經文:歷代志上 1:1-1:1 註釋:
1; Adam's line to Noah.
5; The sons of Japheth.
8; The sons of Ham.
17; The sons of Shem.
24; Shem's line to Abraham.
29; Ishmael's sons.
32; The sons of Keturah.
34; The posterity of Abraham by Esau.
38; The sons of Seir.
43; The kings of Edom.
51; The dukes of Edom.
* Sheth.
Ge 4:25,26 5:3,8 Lu 3:38
* Seth. Enosh.
Ge 5:9-11 Lu 3:38
* Enos.
經文:歷代志上 1:2-1:2 註釋:
* Kenan.
Ge 5:12-14 Lu 3:37
* Cainan. Mahalaleel.
Ge 5:15-17 Lu 3:37
* Maleleel. Jered.
Ge 5:18-20 Lu 3:37
* Jared.
經文:歷代志上 1:3-1:3 註釋:
* Henoch.
Ge 5:21-24 Heb 11:5 Jude 1:14
* Enoch. Methuselah.
Ge 5:25-27 Lu 3:37
* Mathusala. Lamech.
Ge 5:28-31 Lu 3:36
經文:歷代志上 1:4-1:4 註釋:
* Noah.
Ge 5:32 6:8,9 7:1 9:29 Isa 54:9,10 Eze 14:14 Mt 24:37,38
Lu 3:36 17:26
* Noe.
Heb 11:7 2Pe 2:5
* Shem.
Ge 5:32 6:10 9:18
經文:歷代志上 1:5-1:5 註釋:
Ge 10:1-5 Eze 27:13 38:2,3,6 39:1
經文:歷代志上 1:6-1:6 註釋:
* Ashchenaz.
Ge 10:3
* Ashkenaz. Riphath. or Diphath, as it is in some copies.
經文:歷代志上 1:7-1:7 註釋:
* Tarshish.
Ps 72:10 Isa 66:19
* Kittim.
These, and other words ending in {im,} forming the Hebrew
plural, are not the names of individuals, but of nations.
Nu 24:24 Isa 23:1,12 Jer 2:10 Eze 27:6 Da 11:30
* Chittim. Dodanim. or, Rodanim, according to some copies.
經文:歷代志上 1:8-1:8 註釋:
* sons.
Ge 10:6,7
* Put.
Ge 10:6
* Phut.
經文:歷代志上 1:9-1:9 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 1:10-1:10 註釋:
Ge 10:8-12 Mic 5:6
經文:歷代志上 1:11-1:11 註釋:
Ge 10:13,14
經文:歷代志上 1:12-1:12 註釋:
* Caphthorim.
De 2:23 Jer 47:4 Am 9:7
經文:歷代志上 1:13-1:13 註釋:
* Canaan.
Ge 9:22,25,26 10:15-19
* Sidon. Heth.
Ge 23:3,5,20 27:46 49:30-32 Ex 23:28 Jos 9:1 2Sa 11:6
經文:歷代志上 1:14-1:14 註釋:
* Jebusite.
Ge 15:21 Ex 33:2 34:11 Jud 1:21 19:11 2Sa 24:16 Zec 9:7
* Amorite.
Ge 48:22 Nu 21:21-32 De 20:17 Jos 3:10 24:15 2Sa 21:2
2Ki 21:11 Am 2:9
* Girgashite.
Ge 15:21 De 7:1 Jos 3:10 Ne 9:8
經文:歷代志上 1:15-1:15 註釋:
* Hivite.
Ex 3:8,17 13:5 1Ki 9:20
經文:歷代志上 1:16-1:16 註釋:
* Hamathite.
Nu 34:8 1Ki 8:65
經文:歷代志上 1:17-1:17 註釋:
* sons of Shem.
Ge 10:22-32 11:10
* Elam.
Ge 14:1 Isa 11:11 21:2 22:6 Jer 25:25 Eze 32:24 Da 8:2
* Asshur.
Nu 24:22-24 Ezr 4:2 Ps 83:8
* Assur.
Eze 27:23 32:22 Ho 14:3
* Lud.
Isa 66:19 Eze 27:10
* Aram.
Nu 23:7
* Meshech.
Ge 10:23
* Mash.
經文:歷代志上 1:18-1:18 註釋:
* Shelah.
Ge 10:24 11:12-15
* Salah.
經文:歷代志上 1:19-1:19 註釋:
* Eber.
Ge 10:21,25 11:16,17 Nu 24:24
* Peleg. that is, Division.
經文:歷代志上 1:20-1:20 註釋:
* Hazarmaveth.
Ge 10:26,27
經文:歷代志上 1:21-1:21 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 1:22-1:22 註釋:
* Ebal.
Ge 10:28
* Obal.
經文:歷代志上 1:23-1:23 註釋:
* Ophir.
Ge 10:29 1Ki 9:28 10:11 1Ch 29:4 Job 22:24 Ps 45:9 Isa 13:12
* Havilah.
Ge 2:11 25:18 1Sa 15:7
經文:歷代志上 1:24-1:24 註釋:
* Shem.
Ge 11:10-26
* Shelah.
Lu 3:35
* Sala.
經文:歷代志上 1:25-1:25 註釋:
* Eber.
Lu 3:35
* Heber. Peleg.
Lu 3:35
* Phalec. Reu.
Lu 3:35
* Ragau.
經文:歷代志上 1:26-1:26 註釋:
* Serug.
Lu 3:35
* Saruch. Nahor.
Lu 3:34
* Nachor. Terah.
Lu 3:34
* Thara.
經文:歷代志上 1:27-1:27 註釋:
* Abram.
Ge 11:27-32 17:5 Jos 24:2 Ne 9:7
經文:歷代志上 1:28-1:28 註釋:
* Isaac.
Ge 17:19-21 21:2-5,12
* Ishmael.
Ge 16:11-16 21:9,10
經文:歷代志上 1:29-1:29 註釋:
* The firstborn.
Ge 25:12-16
* Nebaioth.
Ge 28:9
* Nebajoth.
Isa 60:7
* Kedar.
Ps 120:4 So 1:5 Isa 21:17
經文:歷代志上 1:30-1:30 註釋:
* Dumah.
Isa 21:11
* Hadad. or Hadar.
Ge 25:15
經文:歷代志上 1:31-1:31 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 1:32-1:32 註釋:
* A.M. 2151. B.C. 1853. the sons.
Ge 25:1-4
* Midian.
Ge 37:28 Ex 2:15,16 Nu 22:4-7 25:6 31:2 Jud 6:1-6
* Sheba.
1Ki 10:1 Job 6:19 Ps 72:10,15 Isa 60:6
* Dedan.
Isa 21:13 Jer 25:23 49:8 Eze 25:13 27:20
經文:歷代志上 1:33-1:33 註釋:
* Ephah.
Isa 60:6
經文:歷代志上 1:34-1:34 註釋:
* Abraham.
Ge 21:2,3 Mt 1:2 Lu 3:34 Ac 7:8
* The sons of Isaac.
Ge 25:24-28 Mal 1:2-4 Ro 9:10-13
* Israel.
Ge 32:28
經文:歷代志上 1:35-1:35 註釋:
* sons of Esau.
Ge 36:4,5,9,10
經文:歷代志上 1:36-1:36 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >.
The various reading of [Taeph(8c79) <See definition 06825>,]
Zephi, and [Taeph(9379) <See definition 06825>,] Zepho, is
caused simply by the mutation of the Hebrew letter [Y(9377)d,]
{yood,} and [V(8376),] {wav}.
# Ge 36:15|
* Zepho.
經文:歷代志上 1:37-1:37 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 1:38-1:38 註釋:
* the sons of Seir.
Ge 36:20,29,30
* Ezar.
The variation here is only in the translation.
Ge 36:21
* Ezer.
經文:歷代志上 1:39-1:39 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] Hemam, and this,
[H(9377)m(836d) <See definition 01950>,] Homam.
* Hemam.
# Ge 36:22|
經文:歷代志上 1:40-1:40 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] Alvan, and
[Aly(836e) <See definition 05935>,] Alian; and the latter,
[Sheph(9377) <See definition 08195>,] Shepho, and
[Shep(8c79) <See definition 08195>,] Shephi.
# Ge 36:23|
* Alvan, Shepho. Aiyah.
The difference here is only in the translation; the original
being uniformly [Ay(8368) <See definition 0345>,] Aiyah.
# Ge 36:24|
* Ajah.
經文:歷代志上 1:41-1:41 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] Hemdan, and here
[Amr(836d) <See definition 06019>,] Hamran.
# Ge 36:26|
* Hemdan.
經文:歷代志上 1:42-1:42 註釋:
* Zavan.
The former of these is the same in the original,
[z`wn [,] Za(8176)an, and the latter,
[y`qn,] is an error for [w`qn,] {w(8961)kan,} "and
Ge 36:27
* Zaavan, Achan. Uz.
Ge 36:28 La 4:21
經文:歷代志上 1:43-1:43 註釋:
* the kings.
Ge 36:31-39 49:10 Nu 24:17-19
經文:歷代志上 1:44-1:44 註釋:
* Bozrah.
Isa 34:6 63:1 Jer 49:13 Am 1:12 Mic 2:12
經文:歷代志上 1:45-1:45 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 1:46-1:46 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 1:47-1:47 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 1:48-1:48 註釋:
* Shaul.
The original is uniformly Sha(816c).
Ge 36:37
* Saul.
經文:歷代志上 1:49-1:49 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 1:50-1:50 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] Hadar, and here,
[Hadad <See definition 01908>,] Hadad.
# Ge 36:39|
* Hadar. Pai.
This simply depends on the interchange of [Y(9377)d] {yood} and
[V(8376)] {wav;} being written in Genesis
[P(8396)w <See definition 06464>,] Pa(812c) and here,
[P(838c)y <See definition 06464>,] Pa(8b2e)
# Ge 36:39|
* Pau.
經文:歷代志上 1:51-1:51 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] Alvah, and here,
[Aly(8368) <See definition 05933>,] Aliah, though the Keri
also reads Alvah.
# Ge 36:40|
* Alvah.
經文:歷代志上 1:52-1:52 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 1:53-1:53 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 1:54-1:54 註釋:
* These are.
Ge 36:41-43
經文:歷代志上 2:1-2:1 註釋:
1; The sons of Israel.
3; The posterity of Judah by Tamar.
13; The children of Jesse.
18; The posterity of Caleb the son of Hezron.
21; Hezron's posterity by the daughter of Machir.
25; Jerahmeel's posterity.
34; Sheshan's posterity.
42; Another branch of Caleb's posterity.
50; The posterity of Caleb the son of Hur.
* A.M. 2252, etc. B.C. 1752, etc. Israel. or, Jacob.
Ge 32:28 49:2
* Reuben.
Ge 29:32-35 30:5-24 35:18,22-26 46:8-27 49:4-28 Ex 1:2-4
Nu 1:5-15 13:4-15 26:5-65 Re 7:5-8
經文:歷代志上 2:2-2:2 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:3-2:3 註釋:
* Er, and.
9:5 Ge 38:2-10 46:12 Nu 26:19
經文:歷代志上 2:4-2:4 註釋:
* Tamar.
Ge 38:13-30 Ru 4:12 Mt 1:3
* Thamar. Pharez.
9:4 Nu 26:21 Ru 4:18 Ne 11:4
* Perez.
Mt 1:3 Lu 3:33
* Phares. Zerah.
9:6 Nu 26:13,20 Ne 11:24 Mt 1:3
* Zara.
經文:歷代志上 2:5-2:5 註釋:
* Hezron.
Ge 46:12 Nu 26:21 Ru 4:18 Mt 1:3 Lu 3:33
* Esrom.
經文:歷代志上 2:6-2:6 註釋:
* Zimri.
Zabdi, ^ydbz^ is apparently here called Zimri, ^yrmz^ in
consequence of a ^b^, "baith", being mistaken for a ^m^, "mem",
and a ^d^, "daleth", for a ^r^, "raish",
Jos 7:1,17,18
* Zabdi. Ethan
1Ki 4:31
* Dara
* Darada, ^erdr^, is here called Dara, ^erd^, by the elison of
^d^, "daleth"
1Ki 4:31
* Darda
經文:歷代志上 2:7-2:7 註釋:
* Carmi.
* Achar.
Achan is probably called Achar, from the trouble he
Jos 7:1-5
* Achan. accursed.
De 7:26 13:17 Jos 6:18 7:11-15,25 22:20
經文:歷代志上 2:8-2:8 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:9-2:9 註釋:
* Jerahmeel.
* Ram.
Ru 4:19 Mt 1:3 Lu 3:3
* Aram. Chelubai.
* Caleb.
經文:歷代志上 2:10-2:10 註釋:
* Amminadab.
Ru 4:19,20 Mt 1:4 Lu 3:33
* Aminadab. Nahshon.
Nu 1:7 2:3 7:12,17 10:14 Ru 4:20 Mt 1:4 Lu 3:32
* Nassoon.
經文:歷代志上 2:11-2:11 註釋:
* Salma.
Ru 4:21 Mt 1:4,5 Lu 3:32
* Salmon, Booz.
經文:歷代志上 2:12-2:12 註釋:
* Jesse.
10:14 Ru 4:22 1Sa 16:1 Isa 11:1,10 Mt 1:5 Lu 3:32 Ac 13:22
Ro 15:12
經文:歷代志上 2:13-2:13 註釋:
* his first-born.
1Sa 16:6-13 17:13,28
* Eliab.
* Elihu. Shimma.
* Shimea.
1Sa 16:9
* Shammah.
經文:歷代志上 2:14-2:14 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:15-2:15 註釋:
* David.
It appears from the parallel places of Samuel, that Jesse had
eight sons, of whom David was the eighth and youngest; but one
may have died before David came to the throne.
1Sa 16:10,11 17:12-14
經文:歷代志上 2:16-2:16 註釋:
* the sons of.
1Sa 26:6 2Sa 2:18-23 3:39 16:9-11 19:22
經文:歷代志上 2:17-2:17 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] is essentially
the same with [Yithr(8320)<See definition 03501>,] Ithra, the
latter only having the addition of an ['Aleph] {aleph;} and it
is probable, that he was an Ishmaelite by birth but an
Israelite by religion.
# 2Sa 17:25|
* Ithra an Israelite.
經文:歷代志上 2:18-2:18 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] is the same as
Chelubai, [Kel(9677)bay <See definition 03621>,]; the latter
simply having a [V(8376),] {wav} inserted, and a [Y(9364)e,] {yood}
affixed. This person must have lived some time before Israel
left Egypt; for Bezaleel, the principal person employed in
constructing the tabernacle, was his grandson.
# 9|
* Chelubai.
# 42|
經文:歷代志上 2:19-2:19 註釋:
* Ephrath.
4:4 Mic 5:2
* Ephratah.
經文:歷代志上 2:20-2:20 註釋:
* Bezaleel.
Ex 31:2 36:1,2 37:1 38:22 2Ch 1:5
經文:歷代志上 2:21-2:21 註釋:
* Machir.
Ge 50:23 Nu 26:29 27:1 32:39,40 De 3:15
* married. Heb. took.
經文:歷代志上 2:22-2:22 註釋:
* Jair.
Nu 32:41 De 3:14 Jos 13:30
經文:歷代志上 2:23-2:23 註釋:
* Geshur.
Jos 13:13 2Sa 13:38
* Kenath.
Kenath was situated in the tribe of Manasseh, east of Jordan.
Eusebius says it was called in his time [Kanatha,] Kanatha;
and was a town in the Trachonitis, near Bozra. Josephus
places it in Coelo-syria; and Pliny reckons it among the
cities of the Decapolis. It was also called Nobah, after
Nobah an Israelite, who conquered it, (Nu 32:42;) which is
placed by Eusebius, eight miles south of Heshbon: See Note on
Jud 8:11.
經文:歷代志上 2:24-2:24 註釋:
* Caleb-Ephratah.
9,18,19 1Sa 30:14
* Ashur.
* Tekoa.
2Sa 14:2 Am 1:1
經文:歷代志上 2:25-2:25 註釋:
* the sons of.
Of the persons mentioned in verses 25-33, nothing more is
recorded or known.
* Jerahmeel.
經文:歷代志上 2:26-2:26 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:27-2:27 註釋:
* Ram.
經文:歷代志上 2:28-2:28 註釋:
* Onam.
經文:歷代志上 2:29-2:29 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:30-2:30 註釋:
* Nadab.
經文:歷代志上 2:31-2:31 註釋:
* the children of Sheshan.
經文:歷代志上 2:32-2:32 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:33-2:33 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:34-2:34 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:35-2:35 註釋:
* Sheshan.
When the people of the East have no sons, they frequently
marry their daughters to their slaves, even when they have
much property to bestow upon them. Hassan had been the slave
of Kamel, his predecessor; but Kamel, according to the custom
of the country, gave him one of his daughters in marriage, and
left him at his death one part of his great riches which he
had amassed in the course of a long and prosperous life
(Maillet, Lett. xi. p. 118).
經文:歷代志上 2:36-2:36 註釋:
* Zabad.
經文:歷代志上 2:37-2:37 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:38-2:38 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:39-2:39 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:40-2:40 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:41-2:41 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:42-2:42 註釋:
* Caleb.
This was not Caleb the son of Jephunneh, but Caleb the son of
Hezron, and therefore called the brother of Jerahmeel: See
the parallel texts:
* Chelubai.
* his first-born.
Ge 49:3 Ex 4:22,23 Ro 8:29 Heb 12:23
* the father. i.e, the founder.
Or, as the Targum renders, "the prince of the Ziphites;" for
it was usual to call both the founder and the prince of a city
its father.
* Ziph.
Jos 15:24 1Sa 23:19 26:1
* the father of Hebron.
23,24,45,49,52 8:29 Ezr 2:21-35 Ne 7:25-38
經文:歷代志上 2:43-2:43 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:44-2:44 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:45-2:45 註釋:
* Beth-zur.
Beth-zur was situated in the tribe of Judah, twenty miles
south from Jerusalem, towards Hebron, according to Eusebius.
It was fortified by Rehoboam, (2; Ch 11:7) and was a fortress
of great consequence, principally in the time of the
Maccabees. 1; Mac 4:28; 6:7, etc.
Jos 15:58
經文:歷代志上 2:46-2:46 註釋:
* Caleb's.
經文:歷代志上 2:47-2:47 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 2:48-2:48 註釋:
* concubine.
46 Ge 25:5,6
經文:歷代志上 2:49-2:49 註釋:
* the father of Madmannah.
Madmannah was a city situated in the southern part of Judah,
and towards Gaza, according to Eusebius.
Jos 15:31 Isa 10:31
* Madmenah. Gibea.
It is probable this was not Gibeah of Benjamin, and the royal
residence of Saul, but Gibeah in the tribe of Judah, to which
all these other cities belonged.
Jos 15:57 2Sa 21:6
* Gibeah.
經文:歷代志上 2:50-2:50 註釋:
* Caleb.
This Caleb was the grandson of the preceding, and brother to
Uri, the father of Bezaleel.
* Ephratah.
* Ephrath. Kirjath-jearim.
53 13:5,6 Jos 15:9,60 1Sa 7:1
經文:歷代志上 2:51-2:51 註釋:
* Salma.
* Beth-lehem.
Ge 35:19 Ru 1:19 2:4 4:11 Mt 2:1,6 Joh 7:42
經文:歷代志上 2:52-2:52 註釋:
* Haroeh. or, Reaiah.
As Haroeh and Reaiah have nearly the same signification, it is
probable they were deemed perfectly interchangeable, and
indifferently applied.
* half of the Manahethites. or, half of the Menuchites, or,
經文:歷代志上 2:53-2:53 註釋:
* Ithrites.
11:40 2Sa 23:38
* the Zareathites.
Jos 15:33 19:41 Jud 13:2,25 16:31
經文:歷代志上 2:54-2:54 註釋:
* Beth-lehem.
* Netophathites.
11:30 2Sa 23:29 Ezr 2:22 Ne 7:26 12:28
* Ataroth. or, Atarites, or crowns of the house of Joab.
Jos 16:2
經文:歷代志上 2:55-2:55 註釋:
* the scribes.
Ezr 7:6 Jer 8:8
* Jabez.
* Kenites.
Jud 1:16 4:11 1Sa 15:6
* Rechab.
2Ki 10:15 Jer 35:2-8,19
經文:歷代志上 3:1-3:1 註釋:
1; The sons of David.
10; His line to Zedekiah.
17; The successors of Jeconiah.
* A.M. 2951, etc. B.C. 1053, etc. the sons of David.
2Sa 3:2-5
* Amnon.
2Sa 13:1,29
* Ahinoam.
1Sa 25:42,43 27:3
* Jezreelitess.
Jos 15:56
* Daniel.
It is probable this person had two names. The Targumist says
he was "called Chileab, because he was in every respect like
his father."
2Sa 3:3
* of Abigail.
1Sa 25:39-42
經文:歷代志上 3:2-3:2 註釋:
* Absalom.
2Sa 13:1,20-28,38 18:14,18,33 19:4-10
* Geshur.
2:23 Jos 13:13 2Sa 14:23,32 15:8
* Adonijah.
2Sa 3:4 1Ki 1:5 2:24,25
經文:歷代志上 3:3-3:3 註釋:
* Eglah.
The Targumist, Jarchi, and others, maintain that this was
Michal; and though it is stated (2; Sa 6:23) that "she had no
child to the day of her death," yet she might have had a child
before, at that time living.
2Sa 3:5
經文:歷代志上 3:4-3:4 註釋:
* there he reigned.
2Sa 2:11 5:4,5 1Ki 2:11
* and in Jerusalem.
2Sa 5:4,14-16
經文:歷代志上 3:5-3:5 註釋:
* Shimea.
14:4 2Sa 5:14
* Shammuah. Nathan.
2Sa 7:2-4 12:1-15 Lu 3:31
* Solomon.
28:5,6 2Sa 12:24,25
* Bath-shua.
2Sa 11:3
* Bath-sheba.
Mt 1:6
* Ammiel.
2Sa 11:3
* Eliam.
經文:歷代志上 3:6-3:6 註釋:
* Elishama.
14:5 2Sa 5:15
* Elishua. Eliphelet.
1Sa 14:5
* Elpalet.
經文:歷代志上 3:7-3:7 註釋:
* Nogah.
2Sa 5:15,16
經文:歷代志上 3:8-3:8 註釋:
* Eliada.
* Beeliada. Eliphelet.
14:7 2Sa 5:14-16
* Eliphalet.
經文:歷代志上 3:9-3:9 註釋:
* of the concubines.
2Sa 5:13
* Tamar.
2Sa 13:1-20
經文:歷代志上 3:10-3:10 註釋:
* Rehoboam.
1Ki 11:43 14:31 15:6 Mt 1:7
* Roboam. Abia.
1Ki 15:1
* Abijam.
2Ch 13:1
* Abijah. Asa.
1Ki 15:8 2Ch 14:1
* Jehoshaphat.
1Ki 15:24 2Ch 17:1 Mt 1:8
* Josaphat.
經文:歷代志上 3:11-3:11 註釋:
* Joram.
1Ki 22:50 2Ch 21:1
* Jehoram. Ahaziah.
2Ki 8:24 2Ch 21:17
* Jehoahaz.
* Azariah. Joash.
2Ki 11:21 2Ch 24:1
經文:歷代志上 3:12-3:12 註釋:
* Amaziah.
2Ki 14:1 2Ch 25:1
* Azariah.
2Ki 14:21 15:30 2Ch 26:1
* Uzziah.
Mt 1:8,9
* Ozias. Jotham.
2Ki 15:5,32 2Ch 27:1 Mt 1:9
* Joatham.
經文:歷代志上 3:13-3:13 註釋:
* Ahaz.
2Ki 16:1 2Ch 28:1-8 Mt 1:9
* Achaz. Hezekiah.
2Ki 18:1 2Ch 29:1 Mt 1:9
* Ezekias. Manasseh.
2Ki 21:1 2Ch 33:1 Mt 1:10
* Manasses.
經文:歷代志上 3:14-3:14 註釋:
* Amon.
2Ki 21:19 2Ch 33:20,21
* Josiah.
2Ki 22:1 2Ch 34:1 Mt 1:10,11
* Josias. Johanan. or, Jehoahaz.
2Ki 23:30
* Jehoiakim.
2Ki 23:34
* Eliakim.
2Ch 36:5 Jer 22:18
* Zedekiah.
2Ki 24:17,18
* Mattaniah.
2Ch 36:11
* Shallum.
The Targumist says he was called Shallum, "because the kingdom
departed from the house of David in his days."
2Ki 23:30 2Ch 36:1
* Jehoahaz.
Jer 22:11
經文:歷代志上 3:15-3:15 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 3:16-3:16 註釋:
* Jeconiah.
2Ki 24:6,8 25:27 2Ch 36:9
* Jehoiachin.
Jer 22:24,28
* Coniah.
Mt 1:11
* Jechonias. Zedekiah.
As the sons of Jeconiah are enumerated in the succeeding
verse, and as Zedekiah is no where else mentioned as the son
of Jeconiah, but as the son of Josiah, it is highly probable
that son here means successor.
15 2Ki 24:17
* being his uncle.
經文:歷代志上 3:17-3:17 註釋:
* Assir.
As Salathiel was not the son of Assir, but of Jeconiah, it is
probable that the word {assir,} which signifies a prisoner, is
an ephithet applied to Jeconiah, who was a long time prisoner
at Babylon.
* Salathiel.
Ezr 3:2,8 5:2
* Shealtiel.
Mt 1:12
經文:歷代志上 3:18-3:18 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 3:19-3:19 註釋:
* the sons of Pedaiah.
As St. Matthew states that Zerubbabel was the son of
Salathiel, Houbigant thinks these words should be omitted; and
Pedaiah is wanting in the Arabic and Syriac.
* Zerubbabel.
Ezr 2:2 3:2 Hag 1:12-14 2:2,4 Zec 4:6-9 Mt 1:12
* Zorobabel.
經文:歷代志上 3:20-3:20 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 3:21-3:21 註釋:
Ne 10:22
經文:歷代志上 3:22-3:22 註釋:
* Hattush.
Ezr 8:2
* six.
Five only are enumerated in the text, which Houbigant would
substitute as the true reading; but probably the father is
reckoned with his sons.
經文:歷代志上 3:23-3:23 註釋:
* Hezekiah. or, Hiskijahu.
經文:歷代志上 3:24-3:24 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 4:1-4:1 註釋:
1; The posterity of Judah by Caleb, the son of Hur.
5; Of Ashur, the posthumous son Hezron.
9; Of Jabez, and his prayer.
11; The other families of the same stock.
21; The sons of Shelah.
24; The posterity and cities of Simeon.
39; Their conquest of Gedor, and of the Amalekites in mount
* A.M. 2283, etc. B.C. 1721, etc. Pharez.
2:5 Ge 38:29 46:12 Nu 26:20,21 Ru 4:18 Mt 1:3 Lu 3:33
* Phares, Esrom. Carmi.
* Chelubai.
* Caleb.
經文:歷代志上 4:2-4:2 註釋:
* Reaiah.
* Haroeh. Zorathites.
2:53,54 Jos 15:33 Jud 13:25
經文:歷代志上 4:3-4:3 註釋:
* Etam.
Jud 15:11 2Ch 11:6
經文:歷代志上 4:4-4:4 註釋:
* Gedor.
18,39 Jos 15:36
* Hur.
經文:歷代志上 4:5-4:5 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 4:6-4:6 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 4:7-4:7 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 4:8-4:8 註釋:
Probably Jabez should be mentioned here; as otherwise he is
as a consequent without an antecedent.
經文:歷代志上 4:9-4:9 註釋:
* more.
Ge 34:19 Isa 43:4 Ac 17:11
* Jabez. i.e., Sorrowful. I bare him.
7:23 Ge 3:16 35:18 1Sa 4:21
經文:歷代志上 4:10-4:10 註釋:
* called.
16:8 Ge 12:8 Job 12:4 Ps 55:16 99:6 116:2-4 Jer 33:3
Ro 10:12-14 1Co 1:2
* the God.
Ge 32:28 33:20 1Sa 1:17 Isa 41:17
* Oh that, etc. Heb. If thou wilt, etc.
Lu 19:42
* bless me.
Ge 12:2 32:26 Ps 72:17 Ac 3:26 Eph 1:3
* enlarge.
Jos 17:14-18 Jud 1:27-36 Pr 10:22
* thine hand.
Ps 119:173 Isa 41:10 Joh 10:28
* that thou.
Ge 48:16 Pr 30:8 Mt 6:13 Ro 12:9 16:19 2Ti 4:18
* keep me. Heb. do me. that it may.
Ps 32:3,4 51:8,12 Mt 26:75 Joh 21:17 2Co 2:1-7 Eph 4:30
Re 3:19
* God granted.
1Ki 3:7-13 Job 22:27,28 Ps 21:4 65:2 66:19,20 116:1,2
Mt 7:7-11 Eph 3:20
經文:歷代志上 4:11-4:11 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 4:12-4:12 註釋:
* Irnahash. or, the city of Nahash.
經文:歷代志上 4:13-4:13 註釋:
* Kenaz.
Jos 15:17 Jud 1:13 3:9-11
* Hathath. or, Hathath and Meonathai, who begat, etc.
經文:歷代志上 4:14-4:14 註釋:
* valley. or, inhabitants of the valley. Charashim. that is,
2Ki 24:14 Ne 11:35
經文:歷代志上 4:15-4:15 註釋:
* Caleb.
Nu 13:6,30 14:6-10,24,30 Jos 14:6-14 15:13-20 Jud 1:12-14
* Kenaz. or, Uknaz.
經文:歷代志上 4:16-4:16 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 4:17-4:17 註釋:
* Ezra.
Ezra seems to be the person before called Asareel in ver. 16.
* and she bare Miriam.
It is probable that the latter part of ver. 18; should be
transposed before this passage, which Michaelis thinks is its
right place; for otherwise we have the pronoun she without an
antecedent, and children born without their father's being
* Eshtemoa.
19 6:57 Jos 15:50
* Eshtemoh.
21:24 1Sa 30:28
經文:歷代志上 4:18-4:18 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >.
# 4,39; 2:42; Jos 15:58|
* Gedor.
Gedor was a city in the tribe of Judah; and probably the same
which Eusebius calls [Kedous,] and Jerome Gedrus, ten miles
from Diospolis, or Lydda, towards Eleutheropolis.
* Socho.
# Jos 15:34,35,48|
* Socoh <See definition 07755>.
經文:歷代志上 4:19-4:19 註釋:
* Hodiah. or, Jehudijah. mentioned before.
* Keilah.
Jos 15:44 1Sa 23:1-13
經文:歷代志上 4:20-4:20 註釋:
* Shimon.
Shimon is supposed to have been another son of Mered, by
Jehudijah. As this latter name signifies a Jewess, it rather
favours the opinion that Bithiah was not a Jewess, but an
經文:歷代志上 4:21-4:21 註釋:
* Shelah.
2:3 9:5 Ge 38:5 46:12 Nu 26:20 Ne 11:5
* Shiloni.
經文:歷代志上 4:22-4:22 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 4:23-4:23 註釋:
14 Ps 81:6
經文:歷代志上 4:24-4:24 註釋:
* The sons of Simeon.
This genealogy differs in many particulars from those in the
parallel places; probably being occasioned by the same
person's having several names.
* Nemuel.
Ge 46:10 Ex 6:15
* Jemuel. Jarib.
Nu 26:12-14
* Jachin. Zerah.
Ge 46:10
* Zohar.
經文:歷代志上 4:25-4:25 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 4:26-4:26 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 4:27-4:27 註釋:
* like to. Heb. unto.
Nu 2:4,13 26:14,22
經文:歷代志上 4:28-4:28 註釋:
* Beer-sheba.
Beer-sheba was situated twenty miles south of Hebron,
according to Eusebius and Jerome, in whose time it was
occupied by a Roman garrison.
Jos 15:28,29 19:2,3,9
* Moladah.
Probably the same as Malatha, so often mentioned by Eusebius;
from whom it appears it was situated about twenty miles from
經文:歷代志上 4:29-4:29 註釋:
* Bilhah.
Jos 19:3
* Balah-Azem. Tolad.
Jos 19:4
* Eltolad.
經文:歷代志上 4:30-4:30 註釋:
* Bethuel.
Jos 19:4
* Bethul. Ziklag.
12:1 Jos 15:31 19:5 1Sa 27:6 30:1 Ne 11:28
經文:歷代志上 4:31-4:31 註釋:
* and Hazar-susim.
Jos 19:5,6
* Hazar-susah, Beth-lebaoth, Sharuhen.
經文:歷代志上 4:32-4:32 註釋:
* Etam.
Ether, or Etham, was situated near Malatha, according to
Jos 19:7
* Ether, Remmon. Ashan.
Eusebius say Beth-ashan was sixteen miles west of Jerusalem.
經文:歷代志上 4:33-4:33 註釋:
* Baal.
Jos 19:8
* Baalath-beer. their genealogy. or, as they divided
themselves by nations among them.
經文:歷代志上 4:34-4:34 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 4:35-4:35 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 4:36-4:36 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 4:37-4:37 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 4:38-4:38 註釋:
* mentioned by their names. Heb. coming by names.
5:24 Ge 6:4
經文:歷代志上 4:39-4:39 註釋:
* they went.
This expedition of the Simeonites took place in the days of
Hezekiah, and, as Calmet conjectures, near the time of the
captivity of the ten tribes; when the remnant of Simeon would
feel themselves obliged to retire more southward into Arabia
Petr(9161), for fear of the Jews, and to seek pasture for their
* Gedor.
4,18 Jos 12:13
* Geder.
Jos 15:58
經文:歷代志上 4:40-4:40 註釋:
* the land.
Jud 18:7-10
* Ham.
These were probably either Philistines or Egyptians, who dwelt
at Gedor.
Ge 9:22-29 10:6 Ps 78:51 105:23
經文:歷代志上 4:41-4:41 註釋:
* these written.
* Hezekiah.
2Ki 18:8-12 Isa 14:28-32
* the habitations.
Or, the Meunnim, or Maonites.
Jud 10:12 Jer 49:20 Ac 17:26
* pasture.
Nu 32:1-4
經文:歷代志上 4:42-4:42 註釋:
* mount Seir.
Ge 36:8,9 De 1:2
經文:歷代志上 4:43-4:43 註釋:
* the rest.
That is, those who escaped in the war which Saul, and
afterwards David, made against them.
Ex 17:14-16 De 25:17-19 1Sa 15:7,8 30:17 2Sa 8:12
* unto this day.
De 34:6 Jud 1:26 2Ch 5:9 Jer 44:6 Mt 27:8 28:15
經文:歷代志上 5:1-5:1 註釋:
1; Judah and Joseph preferred before Reuben, who forfeited his
3; Ruben's descendants; some of whom vanquish the Hagarites.
11; The chief men of Gad, and their habitations.
18; Ruben, Gad, and half of Manasseh, obtain a victory over the
23; The habitations and chief men of that half of Manasseh.
25; The captivity of the two tribes and half, for their sins.
* A.M. 2294, etc. B.C. 1710, etc. he was.
2:1 Ge 29:32 46:8 49:3 Ex 6:14 Nu 1:5 16:1 26:5
* forasmuch.
Ge 35:22 49:4 Le 18:8 20:11 De 27:20 1Co 5:1
* birthright.
26:10 Ge 48:15-22 De 21:17 Col 1:15
* and.
Ge 25:23 1Sa 16:6-11
* reckoned.
Jos 14:6
經文:歷代志上 5:2-5:2 註釋:
* Judah.
Ge 35:23 49:8-10 Nu 2:3 7:12 Jos 14:6 Jud 1:2 Ps 60:7 108:8
Mic 5:2 Mt 2:6 Heb 7:14 Re 5:5
* the chief ruler. or, the prince.
By the chief ruler is meant first David, and after him the
Messiah, agreeably to the celebrated prophecy of Jacob (Ge
49:10). The Syriac calls him "Christ the king," and the
Arabic, "Messiah the king."
1Sa 16:1,10,12 2Sa 8:15 Ps 78:68-71 Jer 23:5,6 Mic 5:2 Mt 2:6
Heb 7:14
* birthright was.
Ge 49:26 Ro 8:29
經文:歷代志上 5:3-5:3 註釋:
* sons.
Ge 46:9 Ex 6:14 Nu 26:5-9
* Pallu.
Ge 46:9
* Phallu.
經文:歷代志上 5:4-5:4 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 5:5-5:5 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 5:6-5:6 註釋:
* Beerah. [.
After their separation from the house of David, the ten tribes
continued to have princes of the tribes, till the time that
Tiglath-pileser carried them captive; at which time Beerah,
who according to the Targum was the same as Baruch, was their
* Tilgath-pilneser.
26 2Ki 15:29 16:7
* Tiglath-pileser.
經文:歷代志上 5:7-5:7 註釋:
* when the genealogy.
經文:歷代志上 5:8-5:8 註釋:
* Shema.
* Shemaiah. Aroer.
Nu 32:34, De 2:36, Jos 13:15-21 Isa 17:2
* Nebo.
The city of Nebo was doubtless situated on or near the
Celebrated mountain of the dsame name, east of Jordan.
Nu 32:38 De 32:49 34:1 Isa 15:2
* Baal-meon.
Jos 13:17 Eze 25:9
經文:歷代志上 5:9-5:9 註釋:
* unto the entering.
That is, unto the borders of Arabia Deserta, which extends to
the Euphrates.
* because.
Jos 22:8,9
經文:歷代志上 5:10-5:10 註釋:
* A.M. 2944. B.C. 1060.
* the Hagarites.
19,20 Ge 21:9 25:12 Ps 83:6
* throughout, etc. Heb. upon all the face of the East.
經文:歷代志上 5:11-5:11 註釋:
* the children.
The Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh are joined to the
genealogy of Reuben, because they inhabited the same country,
and formed a sort of separate colony east of Jordan.
* in the land.
Nu 32:34-36 De 3:10-17 Jos 13:11,24-28
經文:歷代志上 5:12-5:12 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 5:13-5:13 註釋:
This verse is wanting both in the Syriac and Arabic.
經文:歷代志上 5:14-5:14 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 5:15-5:15 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 5:16-5:16 註釋:
* Sharon.
27:29 So 2:1 Isa 35:2
* borders. Heb. goings forth.
經文:歷代志上 5:17-5:17 註釋:
* reckoned
* Jotham.
2Ki 15:5,32 2Ch 27:1
* Jeroboam.
2Ki 14:16,23,28
經文:歷代志上 5:18-5:18 註釋:
* valiant men. Heb. sons of valour.
* four and forty.
Jos 4:12,13
經文:歷代志上 5:19-5:19 註釋:
* made war.
* the Hagarites.
The Hagarites, and these other tribes, were descendants of
Hagar, and dwelt, according to Strabo, in Arabia Deserta.
* Nephish.
1:31 Ge 25:15
* Naphish:
經文:歷代志上 5:20-5:20 註釋:
* And they.
22 Ex 17:11 Jos 10:14,42 1Sa 7:12 19:15 Ps 46:1 146:5,6
* for they cried.
1Ki 8:44,45 2Ch 13:14,15 14:11-13 18:31 20:12 32:20,21
* in the battle.
1Ki 22:32 2Ch 13:13,14 14:10,11 18:31
* because.
Ps 9:10 20:7,8 22:4,5 84:11,12 Jer 17:7,8 Na 1:7 Eph 1:12
經文:歷代志上 5:21-5:21 註釋:
* took away. Heb. led captive. camels.
The camel, in Hebrew {gamal,} retained with little variation
in all languages, is, according to the Linn(9161)n system, a genus
of quadrapeds of the order pecora; comprehending the camel,
properly so called, with two prominences; the dromedary, with
a single one; the lama, or Peruvian camel, with the back even
and the breast gibbose, and the pacos, or camel without any
gibbosity. The camel, properly so called, is about 6芟feet in
height: its head is small; ears short; neck long, slender,
and bending; legs long and slender, having four callosities on
the fore legs and two on the hinder, on which it rests; feet
soft, parted, but not thoroughly divided; bottom of the foot
tough and pliant; tail about two feet in length, terminating
in a tuft; and hair fine, soft, of considerable length, and of
a dusky reddish colour. Besides the same internal structure
as other ruminating animals, it is furnished with an
additional bag for containing a quantity of water till wanted.
* men. Heb. souls of men.
Nu 31:35 Re 18:13
經文:歷代志上 5:22-5:22 註釋:
* the war.
Jos 23:10 2Ch 32:8 Ro 8:31
* until the captivity.
6:26 2Ki 15:29 17:6
經文:歷代志上 5:23-5:23 註釋:
* Baal-hermon.
Jos 13:29-31
* Hermon.
De 3:8,9 Jos 13:11 Ps 133:3 So 4:8
經文:歷代志上 5:24-5:24 註釋:
* famous men. Heb. men of names
經文:歷代志上 5:25-5:25 註釋:
* went.
Jud 2:17 8:33 2Ki 17:7-18 Ho 1:2 9:1 Re 17:5
* after the gods.
Jud 2:12 2Ch 25:14,15 Ps 106:34-39
經文:歷代志上 5:26-5:26 註釋:
* stirred up.
2Sa 24:1 2Ch 33:11 Ezr 1:5 Isa 10:5,6 13:2-5
* Pul.
2Ki 15:19
* Tiglath pilneser.
6 2Ki 15:29 16:7
* Tiglath-pileser. and brought them.
2Ki 17:6 18:11 19:12 Isa 37:12
經文:歷代志上 6:1-6:1 註釋:
1; The sons of Levi.
4; The line of Eleazar unto the captivity.
16; The families of Gershom, Kohath, and Merari.
49; The office of Aaron, and his line unto Ahimaaz.
54; The cities of the priests and Levites.
* A.M. 2304, etc. B.C. 1700, etc. sons of Levi.
23:6 Ge 46:11 Ex 6:16 Nu 3:17 26:57
* Gershon.
* Gershom.
經文:歷代志上 6:2-6:2 註釋:
* the sons of Kohath.
23:12 Ex 6:18,21-24
* Amram.
* Amminadab.
經文:歷代志上 6:3-6:3 註釋:
* Aaron.
23:13 Ex 6:20
* Miriam.
Ex 2:4,7 15:20 Mic 6:4
* Nadab.
24:1,2 Ex 6:23 24:1 28:1 Le 10:1,12,16
* Eleazar.
經文:歷代志上 6:4-6:4 註釋:
* Phinehas.
50 9:20 Ex 6:25 Nu 25:6-11,13 31:6 Jos 22:13,30-32 24:33
Jud 20:28 Ezr 8:2 Ps 106:30,31
* Abishua.
Ezr 7:1-5
經文:歷代志上 6:5-6:5 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:6-6:6 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:7-6:7 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:8-6:8 註釋:
* Ahitub.
2Sa 8:17
* Zadok.
2Sa 15:35 17:15 20:25 1Ki 1:8,34,44 2:35
* Ahimaaz.
2Sa 15:27,36 17:17,20 18:19,22,27-29
經文:歷代志上 6:9-6:9 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:10-6:10 註釋:
* A.M. 3244. B.C. 760.
* Johanan.
Johanan is supposed to the same as Jehoiada, as he would
otherwise not be mentioned.
* executed.
2Ch 26:17-20
* the temple. Heb. the house. Solomon.
1Ki 6:1-7:51 2Ch 3:4
經文:歷代志上 6:11-6:11 註釋:
* Amariah.
Ezr 7:3
經文:歷代志上 6:12-6:12 註釋:
* Shallum.
9:11 Ne 11:11
* Meshullam.
經文:歷代志上 6:13-6:13 註釋:
* Hilkiah.
2Ki 22:12-14 2Ch 34:14-20 35:8
經文:歷代志上 6:14-6:14 註釋:
* A.M. 3416. B.C. 588.
* Seraiah.
Seraiah was carried to Riblah, and there put to death by order
of Nebuchadnezzar; so that with him ended the succession of
high priests in the first temple.
2Ki 25:18 Ezr 7:1 Ne 11:11 Zec 6:11
經文:歷代志上 6:15-6:15 註釋:
* Jehozadak.
Ezr 5:2
* Jozadak.
Hag 1:1,12,14 2:2
* Josedech. when the Lord.
2Ki 25:18,21 2Ch 36:17-21 Jer 39:9 52:12-15,28
* by the hand.
Ex 4:13 2Ki 14:27 Ac 14:27 Ro 15:18
經文:歷代志上 6:16-6:16 註釋:
* A.M. 2304. B.C. 1700, etc. Gershom.
1 Ex 6:16
* Gershon.
經文:歷代志上 6:17-6:17 註釋:
* the sons of Gershom.
23:7 Nu 3:18,21
* Shimei.
Ex 6:17
* Shimi.
經文:歷代志上 6:18-6:18 註釋:
* Amram.
2,3 23:12
經文:歷代志上 6:19-6:19 註釋:
* Mahli.
23:21 24:26 Ex 6:19
* Mahali.
Nu 3:20 26:57,58
經文:歷代志上 6:20-6:20 註釋:
* Libni.
* Zimmah.
經文:歷代志上 6:21-6:21 註釋:
* Joah.
* Ethan. Zerah.
* Adaiah. Jeaterai.
* Ethni.
經文:歷代志上 6:22-6:22 註釋:
* Amminadab.
2,18 Ex 6:21,24
* Izhar.
經文:歷代志上 6:23-6:23 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:24-6:24 註釋:
* Uriel.
* Zephaniah, Azariah, Joel.
經文:歷代志上 6:25-6:25 註釋:
* A.M. 2904, etc. B.C. 1100, etc. Elkanah.
35,36 Ex 6:24
經文:歷代志上 6:26-6:26 註釋:
* Zophai.
35 1Sa 1:1
* Zuph. Nahath.
* Toah.
1Sa 1:1
* Tohu.
經文:歷代志上 6:27-6:27 註釋:
* Eliab.
* Eliel.
1Sa 1:1
* Elihu. Elkanah.
1Sa 1:1,19,20
Houbigant says that we may here venture to add, "Samuel his
經文:歷代志上 6:28-6:28 註釋:
* Vashni.
It appears that the Joel is here lost out of the text; and
that {washni,} which signifies "and the second," and which
refers to Abiah, is made into a proper name. The Syriac and
Arabic read as in Samuel. The marginal references contain the
variation in the names given to the same persons, in different
parts of sacred history, as far as it can be ascertained; and
nearly the whole, that is at present known concerning them,
may be learned by consulting them.
33 1Sa 8:2
* Joel.
經文:歷代志上 6:29-6:29 註釋:
* Mahli.
19 Nu 3:33
經文:歷代志上 6:30-6:30 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:31-6:31 註釋:
* A.M. 2962. B.C. 1042. whom David.
15:16-22,27 25:1-31
* after that.
16:1 2Sa 6:17 Ps 132:8,14
經文:歷代志上 6:32-6:32 註釋:
* they ministered.
16:4-6,37-42 Ps 68:24,25
* until Solomon.
10 1Ki 8:6-13
* and then.
9:33 25:7-31 2Ch 29:25-30 31:2 35:15 Ezr 3:10,11 6:18
Ne 11:17-23 12:27,28,45-47 Ps 134:1,2 135:1-3
* waited Heb. stood. according to their order.
This order is specified below.
經文:歷代志上 6:33-6:33 註釋:
* Heman.
15:17,19 16:41,42 25:1-5 2Ch 5:12 29:14 Ps 88:1 *title
* Joel.
* Vashni. Shemuel.
This variation, as well as some others, only exists in the
translation; the Hebrew being uniformly Shemu(896c).
28 1Sa 1:20,28
* Samuel.
經文:歷代志上 6:34-6:34 註釋:
* Eliel.
* Eliab.
* Toah.
* Nahath.
經文:歷代志上 6:35-6:35 註釋:
* Zuph.
* Zophai.
經文:歷代志上 6:36-6:36 註釋:
* Joel.
While it is sufficiently evident that many of the variations of
the names of persons have arisen from the carelessness of transcribers,
or the inattention of translators, and others from a difference
(probably dialectical in the pronunciation; it is also evident, that
the smae persons, as in these instances, must have had two or more
totally distinct names.
* Shaul, Uzziah, Uriel.
經文:歷代志上 6:37-6:37 註釋:
* Ebiasaph.
Ex 6:21-24
* Abiasaph. Korah.
Nu 16:1-35 26:10,11 Ps 42:1 44:1 45:1 49:1 84:1 85:1
經文:歷代志上 6:38-6:38 註釋:
* Izhar.
Nu 3:19
* Izehar.
經文:歷代志上 6:39-6:39 註釋:
* his brother.
Asaph is probably called his brother, because he was of the
same tribe as Heman; or, perhaps, because he was his companion
or associate.
* Asaph.
15:17-19 16:7 25:2 26:1 2Ch 5:12 20:14 29:13,30
2Ch 35:15 Ezr 2:41 3:10 Ne 7:44 11:17,22 12:35,46
Ps 50:1 73:1 74:1 75:1 76:1 77:1 78:1 79:1 80:1 *titles
Ps 81:1 82:1 83:1 *titles
經文:歷代志上 6:40-6:40 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:41-6:41 註釋:
* Ethni.
* Jeaterai. Adaiah.
* Iddo.
經文:歷代志上 6:42-6:42 註釋:
* Ethan.
* Joah.
經文:歷代志上 6:43-6:43 註釋:
* Jahath.
* Gershom.
1,16,17,20 23:6 Ge 46:11 Ex 2:22 6:16 Nu 3:17
* Gershon.
經文:歷代志上 6:44-6:44 註釋:
* Ethan.
* Jeduthun.
Ps 89:1 *title
* Kishi.
* Kushaiah.
經文:歷代志上 6:45-6:45 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:46-6:46 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:47-6:47 註釋:
* Merari.
23:21,28 Ex 6:19 Nu 3:20,33-36 4:42 7:8 10:17
Jos 21:7,34-40
經文:歷代志上 6:48-6:48 註釋:
* brethren.
23:2 25:1-26:32 Nu 3:1-4:49 8:5-26 16:9,10 18:1-32
經文:歷代志上 6:49-6:49 註釋:
* A.M. 2513. B.C. 1491. Aaron.
Ex 27:1-8 30:1-7 Le 1:5,7-9 8:1-10:20 21:1-22:33 Nu 16:16-50
Nu 17:1-13 De 18:1-8 Heb 7:11-14
* make an atonement.
Ex 29:33,36,37 30:10-16 Le 4:20 Nu 15:25 16:46 Job 33:24 *marg:
* Moses.
De 34:5 Jos 1:1
經文:歷代志上 6:50-6:50 註釋:
* these are, etc.
We have already had a list of these, though more extensive.
* Eleazar.
3-9 24:1 Ex 6:23 28:1 Le 10:16 Nu 3:4,32 20:26-28 27:22
Ezr 7:1-5 8:33
* Phinehas.
4 9:20
經文:歷代志上 6:51-6:51 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:52-6:52 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:53-6:53 註釋:
* Zadok.
8 12:28 23:16 24:3,31 1Sa 2:35 2Sa 8:17 15:24-27,35,36
2Sa 17:15-17 20:25 1Ki 1:8,26,34 2:35 4:4 Eze 44:15
經文:歷代志上 6:54-6:54 註釋:
* A.M. 2561. B.C. 1443. these are.
Nu 35:1-8 Jos 21:3-8
* castles.
Ge 25:16
* of the families.
Jos 21:4,5
經文:歷代志上 6:55-6:55 註釋:
* Hebron.
Jos 14:13 15:13 21:11-13 Jud 1:20
經文:歷代志上 6:56-6:56 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:57-6:57 註釋:
* the city of refuge.
Nu 35:13-15 Jos 20:7-9
* Libnah.
Jos 10:29 15:42 21:13,14
* Jattir.
4:17 Jos 15:48
經文:歷代志上 6:58-6:58 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] and
Hilen [Ch(8c79)n <See definition 02432>.]
# Jos 15:51; 21:15|
* Holon. Debir.
# Jos 10:3,38; 12:13; 15:49|
經文:歷代志上 6:59-6:59 註釋:
* Ashan.
It is probable that either Ain, in Joshua, is a mistake for
Ashan, or that it was called by both names.
4:32 Jos 15:42 21:16
* Ain. Beth-shemesh.
Jos 15:10 21:16 1Sa 6:12-19 Jer 43:13
經文:歷代志上 6:60-6:60 註釋:
* Geba.
8:6 Jos 18:24 21:17 1Sa 13:3
* Alemeth.
Jos 21:18
* Almon. Anathoth.
1Ki 2:26 Isa 10:30 Jer 1:1 11:23 37:12
* thirteen cities.
Here there are only eleven enumerated; but two more are added
in the book of Joshua, Juttah and Gibeon, which make
thirteen. None of the versions give the full number of names, though
they all give the whole sum of thirteen; and it is probable
that these two cities had been destroyed and lay in ruins when
this book was written, and hence were not enumerated.
經文:歷代志上 6:61-6:61 註釋:
* And unto.
* left.
66 Jos 21:4,5,20-26
經文:歷代志上 6:62-6:62 註釋:
* Gershom.
71-76 Ex 2:22 Jos 21:27-33
經文:歷代志上 6:63-6:63 註釋:
* Merari.
77-81 Ge 46:11 Nu 3:20 Jos 21:7,34-40
經文:歷代志上 6:64-6:64 註釋:
* the children.
Jos 21:41,42
* with their.
Nu 35:2-5
經文:歷代志上 6:65-6:65 註釋:
* these cities.
經文:歷代志上 6:66-6:66 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:67-6:67 註釋:
* Shechem.
Ge 33:18 35:4 Jos 20:7 21:21
* Gezer.
Jos 12:12 16:3,10 21:21 1Ki 9:16
經文:歷代志上 6:68-6:68 註釋:
* Jokmeam.
Jos 21:22
* Kibzaim. Beth-horon.
Jos 10:11 16:5 1Sa 13:18
經文:歷代志上 6:69-6:69 註釋:
* Aijalon.
Jos 10:12
* Ajalon.
Jos 21:24
* Gath-rimmon.
Jos 21:24,25
經文:歷代志上 6:70-6:70 註釋:
* Aner.
Aner is probably another name of Tanach, which was a city of
the half tribe of Manasseh, west of Jordan; and Eusebius,
Jerome, and Procopius of Gaza, say that it was in their time a
considerable place, three miles from Legio.
Jos 21:25
* Tanach, Gath-rimmon. Bileam.
Ibleam is here called Bileam, by a transposition of letters
common to all languages. It is evident, however, that many of
these cities or their names have been changed since the time
of Joshua; but, as it has been well observed, Salop and
Shrewsbury, Sarum and Salisbury, are as different names as any
in these catalogues; yet those who live in their vicinity are
not at all confused by them. Some cities also are here
mentioned as belonging to Ephraim, which in Joshua are spoken
of as cities of Dan; but various changes in such matters would
occur in a course of ages.
Jos 17:11
* Ibleam.
經文:歷代志上 6:71-6:71 註釋:
* Golan.
De 4:43 Jos 20:8 21:27
* Ashtaroth.
De 1:4 Jos 9:10 21:27
* Beesh-terah.
經文:歷代志上 6:72-6:72 註釋:
* Kedesh.
Jos 19:37 21:32 Jud 4:9
* Daberath.
Jos 21:28,29
* Kishon, Daberah, Jarmuth, En-gannim.
經文:歷代志上 6:73-6:73 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:74-6:74 註釋:
* Mashal.
Jos 19:26 21:30
* Mishal.
經文:歷代志上 6:75-6:75 註釋:
* Hukok.
Jos 21:31
* Helkath.
經文:歷代志上 6:76-6:76 註釋:
* Kedesh.
Jos 12:22 19:37 20:7 21:32 Jud 4:6
* Kadesh-naphtali. Hammon.
Jos 21:32
* Hammoth-dor, Kartan.
經文:歷代志上 6:77-6:77 註釋:
* Rimmon.
Jos 21:34,35
* Jokneam, Kartah, Dimnah, Nahalal.
* Tabor.
Probably the city on the summit of Tabor, mentioned by
Polybius and Josephus, the remains of which still exist.
經文:歷代志上 6:78-6:78 註釋:
* Bezer.
De 4:41-43 Jos 20:8 21:36
* Jahzah.
Jos 21:36,37
* Jahazah.
經文:歷代志上 6:79-6:79 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 6:80-6:80 註釋:
* Ramoth.
73 Jos 21:38,39 1Ki 22:3-28 2Ki 9:1
* Mahanaim.
Ge 32:2 Jos 21:38 2Sa 17:24,27 19:32
經文:歷代志上 6:81-6:81 註釋:
* Heshbon.
Nu 21:25 32:37 De 2:24 Jos 13:26 Ne 9:22 So 7:4
* Jazer.
Nu 32:1,3 Jos 13:25 21:39
經文:歷代志上 7:1-7:1 註釋:
1; The sons of Issachar;
6; of Benjamin;
13; of Naphtali;
14; of Manasseh;
15; and of Ephraim.
21; The calamity of Ephraim by the men of Gath.
23; His posterity by Beriah.
28; Their habitations.
30; The sons of Asher.
Ge 46:13
* Phuvah, Job.
Nu 26:23,24
* Pua.
經文:歷代志上 7:2-7:2 註釋:
* whose number.
This was probably the number returned by Joab and his
assistants, when they made that census of the people with
which God was so much displeased. We find that the effective
men of Issachar amounted to 87,000; (ver. 5;) 22,600; of whom
descended from Tola his eldest son; but whether the 36,000
(ver. 4) were descendants of Tola by Uzzi, and the 22,600; his
descendants by Tola's other sons; or whether another of
Issachar's sons be intended, does not clearly appear; though
the former seems the more obvious meaning.
21:1-5 27:1,23,24 2Sa 24:1-9
經文:歷代志上 7:3-7:3 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:4-7:4 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:5-7:5 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:6-7:6 註釋:
* of Benjamin.
In the parallel place of Genesis, ten sons of Benjamin are
reckoned, Bela, Becher, Ashbel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh,
Muppim, Huppim, and Ard; and in Numbers, five only are
mentioned, Bela, Ashbel, Ahiraim, Shupham, and Hupham; and Ard
and Naaman are said to be the sons of Bela, and consequently
Benjamin's grandsons. In the beginning of the following
chapter, also, five are only mentioned, Bela, Ashbel, Aharah,
Nohah, and Rapha; and Addar, Gera, Abihud, Abishua, Naaman,
Ahoha, another Gera, Shephuphan, and Huram, are all
represented as grandsons, not sons of Benjamin: hence we see
that in many cases, grandsons are called sons, and both are
often confounded in the genealogical tables. It seems, also,
that the persons mentioned in the following verses were
neither sons nor grandsons of Bela and Becher, but
distinguished persons among their descendants.
8:1-12 Ge 46:21 Nu 26:38-41
* Jediael.
經文:歷代志上 7:7-7:7 註釋:
* were reckoned.
21:1-5 2Ch 17:17,18
經文:歷代志上 7:8-7:8 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:9-7:9 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:10-7:10 註釋:
* Ehud.
Jud 3:15-30
經文:歷代志上 7:11-7:11 註釋:
* mighty men.
2Ch 17:13-19
經文:歷代志上 7:12-7:12 註釋:
* Shuppim.
15 Ge 46:21
* Muppim, Huppim.
Nu 26:39
* Shupham, Hupham. Ir.
* Iri. Aher.
{Aher} signifies another, and it has been conjectured that
these were Danites, "the sons of another tribe;" especially as
Hushim is named as the only son of Dan, Ge 46:23. And they
suppose that the name of Dan was not mentioned, because his
descendants first established idolatry. But Zebulun, as well
as Dan, is here omitted, perhaps because none of either of
these tribes returned at first from Babylon. Though the
Benjamites had been almost destroyed in the first days of the
judges, they soon became numerous and powerful.
Nu 26:38
* Ahiram.
經文:歷代志上 7:13-7:13 註釋:
* Jahziel.
Ge 46:24 Nu 26:48
* Jahzeel. Shallum.
Ge 46:24 Nu 26:49
* Shillem. the sons of Bilhah.
Ge 30:3-8 35:22 46:25
經文:歷代志上 7:14-7:14 註釋:
* The sons.
The text in these two verses seems to be strangely corrupted;
and, as it stands, is scarcely intelligible. Probably it
should be rendered, "The sons of Manasseh were Ashriel, whom
his Syrian concubine bore to him; and Machir the father of
Gilead, whom (his wife) bore to him. Machir took for a wife
Maachah, sister to Huppim and Shuppim." This is nearly the
version of Dr. Geddes.
* Machir.
2:21-23 Ge 50:23 Nu 26:29-34 27:1 32:30-42 De 3:13-15
Jos 13:31 17:1-3 Jud 5:14
經文:歷代志上 7:15-7:15 註釋:
* Huppim.
* and the name.
It is certain that Zelophehad was not a son, but a descendant
of Manasseh's, three generations having intervened; for he was
the son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son of Machir, the
son of Manasseh.
* and Zelophehad.
Nu 26:33 27:1-11 36:1-12
經文:歷代志上 7:16-7:16 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:17-7:17 註釋:
* Bedan.
1Sa 12:11
經文:歷代志上 7:18-7:18 註釋:
Nu 26:30
* Jeezer.
Jud 6:11,24,34 8:2
經文:歷代志上 7:19-7:19 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:20-7:20 註釋:
Nu 26:35,36
經文:歷代志上 7:21-7:21 註釋:
* because they came.
Or rather, "when [k(8c79) [] {(kee)} they
came down to take away their cattle;" for it does not appear
that the sons of Ephraim were the aggressors, but the men of
Gath, who appear to have been born in Egypt. This is the only
place in the Sacred Writings where this piece of history is
mentioned, and the transaction seems to have happened before
the Israelites came out of Egypt; for it appears from the
following verse, that Ephraim was alive when these children of
his were slain.
經文:歷代志上 7:22-7:22 註釋:
* mourned.
Ge 37:34
* and his brethren.
Job 2:11
經文:歷代志上 7:23-7:23 註釋:
* Beriah. that is, In evil. because.
Many similar instances of the naming of children from passing
circumstances, occur throughout the sacred volume. See those
of a similar character with this verse: Ge 35:18, where
Rachel, while dying, names her new-born son Ben-oni, or, the
son of my sorrow. So in 1; SA 4:21, the wife of Phinehas, on
being apprised of the death of Eli and her husband, and that
the ark was taken by the Philistines, while in the pains of
travail, and dying, named her son I-chabod, or, there is no
glory. So also in the 4th chapter of this book, ver. 9, we
read that Jabez, or, sorrowful, had that name given to him,
because his mother "bare him with sorrow."
2Sa 23:5
經文:歷代志上 7:24-7:24 註釋:
* Beth-horon.
Jos 16:3,5 1Ki 9:17 2Ch 8:5
經文:歷代志上 7:25-7:25 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:26-7:26 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:27-7:27 註釋:
* Non.
Nu 13:8,16
* Nun, Oshea. Jehoshuah.
Ex 17:9-14 24:13 32:17 Nu 11:28 14:6 27:18 De 31:23
* Joshua.
Ac 7:45 Heb 4:8
* Jesus.
經文:歷代志上 7:28-7:28 註釋:
* Beth-el.
Ge 28:19 Jos 16:2 Jud 1:22
* Naaran.
Naaran, or Naarath, Eusebius says was a town in his time
called [Noorath,] Noorath, five miles from Jericho. It
appears to be the same as [Neara,] Neara, mentioned by
Josephus, from whence, he says, they brought the water which
watered the palm-trees of Jericho.
* Naarath. Gezer.
* towns. Heb. daughters.
經文:歷代志上 7:29-7:29 註釋:
* Manasseh.
Jos 17:7-11
* Beth-shean.
1Sa 31:10
* Bethshan. Taanach.
Jud 5:19 1Ki 4:12
* Megiddo.
Jud 1:27 1Ki 9:15 2Ki 9:27 23:29 2Ch 35:22 Zec 12:11 Re 16:16
* In these dwelt.
Jos 16:1-17:18 Jud 1:22-29
經文:歷代志上 7:30-7:30 註釋:
* Imnah.
This variation only exists in the translation; the original
being uniformly Jimnah, or Yimnah.
Ge 46:17 Nu 26:44-46
* Jimnah. Ishuai.
This variation is also attributable to the translator; the
Hebrew being in both places Isui, or rather, Yishwi.
Ge 46:17
* Isui.
經文:歷代志上 7:31-7:31 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:32-7:32 註釋:
* Shomer.
* Shamer.
經文:歷代志上 7:33-7:33 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:34-7:34 註釋:
* Shamer.
* Shomer.
經文:歷代志上 7:35-7:35 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:36-7:36 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:37-7:37 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] Ithran, and in the following
verse [Yether <See definition 03500,>] Jether.
# 38|
* Jether.
經文:歷代志上 7:38-7:38 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:39-7:39 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 7:40-7:40 註釋:
* the number.
21:1-5 2Sa 24:1-9
經文:歷代志上 8:1-8:1 註釋:
1; The sons and chief men of Benjamin.
33; The stock of Saul and Jonathan.
* Bela.
7:6-12 Ge 46:21
* Aharah.
Nu 26:38
* Ahiram.
經文:歷代志上 8:2-8:2 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:3-8:3 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,]
Ard, and here [Add(8372) <See definition 0146>,] Addar.
# Ge 46:21; Nu 26:40|
* Ard.
經文:歷代志上 8:4-8:4 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:5-8:5 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] Shuppim, seems to be
merely a contracted form of
[Sheph(9677)ph(836d) <See definition 08197>,] Shupham, or rather,
Shephupham, which, by the mutation of [M(886d),] {mem,} into
[N(9677)n,] {noon,} is here changed into
[Sheph(9677)ph(836e) <See definition 08197>,] Shephuphan.
# 7:12|
* Shuppim.
# Nu 26:39|
* Shupham. Huram.
Huram appears to be an error for Hupham in the parallel
passage of Numbers, which, by contraction, is written Huppim.
經文:歷代志上 8:6-8:6 註釋:
* Ehud.
7:10 Jud 3:20-30 4:1
* Gera.
Ge 46:21
* Geba.
* Manahath.
經文:歷代志上 8:7-8:7 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:8-8:8 註釋:
* in the.
Ru 1:1
* he had.
Ge 25:6
經文:歷代志上 8:9-8:9 註釋:
* Hodesh.
In the preceding verse it is said that "Hushim and Baara were
his wives;" and here it said, "he begat of Hodesh his wife,"
etc; and then in the eleventh verse, his children by Hushim
are mentioned, but not a word of Baara. It is probable,
therefore, that Hodesh was another name for Baara; and this is
asserted by the Targumist: "And he begat of Baara, that is, of
Chodesh, his wife, so called because he espoused her anew."
經文:歷代志上 8:10-8:10 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:11-8:11 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:12-8:12 註釋:
* Ono.
Ono is stated by Reland to have been three miles from Lydda.
Ezr 2:33 Ne 6:2 7:37 11:35
* Lod.
Lod, or Lydda, was situated about four leagues from Joppa, and
a day's journey, or about thirty-two miles N. W. from
Jerusalem; and, according to the Antonine Itinerary, twelve
miles from Jamnia, eighteen from Eleutheropolis, and twenty
two from Bethar. Josephus says it was a village, not yielding
to a city in greatness; and that it was one of three
toparchies dismembered from Samaria, and given to the Jews.
It was destroyed by Cesitus in the Jewish war, and, when
rebuilt, was called Diospolis. It is now called Loudd, and is
a poor village, situated in a fine plain about a league to the
E. N. E. of Ramia.
經文:歷代志上 8:13-8:13 註釋:
* Shema.
* Shimhi. the fathers.
2:49,50,52 4:4
* Aijalon.
Jos 19:42
* Ajalon.
經文:歷代志上 8:14-8:14 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:15-8:15 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:16-8:16 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:17-8:17 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:18-8:18 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:19-8:19 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:20-8:20 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:21-8:21 註釋:
* Shimhi.
* Shema.
經文:歷代志上 8:22-8:22 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:23-8:23 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:24-8:24 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:25-8:25 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:26-8:26 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:27-8:27 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:28-8:28 註釋:
* smelt.
Jos 15:63 18:28 Jud 1:21 Ne 11:1,7-9
* Jerusalem.
Jerusalem, the ancient capital of Judea, is situated in long.
35; degrees 20. min. E., lat. 31; degrees 47; min 47; sec. N.;
and, according to the best authorities, 136; miles S. W. of
Damascus, 34; miles S. of Shechem or Nablous, 45; miles E. of
Jaffa, 27; miles N. of Hebron, and about 20; miles W. of
Jericho. The city of Jerusalem was built on hills, and
encompassed with mountains, (Ps 125:2,) in a stony and barren
soil, and was about sixteen furlongs in length, say Strabo.
The ancient city of Jebus, taken by David from the Jebusites,
was not large, and stood on a mountain south of that on which
the temple was erected. Here David built a new city, called
the city of David, wherein was the royal palace. Between
these two mountains lay the valley of Millo, filled up by
David and Solomon; and after the reign of Manasseh, another
city is mentioned, called the second. The Maccabees
considerably enlarged Jerusalem on the north, enclosing a
third hill; and Josephus mentions a fourth hill, called
Bezetha, which Agrippa joined to the former: this new city
lay north of the temple, along the brook Kidron. See note ch.
經文:歷代志上 8:29-8:29 註釋:
* the father.
* Jehiel.
經文:歷代志上 8:30-8:30 註釋:
* Abdon.
經文:歷代志上 8:31-8:31 註釋:
* Zacher.
* Zechariah.
經文:歷代志上 8:32-8:32 註釋:
* Shimeah.
* Shimeam.
經文:歷代志上 8:33-8:33 註釋:
* Ner.
9:39 1Sa 9:1 14:50,51
* Kish.
1Sa 9:1 Ac 13:21
* Cis. Saul.
1Sa 14:49 31:2
* Abinadab.
1Sa 14:49
* Ishui. Esh-baal.
2Sa 2:8 4:12
* Ish-bosheth.
經文:歷代志上 8:34-8:34 註釋:
* Merib-baal.
2Sa 4:4 9:6,10 19:24-30
* Mephibosheth. Micah.
2Sa 9:12
* Micha.
經文:歷代志上 8:35-8:35 註釋:
* Tarea.
* Tahrea.
經文:歷代志上 8:36-8:36 註釋:
* Jehoadah.
* Jarah.
經文:歷代志上 8:37-8:37 註釋:
* Rapha.
* Rephiah.
經文:歷代志上 8:38-8:38 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:39-8:39 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 8:40-8:40 註釋:
* archers.
12:2 2Ch 14:8
* many sons.
Ps 127:3-5 128:3-6
經文:歷代志上 9:1-9:1 註釋:
1; The original of Israel and Judah's genealogies.
2; The Israelites;
10; the priests;
14; and the Levites, with Nethinims, which dwelt in Jerusalem.
27; The charge of certain Levites.
35; The stock of Saul and Jonathan.
* A.M. 2804, etc. B.C. 1200, etc. all Israel.
Ezr 2:59,62,63 Ne 7:5,64 Mt 1:1-16 Lu 3:28-38
* carried.
2Ch 33:11 36:9,10,18-20 Jer 39:9 52:14,15 Da 1:2
經文:歷代志上 9:2-9:2 註釋:
* A.M. 3468. B.C. 536. the first.
Ezr 2:70 Ne 7:73 11:3
* the Nethinims.
Jos 9:21-27 Ezr 2:43,58 8:20 Ne 7:60,73 11:3,21
經文:歷代志上 9:3-9:3 註釋:
* Jerusalem.
Ne 11:1,4-9
* of the children of Ephraim.
2Ch 11:16 30:11
經文:歷代志上 9:4-9:4 註釋:
* Bani.
Ne 8:7 10:13
* Pharez.
2:5 4:1 Ge 46:12 Nu 26:20 Ne 11:4,6
* Perez.
經文:歷代志上 9:5-9:5 註釋:
* Shilonites.
Nu 26:20
* Shelanites.
Ne 11:5
* Shiloni.
經文:歷代志上 9:6-9:6 註釋:
* Zerah.
2:4,6 Ge 38:30
* Zarah.
Nu 26:20
經文:歷代志上 9:7-9:7 註釋:
* Sallu.
Ne 8:4 10:20 11:7
經文:歷代志上 9:8-9:8 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 9:9-9:9 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 9:10-9:10 註釋:
* Jehoiarib.
Ne 11:10-24 12:19
* Joiarib.
經文:歷代志上 9:11-9:11 註釋:
* Azariah.
6:8-15 Ne 10:2 11:11
* Seraiah. the ruler.
24:5 Nu 4:15,16,28,33 2Ki 23:4 25:18 Ne 11:11 Ac 5:24,26
經文:歷代志上 9:12-9:12 註釋:
* Meshillemith.
Ne 11:12,13
* Meshillemoth. Immer.
24:14 Ezr 2:37 Ne 7:40
經文:歷代志上 9:13-9:13 註釋:
* very able men. Heb. mighty men of valour.
26:6,30,32 Ne 11:14
經文:歷代志上 9:14-9:14 註釋:
* Shemaiah.
Ne 11:15
* Hashabiah.
Ne 10:11 12:24
* of the sons.
6:19,29,63 Nu 26:57
經文:歷代志上 9:15-9:15 註釋:
* Mattaniah.
Ne 11:17,22
* Micha.
* Zichri.
25:2 Ne 10:12
* Zaccur.
* Zabdi.
* Zaccur.
經文:歷代志上 9:16-9:16 註釋:
* Obadiah.
Ne 11:17
* Abda. Shammua.
* the sons of Jeduthun.
25:1,3,6 2Ch 35:15
* Netophathites.
2:54 Ne 7:26 12:28-30
經文:歷代志上 9:17-9:17 註釋:
* the porters.
23:5 26:1-32 Ne 11:19
* Shallum.
經文:歷代志上 9:18-9:18 註釋:
* Who hitherto waited.
The original is {we(8464) hennah,} which Houbigant and Dr. Geddes
consider as a proper name, and render, "And Adanah was over
the eastern gate, called the king's;" i.e., the gate by which
the kings of Judah went to the temple. The list is here
nearly the same with those found in Ezra and Nehemiah, and
contains those who returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel: but
the list in Nehemiah is more ample, probably because it
contains those who came afterwards; the object of the sacred
writer here being to give the names of those who came first,
(ver. 2.) These consisted of men belonging not only to the
tribes of Judah and Benjamin, but to many of the other tribes
of Israel, who took advantage of the proclamation of Cyrus to
return to Jerusalem. Properly speaking, the divisions
mentioned here constituted the whole of the Israelitish
people, who were divided into priests, Levites, common
Israelites, and Nethinims.
* the king's.
1Ki 10:5 2Ki 11:19 Eze 44:2,3 46:1,2 Ac 3:11
* they.
經文:歷代志上 9:19-9:19 註釋:
* Ebiasaph.
* Korah.
Nu 26:9-11 Ps 42:1 44:1 49:1 *titles
* gates. Heb. thresholds.
Ps 84:10 *marg:
* over the host.
2Ki 11:9,15 2Ch 23:4-10
* keepers of the entry.
經文:歷代志上 9:20-9:20 註釋:
* Phinehas.
Nu 3:32 4:16,28,33 31:6
* the Lord.
Nu 25:11-13 1Sa 16:18 Ac 7:9,10
經文:歷代志上 9:21-9:21 註釋:
* Zechariah.
經文:歷代志上 9:22-9:22 註釋:
* in their.
16,25 Ne 11:25-30,36 12:28,29,44
* David.
23:1-32 25:1-26:32 28:13,21
* Samuel.
1Sa 9:9
* did ordain. Heb. founded. set office. or, trust.
經文:歷代志上 9:23-9:23 註釋:
* the oversight.
23:32 2Ch 23:19 Ne 12:45 Eze 44:10,11,14
經文:歷代志上 9:24-9:24 註釋:
* four.
經文:歷代志上 9:25-9:25 註釋:
* seven.
2Ki 11:5,7 2Ch 23:8
經文:歷代志上 9:26-9:26 註釋:
* set office. or, trust. chambers. or, storehouses.
26:20-27 2Ch 31:5-12 Ne 10:38,39 13:5
經文:歷代志上 9:27-9:27 註釋:
* the charge.
23:32 Ro 12:7
* the opening.
1Sa 3:15 Mal 1:10
經文:歷代志上 9:28-9:28 註釋:
* the charge.
26:22-26 Nu 23:25-27 Ezr 8:25-30 Ne 12:44 13:4,5
* bring them in and out. Heb. bring them in by tale, and carry
them out.
經文:歷代志上 9:29-9:29 註釋:
* instruments. or, vessels. the oil.
Ex 27:20
* the frankincense.
Ex 30:23-38
經文:歷代志上 9:30-9:30 註釋:
* of the sons.
Ex 30:25,33,35-38 37:29
經文:歷代志上 9:31-9:31 註釋:
* Shallum.
* set office. or, trust.
* in the pans. or, on flat plates, or slices.
Le 2:5,7 6:21
經文:歷代志上 9:32-9:32 註釋:
* the sons.
* shewbread. Heb. bread of ordering. to.
Ex 25:30 Le 24:5-8
經文:歷代志上 9:33-9:33 註釋:
* the singers.
6:31-33 15:16-22 16:4-6 25:1-31 Ezr 7:24
* were free.
Ne 11:17,22,23
* they, etc. Heb. upon them. employed.
A number of Levites were employed by rotation in singing the
praises of Jehovah; and they seem to have continued the
service day and night: see the References.
Ps 134:1,2 135:1-3
經文:歷代志上 9:34-9:34 註釋:
* chief fathers.
13 Ne 11:1-15
* Jerusalem.
We have already seen the situation and extent of this ancient
city, (Note on 8:28;) but the Jerusalem of sacred history is
no more. After having been successively destroyed by the
Babylonians and Romans, and taken by the Saracens, Crusaders,
and Turks, in the possession of the latter of whom it still
continues, not a vestige remains of the capital of David and
Solomon, not a monument of Jewish times is standing. The very
course of the walls is changed, and the boundaries of the
ancient city are become doubtful. The monks pretend to shew
the sites of the sacred places; but they have not the
slightest pretensions to even a probable identity with the
real places. The Jerusalem that now is, however, called by
the Arabs {El Kouds,} or "the holy city," is still a
respectable, good-looking town, of an irregular shape: it is
surrounded by high embattled walls, enclosing an area not
exceeding two miles and a half, and occupying two small hills,
having the valley of Jehoshaphat on the east, the valley of
Siloam and Gehinnom on the south, and the valley of Rephaim on
the west; and containing a population variously estimated at
from 20,000; to 30,000; souls.
經文:歷代志上 9:35-9:35 註釋:
* A.M. 2804, etc. B.C. 1200, etc. in Gibeon.
* the father.
* whose.
Some editions read {achatho,} "his sister;" but in the
parallel place ch. 8:29, it is {ishto,} "his wife," which is
also the reading of the LXX., Vulgate, Arabic, and Syriac
here, and is undoubtedly the true reading. This repetition of
part of Bemjamin's genealogy seems to have been intended
merely as an introduction to the ensuing history.
經文:歷代志上 9:36-9:36 註釋:
* Kish.
39 8:33
經文:歷代志上 9:37-9:37 註釋:
* Zechariah.
Zacher is merely an abbreviation of Zechariah, by the omission
of {Jah} or {Yah}, one of the names of God.
* Zacher.
經文:歷代志上 9:38-9:38 註釋:
* Shimeam.
Shimeam seems to be a mistake for Shimeah; the only difference
being [M(886d),] {mem} final, and [H(882c)] {hay}; and the LXX. in
both places read [Samaa,] Sama(842e)
* Shimeah.
經文:歷代志上 9:39-9:39 註釋:
* Ner.
8:33 1Sa 14:50,51
* and Saul.
10:2 1Sa 13:22 14:1,49
* Ishui.
1Sa 31:2
* Eshbaal.
經文:歷代志上 9:40-9:40 註釋:
* Merib-baal.
經文:歷代志上 9:41-9:41 註釋:
* Ahaz.
經文:歷代志上 9:42-9:42 註釋:
* begat Jarah.
Jarah seems also to be a mistake for Jehoadah, as the LXX.
read uniformly [[FNgreek]Iada[Fn],] Iada.
* Jehoadah.
經文:歷代志上 9:43-9:43 註釋:
* Rephaiah.
Rapha is merely a contracted form of Rephaiah.
* Rapha.
經文:歷代志上 9:44-9:44 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 10:1-10:1 註釋:
1; Saul's overthrow and death.
8; The Philistines triumph over Saul.
11; The kindness of Jabesh-gilead towards Saul and his sons.
13; Saul's sin, for which the kingdom was translated from him
to David.
* A.M. 2948. B.C. 1056. the Philistines fought.
1Sa 28:1 29:1,2 31:1,2-13
* slain. or, wounded. mount.
8 1Sa 28:4 31:1 2Sa 1:6,21 21:12
經文:歷代志上 10:2-10:2 註釋:
* Jonathan.
8:33 9:39 1Sa 14:6,39,40 2Ki 23:29 Isa 57:1,2
* Abinadab.
1Sa 14:49
* Ishui. the sons.
Ex 20:5 2Ki 25:7
經文:歷代志上 10:3-10:3 註釋:
* went.
1Sa 31:3-6 2Sa 1:4-10 Am 2:14
* archers. Heb. shooters with bows. hit. Heb. found. he
Ge 49:23,24
經文:歷代志上 10:4-10:4 註釋:
* Draw.
Jud 9:54
* uncircumcised.
Jud 15:18 1Sa 14:6 17:26,36 2Sa 1:20
* abuse. or mock.
Jud 16:21,23-25
* he was.
1Sa 31:4 2Sa 1:14-16
* Saul took.
5 2Sa 1:9,10 17:23 1Ki 16:18 Mt 27:4,5 Ac 1:18 16:27
經文:歷代志上 10:5-10:5 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 10:6-10:6 註釋:
* Saul.
1Sa 4:10,11,18 12:25 Ec 9:1,2 Ho 13:10,11
* all his house.
"All his men," in Samuel; that is, all who were present with
him in the battle; and his family received such a blow, that
it never recovered itself again. For though Ishbosheth
reigned over a part of the country, yet it was not in any
splendour. This history seems to be repeated here as an
introduction to that of the kingdom of David.
經文:歷代志上 10:7-10:7 註釋:
* then they.
Le 26:31,36 De 28:33,43 Jud 6:2 1Sa 13:6 31:7
經文:歷代志上 10:8-10:8 註釋:
* to strip.
1Sa 31:8 2Ki 3:23 2Ch 20:25
經文:歷代志上 10:9-10:9 註釋:
* took.
4 1Sa 31:9,10 2Sa 1:20 Mt 14:11
* tidings.
Jud 16:23,24 Da 5:2-4,23
經文:歷代志上 10:10-10:10 註釋:
* their gods.
1Sa 31:10
* Ashtaroth. in the temple.
1Sa 5:2-7
經文:歷代志上 10:11-10:11 註釋:
* when.
1Sa 11:1-11 31:11-13 2Sa 2:4-7
經文:歷代志上 10:12-10:12 註釋:
* the oak.
Ge 35:8 2Sa 21:12-14
* fasted.
Ge 50:10 2Sa 3:35
經文:歷代志上 10:13-10:13 註釋:
* committed. Heb. transgressed. even against.
1Sa 13:13 15:2,23
* for asking.
1Sa 28:7-20
* a familiar.
Ex 22:18 Le 19:31 20:6 De 18:10-14 2Ki 21:6 Isa 8:19
Ac 8:9-11 16:16-18
經文:歷代志上 10:14-10:14 註釋:
* enquired.
Jud 10:11-16 1Sa 28:6 Eze 14:3-6
* he slew.
Pr 17:13 Isa 10:7,15
* turned.
1Sa 13:14 15:28 16:1,11-13 28:17 2Sa 3:9,10 5:3
* Jesse. Heb. Isai.
經文:歷代志上 11:1-11:1 註釋:
1; David by general consent is made king at Hebron.
4; He wins the castle of Zion from the Jebusites by Joab's
10; A catalogue of David's mighty men.
* A.M. 2956. B.C. 1048. An. Ex. Is. 443. all Israel.
12:23-40 2Sa 5:1-16
* Hebron.
Nu 13:22 2Sa 2:1 15:10 1Ki 2:11
* Behold.
Ge 29:14 De 17:15 Jud 9:2 2Sa 19:12,13 Eph 5:30
經文:歷代志上 11:2-11:2 註釋:
* in time past. Heb. both yesterday and the third day. that
Nu 27:17 1Sa 18:13 Isa 55:4 Joh 10:4
* Thou shalt.
1Sa 16:1,13 2Sa 7:7 Ps 78:71 Isa 40:11 Jer 3:15 Mic 5:2,4
Mt 2:6
* feed. or, rule. ruler.
2Sa 5:2 1Ki 3:9 14:7
經文:歷代志上 11:3-11:3 註釋:
* elders.
2Sa 5:3
* David made.
1Sa 11:15 2Ki 11:17 2Ch 23:3
* before.
Jud 11:11 1Sa 23:18
* anointed.
1Sa 16:1,12,13 2Sa 2:4 2Ki 23:30
* according.
1Sa 15:28 28:17
* by. Heb. by the hand of.
經文:歷代志上 11:4-11:4 註釋:
* David.
2Sa 5:6-10
* Jebus.
5 Jos 15:63 18:28
* Jebusi.
Jud 1:21 19:10-12
* the inhabitants.
Ge 10:16 15:21 Ex 3:17
經文:歷代志上 11:5-11:5 註釋:
* Thou shalt.
1Sa 17:9,10,26,36
* the castle.
1Ki 8:1 2Ch 5:2 Ps 2:6 9:11 48:2,12,13 78:68 87:2,5 125:1,2
Ps 132:13 La 4:11,12 Ro 9:33 Heb 12:22 Re 14:1
* the city.
7 2Sa 5:9 6:10,12 Ps 122:5
經文:歷代志上 11:6-11:6 註釋:
* Whosoever.
Jos 15:16,17 1Sa 17:25
* chief. Heb. head. Joab.
2Sa 2:18 3:27 8:16 20:23
經文:歷代志上 11:7-11:7 註釋:
* David dwelt.
Ps 2:6
* the city of David. that is, Zion.
5 2Sa 5:7
經文:歷代志上 11:8-11:8 註釋:
* Millo.
Jud 9:6,20 1Ki 9:15 11:27 2Ki 12:20
* repaired. Heb. revived.
Ne 4:2
經文:歷代志上 11:9-11:9 註釋:
* waxed greater and greater. Heb. went in going and
2Sa 3:1 5:10 Job 17:9 Isa 9:7
* for.
9:20 Ps 46:7,11 Isa 8:9,10 41:10,14 Ro 8:31
經文:歷代志上 11:10-11:10 註釋:
* A.M. 2949-2989. B.C. 1055-1015. An. Ex. Is. 436-476. the
The valiant men who assisted David in his advancement, and
helped to establish him in his authority, were those, in all
likelihood, that had accompanied him during his persecution by
2Sa 23:8
* strengthened themselves with. or, held strongly with. to
12:38 2Sa 3:17,18,21
* according.
1Sa 16:1,12-14
經文:歷代志上 11:11-11:11 註釋:
* Jashobeam.
27:2 2Sa 23:8
The Tachmonite, Adino, the Eznite.
* an Hachmonite. or, son of Hachmoni.
經文:歷代志上 11:12-11:12 註釋:
* Eleazar.
* Dodai.
2Sa 23:9
* Dodo.
This variation arises from the mutations of [V(8376),] {wav,} and
[Y(9377)d,] {yood;} it being written here [D(9377)d(9377),] Dodo, and in
the parallel passage [D(8376)eh,] Dodai.
* Ahohite.
* the three.
19,21 2Sa 23:17-19,23
經文:歷代志上 11:13-11:13 註釋:
* Pas-dammim.
Ephes-dammim is here called Pas-dammim, by aph(9172)esis.
1Sa 17:1
* Ephes-dammim. a parcel.
In Samuel it is, "a piece of ground full of lentiles;" and
there is probably a mistake of {se(9472)im,} "barley," for
{(8364)ashim,} "lentiles," or vice-versa. Some, however, think
there were both lentiles and barley in the field, which is not
經文:歷代志上 11:14-11:14 註釋:
* set. or, stood. and the Lord.
1Sa 14:23 19:5 2Sa 23:10 2Ki 5:1 Ps 18:50
* deliverance. or, salvation.
Ps 144:10 Pr 21:31
經文:歷代志上 11:15-11:15 註釋:
* of the thirty captains. or, captains over the thirty.
2Sa 23:13-39
* the cave.
Jos 12:15 1Sa 22:1 Mic 1:15
* in the.
14:9 2Sa 5:18,22 Isa 17:5
* Rephaim.
Jos 15:8
* the giants.
經文:歷代志上 11:16-11:16 註釋:
* in the hold.
1Sa 22:1 23:25 Ps 142:1 *title
* the Philistines'.
1Sa 10:5 13:4,23
經文:歷代志上 11:17-11:17 註釋:
* longed.
Nu 11:4,5 2Sa 23:15,16 Ps 143:6
* of the water.
Ps 42:1,2 63:1 Isa 12:3 Joh 4:10,14
經文:歷代志上 11:18-11:18 註釋:
* brake.
1Sa 19:5 So 8:6 Ac 20:24 21:13 2Co 5:14,15
* poured.
1Sa 7:6
經文:歷代志上 11:19-11:19 註釋:
* My God.
2Sa 23:17 1Ki 21:3 Ro 6:1,2
* shall I.
Le 17:10 Job 31:31 Ps 72:14 Mr 14:24 Joh 6:55
* that have put their lives. Heb. with their lives.
Ro 16:4
* in jeopardy.
Jud 5:18 9:17 1Sa 19:5 1Co 15:30
* These.
經文:歷代志上 11:20-11:20 註釋:
* Abishai.
2:16 1Sa 26:6 2Sa 2:18 3:30 18:2 20:6 21:17 23:18,19-39
經文:歷代志上 11:21-11:21 註釋:
* howbeit.
Mt 13:8 1Co 15:41
經文:歷代志上 11:22-11:22 註釋:
* Benaiah.
27:5,6 2Sa 8:18 20:23 23:20-23 1Ki 1:8,38 2:30,34,35
* Kabzeel.
Jos 15:21
* who had done many acts. Heb. great of deeds. lion-like.
12:8 2Sa 1:23
* slew a.
Jud 14:5,6 1Sa 17:34-36
經文:歷代志上 11:23-11:23 註釋:
* a man of great stature. Heb. a man of measure. five.
De 3:11 1Sa 17:4
* a spear.
* slew him.
1Sa 17:51
經文:歷代志上 11:24-11:24 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 11:25-11:25 註釋:
* but attained.
* David.
2Sa 20:23
經文:歷代志上 11:26-11:26 註釋:
* Asahel.
27:7 2Sa 2:18-23 3:30 23:24
* Elhanan.
2Sa 21:19
經文:歷代志上 11:27-11:27 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,]
Harorite, for [Char(9364)(8c79) <See definition 02733>,] Harodite,
arises from the mutation of [R(8879)sh,] {raish,} and [D(836c)eth,]
* Pelonite.
# 2Sa 23:26|
* Paltite.
經文:歷代志上 11:28-11:28 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] {Anethothite}
in Samuel, and here [Anneth(9377)th(8c79) <See definition 06069>,]
# 27:12; 2Sa 23:27|
* Anethothite.
經文:歷代志上 11:29-11:29 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,]
{Mebunnai,} for [Cibbekay <See definition 05444>,]
{Sibbecai,} seems to be occasioned by the mistake of [C(836d)ek,]
{samech,} for a [M(886d),] {mem,} and a [N(9677)n,] {noon,} for a
[Kaph,] {caph;} and a difference in the vowel points.
# 27:11; 2Sa 23:27,28|
* Mebunnai, Zalmon. Ahohite.
# 12|
經文:歷代志上 11:30-11:30 註釋:
* Maharai.
* Heled.
Heleb seems evidently a mistake for Heled, which is
essentially the same with Heldai, the latter merely having a
paragogic [Y(9377)d,] {yood.}
* Heldai.
2Sa 23:29
* Heleb.
經文:歷代志上 11:31-11:31 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] {Ithai,}
and ['Ittay <See definition 0863>,] {Ittai,} simply arises
from the elision of [Y(9377)d,] {yood,} which is compensated by
the reduplication of the next letter.
# 2Sa 23:29|
* Ittai.
經文:歷代志上 11:32-11:32 註釋:
* Hurai.
2Sa 23:30
* Hiddai. Abiel.
2Sa 23:31
* Abi-albon.
經文:歷代志上 11:33-11:33 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 11:34-11:34 註釋:
* Hashem.
2Sa 23:32,33
* Jashen.
經文:歷代志上 11:35-11:35 註釋:
* Sacar.
2Sa 23:33
* Sharar. Eliphal.
2Sa 23:34
* Eliphelet, Ahasbai.
經文:歷代志上 11:36-11:36 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 11:37-11:37 註釋:
* Hezro.
2Sa 23:35
* Hezrai, Paarai the Arbite.
經文:歷代志上 11:38-11:38 註釋:
* Joel.
2Sa 23:36
* Igal the son of Nathan. the son of Haggeri. or, the
經文:歷代志上 11:39-11:39 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 11:40-11:40 註釋:
* Ithrite.
2Sa 20:26
* Jairite.
經文:歷代志上 11:41-11:41 註釋:
* Uriah.
2Sa 11:6-27 23:39
經文:歷代志上 11:42-11:42 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 11:43-11:43 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 11:44-11:44 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 11:45-11:45 註釋:
* Son of Shimri. or Shimrite.
經文:歷代志上 11:46-11:46 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 11:47-11:47 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 12:1-12:1 註釋:
1; The companies that came to David at Ziklag.
23; The armies that came to him at Hebron.
* these are.
1Sa 27:2,6 2Sa 1:1 4:10
* while he yet, etc. Heb. being yet shut up.
Sometimes, in the East, when a successful prince endeavoured
to extirpate the preceding royal family, some of them escaped
the slaughter, and secured themselves in an impregnable
fortress, or in a place of great secrecy; while others have
been known to seek an asylum in a foreign county, from when
they have occasioned, from time to time, great anxiety and
great difficulties to the usurper of the crown. The
expression shut up, so often applied to the extermination of
eastern royal families. (De 32:32. 1; Ki 14:10; 21:21. 2; Ki
9:8; 14:26,) strictly speaking, refers to the two first of
these cases; but the term may be used in a more extensive
sense, for those who, by retiring into deserts, or foreign
countries, preserve themselves from being slain by the men who
usurp the dominions of their ancestors. Thus the term is here
applied to David, though he did not shut himself up, strictly
speaking, in Ziklag. It is described as a town in the
country, and was probably an unwalled town; and it is certain
that he did not confine himself to it, but, on the contrary,
was continually making excursions from thence.
* Saul.
8:33 9:39
* the mighty.
經文:歷代志上 12:2-12:2 註釋:
* could use.
Jud 3:15 20:16
* in hurling.
1Sa 17:49
經文:歷代志上 12:3-12:3 註釋:
* Shemaah. or, Hasmaah. Gibeathite.
1Sa 11:4 2Sa 21:6
* Azmaveth.
* the Antothite.
經文:歷代志上 12:4-12:4 註釋:
* Gibeonite.
Jos 9:3,17-23
* a mighty man.
* Gederathite.
Jos 15:36
經文:歷代志上 12:5-12:5 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 12:6-12:6 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 12:7-12:7 註釋:
* Gedor.
4:18,39 Jos 15:58
經文:歷代志上 12:8-12:8 註釋:
* into the hold.
16 11:16 1Sa 23:14,29 24:22
* of war. Heb. of the host. handle.
2Ch 25:5 Jer 46:9
* whose faces.
11:22 2Sa 1:23 17:10 23:20 Pr 28:1
* as swift as the roes upon the mountains. Heb. as the roes
upon the mountains to make haste.
2Sa 2:18 Pr 6:5 So 8:14
經文:歷代志上 12:9-12:9 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 12:10-12:10 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 12:11-12:11 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 12:12-12:12 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 12:13-12:13 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 12:14-12:14 註釋:
* one of the least was over an hundred, and the greatest over a
thousand. or, one that was least could resist an hundred,
the greatest a thousand.
Le 26:8 De 32:30
經文:歷代志上 12:15-12:15 註釋:
* it had overflown. Heb. it had filled over.
Jos 3:15 4:18 Jer 12:5 49:19
經文:歷代志上 12:16-12:16 註釋:
* the children.
* the hold.
經文:歷代志上 12:17-12:17 註釋:
* to meet them. Heb. before them. If ye be come.
1Sa 16:4 2Sa 3:20-25 1Ki 2:13 2Ki 9:22 Ps 12:1,2
* heart.
1Sa 18:1,3 2Ki 10:15 Ps 86:11 2Co 13:11 Php 1:27
* knit. Heb. one.
Jer 32:39 Ac 4:32 1Co 1:10
* wrong. or, violence. God.
Ge 31:42,53 1Sa 24:11-17 26:23,24 Ps 7:6 1Pe 2:23
* rebuke it.
Zec 3:2 Jude 1:9
經文:歷代志上 12:18-12:18 註釋:
* the spirit.
Jud 6:34 13:25 Isa 59:17
* came upon Amasai. Heb. clothed Amasai.
2:17 2Sa 17:25 19:13 20:4-8
* Amasa.
Thine are we.
2Ki 10:5
* and on they side.
Ru 1:16 2Sa 15:21 2Ki 9:32 Mt 12:30
* peace.
Ga 6:16 Eph 6:23,24
* thy God.
1Sa 25:28,29 2Sa 5:2 Zec 8:23 Joh 6:67,68
* captains of the band.
1Sa 8:12 22:7 1Ki 9:22
經文:歷代志上 12:19-12:19 註釋:
* when he came.
1Sa 29:2-4
* to the jeopardy of our heads. Heb. on our heads.
經文:歷代志上 12:20-12:20 註釋:
* As he went.
These captains of Manasseh seem to have met David as he was
returning from the army of the Philistines to Ziklag. It is
probable that they did not bring their companies with them;
yet they both assured him of future assistance, and very
seasonably helped him against the Amalekites who had spoiled
1Sa 29:11
* captains.
Ex 18:21 De 1:15 33:17
經文:歷代志上 12:21-12:21 註釋:
* against the band. or, with a band.
1Sa 30:1-17
* mighty men.
20 5:24 11:10,21,22
經文:歷代志上 12:22-12:22 註釋:
* day by day.
2Sa 2:2-4 3:1 Job 17:9
* like the host of God.
That is, says the Targumist, a very numerous army, like the
army of the angel of God.
Ge 32:2 Jos 5:14 Ps 148:2
經文:歷代志上 12:23-12:23 註釋:
* A.M. 2956. B.C. 1048. An. Ex. Is. 433. the numbers.
11:1-3 2Sa 2:3,4 5:1-3
* bands. or, captains, or men. Heb. heads. came to David.
Some learned men understand this as relating to the time when
David was make king over Judah, on his first coming to Hebron:
but it seems wholly to refer to his being made king over all
Israel, after the death of Ishbosheth; for there was no such
union or assembly of the several tribes on the former
occasion, as is here described.
* to turn.
* according.
11:10 1Sa 16:1,3,12,13 2Sa 3:18 Ps 2:6 89:19,20
經文:歷代志上 12:24-12:24 註釋:
* armed. or, prepared.
經文:歷代志上 12:25-12:25 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 12:26-12:26 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 12:27-12:27 註釋:
* the leader.
9:20 2Ki 11:4,9 25:18
* Aaronites.
6:49-57 27:17
經文:歷代志上 12:28-12:28 註釋:
* Zadok.
6:8,53 2Sa 8:17 1Ki 1:8 2:35 Eze 44:15
經文:歷代志上 12:29-12:29 註釋:
* kindred. Heb. brethren.
2 Ge 31:23
* the greatest part of them. Heb. a multitude of them.
2Sa 2:8,9
經文:歷代志上 12:30-12:30 註釋:
* famous. Heb. men of names.
Ge 6:4
經文:歷代志上 12:31-12:31 註釋:
* the half tribe.
Jos 17:1-18
經文:歷代志上 12:32-12:32 註釋:
* understanding of the times.
That is, as the following words indicate, intelligent men, who
understood the signs of the times, well versed in political
affairs, and knew what was proper to be done in all the
exigencies of human life; and who now perceived that it was
both the duty and political interest of Israel to advance
David to the throne.
Ge 49:14 Es 1:13 Isa 22:12-14 33:6 Mic 6:9 Mt 16:3
Lu 12:56,57
* to know.
Pr 14:8 Eph 5:17
* all their.
Pr 24:5 Ec 7:19 9:18
經文:歷代志上 12:33-12:33 註釋:
* expert in war. or, rangers of battle, or ranged in battle.
keep rank. or, set the battle in array. they were not of
double heart. Heb. they were without a heart and a heart.
That is, they were all sincerely affected towards David,
though so numerous.
Ps 12:2 Joh 1:47
經文:歷代志上 12:34-12:34 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 12:35-12:35 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 12:36-12:36 註釋:
* expert in war. or, keeping their rank.
33 Joe 2:7
經文:歷代志上 12:37-12:37 註釋:
* the other side.
5:1-10 Nu 32:33-42 De 3:12-16 Jos 13:7-32 14:3 22:1-10
經文:歷代志上 12:38-12:38 註釋:
* with a perfect heart.
The meaning of this expression may be inferred from that of a
double heart in ver. 33. If a double heart be expressive of
insincerity or duplicity, a perfect heart, which seems to be
put in opposition to it, must signify a sincere, faithful, and
entire attachment.
1Ki 8:61 11:4 2Ki 20:3 Ps 101:2
* all the rest.
17,18 Ge 49:8-10 2Ch 30:12 Ps 110:3 Eze 11:19
經文:歷代志上 12:39-12:39 註釋:
* eating and drinking.
Ge 26:30 31:54 2Sa 6:19 19:42
經文:歷代志上 12:40-12:40 註釋:
* brought.
The Septuagint reads [ ,] "brought (to) them"
which is probably correct; the Hebrew {lahem,} "to them" might
be easily mistaken for {lechem,} "bread." The passage will
then read, "bought them on asses, on camels, and on mules, and
on oxen, meat, meal, cakes of figs," etc., which renders the
introduction of and unnecessary. From the mention of oil,
figs, and raisins, Mr. Harmer thinks that this assembly was
held in autumn.
2Sa 16:1 17:27-29
* meat, meal. or, victual of meal. cakes of figs.
1Sa 25:18
* there was joy.
1Ki 1:40 2Ki 11:20 Pr 11:10 29:2 Jer 23:5,6 Lu 19:37,38
Re 19:5-7
經文:歷代志上 13:1-13:1 註釋:
1; David fetches the ark with great solemnity from Kirjath-
9; Uzza being smitten, the ark is left at the house of Obed-
* consulted.
12:14,20,32 2Sa 6:1 2Ki 23:1 2Ch 29:20 34:29,30
經文:歷代志上 13:2-13:2 註釋:
* If it seem.
1Ki 12:7 2Ki 9:15 Pr 15:22 Phm 1:8,9
* and that it be.
Ex 18:23 2Sa 7:2-5
* send abroad. Heb. break forth, and send. left.
10:7 1Sa 31:1 Isa 37:4
* the priests.
15:2-14 Nu 4:4-20 2Ch 31:4-21
* their cities and suburbs. Heb. the cities of their suburbs.
6:54-81 Nu 35:2-9
經文:歷代志上 13:3-13:3 註釋:
* bring again. Heb. bring about. the ark.
1Sa 7:1,2 Ps 132:6
* we enquired.
1Sa 14:18,36 22:10,15 23:2,9-12
經文:歷代志上 13:4-13:4 註釋:
* the thing.
1Sa 18:20 2Sa 3:36 2Ch 30:4 *marg:
Es 8:5
經文:歷代志上 13:5-13:5 註釋:
* David.
1Sa 7:1 2Sa 6:1
* Shihor.
Nu 34:5-8 Jos 13:3-6
* Sihor.
1Ki 4:21 Jer 2:18
* Sihor. Hemath.
Nu 34:8 Jos 13:5 1Ki 8:65 2Ki 25:21
* Hamath. Kirjath-jearim.
6 1Sa 6:21 7:1
經文:歷代志上 13:6-13:6 註釋:
* Baalah.
Jos 15:9,60 2Sa 6:2
* Baale. that dwelleth.
Ex 25:22 Nu 7:89 1Sa 4:4 2Ki 19:15 Ps 80:1 99:1 Isa 37:16
* whose name.
Ex 20:24 23:21 Nu 6:27 1Ki 8:16
經文:歷代志上 13:7-13:7 註釋:
* carried the ark. Heb. made the ark to ride.
At Nu 3:10, and again at ver. 38, a particular caution is
given that strangers must not touch, or even pry into, the
most holy things connected with the tabernacle, lest the
offender die. In giving the law, also, even a beast which
touched Sinai's mount was, by the Almighty's fiat, to be
stoned or thrust through with a dart. And again we read, (Nu
4:15) after special orders to Aaron and his sons about
covering the sanctuary and all the vessels previously to a
removal, that the Kohathites, who were to carry them, "shall
not touch any holy thing, lest they die." These were positive
commands. May the sin of Uzza in touching the ark, warn
Christians to take heed of rashness and irreverence in dealing
about holy things: see ver. 9.
* in a new cart.
15:2,13 Nu 4:15 1Sa 6:7 2Sa 6:3
* out of the house.
1Sa 7:1,2
經文:歷代志上 13:8-13:8 註釋:
* David.
15:10-24 1Sa 10:5 2Sa 6:5-23 2Ki 3:15 Ps 47:5 68:25-27
Ps 150:3-5
* singing. Heb. songs. with harps.
The word {kinnor,} in Chaldee, {kinnora,} in Syraic,
{kainoro,} in Arabic, {kinnarat,} and in Greek [ ,]
certainly denotes a harp, played on with the hand, according
to 1; Sa 16:23. The number of strings in the harp was at first
three; but afterwards they were increased to four, and at last
to seven.
15:28 16:5,42 23:5 25:1-6 Da 3:5-7 Am 5:23 6:5
* psalteries.
{Naivel,} or {naibel,} in Greek [ ,] and in Latin,
{nablium,} was an instrument of the harp kind; having twelve
經文:歷代志上 13:9-13:9 註釋:
* Chidon.
2Sa 6:6
* Nachon. stumbled. or shook it.
經文:歷代志上 13:10-13:10 註釋:
* he put.
15:13,15 Nu 4:15 Jos 6:6
* there he died.
Le 10:1-3 Nu 16:35 1Sa 6:19 2Ch 26:16-20 1Co 11:30-32
經文:歷代志上 13:11-13:11 註釋:
* displeased.
2Sa 6:7,9 Jon 4:4,9
* Perez-uzza. that is, The breach of Uzza. to this day.
Ge 32:32 De 34:6 Jos 4:9
經文:歷代志上 13:12-13:12 註釋:
* afraid of God.
Nu 17:12,13 1Sa 5:10,11 6:20 Ps 119:120 Isa 6:5 Lu 5:8,9
* How.
1Ki 8:27 Job 25:5,6 Mt 25:24
經文:歷代志上 13:13-13:13 註釋:
* brought. Heb. removed. Obed-edom.
15:18 16:5 26:4,8 2Sa 6:10,11
* the Gittite.
2Sa 4:3
經文:歷代志上 13:14-13:14 註釋:
* the Lord.
26:5 Ge 30:27 39:5 Pr 3:9,10 10:22 Mal 3:10,11
經文:歷代志上 14:1-14:1 註釋:
1; Hiram's kindness to David.
2; David's felicity in people, wives, and children.
8; His two victories against the Philistines.
* A.M. 2961. B.C. 1043. An. Ex. Is. 448. Hiram.
2Sa 5:11,12-16 1Ki 5:1,8-12 2Ch 2:11,12
* Huram. and timber.
22:2 1Ki 5:6,9,10,18 2Ch 2:3,8-10 Ezr 3:7
* to build him.
17:1 2Sa 7:2 1Ki 7:1-12 Jer 22:13-15
經文:歷代志上 14:2-14:2 註釋:
* the Lord.
17:17 2Sa 7:16 Ps 89:20-37
* his kingdom.
Nu 24:7 2Sa 7:8
* because.
1Ki 10:9 2Ch 2:11 Es 4:14 Isa 1:25-27 Da 2:30
經文:歷代志上 14:3-14:3 註釋:
* took.
3:1-4 De 17:17 2Sa 5:13 1Ki 11:3 Pr 5:18,19 Ec 7:26-29 9:9
Mal 2:14 Mt 19:4,5,8
* more. Heb. yet.
經文:歷代志上 14:4-14:4 註釋:
* Shammua.
* Shimea.
2Sa 5:14
* Shammuah. Nathan.
2Sa 12:1 Lu 3:31
* Solomon.
22:9-12 28:5,6 2Sa 12:24,25 1Ki 1:13,17 2:15 3:3,5-11 Mt 1:6
經文:歷代志上 14:5-14:5 註釋:
* Elishua.
* Elishama.
2Sa 5:15
經文:歷代志上 14:6-14:6 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 14:7-14:7 註釋:
* Beeliada.
Probably Beeliada is a mistake for Eliada, as the LXX.,
Syriac, and Arabic read here.
2Sa 5:16
* Eliada. and Eliphalet.
* Eliphelet.
This variation merely arises from the change of a vowel. Here
we have 13; persons mentioned, but only 11; in Samuel; and it is
probable that the duplicate Elishama and Eliphelet dying when
young, were therefore omitted in the latter.
經文:歷代志上 14:8-14:8 註釋:
* A.M. 2957. B.C. 1047. An. Ex. Is. 444. And when.
1Sa 21:11 2Sa 5:17-25
* anointed.
11:3 2Sa 5:3
* all the Philistines.
Ps 2:1-6 Re 11:15-18
經文:歷代志上 14:9-14:9 註釋:
* the valley.
11:15 2Sa 5:18 23:13 Isa 17:5
經文:歷代志上 14:10-14:10 註釋:
* enquired.
14 13:3 1Sa 23:2-4,9-12 2Sa 2:1 5:19,23
* Shall I go.
1Sa 30:8 Pr 3:6
* Go up.
Jud 4:6,7 1Ki 22:6,15-17
經文:歷代志上 14:11-14:11 註釋:
* Baal-perazim.
2Sa 5:20 Isa 28:21
* God.
Ps 18:13-15 44:3 144:1,10
* like the breaking.
Ex 14:28 Job 30:14 Mt 7:27
* Baal-perazim. that is, a place of breaches.
經文:歷代志上 14:12-14:12 註釋:
* were burned.
Ex 12:12 32:20 De 7:5,25 1Sa 5:2-6 2Ki 19:18
經文:歷代志上 14:13-14:13 註釋:
* yet again.
9 2Sa 5:22-25 1Ki 20:22
經文:歷代志上 14:14-14:14 註釋:
* enquired.
10 Ps 27:4
* turn away.
Jos 8:2-7 Joh 9:6,7
經文:歷代志上 14:15-14:15 註釋:
* when thou shalt hear.
Some, taking the word {becha(8b6d),} translated "mulberry trees,"
as a proper name, render, "when thou shalt hear a sound of
going upon the summits of Becha(8b6d);" other understanding
{rosh,} "a top," in the sense of beginning or entrance, read,
"when thou hearest a sound of footsteps at the entrance of the
grove of mulberry trees;" and others think a rustling among
the leaves is intended. The Targumist read, "When thou shalt
hear the sound of the angels coming to thy assistance, then go
out to battle; for an angel is sent from the presence of God,
that he may render thy way prosperous." If there had not been
an evident supernatural interference, David might have thought
that the {ruse de guerre} which he had used, was the cause of
his victory.
Le 26:36 2Ki 7:6 19:7 Ac 2:2
* then thou.
Jud 4:14 7:9,15 1Sa 14:9-22 Php 2:12,13
* for God.
Isa 13:4 45:1,2 Mic 2:12,13
經文:歷代志上 14:16-14:16 註釋:
* did as God.
Ge 6:22 Ex 39:42,43 Joh 2:5 13:17 15:14
* Gibeon.
2Sa 5:25
* Geba. Gazer.
6:67 Jos 16:10
* Gezer.
經文:歷代志上 14:17-14:17 註釋:
* fame of David.
Jos 6:27 2Ch 26:8 Ps 18:44
* the fear of him.
Ex 15:14-16 De 2:25 11:25 Jos 2:9-11 9:24
經文:歷代志上 15:1-15:1 註釋:
1; David having prepared a place for the ark, the priests and
Levites bring it from Obed-edom.
25; He performs the solemnity thereof with great joy.
29; Michal despises him.
* A.M. 2962. B.C. 1042. houses.
2Sa 5:9 13:7,8 14:24
* and he prepared.
3 16:1 17:1-5 Ps 132:5 Ac 7:46
經文:歷代志上 15:2-15:2 註釋:
* None ought to, etc. Heb. It is not to carry the ark of God,
but for the Levites. them hath.
Nu 4:2-15,19,20 7:9 De 10:8 31:9 Jos 3:3 6:6 2Ch 35:3
* to minister.
Nu 8:13,14,24-26 18:1-8 Isa 66:21 Jer 33:17-22
經文:歷代志上 15:3-15:3 註釋:
* gathered.
13:5 1Ki 8:1
* to bring up.
1 2Sa 6:12
經文:歷代志上 15:4-15:4 註釋:
* the children of Aaron.
6:16-20,49,50 12:26-28 Ex 6:16-22 Nu 3:4
經文:歷代志上 15:5-15:5 註釋:
* Uriel.
* brethren. or, kinsmen.
經文:歷代志上 15:6-15:6 註釋:
* Merari.
經文:歷代志上 15:7-15:7 註釋:
* Joel.
11 23:8
經文:歷代志上 15:8-15:8 註釋:
* Elizaphan.
Ex 6:22
* Elzaphan. Shemaiah.
經文:歷代志上 15:9-15:9 註釋:
* Hebron.
6:2 23:12,19 26:23,30,31 Ex 6:18 Nu 26:58
經文:歷代志上 15:10-15:10 註釋:
* Uzziel.
6:18 23:12 Ex 6:18,22
* Amminadab.
經文:歷代志上 15:11-15:11 註釋:
* Zadok.
12:28 18:16 1Sa 22:20-23 2Sa 8:17 15:24-29,35 20:25 1Ki 2:35
* Uriel.
經文:歷代志上 15:12-15:12 註釋:
* Ye are the chief.
9:34 24:31
* sanctify.
14 Ex 19:14,15 2Ch 5:11 29:4,5 30:15 35:6 Eze 48:11
Joh 17:17 Ro 12:1,2 Re 5:9,10
經文:歷代志上 15:13-15:13 註釋:
* ye did it.
13:7-9 2Sa 6:3
* the Lord.
13:10,11 2Sa 6:7,8
* for that.
2 Nu 4:15 7:9 De 31:9 2Ch 30:17-20 Pr 28:13 1Co 11:2 14:40
1Jo 1:8-10
經文:歷代志上 15:14-15:14 註釋:
* sanctified.
Le 10:3 2Ch 29:15,34 Joe 2:16,17
經文:歷代志上 15:15-15:15 註釋:
* bare the ark.
Ex 25:12,12-15 37:3-5 40:20 Nu 4:6,15 7:9 1Ki 8:8 2Ch 5:9
經文:歷代志上 15:16-15:16 註釋:
* And David.
2Ch 30:12 Ezr 7:24-28 Isa 49:23
* chief.
12 Ac 14:23 1Ti 3:1-15 2Ti 2:2 Tit 1:5
* the singers.
27,28 6:31-38 13:8 16:42 23:5 25:1-6 2Ch 29:28-30 Ne 12:36,46
Ps 87:7 149:3 150:3,4
* lifting up.
2Ch 5:13 Ezr 3:10,11 Ne 12:43 Ps 81:1 92:1-3 95:1 100:1
Jer 33:11
經文:歷代志上 15:17-15:17 註釋:
* Heman.
6:33 25:1-5 1Sa 8:2
* Asaph.
6:39 25:2 Ps 73:1 83:1 *titles
* Ethan.
19 6:44
* son of Kishi.
經文:歷代志上 15:18-15:18 註釋:
* the second.
* Zechariah.
* Jaaziel.
* Aziel. Obed-edom.
13:14 16:5,38 26:4,8,15
經文:歷代志上 15:19-15:19 註釋:
16 13:8 16:5,42 25:1,6 Ps 150:5
經文:歷代志上 15:20-15:20 註釋:
* Aziel.
* Jaaziel. Alamoth.
Ps 46:1 *title
經文:歷代志上 15:21-15:21 註釋:
* Mattithiah.
18 16:5
* harps.
25:6,7 1Sa 10:5 Ps 33:2 81:1,2 92:3 150:3
* Sheminith to excel. or, eighth to oversee.
Ps 6:1 12:1 *titles
經文:歷代志上 15:22-15:22 註釋:
* for, etc. or, for the carriage: he instructed about the
carriage. song. Heb. lifting up.
* he instructed.
經文:歷代志上 15:23-15:23 註釋:
9:21-23 2Ki 22:4 25:18 Ps 84:10
經文:歷代志上 15:24-15:24 註釋:
* the priest.
16:6 Nu 10:8 2Ch 5:12,13 Ps 81:13 Joe 2:1,15
* Obed-edom.
經文:歷代志上 15:25-15:25 註釋:
* David.
2Sa 6:12,13-23 1Ki 8:1
* captains.
Nu 31:14 De 1:15 1Sa 8:12 10:19 22:7 Mic 5:2
* Obed-edom.
* with joy.
13:11,12 De 12:7,18 16:11,15 2Ch 20:27,28 Ezr 6:16 Ps 95:1,2
Ps 100:1,2 Php 3:3 4:4
經文:歷代志上 15:26-15:26 註釋:
* God.
29:14 1Sa 7:12 Ac 26:22 2Co 2:16 3:5
* they.
2Sa 6:13 Ps 66:13-15
* bullocks.
Nu 23:1,2,4,29 29:32 Job 42:8 Eze 45:23
經文:歷代志上 15:27-15:27 註釋:
* a robe.
1Sa 2:18 2Sa 6:14
* Chenaniah.
* song. or, carriage.
經文:歷代志上 15:28-15:28 註釋:
* brought up.
2Sa 6:15
* with shouting.
16 13:8 2Ch 5:12,13 Ezr 3:10,11 Ps 47:1-5 68:25 98:4-6
Ps 150:3-5
* the cornet.
Jerome on Ho 5:8; says this instrument is properly called in
Greek [keratine,] from [keras [,] a
horn. The trumpets were, according to Josephus, made of metal,
and about a cubit in length. See Note on Nu 10:2.
經文:歷代志上 15:29-15:29 註釋:
* as the ark.
17:1 Nu 10:33 De 31:26 Jos 4:7 Jud 20:27 1Sa 4:3 Jer 3:16
Heb 9:4
* Lord.
2Sa 6:16
* Michal.
1Sa 18:27,28 19:11-17 25:44 2Sa 3:13,14
* dancing.
Ex 15:20 Ps 30:11 149:3 150:4 Ec 3:4 Jer 30:19 33:11
* she despised.
2Sa 6:20-23 Ps 69:7-9 Ac 2:13 1Co 2:14 2Co 5:13
經文:歷代志上 16:1-16:1 註釋:
1; David's festival sacrifice.
4; He orders a choir to sing thanksgiving.
7; The psalm of thanksgiving.
37; He appoints ministers, porters, priests, and musicians, to
attend continually on the ark.
* they brought.
2Sa 6:17-19 1Ki 8:6 2Ch 5:7
* in the midst.
15:1,12 2Ch 1:4 Ps 132:8
* they offered.
1Ki 8:5 2Ch 5:6 Ezr 6:16-18
經文:歷代志上 16:2-16:2 註釋:
* the burnt.
Le 1:3
* he blessed.
Ge 14:19 20:7 47:7,10 Nu 6:23-27 Jos 22:6 2Sa 6:18
1Ki 8:55,56 2Ch 29:29 30:18-20,27 Lu 24:50,51 Heb 7:7
經文:歷代志上 16:3-16:3 註釋:
* to every one.
2Ch 30:24 35:7,8 Ne 8:10 Eze 45:17 1Pe 4:9
經文:歷代志上 16:4-16:4 註釋:
* he appointed.
15:16 23:2-6 24:3
* minister.
37-42 23:27-32 Nu 18:1-6
* to record.
8 Ps 37:1 70:1 *titles
Ps 103:2 105:5 Isa 62:6,7
* the Lord God.
Ge 17:7 32:28 33:20 *marg:
1Ki 8:15 Ps 72:18 106:48
經文:歷代志上 16:5-16:5 註釋:
* Asaph.
6:39 15:16-24 25:1-6
* psalteries and with harps. Heb. instruments of psalteries
and harps.
15:20,21 2Ch 29:25
經文:歷代志上 16:6-16:6 註釋:
* with trumpets.
Nu 10:8 2Ch 5:12,13 13:12 29:26-28
經文:歷代志上 16:7-16:7 註釋:
* on that day.
2Sa 22:1 23:1,2 2Ch 29:30 Ne 12:24
* into the hand.
Ps 12:1 18:1 *titles
經文:歷代志上 16:8-16:8 註釋:
* Give thanks.
This beautiful hymn, to the 22nd verse, is nearly the same as
Ps 105:1-15; from the 23rd to the 33rd it accords with Ps 96;
and the conclusion agrees with Ps 106, with the addition of
ver. 34-36.
Ps 105:1-15
* call.
Isa 12:4 Ac 9:14 1Co 1:2
* make.
1Ki 8:43 2Ki 19:19 Ps 67:2-4 78:3-6 145:5,6
經文:歷代志上 16:9-16:9 註釋:
* Sing unto.
Ps 95:1,2 96:1,2 98:1-4 Mal 3:16
* psalms.
Mt 26:30 Eph 5:19 Col 3:16 Jas 5:13
* talk ye.
Ps 40:10 71:17 96:3 145:4-6,12
經文:歷代志上 16:10-16:10 註釋:
* Glory.
Ps 34:2 Isa 45:25 Jer 9:23,24 1Co 1:30,31 *Gr:
* let the heart.
28:9 Pr 8:17 Isa 45:19 55:6,7 Jer 29:13 Mt 7:7,8
經文:歷代志上 16:11-16:11 註釋:
* Seek.
Am 5:6 Zep 2:2,3
* his strength.
2Ch 6:41 Ps 68:35 78:61
* seek his.
Ps 4:6 27:8,9 67:1
經文:歷代志上 16:12-16:12 註釋:
* Remember.
8,9 Ps 103:2 111:4
* the judgments.
Ps 19:9 119:13,20,75,137 Ro 11:33 Re 16:7 19:2
經文:歷代志上 16:13-16:13 註釋:
* ye seed.
Ge 17:7 28:13,14 35:10-12
* his chosen.
Ex 19:5,6 De 7:6 Ps 135:4 1Pe 2:9
經文:歷代志上 16:14-16:14 註釋:
* the Lord.
Ex 15:2 Ps 63:1 95:7 100:3 118:28
* his judgments.
12 Ps 48:10,11 97:8,9
經文:歷代志上 16:15-16:15 註釋:
* ye mindful.
Ps 25:10 44:17 105:8 Mal 4:4
* a thousand.
De 7:9
經文:歷代志上 16:16-16:16 註釋:
* which he made.
Ge 15:18 17:2 26:3 28:13,14 35:11 Ex 3:15 Ne 9:8 Lu 1:72,73
Ac 3:25 Ga 3:15-17 Heb 6:13-18
經文:歷代志上 16:17-16:17 註釋:
* for a law.
Ps 78:10
* an everlasting.
Ge 17:7,8 Ex 3:17 Jos 24:11-13 2Sa 23:5 Isa 55:3 Jer 11:2
Heb 13:20
經文:歷代志上 16:18-16:18 註釋:
* Unto thee.
Ge 12:7 13:15 17:8 28:13,14 35:11,12
* lot. Heb. cord.
Mic 2:5
* inheritance.
Nu 26:53-56 De 32:8
經文:歷代志上 16:19-16:19 註釋:
* but few. Heb. but men of number. a few.
Ge 34:30 Ac 7:5 Heb 11:13
經文:歷代志上 16:20-16:20 註釋:
* they went.
Ge 12:10 20:1 46:3,6
經文:歷代志上 16:21-16:21 註釋:
* He suffered.
Ge 31:24,29,42
* he reproved.
Ge 12:17 20:3 Ex 7:15-18 9:13-18
經文:歷代志上 16:22-16:22 註釋:
* Touch.
1Ki 19:16 Ps 105:15 1Jo 2:27
* prophets.
Ge 20:7 27:39,40 48:19,20 49:8-10
經文:歷代志上 16:23-16:23 註釋:
* Sing.
9 Ps 96:1-13 Ex 15:21 Ps 30:4 Isa 12:5
* shew forth.
Ps 40:10 71:15 Isa 51:6-8
經文:歷代志上 16:24-16:24 註釋:
2Ki 19:19 Ps 22:27 Isa 12:2-6 Da 4:1-3
經文:歷代志上 16:25-16:25 註釋:
* great.
Ps 89:7 144:3-6 Isa 40:12-17 Re 15:3,4
* he also.
Ex 15:11 Ps 66:3-5 76:7 Jer 5:22 10:6-10 Re 15:4
經文:歷代志上 16:26-16:26 註釋:
* all the gods.
Le 19:4 Ps 115:4-8 Isa 44:9-20 Jer 10:10-14 Ac 19:26 1Co 8:4
* the Lord.
Ps 102:25 Isa 40:26 42:5 44:24 Jer 10:11,12 Re 14:7
經文:歷代志上 16:27-16:27 註釋:
* Glory.
Ps 8:1 16:11 63:2,3 Joh 17:24
* strength.
Ps 27:4-6 28:7,8 43:2-4
* place.
Ps 96:6
經文:歷代志上 16:28-16:28 註釋:
* Give.
Ps 29:1,2 68:34
* ye kindreds.
Ps 66:1,2 67:4,7 86:8-10 98:4 100:1,2 Isa 11:10
* glory.
29:10-14 Ps 115:1,2 1Co 15:10 2Co 12:9,10 Eph 1:6,17-19
Php 4:13
經文:歷代志上 16:29-16:29 註釋:
* the glory.
Ps 89:5-8 108:3-5 148:13,14 Isa 6:3 Re 4:9-11 5:12-14 7:12
* bring.
1Ki 8:41-43 Ps 68:30,31 72:10,15 Isa 60:6,7
* come.
Ps 95:2 100:4
* the beauty.
2Ch 20:21 Ps 29:2 50:2 96:6,9 110:3 Eze 7:20 24:25
經文:歷代志上 16:30-16:30 註釋:
* before him.
23,25 Ps 96:9 Re 11:15
* stable.
Ps 33:9 93:1 148:5,6 Isa 49:8 Jer 10:12 Col 1:17 Heb 1:3
經文:歷代志上 16:31-16:31 註釋:
* Let the heavens.
Ps 19:1 89:5 148:1-4 Lu 2:13,14 15:10
* let the earth.
Ps 97:1 98:4 Lu 2:10
* The Lord.
Ps 93:1,2 96:10 99:1 145:1 Isa 33:22 Mt 6:13 Re 19:6
經文:歷代志上 16:32-16:32 註釋:
* the sea.
Ps 93:4 98:7
* fields.
Ps 98:8 148:9,10 Isa 44:23
經文:歷代志上 16:33-16:33 註釋:
* the trees.
Ps 96:12,13 Eze 17:22-24
* because.
Ps 98:9 2Th 1:8,10 2Pe 3:14 Re 11:17,18
經文:歷代志上 16:34-16:34 註釋:
* give thanks.
2Ch 5:13 7:3 Ezr 3:11 Ps 106:1 107:1 118:1 136:1-26 Jer 33:11
經文:歷代志上 16:35-16:35 註釋:
* Save us.
Ps 14:7 53:6 79:9,10 106:47,48
* that we may give.
Ps 105:45 Isa 43:21 Eph 1:12 1Pe 2:5,9
* glory.
9,10 Ps 44:8 Isa 45:25 1Co 1:31
經文:歷代志上 16:36-16:36 註釋:
* Blessed.
1Ki 8:15,56 Ps 72:18,19 106:48 Eph 1:3 1Pe 1:3
* said.
De 27:15-26 Ne 8:6 Jer 28:6 1Co 14:16
經文:歷代志上 16:37-16:37 註釋:
* before the ark.
4-6 15:17-24 25:1-6
* as every.
2Ch 8:14 Ezr 3:4
經文:歷代志上 16:38-16:38 註釋:
* Obed-edom.
13:14 26:4-8
* Jeduthun.
經文:歷代志上 16:39-16:39 註釋:
* Zadok.
* before.
21:29 2Ch 1:3,4,13
* in the high.
1Ki 3:4
經文:歷代志上 16:40-16:40 註釋:
* To offer.
Ex 29:38-42 Nu 28:3-8 1Ki 18:29 2Ch 2:4 31:3 Ezr 3:3
Eze 46:13-15 Da 9:21 Am 4:4
* morning and evening. Heb. in the morning and in the evening.
經文:歷代志上 16:41-16:41 註釋:
* Heman.
37 6:39-47 25:1-6
* expressed.
12:31 Nu 1:17 Ezr 8:20
* to give.
34 2Ch 5:13 7:3 20:21 Ezr 3:11 Ps 103:17 Jer 33:11 Lu 1:50
經文:歷代志上 16:42-16:42 註釋:
* trumpets.
2Ch 29:25-28 Ps 150:3-6
* musical instruments.
25:6 Ps 84:10
* porters. Heb. for the gate.
經文:歷代志上 16:43-16:43 註釋:
* all the people.
2Sa 6:19,20 1Ki 8:66
* to bless.
Ge 18:19 Jos 24:15 Ps 101:2
經文:歷代志上 17:1-17:1 註釋:
1; Nathan first approving the purpose of David, to build God a
3; after by the word of God forbids him.
11; He promises him blessings and benefits in his seed.
16; David's prayer and thanksgiving.
* as David.
2Sa 7:1,2-17 2Ch 6:7-9 Da 4:4,29,30
* Nathan.
29:29 2Sa 12:1,25 1Ki 1:8,23,44
* I dwell.
14:1 Jer 22:15 Hag 1:4,9
* the ark.
Ps 132:5 Ac 7:46
* under curtains.
5 15:1 16:1 Ex 40:19-21 2Sa 6:17 2Ch 1:4
經文:歷代志上 17:2-17:2 註釋:
* Do all.
22:7 28:2 Jos 9:14 1Sa 16:7 Ps 20:4 1Co 13:9
* for God.
1Sa 10:7 2Sa 7:3 Zec 8:23 Lu 1:28
經文:歷代志上 17:3-17:3 註釋:
* word.
Nu 12:6 2Ki 20:1-5 Isa 30:21 Am 3:7
經文:歷代志上 17:4-17:4 註釋:
* tell.
Isa 55:8,9 Ro 11:33,34
* Thou shalt not.
22:7,8 28:2,3 2Sa 7:4,5 1Ki 8:19 2Ch 6:8,9
經文:歷代志上 17:5-17:5 註釋:
* dwelt.
2Sa 7:6 1Ki 8:27 2Ch 2:6 6:18 Isa 66:1,2 Ac 7:44-50
* gone. Heb. been. from tent to tent.
Ex 40:2,3 2Sa 6:17 1Ki 8:4,16
經文:歷代志上 17:6-17:6 註釋:
* walked.
Ex 33:14,14,15 40:35-38 Le 26:11,12 Nu 10:33-36 De 23:14
2Co 6:16 Re 2:1
* the judges.
Jud 2:16-18 1Sa 12:11 2Sa 7:7
* tribes.
Ac 13:20
* feed.
11:2 Ps 78:71,72 Jer 23:4 Eze 34:2 Mic 5:4 Mt 2:6 *marg:
經文:歷代志上 17:7-17:7 註釋:
* I took thee.
Ex 3:1-10 1Sa 16:11,12 17:15 2Sa 7:8 Ps 78:70,71 Am 7:14,15
Mt 4:18-22 Lu 5:10
* from following. Heb. from after. ruler.
2Sa 6:21 Mt 2:6
經文:歷代志上 17:8-17:8 註釋:
* I have been.
2 Ge 28:15 1Sa 18:14,28 2Sa 7:9 8:6,8,14 Ps 46:7,11
* have cut off.
1Sa 26:10 31:1-6 2Sa 22:1,38-41 Ps 18:1 *title
* made thee.
17 2Sa 8:13 Ezr 4:20 Ps 71:21 75:7 113:7,8 Lu 1:52
經文:歷代志上 17:9-17:9 註釋:
* I will.
Jer 31:3-12 Eze 34:13
* plant.
Ps 44:2 92:13 Isa 61:3 Jer 24:6 32:41
* and shall be.
Eze 28:4 36:14,15 37:25 Am 9:15 Re 21:4
* the children.
Ps 89:22 Eph 2:2,3 5:6
* waste.
Isa 49:17 60:18
* as at the.
Ex 1:13,14 2:23
經文:歷代志上 17:10-17:10 註釋:
* And since.
Jud 2:14-18 3:8 4:3 6:3-6 1Sa 13:5,6,19,20
* Moreover.
Ps 18:40-50 21:8,9 89:23 110:1 1Co 15:25
* the Lord.
Ex 1:21 2Sa 7:11 Ps 127:1
經文:歷代志上 17:11-17:11 註釋:
* when thy.
29:15,28 Ac 13:36
* go to be.
Ge 15:15 De 31:16 1Ki 1:21 2:10 Ac 2:29
* I will raise.
28:5 2Sa 7:12,13 12:24,25 1Ki 8:20 Ps 132:11 Jer 23:5,6
Ro 1:3,4
經文:歷代志上 17:12-17:12 註釋:
* He shall.
22:9,10 28:6-10 1Ki 5:5 2Ch 3:1-4:22 Ezr 5:11 Zec 6:12,13
Joh 2:19-21 Ac 7:47,48 Col 2:9
* I will.
Ps 89:4,29,36,37 Isa 9:7 Da 2:44 1Co 15:25 Re 11:15
經文:歷代志上 17:13-17:13 註釋:
* I will be.
2Sa 7:14 Ps 89:26-28,29-37 Isa 55:3 Heb 1:5
* my son.
Ps 2:7,12 Lu 9:35 Joh 3:35
* I will not.
2Sa 7:15,16 1Ki 11:12,13,36
* as I took.
12 10:14 1Sa 15:28
經文:歷代志上 17:14-17:14 註釋:
* in mine.
In the parallel passage, it is "thine house, and thy kingdom."
Jehovah was Israel's king; and David and Solomon were merely
his viceregents, as well as types of the Messiah.
Ps 2:6 72:17 89:36 Lu 1:32,33 Heb 3:6
經文:歷代志上 17:15-17:15 註釋:
* According.
2Sa 7:17 Jer 23:28 Ac 20:27
經文:歷代志上 17:16-17:16 註釋:
* sat before.
2Sa 7:18 2Ki 19:14
* Who am I.
Ge 32:10 Ps 144:3 Eph 3:8
* what is.
Jud 6:15 1Sa 9:21
* that thou hast.
Ge 48:15,16 1Sa 7:12 Ac 26:22 2Co 1:10
經文:歷代志上 17:17-17:17 註釋:
* a small thing.
7,8 2Sa 7:19 12:8 2Ki 3:18 Isa 49:6
* thou hast.
11-15 Eph 3:20
* hast regarded.
8 1Ki 3:13 Ps 78:70-72 89:19-37 Php 2:8-11
經文:歷代志上 17:18-17:18 註釋:
* the honour.
1Sa 2:30 2Sa 7:20-24
* thou knowest.
1Sa 16:7 Ps 139:1 Joh 21:17 Re 2:23
經文:歷代志上 17:19-17:19 註釋:
* thy servants.
Isa 37:35 42:1 49:3,5,6 Da 9:17
* according.
Mt 11:26 Eph 1:9-11 3:11
* great things. Heb. greatness.
29:11,12 Ps 111:3,6
經文:歷代志上 17:20-17:20 註釋:
* none.
Ex 15:11 18:11 De 3:24 33:26 Ps 86:8 89:6,8 Isa 40:18,25
Jer 10:6,7 Eph 3:20
* beside thee.
De 4:35,39 1Sa 2:2 Isa 43:10 44:6 45:5,22
* according.
Ps 44:1 78:3,4 Isa 63:12
經文:歷代志上 17:21-17:21 註釋:
* what one.
De 4:7,32-34 33:26-29 Ps 147:20
* redeem.
Ex 3:7,8 19:4-6 De 15:15 Ps 77:15 107:2 111:9 Isa 63:9
Tit 2:14
* make thee.
Ne 9:10 Isa 48:9 63:12 Eze 20:9,10
* greatness.
De 4:34 Ps 65:5 66:3-7 114:3-8 Isa 64:3
* by driving.
De 7:1,2 Jos 10:42 21:43-45 24:11,12 Ps 44:2,3
經文:歷代志上 17:22-17:22 註釋:
* thy people.
Ge 17:7 Ex 19:5,6 De 7:6-8 26:18,19 1Sa 12:22 Jer 31:31-34
Zec 13:9 Ro 9:4-6,25,26 11:1,2-12 1Pe 2:9
經文:歷代志上 17:23-17:23 註釋:
* let the thing.
Ge 32:12 2Sa 7:25-29 Ps 119:49 Jer 11:5 Lu 1:38
經文:歷代志上 17:24-17:24 註釋:
* that thy name.
2Ch 6:33 Ps 21:13 72:19 Mt 6:9,13 Joh 12:28 17:1 Php 2:11
1Pe 4:11
* a God.
Jer 31:1 Heb 8:10 11:16 Re 21:3
* and let.
Ps 90:17
經文:歷代志上 17:25-17:25 註釋:
* told thy servant. Heb. revealed the ear of thy servant.
1Sa 9:15
* that thou.
* found.
Ps 10:17 Eze 36:37 1Jo 5:14,15
經文:歷代志上 17:26-17:26 註釋:
* thou art God.
Ex 34:6,7 Tit 1:2 Heb 6:18
經文:歷代志上 17:27-17:27 註釋:
* let it please. or, it hath pleased. blessest.
Ge 27:33 Ps 72:17 Ro 11:29 Eph 1:3
經文:歷代志上 18:1-18:1 註釋:
1; David subdues the Philistines and the Moabites.
3; He smites Hadarezer and the Syrians.
9; Tou sends Hadoram with presents to bless David.
11; The presents and the spoil David dedicates to God.
13; He puts garrisons in Edom.
14; David's officers.
* A.M. 2964. B.C. 1040. An. Ex. Is. 451. after this.
2Sa 8:1,2-18
* Gath.
1Sa 5:8 27:4 2Sa 1:20 8:1
* Metheg-ammah.
經文:歷代志上 18:2-18:2 註釋:
* He smote.
Nu 24:17 Jud 3:29,30 2Sa 8:2 Ps 60:8 Isa 11:14
* brought gifts.
1Sa 10:27 1Ki 10:2,25 2Ki 3:4,5 Ps 68:29,30 72:8-10 Isa 16:1
經文:歷代志上 18:3-18:3 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] in the
parallel passage, seems an evident mistake for
[Hadar'ezer <See definition 01928>,] Hadarezer; for the
LXX. and Vulgate there, as here, read [Adaraazar,] Adarezer.
The difference arises from the mistake of a [R(8879)sh,] {raish,}
for a [D(836c)eth,] {daleth,} two letters very similar.
# 2Sa 8:3|
* Hadadezer. Zobah.
# 1Sa 14:47; 2Sa 10:6; Ps 60:1; *title|
* by the river.
# Ge 15:18; Ex 23:31|
經文:歷代志上 18:4-18:4 註釋:
* seven thousand.
2Sa 8:4
* seven hundred. David.
The words {wyakker Dawid eth col haraichev,} should be
rendered, "and David disjointed all the chariots;" which is
nearly the rendering of the LXX., [kai paraluse David panta ta
armata.] To have houghed the horses would have been both
unreasonable and inhuman; for, as he had gained so complete a
victory, there was no danger of their falling into the hands
of the enemy; and if he did not choose to keep them, which
indeed the law would not permit, he ought to have killed them
* houghed.
De 17:16 Jos 11:6,9 Ps 20:7 33:16,17
* an hundred chariots.
1Ki 4:2 10:26
經文:歷代志上 18:5-18:5 註釋:
* the Syrians.
2Sa 8:5,6 1Ki 11:23,24
* Damascus. Heb. Darmesek. to help.
Isa 8:9,10
* Zobah.
3 1Sa 14:47
經文:歷代志上 18:6-18:6 註釋:
* became David's.
2 Ps 18:43,44
* Thus the Lord.
17:8 Ps 121:8 Pr 21:31
經文:歷代志上 18:7-18:7 註釋:
* shields.
1Ki 10:16,17 14:26-28 2Ch 9:15,16 12:9,10
經文:歷代志上 18:8-18:8 註釋:
* Tibhath.
2Sa 8:8
* Betah, Berothai. wherewith.
22:14 1Ki 7:15-47 2Ch 4:2-6,12-18 Jer 52:17-23
經文:歷代志上 18:9-18:9 註釋:
* Tou.
2Sa 8:9
* Toi.
經文:歷代志上 18:10-18:10 註釋:
* Hadoram. or Joram.
2Sa 8:10
Joram, in the parallel text, seems a mistake for Hadoram, or
Idoram; for the LXX. have there [Leddouram.]
* enquire. or salute him. congratulate him. Heb. bless him.
* had war. Heb. was the man of wars. all manner.
2Ch 9:1,23,24 Isa 39:1
經文:歷代志上 18:11-18:11 註釋:
* dedicated.
22:14 26:20,26,27 29:14 Ex 35:5,21-24 Jos 6:19 2Sa 8:11,12
1Ki 7:51 2Ki 12:18 2Ch 5:1 Mic 4:13
* the children.
* Amalek.
1Sa 27:8,9 30:13,20 Ps 83:6,7
經文:歷代志上 18:12-18:12 註釋:
* Moreover.
2:16 11:20 1Sa 26:6,8 2Sa 3:30 10:10,14 16:9-11 19:21,22 20:6
2Sa 21:17 23:18
* Abishai. Heb. Abshai.
19:11 *marg:
* slew of the Edomites.
2Sa 7:13 8:13,14 Ps 60:1 *title
Ps 60:8,9
* the valley of Salt.
2Ki 14:7 2Ch 25:11
經文:歷代志上 18:13-18:13 註釋:
* garrisons.
6 1Sa 10:5 13:3 14:1 2Sa 7:14-17 23:14 2Co 11:32
* all the Edomites.
Ge 25:23 27:29,37,40 Nu 24:18
* Thus the Lord.
6 Ps 18:48-50 121:7 144:10
經文:歷代志上 18:14-18:14 註釋:
* David.
* executed.
2Sa 8:15 Ps 78:71,72 89:14 Isa 9:7 32:1,2 Jer 22:15 23:5,6
Jer 33:15
經文:歷代志上 18:15-18:15 註釋:
* Joab.
11:6 2Sa 8:16
* Jehoshaphat.
1Ki 4:3
* recorder. or, remembrancer.
經文:歷代志上 18:16-18:16 註釋:
* Abimelech.
2Sa 8:17
* Ahimelech. Abiathar.
2Sa 20:25 1Ki 2:35
* Shavsha.
2Sa 8:17
* Seraiah.
2Sa 20:25
* Sheva.
1Ki 4:3
* Shisha.
經文:歷代志上 18:17-18:17 註釋:
* Benaiah.
2Sa 8:18 15:18 20:7,23 23:19-23 1Ki 1:38,44 2:34,35
* Cherethites.
Zep 2:5
* about the king. Heb. at the hand of the king.
23:28 *marg:
經文:歷代志上 19:1-19:1 註釋:
1; David's messengers, sent to comfort Hanun, the son of
Nahash, are villainously treated.
6; The Ammonites, strengthened by the Syrians, are overcome by
Joab and Abishai.
16; Shophach, making a new supply of the Syrians, is slain by
* Nahash.
1Sa 11:1,2 12:12 2Sa 10:1-3
經文:歷代志上 19:2-19:2 註釋:
* I will shew.
1Sa 30:26 2Sa 9:1,7 2Ki 4:13 Es 6:3 Ec 9:15
* the children.
Ge 19:37,38 De 23:3-6 Ne 4:3,7 13:1
經文:歷代志上 19:3-19:3 註釋:
* but the princes.
1Sa 29:4,9 1Ki 12:8-11
* Thinkest thou that David. Heb. In thine eyes doth David.
1Co 13:5-7
* to search.
Ge 42:9-18 Jos 2:1-3 Jud 1:23,24 18:2,8-10
經文:歷代志上 19:4-19:4 註釋:
* took David's.
Ps 35:12 109:4,5
* shaved them.
Le 19:27 Isa 15:2 Jer 41:5 48:37
* and cut.
Isa 20:4 47:2,3
* sent them.
2Sa 10:4,5 2Ch 36:16 Mr 12:4 Lu 20:10,11
經文:歷代志上 19:5-19:5 註釋:
* and told David.
Mt 18:31
* at Jericho.
Jos 6:24-26 1Ki 16:34
* your beards.
Jud 16:22
經文:歷代志上 19:6-19:6 註釋:
* had made.
Lu 10:16 1Th 4:8
* odious. Heb. to stink.
Ge 34:30 Ex 5:21 1Sa 13:4 27:12 Ps 14:3 *margins
* a thousand.
2Ch 16:2,3 25:6 27:5 Ps 46:9
* Syria-maachah.
2Sa 10:6
* Zobah.
2Ch 18:3,5,9 1Sa 14:47 2Sa 8:3 1Ki 11:23,24
經文:歷代志上 19:7-19:7 註釋:
* hired.
18:4 Ex 14:9 Jud 4:3 1Sa 13:5 2Ch 14:9 Ps 20:7-9
* thirty.
Thirty-two thousand soldiers, exclusive of the thousand send
by the Maachah, are mentioned in the parallel passage (2; Sa
10:6;) but of chariots or cavalry there is no mention; and the
number of chariots stated here is prodigious, and beyond all
credibility. But as the word {raichev} denotes not only a
chariot, but a rider, (see Isa 21:7,) it ought most probably
to be rendered here, in a collective sense, cavalry; and then
the number of troops will exactly agree with the passage in
Samuel. It is probable that they were a kind of auxiliary
troops who were usually mounted on horses, or in chariots, but
who occasionally served as foot-soldiers.
* the king of Maachah.
This variation exists only in the translation, the original
being the same in both places, {melech m(8461)chah,} "the king of
2Sa 10:6
* king Maachah. Medeba.
Nu 21:30 Jos 13:9 Isa 15:2
經文:歷代志上 19:8-19:8 註釋:
* Joab.
11:6,10-47 2Sa 23:8-39
經文:歷代志上 19:9-19:9 註釋:
* put the battle.
1Sa 17:2 2Sa 18:4 2Ch 13:3 14:10 Isa 28:6 Jer 50:42 Joe 2:5
* the kings.
2Sa 10:8 1Ki 20:1,24
經文:歷代志上 19:10-19:10 註釋:
* when Joab.
2Sa 10:9-14
* battle. Heb. face of the battle. set against.
Jos 8:22 Jud 20:42,43
* choice. or, young men.
經文:歷代志上 19:11-19:11 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] Abishai,
and ['Abshay <See definition 052>,] Abshai, is simply
caused by the elision of [Y(9377)d,] {yood,} which is by no means
* and they set.
# 9|
經文:歷代志上 19:12-19:12 註釋:
* If the Syrians.
Ne 4:20 Ec 4:9-12 Ga 6:2 Php 1:27,28
經文:歷代志上 19:13-19:13 註釋:
* of good.
De 31:6,7 Jos 1:7 10:25 1Sa 4:9 14:6-12 17:32 2Sa 10:12
Ezr 10:4 Ne 4:14 Ps 27:14 1Co 16:13
* let us behave, etc.
In Samuel, "let us play the men;" but the original is the same
in both places, {nithchazzak}.
* let the Lord.
Jud 10:15 1Sa 3:18 2Sa 15:26 16:10,11 Job 1:22
經文:歷代志上 19:14-19:14 註釋:
* they fled.
1Ki 20:13,19-21,28-30 2Ch 13:5-16 Jer 46:15,16
經文:歷代志上 19:15-19:15 註釋:
* they likewise.
Le 26:7 Ro 8:31
經文:歷代志上 19:16-19:16 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] Shobach, and
here [Sh(9377)ph(836b) <See definition 07780>,] Shophach.
# 2Sa 10:16|
* Shobach.
經文:歷代志上 19:17-19:17 註釋:
* upon them.
Instead of {alaihem,} "upon them," it is in 2; Sa 10:17
{chelamah,} "to Helam:" the one seems evidently to be a
mistake for the other.
* and set.
9 Isa 22:6,7
經文:歷代志上 19:18-19:18 註釋:
* fled before Israel.
13,14 Ps 18:32 33:16 46:11
* seven thousand.
In the parallel passage, "the men of seven hundred chariots;"
which difference probably arose from mistaking [N(9677)n,] {noon
final}, which stands for 700, for [Zayin,] {zayin,} with a dot
above, which denotes 7,000, or vice versa: the great
similarity of these letters might easily cause the one to be
mistaken for the other.
* footmen.
If these troops were as we have suppose, a kind of dismounted
cavalry, the terms footmen and horsemen might be indifferently
applied to them.
2Sa 10:18
* horsemen.
經文:歷代志上 19:19-19:19 註釋:
* the servants.
Ge 14:4,5 Jos 9:9-11 2Sa 10:19 1Ki 20:1,12 Ps 18:39,44
Isa 10:8
* would.
14:17 Ps 48:3-6
經文:歷代志上 20:1-20:1 註釋:
1; Rabbah is besieged by Joab, spoiled by David, and the
people thereof tortured.
4; Three giants are slain in three several overthrows of the
* A.M. 2969. B.C. 1035. An. Ex. Is. 456. And it came.
2Sa 11:1
* after the year was expired. Heb. at the return of the year.
1Ki 20:22,26 2Ki 13:20
* wasted.
Isa 6:11 54:16
* Rabbah.
De 3:11 2Sa 12:26 17:27 Jer 49:2,3 Eze 21:20 25:5 Am 1:14
* Joab smote.
2Sa 11:16-25 12:26-31
經文:歷代志上 20:2-20:2 註釋:
* it. Heb. the weight of it. and he brought.
18:11 2Sa 8:11,12
經文:歷代志上 20:3-20:3 註釋:
* And he.
19:2-5 Ps 21:8,9
* and cut.
Instead of {wyyasar,} "and he cut," the parallel passage is
{wyyasem,} "and he put them;" which is also the reading here
of seven MSS. collated by Dr. Kennicott. Sawing asunder,
etc., of human beings, have no more place in the text, than
they had in David's conduct towards the Ammonites.
* with saws.
Ex 1:14 Jos 9:23 Jud 8:6,7,16,17 1Ki 9:21
經文:歷代志上 20:4-20:4 註釋:
* A.M. 2986. B.C. 1018. An. Ex. Is. 473. there arose. or,
there continued. Heb. there stood.
2Sa 21:15
* Gezer. or, Gob.
Jos 12:12 16:3 2Sa 21:18-22
* Sibbechai.
* Sippai.
2Sa 21:18
* Saph. the giant. or, Rapha.
經文:歷代志上 20:5-20:5 註釋:
* Jair.
2Sa 21:19
* Jaare-oregim. Goliath.
1Sa 17:4 21:9 22:10 2Sa 21:19
經文:歷代志上 20:6-20:6 註釋:
* of great stature. Heb. of measure.
2Sa 21:20
* the son of the giant. Heb. born to the giant. or Rapha.
經文:歷代志上 20:7-20:7 註釋:
* defied. or, reproached.
1Sa 17:10,26,36 Isa 37:23
* Shimea.
* Shimma.
1Sa 16:9
* Shammah.
經文:歷代志上 20:8-20:8 註釋:
* they fell.
Jos 14:12 Ec 9:11 Jer 9:23 Ro 8:31
經文:歷代志上 21:1-21:1 註釋:
1; David, tempted by Satan, forces Joab to number the people.
5; The number of the people being brought, David repents of
9; David having three plagues propounded by God, chooses the
14; After the death of seventy thousand, David by repentance
prevents the destruction of Jerusalem.
18; David, by Gad's direction, purchases Ornan's threshing-
floor; where having built an altar, God gives a sign of his
favour by fire, and stays the plague.
28; David sacrifices there, being restrained from Gibeon by
fear of the angel.
* A.M. 2987. B.C. 1017. An. Ex. Is. 474. Satan.
2Sa 24:1 1Ki 22:20-22 Job 1:6-12 2:1,4-6 Zec 3:1 Mt 4:3
Lu 22:31 Joh 13:2 Ac 5:3 Jas 1:13 Re 12:10
* provoked David.
Lu 11:53 Heb 10:24
經文:歷代志上 21:2-21:2 註釋:
* Joab.
2Sa 24:2-4
* Beer-sheba.
Jud 20:1 1Sa 3:20 2Sa 3:10 17:11 24:15 1Ki 4:25 2Ch 30:5
* bring.
* that I may.
De 8:13-17 2Ch 32:25,26 Pr 29:23 2Co 12:7
經文:歷代志上 21:3-21:3 註釋:
* The Lord.
19:13 Ps 115:14 Pr 14:28 Isa 26:15 48:19
* why will.
Ge 20:9 Ex 32:21 Nu 32:9,10 1Sa 2:24 1Ki 14:16
經文:歷代志上 21:4-21:4 註釋:
* the king's.
Ec 8:4
* Wherefore.
Ex 1:17 Da 3:18 Ac 5:29
* and went.
2Sa 24:3-8
經文:歷代志上 21:5-21:5 註釋:
* a thousand.
The Syriac has 800,000; as in the parallel passage of Samuel.
27:23 2Sa 24:9
經文:歷代志上 21:6-21:6 註釋:
* Levi.
Nu 1:47-49
* Joab.
2Sa 3:27 11:15-21 20:9,10
經文:歷代志上 21:7-21:7 註釋:
* And God was displeased with this thing. Heb. And it was
evil in the eyes of God concerning this thing.
2Sa 11:27 1Ki 15:5
* he smote.
14 Jos 7:1,5,13 22:16-26 2Sa 21:1,14 24:1
經文:歷代志上 21:8-21:8 註釋:
* I have sinned.
2Sa 12:13 24:10 Ps 25:11 32:5 Jer 3:13 Lu 15:18,19 1Jo 1:9
* do away.
Ps 51:1-3 Ho 14:2 Joh 1:29
* I have done.
Ge 34:7 1Sa 13:13 26:21 2Sa 13:13 2Ch 10:9
經文:歷代志上 21:9-21:9 註釋:
* Gad.
29:29 1Sa 9:9 2Sa 24:11
經文:歷代志上 21:10-21:10 註釋:
* offer thee. Heb. stretch out. choose.
Jos 24:15 Pr 1:29-31
* that I may.
Nu 20:12 2Sa 12:10-12 1Ki 13:21,22 Pr 3:12 Re 3:19
經文:歷代志上 21:11-21:11 註釋:
* Choose thee. Heb. Take to thee.
Pr 19:20
經文:歷代志上 21:12-21:12 註釋:
* three year's famine.
In 2; Sa 24:13, it is seven years; but the Septuagint has there
[tria [ ete,] three years, as here;
which is, no doubt, the true reading; the letter [Zayin,]
{zayin,} seven, being mistaken for [Giymel,] {gimmel,} three.
Le 26:26-29 2Sa 21:1 24:13 1Ki 17:1 2Ki 8:1 La 4:9 Lu 4:25
* to be destroyed.
Le 26:17,36,37 De 28:15,25,51,52 Jer 42:16
* the sword.
16 Isa 66:16 Jer 12:12 47:6
* even the pestilence.
Le 26:10,25 De 28:22,27,35 Ps 91:6 Eze 14:19-21
* the angel.
15,16 Ex 12:23 2Ki 19:35 Mt 13:49,50 Ac 12:23 Re 7:1-3
* Now therefore.
2Sa 24:13,14
經文:歷代志上 21:13-21:13 註釋:
* I am in.
2Ki 6:15 7:4 Es 4:11,16 Joh 12:27 Php 1:23
* let me fall.
David here acted nobly: had he chosen war, his personal safety
was in no danger, as there was an ordinance preventing him
from going to battle; and in famine, his wealth would have
secured his and his family's support; but all were equally
exposed to the pestilence.
Heb 10:31
* great. or, many.
Ex 34:6,7 Ps 5:7 51:1,2 69:13,16 86:5,15 103:8 106:7 130:7
Isa 55:7 63:7,15 La 3:32 Jon 3:9 4:2 Mic 7:18 Hab 3:2
* but let me.
2Ch 28:9 Pr 12:10 Isa 46:7 47:6
經文:歷代志上 21:14-21:14 註釋:
* the Lord.
Nu 16:46-49 2Sa 24:15
* seventy.
Ex 12:30 Nu 25:9 1Sa 6:19 2Ki 19:35
經文:歷代志上 21:15-21:15 註釋:
* unto Jerusalem.
2Sa 24:16 Jer 7:12 26:9,18 Mt 23:37,38
* repented him.
Ge 6:6 Ex 32:14 Jud 2:18 10:16 Ps 78:38 Jer 18:7-10 Jon 4:2
* It is enough.
Ex 9:28 1Ki 19:4 Ps 90:13 Mr 14:41
* Ornan.
2Sa 24:18
* Araunah.
2Ch 3:1
經文:歷代志上 21:16-21:16 註釋:
* saw the angel.
Ge 3:24 Ex 14:19,20 Nu 22:31 Jos 5:13,14 2Ki 6:17
* clothed.
1Ki 21:27 2Ki 19:1 Ps 35:13,14 Jon 3:6-8
* fell upon.
Nu 14:5 16:22
經文:歷代志上 21:17-21:17 註釋:
* Is it not I.
8 2Sa 24:17 Ps 51:4 Eze 16:63
* these sheep.
1Ki 22:17 Ps 44:11
* what have.
2Sa 24:1
* let thine.
Ge 44:33 Ex 32:32,33 Joh 10:11,12 Ro 9:3 1Jo 3:16
* on my father's.
Ex 20:5 2Sa 12:10 Ps 51:14 Isa 39:7,8
* that they should.
Jos 22:18
經文:歷代志上 21:18-21:18 註釋:
* the angel.
11 Ac 8:26-40
* that David.
15 2Sa 24:18 2Ch 3:1
經文:歷代志上 21:19-21:19 註釋:
* went up.
2Ki 5:10-14 Joh 2:5 Ac 9:6
經文:歷代志上 21:20-21:20 註釋:
* And Ornan, etc. or,
When Ornan turned back and saw the angel, then he, and his
four sons with him, hid themselves.
Jud 6:11
經文:歷代志上 21:21-21:21 註釋:
* bowed himself.
1Sa 25:23 2Sa 24:18-20
經文:歷代志上 21:22-21:22 註釋:
* Grant. Heb. Give.
1Ki 21:2
* thou shalt grant.
2Sa 24:21
* that the plague.
Nu 16:48 25:8
經文:歷代志上 21:23-21:23 註釋:
* Take it.
Ge 23:4-6 2Sa 24:22,23 Jer 32:8
* the oxen.
1Sa 6:14 1Ki 19:21 Isa 28:27,28
經文:歷代志上 21:24-21:24 註釋:
* Nay.
Ge 14:23 23:13 De 16:16,17 Mal 1:12-14 Ro 12:17
* for I will not.
It is a maxim from heaven, "Honour the Lord with thy
substance." He who has a religion that costs him nothing, has
a religion that is worth nothing; nor will any man esteem the
ordinances of God, if those ordinances cost him nothing. Had
Araunah's noble offer been accepted, it would have been
Araunah's sacrifice, not David's; nor would it have answered
the end of turning away the displeasure of the Most High. It
was David that sinned, not Araunah; therefore David must offer
經文:歷代志上 21:25-21:25 註釋:
2Sa 24:24,25
經文:歷代志上 21:26-21:26 註釋:
* built there.
Ex 20:24,25 24:4,5
* and called.
1Sa 7:8,9 Ps 51:15 91:15 99:9 Pr 15:8 Isa 65:24 Jer 33:3
* by fire.
Le 9:24 Jud 6:21 13:20 1Ki 18:24,38 2Ch 3:1 7:1
經文:歷代志上 21:27-21:27 註釋:
* the Lord.
15,16 2Sa 24:16 Ps 103:20 Heb 1:14
* he put.
12,20 Jer 47:6 Eze 21:30 Mt 26:52 Joh 18:11
經文:歷代志上 21:28-21:28 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 21:29-21:29 註釋:
* the tabernacle.
Ex 40:1-38
* Gibeon.
16:39 1Ki 3:4-15 2Ch 1:3,13
經文:歷代志上 21:30-21:30 註釋:
* he was afraid.
16 13:12 De 10:12 2Sa 6:9 Job 13:21 21:6 23:15 Ps 90:11
Ps 119:120 Jer 5:22 10:7 Heb 12:28,29 Re 1:17 15:4
經文:歷代志上 22:1-22:1 註釋:
1; David, foreknowing the place of the temple, prepares
abundance for the building of it.
6; He instructs Solomon in God's promises, and his duty in
building the temple.
17; He charges the princes to assist his son.
* This is the house.
David perhaps had some assurance that this was the place on
which God designed that His house should be built; and perhaps
it was this that induced him to buy not only the
threshing-floor, but probably some adjacent ground also, as
Calmet supposes, that there might be sufficient room for such
a structure.
21:18-28 Ge 28:17 De 12:5-7,11 2Sa 24:18 2Ch 3:1 6:5,6
Ps 78:60,67-69 132:13,14 Joh 4:20-22
* and this is the altar.
2Ki 18:22 2Ch 32:12
經文:歷代志上 22:2-22:2 註釋:
* the strangers.
1Ki 9:20,21 2Ch 2:17 8:7,8 Isa 61:5,6 Eph 2:12,19-22
* masons.
14:1 2Sa 5:11 1Ki 5:17,18 6:7 7:9-12 2Ki 12:12 22:6
Ezr 3:7
經文:歷代志上 22:3-22:3 註釋:
* prepared iron.
* without weight.
14 1Ki 7:47 2Ch 4:18 Jer 52:20
經文:歷代志上 22:4-22:4 註釋:
* cedar trees.
2Sa 5:11 1Ki 5:6-10 2Ch 2:3 Ezr 3:7
經文:歷代志上 22:5-22:5 註釋:
* Solomon.
29:1 1Ki 3:7 2Ch 13:7
* exceeding.
1Ki 9:8 2Ch 2:5 7:21 Ezr 3:12 Isa 64:11 Eze 7:20 Hag 2:3,9
Lu 21:5
* David prepared.
De 31:2-7 Ec 9:10 Joh 3:30 4:37,38 9:4 13:1 2Pe 1:13-15
經文:歷代志上 22:6-22:6 註釋:
* charged him.
Nu 27:18,19,23 De 31:14,23 Mt 28:18-20 Ac 1:2 20:25-31
1Ti 5:21 6:13-17 2Ti 4:1
經文:歷代志上 22:7-22:7 註釋:
* it was in.
17:1-15 28:2-21 29:3 2Sa 7:2 1Ki 8:17-19 2Ch 6:7-9 Ps 132:5
* unto the name.
De 12:5,11,21 1Ki 8:16,20,29 9:3 2Ch 2:4 Ezr 6:12
經文:歷代志上 22:8-22:8 註釋:
* Thou has shed.
28:3 Nu 31:20,24 1Ki 5:3
* thou shalt not.
17:4-10 2Sa 7:5-11
經文:歷代志上 22:9-22:9 註釋:
* a son.
17:11 28:5-7 2Sa 7:12,13
* I will give.
1Ki 4:20,25 5:4 Ps 72:7 Isa 9:6,7
* Solomon. that is, Peaceable.
2Sa 12:24,25
* I will give peace.
Jud 6:24 *marg:
Job 34:29 Isa 26:12 45:7 57:19 66:12 Hag 2:9
經文:歷代志上 22:10-22:10 註釋:
* He shall build.
17:12,13 28:6 2Sa 7:13 1Ki 5:5 8:19,20 Zec 6:12,13
* he shall be.
Ps 89:26 Heb 1:5
* I will establish.
17:14 28:7 Ps 89:36,37 Isa 9:7
經文:歷代志上 22:11-22:11 註釋:
* the Lord.
16 28:20 Isa 26:12 Mt 1:23 28:20 Ro 15:33 2Ti 4:22
經文:歷代志上 22:12-22:12 註釋:
* Only the.
1Ki 3:9-12 2Ch 1:10 Ps 72:1 Pr 2:6,7 Lu 21:15 Jas 1:5
* that thou mayest.
De 4:6 1Ki 11:1-10 Pr 14:8 1Jo 2:3
經文:歷代志上 22:13-22:13 註釋:
* Then shalt.
28:7 Jos 1:7,8 *marg:
1Ki 2:3 2Ch 20:20 Ps 119:6 Jer 22:3,4
* to fulfil.
Mt 3:15 Ac 13:22 Ga 6:2 Jas 2:8
* be strong.
28:10,20 De 31:7,8 Jos 1:6-9,18 1Co 16:13 Eph 6:10 2Ti 2:1
經文:歷代志上 22:14-22:14 註釋:
* trouble. or, poverty.
2Co 8:2
* an hundred thousand.
This, at 5,075(9c2e) 15s. 7削. the talent, would amount to the sum
of 507,578,125(9c2e)
29:4-7 1Ki 10:14
* thousand thousand talents of silver.
This, at 353(9c2e) 11s. 10d. the talent, would amount to
353,591,666(9c2e) 13s. 4d.; and both sums would amount to the
immense sum of 868,169,791(9c2e) 13s. 4d.
* without weight.
3 2Ki 25:16 Jer 52:20
經文:歷代志上 22:15-22:15 註釋:
* hewers and workers of stone and timber. that is, masons and
* all manner.
Ex 28:6 31:3-5 35:32,35 1Ki 7:14
經文:歷代志上 22:16-22:16 註釋:
* the gold.
* Arise.
Jos 1:2,5,9 7:10 Jud 4:14 18:9,10 2Ch 20:17 1Co 15:58
Eph 5:14 Php 2:12,13 4:13
* and the Lord.
11 1Sa 17:37 20:13
經文:歷代志上 22:17-22:17 註釋:
* all the princes.
28:21 29:6 Ro 16:2,3 Php 4:3 3Jo 1:8
經文:歷代志上 22:18-22:18 註釋:
* Is not.
Jud 6:12-14 Ro 8:31
* and hath.
9 23:25 De 12:10,11 Jos 22:4 23:1 2Sa 7:1 Ac 9:31
* before the Lord.
De 20:4 Jos 10:42 1Sa 25:28 2Sa 5:19,20 Ps 44:1-5
經文:歷代志上 22:19-22:19 註釋:
* set your.
16:11 28:9 De 4:29 32:46,47 Ps 27:4 2Ch 20:3 Da 9:3
Hag 1:5 *marg:
Ac 11:23
* arise.
16 Isa 60:1 Ac 22:16
* to bring.
1Ki 8:6,21 2Ch 5:7 6:11
* to the name.
7 1Ki 5:3
經文:歷代志上 23:1-23:1 註釋:
1; David in his old age makes Solomon king.
2; The number and distribution of the Levites.
7; The families of the Gershonites.
12; The sons of Kohath.
21; The sons of Merari.
24; The office of the Levites.
* A.M. 2989. B.C. 1015. An. Ex. Is. 476. old.
29:28 Ge 25:8 35:29 1Ki 1:1 Job 5:26
* he made.
28:5 29:22-25 1Ki 1:33-39
經文:歷代志上 23:2-23:2 註釋:
* he gathered.
13:1 28:1 Jos 23:2 24:1 2Ch 34:29,30
經文:歷代志上 23:3-23:3 註釋:
* the Levites.
Nu 4:2,3,23,30,35,43,47
* thirty and eight.
Nu 4:48
經文:歷代志上 23:4-23:4 註釋:
* twenty.
28-32 6:48 9:28-32 26:20-27
* set forward. or, oversee.
Ne 11:9,22 Ac 20:28
* officers and judges.
26:29-31 De 16:18 17:8-10 2Ch 19:8 Mal 2:7
經文:歷代志上 23:5-23:5 註釋:
* porters.
9:17-27 15:23,24 16:38 26:1-12 2Ch 8:14 35:15 Ezr 7:7 Ne 7:73
* praised.
6:31-48 9:33 15:16-22 16:41,42 25:1-7 2Ch 20:19-21 Ps 87:7
* the instruments.
1Ki 10:12 2Ch 29:25,26
* See on
Am 6:5
經文:歷代志上 23:6-23:6 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] is called
[G(8872)eshown <See definition 01647>,] Gershom, in the
parallel passage, simply by the mutation of [N(9677)n,] {noon,}
into [M(886d),] {mem.}
# 6:1,16|
* Gershom.
# Ex 6:16-24; Nu 26:57,58|
經文:歷代志上 23:7-23:7 註釋:
* Gershonites.
6:17-20 15:7 26:21
* Laadan.
Laadan and Libni, seem to have been two distinct names of this
person; but the variation of Shimi and Shimei exists only in
the translation, the original being uniformly [Shim'iy
Ex 6:17
* Libni, Shimi.
經文:歷代志上 23:8-23:8 註釋:
* Jehiel.
* Joel.
6:33,34 15:7,11,17
經文:歷代志上 23:9-23:9 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 23:10-23:10 註釋:
* Zina.
Zina seems to be a mistake for Zizah; for both the LXX. and
Vulgate read uniformly [Ziza,] Ziza.
* Zizah.
經文:歷代志上 23:11-23:11 註釋:
* Zizah.
* had not many sons. Heb. did not multiply sons.
經文:歷代志上 23:12-23:12 註釋:
* sons of Kohath.
6:2 Ex 6:18 Nu 3:27 26:58
經文:歷代志上 23:13-23:13 註釋:
* The sons.
6:3 Ex 6:20 Nu 3:27 26:59
* separated.
Ex 28:1-14 Nu 18:1 Ps 99:6 106:16 Ac 13:2 Ro 1:1 Ga 1:15
Heb 5:4
* sanctify.
Ex 29:33-37,44 40:9-15 Le 10:10,17,18 16:11-19,32,33 17:2-6
Nu 18:3-8
* to burn incense.
Ex 30:6-10,34-38 Le 10:1,2 16:12,13 Nu 16:16-18,35-40,46,47
1Sa 2:28 2Ch 26:18-21 Lu 1:9 Re 8:3
* to bless.
Le 9:22,23 Nu 6:23-27 De 21:5
經文:歷代志上 23:14-23:14 註釋:
* the man.
De 33:1 Ps 90:1 *title
* his sons.
經文:歷代志上 23:15-23:15 註釋:
* Gershom.
Ex 2:22 4:20 18:3,4
經文:歷代志上 23:16-23:16 註釋:
* Shebuel.
24:20 25:20
* Shubael.
經文:歷代志上 23:17-23:17 註釋:
* the chief. or, the first.
* were very many. Heb. were highly multiplied.
經文:歷代志上 23:18-23:18 註釋:
* Shelomith.
* Shelomoth.
經文:歷代志上 23:19-23:19 註釋:
* Hebron.
12 15:9 24:23
經文:歷代志上 23:20-23:20 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 23:21-23:21 註釋:
* Merari.
6 6:20,30 24:26-30
* Mahli.
Ex 6:19
* Mahali.
經文:歷代志上 23:22-23:22 註釋:
* had no sons.
* brethren. or, kinsmen. took them.
Nu 36:6-8
經文:歷代志上 23:23-23:23 註釋:
* Jeremoth.
* Jerimoth.
經文:歷代志上 23:24-23:24 註釋:
* the sons of Levi.
Nu 10:17,21
* after the house.
Nu 1:4 2:32 3:15,20 4:34-49
* by their polls.
Nu 1:2,18,22 3:47
* from the age.
At first David appointed the Levites to serve from thirty
years old and upwards; but considering, probably, that the
temple which was about to be built, with its courts, chambers,
etc., would require a more numerous ministry, he fixed this
period, by this subsequent regulation, at twenty years and
upwards. In the time of Moses, the age was from thirty years
to fifty: here this latter period is not mentioned, probably
because the service was not so laborious now; for the ark
being fixed, they had no longer any burdens to carry; and
therefore even an old man might continue to serve. See the
Note on Nu 8:24.
* twenty.
3,27 Nu 1:3 4:3 8:24 Ezr 3:8
經文:歷代志上 23:25-23:25 註釋:
* The Lord.
22:18 2Sa 7:1,11
* that they may dwell in Jerusalem. or, and he dwelleth in
1Ki 8:13,27 Ps 9:11 68:16,18 132:13,14 135:21 Isa 8:18
Joe 3:21 Zec 8:3 2Co 6:16 Col 2:9
經文:歷代志上 23:26-23:26 註釋:
* carry.
Nu 4:5,49 7:9
經文:歷代志上 23:27-23:27 註釋:
* by the last.
3,24 2Sa 23:1 Ps 72:20
* numbered. Heb. numbers.
經文:歷代志上 23:28-23:28 註釋:
* office was to wait, etc. Heb. station was at the hand of
18:17 *marg:
Ne 11:24
* for the service.
4 28:13 Nu 3:6-9 1Ki 6:5 2Ch 31:11 Ezr 8:29 Ne 13:4,5,9
Jer 35:4 Eze 41:6-11,26 42:3,13
* purifying.
9:28,29 2Ch 29:5,18,19 35:3-6,11-14
經文:歷代志上 23:29-23:29 註釋:
* for the shewbread.
It was the priests' office to place this bread before the
Lord; and it was their privilege to feed on the old loaves
when they were replaced by the new.
9:31,32 Ex 25:30 Le 24:5-9 1Ki 7:48 2Ch 13:11 29:18 Ne 10:33
Mt 12:4 Heb 9:2
* the fine flour.
9:29-34 Le 6:20-23
* unleavened.
Le 2:4-7 7:9
* pan. or, flat plate. for all manner of measure.
The standards of all weights and measures were in the
sanctuary; and therefore the Levites had the inspection of
weights and measures of every kind, that no fraud might in
this way be committed. Honesty is inseparably connected with
piety; and hence the Levites, being sufficiently numerous,
were employed to superintend the former, as well as the
Le 19:35,36 Nu 3:50
經文:歷代志上 23:30-23:30 註釋:
* stand.
6:31-33 9:33 16:37-42 25:1-7 2Ch 29:25-28 31:2 Ezr 3:10,11
Ps 135:1-3,19,20 137:2-4 Re 5:8-14 14:3
* every morning.
Ex 29:39-42 Ps 92:1-3 134:1,2
經文:歷代志上 23:31-23:31 註釋:
* in the sabbaths.
Le 23:24,39 Nu 10:10 Ps 81:1-4 Isa 1:13,14
* set feasts.
Le 23:1-17 Nu 28:1-29:40
經文:歷代志上 23:32-23:32 註釋:
* keep.
9:27 Nu 1:53 1Ki 8:4
* the charge of the sons.
Nu 3:6-9,38
經文:歷代志上 24:1-24:1 註釋:
1; The division of the sons of Aaron by lot into four and
twenty orders.
20; The Kohathites,
26; and the Merarites, divided by lot.
* the divisions.
23:6 *marg:
* The sons.
6:3 Ex 6:23 28:1 Le 10:1-6 Nu 3:2 26:60
經文:歷代志上 24:2-24:2 註釋:
* Nadab.
Ex 24:1,9
* died.
Le 10:2 Nu 3:4 26:61
* Eleazar.
Ex 29:9 Le 10:12 Nu 16:39,40 18:7
經文:歷代志上 24:3-24:3 註釋:
* Zadok.
6,31 6:4-8,50-53 12:27,28 15:11 16:39 2Sa 20:25 1Ki 2:35
* Ahimelech.
This was Abiathar, who appears to have had the name of
Ahimelech, as well as his father.
1Sa 21:1 22:9-23 2Sa 8:17
經文:歷代志上 24:4-24:4 註釋:
* more.
* sons of Eleazar.
Nu 25:11-13
* according.
經文:歷代志上 24:5-24:5 註釋:
* they divided by lot.
Jos 18:10 Pr 16:33 Jon 1:7 Ac 1:26
* the governors.
9:11 2Ch 35:8 Ne 11:11 Mt 26:3 27:1 Ac 4:1,6 5:24
經文:歷代志上 24:6-24:6 註釋:
* the scribe.
1Ki 4:3 2Ch 34:13 Ezr 7:6 Ne 8:1 Mt 8:19 13:52 23:1,2
* principal household. Heb. house of the father.
經文:歷代志上 24:7-24:7 註釋:
* Jehoiarib.
9:10 Ne 12:19
* Joiarib. to Jedaiah.
Ezr 2:36 Ne 7:39 11:10
經文:歷代志上 24:8-24:8 註釋:
* Harim.
Ezr 2:39 10:21 Ne 7:35 12:15
經文:歷代志上 24:9-24:9 註釋:
* Mijamin.
Ne 12:17
* Miniamin.
經文:歷代志上 24:10-24:10 註釋:
* Abijah.
As the Evangelist Luke mentions the course of Abia, it is
evident that these courses of the priests, established by
David, no doubt under Divine direction, were continued, with
some alterations, till the days of Christ: these records must
therefore have been very useful after the Babylonian
Ne 12:4,17 Lu 1:5
* Abia.
經文:歷代志上 24:11-24:11 註釋:
* Jeshuah.
Ezr 2:36 Ne 7:39 12:10
經文:歷代志上 24:12-24:12 註釋:
* Eliashib.
Ne 12:10
經文:歷代志上 24:13-24:13 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 24:14-24:14 註釋:
* Immer.
Ezr 2:37 10:20 Ne 7:40
經文:歷代志上 24:15-24:15 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 24:16-24:16 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 24:17-24:17 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 24:18-24:18 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 24:19-24:19 註釋:
* the orderings.
9:25 2Ch 23:4,8 1Co 14:40
* under Aaron.
1 Heb 7:11
經文:歷代志上 24:20-24:20 註釋:
* Amram.
6:18 23:12-14
* Shubael.
23:16 26:24
* Shebuel.
經文:歷代志上 24:21-24:21 註釋:
* Rehabiah.
* Isshiah.
Probably Isshiah is a contracted form, or a corruption, of
* Jeshaiah.
經文:歷代志上 24:22-24:22 註釋:
* Izharites.
The original is uniformly Izharites.
23:18 Ex 6:21 Nu 3:19,27
* Izeharites. Shelomoth.
The variation of [Shel(936d)(8c79)th ]
Shelomith, and Shelomoth, arises from the mutation of [V(8376),] {wav} and
[Y(9377)d,] {yood}.
23:18 26:26
* Shelomith.
經文:歷代志上 24:23-24:23 註釋:
* Jeriah.
The following variations exist only in the translation, the
original being uniformly [Yer(8c79)(8368) ]
or [Yer(8c79)(8368)(9677) ] Jerijah,
[M(8c79)k(8368)] Michah, and
[Yishsh(8c79)(8368) ] Isshiah.
23:19 26:31
* Jerijah.
經文:歷代志上 24:24-24:24 註釋:
* Michah.
* Micah.
經文:歷代志上 24:25-24:25 註釋:
* Isshiah.
* Jesiah. Zechariah.
經文:歷代志上 24:26-24:26 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 24:27-24:27 註釋:
* sons.
6:19 23:21 Ex 6:19 Nu 3:20
經文:歷代志上 24:28-24:28 註釋:
* who had no sons.
經文:歷代志上 24:29-24:29 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 24:30-24:30 註釋:
* Mushi.
6:47 23:23
經文:歷代志上 24:31-24:31 註釋:
* lots.
5,6 Nu 26:56
* even the principal.
The whole company being ranged according to their families,
with the proper number of divisions, the order of their
courses was assigned them by lot, without respect to rank or
25:8 26:13
經文:歷代志上 25:1-25:1 註釋:
1; The number and offices of the singers.
8; Their division by lot into four and twenty orders.
* the captains.
That is, the chief of the several orders; not military
12:28 23:2 24:5,6 2Ch 23:1,9
* Asaph.
6:33,39,44 15:16-19
* prophesy.
The word prophesy, here, seems to mean no more than praising
God by singing inspired prophetical hymns.
3 1Sa 10:5 2Ki 3:15 1Co 14:24-26
* harps.
15:16-21 16:4,5,42 23:5-7 2Ch 23:13 29:25,26 31:2 34:12
Ezr 3:10,11 Ne 12:24,27,43-46 Ps 81:2 92:1-3 150:3-5
Re 15:2-4
經文:歷代志上 25:2-25:2 註釋:
* Asaph.
1 6:39 15:17 16:5 Ps 73:1 74:1 75:1 76:1 77:1 78:1 *titles
Ps 79:1 80:1 81:1 82:1 83:1 *titles
* Asarelah.
"Otherwise called Jesharelah. ver. 14."
* under the hands.
3,6 Isa 3:6
* according to the order of the king. Heb. by the hands of the
6 *marg:
經文:歷代志上 25:3-25:3 註釋:
* Jeduthun.
9:16 16:41,42 2Ch 29:14
* Gedaliah.
* Zeri.
* Izri. Jeshaiah.
* Mattithiah.
21 15:18,21
* six.
"With Shimei, mentioned ver. 17." Shimei is not only
mentioned in the parallel passage, but is supplied here by the
Arabic version.
* to give thanks.
Ps 92:1 Jer 33:11
經文:歷代志上 25:4-25:4 註釋:
* Heman.
6:33 15:17,19 16:41,42 Ps 88:1 *title
* Bukkiah.
* Mattaniah.
* Uzziel.
* Azareel.
* Shebuel.
20 24:20
* Shubael. Jerimoth.
22 24:30
* Hananiah.
* Hanani.
* Eliathah.
* Giddalti.
* Romamti-ezer.
* Joshbekashah.
* Mallothi.
* Hothir.
經文:歷代志上 25:5-25:5 註釋:
* the king's seer.
21:9 1Sa 9:9
* words. or, matters. to lift up.
This may denote that he presided over those who used wind
* God gave.
28:5 Ge 33:5 Ps 127:3 Isa 8:18
經文:歷代志上 25:6-25:6 註釋:
* under the hands.
* for song.
1-3 15:22 23:5 Ps 68:25 Eph 5:19 Col 3:16
* according to the king's order. Heb. by the hands of the
2 *marg:
* Asaph.
經文:歷代志上 25:7-25:7 註釋:
* two hundred.
These two hundred and eighty-eight, being twenty-four courses
of twelve each, were more skilful than the other Levites; and
being placed under the twenty-four sons of the chief singers,
they had the four thousand before mentioned divided among
them, to officiate by courses, according to their
instructions: ch. 23:5.
經文:歷代志上 25:8-25:8 註釋:
* cast lots.
24:5 Le 16:8 1Sa 14:41,42 Pr 16:33 Ac 1:26
* ward against ward.
24:31 26:13,16 Ne 12:24
* the teacher.
Even among the twenty-four leaders, some were more expert than
others; some were teachers, and others were scholars; but
every one was taken by the solemn casting of lots, without any
regard to these distinctions. Thus all things were disposed
for the preserving of order, and avoiding all disputes about
precedence: there being no respect had, in this divine
distribution, to birth, but the younger in course preceded the
15:22 2Ch 23:13
經文:歷代志上 25:9-25:9 註釋:
* Joseph.
* the second.
Dr. Geddes, chiefly on the authority of the Arabic, adds, "who
with his sons and brethren were twelve."
經文:歷代志上 25:10-25:10 註釋:
* Zaccur.
經文:歷代志上 25:11-25:11 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >.]
Izri, seems to be called [Tser(8c79) <See definition 06874>,]
Zeri, by the aph(9172)esis of [Y(9377)d,] {yood.}
# 3|
* Zeri.
經文:歷代志上 25:12-25:12 註釋:
* Nethaniah.
經文:歷代志上 25:13-25:13 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 25:14-25:14 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] {Asarelah,}
and here, [Yesar'(886c)(8368) <See definition 03480>,] Jesarelah.
# 2|
* Asarelah.
經文:歷代志上 25:15-25:15 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 25:16-25:16 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 25:17-25:17 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 25:18-25:18 註釋:
* Azareel.
Probably this person was called by both names; or Uzziel may
be a mistake for Azareel. In the Syriac and Arabic, the name
is nearly the same in both places.
* Uzziel.
經文:歷代志上 25:19-25:19 註釋:
* Hashabiah.
經文:歷代志上 25:20-25:20 註釋:
* Shubael.
* Shebuel.
經文:歷代志上 25:21-25:21 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 25:22-25:22 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 25:23-25:23 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 25:24-25:24 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 25:25-25:25 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 25:26-25:26 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 25:27-25:27 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 25:28-25:28 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 25:29-25:29 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 25:30-25:30 註釋:
* Mahazioth.
經文:歷代志上 25:31-25:31 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 26:1-26:1 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] Shelemiah, is merely
an abbreviation of [Meshelemy(8368) <See definition 04920>,]
Meshelemiah, by the aph(9172)esis of [M(886d),] {mem.}
# 14|
* Shelemiah. Asaph.
This variation arises from the rejection of the word
[Ab <See definition 01>,] {av,} "father," and the mutation
of [Y(9377)d,] {yood,} into ['Aleph,] {aleph;} being written in
the parallel passages [Eby(8363)(8370)h <See definition 043>,]
Ebiasaph, and here [Ac(8370)h <See definition 0623>,] Asaph.
# 6:37; 9:19|
* Ebiasaph.
經文:歷代志上 26:2-26:2 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 26:3-26:3 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 26:4-26:4 註釋:
* Obed-edom.
15:18,21,24 16:5,38
經文:歷代志上 26:5-26:5 註釋:
* him.
"That is, Obed-edom, as ch. 13:14."
Ps 128:1
經文:歷代志上 26:6-26:6 註釋:
* mighty men of valour.
They were not only porters, or door keepers, in the ordinary
sense of the word, but they were a military guard to the gate,
as Dr. Delaney suggests that the word {sh(9483)rim} should be
rendered here: and perhaps in this sense alone are we to
understand their office, which appears to have been of
considerable dignity, and conferred only on men of the first
rank. They were appointed to attend the temple, to guard all
the avenues to it, to open and shut all the outer gates, and
attend at them, not only for state but for service. They were
also required to direct and instruct those who were going to
worship in the courts of the sanctuary in the conduct they
were to observe, to encourage those who were timid, to send
back the strangers and unclean, and to guard against thieves
and others who were enemies to the house of God.
8 12:28 Jud 6:12 2Sa 2:7 *marg:
2Ch 26:17 Ne 11:14 1Ti 6:12 2Ti 2:3
經文:歷代志上 26:7-26:7 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 26:8-26:8 註釋:
* able men.
Mt 25:15 1Co 12:4-11 2Co 3:6 1Pe 4:11
經文:歷代志上 26:9-26:9 註釋:
* Meshelemiah.
經文:歷代志上 26:10-26:10 註釋:
* Hosah.
* his father.
經文:歷代志上 26:11-26:11 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 26:12-26:12 註釋:
* wards.
That is, classes against each other. Ward formerly signified
a class or division: we still apply the term to the different
apartments in hospitals, and to the more extensive districts
into which the city of London is divided.
經文:歷代志上 26:13-26:13 註釋:
* as well the small as the great. Heb. or, as well for the
small as for the great.
24:31 25:8
經文:歷代志上 26:14-26:14 註釋:
* Shelemiah.
* Meshelemiah. Zechariah.
經文:歷代志上 26:15-26:15 註釋:
* Asuppim. Heb. gatherings. [.
Or collections; probably the place where either the supplies
of the porters, or the offerings made for the priests and
Levites, were laid up. Obed-edom is said to have had the
charge of the treasures, etc., in 2; Ch 25:24.
經文:歷代志上 26:16-26:16 註釋:
* Hosah.
* Shallecheth.
That is, ejection; probably the gate through which all the
filth which from time to time might accumulate in the temple
and its courts, was cast out.
* causeway.
1Ki 10:5 2Ch 9:4
* ward against ward.
That is, their stations were opposite to each other; as the
north to the south, and the east to the west.
12 25:8 Ne 12:24
經文:歷代志上 26:17-26:17 註釋:
* Eastward.
9:24 2Ch 8:14
* Asuppim.
經文:歷代志上 26:18-26:18 註釋:
* Parbar.
2Ki 23:11
{Parbar} is most probably the same as {parwar,} which denotes
suburbs, (2; Ki 23:11,) in which sense it is often used in the
Chaldee Targums; and consequently this may be considered as
leading to the suburbs.
經文:歷代志上 26:19-26:19 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,]
is essentially the same with
[Q(9372)ach <See definition 07141>,] Korah, merely having a
paragogic [Y(9377)d,] {yood.}
# Nu 16:11|
* Korah.
經文:歷代志上 26:20-26:20 註釋:
* treasures.
22 9:26-30 22:3,4,14-16 28:12-19 29:2-8 1Ki 14:26 15:18
Mal 3:10
* dedicated things. Heb. holy things.
26-28 18:11 1Ki 7:51 2Ch 31:11,12
經文:歷代志上 26:21-26:21 註釋:
* Laadan.
* Libni.
經文:歷代志上 26:22-26:22 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] is the same
as Jehiel, [Yechav'(886c) <See definition 03171>,] with the
addition of [Y(9377)d,] {yood.}
# 23:8; 29:8|
* Jehiel. over the treasures.
# 20; Ne 10:38|
經文:歷代志上 26:23-26:23 註釋:
* Amramites.
23:12 Nu 3:19,27
經文:歷代志上 26:25-26:25 註釋:
* Eliezer.
23:15 Ex 18:4
* Rehabiah.
* Shelomith.
經文:歷代志上 26:26-26:26 註釋:
* over all the treasures.
18:11 22:14 29:2-9 Nu 31:30-52
經文:歷代志上 26:27-26:27 註釋:
* Out.
Jos 6:19
* spoils won in battles. Heb. battles and spoils. to
2Ki 12:14 Ne 10:32-34
經文:歷代志上 26:28-26:28 註釋:
* Samuel.
1Sa 9:9
* Abner.
1Sa 14:47-51 17:55
* Joab.
2Sa 10:9-14
經文:歷代志上 26:29-26:29 註釋:
* Izharites.
23 23:12
* the outward.
2Ch 34:13 Ne 11:16
* officers.
23:4 2Ch 19:8-11
經文:歷代志上 26:30-26:30 註釋:
* the Hebronites.
* men of valour.
* officers. Heb. over the charge.
經文:歷代志上 26:31-26:31 註釋:
* Jerijah.
* Jeriah. fortieth.
29:27 1Ki 2:11
* Jazer.
Jos 21:39 Isa 16:9
經文:歷代志上 26:32-26:32 註釋:
* men of valour.
* chief fathers.
15:12 23:24 24:31
* Reubenites.
* and affairs. Heb. and thing.
2Ch 19:11
There were more Levites employed as judges with the two tribes
and half on the other side of Jordan, than with all the rest
of the tribes; there were two thousand seven hundred, whereas
on the west side of Jordan there were only one thousand seven
hundred. Either those remote tribes were not so well
furnished as the rest with judges of their own, or because
they lay farthest from Jerusalem, on the borders of the
neighbouring nations, and were thus much in danger of being
infected with idolatry, they most needed the help of Levites
to prevent their running into the abominations of the
經文:歷代志上 27:1-27:1 註釋:
1; The twelve captains for every several month.
16; The princes of the twelve tribes.
23; The numbering of the people is hindered.
25; David's several officers.
* the chief fathers.
The patriarchs, chief generals, or generals of brigade. This
enumeration is widely different from that of the preceding.
In that, we have the order and course of the priests and
Levites, in their ecclesiastical ministrations: in this, we
have the account of the order of the civil service, what
related simply to the political state of the king and kingdom.
Twenty-four persons, chosen out of David's worthies, each of
whom had a second, were placed over 24,000; men, who all served
a month at a time, in turn; and this was the whole of their
service during the year, after which they attended to their
own affairs. Thus the king had always on foot a regular force
of 24,000, who served without expense to him or the state, and
were not oppressed by the service, which took up only a
twelfth part of their time; and by this plan he could, at any
time, bring into the field 12; times 24,000; or 288,000; fighting
men, independently of the 12,000; officers, which made in the
whole an effective force of 300,000; soldiers; and all these
men were prepared, disciplined, and ready at a call, without
the smallest expense to the state or the king. These were,
properly speaking, the militia of the Israelitish kingdom.
* captains.
13:1 Ex 18:25 De 1:15 1Sa 8:12 Mic 5:2
* served.
28:1 2Ch 17:12-19 26:11-13
* any matter.
1Ki 5:14
* month.
1Ki 4:7,27
經文:歷代志上 27:2-27:2 註釋:
* Jashobeam.
11:11 2Sa 23:8
* Adino the Eznite.
經文:歷代志上 27:3-27:3 註釋:
* Perez.
Ge 38:29 Nu 26:20
* Pharez. the chief.
Ge 49:8-10 Nu 7:12 10:14
經文:歷代志上 27:4-27:4 註釋:
* Dodai.
11:12 2Sa 23:9
* Dodo.
經文:歷代志上 27:5-27:5 註釋:
* Benaiah.
Or, "Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada the chief priest:" it was
Jehoiada, and not Benaiah, who was a priest.
18:17 1Ki 4:4
* chief priest. or, principal officer.
1Ki 4:5
經文:歷代志上 27:6-27:6 註釋:
* mighty.
11:22-25 2Sa 22:20-23 23:20-23
經文:歷代志上 27:7-27:7 註釋:
* Asahel.
11:26 2Sa 2:18-23 23:24
經文:歷代志上 27:8-27:8 註釋:
* Shamhuth.
If this person was the same as Shammoth the Hararite, or
Shammah the Harodite, it is probable that he took the
denomination Izrahite, from one of his progenitors of the name
Izrah, and derived the other from the place of his residence.
* Shammoth the Hararite.
26:29 2Sa 23:25
* Shammah the Harodite.
經文:歷代志上 27:9-27:9 註釋:
* Ira.
11:28 2Sa 23:26
經文:歷代志上 27:10-27:10 註釋:
* Helez.
* Pelonite.
2Sa 23:26
* Paltite.
經文:歷代志上 27:11-27:11 註釋:
* Sibbecai.
11:29 2Sa 21:18
* Zarhites.
Nu 26:20
經文:歷代志上 27:12-27:12 註釋:
* Anetothite.
* Antothite.
2Sa 23:27
* Anethothite.
經文:歷代志上 27:13-27:13 註釋:
* Maharai.
11:30 2Sa 23:28
* Zarhites.
經文:歷代志上 27:14-27:14 註釋:
* Benaiah.
11:31 2Sa 23:30
經文:歷代志上 27:15-27:15 註釋:
* Heldai.
* Heled.
2Sa 23:29
* Heleb. Othniel.
4:13 Jud 3:9
經文:歷代志上 27:16-27:16 註釋:
* Furthermore.
These persons, called "princes of the tribes," in ver. 22, and
ch. 28:1, appear to have been civil rulers over their several
tribes, and honorary men, without pay, not unlike the lords
lieutenants of our counties. In this enumeration there is no
mention of the tribes of Gad and Asher, probably because they
were joined to the neighbouring tribes; or perhaps, the
account of these has been lost from the register.
經文:歷代志上 27:17-27:17 註釋:
* Hashabiah.
* of the Aaronites.
12:27,28 24:4,31
經文:歷代志上 27:18-27:18 註釋:
* Elihu.
If Elihu be not a mistake for Eliab, it is probable that he
was called by both names.
1Sa 16:6 17:13,29
* Eliab.
經文:歷代志上 27:19-27:19 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 27:20-27:20 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 27:21-27:21 註釋:
* Iddo.
1Ki 4:14
* Abner.
1Sa 14:50,51 2Sa 3:27,37
經文:歷代志上 27:22-27:22 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 27:23-27:23 註釋:
* David took not.
It seems probable, from this passage, that Joab began, by
David's order, to number the children, as well as adults, but
was prevented from finishing the account, probably because the
plague had begun. The numbering of the effective men might
have been deemed a political expedient; but pride and
ostentation alone could dictate the numbering of minors and
infants, especially as God had pronounced the seed of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob, innumerable.
* from twenty.
Nu 1:18
* he would increase.
Ge 15:5 Heb 11:12
經文:歷代志上 27:24-27:24 註釋:
* began to number.
21:1-17 2Sa 24:1-15
* was the number put. Heb. ascended the number.
經文:歷代志上 27:25-27:25 註釋:
* the king's.
2Ki 18:15 2Ch 16:2
* the storehouses.
Ge 41:48 Ex 1:11 2Ch 26:10 Jer 41:8
經文:歷代志上 27:26-27:26 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 27:27-27:27 註釋:
* the increase of the vineyards. Heb. that which was of the
經文:歷代志上 27:28-27:28 註釋:
* And over.
1Ki 4:7
* the sycamore trees.
The Hebrew {shikmin,} Syriac {shekmo,} and Arabic {jummeez,}
is the [sykomoros,] or sycomore, of the Greeks, so called from
[sykos,] a fig-tree, and [moros] a mulberry- tree, because it
resembles the latter in its leaves, and the former in its
fruits. "The sycamore," says Mr. Norden, "is of the height of
a beech, and bears its fruit in a manner quite different from
other trees: it has them on the trunk itself, which shoots
out little sprigs, in form of grape stalks, at the end of
which grow the fruit close to one another, almost like a
cluster of grapes. The tree is always green, and bears fruit
several times in the year, without observing any certain
seasons; for I have seen some sycamores that have given fruit
two months after others. The fruit has the figure and smell
of real figs, but is inferior to them in the taste, having a
disgusting sweetness. Its colour is a yellow, inclining to an
ochre, shadowed by a flesh colour. In the inside it resembles
the common figs, excepting that it has a blackish colouring
with yellow spots. This sort of tree is pretty common in
Egypt; the people, for the greater part, live on its fruit,
and think themselves well regaled when they have a piece of
bread, a couple of sycamore figs, and a pitcher of water."
1Ki 20:27
經文:歷代志上 27:29-27:29 註釋:
* Sharon.
5:16 Isa 65:10
經文:歷代志上 27:30-27:30 註釋:
* the camels.
Job 1:3
* the Ishmaelite.
Ge 47:6
經文:歷代志上 27:31-27:31 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 27:32-27:32 註釋:
* uncle.
2Sa 13:3 21:21
* nephew. scribe.or, secretary.
* son of Hachmoni. [.
* or, Hachmonite.
經文:歷代志上 27:33-27:33 註釋:
* Ahithophel.
2Sa 15:12 16:23 17:23
* Hushai.
2Sa 15:32,37 16:16
* companion.
2Sa 16:17 Ps 55:13 Zec 13:7
經文:歷代志上 27:34-27:34 註釋:
* Abiathar.
1Ki 1:7
* the general.
經文:歷代志上 28:1-28:1 註釋:
1; David in a solemn assembly having declared God's favour to
him, and promise to his son Solomon, exhorts them to fear
9; He encourages Solomon to build the temple.
11; He gives him patterns, gold and silver, etc.
* assembled.
23:2 Jos 23:2 24:1
* the princes.
* the captains of the companies.
* the stewards.
* substance. or, cattle. and of his sons. or, and his sons.
officers. or, eunuchs.
* the mighty men.
經文:歷代志上 28:2-28:2 註釋:
* stood up.
Ge 48:2 1Ki 1:47
* my brethren.
11:1-3 De 17:15,20 Ps 22:22 Heb 2:11,12
* I had in mine heart.
17:1,2 2Sa 7:1,2 1Ki 8:17,18
* rest.
6:31 Ps 132:3-8,14
* the footstool.
Ps 99:5 132:7 Isa 66:1 La 2:1 Ac 7:49
* had made ready.
18:7-11 22:2-5,14
經文:歷代志上 28:3-28:3 註釋:
* Thou shalt.
17:4 22:8 2Sa 7:5-13 1Ki 5:3 2Ch 6:8,9
* blood. Heb. bloods.
經文:歷代志上 28:4-28:4 註釋:
* chose me.
1Sa 16:6-13 2Sa 7:8-16 Ps 78:68-72 89:16-27
* chosen Judah.
5:2 Ge 49:8-10 Ps 60:7 108:8 Heb 7:14
* the house of Judah.
1Sa 16:1
* the house of my father.
1Sa 26:1
* among the sons.
1Sa 16:12,13 Ps 18:19 147:10,11
經文:歷代志上 28:5-28:5 註釋:
* all my sons.
3:1-9 14:4-7
* he hath chosen.
22:9,10 23:1 29:1
* to sit.
17:14 29:23 2Ch 1:8,9 Ps 72:1 *title
Ps 72:1-20 Isa 9:6,7
經文:歷代志上 28:6-28:6 註釋:
* he shall.
17:11-14 22:9,10 2Sa 7:13,14 2Ch 1:9 Zec 6:12,13 Heb 3:3,6
* I have.
Heb 4:5
經文:歷代志上 28:7-28:7 註釋:
* Moreover.
Ps 89:28-37 132:12 Da 2:44
* if.
22:13 1Ki 6:12,13 9:4,5 11:9-13
* constant. Heb. strong.
10 Jos 1:6,7 1Ki 2:2-4
* as at this day.
1Ki 8:61 11:4
經文:歷代志上 28:8-28:8 註釋:
* in the sight.
De 4:6 Mt 5:14-16 Php 2:15,16 Heb 12:1,2
* in the audience.
De 4:26 29:10,15 Ac 10:33
* keep.
Ps 119:4,10,11,27,33,34,44 Pr 2:1-5 3:1 Isa 34:16 Ac 17:11
* that ye may.
De 4:1 5:32,33 6:1-3
* leave it.
Ezr 9:12 Pr 13:22
經文:歷代志上 28:9-28:9 註釋:
* know thou.
De 4:35 1Ki 8:43 Ps 9:10 Jer 9:24 22:16 24:7 31:34 Ho 4:1,6
Joh 8:55 17:3 Ac 17:23,30 Ro 1:28 1Co 15:34 2Co 4:6
* the God.
Ge 28:13 Ex 3:16 15:2 1Ki 3:6 Ps 18:2 89:26
* serve him.
29:9,17-19 1Ki 8:61 2Ki 20:3 22:2 Job 36:11,12 Ps 101:2
Joh 1:47 4:24 Ro 1:29 Heb 12:28
* a willing mind.
2Co 8:12 9:7 1Pe 5:2
* the Lord.
29:17 1Sa 16:7 1Ki 8:39 Ps 7:9 139:2 Pr 17:3 Jer 11:20 17:10
Jer 20:12 Joh 2:25 21:17 Ac 1:24 Heb 4:13 Re 2:23
* the imaginations.
Ge 6:5 8:21 De 31:21 Ps 139:2 Eze 38:10
* if thou seek.
2Ch 15:2 Pr 2:1-6 Isa 45:19 55:6,7 Jer 29:13 Mt 7:7,8
Jas 4:8-11
* if thou forsake.
De 31:16,17 1Ki 9:6-9 Ezr 8:22 Isa 1:28 Heb 10:38,39
經文:歷代志上 28:10-28:10 註釋:
* Take heed now.
6 22:16-19 1Ti 4:16
經文:歷代志上 28:11-28:11 註釋:
* David.
He gave him an ichnograph of the building, with elevations,
sections and specifications of every part; and all this he
himself received by inspiration from God himself, (ver. 12,
19,) just as Moses had received the plan of the tabernacle.
* the pattern.
19 Ex 25:40 26:30 39:42,43 2Ch 3:3 Eze 43:10,11 Heb 8:5
* the porch.
1Ki 6:3 2Ch 3:4 Eze 40:8,9,15,48,49
* the houses.
1Ki 6:16-20 2Ch 3:5-10 Eze 41:13-17 Heb 9:2-8
* the treasuries.
[gnzkyw,] {ganzakkaiv:} the word [gnzk,] {ganzach,}
is supposed to be not Hebrew, but Persian; in which language
we have [gng,] {ganj,} a granary, a hidden treasure, and
[gngwr,] {gunjoor,} and [gngynh,] {gunjineh,} a treasure,
treasury, or barn. It may, however, be a Chaldee form of the
Hebrew [gnz,] {genez,} (from [gnz,] {genaz,} to treasure
up;) the [k] being merely formative, as in [dk,] {dech,}
['lk,] {illaich,} and other Chaldee words.
9:26-29 26:20-27 Lu 21:1
* upper chambers.
1Ki 6:5,6,10 2Ch 3:9 Ne 10:38,39 13:5 Jer 35:2 Eze 41:6-11
* the place.
Ex 25:17-22 40:20,21 1Ki 6:19 2Ch 5:7 Heb 9:5
經文:歷代志上 28:12-28:12 註釋:
* the pattern.
Ex 31:2
* all.
"By the spirit of prophecy that was with him," say the
* that he had by. Heb. that was with him by. the spirit.
Ex 25:40 Heb 8:5
* the treasuries.
26:20,26-28 1Ki 14:26 15:15,18 2Ki 16:8 18:15
經文:歷代志上 28:13-28:13 註釋:
* the courses.
24:1-19 25:1-31
* the vessels.
9:29 1Ki 7:1-51 Ezr 8:25-30,33
經文:歷代志上 28:14-28:14 註釋:
* of gold.
The quantity of gold which was to be put in each article.
經文:歷代志上 28:15-28:15 註釋:
* the candlesticks.
Ex 25:31-39 1Ki 7:19 2Ch 4:7 Zec 4:2,3,11-14 Re 1:12,13,20
Re 2:1
經文:歷代志上 28:16-28:16 註釋:
* tables of shewbread.
Ex 25:23-30 1Ki 7:48 2Ch 4:8,19
經文:歷代志上 28:17-28:17 註釋:
* pure gold.
1Sa 2:13,14 2Ch 4:20-22
* the bowls.
Nu 7:13,14 1Ki 7:48-50 10:21
經文:歷代志上 28:18-28:18 註釋:
* the altar.
Ex 30:1-10 1Ki 7:48
* the chariot.
Ex 25:18-22 1Sa 4:4 1Ki 6:23-30 Ps 18:10 68:17 80:1 99:1
Eze 1:15-24 10:2-22 Heb 9:5
經文:歷代志上 28:19-28:19 註釋:
* the Lord.
11,12 Ex 25:40 26:30
* by his hand upon me.
Eze 1:3 3:14,22
經文:歷代志上 28:20-28:20 註釋:
* Be strong.
10 22:13 De 31:7,8 Jos 1:6-9 1Co 16:13
* fear not.
Ps 27:1,2 Isa 41:10,13 Ro 8:31
* he will not fail thee.
Jos 1:5 Heb 13:5
經文:歷代志上 28:21-28:21 註釋:
* the courses.
* all manner.
Ex 31:3
* willing.
Ex 35:25,26,35 36:1-4 Ro 13:1 Ps 110:3
* also the princes.
22:17,18 Tit 3:1
經文:歷代志上 29:1-29:1 註釋:
1; David, by his example and entreaty,
6; causes the princes and people to offer willingly.
10; David's thanksgiving and prayer.
20; The people, having blessed God, and sacrificed, make
Solomon king.
26; David's reign and death.
* said unto.
* whom.
28:5,6 1Ki 8:19,20
* young.
22:5 1Ki 3:7 2Ch 13:7 Pr 4:3 Jer 1:6,7
* palace.
28:10 2Ch 2:4,5
經文:歷代志上 29:2-29:2 註釋:
* I have prepared.
* with all.
2Ch 31:20,21 Ec 9:10 2Co 8:3 Col 3:23 1Pe 4:10,11
* the gold.
* onyx stones.
{Avney shoham,} which was, probably, not the precious stone or
gem called onyx, but a marble called in Greek {onychites,}
which Pliny mentions as a stone Caramania; for one would
hardly think that gems of any kind were used externally in
such a building as the temple. Antiquity gave both stones
this name, because of their resemblance to the nail of the
Ge 2:12 Ex 28:17,20 39:6,13 Job 28:16 Isa 54:11,12
Re 21:18-21
* glistering stones.
{Avney phuch} seems to denote a kind of black marble, so
called from its colour resembling stibium: so Vulgate {quasi
* marble stones.
{Avney shayish} is rendered in the Targum {avney marmoraiyah,}
"stones of marble," and by the LXX., and Vulgate [Parion] or
[Parinon,] or {marmor Parium,} "Parium marble," which was
remarkable for its bright white colour. Josephus says that
the temple was built of large blocks of white marble,
beautifully polished, so as to produce a most splendid
經文:歷代志上 29:3-29:3 註釋:
* I have set.
Ps 26:8 27:4 84:1,10 122:1-9
* I have.
21:24 Pr 3:9,10
* of mine own proper good. i.e., "of my own private property:"
at present we only use the plural goods to designate property
or personal effects. over and above.
經文:歷代志上 29:4-29:4 註釋:
* gold of Ophir.
1Ki 9:28 Job 28:16
經文:歷代志上 29:5-29:5 註釋:
* who them.
Ex 25:2-9 35:5-9 Nu 7:2,3,10-14,15-89 Ezr 1:4-6 2:68,69
Ezr 7:15,16
* consecrate his service. Heb. to fill his hand.
經文:歷代志上 29:6-29:6 註釋:
* the chief.
27:1-15 Isa 60:3-10
* the rulers.
27:25-34 2Co 9:7
經文:歷代志上 29:7-29:7 註釋:
經文:歷代志上 29:8-29:8 註釋:
* Jehiel the Gershonite.
經文:歷代志上 29:9-29:9 註釋:
* they offered.
De 16:10,11 Jud 5:9 Ps 110:3 2Co 8:3,12 9:7,8
* perfect heart.
17 1Ki 8:61
* David.
Pr 23:15,16 Lu 15:6 Joh 15:11 Php 2:15-17 4:1,10 1Th 3:6-9
經文:歷代志上 29:10-29:10 註釋:
* David blessed.
20 2Ch 20:26-28 Ps 103:1,2 138:1 146:2
* Blessed be thou.
1Ki 8:15 2Ch 6:4 Ps 72:18,19 89:52 Eze 3:12 Eph 1:3 1Ti 1:17
1Pe 1:3 Re 5:12
* Lord God.
Ge 32:28 33:20
* our father.
Isa 63:16 Mt 6:9 Lu 11:3 Ro 1:7 8:15 Php 4:20 2Th 2:16
經文:歷代志上 29:11-29:11 註釋:
* is the greatness.
Da 4:30,34,35 Mt 6:13 1Ti 1:17 6:15,16 Jude 1:25 Re 4:10,11
Re 5:12 7:9-12 19:1
* the victory.
1Sa 15:29 Ps 98:1
* majesty.
Job 37:22 Ps 29:4 45:3,4 104:1 Isa 2:10 Heb 1:3
* all that.
Ge 1:1 14:19,22 Ps 115:15,16 Isa 42:5 66:1 Jer 10:10-12 27:5
Da 4:32,34,35
* thine is the.
Ps 97:1 99:1 145:1,12,13 Da 4:3 Re 11:15
* exalted.
Ne 9:5 Ps 21:13 46:10 47:9 57:5,11 97:9 Isa 2:11 12:4
經文:歷代志上 29:12-29:12 註釋:
* riches.
De 8:18 1Sa 2:7,8 Job 42:10 Ps 75:6,7 113:7,8 Pr 8:18 10:22
Ec 5:19 Lu 1:51-53 Ro 11:35,36
* reignest over all.
Da 6:26
* power.
Job 9:19 Ps 62:11 Isa 43:13 46:10 Da 5:18-21 Mt 28:18
Joh 19:11 Eph 3:20 Re 11:17
* give strength.
2Ch 16:9 Ps 18:31,32 28:8 29:1,11 68:34,35 144:1,2 Isa 40:29
Isa 45:24 Eph 3:16 Php 4:13 Col 1:11
經文:歷代志上 29:13-29:13 註釋:
* we thank.
Ps 105:1 106:1 Da 2:23 2Co 2:14 8:16 9:15 1Th 2:13
經文:歷代志上 29:14-29:14 註釋:
* who am I.
Ge 32:10 2Sa 7:18 Da 4:30 1Co 15:9,10 2Co 3:5 12:9-11
* that we should.
Ps 115:1 Re 4:10
* be able. Heb. retain, or obtain strength. willingly.
9 Php 2:13 Jas 1:17
* all things.
Ge 28:22 Ps 50:10-12 Ro 11:36 1Co 16:2
* of thine own. Heb. of thine hand.
經文:歷代志上 29:15-29:15 註釋:
* For we.
Ge 47:9 Ps 39:12 119:19 Heb 11:13-16 1Pe 2:11
* our days.
Job 14:2 Ps 90:9 102:11 144:4 Ec 6:12 Isa 40:6-8 Jas 4:14
* abiding. Heb. expectation.
經文:歷代志上 29:16-29:16 註釋:
* all this store.
14 2Ch 31:10 Ps 24:1 Ho 2:8 Lu 19:16
經文:歷代志上 29:17-29:17 註釋:
* triest the heart.
28:9 De 8:2 1Sa 16:7 Ps 7:9 51:6 Pr 16:2 21:2 Jer 17:10
Heb 4:12 Re 2:23
* hast pleasures.
Pr 11:20 15:8,9 Joh 1:47
* in the uprightness.
Ac 24:16 2Co 1:12 1Th 2:10
* joy thy people.
9 Phm 1:7,20
* present. Heb. found.
經文:歷代志上 29:18-29:18 註釋:
* Lord God.
Ex 3:6,15 4:5 Mt 22:32 Ac 3:13
* keep.
De 30:6 Ps 51:10 119:166 Jer 10:23 32:39 Php 1:6,9-11
1Th 3:11 Heb 13:21
* in the imagination.
28:9 Ge 6:5 Ps 119:113
* prepare. Heb. stablish.
Ps 10:17 2Th 2:16,17
經文:歷代志上 29:19-29:19 註釋:
* And give.
28:9 Ps 72:1 119:80 Jas 1:17
* the which.
2 22:14
經文:歷代志上 29:20-29:20 註釋:
* Now bless.
16:36 2Ch 20:21 Ps 134:2 135:19-21 145:1-146:2
Ps 148:13,14-150:6
* bowed down.
Ge 24:26,48 Ex 4:31 Ps 29:1,2 95:6
* worshipped.
Ex 14:31 1Sa 12:18 Pr 24:21 1Pe 2:17
經文:歷代志上 29:21-29:21 註釋:
* sacrificed.
1Ki 8:62-65 2Ch 7:4-9 Ezr 6:17
* drink-offerings.
Le 23:13 Nu 15:5,7,10
經文:歷代志上 29:22-29:22 註釋:
* eat and drink.
Ex 24:11 De 12:7,11,12 16:14-17 2Ch 7:10 Ne 8:12 Ec 2:24
Ec 3:12,13 8:15 9:7 1Ti 6:17,18
* the second time.
* and anointed.
1Ki 1:31,34-39
* Zadok.
1Ki 2:35
經文:歷代志上 29:23-29:23 註釋:
* sat on the throne.
17:11,12 28:5 Ps 132:11 Isa 9:6,7
* prospered.
* all Israel.
Ec 8:2-5 Ro 13:1
經文:歷代志上 29:24-29:24 註釋:
* all the princes.
22:17 28:21
* all the sons.
2:3-9 1Ki 1:50-53 2:24,25
* submitted themselves unto. Heb. gave the hand under.
Ge 24:2 47:29 2Ch 30:8 *marg:
Eze 17:18
經文:歷代志上 29:25-29:25 註釋:
* magnified Solomon.
Jos 3:7 4:14 2Ch 1:1 Job 7:17 Ac 19:17
* bestowed.
1Ki 3:13 2Ch 1:12 Ec 2:9 Da 5:18,19 Heb 2:9
經文:歷代志上 29:26-29:26 註釋:
* over all Israel.
18:14 Ps 78:71,72
經文:歷代志上 29:27-29:27 註釋:
* forty years.
3:4 2Sa 5:4,5 1Ki 2:11
經文:歷代志上 29:28-29:28 註釋:
* he died.
David at his death had every thing that his heart could wish:
"he died in a good old age, full of days, riches, and honour;"
having gained more renown than any crowned head ever did.
"David," says Dr. Delaney, "was a true believer, a zealous
adorer of God, teacher of His law and worship, and inspirer of
His praise; a glorious example, a perpetual and inexhaustible
fountain of true piety; a consummate and unrivalled hero; a
skilful and successful captain; a steady patriot; a wise
ruler; a faithful, generous, and magnanimous friend; and what
is yet rarer, a no less generous and magnanimous enemy; a true
penitent, a divine musician, a sublime poet, and an inspired
prophet. By birth a peasant, by merit a prince! In youth a
hero, in manhood a monarch, and in age a saint."
* a good old age.
Ge 15:15 25:8 Job 5:26 Pr 16:31 Ac 13:36
* full of days.
23:1 Ge 35:29 Job 5:26
經文:歷代志上 29:29-29:29 註釋:
* the acts.
1Ki 11:41 14:29 Heb 11:32,33
* book. or, history. Heb. words. Samuel.
1Sa 9:9
* Nathan.
2Sa 7:2-4 12:1-7
* Gad the seer.
經文:歷代志上 29:30-29:30 註釋:
* his might.
2Ki 10:34 14:28
* the times.
Da 2:21 4:23,25