02819 ![]() 說明:CBOL原文字典以並列的英文字典內容為根據,但是參考了希伯來文 與希臘文字典作過修正補充刪減。因此內容與英文字典不同,敬請留意。 |
2819 kleros {klay'-ros} 可能源自 2806 (取其用小塊木頭抽籤之意); TDNT - 3:758,442; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - lot 8, part 2, inheritance 2, heritage 1; 13 1) 籤, 鬮 2) (分發,分賜的) 一份 |
02819 κλῆρος, ου, ὁ 名詞 一、「籤」。βάλλειν κ. (ἐπί τι)抽籤(為某事) 太27:35 可15:24 路23:34 約19:24 。ἔπεσεν ὁ κ. ἐπὶ τινα某人抽到籤( 拿1:7 ) 徒1:26 下。ἔδωκαν κλήρους αὐτοῖς眾人為他們搖籤, 徒1:26 節上。 二、「抽籤,分得之物」。尤為因神的恩典而臨到人的。λαγχάνειν τὸν κ. τῆς διακονίας ταύτης在職任上得了一分, 徒1:17 ;參25節異版。λαβεῖν κ. ἐν τοῖς ἡγιασμένοις和一切成聖的人同得基業, 徒26:18 。μερίς和κλῆρος連用( 申10:9 12:12 等; 賽57:6 )οὐκ ἔστιν σοι μερὶς οὐδὲ κ. ἐν τῷ λόγῳ τούτῳ在這道上無業無分, 徒8:21 。μερίς τοῦ κ. τῶν ἁγίων ἐν τῷ φωτί與眾聖徒在光明中同得基業, 西1:12 。 彼前5:3 的κλῆροι似乎表示「群」為一個整體,由各部份的會友所組成的,他們被分配為個別的長老或牧人。* |
2819 kleros {klay'-ros} probably from 2806 (through the idea of using bits of wood, etc., for the purpose); TDNT - 3:758,442; n m AV - lot 8, part 2, inheritance 2, heritage 1; 13 1) an object used in casting or drawing lots, which was either a pebble, or a potsherd, or a bit of wood 1a) the lots of several persons concerned, inscribed with their names, were thrown together into a vase, which was then shaken, and he whose lot fell out first upon the ground was the one chosen 2) what is obtained by lot, allotted portion 2a) a portion of the ministry common to the apostles 2b) used of the part which one will have in eternal salvation 2b1) of salvation itself 2b2) the eternal salvation which God has assigned to the saints 2c) of persons 2c1) those whose care and oversight has been assigned to one [allotted charge], used of Christian churches, the administration of which falls to the lot of presbyters |