01049 01051舊約新約 Strong's number
01050 orig  出現經文 同源字 相關查詢
1050 Gaios {gah'-ee-os}

源自拉丁文; 陽性專有名詞

欽定本 - Gaius (of Corinth) 2, Gaius (of Macedonia) 1, Gaius (of Derbe) 1, Gaius (a Christian) 1; 5

該猶 = "主"

1) 來自馬其頓,保羅在以弗所的旅伴 ( 徒19:29 )
2) 來自特庇,與保羅一同從哥林多到耶路撒冷,踏上最後旅程 ( 徒20:4 )
3) 來自哥林多,保羅第二次去那裡,受他接待 ( 林前1:14  羅16:23 )
4) 約翰書信提到的一名信徒 (約叁)
01050 Γάϊος, ου, ὁ 人名
一、來自特庇, 徒20:4

二、來自馬其頓,保羅在以弗所之同伴, 徒19:29

三、來自哥林多,由保羅施洗, 林前1:14 。保羅寫 羅16:23 時,與他同住。

四、約翰三書之受信者( 約三1:1 )。*
1050 Gaios {gah'-ee-os}

of Latin origin;; n pr m

AV - Gaius (of Corinth) 2, Gaius (of Macedonia) 1,
     Gaius (of Derbe) 1, Gaius (a Christian) 1; 5

Gaius = "lord"
1) a Macedonian who accompanied Paul in his travels
2) a man from Derbe who went with Paul from Corinth in his last journey
   to Jerusalem
3) a man of Corinth who was his host in his second sojourn in that city
4) an unknown Christian to whom John's third epistle is addressed