 6:13 Joh 17:15 Ro 8:23 2Ti 4:18 Tit 2:14
* my name.
5 32:28 De 28:10 2Ch 7:14 Jer 14:9 Am 9:12 Ac 15:17
* grow into. Heb. as fishes do increase.
1:21,22 Nu 1:46 26:34,37
Fish are the most prolific of all animals: a tench lays
1,000; eggs, a carp 20,000, and Leuwenhoek counted in a
middling sized cod, 9,384,000.
* a multitude.
49:22 Ex 1:7 Nu 26:28-37 De 33:17 Jos 17:17
经文:创世记 48:17-48:17 注释:
* laid his.
* displeased him. Heb. was evil in his eyes.
28:8 38:10 Nu 11:1 22:34 *marg:
1Sa 16:7 1Ki 16:25 1Ch 21:7 Pr 24:18 Ro 9:7,8,11
经文:创世记 48:18-48:18 注释:
* Not so.
19:18 Ex 10:11 Mt 25:9 Ac 10:14 11:8
* for this.
27:15 29:26 43:33 49:3
经文:创世记 48:19-48:19 注释:
* said, I know it.
14 17:20,21 25:28 Nu 1:33-35 2:19-21 De 33:17 Isa 7:17
Eze 27:10 Re 7:6,8
* become.
De 1:10 Ru 4:11,12
* multitude. Heb. fulness.
经文:创世记 48:20-48:20 注释:
* Israel bless.
24:60 28:3 Ru 4:11,12
* and he set.
Nu 2:18-21 7:48,54 10:22,23 13:8,11,16
经文:创世记 48:21-48:21 注释:
* Behold.
50:24 1Ki 2:2-4 Ps 146:3,4 Zec 1:5,6 Lu 2:29 Ac 13:36 2Ti 4:6
Heb 7:3,8,23-25 2Pe 1:14
* God.
15:14 28:15 46:4 De 1:1-46 31:8 Jos 1:5,9 3:7 23:14 24:1-33
Ps 18:46
* land.
12:5 26:3 37:1
经文:创世记 48:22-48:22 注释:
* given.
33:19 De 21:17 Jos 24:32 1Ch 5:2 Eze 47:13 Joh 4:5
* Amorite.
15:16 34:28 Jos 17:14-18 Jud 11:23 Am 2:9
经文:创世记 49:1-49:1 注释:
1; Jacob calls his sons to bless them.
3; Their blessing in particular.
29; He charges them about his burial.
33; He dies.
* Gather.
De 31:12,28,29 33:1-29 Ps 25:14 105:15 Isa 22:14 53:1 Da 2:47
Da 10:1 Am 3:7 Lu 2:26 Ro 1:17,18 Heb 10:24,25 13:1 Re 4:1
* last days.
Nu 24:14 De 4:30 31:29 Isa 2:2 39:6 Jer 23:20 Da 2:28,29
Da 10:14 Mic 4:1 Ac 2:17 1Ti 4:1 2Ti 3:1 Heb 1:2
经文:创世记 49:2-49:2 注释:
* hearken.
Ps 34:11 Pr 1:8,9 4:1-4 5:1 6:20 7:1,24 8:32 23:22,26
经文:创世记 49:3-49:3 注释:
* my firstborn.
29:32 46:8 48:18 Nu 1:20 26:5 1Ch 2:1 5:1,3
* my might.
De 21:17 Ps 78:51 105:36
经文:创世记 49:4-49:4 注释:
* Unstable.
Jas 1:6-8 2Pe 2:14 3:16
* thou shalt not excel. Heb. do not thou excel.
46:8 Nu 32:1-42 De 33:6
* because.
35:22 De 5:21 27:20 1Ch 5:1 1Co 5:1
* he went up to my couch. or, my couch is gone.
经文:创世记 49:5-49:5 注释:
* Simeon.
29:33,34 34:25-31 46:10,11 Pr 18:9
* instruments, etc. or, their swords are weapons of violence.
经文:创世记 49:6-49:6 注释:
* O my soul.
Jud 5:21 Ps 42:5,11 43:5 103:1 Jer 4:19 Lu 12:19
* come.
34:30 Ps 5:10 26:4,5 28:3 94:20,21 139:19 Pr 1:11,15,16 12:5
* secret.
De 27:24 Ps 26:9 64:2 Jer 15:17
* unto their.
Ps 1:1 26:9 94:20 2Co 6:14
* honour.
Ps 16:9 30:12 57:8
* a man.
* digged down a wall. or, houghed oxen.
经文:创世记 49:7-49:7 注释:
* Cursed.
2Sa 13:15,22-28 Pr 26:24,25 27:3
* I will divide.
Jos 19:1-9 21:1-45 1Ch 4:24-31,39,40 6:65
经文:创世记 49:8-49:8 注释:
* shall praise.
29:35 44:18-34 46:12 De 33:7 1Ch 5:2 Ps 76:1 Heb 7:14
* thy hand.
Nu 1:27 10:14 26:22 Jud 1:1,2 20:18 2Sa 24:9 1Ki 4:1-34
1Ch 12:1-40 2Ch 11:12-17 14:8 15:9 17:2,14-16 30:11
Ps 18:40-43 78:68-71 Isa 9:7 Php 2:10,11 Heb 7:14 10:13
Re 5:5 11:15
* the neck.
Jos 10:24 2Sa 22:41 Eze 21:29
* thy father's.
27:29 37:7-10 42:6 2Sa 5:3
经文:创世记 49:9-49:9 注释:
* a lion's.
Ho 5:4,14 1Co 15:24 Re 5:5
* he stooped.
Nu 23:24 24:9
经文:创世记 49:10-49:10 注释:
* sceptre.
Nu 24:17 Ps 60:7 Jer 30:21 Ho 11:12 Eze 19:11,14 Zec 10:11
* lawgiver.
Nu 21:18 Ps 60:7 108:8 Isa 33:22
* between.
De 28:57
* until.
Isa 9:6 11:1-5 62:11 Jer 23:5,6 Eze 21:27 Da 9:25 Mt 1:21
Mt 17:5 21:9 Lu 1:32,33 Joh 9:7 18:31 19:12,15
* the gathering.
Ps 72:8-11 Isa 2:2 11:10,12,13 42:1,3,4 49:6,7,22,23 55:4,5
Isa 60:1,3-5 Eze 21:27 Hag 2:7 Zec 2:11 8:20-23 Mt 25:32
Lu 1:32,33 2:30-32 Joh 12:32 Ro 15:12 2Co 5:10 Heb 7:14
Re 11:15
经文:创世记 49:11-49:11 注释:
* his foal.
Isa 63:1-3
* he washed.
1Ki 4:20,25 2Ki 18:32 Joe 3:18 Mic 4:4 Re 7:14 19:18
经文:创世记 49:12-49:12 注释:
Pr 23:29
经文:创世记 49:13-49:13 注释:
30:20 De 33:18,19 Jos 19:10-16
经文:创世记 49:14-49:14 注释:
30:18 De 33:18 Jos 19:17-23 Jud 5:15 10:1 1Ch 12:32
经文:创世记 49:15-49:15 注释:
* rest.
Jos 14:15 Jud 3:11 2Sa 7:1
* bowed.
Ps 81:6 Eze 29:18 Mt 23:4
经文:创世记 49:16-49:16 注释:
30:6 Nu 10:25 De 33:22 Jud 13:2,24,25 15:20 18:1,2
经文:创世记 49:17-49:17 注释:
* shall be.
Jud 14:1-15:20 16:22-30 18:22-31 1Ch 12:35
* an adder. Heb. an arrow-snake.
经文:创世记 49:18-49:18 注释:
Ps 14:7 25:6 40:1 62:1,5 85:7 119:41,166,174 123:2 130:5
Isa 8:17 25:9 36:8 30:18 33:2 La 3:25 Mic 7:7 Mt 1:21
Mr 15:43 Lu 1:30 2:25,30 23:51 Ro 8:19,25 Ga 5:5 1Th 1:10
经文:创世记 49:19-49:19 注释:
30:11 46:16 Nu 32:1-42 De 33:20,21 Jos 13:8 Jud 10:1-11:40
1Ch 3:18-22 5:11-22,26
经文:创世记 49:20-49:20 注释:
30:13 46:17 De 33:24,25 Jos 19:24-31
经文:创世记 49:21-49:21 注释:
30:8 46:24 De 33:23 Jos 19:32-39 Jud 4:6,10 5:18 Ps 18:33,34
Mt 4:15,16
* Nepthalim.
经文:创世记 49:22-49:22 注释:
* a fruitful.
30:22-24 41:52 46:27 48:1,5,16,19,20 Nu 32:1-42 De 33:17
Jos 16:1-10 17:14-17 Ps 1:1-3 128:1,3 Eze 19:11
* branches. Heb. daughters.
经文:创世记 49:23-49:23 注释:
37:4,18,24,28 39:7-20 42:21 Ps 64:3 118:13 Joh 16:33 Ac 14:22
经文:创世记 49:24-49:24 注释:
* his bow.
Ne 6:9 Ps 27:14 28:8 89:1 Col 1:11 2Ti 4:17
* were made.
Job 29:20 Ps 18:32-35 37:14,15 44:7 Zec 10:12 Ro 14:4
* the mighty.
35:10,11 Ex 3:6 Ps 18:1,30,32,34 132:2,5 Isa 29:24 60:16
* the shepherd.
45:5,7,11 47:12 50:21 Nu 27:16-18 De 34:9 Jos 1:1-9 24:1-33
Ps 80:1
* the stone.
De 32:4 Ps 118:22 Isa 28:16 Zec 3:9 Mt 21:42 Mr 12:10
Lu 20:17 Ac 4:11 Eph 2:20 1Pe 2:4-8
经文:创世记 49:25-49:25 注释:
* the God.
28:13,21 35:3 43:23 De 8:17 28:12 33:1,13-17
* the Almighty.
17:1 35:11
* with blessings.
De 28:2-12 33:13 Ps 84:11 85:12 Mt 6:33 1Co 3:21,22 Eph 1:3
Php 4:19 1Ti 4:8
经文:创世记 49:26-49:26 注释:
* have prevailed.
27:27-29,39,40 28:3,4 Eph 1:3
* everlasting hills.
De 33:15 Ps 89:36 Isa 54:10 Eze 37:25,26 Jon 2:6 Hab 3:6
* they shall.
De 33:16 Ps 132:18
* was separate.
37:28 Nu 6:2 Ps 105:17-22 Isa 66:5 Ac 7:9
经文:创世记 49:27-49:27 注释:
* ravin.
35:18 46:21 De 33:12
* a wolf.
Nu 23:24 Jud 3:15-29 20:21,25 1Sa 11:4-11 14:1-15:35 17:1-58
Ac 8:3 9:1 Php 3:5
* at night.
Jer 5:6 Eze 22:25,27 Ho 13:7,8 Zep 3:3 Mt 7:15 10:16 Ac 20:29
经文:创世记 49:28-49:28 注释:
* the twelve.
Nu 23:24 Es 8:7,9,11 9:1-10:3 Eze 39:8-10 Zec 14:1-7
* every one.
35:22 Ex 28:21 1Ki 18:31 Ac 26:7 Jas 1:1 Re 7:4
经文:创世记 49:29-49:29 注释:
* gathered.
Ro 12:6-21
* bury me.
15:15 25:8-17 35:29 Heb 12:23
* in the cave.
47:30 2Sa 19:37
* Ephron.
经文:创世记 49:30-49:30 注释:
* Abraham bought.
经文:创世记 49:31-49:31 注释:
23:3,16-20 25:9 35:29 47:30 50:13 Ac 7:16
经文:创世记 49:32-49:32 注释:
经文:创世记 49:33-49:33 注释:
* had made.
1,24-26 Jos 24:27-29 Heb 11:22
* and yielded.
29 15:5 25:8,17 35:29 Job 5:26 14:10 30:23 Ec 12:7 Isa 57:1,2
Lu 2:29 Heb 11:13-16 12:23
经文:创世记 50:1-50:1 注释:
1; The mourning for Jacob.
4; Joseph gets leave of Pharaoh to go to bury him.
7; The funeral.
15; Joseph comforts his brethren, who crave his pardon.
22; His age.
23; He sees the third generation of his sons.
24; He prophesies unto his brethren of their return.
25; He takes an oath of them concerning his bones.
26; He dies, and is put into a coffin.
* fell.
46:4 De 6:7,8 Eph 6:4
* wept.
23:2 2Ki 13:14 Mr 5:38,39 Joh 11:35-38 Ac 8:2 1Th 4:13
经文:创世记 50:2-50:2 注释:
* the physicians.
The Hebrew {ropheim,} from {rapha,} to heal, is literally the
healers, those whose business it was to heal, or restore the
body from sickness, by administering proper medicines; and
when death took place, to heal or preserve it from
decomposition by embalming. The word {chanat,} to embalm, is
also used in Arabic to express the reddening of leather;
somewhat analogous to our tanning; which is probably the
grand principal in embalming.
* embalmed.
26 2Ch 16:14 Mt 26:12 Mr 14:8 16:1 Lu 24:1 Joh 12:7 19:39,40
经文:创世记 50:3-50:3 注释:
* forty days.
We learn from the Greek historians, that the time of mourning
was while the body remained with the embalmers, which
Herodotus says was seventy days. During this time the body
lay in nitre, the use of which was to dry up all its
superfluous and noxious moisture: and when, in the space of
30; days, this was sufficiently effected, the remaining forty,
the time mentioned by Diodorus, were employed in anointing it
with gums and spices to preserve it, which was properly the
embalming. This sufficiently explains the phraseology of the
* mourned. Heb. wept. three-score.
Nu 20:29 De 21:13 34:8
经文:创世记 50:4-50:4 注释:
* the days.
* Joseph.
Es 4:2
* found grace.
经文:创世记 50:5-50:5 注释:
* made me.
* Lo, I die.
24 48:21 49:29,30 De 4:22 1Sa 14:43
* I have.
2Ch 16:14 Isa 22:16 Mt 27:60
* bury me.
3:19 Job 30:23 Ps 79:3 Ec 6:3 12:5,7
* let me go.
Mt 8:21,22 Lu 9:59,60
经文:创世记 50:6-50:6 注释:
* as he made.
经文:创世记 50:7-50:7 注释:
* and with him.
经文:创世记 50:8-50:8 注释:
* only their.
Ex 10:8,9,26 Nu 32:24-27
经文:创世记 50:9-50:9 注释:
* chariots.
41:43 46:29 Ex 14:7,17,28 2Ki 18:24 So 1:9 Ac 8:2
经文:创世记 50:10-50:10 注释:
* the threshingfloor.
This place was situated, according to Jerome, between the
Jordan and the city of Jericho, two miles from the former,
and three from the latter, where Bethagla was afterwards
built. Procopius of Gaza states the same. As {aataad}
signifies thorns, the place might have been remarkable for
their production; though all the versions except the Arabic
consider it as a proper name. As Moses wrote or revised his
history on the east side of Jordan, the term beyond Jordan,
in his five books, means westward of Jordan; but in other
parts of Scripture it generally means eastward.
* beyond.
11 De 1:1
* seven days.
4 Nu 19:11 De 34:8 1Sa 31:13 2Sa 1:17 Job 2:13 Ac 8:2
经文:创世记 50:11-50:11 注释:
* the Canaanites.
10:15-19 13:7 24:6 34:30
* Abel-mizraim. i.e., The mourning of the Egyptians.
1Sa 6:18
* beyond Jordan.
10 De 3:25,27 11:30
经文:创世记 50:12-50:12 注释:
47:29-31 49:29-32 Ex 20:12 Ac 7:16 Eph 6:1
经文:创世记 50:13-50:13 注释:
* the cave.
23:16-18 25:9 35:27,29 49:29-31 2Ki 21:18
经文:创世记 50:14-50:14 注释:
经文:创世记 50:15-50:15 注释:
* their father.
* Joseph.
42:17 Le 26:36 Job 15:21,22 Ps 14:5 53:5 Pr 28:1 Ro 2:15
经文:创世记 50:16-50:16 注释:
* sent. Heb. charged.
Pr 29:25
经文:创世记 50:17-50:17 注释:
* Forgive.
Mt 6:12,14,15 18:35 Lu 17:3,4 Eph 4:32 Col 3:12,13
* they did.
20 Job 33:27,28 Ps 21:11 Pr 28:13 Jas 5:16
* servants.
31:42 49:25 Mt 10:42 25:40 Mr 10:41 Ga 6:10,16 Phm 1:8-20
* wept.
42:21-24 45:4,5,8
经文:创世记 50:18-50:18 注释:
* fell.
27:29 37:7-11 42:6 44:14 45:3
经文:创世记 50:19-50:19 注释:
* fear not.
45:5 Mt 14:27 Lu 24:37,38
* for am I.
It belongs to God to execute vengeance, and Joseph did not
intend to usurp his prerogative. Thus he instructed his
brethren not to fear him, but to fear God; to humble
themselves before God, and to seek his forgiveness.
30:2 De 32:35 2Ki 5:7 Job 34:19-29 Ro 12:19 Heb 10:30
经文:创世记 50:20-50:20 注释:
* ye thought.
37:4,18-20 Ps 56:5
* God meant.
45:5-8 Ps 76:10 105:16,17 119:71 Isa 10:7 Ac 2:23 3:13-15,26
Ro 8:28
经文:创世记 50:21-50:21 注释:
* I will nourish.
45:10,11 47:12 Mt 5:44 6:14 Ro 12:20,21 1Th 5:15 1Pe 3:9
* kindly unto them. Heb. to their hearts.
34:3 Isa 40:2 *marg:
经文:创世记 50:22-50:22 注释:
* an hundred.
Joseph's life was the shortest of all the patriarchs; for
which Bp. Patrick gives this reason, he was the son of his
father's old age.
经文:创世记 50:23-50:23 注释:
* the children.
48:19 49:12 Nu 32:33,39 Jos 17:1 Job 42:16 Ps 128:6
* brought up. Heb. born. Joseph's.
经文:创世记 50:24-50:24 注释:
* I die.
5 3:19 Job 30:23 Ec 12:5,7 Ro 5:12 Heb 9:27
* visit you.
21:1 Ex 4:31
* you out.
15:14-16 26:3 35:12 46:4 48:21 Ex 3:16,17
* sware.
12:7 13:15,17 15:7,18 17:8 26:3 28:13 35:12 46:4 Ex 33:1
Nu 32:11 De 1:8 6:10
经文:创世记 50:25-50:25 注释:
* took an.
5 47:29-31
* and ye.
Ex 13:19 Jos 24:32 Ac 7:16 Heb 11:22
经文:创世记 50:26-50:26 注释:
* being an hundred and ten years old.
{Ben meah we(8369)ser shanim;} "the son of an hundred and ten
years;" the period he lived being personified.
22 47:9,28 Jos 24:29
* they embalmed.
Thus terminates the Book of Genesis, the most ancient record in
the world; including the History of two grand and stupendous
subjects, Creation and Providence; of each of which it presents
a summary, but astonishingly minute and detailed accounts.
From this Book, almost all the ancient philosophers,
astronomers, chronologists, and historians have taken their
respective data; and all the modern improvements and accurate
discoveries in different arts and sciences, have only served to
confirm the facts detailed by Moses, and to shew, that all the
ancient writers on these subjects have approached, or receded
from, truth and the phenomena of Nature, in exactly the same
proportion as they have followed or receded from, the Mosaic
history. The great fact of the deluge is fully confirmed by
the fossilised remains in every quarter of the globe. Add to
this, that general traditions of the deluge have veen traced
among the Egyptians, Chinese, Japanese, Hindoos, Burmans,
ancient Goths and Druids, Mexicans, Peruvians, Brazilians,
North American Indians, Greenlanders, Otaheiteans, Sandwich
Islanders, and almost every nation under heaven; while the
allegorical turgidity of these distorted traditions
sufficiently distinguishes them from the unadorned simplicity
of the Mosaic narrative. In fine, without this history the
world would be in comparative darkness, not knowing whence it
came, nor whither it goeth. In the first page, a child may
learn more in an hour, than all the philosophers in the world
learned without it in a thousand years.