03678 03680舊約新約 Strong's number
03679 出現經文 相關查詢
03679 Kacday {kas-dah'-ee} (亞蘭文)

同於 03778; 形容詞, 種族名稱

AV - Chaldean 1; 1

迦勒底人 = 見 迦勒底(Chaldea [3778]) "破土者"
1) 通常指一個住在巴比倫附近的民族的人民 ( 拉 5:12 )
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03679 Kacday {kas-dah'-ee} (Aramaic)

for 03778;; adj patr

AV - Chaldean 1; 1

Chaldean = see Chaldea "clod-breakers"
1) a group of people usually associated with the area around Babylonia
2) the learned class of priests, magicians, or astronomers