03941 03943舊約新約 Strong's number
03942 orig  出現經文 同源字 相關查詢
3942 paroimia {par-oy-mee'-ah}

源自 3844 與可能是 3633 衍生字的複合字;
   TDNT - 5:854,790; 陰性名詞

欽定本 - proverb 4, parable 1; 5

1) 諺語, 格言 ( 彼後2:22 )
2) 隱晦, 象徵性的話
03942 παροιμία, ας, ἡ 名詞
一、「諺語格言」。τὸ τῆς παροιμίας俗語說, 彼後2:22

二、約翰的用法:「暗喻借喻」,藉以指出所隱藏的深奧觀念, 約10:6 16:25 上,下, 約16:29 。*
3942 paroimia {par-oy-mee'-ah}

from a compound of 3844 and perhaps a derivative of 3633;
   TDNT - 5:854,790; n f

AV - proverb 4, parable 1; 5

1) a saying out of the usual course or deviating from the usual
   manner of speaking
   1a) a current or trite saying, a proverb
2) any dark saying which shadows forth some didactic truth
   2a) esp. a symbolic or figurative saying
   2b) speech or discourse in which a thing is illustrated by the use
       of similes and comparisons
   2c) an allegory
       2c1) extended and elaborate metaphor