05794 05796舊約新約 Strong's number
05795 出現經文 同源字 相關查詢
5795 語氣- 不定詞

    在希臘文中不定詞幾乎等同於英文的不定詞, 譯為 to + 動詞, 例: 相信
    "to believe." 正如英文中的不定詞, 希臘文的不定詞可以作名詞用 
    例: 好死不如賴活著 "It is better to live than to die"), 
    或者表達結果或目的. 按著先知所說的應驗了
    "This was done to fulfil what the prophet said").
5795 Mood - Infinitive

    The Greek infinitive mood in most cases corresponds to the
    English infinitive, which is basically the verb with "to"
    prefixed, as "to believe."

    Like the English infinitive, the Greek infinitive can be used
    like a noun phrase ("It is better to live than to die"), as
    well as to reflect purpose or result ("This was done to
    fulfil what the prophet said").