經文:哈巴谷書 1:1-1:1 註釋:
1; Unto Habakkuk, complaining of the iniquity of the land,
5; is shewn the fearful vengeance by the Chaldeans.
12; He complains that vengeance should be executed by them who
are far worse.
Isa 22:1 Na 1:1
經文:哈巴谷書 1:2-1:2 註釋:
* how.
Ps 13:1,2 74:9,10 94:3 Re 6:10
* and thou wilt not save.
Ps 22:1,2 Jer 14:9 La 3:8
經文:哈巴谷書 1:3-1:3 註釋:
Ps 12:1,2 55:9-11 73:3-9 120:5,6 Ec 4:1 5:8 Jer 9:2-6 Eze 2:6
Mic 7:1-4 Mt 10:16 2Pe 2:8
經文:哈巴谷書 1:4-1:4 註釋:
* the law.
Ps 11:3 119:126 Mr 7:9 Ro 3:31
* for.
1Ki 21:13 Job 21:7 Ps 22:16 58:1,2 59:2,4 82:1-5 94:3,20,21
Isa 1:21-23 59:2-8,13-15 Jer 5:27-29 12:1,6 26:8,21-23
Jer 37:14-16 38:4-6 Eze 22:25-30 Ho 10:4 Am 5:7,12 Mic 2:1,2
Mic 3:1-3 7:2-4 Mt 23:34-36 26:59-66 27:1,2,25,26 Ac 7:52,59
Ac 23:12-14 Jas 2:6,7
* wrong. or, wrested.
Ex 23:2,6 De 16:19 Eze 9:9
經文:哈巴谷書 1:5-1:5 註釋:
* ye among.
De 4:27 Jer 9:25,26 25:14-29
* and regard.
Isa 29:14 La 4:12 Da 9:12 Ac 13:40,41
* for.
Isa 28:21,22 Jer 5:12,13 18:18 Eze 12:22-28 Zep 1:2 Ac 6:13,14
經文:哈巴谷書 1:6-1:6 註釋:
* I raise.
De 28:49-52 2Ki 24:2 2Ch 36:6,17 Isa 23:13 39:6,7 Jer 1:15,16
Jer 4:6,8 5:15 6:22,23 21:4 25:9
* breadth. Heb. breadths.
經文:哈巴谷書 1:7-1:7 註釋:
* their judgment, etc. or, from them shall proceed the judgment
of these and the captivity of these.
Jer 39:5-9 52:9-11,25-27 De 5:19,27
經文:哈巴谷書 1:8-1:8 註釋:
* horses.
De 28:49 Isa 5:26-28
* fierce. Heb. sharp. evening.
Jer 5:6 Zep 3:3
* they.
Jer 4:13 La 4:19 Eze 17:3,12 Ho 8:1 Mt 24:28 Lu 17:37
經文:哈巴谷書 1:9-1:9 註釋:
* for.
6 2:5-13 De 28:51,52 Jer 4:7 5:15-17 25:9
* their faces shall sup up as the east. or, the supping up of
their faces, as, etc. or, their faces shall look toward the
east. Heb. the opposition of their faces shall be toward the
Isa 27:8 Jer 4:11 Eze 17:10 19:12 Ho 13:15
* they shall gather.
2:5 Ge 41:49 Jud 7:12 Job 29:18 Ps 139:18 Jer 15:8 34:22
Ho 1:10 Ro 9:27
經文:哈巴谷書 1:10-1:10 註釋:
* scoff.
2Ki 24:12 25:6,7 2Ch 36:6,10
* they shall deride.
Isa 14:16 Jer 32:24 33:4 52:4-7
經文:哈巴谷書 1:11-1:11 註釋:
* shall his.
Da 4:30-34
* imputing.
Da 5:3,4,20
經文:哈巴谷書 1:12-1:12 註釋:
* thou not.
De 33:27 Ps 90:2 93:2 Isa 40:28 57:15 La 5:19 Mic 5:2
1Ti 1:17 6:16 Heb 1:10-12 13:8 Re 1:8,11
* mine.
Isa 43:15 49:7 Ac 3:14
* we.
3:2 Ps 118:17 Isa 27:6-9 Jer 4:27 5:18 30:11 33:24-26 46:28
Eze 37:11-14 Am 9:8,9
* thou hast ordained.
2Ki 19:25 Ps 17:13 Isa 10:5-7 37:26 Jer 25:9-14 Eze 30:25
* mighty God. Heb. Rock.
De 32:4,30,31 1Sa 2:2 Ps 18:1
* established. Heb. founded. for.
Isa 27:9,10 Jer 30:11 31:18-20 46:28 Heb 12:5,6
經文:哈巴谷書 1:13-1:13 註釋:
* of.
Job 15:15 Ps 5:4,5 11:4-7 34:15,16 1Pe 1:15,16
* iniquity. or, grievance. wherefore.
Ps 10:1,2,15 73:3 Jer 12:1,2
* deal.
Isa 21:2 33:1
* holdest.
Es 4:14 Ps 35:22 50:3,21 83:1 Pr 31:8,9 Isa 64:12
* the wicked.
3,4 2Sa 4:11 1Ki 2:32 Ps 37:12-15,32,33 56:1,2 Ac 2:23 3:13-15
經文:哈巴谷書 1:14-1:14 註釋:
* creeping. or, moving. no.
Pr 6:7
經文:哈巴谷書 1:15-1:15 註釋:
* take.
Jer 16:16 Eze 29:4,5 Am 4:2 Mt 17:27
* they catch.
Ps 10:9 Lu 5:5-10 Joh 21:6-11
* drag. or, flue-net. therefore.
Jer 50:11 La 2:15,16 Eze 25:6 26:2 35:15 Re 11:10
經文:哈巴谷書 1:16-1:16 註釋:
* they.
11 De 8:17 Isa 10:13-15 37:24 Eze 28:3 29:3 Da 4:30 5:23
* plenteous. or, dainty. Heb. fat.
經文:哈巴谷書 1:17-1:17 註釋:
* and.
9,10 2:5-8,17 Isa 14:16,17 Jer 25:9-26 46:1-49:39 52:1-34
Eze 25:1-30:26
經文:哈巴谷書 2:1-2:1 註釋:
1; Unto Habakkuk, waiting for an answer, is shewn that he must
wait by faith.
5; The judgment upon the Chaldean for unsatiableness,
9; for covetousness,
12; for cruelty,
15; for drunkenness,
18; and for idolatry.
* stand.
Ps 73:16,17 Isa 21:8,11,12
* tower. Heb. fenced place.
2Sa 18:24 2Ki 9:17 17:9 Isa 21:5 62:6
* and will.
1:12-17 Ps 85:8
* unto me. or, in me.
2Co 13:3 Ga 1:16
* when I am reproved. or, when I am argued with. Heb. upon my
reproof, or arguing.
Job 23:5-7 31:35,37 Jer 12:1
經文:哈巴谷書 2:2-2:2 註釋:
* Write.
De 27:8 31:19,22 Isa 8:1 30:8 Jer 36:2-4,27-32 Da 12:4
Re 1:18,19 14:13 19:9 21:5-8
* make.
Joh 11:28,29 1Co 14:19 2Co 3:12
經文:哈巴谷書 2:3-2:3 註釋:
* the vision.
Jer 27:7 Da 8:19 9:24-27 10:1,14 11:27,35 Ac 1:7 17:26 Ga 4:2
2Th 2:6-8
* but.
Ex 12:41 Ps 102:13 Jer 25:12-14 Heb 10:36
* wait.
2Ki 6:33 Ps 27:14 130:5,6 Isa 30:18 La 3:25,26 Mic 7:7 Lu 2:25
Jas 5:7,8
* it will surely.
Lu 18:7,8 2Pe 2:3
經文:哈巴谷書 2:4-2:4 註釋:
* his.
Job 40:11,12 Da 4:30,37 5:20-23 Lu 18:14 2Th 2:4 1Pe 5:5
* but.
Joh 3:36 Ro 1:17 Ga 2:16 3:11,12 Heb 10:38 1Jo 5:10-12
經文:哈巴谷書 2:5-2:5 註釋:
* Yea also. or, How much more. he transgresseth.
Pr 20:1 23:29-33 31:4,5 Isa 5:11,12,22,23 21:5 Jer 51:39
Da 5:1-4,23 Na 1:9,10
* a proud man.
4 Ps 138:6 Pr 30:13,14 Isa 2:11,12,17 16:6 Jer 50:29
Da 5:20-23 Jas 4:6
* keepeth.
2Ki 14:10 1Th 4:11 *Gr:
* who.
Isa 5:8 10:7-13
* as hell.
Pr 27:20 30:15,16 Ec 5:10
* gathereth.
8-10 Isa 14:16,17 Jer 25:9,17-29
經文:哈巴谷書 2:6-2:6 註釋:
* take.
Nu 23:7,18 Isa 14:4-19 Jer 29:22 50:13 Eze 32:21 Mic 2:4
* Woe to him. or, Ho, he. that increaseth.
1:9,10,15 Job 20:15-29 22:6-10 Pr 22:16 Jer 51:34,35 Jas 5:1-4
* how.
Ps 94:3 Lu 12:20 1Co 7:29-31 1Pe 4:7
* ladeth.
13 Isa 44:20 55:2
經文:哈巴谷書 2:7-2:7 註釋:
* they.
Pr 29:1 Isa 13:1-5,16-18 21:2-9 41:25 45:1-3 46:11 47:11
Isa 48:14,15 Jer 50:21-32 51:11,27,28,57 Da 5:25-31 Na 1:9,10
1Th 5:3
* bite.
Ec 10:8 Jer 8:17
經文:哈巴谷書 2:8-2:8 註釋:
* thou.
10,17 Isa 33:1,4 Jer 27:7 30:16 50:10,37 51:13,44,48,55,56
Zec 2:8,9
* blood. Heb. bloods.
* the violence.
Ps 137:8 Isa 47:6 Jer 50:11,17,18,28,33,34 51:8,24,34,35
Mic 4:11-13 Zec 1:15 2:8 12:2-4 14:12 Re 6:10 18:20-24
經文:哈巴谷書 2:9-2:9 註釋:
* that coveteth an evil covetousness. or, that gaineth an evil
Ge 13:10-13 19:26-38 De 7:25,26 Jos 7:21-26 1Ki 21:2-4,19-24
2Ki 5:20-27 Job 20:19-28 Jer 22:13-19 Zec 5:1-4 Ac 1:17-25
Jude 1:11
* set.
Ps 10:3-6 49:11 52:7 Pr 18:11,12 Isa 28:15 47:7-9 Jer 49:16
Ob 1:4
* power of evil. Heb. palm of the hand.
經文:哈巴谷書 2:10-2:10 註釋:
* consulted.
2Ki 9:26 10:7 Isa 14:20-22 Jer 22:30 36:31 Na 1:14 Mt 27:25
* sinned.
Nu 16:38 1Ki 2:23 Pr 1:18 8:36 Isa 33:11
經文:哈巴谷書 2:11-2:11 註釋:
* the stone.
Ge 4:10 Jos 24:27 Job 31:38-40 Lu 19:40 Heb 12:24 Jas 5:3,4
Re 6:10
* beam. or, piece. or, fastening. answer it. or, witness
against it.
經文:哈巴谷書 2:12-2:12 註釋:
* him.
Ge 4:11-17 Jos 6:26 1Ki 16:34 Jer 22:13-17 Eze 24:9 Da 4:27-31
Mic 3:10 Na 3:1 Joh 11:47-50 Re 17:6
* blood. Heb. bloods.
經文:哈巴谷書 2:13-2:13 註釋:
* is it.
Ge 11:6-9 2Sa 15:31 Job 5:13,14 Ps 39:6 127:1,2 Pr 21:30
Isa 41:5-8 50:11 55:2 Jer 51:58,64 Mal 1:4
* for very vanity. or, in vain.
經文:哈巴谷書 2:14-2:14 註釋:
* the earth.
Ps 22:27 67:1,2 72:19 86:9 98:1-3 Isa 6:3 11:9 Zec 14:8,9
Re 11:15 15:4
* with the knowledge of the glory. or, by knowing the glory.
經文:哈巴谷書 2:15-2:15 註釋:
* unto.
Ge 19:32-35 2Sa 11:13 13:26-28 Jer 25:15 51:7 Re 17:2,6 18:3
* that puttest.
Ho 7:5
* that thou.
Ge 9:22 Ex 32:25
經文:哈巴谷書 2:16-2:16 註釋:
* with shame for glory. or, more with shame than with glory.
Pr 3:35 Isa 47:3 Ho 4:7 Php 3:19
* drink.
Ps 75:8 Isa 49:26 51:21-23 Jer 25:26,27 51:57 Re 18:6
* and let.
Isa 20:4 47:3 Na 3:5
* the cup.
Jer 25:27-29
* and shameful.
Isa 28:7,8 Ho 7:5
經文:哈巴谷書 2:17-2:17 註釋:
* the violence.
Zec 11:1
* because.
8 Ps 55:23 137:8 Pr 28:17 Re 18:20-24
* of the city.
Jer 50:28,33,34 51:24,34-37
經文:哈巴谷書 2:18-2:18 註釋:
* profiteth.
Isa 37:38 42:17 44:9,10 45:16,20 46:1,2,6-8 Jer 2:27,28 10:3-5
Jer 50:2 Ro 6:21
* a teacher.
Jer 10:8,14,15 Jon 2:8 Zec 10:2 Ro 1:23-25 2Th 2:9-11
1Ti 4:1,2 Re 13:11-15 19:20
* that the.
Ps 115:4-8 135:15-18 Isa 1:31 44:14-20
* maker of his work. Heb. fashioner of his fashion. dumb.
1Co 12:2
經文:哈巴谷書 2:19-2:19 註釋:
* that.
1Ki 18:26-29 Ps 97:7 Isa 44:17 Jer 51:47 Da 3:7,18,29 5:23
Jon 1:5
* it is.
Isa 40:19 46:6 Jer 10:4,9 Da 3:1 Ac 17:29 Re 17:4
* and there.
Ps 135:17
經文:哈巴谷書 2:20-2:20 註釋:
* the Lord.
Ps 11:4 115:3 132:13,14 Isa 6:1 66:1,6 Jon 2:4,7 Eph 2:21,22
* let all the earth keep silence before him. Heb. be silent all
the earth before him.
Ps 46:10 76:8,9 Zep 1:7 Zec 2:13
經文:哈巴谷書 3:1-3:1 註釋:
1; Habakkuk, in his prayer, trembles at God's majesty.
17; The confidence of his faith.
* prayer.
Ps 86:1-17 *title
Ps 90:1-17 *title
* upon Shigionoth. or, according to variable songs, or tunes,
called in Hebrew, Shigionoth.
Ps 7:1-17 *title
經文:哈巴谷書 3:2-3:2 註釋:
* I have.
16 1:5-10 Ex 9:20,21 2Ch 34:27,28 Job 4:12-21 Ps 119:120
Isa 66:2 Jer 36:21-24 Da 8:17 Heb 11:7 12:21 Re 15:4
* speech. Heb. report, or hearing.
Isa 53:1 Ro 10:16
* O Lord.
Ezr 9:8 Ps 85:6 90:13-17 138:7,8 Isa 51:9-11 63:15-19 64:1-4
Ho 6:2,3 Joh 10:10 Php 1:6
* revive. or, preserve alive. in the.
Jer 25:11,12 52:31-34 Da 9:2
* in wrath.
Ex 32:10-12 Nu 14:10-23 16:46,47 2Sa 24:10-17 Ps 6:1,2 38:1
Ps 78:38 Jer 10:24 29:10 La 3:32 Zec 1:12
經文:哈巴谷書 3:3-3:3 註釋:
* came.
Jud 5:4,5 Ps 68:7,8 Isa 64:3
* from.
Ge 36:11 Jer 49:7 Am 1:12 Ob 1:9
* Teman. or, the south. Paran.
Ge 21:21 Nu 10:12 De 33:2 1Sa 25:1
* Selah.
Ps 3:2,4 4:4 9:16,20
* His glory.
Ex 19:16-20 20:18 24:15-17 De 5:24 Ps 68:17 114:3-7
* and the earth.
Isa 6:3 2Co 3:7-11 Re 5:13,14
經文:哈巴谷書 3:4-3:4 註釋:
* brightness.
Ex 13:21 14:20 Ne 9:12 Ps 104:2 Isa 60:19,20 Mt 17:2 1Ti 6:16
Re 21:23 22:5
* horns coming out of his hand. or, bright beams out of his
side. the hiding.
Job 26:14 Pr 18:10
經文:哈巴谷書 3:5-3:5 註釋:
* went.
Ex 12:29,30 Nu 14:12 16:46-49 Ps 78:50,51 Na 1:2,3
* and.
Ps 18:7-13
* burning coals. or, burning diseases.
De 32:24
經文:哈巴谷書 3:6-3:6 註釋:
* and measured.
Ex 15:17 21:31 Nu 34:1-29 De 32:8 Ac 17:26
* and drove.
Jos 10:42 11:18-23 Ne 9:22-24 Ps 135:8-12
* the everlasting.
10 Ge 49:26 De 33:15 Jud 5:5 Ps 68:16 114:4-7 Isa 64:1-3
Na 1:5 Zec 14:4,5
* his.
Ps 90:2 103:17 Isa 51:6,8 Mic 5:8 Mt 24:35 Lu 1:50 Heb 13:8
經文:哈巴谷書 3:7-3:7 註釋:
* saw the.
Ex 15:14-16 Nu 22:3,4 Jos 2:10 9:24
* Cushan. or, Ethiopia.
Ge 10:6,7
* in affliction. or, under affliction, or vanity. Midian.
Ge 25:1-4 Nu 31:2-12 Ps 83:5-10
經文:哈巴谷書 3:8-3:8 註釋:
* the Lord.
Ex 14:21,22 Jos 3:16,17 Ps 114:3,5 Isa 50:2 Na 1:4 Mr 4:39
Re 16:12
* ride.
15 De 33:26,27 Ps 18:10 45:4 68:4,17 104:3 Isa 19:1 Re 6:2
Re 19:11,14
* of salvation. or, were salvation.
經文:哈巴谷書 3:9-3:9 註釋:
* bow.
De 32:23 Ps 7:12,13 35:1-3 Isa 51:9,10 52:10 La 2:4
* according.
Ge 15:18-21 17:7,8 22:16-18 26:3,4 28:13,14 Ps 105:8-11
Lu 1:72-75 Heb 6:13-18
* Selah.
9 Ps 143:6
* Thou.
Ex 17:6 Nu 20:11 Ps 78:15,16 105:41 1Co 10:4
* the earth with rivers. or, the rivers of the earth.
經文:哈巴谷書 3:10-3:10 註釋:
* mountains.
6 Ex 19:16-18 Jud 5:4,5 Ps 68:7,8 77:18 97:4,5 114:4,6
Isa 64:1,2 Jer 4:24 Mic 1:4 Na 1:5 Mt 27:51 Re 6:14 20:11
* the overflowing.
Ex 14:22-28 Jos 3:15,16 4:18,23,24 Ne 9:11 Ps 18:15 66:6
Ps 74:13-15 77:16-19 114:3-8 136:13-15 Isa 11:15,16 63:11-13
Heb 11:29 Re 16:12
* the deep.
Ps 65:13 93:3 96:11-13 98:7,8 Isa 43:20 55:12
經文:哈巴谷書 3:11-3:11 註釋:
* sun.
Jos 10:12,13 Isa 28:21 38:8
* habitation.
Ps 19:4
* at the light of thine arrows they went. or, thine arrows
walked in the light.
Jos 10:11 Ps 18:12-14 77:17,18 144:5,6
經文:哈巴谷書 3:12-3:12 註釋:
* didst march.
Nu 21:23-35 Jos 6:1-12:24 Ne 9:22-24 Ps 44:1-3 78:55 Ac 13:19
* thresh.
Jer 51:33 Am 1:3 Mic 4:12,13
經文:哈巴谷書 3:13-3:13 註釋:
* wentest.
Ex 14:13,14 15:1,2 Ps 68:7,19-23
* with.
Ps 77:20 89:19-21 99:6 105:15,26 Isa 63:11
* thou woundedst.
Ex 12:29,30 Jos 10:11,24,42 11:8,12 Ps 18:37-45 68:21 74:13,14
Ps 110:6
* discovering. Heb. making naked.
經文:哈巴谷書 3:14-3:14 註釋:
* the head.
Ex 11:4-7 12:12,13,29,30 14:17,18 Ps 78:50,51 83:9-11
* they.
Ex 14:5-9 15:9,10 Ps 83:2,8 118:10-12 Ac 4:27,28
* came out. Heb. were tempestuous.
Da 11:40 Zec 9:14
* their.
Ex 1:10-16,22 Ps 10:8 64:2-7
經文:哈巴谷書 3:15-3:15 註釋:
* walk.
8 Ps 77:19
* heap. or, mud.
經文:哈巴谷書 3:16-3:16 註釋:
* I heard.
2 1:5-11
* my belly.
Ps 119:120 Jer 23:9 Eze 3:14 Da 8:27 10:8
* that I.
Ps 91:15 94:12,13 Isa 26:20,21 Jer 15:10,11 45:3-5 Eze 9:4-6
2Th 1:6-9
* he will.
1:6 De 28:49-52 2Ki 24:1,2 Jer 25:9-11
* invade them. or cut them in pieces.
經文:哈巴谷書 3:17-3:17 註釋:
* the fig-tree.
De 28:15-18,30-41 Jer 14:2-8 Joe 1:10-13,16-18 Am 4:6-10
Hag 2:16,17
* fail. Heb. lie.
經文:哈巴谷書 3:18-3:18 註釋:
* I will rejoice.
De 12:18 1Sa 2:1 Job 13:15 Ps 33:1 46:1-5 85:6 97:12 104:34
Ps 118:15 149:2 Isa 41:16 61:10 Zec 10:7 Lu 1:46,47 Ro 5:2,3
Php 4:4 Jas 1:2,9,10 1Pe 1:8 4:12,13
* the God.
Ex 15:2 Ps 25:5 27:1 118:14 Isa 12:2 Mic 7:7 Lu 2:30
經文:哈巴谷書 3:19-3:19 註釋:
* my strength.
Ps 18:1 27:1 46:1 Isa 12:2 45:24 Zec 10:12 2Co 12:9,10
Eph 3:16 Php 4:13 Col 1:11
* like.
2Sa 22:34 Ps 18:33
* to walk.
De 32:13 33:29 Isa 58:14
* stringed instruments. Heb. Neginoth.
Ps 4:1-8 6:1-10 54:1-7 55:1-23 67:1-7 76:1-12 *titles