04531 ![]() 說明:CBOL原文字典以並列的英文字典內容為根據,但是參考了希伯來文 與希臘文字典作過修正補充刪減。因此內容與英文字典不同,敬請留意。 |
4531 saleuo {sal-yoo'-o} 源於 4535; TDNT - 7:65,996; 動詞 欽定本 - shake 10, move 1, shake together 1, that are shaken 1, which cannot be shaken + 3361 1, stir up 1; 15 1) 搖動, 搖撼, 使起波浪 2) (內心的) 攪擾, 波動 |
04531 σαλεύω 動詞 1不定式ἐσάλευσα。被動:完分σεσαλευμένος;1不定式ἐσαλεύθην;1未σαλευθήσομαι,在新約中,僅用及物動詞,「搖動,前後移動,使搖動」或「搖擺」。 一、字義:οἰκίαν房子搖動, 路6:48 。τὴν γῆν地, 來12:26 。被動:κάλαμος ὑπὸ ἀνέμου σαλευόμενος風吹動的蘆葦(參 賽7:2 ) 太11:7 路7:24 ;參 啟6:13 異版。用於一間房子,ἐσαλεύθη ὁ τόπος地方震動,本義:被震動(參 詩18:7 ) 徒4:31 。指地基因地震而搖動(參 詩82:5 ), 徒16:26 。αἱ δυνάμεις τῶν οὐρανῶν σαλευθήσονται天勢都要震動, 太24:29 路21:26 ;參 太13:25 。μέτρον σεσαλευμένον量器連搖帶按, 路6:38 。 |
4531 saleuo {sal-yoo'-o} from 4535; TDNT - 7:65,996; v AV - shake 10, move 1, shake together 1, that are shaken 1, which cannot be shaken + 3361 1, stir up 1; 15 1) a motion produced by winds, storms, waves, etc 1a) to agitate or shake 1b) to cause to totter 1c) to shake thoroughly, of a measure filled by shaking its contents together 2) to shake down, overthrow 2a) to cast down from one's (secure and happy) state 2b) to move, agitate the mind, to disturb one |