05827 05829舊約新約 Strong's number
05828 出現經文 同源字 相關查詢

   見 deesis     的定義       01162
   見 enteuxis   的定義       01783
   見 proseuche  的定義       04335

01162 是祈求性的, 04335 是宗教用詞, 單使用於禱告呼求神, 而 01162 亦能用於向人的求援. 
01783 表達來到神前傾心吐意, 01162 比較使用於表達個人的需求.
04335 含有全然獻上的意味, 01783 指禱告者的心被神所感而更新改變, 具有孩童般信心.

   See Definition for deesis          1162
   See Definition for enteuxis        1783
   See Definition for proseuche       4335

1163 is petitionary, 4335 is a word of sacred character, being
limited to prayer to God, whereas 1163 may also be used of a
request addressed to man. 1783 expresses confiding access to
God, 1163 gives prominence to the expression of personal need.
4335 to the element of devotion, 1783 to that of childlike
confidence, by representing prayer as the heart's conversion
with God.