經文:耶利米哀歌 1:1-1:1 註釋:
1; The miseries of Jerusalem and of the Jews pathetically
lamented, with confessions of their sins.
12; The attention and compassion of beholders demanded to this
unprecedented case.
18; The justice of God acknowledged, and his mercy supplicated,
with prayers against insulting foes.
* How doth.
The LXX. have the following words as an introduction: "And it
came to pass after Israel had been carried captive, and
Jerusalem was become desolate, that Jeremiah sat weeping, and
lamented with this lamentation over Jerusalem, and said."
2:1 4:1 Isa 14:12 Jer 50:23 Zep 2:15 Re 18:16,17
* sit.
2:10 Isa 3:26 47:1-15 50:5 52:2,7 Jer 9:11 Eze 26:16
* full.
Ps 122:4 Isa 22:2 Zec 8:4,5
* as a.
Isa 47:8,9 54:4 Re 18:7
* great.
1Ki 4:21 2Ch 9:26 Ezr 4:20
* how is.
5:16 2Ki 23:33,35 Ne 5:4 9:37
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:2-1:2 註釋:
* weepeth.
16 2:11,18,19 Job 7:3 Ps 6:6 77:2-6 Jer 9:1,17-19 13:17
* among.
19 Jer 4:30 22:20-22 30:14 Eze 16:37 23:22-25 Ho 2:7
Re 17:13,16
* none.
9,16,17,21 Isa 51:18,19
* all her friends.
Job 6:15 19:13,14 Ps 31:11 Pr 19:7 Mic 7:5
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:3-1:3 註釋:
* gone.
2Ki 24:14,15 25:11,21 2Ch 36:20,21 Jer 39:9 52:15,27-30
* because of great servitude. Heb. for the greatness of
servitude. she.
2:9 Le 26:36-39 De 28:64-67 Jer 24:9 Eze 5:12
* all.
4:18,19 Jer 16:16 52:8 Am 9:1-4
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:4-1:4 註釋:
* ways.
2:6,7 5:13 Isa 24:4-6 Jer 14:2 Mic 3:12
* all her gates.
2:9 Jer 9:11 10:22 33:10-12
* her priests.
11,12,18-20 2:10,11,19-21 Isa 32:9-14 Joe 1:8-13
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:5-1:5 註釋:
* adversaries.
2:17 3:46 Le 26:17 De 28:43,44 Ps 80:6 89:42 Isa 63:18
Jer 12:7 Mic 7:8-10
* for.
18 3:39-43 Le 26:15-46 De 4:25-27 28:15-68 29:18-28
De 31:16-18,29 32:15-27 2Ch 36:14-16 Ne 9:33,34 Ps 90:7,8
Jer 5:3-9,29 23:14 30:14,15 44:21,22 Eze 8:17,18 9:9 22:24-31
Da 9:7-16 Mic 3:9-12 Zep 3:1-8
* her children.
Jer 39:9 52:27-30
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:6-1:6 註釋:
* from.
2Ki 19:21 Ps 48:2,3 Isa 1:21 4:5 12:6 Zep 3:14-17
* all.
2:1-7 2Sa 4:11,12 Ps 50:2 96:9 132:12,13 Jer 52:8,11,13
Eze 7:20-22 11:22,23 24:21,25
* her princes.
Le 26:36,37 De 28:25 32:30 Jos 7:12,13 Ps 44:9-11 Jer 29:4
Jer 48:41 51:30-32 52:7
* harts.
Jer 14:5,6 47:3
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:7-1:7 註釋:
* remembered.
Job 29:2-25 30:1 Ps 42:4 77:3,5-9 Ho 2:7 Lu 15:17 16:25
* all her.
De 4:7,8,34-37 8:7-9 Ps 147:19,20 Isa 5:1-4
* pleasant. or, desirable.
* the adversaries.
2:15,16 Ps 79:4 137:3,4 Mic 4:11
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:8-1:8 註釋:
* hath.
5,20 1Ki 8:46,47 9:7,9 Isa 59:2-13 Jer 6:28 Eze 14:13-21
Eze 22:2-15
* removed. Heb. become a removing, or wandering.
Jer 15:4 24:9 34:17 Eze 23:46 *marg:
* all.
4:15,16 5:12-16 1Sa 2:30
* they.
4:21 Isa 47:3 Jer 13:22,26 Eze 16:37-39 23:29 Ho 2:3,10
Re 3:18
* she sigheth.
4,11,21,22 2:10 Jer 4:31
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:9-1:9 註釋:
* filthiness.
17 Jer 2:34 13:27 Eze 24:12,13
* she remembereth.
De 32:29 Isa 47:7 Jer 5:31 1Pe 4:17
* came.
1 4:1 Isa 3:8 Jer 13:17,18
* she had.
2,17,21 2:13 Ec 4:1 Isa 40:2 54:11 Ho 2:14 Joh 11:19
* behold.
Ex 3:7,17 4:31 De 26:7 1Sa 1:11 2Sa 16:12 2Ki 14:26 Ne 9:32
Ps 25:18 119:153 Da 9:17-19
* for.
De 32:27 Ps 74:8,9,22,23 140:8 Isa 37:4,17,23,29 Jer 48:26
Jer 50:29 Zep 2:10 2Th 2:4-8
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:10-1:10 註釋:
* spread.
7 Isa 5:13,14 Jer 15:13 20:5 52:17-20
* pleasant. or, desirable.
* seen.
Ps 74:4-8 79:1-7 Isa 63:18 64:10,11 Jer 51:51 52:13 Eze 7:22
Eze 9:7
* whom.
De 23:3 Ne 13:1 Eze 44:7 Mr 13:14
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:11-1:11 註釋:
* seek.
19 2:12 4:4-10 De 28:52-57 2Ki 6:25 Jer 19:9 38:9 52:6
Eze 4:15-17 5:16,17
* relieve the soul. Heb. make the soul to come again.
1Sa 30:11,12
* see.
9,20 2:20 Job 40:4 Ps 25:15-19
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:12-1:12 註釋:
* Is it nothing. or, It is nothing. pass by. Heb. pass by
the way. if.
The church in distress here magnifies her affliction; and yet
no more than there was cause for her groaning was not heavier
than her strokes. She appeals to all spectators--see if there
be any sorrow like unto my sorrow. This might truly be said
of the griefs which were suffered in Jerusalem of old; but
Christians are apt to apply these words too sensibly and
sensitively to themselves, when they are in trouble, and
sometimes more than there is reasonable cause to warrant. All
men feel most from their own burden, and cannot be persuaded
to reconcile themselves to it; how often do thy cry out in the
words we are illustrating! whereas, if their troubles were to
be thrown into a common stock with those of others, and then
an equal dividend made, share and share alike, rather than
approve such an arrangement, each would be ready to say, "Pray
give me my own again."--Henry.
2:13 4:6-11 Da 9:12 Mt 24:21 Lu 21:22,23 23:28-31
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:13-1:13 註釋:
* above.
2:3,4 De 32:21-25 Job 30:30 Ps 22:14 31:10 102:3-5 Na 1:6
Hab 3:16 2Th 1:8 Heb 12:29
* he hath spread.
4:17-20 Job 18:8 19:6 Ps 66:11 Eze 12:13 17:20 32:3 Ho 7:12
* he hath turned.
Ps 35:4 70:2,3 129:5 Isa 42:17
* desolate.
22 5:17 De 28:65 Jer 4:19-29
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:14-1:14 註釋:
* yoke.
De 28:48 Pr 5:22 Isa 14:25 47:6 Jer 27:8,12 28:14
* delivered.
Jer 25:9 34:20,21 37:17 39:1-9 Eze 11:9 21:31 23:28 25:4,7
Ho 5:14
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:15-1:15 註釋:
* trodden.
2Ki 9:33 24:14-16 25:4-7 Ps 119:118 Isa 5:5 28:18
Jer 50:26 *marg:
Da 3:13 Mic 7:10 Mal 4:3 Lu 21:24 Heb 10:29
* crush.
3:34 De 28:33 Jud 10:8 *marg:
Jer 51:34
* the virgin, etc. or, the winepress of the virgin, etc.
Jer 14:17
* as in.
Isa 63:3 Re 14:19,20 19:15
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:16-1:16 註釋:
* I weep.
2,9 2:11,18 3:48,49 Ps 119:136 Jer 9:1,10 13:17 14:17
Lu 19:41-44 Ro 9:1-3
* relieve. Heb. bring back.
Ho 9:12
* my children.
5,6 2:20-22 4:2-10 Jer 9:21
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:17-1:17 註釋:
* spreadeth.
1Ki 8:22,38 Isa 1:15 Jer 4:31
* none.
* commanded.
2:1-8,17-22 2Ki 24:2-4 25:1 Jer 6:3 16:6 21:4,5 34:22
Eze 7:23,24 Ho 8:8 Lu 19:43,44
* Jerusalem.
9 4:15 Le 15:19-27 Eze 36:17
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:18-1:18 註釋:
* Lord.
Ex 9:27 De 32:4 Jud 1:7 Ezr 9:13 Ne 9:33 Ps 119:75 145:17
Jer 12:1 Da 9:7,14 Zep 3:5 Ro 2:5 3:19 Re 15:3,4 16:5-7
* for I.
3:42 1Sa 12:14,15 15:23 Ne 1:6-8 9:26 Ps 107:11 Da 9:9-16
* commandment. Heb. mouth.
1Ki 13:21
* hear.
12 De 29:22-28 1Ki 9:8,9 Jer 22:8,9 25:28,29 49:12
Eze 14:22,23
* my virgins.
5,6 De 28:32-41
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:19-1:19 註釋:
* for.
2 4:17 Job 19:13-19 Jer 2:28 30:14 37:7-9
* my priests.
11 2:20 4:7-9 5:12 Jer 14:15-18 23:11-15 27:13-15
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:20-1:20 註釋:
* Behold.
9,11 Isa 38:14
* my bowels.
2:11 Job 30:27 Ps 22:14 Isa 16:11 Jer 4:19 31:20 48:36
Ho 11:8 Hab 3:16
* for.
18 Le 26:40-42 1Ki 8:47-50 Job 33:27 Ps 51:3,4 Pr 28:13
Jer 2:35 3:13 Lu 15:18,19 18:13,14
* abroad.
4:9,10 De 32:25 Jer 9:21,22 14:18 Eze 7:15
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:21-1:21 註釋:
* have heard that.
* they are.
2:15 4:21,22 Ps 35:15 38:16 137:7 Jer 48:27 50:11
Eze 25:3,6,8,15 26:2 Ob 1:12,13
* thou wilt.
Isa 13:1-14:32 47:1-15 Jer 25:17-29 46:1-51:64 Eze 25:1-32:32
Am 1:1-15
* the day.
Ps 37:13 Joe 3:14
* called. or, proclaimed. they shall.
4:22 De 32:41-43 Ps 137:8,9 Isa 51:22,23 Jer 50:15,29,31
Jer 51:24,49 Mic 7:9,10 Hab 2:15-17 Re 18:6
經文:耶利米哀歌 1:22-1:22 註釋:
* all their.
Ne 4:4,5 Ps 109:14,15 137:7-9 Jer 10:25 18:23 51:35 Lu 23:31
Re 6:10
* my heart.
13 5:17 Isa 13:7 Jer 8:18 Eph 3:13
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:1-2:1 註釋:
1; Jeremiah laments the misery of Jerusalem.
20; He complains thereof to God.
* How.
1:1 4:1
* covered.
3:43,44 Eze 30:18 32:7,8 Joe 2:2
* and cast.
Isa 14:12-15 Eze 28:14-16 Mt 11:23 Lu 10:15,18 Re 12:7-9
* the beauty.
1Sa 4:21 2Sa 1:19 Isa 64:11 Eze 7:20-22 24:21
* his footstool.
1Ch 28:2 Ps 99:5 132:7
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:2-2:2 註釋:
* swallowed.
17,21 3:43 Job 2:3 *marg:
Ps 21:9 Isa 27:11 Jer 13:14 21:7 Eze 5:11 7:4,9 8:18 9:10
Zec 11:5,6 Mt 18:33
* he hath thrown.
5,17 Jer 5:10 Mic 5:11,12 Mal 1:4 2Co 10:4
* brought them down to. Heb. made to touch.
Isa 25:12 26:5 Ps 89:39
* polluted.
Ps 89:39,40 Isa 23:9 *marg:
Isa 43:28 47:6
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:3-2:3 註釋:
* the horn.
Job 16:15 Ps 75:5,10 89:24 132:17 Jer 48:25 Lu 1:69
* he hath.
Ps 74:11
* he burned.
De 32:22 Ps 79:5 89:46 Isa 1:31 42:25 Jer 4:4 7:20 Mal 4:1
Lu 3:17
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:4-2:4 註釋:
* bent.
5 3:3,12,13 Job 6:4 16:12-14 Isa 63:10 Jer 21:5 30:14
* that were pleasant to the eye. Heb. the desirable of the
Eze 24:25
* he poured.
4:1 2Ch 34:21,25 Isa 42:25 51:17-20 63:6 Jer 4:4 7:20
Jer 21:5,12 36:7 Eze 5:13 6:12 22:22 36:18 Na 1:2,6
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:5-2:5 註釋:
* was.
4 Jer 15:1 30:14
* he hath swallowed up Israel.
2 2Ki 25:9 2Ch 36:16,17 Jer 52:13
* mourning.
Eze 2:10
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:6-2:6 註釋:
* he hath violently.
"He hath destroyed the temple, as if it had been no better
than a cottage erected in a garden, while the fruit is
gathering, and then removed, or suffered to decay."
Ps 80:12 89:40 Isa 5:5 63:18 64:11
* tabernacle. or, hedge. as if.
Isa 1:8
* caused.
1:4 Zep 3:18
* the king.
4:16,20 5:12 Isa 43:28 Jer 52:11-27 Eze 12:12,13 17:18
Mal 2:9
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:7-2:7 註釋:
* cast off.
1 Le 26:31,44 Ps 78:59-61 Isa 64:10,11 Jer 7:12-14 26:6,18
Jer 52:13 Eze 7:20-22 24:21 Mic 3:12 Mt 24:2 Ac 6:13,14
* given up. Heb. shut up.
5 2Ch 36:19 Jer 32:29 33:3,4 39:8 Eze 7:24 Am 2:5
* they have.
Ps 72:4-20 74:3-8 Eze 7:21,22
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:8-2:8 註釋:
* purposed.
17 Isa 5:5 Jer 5:10
* stretched.
2Sa 8:2 2Ki 21:13 Isa 28:17 34:11 Am 7:7,8
* he hath not.
Job 13:21 Eze 20:22
* destroying. Heb. swallowing up.
* he made.
Isa 3:26 Jer 14:2
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:9-2:9 註釋:
* gates.
Ne 1:3 Jer 39:2,8 51:30 52:14
* her king.
1:3 4:15,20 De 28:36 2Ki 24:12-16 25:7 Jer 52:8,9 Eze 12:13
Eze 17:20
* the law.
2Ch 15:3 Eze 7:26 Ho 3:4
* her prophets.
Ps 74:9 Am 8:11,12 Mic 3:6,7
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:10-2:10 註釋:
* elders.
4:5,16 5:12,14 Job 2:13 Isa 3:26 47:1,5
* sit.
Sitting on the ground was a posture of mourning and deep
distress. Hence the coin struck by Vespasian, on the capture
of Jerusalem, has on the obverse side a palm tree, the emblem
of Judea, and under it a woman, the emblem of Jerusalem,
sitting down, with her elbow on her knee, and her head
supported by her hand, with the legend {Jud(9161) capta.}
* and keep.
3:28 Jer 8:14 Am 5:13 8:3
* cast up.
Jos 7:6 2Sa 13:19 Job 2:12 Re 18:19
* they have girded.
Isa 15:3 36:22 Eze 7:18 27:31 Joe 1:8
* the virgins.
1:4 Am 8:13
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:11-2:11 註釋:
* eyes.
1:16 3:48-51 1Sa 30:4 Ps 6:7 31:9 69:3 Isa 38:14
* my bowels.
1:20 Jer 4:19
* my liver.
Job 16:13 Ps 22:14
* for.
4:10 Isa 22:4 Jer 8:19-22 9:1 14:17
* because.
19,20 4:3,4,9,10 Lu 23:29
* swoon. or, faint.
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:12-2:12 註釋:
* as the.
Eze 30:24
* soul.
Isa 53:12
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:13-2:13 註釋:
* shall I take.
1:12 Da 9:12
* for.
2Sa 5:20 Ps 60:2 Jer 14:17 Eze 26:3,4
* who can.
Jer 8:22 30:12-15 51:8,9
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:14-2:14 註釋:
* prophets.
Isa 9:15,16 Jer 2:8 5:31 6:13,14 8:10,11 14:13-15 23:11-17
Jer 27:14-16 28:15 29:8,9 37:19 Eze 13:2-16 Mic 2:11 3:5-7
2Pe 2:1-3
* they have.
Isa 58:1 Jer 23:22 Eze 13:22
* false.
Jer 23:14-17,31,32 27:9,10 Eze 22:25,28 Mic 3:5 Zep 3:4
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:15-2:15 註釋:
The combination of scorn, enmity, rage, and exultation, which
the conquerors and spectators manifested at the destruction of
Jerusalem and the temple, are here described with peculiar
pathos and energy. The whole scene is presented to view as in
an exquisitely finished historical painting.
* that pass.
De 29:22-28 1Ki 9:7-9 2Ch 7:21 Jer 18:16
* by. Heb. by the way. clap.
1:8 Job 27:22,23 Eze 25:6 Na 3:19
* they.
16 Jer 19:8 25:9,18 29:18 51:37 Mic 6:16 Zep 2:15
* wag.
2Ki 19:21 Ps 22:7 44:14,15 Isa 37:22 Jer 18:16 Mt 27:39
Mr 15:29
* Is this.
6 Ps 48:2 50:2 Isa 64:11
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:16-2:16 註釋:
* thine.
3:46 Job 16:9,10 Ps 22:13 35:21 109:2
* gnash.
Ps 35:16 37:12 112:10 Ac 7:54
* We have swallowed.
Ps 56:2 57:3 124:3 Isa 49:19 Jer 50:7,17 51:34 Eze 25:3,6,15
Eze 36:3 Ho 8:8 Zep 2:8-10
* we have seen.
Ps 35:21 41:8 Ob 1:12-16
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:17-2:17 註釋:
* done.
8 Le 26:14-46 De 28:15-68 29:18-23 31:16,17 32:15-27
Jer 18:11 Mic 2:3
* he hath thrown.
1,2 Eze 5:11 7:8,9 8:18 9:10
* he hath caused.
1:5 De 28:43,44 Ps 38:16 89:42
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:18-2:18 註釋:
* heart.
Ps 119:145 Isa 26:16,17 Ho 7:14
* O wall.
8 Hab 2:11
* let tears.
1:2,16 3:48,49 Ps 119:136 Jer 4:31 9:1,17,18 13:17 14:17
* the apple.
{Bath ayin,} which sometimes means the pupil of the eye, seems
here to denote tears, the produce of the eye; and therefore
elegantly termed the daughter of the eye.
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:19-2:19 註釋:
* cry out.
Ps 42:8 62:8 119:55,147,148 Isa 26:9 Mr 1:35 Lu 6:12
* watches.
Jud 7:19 Mt 14:25 Mr 13:35
* pour.
1Sa 1:15 7:6 Job 3:24 Ps 62:8 142:2
* lift up.
Ps 28:2 63:4 134:2 141:2 1Ti 2:8
* that faint.
11,12 4:1-9 Isa 51:20 Eze 5:10,16 Na 3:10
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:20-2:20 註釋:
* consider.
Ex 32:11 De 9:26 Isa 63:16-19 64:8-12 Jer 14:20-21
* Shall the women.
4:10 Le 26:29 De 28:53-57 2Ki 6:28,29 Jer 19:9 Eze 5:10
* of a span long. or, swaddled with their hands. shall the
1:19 4:13,16 Ps 78:64 Isa 9:14-17 Jer 5:31 14:15-18 23:11-15
Eze 9:5,6
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:21-2:21 註釋:
* young.
De 28:50 Jos 6:21 1Sa 15:3 2Ch 36:17 Es 3:13 Jer 51:22
Eze 9:6
* my virgins.
1:15,18 Ps 78:63 Jer 9:21 11:22 18:21 Am 4:10
* thou hast killed.
2,17 3:43 Isa 27:11 Jer 13:14 21:7 Eze 5:11 7:4,9 8:18
Eze 9:5,10 Zec 11:6
經文:耶利米哀歌 2:22-2:22 註釋:
* my terrors.
Ps 31:13 Isa 24:17,18 Jer 6:25 20:3 46:5 Am 9:1-4
* those.
De 28:18 Jer 16:2-4 Ho 9:12-16 Lu 23:29,30
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:1-3:1 註釋:
1; The prophet bewails his own calamities.
22; By the mercies of God, he nourishes his hope.
37; He acknowledges God's justice.
55; He prays for deliverance,
64; and vengeance on his enemies.
* the man.
1:12-14 Job 19:21 Ps 71:20 88:7,15,16 Isa 53:3 Jer 15:17,18
Jer 20:14-18 38:6
* his wrath.
That is, the wrath of God.
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:2-3:2 註釋:
* brought.
53-55 2:1 De 28:29 Job 18:18 30:26 Isa 59:9 Jer 13:16
Am 5:18-20 Jude 1:6,13
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:3-3:3 註釋:
2:4-7 De 29:20 Job 31:21 Isa 1:25 63:10
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:4-3:4 註釋:
* My flesh.
Job 16:8,9 Ps 31:9,10 32:3 38:2-8 102:3-5
* he hath.
Ps 22:14 51:8 Isa 38:13 Jer 50:17
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:5-3:5 註釋:
* builded.
7-9 Job 19:8
* gall.
19 Ps 69:21 Jer 8:14 9:15 23:15
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:6-3:6 註釋:
* in dark.
Ps 88:5,6 143:3,7
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:7-3:7 註釋:
* hedged.
9 Job 3:23 19:8 Ps 88:8 Jer 38:6 Ho 2:6
* made.
1:14 5:5 Da 9:12
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:8-3:8 註釋:
44 Job 19:7 30:20 Ps 22:2 80:4 Hab 1:2 Mt 27:46
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:9-3:9 註釋:
* made.
11 Isa 30:28 63:17
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:10-3:10 註釋:
* unto.
Job 10:16 Isa 38:13 Ho 5:14 6:1 13:7,8 Am 5:18-20
* in secret.
Ps 10:9 17:12
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:11-3:11 註釋:
* pulled.
Job 16:12,13 Ps 50:22 Jer 5:6 51:20-22 Da 2:40-44 7:23
Mic 5:8 Ho 6:1
* he hath made.
1:13 Job 16:7 Isa 3:26 Jer 6:8 9:10,11 19:8 32:43 Mt 23:38
Re 18:19
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:12-3:12 註釋:
* bent.
Job 6:4 7:20 16:12,13 Ps 7:12,13 38:2
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:13-3:13 註釋:
* arrows. Heb. sons.
De 32:23 Job 6:4 41:28
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:14-3:14 註釋:
63 Ne 4:2-4 Job 30:1-9 Ps 22:6,7 35:15,16 44:13 69:11,12
Ps 79:4 123:3,4 137:3 Jer 20:7 48:27 Mt 27:39-44 1Co 4:9-13
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:15-3:15 註釋:
* filled.
19 Ru 1:20 Job 9:18 Ps 60:3 Isa 51:17-22 Jer 9:15 23:15
Jer 25:15-18,27
* bitterness. Heb. bitternesses.
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:16-3:16 註釋:
* broken.
Job 4:10 Ps 3:7 58:6
* gravel.
Pr 20:17 Mt 7:9 Lu 11:11
* he hath.
Ps 102:9
* covered me with ashes. or, rolled me in the ashes.
Job 2:8 Jer 6:26 Jon 3:6
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:17-3:17 註釋:
* thou.
1:16 Ps 119:155 Isa 38:17 54:10 59:11 Jer 8:15 14:19 16:5
Zec 8:10
* I forgat.
Ge 41:30 Job 7:7 Jer 20:14-18
* prosperity. Heb. good.
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:18-3:18 註釋:
1Sa 27:1 Job 6:11 17:15 Ps 31:22 116:11 Eze 37:11
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:19-3:19 註釋:
* Remembering. or, Remember.
Ne 9:32 Job 7:7 Ps 89:47,50 132:1
* the.
5,15 Jer 9:15
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:20-3:20 註釋:
* hath.
Job 21:6
* humbled. Heb. bowed.
Ps 42:5,6,11 43:5 146:8
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:21-3:21 註釋:
* recall to my mind. Heb. make to return to my heart.
Ps 77:7-11
* therefore.
24-29 Ps 119:81 130:7 Hab 2:3
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:22-3:22 註釋:
* of.
Ezr 9:8,9,13-15 Ne 9:31 Ps 78:38 106:45 Eze 20:8,9,13,14,21
Eze 20:22 Mal 3:6
* because.
Ps 77:8 86:15 Mic 7:18,19 Lu 1:50
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:23-3:23 註釋:
* new.
Ps 30:5 Isa 33:2 Zep 3:5
* great.
Ex 34:6 Ps 36:5 89:1,2,33 146:6 Tit 1:2 Heb 6:18 10:23
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:24-3:24 註釋:
* my portion.
Ps 16:5 73:26 119:57 142:5 Jer 10:16 51:19
* therefore.
21 1Sa 30:6 1Ch 5:20 Job 13:15 Ps 31:24 33:18 42:11 43:5
Ps 62:8 84:12 130:7 Ro 15:12 1Pe 1:21
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:25-3:25 註釋:
* good.
26 Ge 49:18 Ps 25:8 27:14 37:7,34 39:7 40:1-5 61:1,5
Ps 130:5,6 Isa 25:9 30:18 40:31 64:4 Mic 7:7,8 Zep 3:8
1Th 1:10 Jas 5:7
* to.
1Ch 28:9 2Ch 15:2 19:3 30:19 31:21 Ps 22:26 27:8 69:32 105:3
Ps 119:2 Isa 26:9 55:6 Ho 10:12
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:26-3:26 註釋:
* good.
Ps 52:9 54:6 73:28 92:1 Ga 4:18
* hope.
Heb 3:14 10:35 1Pe 1:13
* quietly.
Ge 49:18 Ex 14:13 2Ch 20:17 Ps 37:7,34 119:166,174 130:5
Isa 30:7,15
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:27-3:27 註釋:
* bear.
Ps 90:12 94:12 119:71 Ec 12:1 Mt 11:29,30 Heb 12:5-12
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:28-3:28 註釋:
2:10 Ps 39:9 102:7 Jer 15:17
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:29-3:29 註釋:
* putteth.
2Ch 33:12 Job 40:4 42:5,6 Eze 16:63 Ro 3:19
* if.
Joe 2:14 Jon 3:9 Zep 2:3 Lu 15:18,19 18:13
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:30-3:30 註釋:
* his.
Job 16:10 Isa 50:6 Mic 5:1 Mt 5:39 26:67 Lu 6:29 2Co 11:20
* filled.
Ps 69:9,20 123:3
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:31-3:31 註釋:
1Sa 12:22 Ps 77:7 94:14 103:8-10 Isa 54:7-10 57:16 Jer 31:37
Jer 32:40 33:24 Mic 7:18 Ro 11:1-6
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:32-3:32 註釋:
22 Ex 2:23 3:7 Jud 10:16 2Ki 13:23 Ps 30:5 78:38 103:11
Ps 106:43-45 Jer 31:20 Ho 11:8 Lu 15:20
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:33-3:33 註釋:
* afflict.
Isa 28:21 Eze 18:32 33:11 Heb 12:9,10
* willingly. Heb. from his heart.
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:34-3:34 註釋:
* crush.
Isa 51:22,23 Jer 50:17,33,34 51:33-36
* all.
Ps 69:33 79:11 102:20 Isa 14:17 49:9 Zec 9:11,12
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:35-3:35 註釋:
* turn.
Ps 12:5 140:12 Pr 17:15 22:22 23:10 Zec 1:15,16
* the most High. or, a superior.
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:36-3:36 註釋:
* the Lord.
2Sa 11:27 Isa 59:15 Hab 1:13
* approveth. Heb. seeth.
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:37-3:37 註釋:
* saith.
Ps 33:9-11 Pr 16:9 19:21 21:30 Isa 46:10 Da 4:35 Ro 9:15
Eph 1:11 Jas 4:13-15
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:38-3:38 註釋:
Job 2:10 Ps 75:7 Pr 29:26 Isa 45:7 Am 3:6
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:39-3:39 註釋:
* doth.
22 Nu 11:11 Pr 19:3 Isa 38:17-19
* complain. or, murmur. a man.
Ge 4:5-7,13,14 Le 26:41,43 Nu 16:41 17:12 Jos 7:6-13
2Sa 6:7,8 2Ki 3:13 6:32 Ezr 9:13 Job 11:6 Isa 51:20 Jon 2:3,4
Jon 4:8,9 Mic 7:9 Heb 12:5-12 Re 16:9
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:40-3:40 註釋:
* search.
1Ch 15:12,13 Job 11:13-15 34:31,32 Ps 4:4 119:59 139:23,24
Eze 18:28 Hag 1:5-9 1Co 11:28,31 2Co 13:5
* turn.
De 4:30 2Ch 30:6,9 Isa 55:7 Ho 6:1 12:6 14:1-3 Joe 2:12,13
Zec 1:3,4 Ac 26:20
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:41-3:41 註釋:
* lift.
Ps 25:1 86:4 143:6-8
* with.
Ps 28:2 63:4 141:2 1Th 2:8
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:42-3:42 註釋:
* transgressed.
1:18 5:16 Ne 9:26 Job 33:27,28 Jer 3:13 Da 9:5-14 Lu 15:18,19
* thou.
2Ki 24:4 Jer 5:7,8 Eze 24:13 Zec 1:5
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:43-3:43 註釋:
* covered.
2:1 Ps 44:19
* persecuted.
66 Ps 83:15
* thou hast slain.
2:2,17,21 2Ch 36:16,17 Eze 7:9 8:18 9:10
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:44-3:44 註釋:
* covered.
Ps 97:2
* that.
8 Ps 80:4 Jer 14:11 15:1 Zec 7:13
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:45-3:45 註釋:
* as.
14 2:15 4:14,15 De 28:13,37,44 1Co 4:13
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:46-3:46 註釋:
* have.
2:16 Ex 11:7 Job 30:9-11 Ps 22:6-8 44:13,14 79:4,10
Mt 27:38-45
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:47-3:47 註釋:
* Fear.
Isa 24:17,18 51:19 Jer 48:43,44 Lu 21:35
* desolation.
1:4,13 2:1-9
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:48-3:48 註釋:
2:11,18 Ps 119:136 Jer 4:19 9:1,18 13:17 Ro 9:1-3
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:49-3:49 註釋:
* and.
1:16 Ps 77:2 Jer 14:17
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:50-3:50 註釋:
2:20 5:1 Ps 80:14-16 102:19,20 Isa 62:6,7 63:15 64:1
Da 9:16-19
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:51-3:51 註釋:
* eye.
Ge 44:34 1Sa 30:3,4 Jer 4:19-21 14:18 Lu 19:41-44
* mine heart. Heb. my soul. because of all. or, more than
all. the daughters.
1:18 2:21 5:11 Jer 11:22 14:16 19:9
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:52-3:52 註釋:
* chased.
Jer 37:15,16 38:4-6
* without.
1Sa 24:10-15 25:28,29 26:18-20 Ps 35:7,19 69:4 109:3 119:161
Jer 37:18 Joh 15:25
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:53-3:53 註釋:
* cut.
Jer 37:20 38:6,9
* and.
Da 6:17 Mt 27:60,66
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:54-3:54 註釋:
* Waters.
Ps 18:4 69:1,2,15 124:4,5 Jon 2:3-5
* I said.
18 Job 17:11-16 Ps 31:22 Isa 38:10-13 Eze 37:11 2Co 1:8-10
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:55-3:55 註釋:
2Ch 33:11,12 Ps 18:5,6 40:1,2 69:13-18 116:3,4 130:1,2
Ps 142:3-7 Jer 38:6 Jon 2:2-4 Ac 16:24-28
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:56-3:56 註釋:
* hast.
2Ch 33:13,19 Job 34:28 Ps 3:4 6:8,9 34:6 66:19 116:1,2
Isa 38:5
* hide.
Ps 55:1 88:13,14 Ro 8:26
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:57-3:57 註釋:
* drewest.
Ps 69:18 145:18 Isa 58:9 Jas 4:8
* thou saidst.
Isa 41:10,14 43:1,2 Jer 1:17 Ac 18:9 27:24 Re 1:17 2:10
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:58-3:58 註釋:
* thou hast pleaded.
1Sa 25:39 Ps 35:1 Jer 51:36
* thou hast redeemed.
Ge 48:16 Ps 34:22 71:23 103:4
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:59-3:59 註釋:
* thou hast.
Jer 11:19-21 15:10 18:18-23 20:7-10 37:1-38:28
* judge.
Ge 31:42 Ps 9:4 26:1 35:1,23 43:1 1Pe 2:23
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:60-3:60 註釋:
59 Ps 10:14 Jer 11:19,20
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:61-3:61 註釋:
30 5:1 Ps 74:18 89:50 Zep 2:8
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:62-3:62 註釋:
* lips.
Ps 59:7,12 140:3 Eze 36:3
* and.
Jer 18:18
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:63-3:63 註釋:
* their sitting.
Ps 139:2
* I am.
14 Job 30:9
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:64-3:64 註釋:
Ps 28:4 Jer 11:20 50:29 2Ti 4:14 Re 6:10 18:6
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:65-3:65 註釋:
* sorrow. or, obstinacy.
De 2:30 Isa 6:10
* thy.
De 27:15-26 Ps 109:17,18 1Co 16:22
經文:耶利米哀歌 3:66-3:66 註釋:
* Persecute.
43 Ps 35:6 73:15
* under.
De 7:24 25:19 29:20 2Ki 14:27 Jer 10:11
* heavens.
Ps 8:3 115:16 Isa 66:1
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:1-4:1 註釋:
1; Zion bewails her pitiful estate.
13; She confesses her sins.
21; Edom is threatened and Zion comforted.
* How is the gold.
2Ki 25:9,10 Isa 1:21 14:12 Eze 7:19-22
* the stones.
2:19 Jer 52:13 Mt 24:2 Mr 13:2 Lu 21:5,6
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:2-4:2 註釋:
* sons.
Isa 51:18 Zec 9:13
* how.
2:21 5:12 Isa 30:14 Jer 19:11 22:28 Ro 9:21-23 2Co 4:7
2Ti 2:20
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:3-4:3 註釋:
* sea monsters. or, sea calves. the daughter.
2:20 4:10 Le 26:29 De 28:52-57 2Ki 6:26-29 Isa 49:15 Jer 19:9
Eze 5:10 Lu 23:28,29
* like.
Job 39:13-16 Ro 1:31
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:4-4:4 註釋:
* tongue.
Ps 22:15 137:6
* the young.
1:11 2:11,12 De 32:24 Mt 7:9-11
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:5-4:5 註釋:
* that did.
De 28:54-56 Isa 3:16-26 24:6-12 32:9-14 Jer 6:2,3 Am 6:3-7
Lu 7:25 1Ti 5:6 Re 18:7-9
* brought.
2Sa 1:24 Pr 31:21 Lu 16:19
* embrace.
Job 24:8 Jer 9:21,22 Lu 15:16
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:6-4:6 註釋:
* punishment of the iniquity of the daughter. or, iniquity of
the daughter, etc.
Isa 1:9,10 Eze 16:48-50 Mt 11:23,24 Lu 10:12 12:47
* the punishment.
9 Ge 19:25 Da 9:12 Mt 24:21
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:7-4:7 註釋:
* Nazarites.
Nu 6:2-21 Jud 13:5,7 16:17 Am 2:11,12 Lu 1:15
* purer.
1Sa 16:12 Ps 51:7 144:12 So 5:10 Da 1:15
* their polishing.
{Gizrathom,} rendered by Dr. Blayney, "their veining," from
{gazar,} to divide, intersect, as the blue veins do the
surface of the body. This is approved by Dr. A. Clarke, who
remarks, "Milk will most certainly well apply to the whiteness
of the skin; the beautiful ruby to the ruddiness of the flesh;
and the sapphire, in its clear, transcendent purple, to the
veins in a fine complexion."
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:8-4:8 註釋:
* visage.
5:10 Job 30:17-19,30 Joe 2:6 Na 2:10
* blacker than a coal. Heb. darker than blackness.
Or, as Dr. Blayney renders, "duskier than the dawn;"
{shachar} signifying "the dawn of the day, when it is neither
light nor dark, but between both, at which time objects are
not easily distinguished."
* they.
1,2 Ru 1:19,20 Job 2:12 Isa 52:14
* their skin.
Job 19:20 33:21 Ps 32:4 38:3 102:3-5,11 119:83
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:9-4:9 註釋:
* for.
Le 26:39 Eze 24:23 33:10
* pine away. Heb. flow out.
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:10-4:10 註釋:
* hands.
3 2:20 2Ki 6:26-29
* pitiful.
Isa 49:15
* in.
3:48 De 28:56,57 2Ki 6:29
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:11-4:11 註釋:
* Lord.
22 2:8,17 De 32:21-25 Jer 6:11,12 7:20 9:9-11 13:14
Jer 14:15,16 15:1-4 19:3-11 23:19,20 24:8-10 Eze 20:47,48
Eze 22:31 Da 9:12 Zec 1:6 Lu 21:22
* kindled.
De 32:22 Jer 21:14
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:12-4:12 註釋:
De 29:24-28 1Ki 9:8,9 Ps 48:4-6
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:13-4:13 註釋:
* the sins.
2:14 Jer 5:31 6:13 14:14 23:11-21 Eze 22:26-28 Mic 3:11,12
Zep 3:3,4
* that.
Jer 2:20 26:8,9 Mt 23:31,33-37 Lu 11:47-51 Ac 7:52
1Th 2:15,16
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:14-4:14 註釋:
* have wandered.
De 28:28,29 Isa 29:10-12 56:10 59:9-11 Mic 3:6,7 Mt 15:14
Eph 4:18
* they have polluted.
Nu 35:33 Isa 1:15 Jer 2:34
* so that men could not touch. or, in that they could not but
Nu 19:16 Ho 4:2
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:15-4:15 註釋:
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:16-4:16 註釋:
* anger. or, face. hath.
Ge 49:7 Le 26:33-39 De 28:25,64,65 32:26 Jer 15:4 24:9
* he will.
Ps 106:44 Heb 8:9
* they respected.
5:12 2Ki 25:18-21 2Ch 36:17 Isa 9:14-16
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:17-4:17 註釋:
* our eyes.
1:19 2Ki 24:7 Isa 20:5 30:1-7 31:1-3 Jer 2:18,36 8:20
Jer 37:7-10 Eze 29:6,7,16
* for a.
For the Egyptians, who were their pretended allies; but who
were neither able nor willing to help them.
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:18-4:18 註釋:
* hunt.
3:52 1Sa 24:14 2Ki 25:4,5 Job 10:16 Ps 140:11 Jer 16:16
Jer 39:4,5 52:7-9
* our end is near.
Jer 1:12 51:33 Eze 7:2-12 12:22,23,27 Am 8:2
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:19-4:19 註釋:
* persecutors.
De 28:49 Isa 5:26-28 30:16,17 Jer 4:13 Ho 8:1 Hab 1:8
Mt 24:27,28
* the eagles.
The eagle, whose wings are of an extraordinary length, darts
with amazing rapidity through the voids of heaven.
* they pursued.
Am 2:14 9:1-3
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:20-4:20 註釋:
* breath.
2:9 Ge 2:7 44:30 2Sa 18:3
* the anointed.
1Sa 12:3,5 16:6 24:6,10 26:9,16 2Sa 1:14,21 19:21 Ps 89:20,21
* was taken.
Jer 39:5 52:8 Eze 12:13 17:18 19:4-8
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:21-4:21 註釋:
* be glad.
Ps 83:3-12 137:7 Ec 11:9 Eze 25:6,8 26:2 35:11-15 Ob 1:10-16
* the land.
Ge 36:28 Job 1:1
* the cup.
Isa 34:1-17 63:1-6 Jer 25:15-29 49:12 Eze 25:12-14 35:3-9
Am 1:11 Ob 1:1,10-14 Mal 1:2-4
* and shalt.
2Ch 28:19 Mic 1:11 Re 16:15
經文:耶利米哀歌 4:22-4:22 註釋:
* The punishment of thine iniquity. or, Thine iniquity.
6 *marg:
Isa 40:2 Jer 46:27,28 50:20
* he will no.
Isa 52:1 60:18 Jer 32:40 Eze 37:28
* he will visit.
21 Ps 137:7
* discover thy sins. or, carry thee captive for thy sins.
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:1-5:1 註釋:
1; A pitiful complaint of Zion in prayer unto God.
* Remember.
1:20 2:20 3:19 Ne 1:8 Job 7:7 10:9 Jer 15:15 Hab 3:2
Lu 23:42
* behold.
2:15 3:61 Ne 1:3 4:4 Ps 44:13-16 74:10,11 79:4,12 89:50,51
Ps 123:3,4
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:2-5:2 註釋:
De 28:30-68 Ps 79:1,2 Isa 1:7 5:17 63:18 Jer 6:12 Eze 7:21,24
Zep 1:13
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:3-5:3 註釋:
Ex 22:24 Jer 18:21 Ho 14:3
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:4-5:4 註釋:
* have.
De 28:48 Isa 3:1 Eze 4:9-17
* is sold. Heb. cometh for price.
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:5-5:5 註釋:
* Our necks are under persecution. Heb. On our necks are we
1:14 4:19 De 28:48,65,66 Jer 27:2,8,11,12 28:14 Mt 11:29
Ac 15:10
* labour.
Ne 9:36,37
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:6-5:6 註釋:
* given.
Ge 24:2 2Ki 10:15 Jer 50:15 Eze 17:18
* to the Egyptians.
Isa 30:1-6 31:1-3 57:9 Jer 2:18,36 44:12-14 Ho 5:13 7:11 9:3
Ho 12:1
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:7-5:7 註釋:
* fathers.
Ex 20:5 Jer 16:12 31:29 Eze 18:2 Mt 23:32-36
* and are.
Ge 42:13,36 Job 7:8,21 Jer 31:15 Zec 1:5
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:8-5:8 註釋:
* Servants.
Ge 9:25 De 28:43 Ne 2:19 5:15 Pr 30:22
* there.
Job 5:4 10:7 Ps 7:2 50:22 Isa 43:13 Ho 2:10 Zec 11:6
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:9-5:9 註釋:
Jud 6:11 2Sa 23:17 Jer 40:9-12 41:1-10,18 42:14,16
Eze 4:16,17 12:18,19
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:10-5:10 註釋:
* skin.
3:4 4:8 Job 30:30 Ps 119:83
* terrible famine. or, terrors, or storms, of famine.
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:11-5:11 註釋:
De 28:30 Isa 13:16 Zec 14:2
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:12-5:12 註釋:
2:10,20 4:16 Isa 47:6 Jer 39:6,7 52:10,11,25-27
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:13-5:13 註釋:
* the young.
Ex 11:5 Jud 16:21 Job 31:10 Isa 47:2
* fell.
Ex 1:11 2:11 23:5 Ne 5:1-5 Isa 58:6 Mt 23:4
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:14-5:14 註釋:
* elders.
1:4,19 2:10 De 16:18 Job 29:7-17 30:1 Isa 3:2,3
* the young.
Job 30:31 Isa 24:7-11 Jer 7:34 16:9 25:10 Eze 26:13 Re 18:22
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:15-5:15 註釋:
* our dance.
Ps 30:11 Am 6:4-7 8:10 Jas 4:9,10
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:16-5:16 註釋:
* The crown.
1:1 Job 19:9 Ps 89:39 Jer 13:18 Eze 21:26 Re 2:10 3:11
* is fallen from our head. Heb. of our head is fallen. woe.
1:8,18 2:1 4:13 Pr 14:34 Isa 3:9-11 Jer 2:17,19 4:18
Eze 7:17-22 22:12-16 2Pe 2:4-6
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:17-5:17 註釋:
* our heart.
1:13,22 Le 26:36 Isa 1:5 Jer 8:18 46:5 Eze 21:7,15 Mic 6:13
* our eyes.
2:11 De 28:65 Job 17:7 Ps 6:7 31:9 69:3 Isa 38:14
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:18-5:18 註釋:
* of the.
2:8,9 1Ki 9:7,8 Ps 74:2,3 Jer 17:3 26:9 52:13 Mic 3:12
* the foxes.
Isa 32:13,14 Jer 9:11
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:19-5:19 註釋:
* remainest.
De 33:27 Ps 9:7 10:16 29:10 90:2 102:12,25-27 Hab 1:12
1Ti 1:17 6:15,16 Heb 1:10-12 13:8 Re 1:4,8,17,18
* thy throne.
Ps 45:6 145:13 146:10 Da 2:44 7:14,27 Heb 1:8,9
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:20-5:20 註釋:
* dost.
Ps 13:1 44:24 74:1 77:7-10 79:5 85:5 89:46 94:3,4 Isa 64:9-12
Jer 14:19-21
* so long time. Heb. for length of days.
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:21-5:21 註釋:
* Turn.
1Ki 18:37 Ps 80:3,7,19 85:4 Jer 31:18 32:39,40 Eze 11:19,20
Eze 36:25-27,37 Hab 3:2
* renew.
Jer 31:4,23-25 33:10,13 Zec 8:3-6 Mal 3:4
經文:耶利米哀歌 5:22-5:22 註釋:
* But thou hast utterly rejected us. or, For wilt thou utterly
reject us?
Ps 44:9 60:1,2 Jer 15:1-5 Eze 37:11 Ho 1:6