經文:以西結書 1:1-1:1 註釋:
1; The time of Ezekiel's prophecy at Chebar.
4; His vision of four cherubims;
15; of the four wheels;
26; and of the glory of God.
* in the thirtieth.
Nu 4:3 Lu 3:23
* as I.
Ec 9:1,2 Jer 24:5-7
* captives. Heb. captivity. by the river.
3 3:15,23 10:15,20,22 43:3
* Chebar.
Chebar, called now Khabour, is a river of Mesopotamia, which
taking its rise in the Mysian mountains, falls into the
Euphrates near Carchemish, or Circesioum, now Karkisia, about
35; degrees 20' N. lat. and 40; degrees 25' E. long.
* the heavens.
Mt 3:16 Lu 3:21 Joh 1:51 Ac 7:56 10:11 Re 4:1 19:11
* I saw.
8:3 11:24 Ge 15:1 46:2 Nu 12:6 Isa 1:1 Da 8:1,2 Ho 12:10
Joe 2:28 Mt 17:9 Ac 9:10-12 10:3 2Co 12:1
經文:以西結書 1:2-1:2 註釋:
8:1 20:1 29:1,17 31:1 40:1 2Ki 24:12-15
經文:以西結書 1:3-1:3 註釋:
* word.
Jer 1:2,4 Ho 1:1 Joe 1:1 1Ti 4:1
* Ezekiel. Heb. Jehezkel. and the.
3:14,22 8:1 33:22 37:1 40:1 1Ki 18:46 2Ki 3:15
經文:以西結書 1:4-1:4 註釋:
* a whirlwind.
Isa 21:1 Jer 1:13,14 4:6 6:1 23:19 25:9,32 Hab 1:8,9
* a great.
10:2-4 Ex 19:16-18 24:16,17 De 4:11,12 2Ch 5:13,14 6:1 7:1-3
Ps 18:11-13 50:3 97:2,3 104:3,4 Isa 19:1 Na 1:3-6 Hab 3:3-5
Heb 12:29
* infolding itself. Heb. catching itself. colour.
27 8:2 10:8,9 Re 1:15
經文:以西結書 1:5-1:5 註釋:
* the likeness.
Re 4:6 6:6 *Gr:
經文:以西結書 1:6-1:6 註釋:
* And every one had four faces.
These living creatures were probably hieroglyphical
representations of the holy angels, the attendants on "the
King of Glory," and the ministers of his providence. They
were four, apparently to denote that they were employed in the
four corners of the world; and they had the likeness of a man,
to signify that they were intelligent and rational creatures.
10,15 10:10,14,21,22 Re 4:7,8
* every one had four wings.
8-11 Ex 25:20 1Ki 6:24-27 Isa 6:2
經文:以西結書 1:7-1:7 註釋:
* straight feet. Heb. a straight foot. like the sole.
Le 11:3,47
* the colour.
13 Ps 104:4 Da 10:6 Re 1:15
經文:以西結書 1:8-1:8 註釋:
8:3 10:2,7,8,18,21 Isa 6:6
經文:以西結書 1:9-1:9 註釋:
* joined.
11 2Ch 3:11,12 1Co 1:10
* they turned.
12 10:11,22 Pr 4:25-27 Lu 9:51,62
經文:以西結書 1:10-1:10 註釋:
* for the.
10:14 Re 4:7
* the face of a man.
Nu 2:10 Isa 46:8 Lu 15:10 1Co 14:20
* the face of a lion.
Nu 2:3 Jud 14:18 1Ch 12:8 Re 5:5
* the face of an ox.
* Cherub.
Nu 2:18 Pr 14:4 1Co 9:9,10
* the face of an eagle.
Nu 2:25 De 28:49 Job 39:27 Isa 40:31 Da 7:4
經文:以西結書 1:11-1:11 註釋:
* and their.
* stretched upward. or, divided above. and two.
23 Isa 6:2
經文:以西結書 1:12-1:12 註釋:
* they went every.
9,17 10:22
* whither.
20,21 Heb 1:14
經文:以西結書 1:13-1:13 註釋:
7 Ge 15:17 Ps 104:4 Da 10:5,6 Mt 28:3 Re 4:5 10:1 18:1
經文:以西結書 1:14-1:14 註釋:
Ps 147:15 Da 9:21 Zec 2:3,4 4:10 Mt 24:27,31 Mr 13:27
經文:以西結書 1:15-1:15 註釋:
* one.
19-21 10:9,13-17 Da 7:9
* with.
6 Re 4:7
經文:以西結書 1:16-1:16 註釋:
* the colour.
10:9 Ex 39:13 Da 10:6
* a wheel.
10:10 Job 9:10 Ps 36:6 40:5 Ro 11:33 Eph 3:10
經文:以西結書 1:17-1:17 註釋:
* and.
9,12 10:1-11:25 Isa 55:11
經文:以西結書 1:18-1:18 註釋:
* they were so.
Job 37:22-24 Ps 77:16-19 97:2-5 Isa 55:9
* rings. or, stakes. full.
10:12 Pr 15:3 Zec 4:10 Re 4:6,8
經文:以西結書 1:19-1:19 註釋:
10:16 Ps 103:20
經文:以西結書 1:20-1:20 註釋:
* the spirit.
12 1Co 14:32
* for the.
10:17 Zec 6:1-8
* of the living creature. or, of life.
經文:以西結書 1:21-1:21 註釋:
* When those went.
19,20 10:17
* of the living creature. or, of life.
Ro 8:2
經文:以西結書 1:22-1:22 註釋:
* the likeness.
26 10:1 Ex 24:10 Job 37:22 Re 4:3,6 21:11
* crystal.
The Hebrew {kerach,} which generally denotes ice, doubtless
here signifies crystal, ([krystallos,] from [kryos,] cold,
ice, and [stellomai,] to concrete,) as it is rendered by the
LXX. and Vulgate. It is a very large class of silicious
minerals, hard, pellucid, naturally colourless, of regularly
angular figures, and of simple plates; not flexible, nor
elastic, but giving fire with steel; not fermenting by acid
menstrua, but calcinable in a strong fire. There are three
orders of pure crystal: the first is perfect columnar
crystals, with double pyramids, of eighteen planes, in an
hexangular pyramid at each end; the second is that of perfect
crystals, without a column, of twelve or sixteen planes, in
two hexangular pyramids: and the third is that of imperfect
crystals, with single pyramids, of ten or twelve planes, in an
hexangular or pentangular column. Terrible crystal seems to
denote that which was well cut and polished, vividly
refracting the rays of light.
經文:以西結書 1:23-1:23 註釋:
* their wings.
* which.
11 Job 4:18 Ps 89:7 Lu 17:10
經文:以西結書 1:24-1:24 註釋:
* like.
43:2 Re 1:15 19:6
* as the voice.
10:5 Job 37:2,4,5 Ps 18:13 29:3-9 68:33
* as the noise.
Da 10:6 2Ki 7:6
經文:以西結書 1:25-1:25 註釋:
* and had.
經文:以西結書 1:26-1:26 註釋:
* And above.
Abp. Newcome judiciously observes, "We need not allegorize the
circumstances of this august vision too minutely. Many of
them augment the splendour of the scene, while others, no
doubt, have much significance; which should be pointed out
rather by a correct judgement, than a luxuriant imagination."
22 10:1
* over.
Mt 28:18 Eph 1:21,22 Php 2:9,10 1Pe 3:22
* the likeness of a.
Ps 45:6 Isa 6:1 Da 7:9,10,14 Zec 6:13 Mt 25:13 Heb 1:8 8:1
Heb 12:2 Re 4:2,3 5:13 20:11
* as the.
Ex 24:10 Isa 54:11
* the appearance of a man.
Ge 32:24-30 Jos 5:13-15 6:1,2 Isa 9:6,7 Jer 23:5,6 Da 10:18
Re 1:13 3:21 14:14
經文:以西結書 1:27-1:27 註釋:
* as the colour.
4 8:2
* the appearance of fire.
De 4:24 Ps 50:3 97:2 2Th 1:8 Heb 12:29 Re 1:14-16
經文:以西結書 1:28-1:28 註釋:
* at the appearance of the bow.
Ge 9:13-16 Isa 54:8-10 Re 4:3 10:1
* This.
8:4 10:19,20 43:3 Ex 16:7,10 24:16 33:18-23 Nu 12:6-8
1Ki 8:10,11 1Co 13:12
* I fell.
3:23 Ge 17:3 Le 9:24 Da 8:17 10:7-9,16,17 Mt 17:5,6 Ac 9:4
Re 1:17,18
經文:以西結書 2:1-2:1 註釋:
1; Ezekiel's commission.
6; His instruction.
9; The roll of his heavy prophecy.
* Son.
3,6,8 3:1,4,10,17 4:1 5:1 7:2 12:3 13:2 14:3,13 15:2 16:2
17:2 20:3 37:3 Ps 8:4 Da 8:17 Mt 16:13-16 Joh 3:13,16
* stand.
1:28 Da 10:11,19 Mt 17:7 Ac 9:6 26:16
經文:以西結書 2:2-2:2 註釋:
3:12,14,24 36:27 Nu 11:25,26 Jud 13:25 1Sa 16:13 Ne 9:30
Joe 2:28,29 Re 11:11
經文:以西結書 2:3-2:3 註釋:
* I send.
3:4-8 2Ch 36:15,16 Isa 6:8-10 Jer 1:7 7:2 25:3-7 26:2-6 36:2
Mr 12:2-5 Lu 24:47,48 Joh 20:21,22 Ro 10:15
* a rebellious nation. Heb. rebellious nations.
16:1-63 20:1-49 23:1-49
* rebelled.
20:18-30 Nu 20:10 32:13,14 De 9:24,27 1Sa 8:7,8 2Ki 17:17-20
Ezr 9:7 Ne 9:16-18,26,33-35 Ps 106:16-21,28,32-40 Jer 3:25
Jer 16:11,12 44:21 Da 9:5-13 Ac 7:51
經文:以西結書 2:4-2:4 註釋:
* they.
3:7 De 10:16 31:27 2Ch 30:8 36:13 Ps 95:8 Isa 48:4 Jer 3:3
Jer 5:3 6:15 8:12 Mt 10:16
* impudent. Heb. hard of face.
Pr 21:29
* Thus.
1Ki 22:14 Jer 26:2,3 Ac 20:26,27
經文:以西結書 2:5-2:5 註釋:
* whether.
7 3:10,11,27 Mt 10:12-15 Ac 13:46 Ro 3:3 2Co 2:15-17
* yet.
3:19 33:9,33 Lu 10:10-12 Joh 15:22
經文:以西結書 2:6-2:6 註釋:
* be not.
3:8,9 2Ki 1:15 Isa 51:12 Jer 1:8,17 Mic 3:8 Mt 10:28 Lu 12:4
Ac 4:13,19,29 Eph 6:19 Php 1:28 2Ti 1:7
* briers. or, rebels.
2Sa 23:6,7 Isa 9:18 Jer 6:28 Mic 7:4
* scorpions.
Lu 10:19 Re 9:3-6
* though they.
3:9,26,27 Pr 30:13,14 Isa 51:7 Jer 18:18 Am 7:10-17 Heb 11:27
1Pe 3:14
經文:以西結書 2:7-2:7 註釋:
* thou.
3:10,17 Jer 1:7,17 23:28 26:2 Jon 3:2 Mt 28:20
* whether.
* most rebellious. Heb. rebellion.
經文:以西結書 2:8-2:8 註釋:
* Be.
Le 10:3 Nu 20:10-13,24 1Ki 13:21,22 Isa 50:5 1Pe 5:3
* open.
3:1-3,10 Jer 15:16 1Ti 4:14-16 Re 10:9
經文:以西結書 2:9-2:9 註釋:
* an hand.
8:3 Jer 1:9 Da 5:5 10:10,16-18
* a roll.
* All ancient books were written so as to be rolled up: hence
{volumen,} a volume, from {volvo,} I roll.
3:1 Heb 10:7 Re 5:1-5 10:8-11
經文:以西結書 2:10-2:10 註釋:
* spread.
Isa 30:8-11 Hab 2:2
* was written within.
Contrary to the state of rolls in general, which are written
on the inside only.
* lamentations.
Isa 3:11 Jer 36:29-32 Re 8:13 9:12 11:14
經文:以西結書 3:1-3:1 註釋:
1; Ezekiel eats the roll.
4; God encourages him.
15; God shews him the rule of prophecy.
22; God shuts and opens the prophet's mouth.
* eat.
This must have passed in a vision; but the meaning is plain:
Receive ny word into thy mind, let it enter into they soul;
digest it, let it be they nourishment, they meat and thy
drink, to do the will of thy Father who is in heaven.
10 2:8,9 1Ti 4:15 Re 10:9,10
* go.
11,15,17-21 2:3 Jer 24:1-7
經文:以西結書 3:2-3:2 註釋:
Jer 25:17 Ac 26:19
經文:以西結書 3:3-3:3 註釋:
* and fill.
2:10 Job 32:18,19 Jer 6:11 20:9 Joh 7:38 Col 3:16
* Then.
Ps 119:11 Jer 15:16 Joh 6:53-63
* it was.
Job 23:12 Ps 19:10 119:97,103 Pr 2:10,11 Re 10:9,10
經文:以西結書 3:4-3:4 註釋:
11 2:3,7 Mt 10:5,6 15:24 Ac 1:8
經文:以西結書 3:5-3:5 註釋:
* thou.
Jon 1:2 3:2-4 Ac 26:17,18
* of a strange speech and of an hard language. Heb. deep of
lip and heavy of tongue: and so.
6 Ps 81:5 Isa 33:19
經文:以西結書 3:6-3:6 註釋:
* of a strange speech and of an hard language. Heb. deep of
lip and heavy of language. Surely, etc. or, If I had sent
thee to them, would they not have hearkened? etc.
Jon 3:5-10 Mt 11:20-24 12:41,42 Lu 11:30-32 Ac 27:28
Ro 9:30-33
經文:以西結書 3:7-3:7 註釋:
* Israel will.
1Sa 8:7 Jer 25:3,4 44:4,5,16 Lu 10:16 13:34 19:14 Joh 5:40-47
Joh 15:20-24
* all the.
2:4 24:7 Isa 3:9 Jer 3:3 5:3
* impudent and hard-hearted. Heb. stiff of forehead and hard
of heart.
經文:以西結書 3:8-3:8 註釋:
Ex 4:15,16 11:4-8 1Ki 21:20 Isa 50:7 Jer 1:18 15:20 Mic 3:8
Ac 7:51-56 Heb 11:27,32-37
經文:以西結書 3:9-3:9 註釋:
* adamant.
Zec 7:12
* fear.
2:6 Isa 41:10,14 50:7 Jer 1:8,17 17:18 Mic 3:8 1Ti 2:3
2Ti 2:6
經文:以西結書 3:10-3:10 註釋:
* receive.
1-3 2:8 Job 22:22 Ps 119:11 Pr 8:10 19:20 Lu 8:15 1Th 2:13
1Th 4:1
經文:以西結書 3:11-3:11 註釋:
* get.
15 11:24,25 Da 6:13
* the children.
33:2,12,17,30 37:18 Ex 32:7 De 9:12 Da 12:1
* speak.
27 2:5,7 Ac 20:26,27
經文:以西結書 3:12-3:12 註釋:
* spirit.
14 2:2 8:3 11:1,24 40:1,2 1Ki 18:12 2Ki 2:16 Ac 8:39
* a voice.
Ac 2:2 Re 1:10,15
* Blessed.
Ps 72:18,19 103:20,21 148:2 Isa 6:3 Re 5:11-14 19:6
* glory.
9:3 10:4,18,19 11:22,23 Ex 40:34,35 1Sa 4:21,22
經文:以西結書 3:13-3:13 註釋:
* the noise.
1:24 10:5 2Sa 5:24
* touched. Heb. kissed. and the noise.
經文:以西結書 3:14-3:14 註釋:
* the spirit.
12 8:3 37:1
* in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit. Heb. bitter in hot
Nu 11:11-19 Jer 6:11 20:14-18 Joh 4:1,3,9
* but.
1:3 8:1 37:1 1Ki 18:46 2Ki 2:16 3:15 Jer 20:7-9
經文:以西結書 3:15-3:15 註釋:
* that dwelt.
23 1:1 10:15 43:3
* sat.
Ge 50:10 Job 2:13 Ps 137:1 Jer 23:9 Hab 3:16
經文:以西結書 3:16-3:16 註釋:
經文:以西結書 3:17-3:17 註釋:
* I have.
33:2-9 1Co 12:28
* a watchman.
So 3:3 5:7 Isa 21:6,8,11,12 52:8 56:10 62:6 Jer 6:17 31:6
Ac 20:28-31 Heb 13:17
* hear.
33:6-8 2Ch 19:10 Isa 58:1 Jer 6:10 Hab 2:1 Mt 3:7 1Co 4:14
2Co 5:11,20 Col 1:28 1Th 5:14
經文:以西結書 3:18-3:18 註釋:
* I say.
18:4,13,20 33:6,8 Ge 2:17 3:3,4 Nu 26:65 2Ki 1:4 Isa 3:11
Lu 13:3,5 Eph 5:5,6
* to save.
18:30-32 Ac 2:40 3:19 1Ti 4:16 Jas 5:19,20
* the same.
33:6,9,10 Pr 14:32 Joh 8:21,24
* but.
34:10 Ge 9:5,6 42:22 2Sa 4:11 Lu 11:50,51 Ac 20:26,27
1Ti 5:22
經文:以西結書 3:19-3:19 註釋:
* if thou.
2Ki 17:13-23 2Ch 36:15,16 Pr 29:1 Jer 42:19-22 44:4,5
Lu 10:10,11 Ac 18:5,6 1Th 4:6 Heb 2:1-3 12:25
* he shall.
18 2Th 1:8,9 Heb 10:26,27
* but thou.
21 14:14,20 33:5,9 Isa 49:4,5 Ac 13:45,46 20:26 2Co 2:15-17
經文:以西結書 3:20-3:20 註釋:
* When.
18:24,26 33:12,13 2Ch 24:2,17-22 Ps 36:3 125:5 Zep 1:6
Mt 13:20,21 Heb 10:38 2Pe 2:18-22 1Jo 2:19
* righteousness. Heb. righteousnesses.
Isa 64:6 Da 9:18
* and I lay.
7:19 14:3,7-9 De 13:3 Ps 119:165 *marg:
Isa 8:14 Jer 6:21 Lu 2:34 Ro 9:32,33 11:9 1Co 1:23 2Th 2:9-12
1Pe 2:8
* because.
18 Le 19:17 2Sa 12:7-13 2Ch 19:2-4 25:15 Pr 25:12 Mt 18:15
* and his.
18:24,26 33:12,13 Mt 12:43-45 Lu 8:15 Ro 2:7,8 Heb 10:38
2Pe 2:21
* but his.
18 33:6 Heb 13:17
經文:以西結書 3:21-3:21 註釋:
* if thou.
Mt 24:24,25 Ac 20:31 1Co 4:14 10:12 Ga 1:6-10 5:2-7
Eph 4:17-21 5:5,6 Col 1:28 3:5-8 1Th 4:6-8 5:14 Tit 2:15
1Jo 3:6-9 Re 3:19
* he shall.
20 Ps 19:11 Pr 9:9 17:10 Ga 2:11-13 Jas 5:20
* also.
19 1Ti 4:16
經文:以西結書 3:22-3:22 註釋:
* the hand.
14 1:3 37:1
* Arise.
8:4 Ac 9:6
經文:以西結書 3:23-3:23 註釋:
* the glory.
1:4,28 9:3 10:18 Nu 16:19,42 Ac 7:55
* river.
* and I fell.
1:28 Da 8:17 10:8,9 Re 1:17 4:10 5:8,14
經文:以西結書 3:24-3:24 註釋:
* the spirit.
2:2 37:10 Da 10:8-10,19
* Go.
經文:以西結書 3:25-3:25 註釋:
4:8 Mr 3:21 Joh 21:18 Ac 9:16 20:23 21:11-13
經文:以西結書 3:26-3:26 註釋:
* I will.
24:27 Ps 51:15 137:6 Jer 1:17 Lu 1:20-22
* and shalt.
Ps 36:11,12 La 2:9 Ho 4:17 Am 5:10 8:11,12 Mic 3:6,7
* a reprover. Heb. a man reproving. for.
2:3-8 Isa 1:2
經文:以西結書 3:27-3:27 註釋:
* I will.
11:25 24:27 29:21 33:32 Ex 4:11,12 Lu 21:15 Eph 6:19
* Thus.
11 2:5 Mt 11:15 13:9 Re 22:10,11
* for they.
9,26 12:2,3
經文:以西結書 4:1-4:1 註釋:
1; Under the type of a siege is shewn the time from the
defection of Jeroboam to the captivity.
9; By the provision of the siege, is shewn the hardness of the
* take.
5:1-17 12:3-16 1Sa 15:27,28 1Ki 11:30,31 Isa 20:2-4
Jer 13:1-14 18:2-12 19:1-15 25:15-38 27:2-22 Ho 1:2-9 3:1-5
Ho 12:10
* a tile.
[Leb(8862)n(8368) [,] {levainah,} generally
denotes a brick, and Palladius informs us that the bricks in
common use among the ancients were "two feet long, one foot
broad, and four inches thick;" and on such a surface the whole
siege might be easily pourtrayed. Perhaps, however, it may
here denote a flat tile, like a Roman brick, which were
commonly used for tablets, as we learn from Pliny, Hist. Nat.
1. vii. c. 57.
* even.
Jer 6:6 32:31 Am 3:2
經文:以西結書 4:2-4:2 註釋:
* lay.
Jer 39:1,2 52:4 Lu 19:42-44
* battering rams. or, chief leaders.
經文:以西結書 4:3-4:3 註釋:
* an iron pan. or, a flat plate, or slice.
Le 2:5
* This.
12:6,11 24:24-27 Isa 8:18 20:3 Lu 2:34 Heb 2:4
經文:以西結書 4:4-4:4 註釋:
* upon.
* and lay.
2Ki 17:21-23
* thou shalt bear.
Le 10:17 16:22 Nu 14:34 18:1 Isa 53:11,12 Mt 8:17 Heb 9:28
1Pe 2:24
經文:以西結書 4:5-4:5 註釋:
* I have.
Isa 53:6
* three.
This number of years will take us back from the year in which
Judea was finally desolated by Nebuzar-adan, B.C. 584, to the
establishment of idolatry in Israel by Jeroboam, B.C. 975.
"Beginning from 1; Ki 12:33. Ending Jer 52:30."
經文:以西結書 4:6-4:6 註釋:
* forty days.
This represented the forty years during which gross idolatry
prevailed in Judah, from the reformation of Josiah, B.C. 624,
to the same final desolation of the land. Some think that the
period of 390; days also predicts the duration of the siege of
the Babylonians, (ver. 9,) deducting from it five months and
twenty-nine days, when the besiegers went to meet the
Egyptians (2; Ki 25:1-4; Jer 37:5;) and that forty days may
have been employed in desolating the temple and city.
"Beginning from 2; Ki 23:3, 23. Ending Jer 52:30."
* each day for a year. Heb. a day for a year, a day for a
Nu 14:34 Da 9:24-26 12:11,12 Re 9:15 11:2,3 12:14 13:5
經文:以西結書 4:7-4:7 註釋:
* set.
3 6:2
* and thine.
Isa 52:10
經文:以西結書 4:8-4:8 註釋:
* I will.
* from one side to another. Heb. from thy side to thy side.
經文:以西結書 4:9-4:9 註釋:
* wheat.
* millet.
{Dochan,} in Arabic, {dokhn,} the {holcus dochna} of Forskal,
is a kind of millet, of considerable use as a food; the
cultivation of which is described by Browne.
* fitches. or, spelt.
{Kussemim} is doubtless [zea,] or spelt, as Aquila and
Symmachus render here; and so LXX. and Theodotion, [olyra.]
In times of scarcity it is customary to mix several kinds of
coarser grains with the finer, to make it last the longer.
* three.
經文:以西結書 4:10-4:10 註釋:
16 14:13 Le 26:26 De 28:51-68 Isa 3:1
經文:以西結書 4:11-4:11 註釋:
* shalt drink.
16 Isa 5:13 Joh 3:34
經文:以西結書 4:12-4:12 註釋:
* cake. a "round" thing.
Ge 18:6
經文:以西結書 4:13-4:13 註釋:
Da 1:8 Ho 9:3,4
經文:以西結書 4:14-4:14 註釋:
* Ah.
9:8 20:49 Jer 1:6
* my soul.
Ac 10:14
* have I.
Ex 22:31 Le 11:39,40 17:15
* abominable.
Le 19:7 De 14:3 Isa 65:4 66:17
經文:以西結書 4:15-4:15 註釋:
* cow's dung.
Dried cow-dung is a common fuel in the East, as it is in many
parts of England, to the present day; but the prophet was
ordered to prepare his bread with human ordure, to shew the
extreme degree of wretchedness to which the besieged should be
exposed, as they would be obliged literally to use it, from
not being able to leave the city to collect other fuel.
經文:以西結書 4:16-4:16 註釋:
* I will.
5:16 14:13 Le 26:26 Ps 105:16 Isa 3:1
* eat.
The prophet was allowed each day only twenty shekels weight,
or about ten ounces, of the coarse food he had prepared, and
the sixth part of a hin, scarcely a pint and a half, of water;
all of which was intended to shew that they should be obliged
to eat the meanest and coarsest food, and that by weight, and
their water by measure.
10,11 12:18,19 Ps 60:3 La 1:11 4:9,10 5:9
經文:以西結書 4:17-4:17 註釋:
* and consume.
24:23 Le 26:39
經文:以西結書 5:1-5:1 註釋:
1; Under the type of hair,
5; is shewn the judgment of Jerusalem for their rebellion;
12; by famine, sword, and dispersion.
* son.
In this expressive emblem, the prophet represents the Jewish
nation; his hair, the people; the razor, the Chaldeans; the
cutting of the hair, the calamities and disgrace coming upon
them; the balances, the exact distribution of the Divine
judgments; the third part of the hair burnt, those destroyed
in the city; the third part smitten with a knife, those slain
in attempting to escape; the third part scattered to the
winds, those who escaped to other countries; the few hairs in
his skirt, those left with Gedaliah; and the burning of these,
their destruction in Egypt.
* take.
44:20 Le 21:5 Isa 7:20
* then.
Da 5:27
經文:以西結書 5:2-5:2 註釋:
* shalt burn.
12 Jer 9:21,22 15:2 24:10 38:2
* the city.
* I will draw.
12 12:14 Le 26:33 Jer 9:16 Am 9:2,3
經文:以西結書 5:3-5:3 註釋:
* a few.
2Ki 25:12 Jer 39:10 40:6 52:16 Mt 7:14 Lu 13:23,24 1Pe 4:18
* skirts. Heb. wings.
經文:以西結書 5:4-5:4 註釋:
* take.
2Ki 25:25 Jer 41:1-44:30 52:30
* shall a fire.
Jer 4:4 48:45
經文:以西結書 5:5-5:5 註釋:
* This.
4:1 Jer 6:6 Lu 22:19,20 1Co 10:4
* I have.
16:14 De 4:6 Mic 5:7 Mt 5:14
經文:以西結書 5:6-5:6 註釋:
* she hath.
16:47 De 32:15-21 2Ki 17:8-20 Ps 106:20 Ro 1:23-25 1Co 5:1
Jude 1:4
* for they.
Ne 9:16,17 Ps 78:10 Jer 5:3 8:5 9:6 11:10 Zec 7:11
經文:以西結書 5:7-5:7 註釋:
* neither have done.
11 16:47,48,54 2Ki 21:9-11 2Ch 33:9 Jer 2:10,11
經文:以西結書 5:8-5:8 註釋:
* even I.
15:7 21:3 26:3 28:22 35:3 39:1 Le 26:17-46 De 29:20
Jer 21:5,13 La 2:5 3:3 Zec 14:2,3 Mt 22:7
* in the.
25:2-6 26:2 29:6,7 35:10-15 De 29:23-28 1Ki 9:8,9 Jer 22:8,9
Jer 24:9 50:7 La 2:15-17
經文:以西結書 5:9-5:9 註釋:
* that which.
La 4:6,9 Da 9:12 Am 3:2 Mt 24:21
The sentence here passed upon Jerusalem is very dreadful, and
the manner of expression makes it yet more so: the judgments
are various, the threatenings of them varied, reiterated; so
that one may well say, Who is able to stand in God's sight
when he is angry?
經文:以西結書 5:10-5:10 註釋:
* the fathers.
Le 26:29 De 28:53-57,64 2Ki 6:29 Isa 9:20 49:26 Jer 19:9
La 2:20 4:10
* the whole.
2,12 6:8 12:14 20:23 22:15 36:19 Le 26:33 De 4:27 28:64
De 32:26 Ne 1:8 Ps 44:11 Jer 9:16 44:12 50:17 Am 9:9 Zec 2:6
Zec 7:14 Lu 21:24
經文:以西結書 5:11-5:11 註釋:
* as I live.
Nu 14:28-35 Ps 95:11 Am 8:7 Heb 6:13
* thou hast.
8:5,6,16 23:28 44:7 2Ki 21:4,7 23:12 2Ch 33:4,7 36:14
Jer 7:9-11 32:34
* detestable.
7:20 11:18,21 De 7:25,26 Jer 16:18 44:4
* will I.
29:15 Ps 107:39 Jer 10:24 *marg:
Ro 11:12
* neither shall.
7:4,9 8:18 9:5,10 24:14 De 29:20 La 2:21 Zec 11:6 Mal 3:17
Ro 8:32 11:21 2Pe 2:4,5
經文:以西結書 5:12-5:12 註釋:
* third part of.
2 6:12 Jer 15:2 21:9 Zec 13:7-9
* and I will scatter.
2,10 6:8 Jer 9:16 Zec 7:14
* and I will draw.
This was particularly fulfilled in the destruction of those
who retired to Egypt; and has been remarkably verified in the
many persecutions and miseries which the Jews have suffered at
different times, in the various countries into which they are
2 12:14 Le 26:33 De 28:65 Jer 42:16,17,22 43:10,11 44:27
Am 9:4
經文:以西結書 5:13-5:13 註釋:
* shall mine.
6:12 7:8 13:15 20:8,21 Jer 25:12 La 4:11,22 Da 9:2 11:36
* I will cause.
16:42,63 21:17 23:25 24:13 Isa 1:21
* I will be.
De 32:36 Isa 1:24 Zec 6:8
* spoken.
6:10 36:5,6 38:18,19 Isa 9:7 59:17
經文:以西結書 5:14-5:14 註釋:
* I will.
22:4 Le 26:31,32 De 28:37 2Ch 7:20,21 Ne 2:17 Ps 74:3-10
Ps 79:1-4 Isa 64:10,11 Jer 19:8 24:9,10 42:18 La 1:4,8
La 2:15-17 5:18 Mic 3:12
* the nations.
經文:以西結書 5:15-5:15 註釋:
* an instruction.
De 29:24-28 1Ki 9:7 Ps 79:4 Isa 26:9 Jer 22:8,9 1Co 10:11
* when.
25:17 Isa 66:15,16 Na 1:2
經文:以西結書 5:16-5:16 註釋:
* the evil.
De 32:23,24 Ps 7:13 91:5-7 La 3:12
* and will.
4:16 14:13 Le 26:26 2Ki 6:25 Isa 3:1
經文:以西結書 5:17-5:17 註釋:
* and evil.
14:15,21 33:27 34:25-28 Ex 23:29 Le 26:22 De 32:24 2Ki 17:25
Jer 15:3
* and pestilence.
12 14:19 38:22
* and I.
6:12 21:3 23:47
* I the.
13,15 17:21,24 21:32 22:14 26:14 30:12 37:14 Mt 24:35
經文:以西結書 6:1-6:1 註釋:
1; The judgment of Israel for their idolatry.
8; A remnant shall be blessed.
11; The faithful are exhorted to lament their abominations and
* And the word.
This is a new prophecy, and was probably given after the 430
days of his lying on his left and right side were
accomplished. By Israel here Judea is simply meant; not the
ten tribes, who had long before been carried captive.
經文:以西結書 6:2-6:2 註釋:
* set.
4:7 13:17 20:46 21:2 25:2 38:2,3
* the mountains.
19:9 33:28 34:14 35:12 37:22 Jos 11:21 Mic 6:1,2
經文:以西結書 6:3-6:3 註釋:
* Ye.
36:1-4,8 Jer 22:29 Mic 6:2
* to the mountains.
Jer 2:20 3:6,23
* and I will.
Le 26:30 Isa 27:9
經文:以西結書 6:4-6:4 註釋:
* images. or, sun-images. and so.
6 2Ch 14:5 34:4 Jer 43:13 *margins
* and I.
5,13 Le 26:30 1Ki 13:2 2Ki 23:14,16-20 2Ch 34:5 Jer 8:1,2
經文:以西結書 6:5-6:5 註釋:
* lay. Heb. give.
經文:以西結書 6:6-6:6 註釋:
* all your.
Isa 6:11 Jer 9:19 Zep 3:7
* the cities.
5:14 Isa 24:1-12 32:13,14 64:10 Jer 2:15 9:11 10:22 34:22
Mic 3:12 Zep 1:2-6,18 3:6
* and the.
16:39 Le 26:30 Jer 17:3 Ho 10:8
* your altars.
30:13 Isa 2:18,20 27:9 Ho 10:2 Mic 1:7 5:13 Zep 1:3,4
Zec 13:2
* your works.
Ps 115:8 Isa 1:31 Hab 2:18
經文:以西結書 6:7-6:7 註釋:
* slain.
9:7 Jer 14:18 18:21 25:33 La 2:20,21 4:9
* and ye.
13 7:4,9 11:10,12 12:15 13:9,14,21,23 14:8 15:7 20:38,42,44
23:49 24:24,27 25:17 26:6 28:23 30:26 35:15 38:23 Ex 7:5
Ex 14:4,18 2Ki 19:19 Ps 83:17,18 Da 4:35-37 6:26,27
經文:以西結書 6:8-6:8 註釋:
5:2,12 12:16 14:22 Isa 6:13 27:7,8 Jer 30:11 44:14,28 46:28
Ro 9:27 11:5,6
經文:以西結書 6:9-6:9 註釋:
* remember.
Le 26:40,41 De 4:29-31 30:1-3 Ps 137:1 Jer 51:50 Da 9:2,3
Zec 10:9
* I am.
5:13 16:43 Ps 78:40 78:40 Isa 7:13 43:24 63:10 Jer 3:6,13
Am 2:13
* their eyes.
14:4-7 20:7,24,28 23:14-16 Nu 15:39 2Ki 16:10 2Pe 2:14
* they shall.
They shall humble themselves on account of their abominations,
forsake their idolatry, and worship ME alone: and this they
have done from the Babylonish captivity to the present day.
7:16 12:16 16:63 20:43 36:31,32 Le 26:39 Job 42:6 Isa 64:6
Jer 30:18,19
經文:以西結書 6:10-6:10 註釋:
7 14:22,23 Jer 5:12-14 44:28 Da 9:12 Zec 1:6
經文:以西結書 6:11-6:11 註釋:
* Smite.
21:14-17 Nu 24:10 Isa 58:1 Jer 9:1,10
* Alas.
9:4 Jer 30:7 Joe 1:15 Am 5:16 Re 18:10,16-19
* fall.
5:12 14:21 Jer 15:2,3 16:4 24:10
經文:以西結書 6:12-6:12 註釋:
* far off.
Da 9:7
* thus.
5:13 Isa 40:2 La 4:11,22
經文:以西結書 6:13-6:13 註釋:
* when.
4-7 Isa 37:20,36-38
* upon.
20:28 1Ki 14:23 2Ki 16:4 Isa 1:29 57:5-7 65:3,4 66:17
Jer 2:20 3:6 Ho 4:13
經文:以西結書 6:14-6:14 註釋:
* will I.
16:27 20:33,34 Isa 5:25 9:12,17,21 10:4 26:11
* more desolate than the wilderness. or, desolate from the
wilderness. Diblath.
Nu 33:46
* Almon-diblathaim.
Jer 48:22
* Beth-diblathaim.
Diblath was a city of Moab and appears from parallel passages
to have been situated between Dibon and Abarim or Nebo.
經文:以西結書 7:1-7:1 註釋:
1; The final desolation of Israel.
16; The mournful repentance of them that escape.
20; The enemies defile the sanctuary because of the Israelites'
23; Under the type of a chain is shewn the miserable captivity
of all orders of men.
經文:以西結書 7:2-7:2 註釋:
* unto.
12:22 21:2 40:2 2Ch 34:7
* An end.
Two or three MSS. read {ketz ba, ba hakketz,} "the end cometh,
come is the end;" which is supported by all the ancient
3,5,6 11:13 Ge 6:13 De 32:20 Jer 5:31 51:13 La 1:9 4:18
Am 8:2,10 Mt 24:6,13,14 1Pe 4:7
經文:以西結書 7:3-7:3 註釋:
* and I.
8,9 5:13 6:3-7,12,13
* will judge.
8,27 11:10,11 16:38 18:30 33:20 34:20-22 36:19 Re 20:12,13
* recompense. Heb. give.
經文:以西結書 7:4-7:4 註釋:
* mine.
9 5:11 8:18 9:10 24:14 Jer 13:14 Zec 11:6
* but.
11:21 16:43 23:31 23:49 Jer 16:18 25:14 Ho 9:7 12:2 Heb 10:30
* and ye.
27 6:7,14 12:20
經文:以西結書 7:5-7:5 註釋:
5:9 2Ki 21:12,13 Da 9:12 Am 3:2 Na 1:9 Mt 24:21
經文:以西結書 7:6-7:6 註釋:
* An end.
This is similar to the second verse; but there is a
paronomasia, or play upon words, here, deserving of notice:
{ketz ba, ba hakketz, haikeetz ailayich,} "the end cometh,
come is the end: it waketh for thee." {Ketz,} is an end;
{haikeetz,} is to wake or watch.
3 Jer 44:27
* watcheth for thee. Heb. awaketh against thee.
Zec 13:7
* behold.
10 21:25 39:8 2Pe 2:5
經文:以西結書 7:7-7:7 註釋:
* morning.
Ge 19:15,24 Isa 17:14 Am 4:13
* the time.
12 12:23-25,28 Isa 13:22 Zep 1:14-16 1Pe 4:17
* the day.
Isa 22:5 Jer 20:7
* sounding again. or, echo.
經文:以西結書 7:8-7:8 註釋:
* pour.
9:8 14:19 20:8,13,21,33 22:31 30:15 36:18 2Ch 34:21 Ps 79:6
Isa 42:25 Jer 7:20 La 2:4 4:11 Da 9:11,27 Ho 5:10 Na 1:6
Re 14:10 16:2-21
* accomplish.
* and I.
經文:以西結書 7:9-7:9 註釋:
* thee. Heb. upon thee. and ye.
* the Lord.
Isa 9:13 Mic 6:9 Ga 6:7 Re 20:13
經文:以西結書 7:10-7:10 註釋:
* behold, it.
6 1Th 5:3
* the morning.
* the rod.
19:14 21:10,13 Nu 17:8 Isa 10:5
* pride.
Pr 14:3 16:18 Isa 28:1 Da 4:37 Jas 4:6
經文:以西結書 7:11-7:11 註釋:
* Violence.
23 Isa 5:7 9:4 14:29 59:6-8 Jer 6:7 Am 3:10 6:3 Mic 2:2 3:3
Mic 6:12 Jas 2:13
* none.
2,16 5:4,11 6:11 Zep 1:18
* multitude. or, tumult. theirs. or, their tumultuous
persons. neither.
24:16-24 Ps 78:64 Jer 16:5,6 22:18 25:33
經文:以西結書 7:12-7:12 註釋:
* time.
5-7,10 1Co 7:29-31 Jas 5:8,9
* let.
Isa 24:1,2 Jer 32:7,8,24,25
* for.
13,14 6:11,12 Isa 5:13,14
經文:以西結書 7:13-7:13 註釋:
* the seller.
Ec 8:8 Le 25:24-28,31
* they were yet alive. Heb. their life were yet among the
living. neither.
13:22 33:26,27 Job 15:25 Ps 52:7
* in, etc. or, whose life is in his iniquity. the iniquity of
his life. Heb. his iniquity.
經文:以西結書 7:14-7:14 註釋:
* have.
Jer 4:5 6:1 51:27
* for.
11,12 Isa 24:1-7 Jer 6:11 7:20 12:12
經文:以西結書 7:15-7:15 註釋:
5:12 De 32:23-25 Jer 14:18 15:2,3 La 1:20
經文:以西結書 7:16-7:16 註釋:
* they.
6:8 Ezr 9:15 Isa 1:9 37:31 Jer 44:14,28
* like.
6:9 Isa 38:14 59:11
* mourning.
36:31 Pr 5:11-14 Jer 31:9,18,19 50:4,5 Zec 12:10-14
經文:以西結書 7:17-7:17 註釋:
* hands.
21:7 Isa 13:7,8 Jer 6:24 Heb 12:12
* be weak as water. Heb. go into water.
經文:以西結書 7:18-7:18 註釋:
* shall also.
Isa 3:24 15:2,3 Jer 48:37 Am 8:10
* and horror.
Ge 15:12 Job 21:6 Ps 35:26 55:4,5 Jer 3:25 Re 6:15-17
經文:以西結書 7:19-7:19 註釋:
* shall cast.
2Ki 7:7,8,15 Pr 11:4 Isa 2:20 30:22 Zep 1:18 Mt 16:26
* removed. Heb. for a separation, or uncleanness. they shall
Job 20:12-23 Ps 78:30,31 Ec 5:10 Isa 55:2 Lu 12:19,20
* it is the stumbling-block of their iniquity. or, their
iniquity is their stumbling-block.
14:3,4,7 44:12 Ro 11:9
經文:以西結書 7:20-7:20 註釋:
* the beauty.
24:21 1Ch 29:1,2 2Ch 2:9 3:1-17 Ezr 3:12 Ps 48:2 50:2 87:2,3
Isa 64:11 Hag 2:3
* but.
5:11 8:7-10,15,16 2Ki 21:4,7 23:11,12 2Ch 33:4-7 36:14
Jer 7:30
* set it far from them. or, made it unto them an unclean
22 9:7 24:21 Jer 7:14 La 1:10 2:1,7
經文:以西結書 7:21-7:21 註釋:
2Ki 24:13 25:9,13-16 2Ch 36:18,19 Ps 74:2-8 79:1 Jer 52:13-23
經文:以西結書 7:22-7:22 註釋:
* face.
Ps 10:11 35:22 74:10,11,18-23 Jer 18:17
* robbers. or, burglars.
經文:以西結書 7:23-7:23 註釋:
* a chain.
19:3-6 Jer 27:2 40:1 La 3:7 Na 3:10
* for.
9:9 11:6 22:3-6,9,13,27 2Ki 21:16 24:4 Isa 1:15 59:3,7
Jer 2:34 7:6 22:17 Ho 4:2 Mic 2:2 7:2 Zep 3:3,4
經文:以西結書 7:24-7:24 註釋:
* I will bring.
21:31 28:7 Ps 106:41 Jer 4:7 12:12 Hab 1:6-10
* they shall.
That is, "the Chaldeans shall possess the houses of the
Jews." The antecedents of pronouns are thus frequently
understood in Hebrew poetry.
Jer 6:12 La 5:2
* I will also.
33:28 Isa 5:14
* the pomp.
That is, the magnificence of their greatest and haughtiest
* their holy places shall be defiled. or, they shall inherit
their holy places.
21:2 2Ch 7:19 Ps 83:12
經文:以西結書 7:25-7:25 註釋:
* Destruction. Heb. Cutting off. and they.
Isa 57:21 59:8-12 Jer 8:15,16 La 4:17,18 Mic 1:12
經文:以西結書 7:26-7:26 註釋:
* Mischief shall.
Le 26:18,21,24,28 De 32:23 Jer 4:20
* then.
14:1 20:1-3 33:31 Jer 21:2 37:17 38:14-28
* but.
Ps 74:9 La 2:9 Am 8:11,12 Mic 3:6
* ancients.
8:1 14:1 20:1 Jer 18:18
經文:以西結書 7:27-7:27 註釋:
* king.
12:10-22 17:15-21 21:25 Jer 52:8-11
* I will.
4-8 18:30 Isa 3:11 Ro 2:5-10
* according to their deserts. Heb. with their judgments.
Mt 7:2 Jas 2:13
* and they.
4 1Ki 20:28 Ps 9:16 Joe 3:17
經文:以西結書 8:1-8:1 註釋:
1; Ezekiel, in a vision of God at Jerusalem,
5; is shewn the image of jealousy;
7; the chambers of imagery;
13; the mourners for Tammuz;
16; the worshippers toward the sun.
17; God's wrath for their idolatry.
* in the sixth year.
1:2 20:1 24:1 26:1 29:1,17 31:1 32:17 40:1
* and the.
14:1,4 20:1 33:31 Mal 2:7 Ac 20:33
* that the.
1:3 3:12,14,22 37:1
經文:以西結書 8:2-8:2 註釋:
* I beheld.
1:4,26,27 Da 7:9,10 Re 1:14,15
* amber.
Amber is a hard, inflammable, bituminous substance, of a
beautiful yellow colour, very transparent, and susceptible of
an exquisite polish. When rubbed it is highly endowed with
electricity; a name which the moderns have formed from its
Greek name [elektron.] But, as amber becomes dim as soon as
it feels the fire, and is speedily consumed, it is probable
that the original {chashmal,} which Bochart derives from the
Chaldee {nechash,} copper, and {melala,} gold, was a mixed
metal, similar to that which the Greeks called [elektron,]
electrum, as the LXX. and Vulgate render, from its resemblance
to amber in colour.
經文:以西結書 8:3-8:3 註釋:
* he put.
2:9 Da 5:5 10:10,18
* the spirit.
3:14 11:1,24 40:2 1Ki 18:12 2Ki 2:16 Ac 8:39 2Co 12:2-4
Re 1:10-20 4:2-11
* to the door.
5 2Ki 16:14
* the image.
5:11 7:20 2Ki 21:7 Jer 7:30 32:34
* provoketh.
Ex 20:5 34:14 De 4:24 5:9 6:15 32:16,21 Jos 24:19 Ps 78:58
1Co 10:21,22
經文:以西結書 8:4-8:4 註釋:
1:26-28 3:22,23 9:3 10:1-4 11:22,23 43:2-4 Ex 25:22 40:34,35
2Co 3:18 4:4-6 Heb 1:3
經文:以西結書 8:5-8:5 註釋:
* lift.
Jer 3:2 Zec 5:5-11
* at the.
3 Ps 48:2
經文:以西結書 8:6-8:6 註釋:
* seest.
12,17 Jer 3:6 7:17
* even.
9,17 5:11 7:20-22 23:38,39 2Ki 23:4-6 Pr 5:14 Jer 7:30 23:11
Jer 32:34
* that I.
10:19 11:22 De 31:16-18 2Ch 36:14-17 Ps 78:60 Jer 26:6
La 2:6,7
* greater.
經文:以西結書 8:7-8:7 註釋:
1Ki 7:12 2Ki 21:5
經文:以西結書 8:8-8:8 註釋:
Job 34:22 Isa 29:15 Jer 2:34 *marg:
Jer 23:24 Am 9:2,3
經文:以西結書 8:9-8:9 註釋:
* that they.
經文:以西結書 8:10-8:10 註釋:
* and behold.
These images portrayed on the wall were no doubt the objects
of Egyptian idolatry, the ox, ape, crocodile, ibis, beetle,
etc., as we find those idols were painted on the walls of the
tombs of kings and nobles.
* every.
Ex 20:4 Le 11:10-12,29-31,42-44 De 4:18 14:3,7,8 Isa 57:6-10
Jer 2:26,27 3:9 16:18 Ro 1:23
經文:以西結書 8:11-8:11 註釋:
* seventy.
Ex 24:1,9 Nu 11:16,25 Jer 5:5 19:1 Da 9:8
* Shaphan.
2Ki 22:3,8,12,14 25:22 2Ch 34:20 Jer 26:24 29:3 36:10
* every.
Nu 16:17,35 2Ch 26:16,19 Jer 7:9
經文:以西結書 8:12-8:12 註釋:
* hast.
* ancients.
11 14:1 20:1 Eph 5:12
* in the.
7,8 Job 24:13-17 Joh 3:19,20
* The Lord seeth.
9:9 Job 22:12,13 Ps 73:11 94:7-10 Isa 29:15
經文:以西結書 8:13-8:13 註釋:
* greater.
6,15 Jer 9:3 2Ti 3:13
經文:以西結書 8:14-8:14 註釋:
* toward.
44:4 46:9
經文:以西結書 8:15-8:15 註釋:
* Hast.
6,12 2Ti 3:13
* greater.
經文:以西結書 8:16-8:16 註釋:
* the inner.
10:3 40:28 43:5 45:19
* at the door.
2Ki 16:14 2Ch 7:7 Joe 2:17
* about.
* with their.
23:35 1Ki 8:29 2Ch 29:6 Jer 2:27 32:33
* their faces.
De 4:19 17:3 2Ki 23:5,11 Job 31:26-28 Jer 44:17 Ac 7:42,43
* and they.
It seems that the Jews had incorporated every species of
idolatry into their worship, Egyptian, Phoenician, and
Persian; for this evidently was the Magian worship of the sun.
經文:以西結書 8:17-8:17 註釋:
* Is it a light, etc. or, Is there any thing lighter than to
commit, etc. for.
7:23 9:9 11:6 Ge 6:13 2Ki 21:16 24:4 Jer 6:7 19:4 20:8
Am 3:10 6:3 Mic 2:2 6:12 Zep 1:9
* they put.
So the Vulgate has, {applicant ramum ad nares suas,} "they
apply the branch to their nose;" which Jerome explains by "a
branch of the palm tree with which they adored the idols;" and
it seems plainly to allude to the Magian fire-worshippers,
who, Strabo tells us, held a little bunch of twigs in their
hand, when praying before the fire.
經文:以西結書 8:18-8:18 註釋:
* will I also.
5:11-13 7:4-9 9:5,10 16:42 24:13 Na 1:2
* and though.
Jud 10:13,14 Pr 1:28 Isa 1:15 59:2 Jer 11:11 14:12 Mic 3:4
Zec 7:13 Lu 13:25
經文:以西結書 9:1-9:1 註釋:
1; A vision, whereby is shewn the preservation of some;
5; and the destruction of the rest.
8; God cannot be intreated for them.
* cried.
43:6,7 Isa 6:8 Am 3:7,8 Re 1:10,11 14:7
* Cause.
Ex 12:23 2Ki 10:24 1Ch 21:15 Isa 10:6,7
經文:以西結書 9:2-9:2 註釋:
* six.
Jer 1:15 5:15-17 8:16,17 25:9
* the higher.
2Ki 15:35 2Ch 27:3 Jer 26:10
* lieth. Heb. is turned. slaughter weapon. Heb. weapon of
his breaking in pieces. and one.
10:2,6,7 Le 16:4 Re 15:6
* ink-horn.
{Keseth,} (in Chaldee, {kista,} Syriac, {kesto,} Ethiopic,
{kasut,}) denotes a bottle, or vessel to hold any fluid; and
being here united to {sophair,} a writer, is not improperly
rendered as an ink-horn: so one of the editions of Aquila,
[melandocheion,] and Vulgate, {atramentarium.} Dr. Shaw
informs us, that among the Moors, "the {Hojas,} i.e., writers
or secretaries, suspend their ink-horns in their girdles."
* by his side. Heb. upon his loins. beside.
Ex 27:1-7 40:29 2Ch 4:1
經文:以西結書 9:3-9:3 註釋:
3:23 8:4 10:4 11:22,23 43:2-4
經文:以西結書 9:4-9:4 註釋:
* set a mark. Heb. mark a mark.
Ex 12:7,13 Mal 3:16 2Co 1:22 Eph 4:30 2Ti 2:19 Re 7:2,3 9:4
Re 13:6,7 14:1 20:4
* that sigh.
6:11 2Ki 22:13,19,20 Ps 119:53,136 Isa 57:15 Jer 13:17
2Co 12:21 2Pe 2:8,9
經文:以西結書 9:5-9:5 註釋:
* hearing. Heb. ears.
1Sa 9:15 Isa 5:9 22:14
* Go.
10 5:11 7:4,9 8:18 24:14 Ex 32:27 Nu 25:7,8 De 32:39-42
1Ki 18:40
經文:以西結書 9:6-9:6 註釋:
* utterly. Heb. to destruction. old.
Nu 31:15-17 De 2:34 3:6 Jos 6:17-21 1Sa 15:3 2Ch 36:17
* but.
Ex 12:23 Jos 2:18,19 6:22-25 2Ti 2:19 Re 7:3 9:4 14:4
* and begin.
8:5-16 Jer 25:29 Am 3:2 Lu 12:47 1Pe 4:17,18
* at the.
8:11,16 11:1
經文:以西結書 9:7-9:7 註釋:
7:20-22 2Ch 36:17 Ps 79:1-3 La 2:4-7 Lu 13:1
經文:以西結書 9:8-9:8 註釋:
* that I.
Nu 14:5 16:4,21,22,45 De 9:18 Jos 7:6 1Ch 21:16 Ezr 9:5
* Ah.
4:14 11:13 Ge 18:23 Jer 4:10 14:13,19 Am 7:2-5
經文:以西結書 9:9-9:9 註釋:
* The iniquity.
7:23 22:2-12,25-31 De 31:29 32:5,15-22 2Ki 17:7-23
2Ch 36:14-16 Isa 1:4 59:2-8,12-15 Jer 5:1-9 7:8,9 Mic 3:9-12
Zep 3:1-4
* and the land.
8:17 2Ki 21:16 24:4 Jer 2:34 22:17 La 4:13,14 Mt 23:35-37
Lu 11:50
* full of. Heb. filled with. perverseness. or, wresting of
22:27-29 Mic 3:1-3 7:3,4
* The Lord hath.
8:12 Job 22:13 Ps 10:11 94:7 Isa 29:15
經文:以西結書 9:10-9:10 註釋:
* mine.
5 5:11 7:4 8:18 21:31,32
* but.
7:8,9 11:21 22:31 De 32:41 2Ch 6:23 Isa 65:6 Ho 9:7 Joe 3:4
Heb 10:30
經文:以西結書 9:11-9:11 註釋:
* reported the matter. Heb. returned the word. I have.
Ps 103:20 Isa 46:10,11 Zec 1:10,11 6:7,8 Re 16:2,17
經文:以西結書 10:1-10:1 註釋:
1; The vision of the coals of fire, to be scattered over the
8; The vision of the cherubims.
* I looked.
Isa 21:8,9 Hab 2:1
* in the.
1:22-26 Ex 24:10 Re 4:2,3
* above.
20 11:22 Ps 18:10 68:17,18 Eph 1:20 1Pe 3:22
* as the.
1:22,26 Ge 18:2,17,22,31 32:24,30 Jos 5:13-15 6:2 Jer 13:6,8
Jer 13:18-22 Joh 1:18 Re 1:13
經文:以西結書 10:2-10:2 註釋:
* unto.
7 9:2,3,11
* Go.
8-13,16 1:15-20
* thine hand. Heb. the hollow of thine hand. coals.
1:13 Ex 9:8-10 Ps 18:12,13 140:10 Isa 6:6,7 Re 8:5
* scatter.
20:47,48 24:9-14 2Ki 25:9 Isa 30:30 Jer 24:8-10
經文:以西結書 10:3-10:3 註釋:
* and the.
3 9:3 43:4
經文:以西結書 10:4-10:4 註釋:
* the glory.
18 1:28 9:3 11:22,23 Nu 16:19
* went up. Heb. was lifted up. and the house.
43:5 Ex 40:35 1Ki 8:10-12 2Ch 5:13,14 Hag 2:9 Re 15:8
經文:以西結書 10:5-10:5 註釋:
* the sound.
* outer.
46:21 1Ki 7:9 2Ch 4:9
* the voice.
Ex 19:16,19 20:18,19 De 4:12,13 Job 37:2-5 40:9 Ps 29:3-9
Ps 68:33 77:17 Joh 12:28,29 Heb 12:18,19 Re 10:3,4
經文:以西結書 10:6-10:6 註釋:
2 Ps 80:1 99:1
經文:以西結書 10:7-10:7 註釋:
* stretched forth. Heb. sent forth. unto the.
6 1:13
* and went.
41:23-26 Mt 13:41,42,49,50 24:34,35
經文:以西結書 10:8-10:8 註釋:
21 1:8 Isa 6:6
經文:以西結書 10:9-10:9 註釋:
error in strong number parsing >,] gold, and
[lithos <See definition 3037>,] a stone,) because of its
fine gold yellow colour. It is now called by the moderns the
topaz; is a very beautiful and valuable gem in its pure and
perfect state, though very rarely found so; and the finer
pieces of it are in hardness second only to the diamond. The
Vulgate, however, in ch. 1:16, renders, {quasi visio maris,}
"as the appearance of the seas," i.e., azure; and Dr. Geddes
(on Ex 28:10) says, that, with {Abarbanel,} he believes the
beryl to be intended. It is a pellucid gem, called by our
lapidaries, {aqua marina,} of a sea or bluish green colour,
found in the East Indies and about the gold mines of Peru.
The genuine beryl never receives any other mixture of colour;
and in its perfect state approaches the hardness of garnet.
經文:以西結書 10:10-10:10 註釋:
1:16 Ps 36:6 97:2 104:24 Ro 11:33
經文:以西結書 10:11-10:11 註釋:
* they went upon.
22 1:17
* whither.
1:20 Mt 8:8-10
經文:以西結書 10:12-10:12 註釋:
* body. Heb. flesh. were.
1:18 Re 4:6,8
經文:以西結書 10:13-10:13 註釋:
* it was cried, etc. or, they were called in my hearing,
Wheel, or Galgal.
經文:以西結書 10:14-10:14 註釋:
* every.
21 1:6-10 1Ki 7:29,36 Re 4:7
* the face of a cherub.
In ch. 1:10, instead of "the face of a cherub," it is "the
face of an ox:" hence a cherub was in the likeness of an ox,
at least as to its head. The extraordinary shape of these
angelic beings, which appeared to the prophet in vision, is
manifestly symbolical; for it is not to be supposed that these
heavenly beings are really thus formed. The four faces,
wings, and the arms of a man, denote the sublime qualities of
these immediate ministers of the Deity; qualities entirely
essential to fill up the extent of their duty. The face of a
man denotes their intelligence; of a lion, their intrepid
courage; of an ox, their patience and perseverance in labour;
and of an eagle, their great penetration, their sublime sight
into heavenly things, and their readiness to rise up into all
that is great and divine. The wings being stretched out,
signifies their readiness and rapidity in obeying the commands
of their Master; the wings bent down, denotes their profound
respect before the Lord of the Universe; and the man's arms
under the wings, shew that zeal produces application and
經文:以西結書 10:15-10:15 註釋:
* lifted.
18,19 8:6 11:22 Ho 9:12
* This.
20 1:5,13,14 43:3
經文:以西結書 10:16-10:16 註釋:
經文:以西結書 10:17-10:17 註釋:
* for.
* of the living creature. or, of life.
Ge 2:7 Ro 8:2 Re 11:11
經文:以西結書 10:18-10:18 註釋:
* the glory.
4 7:20-22 Ps 78:60,61 Jer 6:8 7:12-14 Ho 9:12 Mt 23:37-39
* and stood.
3,4 Ge 3:24 2Ki 2:11 Ps 18:10 68:17,18
經文:以西結書 10:19-10:19 註釋:
* the cherubims.
1:17-21 11:22,23
* of the east.
8:16 43:4
* and the glory.
1 1:26-28
經文:以西結書 10:20-10:20 註釋:
* the living.
15 1:22-28 3:23
* the river.
* and I.
1Ki 6:29-35 7:36
經文:以西結書 10:21-10:21 註釋:
* had four.
14 1:8-10 41:18,19 Re 4:7
* and the.
經文:以西結書 10:22-10:22 註釋:
* the likeness.
* they went.
11 1:12 Ho 14:9
經文:以西結書 11:1-11:1 註釋:
1; The presumption of the princes.
4; Their sin and judgment.
13; Ezekiel complaining, God shews him his purpose in saving a
21; and punishing the wicked.
22; The glory of God leaves the city.
24; Ezekiel is returned to the captivity.
* the spirit.
24 3:12,14 8:3 37:1 40:1,2 41:1 1Ki 18:12 2Ki 2:16 Ac 8:39
2Co 12:1-4 Re 1:10
* the east.
10:19 43:4
* behold.
* Jaazaniah.
2Ki 25:23
* Pelatiah.
13 22:27 Isa 1:10,23 Ho 5:10
經文:以西結書 11:2-11:2 註釋:
Es 8:3 Ps 2:1,2 36:4 52:2 Isa 30:1 59:4 Jer 5:5 18:18
Mic 2:1,2
經文:以西結書 11:3-11:3 註釋:
* It is not, etc. or, It is not for us to build houses near.
7:7 12:22,27 Isa 5:19 Jer 1:11,12 Am 6:5 2Pe 3:4
* this city.
7-11 24:3-14 Jer 1:13
經文:以西結書 11:4-11:4 註釋:
3:2-15,17-21 20:46,47 21:2 25:2 Isa 58:1 Ho 6:5 8:1
經文:以西結書 11:5-11:5 註釋:
* the Spirit.
2:2 3:24,27 8:1 Nu 11:25,26 1Sa 10:6,10 Ac 10:44 11:15
* Speak.
2:4,5,7 3:11 Isa 58:1
* Thus have.
28:2 29:3 38:11 Ps 50:21 Isa 28:15 Mal 3:13,14 Mr 3:22-30
Jas 3:6
* for.
38:10 1Ch 28:9 Ps 7:9 139:2,3 Jer 16:17 17:10 Mr 2:8 Joh 2:24
Joh 2:25 21:17 Heb 4:13 Re 2:23
經文:以西結書 11:6-11:6 註釋:
7:23 9:9 22:2-6,9,12,27 24:6-9 2Ki 21:16 Isa 1:15 Jer 2:30,34
Jer 7:6,9 La 4:13 Ho 4:2,3 Mic 3:2,3,10 7:2 Zep 3:3 Mt 23:35
經文:以西結書 11:7-11:7 註釋:
* Your.
24:3-13 Mic 3:2,3
* but.
3:9-11 2Ki 25:18-22 Jer 52:24-27
經文:以西結書 11:8-11:8 註釋:
Job 3:25 20:24 Pr 10:24 Isa 24:17,18 30:16,17 66:4
Jer 38:19-23 42:14-16 44:12,13 Am 9:1-4 Joh 11:48 1Th 2:15,16
經文:以西結書 11:9-11:9 註釋:
* and deliver.
21:31 De 28:36,49,50 2Ki 24:4 Ne 9:36,37 Ps 106:41
Jer 5:15-17 39:6
* and will.
5:8,10,15 16:38,41 30:19 Ps 106:30 Ec 8:11 Joh 5:27 Ro 13:4
Jude 1:15
經文:以西結書 11:10-11:10 註釋:
* fall.
2Ki 25:19-21 Jer 39:6 52:9,10,24-27
* in.
Nu 34:8,9 Jos 13:5 1Ki 8:65 2Ki 14:25
* and ye.
6:7 13:9,14,21,23 Ps 9:16 Jer 9:24
經文:以西結書 11:11-11:11 註釋:
經文:以西結書 11:12-11:12 註釋:
* for we have not walked. or, which have not walked.
21 20:16,21,24 Le 26:40 1Ki 11:33 2Ki 21:22 Ezr 9:7 Ne 9:34
Ps 78:10 Jer 6:16 Da 9:10
* but.
8:10,14,16 16:44-47 Le 18:3,24-28 De 12:30,31 2Ki 16:3,10,11
2Ki 17:11-23 18:12 21:2 2Ch 13:9 28:3 33:2-9 36:14
Ps 106:35-39 Jer 10:2
經文:以西結書 11:13-11:13 註釋:
* And it.
Whilst the prophet, in vision, was delivering this message to
the princes, Pelatiah suddenly died; and it is highly probable
the he was actually struck dead at this very time, in so
remarkable a manner as to render the vision much noticed. The
prophet, alarmed and distressed for the welfare of his people,
anxiously enquired whether the Lord meant to destroy the
remnant of Israel.
* when.
1 37:7 Nu 14:35-37 De 7:4 1Ki 13:4 Pr 6:15 Jer 28:15-17
Ho 6:5 Ac 5:5,10 13:11
* Then.
De 9:18,19 Jos 7:6-9 1Ch 21:16,17 Ps 106:23 119:120
* Ah.
9:8 Am 7:2,5
經文:以西結書 11:14-11:14 註釋:
經文:以西結書 11:15-11:15 註釋:
* thy brethren.
Jer 24:1-5
* Get.
Isa 65:5 66:5 Joh 16:2
* unto.
經文:以西結書 11:16-11:16 註釋:
* Thus saith.
Le 26:44 De 30:3,4 2Ki 24:12-16 Ps 44:11 Jer 24:5,6 30:11
Jer 31:10
* as a.
Ps 31:20 90:1 91:1,9-16 Pr 18:10 Isa 4:5 8:14 Jer 26:7,11
Jer 42:11
經文:以西結書 11:17-11:17 註釋:
28:25 34:13 36:24 37:21-28 39:27-29 Isa 11:11-16 Jer 3:12,18
Jer 24:5 30:10,11,18 31:8-10 32:37-41 Ho 1:10,11 Am 9:14,15
經文:以西結書 11:18-11:18 註釋:
21 5:11 7:20 37:23 42:7,8 Isa 1:25-27 30:22 Jer 16:18 Ho 14:8
Mic 5:10-14 Col 3:5-8 Tit 2:12
經文:以西結書 11:19-11:19 註釋:
* I will give.
36:26,27 De 30:6 2Ch 30:12 Jer 24:7 32:39,40 Zep 3:9
Joh 17:21-23 Ac 4:32 1Co 1:10 Eph 4:3-6 Php 2:1-5
* I will put.
18:31 2Ki 22:19 Ps 51:10 Jer 31:33 Lu 11:13 Joh 14:26 Ro 11:2
2Co 5:17 Ga 6:15 Eph 4:23
* I will take.
36:26,27 Isa 48:4 Zec 7:12 Ro 2:4,5
經文:以西結書 11:20-11:20 註釋:
* they may.
12 Ps 105:45 119:4,5,32 Lu 1:6,74,75 Ro 16:26 1Co 11:2
Tit 2:11,12
* and they.
14:11 36:28 37:27 Jer 11:4 24:7 30:22 31:33 32:38 Ho 2:23
Zec 13:9 Heb 8:10 11:16
經文:以西結書 11:21-11:21 註釋:
* whose.
Ec 11:9 Jer 17:9 Mr 7:21-23 Heb 3:12,13 10:38 Jas 1:14,15
Jude 1:19
* their detestable.
18 Jer 1:16 2:20
* I will.
9:10 20:31,38 22:31 Jer 29:16-19
經文:以西結書 11:22-11:22 註釋:
1:19,20 10:19
經文:以西結書 11:23-11:23 註釋:
* the glory.
8:4 9:3 10:4,18 43:4 Zec 14:4 Mt 23:37-39 24:1,2
* which.
經文:以西結書 11:24-11:24 註釋:
* the spirit.
1 8:3 2Ki 2:16 2Co 12:3
* into.
1:3 3:12,15 Ps 137:1
* So.
Ge 17:22 35:13 Ac 10:16
經文:以西結書 11:25-11:25 註釋:
2:7 3:4,17,27
經文:以西結書 12:1-12:1 註釋:
1; Under the type of Ezekiels's removing,
8; is shewn the captivity of Zedekiah.
17; Ezekiel's trembling shews the Jews' desolation.
21; The Jews' presumptuous proverb is reproved.
26; The speediness of the vision.
經文:以西結書 12:2-12:2 註釋:
* thou.
2:3,6-8 3:9,26,27 17:12 24:3 44:6 De 9:7,24 31:27 Ps 78:40
Isa 1:23 30:1,9 65:2 Jer 4:17 5:23 9:1-6 Da 9:5-9 Ac 7:51,52
* which.
De 29:4 Isa 6:9,10 29:9-12 42:19,20 Jer 5:21 Mt 13:13,14
Mr 4:12 8:17,18 Lu 8:10 Joh 9:39-41 12:40 Ac 28:26,27
Ro 11:7,8 2Co 3:14 4:3,4 Eph 4:18 2Th 2:10,11
* for.
經文:以西結書 12:3-12:3 註釋:
* prepare.
10-12 4:1-17 Jer 13:1-11 18:2-12 19:1-15 27:2
* stuff. or, instruments.
By stuff our translators meant furniture or goods, as the word
frequently denotes in our early writers; but the original,
{keley,} has not only this sense (as in ver. 4,) but is also
used for any kind of utensils or instruments whatever; and
here probably denotes carriages, or other means for removing
goods. This was intended to signify that the captivity was at
* it may.
33:11 De 5:29 32:29 Ps 81:13 Jer 18:11 25:4-7 26:3 36:3,7
Lu 13:8,9,34 20:13 2Ti 2:25
經文:以西結書 12:4-12:4 註釋:
* at even.
12 2Ki 25:4 Jer 39:4 52:7
* they that go forth into. Heb. the goings forth of.
經文:以西結書 12:5-12:5 註釋:
* Dig thou. Heb. Dig for thee.
This was to shew that Zedekiah should escape from the city
through a breach in the wall.
2Ki 25:4 Jer 39:2-4
經文:以西結書 12:6-12:6 註釋:
* thou shalt.
This intimated that Zedekiah should steal out of the city in
the twilight, carrying on his shoulders some of his property,
with his head covered, not only as in distress but to escape
detection. These prophecies, which were accurately fulfilled,
are supposed to have been delivered in the sixth year of
Zedekiah, five years before the taking of Jerusalem.
* cover.
1Sa 28:8 2Sa 15:30 Job 24:17
* for I.
11 4:3 24:24 Isa 8:18 20:2-4
經文:以西結書 12:7-12:7 註釋:
* I did so.
2:8 24:18 37:7,10 Jer 32:8-12 Mt 21:6,7 Mr 14:16 Joh 2:5-8
Joh 15:14 Ac 26:19
* I brought.
* digged. Heb. digged for me.
經文:以西結書 12:8-12:8 註釋:
經文:以西結書 12:9-12:9 註釋:
* the rebellious.
1-3 2:5-8
* What.
17:12 20:49 24:19
經文:以西結書 12:10-12:10 註釋:
* This.
2Ki 9:25 Isa 13:1 14:28 Mal 1:1
* prince.
That is, Zedekiah king of Judah.
7:27 17:13-21 21:25-27 Jer 21:7 24:8 38:18
經文:以西結書 12:11-12:11 註釋:
* I am.
* remove and go. Heb. by removing go.
Jer 15:2 52:15,28-30
經文:以西結書 12:12-12:12 註釋:
6 2Ki 25:4 Jer 39:4 42:7
經文:以西結書 12:13-12:13 註釋:
* My net.
This was to intimate, that though he escaped out of the city,
the Chaldeans should overtake him, and carry him to Babylon.
Jeremiah had predicted that his "eyes should see the eyes of
the king of Babylon," and here Ezekiel foretold that he should
not see Babylon, though he should die there; and Josephus says
that he thought the two prophecies so inconsistent with each
other, that he believed neither; yet both were exactly
fulfilled, and the enigma of Ezekiel explained, when Zedekiah
was brought to Nebuchadnezzar at Riblah, where he had his eyes
put out, and was then carried to Babylon, and there died.
17:16,20 19:8,9 32:3 Job 19:6 Ps 11:6 Isa 24:17,18 Jer 50:24
La 1:13 3:47 4:19,20 Ho 7:12 Lu 21:35
* and I.
2Ki 25:5-7 Jer 34:3 39:7 52:8-11
經文:以西結書 12:14-12:14 註釋:
* I will scatter.
5:10-12 17:21 2Ki 25:4,5
* I will draw.
5:2,12 14:17,21 Le 26:33 Jer 42:16,22
經文:以西結書 12:15-12:15 註釋:
16,20 5:13 6:7,14 7:4 11:10 24:27 25:11 26:6 28:26 33:33
39:28 Eze 14:18 Ps 9:16
經文:以西結書 12:16-12:16 註釋:
* I will.
6:8-10 14:22,23 Isa 1:9 6:13 10:22 24:13 Jer 4:27 30:11
Am 9:8,9 Mt 7:14 24:22 Ro 11:4,5
* a few men. Heb. men of number.
Ge 13:16 Isa 10:19 Ro 9:27
* that they.
14:22,23 36:31 Le 26:40,41 Jer 3:24,25 Da 9:5-12
* and they.
De 29:24-28 1Ki 9:6-9 Jer 22:8,9
經文:以西結書 12:17-12:17 註釋:
經文:以西結書 12:18-12:18 註釋:
4:16,17 23:33 Le 26:26,36 De 28:48,65 Job 3:24 Ps 60:2,3
Ps 80:5 102:4-9
經文:以西結書 12:19-12:19 註釋:
* with carefulness.
1Ki 17:10-12
* that her.
6:6,7,14 36:3 Isa 6:11 Jer 4:27 9:10,11 10:22 18:16 32:28
Jer 33:10,12 Mic 7:13 Zec 7:14
* all that is therein. Heb. the fulness thereof.
Ps 24:1 1Co 10:26,28
* because.
7:23 Ge 6:11-13 Ps 107:34 Jer 6:7 Mic 3:10-12
經文:以西結書 12:20-12:20 註釋:
15:6,8 Isa 3:26 7:23,24 24:3,12 64:10,11 Jer 4:7,23-29
Jer 12:10-12 16:9 19:11 24:8-10 25:9 34:22 La 5:18 Da 9:17
經文:以西結書 12:21-12:21 註釋:
經文:以西結書 12:22-12:22 註釋:
* what.
18:2,3 Jer 23:33-40
* The days.
27 11:3 Isa 5:19 Jer 5:12,13 Am 6:3 2Pe 3:3,4
經文:以西結書 12:23-12:23 註釋:
* I will.
18:3 Isa 28:22
* The days.
25 7:2,5-7,10-12 Joe 2:1 Zep 1:14 Mal 4:1 Mt 24:34
Jas 5:8,9
經文:以西結書 12:24-12:24 註釋:
13:23 1Ki 22:11-13,17 Pr 26:28 Jer 14:13-16 23:14-29 La 2:14
Zec 13:2-4 Ro 16:18 1Th 2:5 2Pe 2:2,3
經文:以西結書 12:25-12:25 註釋:
* I will.
28 6:10 Nu 14:28-34 Isa 14:24 55:11 La 2:17 Da 9:12 Zec 1:6
Mt 24:35 Lu 21:13,33
* in your.
Jer 16:9 Hab 1:5 Mr 13:30,31
* O rebellious.
經文:以西結書 12:26-12:26 註釋:
經文:以西結書 12:27-12:27 註釋:
* for.
22 Isa 28:14,15 Da 10:14 2Pe 3:4
經文:以西結書 12:28-12:28 註釋:
* There shall.
23-25 Jer 4:7 44:28 Mt 24:48-51 Mr 13:32-37 Lu 21:34-36
1Th 5:2,3 Re 3:3
經文:以西結書 13:1-13:1 註釋:
1; The reproof of lying prophets,
10; and their untempered morter.
17; Of prophetesses and their pillows.
經文:以西結書 13:2-13:2 註釋:
* prophesy against.
14:9,10 22:25,28 2Ch 18:18-24 Isa 9:15 56:9-12 Jer 5:31
Jer 6:13,14 8:10 14:13-15 23:2,11-22,25,26 27:14,18 28:12-17
Jer 29:8,9 37:19 La 4:13 Mic 3:6,11 Zep 3:4 2Pe 2:1-3
* prophesy out of. Heb. are prophets out of.
3,17 Jer 14:14 23:16,26
* Hear.
34:7,9 1Ki 22:19 Isa 1:10 28:14 Jer 28:15 29:20-24,31,32
Am 7:16,17
經文:以西結書 13:3-13:3 註釋:
* Woe.
18 34:2 Jer 23:1 Mt 23:13-29 Lu 11:42-47,52 1Co 9:16
* foolish.
Pr 15:2,14 La 2:14 Ho 9:7 Zec 11:15 Mt 23:16-26 Lu 11:40
1Ti 6:4 2Ti 3:9
* follow. Heb. walk after. have seen nothing. or, things
which they have not seen.
6,7 Jer 23:28-32
經文:以西結書 13:4-13:4 註釋:
* prophets.
Crafty, mischievous, and ravenous; always scheming something
for their own interest; while they would not risk their
persons to avert the mischief which they had caused.
* like.
So 2:15 Mic 2:11 3:5 Mt 7:15 Ro 16:18 2Co 11:13-15 Ga 2:4
Eph 4:14 2Th 2:9,10 1Ti 4:1,2 Tit 1:10-12 Re 13:11-14 19:20
經文:以西結書 13:5-13:5 註釋:
* have not.
22:30 Ex 17:9-13 32:11,12 Nu 16:21,22,47,48 1Sa 12:23
Ps 106:23 Jer 15:1 23:22 27:18 Mal 1:9
* gaps. or, breaches.
Isa 58:12 La 2:13,14
* made up the hedge. Heb. hedged the hedge. to stand.
Job 40:9 Ps 76:7 Isa 27:4 Eph 6:13,14 Re 16:14 20:8,9
* the day.
30:3 Isa 2:12 13:6,9 34:8 Joe 1:15 2:1,31 3:14 Am 5:18-20
Zep 1:14-18 2:2,3 Mal 4:5 1Th 5:2 2Pe 3:10 Re 6:17
經文:以西結書 13:6-13:6 註釋:
* have seen.
23 12:23,24 22:28 La 2:14 2Pe 2:18
* lying.
21:23,29 Jer 14:14 29:8 Zec 10:2
* saying.
7 Jer 23:31,32 28:2,15
* made.
22 1Ki 22:6,27,37 Pr 14:15 Jer 29:31 37:19 Mr 13:6,22,23
2Th 2:11
經文:以西結書 13:7-13:7 註釋:
* The Lord.
2,3,6 Mt 24:23,24
經文:以西結書 13:8-13:8 註釋:
* behold.
5:8 21:3 26:3 28:22 29:3,4,10 35:3 38:3,4 39:1 Jer 50:31,32
Jer 51:25 Na 2:13 3:5,6 1Ti 4:1,8 1Pe 3:12
經文:以西結書 13:9-13:9 註釋:
* mine.
11:13 14:9,10 Ps 101:7 Jer 20:3-6 28:15-17 29:21,22,31,32
Re 19:20
* assembly. or, secret, or council. neither shall they be.
Ex 32:32,33 Ezr 2:59,62,63 Ne 7:62,64 Ps 69:5,28 87:6 Isa 4:3
Da 12:1 Ho 9:3 Lu 10:20 Php 4:3 Heb 12:23 Re 13:8 20:12,15
* neither shall they enter.
* and ye.
11:10,12 12:20 1Ki 22:24,25 Jer 23:20
經文:以西結書 13:10-13:10 註釋:
* seduced.
2Ki 21:9 Pr 12:26 Jer 23:13-15 1Ti 4:1 2Ti 3:13 1Jo 2:26
Re 2:20
* Peace.
16 Isa 57:21 Jer 4:10 6:14 8:11,15 14:13 23:17 28:9 Mal 3:15
* and one.
These false prophets pretend to be a wall of defence; but
their wall is bad, and their morter is worse. One gives a
lying vision; another pledges himself that it is true; and the
people believe what they say, and trust not in God, nor turn
from their sins.
* a wall. or, a slight wall. others.
22:28 2Ch 18:12 Isa 30:10 Jer 5:31 Mic 2:11
經文:以西結書 13:11-13:11 註釋:
* there shall.
It shall wash off this bad morter, sweep away the wall, and
level it with the earth. In the East, where the walls are
often built with unbaked bricks, desolations of this kind are
frequently occasioned by tempestuous rains.
38:22 Job 27:21 Ps 11:6 18:13,14 32:6 Isa 25:4 28:2,15-18
Isa 29:6 32:19 Na 1:3,7,8 Mt 7:25,27 Lu 6:48,49
經文:以西結書 13:12-13:12 註釋:
* Where.
De 32:37 Jud 9:38 10:14 2Ki 3:13 Jer 2:28 29:31,32 37:19
La 2:14,15
經文:以西結書 13:13-13:13 註釋:
* a stormy.
Le 26:28 Isa 30:30 Ps 107:25 148:8 Jer 23:19 Jon 1:4
* and great.
Ex 9:18-29 Ps 18:12,13 105:32 148:8 Isa 30:30 Hag 2:17 Re 8:7
Re 11:19 16:21
經文:以西結書 13:14-13:14 註釋:
* the foundation.
Ps 11:3 Mic 1:6 Hab 3:13 Mt 7:26,27 Lu 6:49 1Co 3:11-15
* ye shall be.
Jer 6:15 8:12 14:15 23:15
* and ye shall know.
9,21,23 14:8
經文:以西結書 13:15-13:15 註釋:
* The wall.
Ne 4:3 Ps 62:3 Isa 30:13
經文:以西結書 13:16-13:16 註釋:
* see visions.
10 Jer 5:31 6:14 8:11 28:1,9-17 29:31
* and there.
Isa 48:22 57:20,21
經文:以西結書 13:17-13:17 註釋:
* set thy.
4:3 20:46 21:2
* the daughters.
Isa 3:16-26 4:4
* prophesy.
Jud 4:4 2Ki 22:14 Lu 2:36 2Pe 2:1
* out of.
2 Re 2:20
經文:以西結書 13:18-13:18 註釋:
* Woe.
* that sew.
Rather,"that fasten cushions;" by which they intimated that
they might indulge and repose themselves in security, for no
enemy would disturb them. The apartments of the easterns are
well supplied with cushions, on which they sit, lean, rest
their heads, and prop up their arms.
10,16 Jer 4:10 6:14 2Ti 4:3
* armholes. or, elbows. hunt souls.
22:25 Eph 4:14 2Pe 2:14
* will ye save.
經文:以西結書 13:19-13:19 註釋:
* pollute.
20:39 22:26
* for handfuls.
1Sa 2:16,17 Pr 28:21 Mic 3:5,11 Mal 1:10 Ro 16:18 1Pe 5:2
2Pe 2:2,3
* to slay.
22 Pr 19:27 Ro 14:15 1Co 8:11
* to save.
Jer 23:14,17
經文:以西結書 13:20-13:20 註釋:
* I am.
* to make them fly. or, into gardens. and will.
2Ti 3:8,9
經文:以西結書 13:21-13:21 註釋:
* and ye shall.
經文:以西結書 13:22-13:22 註釋:
* with lies.
9:4 Jer 4:10 14:13-17 23:9,14 La 2:11-14
* and strengthened.
Jer 23:14 27:14-17 28:16 29:32
* by promising him life. or, that I should save his life.
Heb. by quickening him.
16 Ge 3:4,5 Jer 6:14 8:11 23:17 2Pe 2:18,19
經文:以西結書 13:23-13:23 註釋:
* ye shall see.
6-16 12:24 De 18:20 Mic 3:6 Zec 13:3 2Ti 3:9
* for I.
21 34:10 Mt 24:24 Mr 13:22 1Co 11:19 Jude 1:24 Re 12:9,11
Re 13:5,8 15:2
* and ye.
9,21 14:8 15:7
經文:以西結書 14:1-14:1 註釋:
1; God answers idolaters according to their own heart.
6; They are exhorted to repent, for fear of judgments, by
means of seduced prophets.
12; God's irrevocable sentence of famine;
15; of noisome beasts;
17; of the sword;
19; and of pestilence.
22; A remnant shall be reserved for example of others.
* certain.
8:1 20:1 2Ki 6:32 Ac 4:5,8
* and sat.
33:31 Isa 29:13 Lu 10:39 Ac 22:3
經文:以西結書 14:2-14:2 註釋:
1Ki 14:4 Am 3:7
經文:以西結書 14:3-14:3 註釋:
* these men.
4,7 6:9 11:21 20:16 36:25 Jer 17:1,2,9 Eph 5:5
* and put.
3:20 7:19 44:12 Jer 44:16-18 Zep 1:3 1Pe 2:8 Re 2:14
* should.
20:3 1Sa 28:6 2Ki 3:13 Ps 66:18 101:3 Pr 15:8,29 21:27 28:9
Isa 1:15 33:15 Jer 7:8-11 11:11 42:20,21 Zec 7:13 Lu 20:8
經文:以西結書 14:4-14:4 註釋:
* speak.
2:7 3:4,17-21
* I the Lord.
7 1Ki 21:20-25 2Ki 1:16 Isa 3:11 66:4
經文:以西結書 14:5-14:5 註釋:
* I may.
9,10 Ho 10:2 Zec 7:11-14 2Th 2:9-11
* estranged.
De 32:15,16 Isa 1:4 *marg:
Jer 2:5,11-13,31,32 Zec 11:8 Ro 1:21-23,28,30 8:7 Ga 6:7
Eph 4:18 Col 1:21 Heb 3:12
經文:以西結書 14:6-14:6 註釋:
* Repent.
18:30 1Sa 7:3 1Ki 8:47-49 Ne 1:8,9 Isa 55:6,7 Jer 8:5,6
Jer 31:18-20 50:4,5 La 3:39-41 Ho 14:1-3,8 Jon 3:7-9
Mt 3:8-10 Ac 3:19 17:30 26:20 Jas 4:8-10
* yourselves. or, others. turn.
4 8:16 16:63 36:31,32 2Ch 29:6 Isa 2:20 30:22 Jer 13:27
Zep 3:11 Ro 6:21
經文:以西結書 14:7-14:7 註釋:
* of the stranger.
Ex 12:48 20:10 Le 16:29 20:2 24:22 Nu 15:15,29
* separateth.
Ho 4:14 9:10 Jude 1:19
* and setteth.
* and cometh.
33:30-32 2Ki 8:8-15 Isa 58:1,2 Jer 21:1,2 37:1-3,9,10,17
Jer 38:14-23
* by.
經文:以西結書 14:8-14:8 註釋:
* I will set.
15:7 Le 17:10 20:3-6 26:17 Ps 34:16 Jer 21:10 44:11
* a sign.
5:15 Nu 26:10 De 28:37 Ps 37:22 44:13,14 Isa 65:15 Jer 24:9
Jer 29:22
* I will cut.
Le 20:3 22:3 Nu 19:20 Ro 11:22 1Co 10:11
* and ye.
6:7 13:23
經文:以西結書 14:9-14:9 註釋:
* if the.
20:25 2Sa 12:11,12 1Ki 22:20-23 Job 12:16 Ps 81:11,12
Isa 63:16 66:4 Jer 4:10 2Th 2:9-12
* I the.
That is, I have suffered him to be deceived; I have given him
up to "strong delusions to believe a lie," as a just judgment
upon him for going after idols, and setting up false
pretensions to inspiration. God, according to the genius of
the Hebrew language, is often said to do a thing, which he
only suffers, or permits.
* and I will.
16:27 Isa 5:25 9:12,17,21 10:4
經文:以西結書 14:10-14:10 註釋:
* they shall.
17:18-20 23:49 Ge 4:13 Nu 5:31 Mic 7:9 Ga 6:5
* the punishment.
4,7,8 De 13:1-10 17:2-7 Jer 6:14,15 8:11,12 14:15 Re 19:19-21
經文:以西結書 14:11-14:11 註釋:
* the house.
34:10-31 44:10,15 48:11 De 13:11 19:20 Ps 119:67 Isa 9:16
Jer 23:15 50:6 2Pe 2:15
* neither.
11:18-20 36:25-29 37:23
* that they.
34:30 36:28 37:27 39:22 Ge 17:7 Jer 11:4 31:33 32:38 Zec 13:9
Heb 8:10 11:16 Re 21:7
經文:以西結書 14:12-14:12 註釋:
經文:以西結書 14:13-14:13 註釋:
* when.
9:9 Ezr 9:6 Isa 24:20 La 1:8,20 Da 9:5,10-12
* break.
4:16 5:16 Le 26:26 Isa 3:1 Jer 15:2,3 La 4:9,10
* and will cut.
17,19,21 25:13 Ge 6:7 Jer 7:20 32:43 36:29
經文:以西結書 14:14-14:14 註釋:
* these.
* Noah.
Ge 6:8 7:1 8:20,21 Heb 11:7
* Daniel.
28:3 Da 9:21 10:11
* Job.
Job 1:5 42:8,9 Jer 7:16 11:14 14:11,12 15:1
* deliver.
20 Pr 11:4 2Pe 2:9
經文:以西結書 14:15-14:15 註釋:
* noisome.
5:17 Le 26:22 1Ki 20:36 2Ki 17:25 Jer 15:3
* spoil. or, bereave.
經文:以西結書 14:16-14:16 註釋:
* these.
14,18 Mt 18:19,20 Jas 5:16
* in it. Heb. in the midst of it. as I live.
20 33:11 Nu 14:28,29
* they shall.
Ge 18:23-33 19:29 Job 22:20 Ac 27:24 Heb 11:7
經文:以西結書 14:17-14:17 註釋:
* I bring.
5:12,17 21:3,4,9-15 29:8 38:21,22 Le 26:25 Jer 25:9 47:6
* so that.
13 25:13 Jer 33:12 Ho 4:3 Zep 1:3
經文:以西結書 14:18-14:18 註釋:
經文:以西結書 14:19-14:19 註釋:
* if I.
5:12 38:22 Nu 14:12 16:46-50 De 28:21,22,59-61 2Sa 24:13,15
1Ki 8:37 2Ch 6:28 7:13 20:9 Ps 91:3,6 Isa 37:36 Jer 14:12
Jer 21:6,9 24:10 Am 4:10 Mt 24:7
* and pour.
7:8 36:18 Re 16:3-6
經文:以西結書 14:20-14:20 註釋:
* Noah.
* Daniel.
Daniel, says Abp. Newcombe, was "taken captive in the third
year of Jehoiakim, (Da 1:1.) After this, Jehoiakam reigned
eight years, (2; Ki 23:36.) And this prophecy, as appears from
ch. 8:1, was uttered in the sixth year of Jehoiachin's
captivity, who succeeded Jehoiakim, and reigned only three
months, (2; Ki 24:6, 8.) Therefore, at this time, Daniel had
been fourteen years in captivity;" and was, as is generally
supposed, about thirty years of age.
* by.
18:20,22 Job 5:19-24 Ps 33:18,19 Isa 3:10 Ho 10:12 Zep 2:3
Ac 10:35 1Jo 2:29 3:7,10
經文:以西結書 14:21-14:21 註釋:
* How much more when. or, Also when. my four.
13,15,17,19 5:12,17 6:11,12 33:27 Jer 15:2,3 Am 4:6-12
Re 6:4-8
經文:以西結書 14:22-14:22 註釋:
* behold, therein.
6:8 De 4:31 2Ch 36:20 Isa 6:13 10:20-22 17:4-6 24:13 40:1,2
Isa 65:8,9 Jer 4:27 5:19 30:11 52:27-30 Mic 5:7 Mr 13:20
Heb 12:6-11
* ye shall see.
6:9,10 16:63 20:43 36:31 Jer 31:17-21
* ye shall be.
Jer 3:21-25
經文:以西結書 14:23-14:23 註釋:
* that I have not.
8:6-18 9:8,9 Ge 18:22-33 De 8:2 Ne 9:33 Pr 26:2 Jer 7:17-28
Jer 22:8,9 Da 9:7,14 Ro 2:5 Re 15:4 16:6
經文:以西結書 15:1-15:1 註釋:
1; By the unfitness of the vine branch for any work,
6; is shewn the rejection of Jerusalem.
經文:以西結書 15:2-15:2 註釋:
* What.
The vine is only noble and useful while producing fruit: for,
when cut down, its wood is fit only for fuel. So Israel,
having ceased to be fruitful, they are good for nothing, but,
like a withered branch of a vine, to be burnt.
De 32:32,33 Ps 80:8-16 So 2:13,15 6:11 7:12 8:11,12 Isa 5:1-7
Jer 2:21 Ho 10:1 Mt 21:33-41 Mr 12:1-9 Lu 20:9-16 Joh 15:1-6
* among.
Isa 44:23 Mic 3:12 Zec 11:2
經文:以西結書 15:3-15:3 註釋:
Jer 24:8 Mt 5:13 Mr 9:50 Lu 14:34,35
經文:以西結書 15:4-15:4 註釋:
* it is cast.
Ps 80:16 Isa 27:11 Joh 15:6 Heb 6:8
* the fire.
Isa 1:31 Am 4:11 Mal 4:1 Mt 3:12 Heb 12:29
* Is it meet. Heb. Will it prosper.
經文:以西結書 15:5-15:5 註釋:
* meet. Heb. made fit.
Jer 3:16 *marg:
經文:以西結書 15:6-15:6 註釋:
2 17:3-10 20:47,48 Isa 5:1-6,24,25 Jer 4:7 7:20 21:7 24:8-10
Jer 25:9-11,18 44:21-27 Zec 1:6
經文:以西結書 15:7-15:7 註釋:
* I will set.
14:8 Le 17:10 20:3-6 26:17 Ps 34:16 Jer 21:10
* they shall.
1Ki 19:17 Isa 24:18 Jer 48:43,44 Am 5:19 9:1-4
* and ye shall.
6:7 7:4 11:10 20:38,42,44 Ps 9:16
經文:以西結書 15:8-15:8 註釋:
* I will.
6:14 14:13-21 33:29 Isa 6:11 24:3-12 Jer 25:10,11 Zep 1:18
* committed a trespass. Heb. trespassed a trespass.
2Ch 36:14-16
經文:以西結書 16:1-16:1 註釋:
1; Under the similitude of a wretched infant is shewn the
natural state of Jerusalem.
6; God's extraordinary love towards her.
15; Her monstrous whoredom.
35; Her grievous judgment.
44; Her sin, equal to her mother, and exceeding her sisters,
Sodom and Samaria, calls for judgments.
60; Mercy is promised her in the end.
經文:以西結書 16:2-16:2 註釋:
* cause.
20:4 22:2 23:36 33:7-9 Isa 58:1 Ho 8:1
* abominations.
經文:以西結書 16:3-16:3 註釋:
* Thy birth. Heb. Thy cutting out, or habitation.
45 21:30 Ge 11:25,29 Jos 24:14 Ne 9:7 Isa 1:10 51:1,2
Mt 3:7 11:24 Lu 3:7 Joh 8:44 Eph 2:3 1Jo 3:10
* Amorite.
Ge 15:16 De 20:17 1Ki 21:26 2Ki 21:11
* Hittite.
Ezr 9:1
經文:以西結書 16:4-16:4 註釋:
* for.
20:8,13 Ge 15:13 Ex 1:11-14 2:23,24 5:16-21 De 5:6 15:15
Jos 24:2 Ne 9:7-9 Ho 2:3 Ac 7:6,7
* to supple thee. or, when I looked upon thee. nor.
La 2:20 *marg:
La 2:22 Lu 2:7,12
經文:以西結書 16:5-16:5 註釋:
* eye.
2:6 Isa 49:15 La 2:11,19 4:3,10
* but thou.
Ge 21:10 Ex 1:22 Nu 19:16 Jer 9:21,22 22:19
經文:以西結書 16:6-16:6 註釋:
* and saw.
Ex 2:24,25 3:7,8 Ac 7:34
* polluted. or, trodden under foot.
Isa 14:19 51:23 Mic 7:10 Mt 5:13 Heb 10:29 Re 14:20
* Live.
20:5-10 Ex 19:4-6 De 9:4 Ps 105:10-15,26-37 Joh 5:25 Ro 9:15
Eph 2:4,5 Tit 3:3-7
經文:以西結書 16:7-16:7 註釋:
* caused, etc. Heb. made thee a million.
Ge 22:17 Ex 1:7 12:37 Ac 7:17
* excellent ornaments. Heb. ornament of ornaments.
10-13,16 Ex 3:22 De 1:10 4:8 32:10-14 33:26-29 Ne 9:18-25
Ps 135:4 147:20 148:14 149:2-4 Isa 61:10 62:3
* whereas.
22 Job 1:21 So 4:5 Ho 2:3,9,10 Re 3:17,18
經文:以西結書 16:8-16:8 註釋:
* thy time.
6 De 7:6-8 Ru 3:9 1Sa 12:22 Isa 41:8,9 43:4 63:7-9 Jer 2:2,3
Jer 31:3 Ho 11:1 Mal 1:2 Ro 5:8 9:10-13
* and I.
Ru 3:9
* I sware.
20:5,6 Ex 19:4-8 24:1-8 32:13 De 4:31 Jer 2:2,3 31:32
Ho 2:18-20
經文:以西結書 16:9-16:9 註釋:
* washed.
4 36:25 Ps 51:7 Isa 4:4 Joh 13:8-10 1Co 6:11 10:2 Heb 9:10-14
1Jo 5:8 Re 1:5,6
* blood. Heb. bloods.
* anointed.
Ps 23:5 2Co 1:21 1Jo 2:20,27
經文:以西結書 16:10-16:10 註釋:
* clothed.
7 Ps 45:13,14 Isa 61:3,10 Lu 15:22 Re 21:2
* broidered.
13,18 Ex 28:5 1Pe 3:3,4
* badgers' skin.
Ex 25:5 26:14
* I girded.
Ex 39:27,28 Re 7:9-14 19:8
* covered.
Ge 41:42 *marg:
Pr 31:22 Re 18:12
經文:以西結書 16:11-16:11 註釋:
* I put.
Ge 24:22,47,53
* a chain.
Ge 41:42 Pr 1:9 4:9 So 1:10 4:9 Isa 3:19 Da 5:7,16,29
* forehead. Heb. nose.
Ge 24:22 *marg:
Isa 3:21
* ear-rings.
Ge 35:4 Ex 32:2 35:22 Nu 31:50 Jud 8:24 Job 42:11 Pr 25:12
Ho 2:13
* and a.
Le 8:9 Es 2:17 Isa 28:5 La 5:16 Re 2:10 4:4,10
經文:以西結書 16:12-16:12 註釋:
經文:以西結書 16:13-16:13 註釋:
* thou didst.
19 De 8:8 32:13,14 Ps 45:13,14 81:16 147:14 Ho 2:5
* and thou wast.
14,15 Ps 48:2 50:2 Isa 64:11 Jer 13:20
* and thou didst.
Ge 17:6 1Sa 12:12 2Sa 8:15 1Ki 4:21 Ezr 4:20 5:11 Ps 50:2
La 2:15
經文:以西結書 16:14-16:14 註釋:
* thy renown.
De 4:6-8,32-38 Jos 2:9-11 9:6-9 1Ki 10:1-13,24 2Ch 2:11,12
2Ch 9:23 La 2:15
* through.
1Co 4:7
經文:以西結書 16:15-16:15 註釋:
* thou didst.
33:13 De 32:15 Isa 48:1 Jer 7:4 Mic 3:11 Zep 3:11 Mt 3:9
* and playedst.
20:8 23:3,8,11,12-21 Ex 32:6-35 Nu 25:1,2 Jud 2:12 3:6 10:6
1Ki 11:5 12:28 2Ki 17:7 21:3 Ps 106:35 Isa 1:21 57:8 Jer 2:20
Jer 3:1 7:4 Ho 1:2 4:10 Re 17:5
* because.
Raised from the most abject state to dignity and splendour by
Jehovah, Israel became proud of her numbers, riches, strength,
and reputation, forgetting that it was "through his comeliness
which he had put upon them;" and thus departing from God, made
alliances with heathen nations, and worshipped their idols.
* and pouredst.
經文:以西結書 16:16-16:16 註釋:
7:20 2Ki 23:7 2Ch 28:24 Ho 2:8
經文:以西結書 16:17-16:17 註釋:
* hast also.
7:19 23:14-21 Ex 32:1-4 Ho 2:13 10:1
* men. Heb. a male. and didst.
Isa 44:19,20 57:7,8 Jer 2:27,28 3:9
經文:以西結書 16:18-16:18 註釋:
This seems to intimate that the Israelites not only spent
their own wealth and abundance in building and decorating idol
temples, and in maintaining their worship, but that they made
use of the holy vestments, and the various kinds of offerings
which belonged to Jehovah, in order to honour and serve the
idols of the heathen.
經文:以西結書 16:19-16:19 註釋:
* meat.
13 De 32:14-17 Ho 2:8-13
* a sweet savour. Heb. a savour of rest.
Ge 8:21 *marg:
經文:以西結書 16:20-16:20 註釋:
* thy sons.
21 23:4 Ge 17:7 Ex 13:2,12 De 29:11,12
* and these.
20:26,31 23:37,39 2Ki 16:3 2Ch 33:6 Ps 106:37,38 Isa 57:5
Jer 7:31 32:35 Mic 6:7
* be devoured. Heb. devour. Is this.
8:17 Jer 2:34,35
經文:以西結書 16:21-16:21 註釋:
* my children.
Ps 106:37
* to pass.
Le 18:21 20:1-5 De 18:10 2Ki 17:17 21:6 23:10
經文:以西結書 16:22-16:22 註釋:
3-7,43,60-63 Jer 2:2 Ho 2:3 11:1
經文:以西結書 16:23-16:23 註釋:
* woe.
2:10 13:3,18 24:6 Jer 13:27 Zep 3:1 Mt 11:21 23:13-29 Re 8:13
Re 12:12
經文:以西結書 16:24-16:24 註釋:
* thou hast.
31,39 20:28,29 2Ki 21:3-7 23:5-7,11,12 2Ch 33:3-7
* eminent place. or, brothel house. and hast.
Le 26:30 Ps 78:58 Isa 57:5,7 Jer 2:20 3:2 17:3
經文:以西結書 16:25-16:25 註釋:
* at every.
31 Ge 38:14,21 Pr 9:14,15 Isa 3:9 Jer 2:23,24 3:2 6:15
* and hast made.
23:9,10,32 Re 17:1-5,12,13,16
經文:以西結書 16:26-16:26 註釋:
* with the.
8:10,14 20:7,8 23:3,8,19-21 Ex 32:4 De 29:16,17 Jos 24:14
Isa 30:21
經文:以西結書 16:27-16:27 註釋:
* I have.
14:9 Isa 5:25 9:12,17
* and have.
De 28:48-57 Isa 3:1 Ho 2:9-12
* thine.
{Chukkach,} "thy portion;" the household provision of a
wife--food, clothes, and money.
* delivered.
The Jews, under Manasseh, and the succeeding kings of Judah,
made the temple itself the scene of their open and abominable
idolatries, in addition to all their idol temples! which
appears to be meant by "the eminent place," and "highplaces in
every street," ver. 24. Allured by the prosperity of the
Egyptians, they also connected themselves with them, and
joined in their multiplied and abominable idolatries. And
when Jehovah punished them by wars and famines, and by the
Philistines, whose daughters are represented as ashamed of
their enormous idolatries, instead of being amended, they
formed alliances with the Assyrians, and worshipped their
gods: and they even followed every idol which was worshipped
between Canaan and Chaldea.
37 23:22,25,28,29,46,47 Ps 106:41 Jer 34:21 Re 17:16
* daughters. or, cities.
2Ki 24:2 2Ch 28:18,19 Isa 9:12
* which.
47,57 5:6,7
經文:以西結書 16:28-16:28 註釋:
23:5-9,12-21 Jud 10:6 2Ki 16:7,10-18 21:11 2Ch 28:23
Jer 2:18,36 Ho 10:6
經文:以西結書 16:29-16:29 註釋:
* in the land.
13:14-23 Jud 2:12-19 2Ki 21:9
* unto.
經文:以西結書 16:30-16:30 註釋:
* weak.
Pr 9:13 Isa 1:3 Jer 2:12,13 4:22
* the work.
Jud 16:15,16 Pr 7:11-13,21 Isa 3:9 Jer 3:3 Re 17:1-6
經文:以西結書 16:31-16:31 註釋:
* In that thou buildest thine. or, In thy daughters is thine,
* makest.
25 Ho 12:11
* in that thou scornest.
33,34 Isa 52:3
經文:以西結書 16:32-16:32 註釋:
8 23:37,45 Jer 2:25,28 3:1,8,9,20 Ho 2:2 3:1 2Co 11:2,3
經文:以西結書 16:33-16:33 註釋:
* give.
Ge 38:16-18 De 23:17,18 Ho 2:12 Joe 3:3 Mic 1:7 Lu 15:30
* but thou.
Isa 30:3,6,7 57:9 Ho 8:9,10
* hirest. Heb. bribest.
經文:以西結書 16:34-16:34 註釋:
經文:以西結書 16:35-16:35 註釋:
* O harlot.
Isa 1:21 23:15,16 Jer 3:1,6-8 Ho 2:5 Na 3:4 Joh 4:10,18
Re 17:5
* hear.
13:2 20:47 34:7 1Ki 22:19 Isa 1:10 28:14 Ho 4:1 Am 7:16
經文:以西結書 16:36-16:36 註釋:
* Because.
15-22 22:15 23:8 24:13 36:25 La 1:9 Zep 3:1
* and thy.
23:10,18,29 Ge 3:7,10,11 Ps 139:11,12 Jer 13:22-26 Re 3:18
* and by.
20,21 Jer 2:34
經文:以西結書 16:37-16:37 註釋:
23:9,10,22-30 Jer 4:30 13:22,26 22:20 La 1:8,19 Ho 2:3,10
Ho 8:10 Na 3:5,6 Re 17:16
經文:以西結書 16:38-16:38 註釋:
* as women. Heb. with judgments of women, etc.
40 23:45-47 Ge 38:11,24 Le 20:10 De 22:22-24 Mt 1:18,19
Joh 8:3-5
* shed.
20,21,36 Ge 9:6 Ex 21:12 Nu 35:31 Ps 79:3-5 Jer 18:21
Zep 1:17 Na 1:2 Re 16:6
經文:以西結書 16:39-16:39 註釋:
* And I.
For the enormous idolatries and cruelties of Judah and
Jerusalem, Jehovah determined to gather together the
surrounding nations, both those with whom they had formed
alliances, as the Egyptians and Assyrians, and such as had
always been inimical to them, as Edom, Ammon, Moab, and
Philistia, to inflict, or to witness, his judgments upon them.
Having exposed their enormous crimes to view, He would pass
sentence upon them: He would give Jerusalem into the hands of
the Chaldeans, who would destroy the city and temple which
they had polluted; level their cities and high places with the
ground; slay, plunder, and enslave the people.
* they shall throw.
24,25,31 7:22-24 Isa 27:9
* shall strip.
10-20 23:26,29 Isa 3:16-24 Ho 2:3,9-13
* thy fair jewels. Heb. instruments of thine ornament.
經文:以西結書 16:40-16:40 註釋:
* shall also.
Hab 1:6-10 Joh 8:5-7
* and thrust.
23:10,47 24:21 Jer 25:9
經文:以西結書 16:41-16:41 註釋:
* burn.
De 13:16 2Ki 25:9 Jer 39:8 52:13 Mic 3:12
* and execute.
5:8 23:10,48 De 13:11 22:21,24 Job 34:26
* and I.
23:27 37:23 Isa 1:25,26 2:18 27:9 Ho 2:6-17 Mic 5:10-14
Zec 13:2 1Ti 5:20
經文:以西結書 16:42-16:42 註釋:
* will I.
5:13 21:17 2Sa 21:14 Isa 1:24 Zec 6:8
* and will.
39:29 Isa 40:1,2 54:9,10
經文:以西結書 16:43-16:43 註釋:
* thou hast.
22 Ps 78:42 106:13 Jer 2:32
* but hast.
6:9 De 32:21 Ps 78:40 95:10 Isa 63:10 Am 2:13 Ac 7:51
Eph 4:30
* I also.
7:3,4,8,9 9:10 11:21 22:31 Ro 2:8,9
經文:以西結書 16:44-16:44 註釋:
* every.
18:2,3 1Sa 24:13
* As is.
3,45 1Ki 21:16 2Ki 17:11,15 21:9 Ezr 9:1 Ps 106:35-38
經文:以西結書 16:45-16:45 註釋:
* that loatheth.
8,15,20,21 23:37-39 De 5:9 12:31 Isa 1:4 *marg:
Zec 11:8 Ro 1:30,31
* your mother.
經文:以西結書 16:46-16:46 註釋:
* elder.
51 23:4,11,31-33 Jer 3:8-11 Mic 1:5
* thy younger sister. Heb. thy sister lesser than thou.
48,49,53-56,61 Ge 13:11-13 18:20-33 19:24,25 De 29:23 32:32
Isa 1:9,10 Jer 23:14 La 4:6 *marg:
Lu 17:28-30 2Pe 2:6 Jude 1:7 Re 11:8
* her daughters.
27 *marg:
26:6 Ge 14:8 19:29 Ho 11:8
經文:以西結書 16:47-16:47 註釋:
* as if that were a very little thing. or, that was loathed as
a small thing.
8:17 1Ki 16:31
* thou wast.
48,51 5:6,7 2Ki 21:9,16 Joh 15:21,22 1Co 5:1
經文:以西結書 16:48-16:48 註釋:
Mt 10:15 11:24 Mr 6:11 Lu 10:12 Ac 7:52
經文:以西結書 16:49-16:49 註釋:
* pride.
28:2,9,17 29:3 Ge 19:9 Ps 138:6 Pr 16:5,18 18:12 21:4 Isa 3:9
Isa 16:6 Da 4:30,37 5:23 Ob 1:3 1Pe 5:5
* fulness.
Ge 13:10 18:20 De 32:15 Isa 22:13,14 Am 6:3-6 Lu 12:16-20
Lu 16:19 17:28 21:34
* neither.
18:12 Pr 21:13 Isa 3:14,15 Am 5:11,12 8:4-6 Mic 3:2-4
Lu 16:20,21
經文:以西結書 16:50-16:50 註釋:
* and committed.
Ge 13:13 18:20 19:5 Le 18:22 De 23:17 2Ki 23:7 Pr 16:18
Pr 18:12 Ro 1:26,27 Jude 1:7
* therefore.
Ge 19:24 De 29:23 Job 18:15 Isa 13:19 Jer 20:16 49:18 50:40
La 4:6 Am 4:11 Zep 2:9 2Pe 2:6 Re 18:9
經文:以西結書 16:51-16:51 註釋:
* Samaria.
Lu 12:47,48 Ro 3:9-20
* justified.
Jer 3:8-11 Mt 12:41,42
經文:以西結書 16:52-16:52 註釋:
* which hast.
56 Mt 7:1-5 Lu 6:37 Ro 2:1,10,26,27
* bear thine.
54,63 36:6,7,15,31,32 39:26 44:13 Jer 23:40 31:19 51:51
Ho 10:6 Ro 1:32 6:21
* they are more.
Ge 38:26 1Sa 24:17 1Ki 2:32
經文:以西結書 16:53-16:53 註釋:
* bring.
60,61 29:14 39:25 Job 42:10 Ps 14:7 85:1 126:1 Isa 1:9
Jer 20:16 31:23 48:47 49:6,39 Joe 3:1
* in the midst.
Isa 19:24,25 Jer 12:16 Ro 11:23-31
經文:以西結書 16:54-16:54 註釋:
* thou mayest.
52,63 36:31,32 Jer 2:26
* in that.
經文:以西結書 16:55-16:55 註釋:
* then.
53 36:11 Mal 3:4
經文:以西結書 16:56-16:56 註釋:
* was not.
Isa 65:5 Zep 3:11 Lu 15:28-30 18:11
* mentioned. Heb. for a report, or a hearing. pride. Heb.
prides, or excellencies.
經文:以西結書 16:57-16:57 註釋:
* thy wickedness.
36,37 21:24 23:18,19 Ps 50:21 La 4:22 Ho 2:10 7:1 1Co 4:5
* reproach.
2Ki 16:5-7 2Ch 28:5,6,18-23 Isa 7:1 14:28
* Syria. Heb. Aram.
Ge 10:22,23 Nu 23:7
* the daughters.
* despise. or, spoil.
Jer 33:24
經文:以西結書 16:58-16:58 註釋:
* hast.
23:49 Ge 4:13 La 5:7
* borne. Heb. borne them.
經文:以西結書 16:59-16:59 註釋:
* I will.
7:4,8,9 14:4 Isa 3:11 Jer 2:19 Mt 7:1,2 Ro 2:8,9
* which.
17:13-16 Ex 24:1-8 De 29:10-15,25 2Ch 34:31,32 Isa 24:5
Jer 22:9 31:32
經文:以西結書 16:60-16:60 註釋:
* I will remember.
8 Le 26:42,45 Ne 1:5-11 Ps 105:8 106:45 Jer 2:2 33:20-26
Ho 2:15 Lu 1:72
* I will establish.
37:26,27 Isa 55:3 2Sa 23:5 Jer 31:31-34 32:38-41 50:5
Ho 2:19,20 Heb 8:10 12:24 13:20
經文:以西結書 16:61-16:61 註釋:
* remember.
63 20:43 36:31,32 Job 42:5,6 Ps 119:59 Jer 31:18-20 50:4,5
* when.
53-55 So 8:8,9 Isa 2:2-5 11:9,10 Ho 1:9-11 Ro 11:11
Ro 15:8,9,16 Ga 4:26,27 Eph 2:12-14 3:6
* I will.
Isa 49:18-23 54:1,2 60:4 66:7-12 Ga 4:26-31
* but not.
Jer 31:31-40 Joh 15:16 Heb 8:13
經文:以西結書 16:62-16:62 註釋:
* I will.
60 Da 9:27 Ho 2:18-23
* and thou.
6:7 39:22 Jer 24:7 Joe 3:17
經文:以西結書 16:63-16:63 註釋:
* remember.
61 36:31,32 Ezr 9:6 Da 9:7,8
* and never.
Job 40:4,5 Ps 39:9 La 3:39 Ro 2:1 3:19,27 9:19,20
* when.
Ro 5:1,2 1Co 4:7 Eph 2:3-5 Tit 3:3-7
經文:以西結書 17:1-17:1 註釋:
1; Under the parable of two eagles and a vine,
11; is shewn God's judgment upon Jerusalem for revolting from
Babylon to Egypt.
22; God promises to plant the cedar of the Gospel.
經文:以西結書 17:2-17:2 註釋:
20:49 Jud 9:8-15 14:12-19 2Sa 12:1-4 Ho 12:10 Mt 13:13,14,35
Mr 4:33,34 1Co 13:12
經文:以西結書 17:3-17:3 註釋:
* A great.
Nebuchadnezzar, so called from his towering ambition and
7,12-21 De 28:49 Jer 4:13 48:40 49:16 La 4:19 Ho 8:1 Mt 24:28
* great wings.
Extensive empire, both in length and breadth.
Da 2:38 4:22 7:4
* full.
Numerous subjects, of various nations, and of different
languages and manners.
* divers colours. Heb. embroidering. came.
Came against Judah and Jerusalem.
12 2Ki 24:10-16 2Ch 36:9,10 Jer 22:23-28 24:1
* the highest.
Jeconiah, whom he took captive to Babylon.
* the cedar.
The royal and ancient family of David.
經文:以西結書 17:4-17:4 註釋:
* the top.
The princes of Judah.
* into.
Isa 43:14 47:15 Jer 51:13 Re 18:3,11-19
* a land. Chaldea. a city.
Babylon, which by means of the Euphrates and Tigris, had
communications with the richest and most distant nations.
經文:以西結書 17:5-17:5 註釋:
* the seed.
Zedekiah, brother to Jeconiah.
13 2Ki 24:17 Jer 37:1
* planted it in a fruitful field. Heb. put it in a field of
Made him king of Judea.
De 8:7-9
* he placed.
Made him dependent on Babylon, the city of great waters, as
the willow is on humidity.
19:11,12 Isa 15:7 44:4
經文:以西結書 17:6-17:6 註釋:
* it grew.
14 Pr 16:18,19
* whose.
The Jewish state had then no height of dominion; and Zedekiah
was wholly dependent on Nebuchadnezzar.
經文:以西結書 17:7-17:7 註釋:
* another.
Pharaoh-hophra, or Apries, king of Egypt.
15 2Ki 24:20 2Ch 26:13 Jer 37:5-7
* did bend.
Looked to him for support, in his intended rebellion.
經文:以西結書 17:8-17:8 註釋:
* soil. Heb. field.
* and that.
Though he was dependent on Babylon, yet he was in such a
situation as would have enabled him to reign in credit, and be
useful to his people.
經文:以西結書 17:9-17:9 註釋:
* Shall it.
Shall he succeed in casting off the yoke of the king of
Babylon, to whom he had sworn fealty?
10,15-17 Nu 14:41 2Ch 13:12 20:20 Isa 8:9,10 30:1-7 31:1-3
Jer 32:5
* shall he.
He shall come and dethrone him, and carry him captive.
2Ki 25:4-7 Jer 21:4-7 24:8-10 29:4-7 52:7-11
* the fruit.
The children of Zedekiah.
* even.
Jer 37:10
經文:以西結書 17:10-17:10 註釋:
* shall it.
19:12-14 Ho 12:1 13:15 Mt 21:19 Mr 11:20 Joh 15:6 Jude 1:12
經文:以西結書 17:11-17:11 註釋:
經文:以西結書 17:12-17:12 註釋:
* to the.
2:5,8 3:9 12:9 Isa 1:2
* Know.
24:19 Ex 12:26 De 6:20 Jos 4:6,21 Mt 13:51 15:16,17 16:11
Mr 4:13 Lu 9:45 Ac 8:30
* Behold.
3 1:2 2Ki 24:10-16 2Ch 36:9,10 Jer 22:24-28
* and led.
Isa 39:7 Jer 52:31-34
經文:以西結書 17:13-17:13 註釋:
* hath taken.
5 2Ki 24:17 Jer 37:1
* taken an oath of him. Heb. brought him to an oath.
2Ch 36:13 Jer 5:2
* he hath also.
2Ki 24:15,16 Jer 24:1 29:2
經文:以西結書 17:14-17:14 註釋:
* the kingdom.
6 29:14 De 28:43 1Sa 2:7,30 Ne 9:36,37 La 5:10 Mt 22:17-21
* base.
Or, low; a tributary kingdom, dependent on the king of
* but that by keeping of his covenant it might stand. Heb. to
keep his covenant, to stand to it.
Jer 27:12-17 38:17
經文:以西結書 17:15-17:15 註釋:
* he rebelled.
7 2Ki 24:20 2Ch 36:13 Jer 52:3
* in.
De 17:16 Isa 30:1-4 31:1-3 36:6-9 Jer 37:5-7
* Shall he prosper.
9 De 29:12-15 Jer 22:29,30
* shall he escape.
18 21:25 Pr 19:5 Jer 32:4 34:3 38:18,23 Mt 23:33 Heb 2:3
* or shall.
Ps 55:23
經文:以西結書 17:16-17:16 註釋:
* whose oath.
18,19 16:59 Ex 20:7 Nu 30:2 Jos 9:20 2Sa 21:2 Ps 15:4
Ex 8:2 Ho 10:4 Zec 5:3,4 Mal 3:5 Ro 1:31 1Ti 1:10 2Ti 3:3
* even.
10 12:13 Jer 32:4,5 34:3-5 39:7 52:11
經文:以西結書 17:17-17:17 註釋:
* shall.
29:6,7 Isa 36:6 Jer 37:7 La 4:17
* by.
4:2 Jer 33:5 52:4
經文:以西結書 17:18-17:18 註釋:
* Seeing.
Though Zedekiah's oath had been given to a heathen, a
conqueror, and a tyrant, yet God considered the violation of
it a most aggravated sin against Him, and determined to punish
him for it.
* lo, he.
1Ch 29:24 2Ch 30:8 *margins
La 5:6
* he shall.
經文:以西結書 17:19-17:19 註釋:
* surely.
21:23-27 De 5:11 Jer 5:2,9 7:9-15
經文:以西結書 17:20-17:20 註釋:
* I will spread.
12:13 32:3 Jos 10:16-18 2Sa 18:9 2Ch 33:11 Job 10:16 Ec 9:12
Jer 39:5-7 La 1:13 4:20 Ho 7:12 Lu 21:35
* plead.
20:35,36 38:22 Jer 2:9,35 50:44 Ho 2:2 Mic 6:2
經文:以西結書 17:21-17:21 註釋:
* all his fugitives.
5:12 12:14 2Ki 25:5,11 Jer 48:44 52:8 Am 9:1,9,10
* shall know.
6:7,10 13:14,23 15:7 Isa 26:11
經文:以西結書 17:22-17:22 註釋:
* highest.
34:29 Ps 80:15 Isa 4:2 11:1-5 Jer 23:5,6 33:15,16 Zec 3:8
Zec 4:12-14 6:12,13
* a tender.
Isa 53:2
* upon.
20:40 40:2 Ps 2:6 72:16 Isa 2:2,3 Da 2:35,44,45 Mic 4:1
經文:以西結書 17:23-17:23 註釋:
* and it.
Ps 92:12,13 Isa 27:6 Joh 12:24 15:5-8
* under.
31:6 Ge 49:10 Ps 22:27-30 72:8-11 Isa 2:2 11:6-10 49:18
Isa 60:4-12 Da 4:10-14,21-23 Ho 14:7 Mt 13:32,47,48
Lu 14:21-23 Ac 10:11,12 Ga 3:28 Col 3:11 Re 11:15
經文:以西結書 17:24-17:24 註釋:
* all the trees.
Ps 96:11,12 Isa 55:12,13
* have brought.
1Sa 2:7,8 Job 5:11 40:12 Ps 75:6,7 89:38,45 Isa 2:13,14 9:6,7
Isa 11:1-9 26:5 Am 9:11 Lu 1:33,52,53 1Co 1:27,28
* I the Lord have spoken.
12:25 22:14 24:14 Mt 24:35 Lu 21:33
經文:以西結書 18:1-18:1 註釋:
1; God defends his justice;
31; and exhorts to repentance.
經文:以西結書 18:2-18:2 註釋:
* mean.
17:12 Isa 3:15 Ro 9:20
* the land.
6:2,3 7:2 25:3 36:1-6 37:11,19,25
* The fathers.
Jer 15:4 31:29,30 La 5:7 Mt 23:36
經文:以西結書 18:3-18:3 註釋:
19,20,30 33:11-20 36:31,32 Ro 3:19
經文:以西結書 18:4-18:4 註釋:
* all souls.
Nu 16:22 27:16 Zec 12:1 Heb 12:9
* the soul that.
20 Ro 6:23 Ga 3:10-13,22
經文:以西結書 18:5-18:5 註釋:
* if.
Ps 15:2-5 24:4-6 Mt 7:21-27 Ro 2:7-10 Jas 1:22-25 2:14-26
1Jo 2:3,29 3:7 5:2-5 Re 22:14
* that, etc. Heb. judgment and justice.
33:14 Ge 18:19 Pr 21:3 Jer 22:15
經文:以西結書 18:6-18:6 註釋:
* not.
11,15 6:13 20:28 22:9 Ex 34:15 Nu 25:2 1Co 10:20
* neither hath lifted.
12,15 20:7,24 33:25,26 De 4:19 Ps 121:1 123:1,2
* neither hath defiled.
22:10,11 Le 18:19,20 20:10,18 De 22:22-30 Jer 5:8,9 Mt 5:28
1Co 6:9-11 Ga 5:19-21 Heb 13:4
經文:以西結書 18:7-18:7 註釋:
* hath not.
12,16,18 22:12,13,27-29 Ex 22:21-24 23:9 Le 19:15 25:14
1Sa 12:3,4 Job 31:13-22 Pr 3:31 14:31 22:22,23 Isa 1:17
Isa 5:7 33:15 58:6 Jer 7:6,7 Am 2:6 8:4-6 Mic 2:1 3:2
Zec 7:9-11 Mal 3:5 Jas 5:1-6
* hath restored.
33:15 Ex 22:26 De 24:12,13,17 Job 22:6 24:3,9 Am 2:8
* hath spoiled.
7:23 Ge 6:11,12 Isa 59:6,7 Jer 22:3,16,17 Am 3:10 5:11,12 6:3
Zep 1:9
* hath given.
16 De 15:7-11 Job 31:16-20 Ps 41:1 112:4,9 Pr 11:24,25
Pr 28:8,27 Isa 58:7-11 Mt 25:34-46 Lu 3:11 2Co 8:7-9 9:6-14
Jas 2:13-17 1Jo 3:16-19
經文:以西結書 18:8-18:8 註釋:
* hath not.
13,17 22:12 Ex 22:25 Le 25:35-37 De 23:19,20 Ne 5:1-11
Ps 15:5 Pr 28:8 Jer 15:10
* hath withdrawn.
2Sa 22:24 Ne 5:15 Isa 33:15
* hath executed.
Le 19:15,35 De 1:16,17 16:18-20 Job 29:7-17 Pr 31:8,9
Isa 1:17 Jer 22:15,16 Zec 7:9,10 8:16
經文:以西結書 18:9-18:9 註釋:
* walked.
17 20:13 33:15 36:27 37:24 De 4:1 5:1 6:1,2 10:12,13 11:1
Ne 9:13,14 Ps 19:7-11 105:44,45 119:1-6 Lu 1:6 Joh 14:21
Ac 24:16 Jas 1:22-25
* is just.
Ps 24:4-6 Hab 2:4 Ro 1:17 Jas 2:18-26 1Jo 2:29 3:7
* he shall.
20:11 Am 5:4,14,24 Lu 10:27-29
經文:以西結書 18:10-18:10 註釋:
* that is.
Le 19:13 Mal 3:8,9 Joh 18:40
* a robber. or, a breaker up of an house.
Ex 22:2
* a shedder.
Ge 9:5,6 Ex 21:12 Nu 35:31 1Jo 3:12
* the like to any one of these things. or, to his brother
besides any of these.
經文:以西結書 18:11-18:11 註釋:
* that.
7 Mt 7:21-27 Lu 11:28 Joh 13:17 15:14 Php 4:9 Jas 2:17
1Jo 3:22 Re 22:14
* eaten.
6,15 1Ki 13:8,22
經文:以西結書 18:12-18:12 註釋:
* oppressed.
7,16 Ho 12:7 Am 4:1 Zec 7:10 Jas 2:6
* hath committed.
6 8:6,17 Le 18:22,26-30 2Ki 21:11 23:13
經文:以西結書 18:13-18:13 註釋:
* given.
* shall he.
* blood. Heb. bloods.
3:18 33:4 Le 20:9,11-13,27 Ac 18:6
經文:以西結書 18:14-18:14 註釋:
* if he.
10 Pr 17:21 23:24
* that seeth.
20:18 2Ch 29:3-11 34:21 Jer 9:14 44:17 Mt 23:32 1Pe 1:18
* considereth.
28 Ps 119:59,60 Isa 44:19 Jer 8:6 Ho 7:2 Hag 1:5,7 2:18
Lu 15:17-19
經文:以西結書 18:15-18:15 註釋:
經文:以西結書 18:16-18:16 註釋:
* withholden the pledge. Heb. pledged the pledge, or taken to
* but hath.
Job 22:7 31:19 Pr 22:9 25:21 31:20 Ec 11:1,2 Isa 58:7-10
Lu 11:41 14:13
經文:以西結書 18:17-18:17 註釋:
* hath taken.
8 Job 29:16 Pr 14:31 29:7,14 Jer 22:16 Da 4:27 Mt 18:27-35
Lu 19:8
* that hath not.
8,9,13 Le 18:4,26,30
* he shall not.
19,20 20:18,30 Jer 16:11-13,19 Mal 3:7 Mt 23:29-33
* he shall surely.
9,19,21,28 3:21 33:13,15,16
經文:以西結書 18:18-18:18 註釋:
* even.
4,20,24,26 3:18 Isa 3:11 Joh 8:21,24
經文:以西結書 18:19-18:19 註釋:
* Why.
Ex 20:5 De 5:9 2Ki 23:26 24:3,4 Jer 15:4 La 5:7
* When.
20:18-20,24,30 Zec 1:3-6
經文:以西結書 18:20-18:20 註釋:
* soul that.
4,13 De 24:16 1Ki 14:13 2Ki 14:6 22:18-20 2Ch 25:4
Jer 31:29,30
* bear.
4:4 Le 5:1,17 10:17 16:22 19:8 Nu 18:1 Isa 53:11 Heb 9:28
1Pe 2:24
* righteousness.
30 33:10 1Ki 8:32 2Ch 6:23,30 Isa 3:10,11 Mt 16:27 Ro 2:6-9
Re 2:23 20:12 22:12-15
經文:以西結書 18:21-18:21 註釋:
* if the.
27,28,30 33:11-16,19 2Ch 33:12,13 Pr 28:13 Isa 1:16-20 55:6,7
Lu 24:47 Ac 3:19 26:18-20 1Ti 1:13-16 Jas 4:8-10
* and keep.
9 36:27 Ge 26:5 Ps 119:80,112 Lu 1:6 Jas 2:14,26
* and do.
5,19,27 Ps 119:1 Ga 5:22-24 Tit 2:11-14
* he shall surely.
17,28 3:21 Ro 8:13
經文:以西結書 18:22-18:22 註釋:
* his transgressions.
24 33:16 1Ki 17:18 Ps 25:7 32:1,2 51:1 103:12 Isa 43:25
Jer 31:34 50:20 Mic 7:19 Ro 8:1 Heb 8:12 10:3,4
* in his.
2Ch 6:23 Ps 18:20-24 19:11 Ro 2:6,7 Ga 6:7,8 Jas 2:21-26
2Pe 1:5-11 1Jo 3:7
經文:以西結書 18:23-18:23 註釋:
* I any.
32 33:11 La 3:33 Ho 11:8 1Ti 2:4 2Pe 3:9
* not that.
Ex 34:6,7 Job 33:27,28 Ps 147:11 Jer 31:20 Mic 7:18
Lu 15:4-7,10,22-24,32 Jas 2:13
經文:以西結書 18:24-18:24 註釋:
* when.
26 3:20,21 33:12,13,18 1Sa 15:11 2Ch 24:2,17-22 Ps 36:3,4
Ps 125:5 Zep 1:6 Mt 13:20,21 Joh 6:66-70 Ga 5:7 Heb 10:38,39
2Pe 2:18-22 1Jo 2:19 5:16-18 Jude 1:12
* and doeth.
10-13 Mt 12:43-45 Ro 1:28-31 2Co 12:20,21 2Ti 3:1-5
* All his.
22 Mr 13:13 Ga 3:4 Heb 6:4-6 10:26-31 2Jo 1:8 Re 2:10 3:11
* in his.
18 Pr 14:32 21:16 Mt 7:22,23 Joh 8:21,24
經文:以西結書 18:25-18:25 註釋:
* way.
29 33:17,20 Job 32:2 34:5-10 35:2 40:8 42:4-6 Mal 2:17
Mal 3:13-15 Mt 20:11-15 Ro 3:5,20 9:20 10:3
* my.
Ge 18:25 De 32:4 Ps 50:6 145:17 Jer 12:1 Zep 3:5 Ro 2:5,6
* are.
Ps 50:21 Jer 2:17-23,29-37 16:10-13
經文:以西結書 18:26-18:26 註釋:
經文:以西結書 18:27-18:27 註釋:
* when.
21 Isa 1:18 55:7 Mt 9:13 21:28-32 Ac 3:19 20:21 26:20
* he shall.
33:5 Ac 2:40 1Ti 4:16
經文:以西結書 18:28-18:28 註釋:
* he considereth.
14 12:3 De 32:29 Ps 119:1,6,59 Jer 31:18-20 Lu 15:17,18
* turneth.
21,31 33:12 1Sa 7:3,4 Col 3:5-9 Tit 2:14 Jas 2:10-12
經文:以西結書 18:29-18:29 註釋:
2,25 Pr 19:3
經文:以西結書 18:30-18:30 註釋:
* I will.
7:3,8,9,27 33:20 34:20 Ec 3:17 12:14 1Pe 1:17 Re 20:12
* every.
Mal 3:18 Mt 16:27 25:32 2Co 5:10,11 Ga 6:4,5 Re 22:12
* Repent.
21 14:6 33:9,11 Da 9:13 Ho 12:6 Joe 2:12,13 Mt 3:2,8
Ac 26:20 Re 2:5,16
* yourselves. or, others.
* so.
21 Lu 13:3,5 Ro 2:5 Jas 1:15 Re 2:21-23
經文:以西結書 18:31-18:31 註釋:
* Cast.
20:7 Ps 34:14 Isa 1:16,17 30:22 55:7 Ro 8:13 Eph 4:22-32
Col 3:5-9 Jas 1:21 1Pe 1:14 2:1 4:2-4
* make.
11:19 36:26 Ps 51:10 Jer 32:39 Mt 12:33 23:26 Ac 3:19 Ro 8:13
Ro 12:2 Jas 4:8 1Pe 1:22
* for why.
33:11 De 30:15,19 Pr 8:36 Jer 21:8 27:15 Ac 13:46
經文:以西結書 18:32-18:32 註釋:
* I have.
23 La 3:33 2Pe 3:9
* yourselves. or, others.
經文:以西結書 19:1-19:1 註釋:
1; A lamentation for the princes of Israel, under the parable
of lion's whelps taken in a pit;
10; and for Jerusalem, under the parable of a wasted vine.
* take.
14 2:10 26:17 27:2 32:16,18 Jer 9:1,10,17,18 13:17,18
* the princes.
2Ki 23:29,30,34 24:6,12 25:5-7 2Ch 35:25 36:3,6,10
Jer 22:10-12,18,19,28,30 24:1,8 52:10,11,25-27 La 4:20 5:12
經文:以西結書 19:2-19:2 註釋:
* A lioness.
Judea, which possessed strength, courage, and sovereignty.
Na 2:11,12 Zep 3:1-4
* she lay.
Had confederacy with the neighbouring kings, and learned their
* her whelps.
The sons of Josiah, who learned to be oppressive tyrants from
the surrounding princes.
* young lions.
Job 4:11 Ps 58:6 Isa 5:29 11:6-9 Zec 11:3
經文:以西結書 19:3-19:3 註釋:
* one.
Jehoahaz, made king of Israel instead of Josiah, who became
cruel and oppressive.
* it became.
6 2Ki 23:31,32 2Ch 36:1,2
經文:以西結書 19:4-19:4 註釋:
* he was.
Taken prisoner by Pharaoh-necho, and brought into Egypt.
2Ki 23:31,33,34 2Ch 36:4,6 Jer 22:11,12,18
經文:以西結書 19:5-19:5 註釋:
* another.
3 2Ki 23:34-37
* a young lion.
King of Judah.
經文:以西結書 19:6-19:6 註釋:
* he went.
Became a perfect heathen: he reigned eleven years, a monster
of iniquity.
2Ki 24:1-7 2Ch 36:5 Jer 22:13-17 26:1-24 36:1-32
* he became.
經文:以西結書 19:7-19:7 註釋:
* desolate palaces. or, widows. and the land.
22:25 Pr 19:12 28:3,15,16
* the fulness.
12:19 30:12 Am 6:8 Mic 1:2
經文:以西結書 19:8-19:8 註釋:
* the nations.
2Ki 24:1-6
* and spread.
4 12:13 17:20 La 4:20
經文:以西結書 19:9-19:9 註釋:
* chains. or, hooks. and brought.
2Ch 36:6 Jer 22:18,19 36:30,31
* that his.
7 6:2 36:1
經文:以西結書 19:10-19:10 註釋:
* mother.
2 Ho 2:2,5
* like.
15:2-8 17:6 Isa 5:1-4 Mt 21:33-41
* blood. or, quietness, or, likeness. she was.
Nu 24:6,7 De 8:7,9 Ps 80:8-11 89:25-29
* full. Many princes.
經文:以西結書 19:11-19:11 註釋:
* she had.
Many powerful sovereigns, who rendered Judah very considerable
among the nations.
12,14 21:10,13 Ge 49:10 Nu 24:7-9,17 Ezr 4:20 5:11 Ps 2:8,9
Ps 80:15,17 110:2 Isa 11:1
* her stature.
31:3 Da 4:11,20,21
經文:以西結書 19:12-19:12 註釋:
* she was.
The kingdom was entirely ruined, and her princes cut off.
15:6-8 Ps 52:5 80:12,13,16 89:40-45 Isa 5:5,6 Jer 31:28
* the east.
17:10 Jer 4:11,12 Ho 13:15
* strong.
11 2Ki 23:29,34 24:6,14-16 25:6,7 Jer 22:10,11,18,19,25-27,30
* the fire.
Eze 15:4 20:47,48 De 32:22 Isa 27:11 Mt 3:10 Joh 15:6
經文:以西結書 19:13-19:13 註釋:
* she is.
10 De 28:47,48 Jer 52:27-31
* in the wilderness.
In Chaldea, whither they were carried captive.
* in a dry.
Ps 63:1 68:6 Ho 2:3
經文:以西結書 19:14-19:14 註釋:
* fire.
The treachery of Zedekiah hath caused her utter ruin.
17:18-20 Jud 9:15 2Ki 24:20 2Ch 36:13 Isa 9:18,19 Jer 38:23
Jer 52:3
* she hath.
11 21:25-27 Ge 49:10 Ne 9:37 Ps 79:7 80:15,16 Ho 3:4 10:3
Am 9:11 Joh 19:15
* This is.
1 La 4:20 Lu 19:41 Ro 9:2-4
經文:以西結書 20:1-20:1 註釋:
1; God refuses to be consulted by the elders of Israel.
4; He shews the story of their rebellions in Egypt,
10; in the wilderness,
27; and in the land.
33; He promises to gather them by the Gospel.
45; Under the name of a forest he shews the destruction of
* A.M. 3411. B.C. 593. in the seventh.
The seventh year of the captivity of Jeconiah, and according
to Usher, Monday, Aug. 27, 3411.
1:2 8:1 24:1 26:1 29:1,17 30:20 31:1 32:1 40:1
* that certain.
14:1-3 33:30-33 1Ki 14:2-6 22:15-28 2Ki 3:13 Isa 29:13 58:2
Jer 37:17 Mt 22:16
* and sat.
8:1 Lu 2:46 8:35 10:39 Ac 22:3
經文:以西結書 20:2-20:2 註釋:
經文:以西結書 20:3-20:3 註釋:
* Are.
Isa 1:12 Mt 3:7 Lu 3:7
* As I.
31 14:3,4,7,8 1Sa 28:6 Ps 50:15-21 Pr 15:8 21:27 28:9
Isa 1:15 Mic 3:7 Mt 15:8,9 Joh 4:24
經文:以西結書 20:4-20:4 註釋:
* judge them. or, plead for them.
14:14,20 22:2 23:36,45 Isa 5:3 Jer 7:16 11:14 14:11-14 15:1
1Co 6:2
* cause.
16:2,3 Mt 23:29-37 Lu 11:47-51 13:33-35 Ac 7:51,52
經文:以西結書 20:5-20:5 註釋:
* In the.
Ex 6:6,7 19:4-6 De 4:37 7:6 14:2 Ps 33:12 Isa 41:8,9 43:10
Isa 44:1,2 Jer 33:24 Mr 13:20
* lifted up mine hand. or, sware. (and so ver. 6, etc.
Ex 6:8, 9.)
15,23 47:14 Ge 14:22 De 32:40 Re 10:5
* and made.
35:11 Ex 3:8 4:31 De 4:34 11:2-7 Ps 103:7
* I am.
Ex 3:6,16 20:2,3
經文:以西結書 20:6-20:6 註釋:
* lifted.
* to bring.
Ge 15:13,14 Ex 3:8,17 14:1-15:27
* into.
De 8:7-9 11:11,12 32:8
* flowing.
Ex 13:5 33:3 Le 20:24 Nu 13:27 14:8 De 6:3 11:9 26:9,15 27:3
De 31:20 32:13,14 Jos 5:6 Jer 11:5 32:22
* which is.
15 Ps 48:2 Da 8:9 11:16,41 Zec 7:14
經文:以西結書 20:7-20:7 註釋:
* Cast.
8 18:6,15,31 Isa 2:20,21 31:7
* the abominations.
6:9 14:6 2Ch 15:8
* defile.
23:3,8 Le 17:7 18:3 De 29:16-18 Jos 24:14
* I am.
19 Ex 16:12 Le 11:44 20:7
經文:以西結書 20:8-20:8 註釋:
* they rebelled.
De 9:7 Ne 9:26 Isa 63:10
* they did.
7 Ex 32:4-6
* then I.
13,21 5:13 7:8
經文:以西結書 20:9-20:9 註釋:
* I wrought.
14,22 36:21,22 39:7 Ex 32:12 Nu 14:13-25 De 9:28 32:26,27
Jos 7:9 1Sa 12:22
* in whose.
Jos 2:10 9:9,10 1Sa 4:8
經文:以西結書 20:10-20:10 註釋:
Ex 13:17,18 14:17-22 15:22 20:2
經文:以西結書 20:11-20:11 註釋:
* I gave.
De 4:8 Ne 9:13,14 Ps 147:19,20 Ro 3:2
* shewed them. Heb. made them to know. which.
13,21 Le 18:5 De 20:15,16 Lu 10:28 Ro 10:5 Ga 3:12
經文:以西結書 20:12-20:12 註釋:
* I gave.
Ge 2:3 Ex 16:29 20:8-11 35:2 Le 23:3,24,32,39 25:4 De 5:12-15
Ne 9:14 Mr 2:27,28 Col 2:16
* to be.
20 Ex 31:13-17
* I am.
37:28 Ex 19:5,6 Le 20:8 21:8,15,23 Joh 17:17-19 1Th 5:23
Jude 1:1
經文:以西結書 20:13-20:13 註釋:
* rebelled.
8 Ex 16:28 32:8 Nu 14:22 De 9:12-24 31:27 1Sa 8:8
Ne 9:16-18 Ps 78:40,41 95:8-11 106:13-33 Isa 63:10
* and they.
16,24 Le 26:15,43 2Sa 12:9 Pr 1:25 13:13 Am 2:4 1Th 4:8
Heb 10:28,29
* which.
* and my.
21 Ex 16:27,28 Nu 15:31-36 Isa 56:6
* I said.
8,21 Ex 32:10 Nu 14:11,12,29 16:20,21,45 26:25 De 9:8
Ps 106:23
經文:以西結書 20:14-20:14 註釋:
9,22 36:22,23 Eph 1:6,12
經文:以西結書 20:15-20:15 註釋:
* I lifted.
23 Nu 14:23-30 26:64,65 De 1:34,35 Ps 95:11 106:26 Heb 3:11
Heb 3:18 4:3
* flowing.
經文:以西結書 20:16-20:16 註釋:
* they.
* for their.
They still had a hankering after the idolatries they had
learned in Egypt, to which they added new idols, which they
had seen in countries through which they had travelled, as
those of the Midianites, Amorites, etc.
8 14:3,4 23:8 Ex 32:1-8 Nu 15:39 25:2 Am 5:25,26 Ac 7:39-43
經文:以西結書 20:17-20:17 註釋:
* mine.
8:18 9:10 1Sa 24:10 Ne 9:19 Ps 78:37,38
* neither.
7:2 11:13 Jer 4:27 5:18 Na 1:8,9
經文:以西結書 20:18-20:18 註釋:
* I said.
Nu 14:32,33 32:13-15 De 4:3-6 Ps 78:6-8
* the statutes.
Zec 1:2-4 Lu 11:47,48 Ac 7:51 1Pe 1:18
* defile.
7 Jer 2:7 3:9
經文:以西結書 20:19-20:19 註釋:
* the Lord.
Ex 20:2,3 De 5:6,7 7:4-6 Ps 81:9,10 Jer 3:22,23
* walk.
11:20 36:27 37:24 De 4:1 5:1,32,33 6:1-8:20 10:1-12:32
Ne 9:13,14 Ps 19:7-11 105:45 Tit 2:11-14
經文:以西結書 20:20-20:20 註釋:
12 44:24 Ex 20:11 31:13-17 Ne 13:15-22 Isa 58:13
Jer 17:22,24,27
經文:以西結書 20:21-20:21 註釋:
* the children.
Nu 21:5 25:1-8 De 9:23,24 31:27 Ps 106:29-33 Ac 13:18
* if a man.
* I would.
8,13 21:31 2Ch 34:21,25 Re 16:1
* accomplish.
7:8 13:15 La 4:11 Da 11:36
經文:以西結書 20:22-20:22 註釋:
* I withdrew.
17 Job 13:21 Ps 78:38 La 2:8
* wrought.
9,14,22 Ps 25:11 79:9,10 115:1 Isa 48:9-11 Jer 14:7,21
Da 9:17,19
經文:以西結書 20:23-20:23 註釋:
* lifted.
15 De 32:40 Re 10:5,6
* that I.
The predictions of the dispersion of Israel, delivered by
Moses just before his death, are evidently here referred to:
they received a partial accomplishment at the Babylonian
captivity, but are more exactly fulfilling at this day.
Le 26:33 De 28:64-68 32:26,27 Ps 106:27 Jer 15:4
經文:以西結書 20:24-20:24 註釋:
* they had.
* their eyes.
6:9 18:6,12,15 De 4:19 Job 31:26,27 Am 2:4
經文:以西結書 20:25-20:25 註釋:
* I gave.
The simple meaning of this place is, that when the Israelites
had rebelled against God, despised his statutes, and polluted
his sabbaths, in effect cast him off, and given themselves up
wholly to their idols, then He, in a just judgment for their
disobedience, abandoned them, "gave them up to a reprobate
mind," (Ro 1:28,) and suffered them to walk after the
idolatrous, cruel, and impious customs and ordinances of the
heathen; by which they were ripened for the destruction which
he intended to bring upon them, that they might learn to know
God by his judgments, seeing they had despised his mercies.
In the same sense God is said judicially to "send a strong
delusion, that they should believe a lie," to those who
"received not the love of the truth, but had pleasure in
26,39 14:9-11 De 4:27,28 28:36 Ps 81:12 Isa 66:4 Ro 1:21-28
2Th 2:9-11
經文:以西結書 20:26-20:26 註釋:
* polluted.
31 Isa 63:17 Ro 11:7-10
* in that.
16:20,21 Le 18:21 2Ki 17:17 21:6 2Ch 28:3 33:6 Jer 32:35
* all that.
Ex 13:12 Lu 2:23
* to the end.
經文:以西結書 20:27-20:27 註釋:
* speak.
2:7 3:4,11,27
* Yet.
Ro 2:24 Re 13:5
* committed. Heb. trespassed.
經文:以西結書 20:28-20:28 註釋:
* when I.
Jos 23:3,4,14 Ne 9:22-26 Ps 78:55-58
* the which.
6,15 Ge 15:18-21 26:3,4 Ps 105:8-11
* they saw.
6:13 Ps 78:58 Isa 57:5-7 Jer 2:7 3:6
* their sweet.
經文:以西結書 20:29-20:29 註釋:
* I said, etc. or, I told them what the high place was, or,
Bamah. And the.
經文:以西結書 20:30-20:30 註釋:
* Are ye.
Nu 32:14 Jud 2:19 Jer 7:26 9:14 16:12 Mt 23:32 Ac 7:51
經文:以西結書 20:31-20:31 註釋:
* ye offer.
26 De 18:10-12 Ps 106:37-39 Jer 7:31 19:5
* and shall.
3 14:3,4 1Sa 28:5,6 2Ki 3:13,14 Job 27:8,10 Ps 66:18
Pr 1:27,28 28:9 Isa 1:15 Jer 14:12 Zec 7:13 Mt 25:11,12
Jas 4:1-3
經文:以西結書 20:32-20:32 註釋:
* that which.
11:5 38:10 Ps 139:2 Pr 19:21 La 3:37
* We will.
1Sa 8:5 Jer 44:17,29 Ro 12:2
* to serve.
De 4:28 28:36,64 29:17 Isa 37:19 Da 5:4 Re 9:20
經文:以西結書 20:33-20:33 註釋:
* surely.
8:18 Jer 21:5 42:18 44:6 La 2:4 Da 9:11,12
經文:以西結書 20:34-20:34 註釋:
38 34:16 Isa 27:9-13 Am 9:9,10
經文:以西結書 20:35-20:35 註釋:
* I will.
36 19:13 38:8 Ho 2:14 Mic 4:10 7:13-15 Re 12:14
* and there.
17:20 38:22 Jer 2:9,35 25:31 Ho 4:1 Mic 6:1,2
經文:以西結書 20:36-20:36 註釋:
13,21 Ex 32:7-35 Nu 11:1-35 14:1-45 16:1-50 25:1-18
Ps 106:15-48 1Co 10:5-10
經文:以西結書 20:37-20:37 註釋:
* pass.
34:17 Le 27:32 Jer 33:13 Mt 25:32,33
* I will.
16:59,60 Le 26:25 Ps 89:30-32 Am 3:2
* the bond. or, a delivering.
經文:以西結書 20:38-20:38 註釋:
* I will purge.
11:21 34:17,20-22 Nu 14:28-30 Am 9:9,10 Zec 13:8,9 Mal 3:3
Mal 4:1-3 Mt 3:9,10,12 25:32,33 Ro 9:27-29
* they shall.
13:9 Nu 14:30 Ps 95:11 Jer 44:14 1Co 10:5 Heb 4:6 Jude 1:5
* and ye.
6:7 15:7 23:49 Ps 9:16
經文:以西結書 20:39-20:39 註釋:
* Go ye.
25,26 Jud 10:14 2Ki 3:13 Ps 81:12 Ho 4:17 Am 4:4,5
Ro 1:24-28 2Th 2:11
* but.
23:37-39 Pr 21:27 Isa 1:13-15 66:3 Jer 7:9-11 Zep 1:4,5
Mt 6:24 Re 3:15,16
經文:以西結書 20:40-20:40 註釋:
* in mine.
These predictions received a partial accomplishment by the
restoration of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity; but
they seem chiefly to relate to the establishment of the
Christian church, and more especially to the future conversion
of the Jews, and their restoration to their own land.
17:23 Ps 2:6 68:15,16 Isa 2:2,3 66:20 Jer 31:12 Joe 3:17,18
Ob 1:16 Mic 4:1,2 Heb 12:20-22 Re 21:10
* there shall.
37:22-28 Isa 56:7 60:7 66:23 Zec 8:20-23 Mal 1:11 3:4 Re 12:1
Heb 13:15 1Pe 2:5
* first-fruits. or, chief.
經文:以西結書 20:41-20:41 註釋:
* with your.
28 6:13 Ge 8:21 Le 1:9,13,17 Eph 5:2 Php 4:18
* sweet savour. Heb. savour of rest. I bring.
11:17 34:19 36:24 37:25 38:8 Isa 11:11-16 27:12,13 Jer 23:3
Jer 30:3,18 32:37 Am 9:14 Ob 1:17-21 Mic 7:12-16
* and I will.
28:22,25 38:23 39:27-29 Le 10:3 Isa 5:16 Lu 2:14 1Pe 3:15
經文:以西結書 20:42-20:42 註釋:
* ye shall.
38,44 24:24 26:13 36:23 38:23 Jer 24:7 31:34 Joh 17:3
1Jo 5:20
* when I.
11:17-20 34:13 36:24 37:21,25
* for the which.
經文:以西結書 20:43-20:43 註釋:
* shall ye.
6:9 Le 26:39-41 Ne 1:8-10 Ho 5:15
* and ye shall.
16:61-63 36:31 Job 42:6 Jer 31:18 Zec 12:10-14 Lu 18:13
2Co 7:11
經文:以西結書 20:44-20:44 註釋:
* And ye shall.
38 24:24
* when I.
9,14,22 36:21,22 Ps 79:9 115:1 Eph 1:6 1Ti 1:16
經文:以西結書 20:45-20:45 註釋:
* Moreover.
This is the beginning of another prophecy, and properly
belongs to the following chapter.
經文:以西結書 20:46-20:46 註釋:
* set.
4:7 6:2
* toward.
Towards Judea, which lay south of Mesopotamia, where the
prophet now dwelt.
* and drop.
21:2 De 32:2 Job 29:22 Am 7:16 Mic 2:6 *marg:
* the forest.
The city of Jerusalem, as full of inhabitants as the forest is
of trees.
Jer 13:19 22:7 Zec 11:1,2
經文:以西結書 20:47-20:47 註釋:
* I will kindle.
I will send war; and it shall destroy all ranks and characters
of the people.
15:6,7 19:14 22:20,21 De 32:22 Isa 9:18,19 30:33 Jer 21:14
* green.
17:24 Lu 23:31
* the flaming.
Isa 66:24 Mr 9:43-49
* from the south.
21:3,4 Isa 24:1-6
經文:以西結書 20:48-20:48 註釋:
De 29:24-28 2Ch 7:20-22 Isa 26:11 Jer 40:2,3 La 2:16,17
經文:以西結書 20:49-20:49 註釋:
* Doth.
Is it not his usual custom to deal in enigmas? His figures
are not to be understood; we should not trouble ourselves with
them. God therefore commands the prophet to declare, in the
next chapter, the same things in the plainest terms, so that
they should not complain of his parables.
Mt 13:13,14 Joh 16:25 Ac 17:18
經文:以西結書 21:1-21:1 註釋:
1; Ezekiel prophesies against Jerusalem with a sign of
8; The sharp and bright sword;
18; against Jerusalem;
25; against the kingdom;
28; and against the Ammonites.
經文:以西結書 21:2-21:2 註釋:
* set.
4:3,7 20:46 25:2 28:21 29:2 38:2 Eph 6:19
* and drop.
De 32:2 Am 7:16 Mic 2:6,11 *marg:
* against.
4:7 6:2 20:46 36:1 Jer 26:11,12 Ac 6:13,14
經文:以西結書 21:3-21:3 註釋:
* Behold.
5:8 26:3 Jer 21:13 50:31 51:25 Na 2:13 3:5
* will draw.
9-11,19 5:12 14:17,21 Ex 15:9 Le 26:25,33 De 32:41,42
Ps 17:13 Isa 10:5 34:5 Jer 47:6,7 51:20 Zep 2:12 Zec 13:7
* the righteous.
9:5,6 Job 9:22 Ec 9:2 Jer 15:2-4
經文:以西結書 21:4-21:4 註釋:
* against.
6:11-14 7:2 20:47
經文:以西結書 21:5-21:5 註釋:
* all.
20:48 Nu 14:21-23 De 29:24-28 1Ki 9:7-9
* it shall.
30 1Sa 3:12 Isa 45:23 55:11 Jer 23:20 Na 1:9
經文:以西結書 21:6-21:6 註釋:
* Sigh.
12 6:11 9:4 Isa 22:4 Jer 4:19 9:17-21 Joh 11:33-35
* with the.
Isa 16:11 21:3 Jer 30:6 Da 5:6 8:27 Na 2:10 Hab 3:16
* before.
4:12 12:3-5 37:20 Jer 19:10
經文:以西結書 21:7-21:7 註釋:
* Wherefore.
12:9-11 20:49 24:19
* For the.
7:26 2Ki 21:12 Isa 7:2 28:19 Jer 6:22-24 49:23
* and every.
Ex 15:15 De 20:8 *marg:
Jos 2:9-11 5:1 2Sa 17:10 Na 2:10
* all hands.
Job 4:3,4 Isa 35:3 Jer 50:43 Lu 21:26 Heb 12:12
* faint.
Le 26:36 Isa 13:7 Jer 8:18 La 5:17
* weak as water. Heb. go into water.
7:17 *marg:
* it cometh.
7:2-12 12:22-28 1Pe 4:7
經文:以西結書 21:8-21:8 註釋:
經文:以西結書 21:9-21:9 註釋:
* A sword.
3,15,28 De 32:41,42 Job 20:25 Isa 66:16 Jer 12:12 15:2
Am 9:4
* sharpened.
Ps 7:11-13 Isa 27:1 34:5,6
經文:以西結書 21:10-21:10 註釋:
* it is furbished.
Jer 46:4 Na 3:3 Hab 3:11
* should.
Es 3:15 Ec 3:4 Isa 5:12-14 22:12-14 Am 6:3-7 Na 1:10
Lu 21:34,35
* it contemneth the rod of my son, as every tree. or, it is
the rod of my son, it despiseth every tree.
25-27 19:11-14 20:47 2Sa 7:14 Ps 2:7-9 89:26-32,38-45 110:5,6
Re 2:27
經文:以西結書 21:11-21:11 註釋:
* to give.
19 Jer 25:9,33 51:20-23
經文:以西結書 21:12-21:12 註釋:
* howl.
6 9:8 30:2 Jer 25:34 Joe 1:13 Mic 1:8
* terrors by reason of the shall be upon my. or, they are
thrust down to the sword with my. smite.
This was an expression of deep affliction.
14 6:11 Jer 31:12
經文:以西結書 21:13-21:13 註釋:
* Because, etc. or, When the trial hath been, what then?
shall they not also belong to the despising rod? a trial.
Job 9:23 2Co 8:2
* contemn.
* it shall.
經文:以西結書 21:14-21:14 註釋:
* smite.
17 6:11 Nu 24:10
* hands together. Heb. hand to hand. let the.
Le 26:21,24 2Ki 24:1,10-16 25:1-7 Da 3:19
* entereth.
8:12 1Ki 20:30 22:25 Am 9:2
經文:以西結書 21:15-21:15 註釋:
* point. or, glittering, or fear. against.
22 15:7 Jer 17:27
* that their.
7 20:47
* it is made.
* wrapped up. or, sharpened.
經文:以西結書 21:16-21:16 註釋:
* Go.
4,20 14:17 16:46
* either.
Ge 13:9
* or on the left. Heb. set thyself, take the left hand.
經文:以西結書 21:17-21:17 註釋:
* smite.
14 22:13 Nu 24:10
* and I.
5:13 16:42 De 28:63 Isa 1:24 Zec 6:8
經文:以西結書 21:18-21:18 註釋:
經文:以西結書 21:19-21:19 註釋:
4:1-3 5:1-17 Jer 1:10
經文:以西結書 21:20-21:20 註釋:
* Rabbath.
25:5 De 3:11 2Sa 12:26 Jer 49:2 Am 1:14
* Rabbah. the defenced.
2Sa 5:9 2Ch 26:9 32:5 33:14 Ps 48:12,13 125:1,2 Isa 22:10
La 4:12
經文:以西結書 21:21-21:21 註釋:
* the king.
Pr 16:33 21:1
* parting. Heb. mother. to use.
Nu 23:28 De 18:10 1Sa 15:23 Pr 16:10 Ac 16:16
* he made.
Or, as the Vulgate, "he mingled his arrows:" "They wrote on
several arrows," says Jerome, "the names of the cities they
intended to assault; and then putting them altogether
promiscuously in a quiver, they drew then out thence as lots
are drawn; and that city whose name was written on the arrow
first drawn, was the city they first made war on."
* arrows. or, knives. images. Heb. teraphim.
Ge 31:19,30 Jud 17:5 18:14,18,20,24 2Ki 23:24 Ho 3:4 4:12
Zec 10:2
經文:以西結書 21:22-21:22 註釋:
* captains. or battering rams. Heb. rams.
* to lift.
Ex 32:17,18 Jos 6:10,20 1Sa 17:20 Job 39:25 Jer 51:14
* to appoint.
4:2 Jer 32:24 33:4 52:4
經文:以西結書 21:23-21:23 註釋:
* as a.
11:3 12:22 Isa 28:14,15
* to them that have sworn oaths. or, for the oaths made unto
17:13-19 2Ch 36:13
* but.
2Ki 24:20 25:1-7 Jer 52:3-11
* call.
24 29:16 Nu 5:15 1Ki 17:18 Re 16:19
經文:以西結書 21:24-21:24 註釋:
* your transgressions.
16:16-22 22:3-12,24-31 23:5-21 24:7 Isa 3:9 Jer 2:34 3:2
Jer 5:27,28 6:15 8:12 9:2-7 Ho 4:2 Mic 3:10-12
* ye shall.
Isa 22:17,18 Jer 15:2 Am 9:1-3
經文:以西結書 21:25-21:25 註釋:
* profane.
17:19 2Ch 36:13 Jer 24:8 52:2
* whose.
29 7:6 30:3 35:5 Ps 7:9 9:5,6 Jer 51:13
經文:以西結書 21:26-21:26 註釋:
* Remove.
12:12,13 16:12 2Ki 25:6,27 Jer 13:18 39:6,7 52:9-11,31-34
La 5:16
* exalt.
17:24 1Sa 2:7,8 Ps 75:7 113:7,8 Lu 1:52
經文:以西結書 21:27-21:27 註釋:
* I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it. Heb. Perverted,
perverted, perverted, will I make it.
Hag 2:21,22 Heb 12:26,27
* until.
13 17:22,23 34:23 37:24,25 Ge 49:10 Nu 24:19 Ps 2:6 72:7-10
Isa 9:6,7 Jer 23:5,6 30:21 33:15,16,21,26 Da 2:44 9:25 Ho 3:5
Am 9:11,12 Mic 5:2 Hag 2:7 Zec 6:12,13 9:9 Mal 3:1 4:2
Mt 28:18 Lu 1:32,69 2:11 Joh 1:4,9 Eph 1:20-22 Php 2:9,10
1Pe 3:22 Re 19:11-16
經文:以西結書 21:28-21:28 註釋:
* concerning the.
20 25:2-7 Jer 49:1-5 Am 1:13-15 Zep 2:8-10
* The sword.
經文:以西結書 21:29-21:29 註釋:
* they see.
12:24 13:23 22:28 Isa 44:25 47:13 Jer 27:9
* to bring.
13:10 La 2:14
* whose.
25 Job 18:20 Ps 37:13
經文:以西結書 21:30-21:30 註釋:
* Shall I cause it to return. or, Cause it to return.
4,5 Jer 47:6,7
* I will.
16:38 28:13,15 Ge 15:14
* in the.
經文:以西結書 21:31-21:31 註釋:
* pour.
7:8 14:19 22:22 Na 1:6
* I will blow.
22:20,21 Ps 18:15 Isa 30:33 37:7 40:7 Hag 1:9
* brutish. or, burning. and skilful.
Isa 14:4-6 Jer 4:7 6:22,23 51:20,21 Hab 1:6-10
經文:以西結書 21:32-21:32 註釋:
* for fuel.
20:47,48 Mal 4:1 Mt 3:10,12
* thy blood.
30 Isa 34:3-7
* thou shalt be no.
This prophecy against the Ammonites was fulfilled about five
years after the taking of Jerusalem; and their name has
utterly perished from the face of the earth.
25:10 Zep 2:9
* for I.
Nu 23:19 Mt 24:35
經文:以西結書 22:1-22:1 註釋:
1; A catalogue of sins in Jerusalem, and the dispersion of the
Jews in consequence.
17; God will burn them as dross in his furnace.
23; The general corruption of prophets, priests, princes, and
經文:以西結書 22:2-22:2 註釋:
* judge. or, plead for.
20:4 23:36
* bloody city. Heb. city of bloods.
23:45 24:6,9 2Ki 21:16 24:3,4 Jer 2:30,34 Ho 4:2 Na 3:1
Mt 23:35 27:25 Lu 11:50 Ac 7:52
* thou shalt.
16:2 Isa 58:1 1Ti 5:20
* shew her. Heb. make her know. her abominations.
8:9-17 16:1-63 23:1-49
經文:以西結書 22:3-22:3 註釋:
* sheddeth.
27 24:6-9 Zep 3:3
* that her.
4 7:2-12 12:25 Ro 2:5 2Pe 2:3
* and maketh.
2Ki 21:2-9 Jer 2:1-3:25
經文:以西結書 22:4-22:4 註釋:
* that thou.
2 2Ki 21:16
* and thou hast.
Nu 32:14 Mt 23:32,33 1Th 2:16
* have I.
5:14,15 16:57 21:28 Le 26:32 De 28:37 29:24 1Ki 9:7 2Ch 7:20
Ps 44:13,14 79:4 89:41,42 Jer 18:16 24:9 44:8 La 2:15,16
Da 9:16
經文:以西結書 22:5-22:5 註釋:
* infamous and much vexed. Heb. polluted of name, much in
Jer 15:2,3
經文:以西結書 22:6-22:6 註釋:
* the princes.
27 Ne 9:34 Isa 1:23 Jer 2:26,27 5:5 32:32 Da 9:8
Mic 3:1-3,9-11 Zec 3:3
* power. Heb. arm.
Mic 2:1
經文:以西結書 22:7-22:7 註釋:
* set.
Ex 21:17 Le 20:9 De 27:16 Pr 20:20 30:11,17 Mt 15:4-6 Mr 7:10
* dealt.
29 18:12 Ex 22:21,22 De 27:19 Pr 22:22,23 Jer 7:6 Zec 7:10
Mal 3:5
* oppression. or, deceit.
經文:以西結書 22:8-22:8 註釋:
26 20:13,21,24 23:38,39 Le 19:30 Am 8:4-6 Mal 1:6-8,12
經文:以西結書 22:9-22:9 註釋:
* men that carry tales. Heb. men of slanders.
Ex 20:16 23:1 Le 19:16 1Ki 21:10-13 Ps 50:20 101:5 Pr 10:18
Pr 18:8 26:22 Jer 6:28 9:4 37:13-15 38:4-6 Mt 26:59
Ac 6:11-13 24:5,13 Re 12:9,10
* they eat.
18:6,11,15 Ps 106:28 1Co 10:18-21
* they commit.
16:43 24:13 Jud 20:6 Ho 4:2,10,14 6:9 7:4
經文:以西結書 22:10-22:10 註釋:
* discovered.
Ge 35:22 49:4 Le 18:7,8 20:11 De 27:20,23 2Sa 16:21,22
1Ch 5:1 Am 2:7 1Co 5:1
* humbled.
18:6 Le 18:19 20:18
經文:以西結書 22:11-22:11 註釋:
* one. or, every one. committed.
18:11 Le 18:20 20:10 De 22:22 Job 31:9-11 Jer 5:7,8 9:2 29:23
Mal 3:5 Mt 5:27,28 1Co 6:9 Ga 5:19 Heb 13:4
* another. or, every one. hath lewdly. or, hath by lewdness.
Le 18:15 20:12,17
* his sister.
Le 18:9 20:17 De 27:22 2Sa 13:1,14,28,29
經文:以西結書 22:12-22:12 註釋:
* taken gifts.
Ex 23:7,8 De 16:19 27:25 Isa 1:23 Mic 7:2,3 Zep 3:3,4
* thou hast.
18:8,13 Ex 22:25,26 Le 25:35,36 De 23:19 Ne 5:1,7 Ps 15:5
* greedily.
Pr 1:19 Isa 56:11 Mt 23:14,25 Lu 3:13 18:11 19:8 1Co 5:11
1Co 6:10 1Ti 3:3 6:9,10 Jas 5:1-4 Jude 1:11
* and hast.
23:35 De 32:18 Ps 106:21 Jer 2:32 3:21
經文:以西結書 22:13-22:13 註釋:
* I have.
21:14,17 Nu 24:10
* thy dishonest.
27 Pr 28:8 Isa 33:15 Jer 5:26,27 7:9-11 Am 2:6-8 3:10 8:4-6
Mic 2:1-3 6:10,11 1Th 4:6
* and at.
經文:以西結書 22:14-22:14 註釋:
* Thine heart.
21:7 28:9 Job 40:9 Isa 31:3 45:9 Jer 13:21 1Co 10:22
Heb 10:31
* I the.
5:13 17:24 24:14 1Sa 15:29 Mr 13:31
經文:以西結書 22:15-22:15 註釋:
* scatter.
5:12 12:14,15 34:6 36:19 Le 26:33 De 4:27 28:25,64 Ne 1:8
Jer 15:4 Zec 7:14
* consume.
18,22 20:38 23:47,48 24:6-14 Isa 1:25 Zec 13:9 Mal 3:3 4:1
Mt 3:12 1Pe 4:12
經文:以西結書 22:16-22:16 註釋:
* take thine inheritance in thyself. or, be profaned in
7:24 25:3 Isa 43:28 47:6
* thou shalt know.
6:7 39:6,7,28 Ex 8:22 1Ki 20:13,28 Ps 9:16 83:18 Isa 37:20
Da 4:25,32-35
經文:以西結書 22:17-22:17 註釋:
經文:以西結書 22:18-22:18 註釋:
* the house.
Ps 119:119 Isa 1:22 Jer 6:28-30
* brass.
20 Isa 48:4 La 4:1,2
* in the midst.
Pr 17:3 Isa 31:9 48:10
* dross. Heb. drosses.
經文:以西結書 22:19-22:19 註釋:
* I will.
Jerusalem is here represented as the fining pot; all the
people, who had become dross, are to be gathered together in
it; and the fire of the Chaldeans, blown by the wrath of God,
is to melt the whole. No ordinary means will avail to purge
their impurities; the most violent must therefore be resorted
11:7 24:3-6 Mic 4:12 Mt 13:30,40-42
經文:以西結書 22:20-22:20 註釋:
* As they gather. Heb. According to the gathering. to blow.
21 21:31,32 Isa 54:16
* in mine.
24:13 Jer 4:11,12,20
經文:以西結書 22:21-22:21 註釋:
* and blow.
15:6,7 20:47,48 22:20-22 De 4:24 29:20 32:22 2Ki 25:9 Ps 21:9
Ps 50:3 Isa 30:33 Jer 21:12 Na 1:6 Zep 1:18
* and ye.
Ps 68:2 112:10 Isa 64:2,7 Jer 9:7
經文:以西結書 22:22-22:22 註釋:
* ye shall know.
16,31 20:8,33 Ho 5:10 Re 16:1
經文:以西結書 22:23-22:23 註釋:
經文:以西結書 22:24-22:24 註釋:
2Ch 28:22 36:14-16 Isa 1:5 9:13 Jer 2:30 5:3 6:29 44:16-19
Zep 3:2
經文:以西結書 22:25-22:25 註釋:
* a conspiracy.
13:10-16 1Ki 22:11-13,23 Jer 5:30,31 6:13 La 2:14 4:13
2Pe 2:1-3
* like.
27-29 Isa 56:11 Ho 6:9 Mic 3:5-7 Re 13:11,15
* ravening.
That is, from the Saxon {reafian}, seizing and devouring it
with eagerness and rapacity.
* they have devoured.
13:19 Jer 2:30,34 Mt 23:14 Mr 12:40 Lu 20:47 Re 17:6 18:13
經文:以西結書 22:26-22:26 註釋:
* priests.
1Sa 2:12-17,22 Jer 2:8,26,27 La 4:13 Mic 3:11,12 Zep 3:3,4
Mal 1:6-8 2:1-3,8
* violated. Heb. offered violence to. profaned.
Le 22:2-33 1Sa 2:15,29
* put no.
44:23 Le 10:1-3,10 11:47 20:25 Jer 15:19 Hag 2:11-13
* hid their.
8 20:12,13
* I am profaned.
36:20 Ro 2:24
經文:以西結書 22:27-22:27 註釋:
* princes.
6 19:3-6 22:6 45:9 Isa 1:23 Ho 7:1-7 Mic 3:2,3,9-11 7:8
Zep 3:3 Jas 2:6,7
* to get.
13 Mt 21:13 Jas 5:1-4
經文:以西結書 22:28-22:28 註釋:
* prophets.
The prophets employed all their ingenuity to varnish over the
crimes of the princes, (the antecedent to them,) to palliate
their offences, and to conceal their faults, while they were
like ravening wolves, and took bribes to shed innocent blood.
By these means they shared the dishonest gains with the
princes, or availed themselves of their authority to gratify
their avarice or revenge.
25 13:10-16 Isa 30:10 Jer 8:10,11
* seeing.
13:22,23 21:29 Jer 23:25-32 La 2:14 Zep 3:4
* Thus saith the Lord.
13:6,7 Jer 23:21 28:2,15 29:8,9 37:19
經文:以西結書 22:29-22:29 註釋:
* people.
7 18:12 Isa 5:7 10:2 59:3-7 Jer 5:26-28,31 6:13 Am 3:10
Mic 2:2 3:3 Jas 5:4
* oppression. or, deceit. oppressed.
7 22:7 Ex 22:21 23:9 Le 19:33 Ps 94:6 Mt 25:43
* wrongfully. Heb. without right.
經文:以西結書 22:30-22:30 註釋:
* I sought.
God, speaking after the manner of men, sought for some Moses,
Phinehas, or Samuel, to stand in the gap on this occasion; but
as he found none, its destruction was inevitable.
Isa 59:16 63:5 Jer 5:1
* make.
13:5 Ge 18:23-32 Ex 32:10-14 Ps 106:23 Jer 15:1
經文:以西結書 22:31-22:31 註釋:
* have I poured.
* their own.
7:3,8,9 9:10 11:21 16:43 Ro 2:8,9
經文:以西結書 23:1-23:1 註釋:
1; The whoredoms of Aholah and Aholibah.
23; Aholibah is to be plagued by her lovers.
36; The prophet reproves the adulteries of them both;
45; and shews their judgments.
經文:以西結書 23:2-23:2 註釋:
* two.
16:44,46 Jer 3:7-10
經文:以西結書 23:3-23:3 註釋:
* in Egypt.
20:8 Le 17:7 De 29:16 Jos 24:14
* in their.
8,19,21 16:22 Ho 2:15
經文:以西結書 23:4-23:4 註釋:
* the names.
The kingdom of Israel, of which Samaria was the capital,
containing ten tribes, and occupying a larger extent of
country than that of Judah, is therefore called "her elder
sister;" and Aholah, the name given to her, implies that the
whole religious establishment in Israel was a human invention,
a temple and service of their own, and not of God's
appointment. Aholibah, the name given to Judah, implies that
the worship established there was from God, and that His
temple was truly at Jerusalem.
* the elder.
16:40 1Ki 12:20
* they were.
16:8,20 Ex 19:5,6 Ps 45:11-16 Jer 2:2,3 Ro 7:4
* Aholah. that is, His tent, or tabernacle.
1Ki 12:26-33 Joh 4:22
* Aholibah. that is, My tabernacle in her.
1Ki 8:29 Ps 76:2 132:13,14
經文:以西結書 23:5-23:5 註釋:
* Aholah.
The Israelites, in addition to their former gross idolatries,
received the impure idolatrous worship of the Assyrians, who
became their neighbours by the conquest of Syria.
1Ki 14:9,16 15:26,30 16:31,32 21:26 2Ki 17:7-18
* doted.
7,9,12,16,20 16:37 Jer 50:38
* on the.
16:28 2Ki 15:19 16:7 17:3 Ho 5:13 8:9,10 10:6 12:1
經文:以西結書 23:6-23:6 註釋:
* all of.
經文:以西結書 23:7-23:7 註釋:
* committed her whoredoms with them. Heb. bestowed her
whoredoms upon them.
* the chosen men of Assyria. Heb. the choice of the children
of Asshur.
Ge 10:22
* with all their.
30 20:7 22:3,4 Ps 106:39 Ho 5:3 6:10
經文:以西結書 23:8-23:8 註釋:
* whoredoms.
3,19,21 Ex 32:4 1Ki 12:28 2Ki 10:29 17:16
經文:以西結書 23:9-23:9 註釋:
2Ki 15:29 17:3-6,23 18:9-12 1Ch 5:26 Ho 11:5 Re 17:12,13,16
經文:以西結書 23:10-23:10 註釋:
* discovered.
29 16:37-41 Ho 2:3,10
* they took.
* famous. Heb. a name.
48 Jer 22:8,9
經文:以西結書 23:11-23:11 註釋:
* her sister.
4 Jer 3:8
* was more corrupt in her inordinate love than she. Heb. she
corrupted her inordinate love more than she. her sister in
her whoredoms. Heb. the whoredoms of her sister.
16:47-51 Jer 3:8-11
經文:以西結書 23:12-23:12 註釋:
* upon.
5 16:28 2Ki 16:7-15 2Ch 28:16-23
* captains.
經文:以西結書 23:13-23:13 註釋:
* that they.
31 2Ki 17:18,19 Ho 12:1,2
經文:以西結書 23:14-23:14 註釋:
* pourtrayed.
8:10 Isa 46:1 Jer 50:2
* vermilion.
Jer 22:14
經文:以西結書 23:15-23:15 註釋:
* with girdles.
1Sa 18:4 Isa 22:21
* all of.
Jud 8:18 2Sa 14:25
* look to.
That is, "princes in appearance;" which seem to have been the
deified men worshipped by the Chaldeans. The inhabitants of
Judah, like the Israelites, connected themselves with the
Assyrians, and were enamoured with their idols; and then with
the Chaldeans, and followed their idols; still retaining their
attachment to the Egyptians and their idolatrous rites.
經文:以西結書 23:16-23:16 註釋:
* as soon as she saw them with her eyes. Heb. at the sight of
her eyes.
16:29 Ge 3:6 6:2 39:7 2Sa 11:2 2Ki 24:1 Job 31:1 Ps 119:37
Pr 6:25 23:33 Mt 5:28
* and sent.
40,41 16:17,29 2Pe 2:14
經文:以西結書 23:17-23:17 註釋:
* Babylonians. Heb. children of Babel.
Ge 10:10 11:9
* and her.
22,28 16:37 2Sa 13:15
* alienated. Heb. loosed, or disjointed.
經文:以西結書 23:18-23:18 註釋:
* discovered.
16:36 21:24 Isa 3:9 Jer 8:12 Ho 7:1
* then.
De 32:19 Ps 78:59 106:40 Jer 6:8 12:8 15:1 La 2:7 Ho 2:2
Am 6:8 Zec 11:8
經文:以西結書 23:19-23:19 註釋:
* multiplied.
14 16:25,29,51 Am 4:4
* in calling.
3,8,21 16:22 20:7
經文:以西結書 23:20-23:20 註釋:
17:15 Jer 5:8
經文:以西結書 23:21-23:21 註釋:
經文:以西結書 23:22-23:22 註釋:
* I will raise.
9,28 16:37 Isa 10:5,6 39:3,4 Hab 1:6-10 Re 17:16
* from.
* and I.
Jer 6:22,23 12:9-12
經文:以西結書 23:23-23:23 註釋:
* Babylonians.
21:19-27 2Ki 20:14-17 25:1-3
* the Chaldeans.
2Ki 24:2 Job 1:17 Isa 23:13 Ac 7:4
* Pekod.
Jer 50:21
* the Assyrians.
Ge 2:14 25:18 Ezr 6:22
* desirable.
經文:以西結書 23:24-23:24 註釋:
* with chariots.
26:10 Jer 47:3 Na 2:3,4 3:2,3
* I will set.
45 16:38 21:23 2Sa 24:14 Jer 39:5,6
經文:以西結書 23:25-23:25 註釋:
* I will set.
5:13 8:1-18 16:38-42 Ex 34:14 De 29:20 32:21,22 Pr 6:34
So 8:6 Zep 1:18
* they shall take away.
This refers to the severe vengeance which enraged husbands
took on their faithless wives: and implies that God would
employ the Chaldeans to destroy the princes and priests of
Judah, for violating their covenants and treaties. Such
punishments were anciently common; and such is the present
practice in one of the South Sea Islands.
* they shall take thy.
47 Ho 2:4,5
* thy residue.
15:6,7 20:47,48 22:18-22 Re 18:8
經文:以西結書 23:26-23:26 註釋:
* strip.
29 16:16,37,39 Jer 13:22 Ho 2:3,9,10 Re 17:16 18:14-17
* fair jewels. Heb. instruments of thy decking.
Isa 3:17-24 1Pe 3:3,4
經文:以西結書 23:27-23:27 註釋:
* will I.
16:41 22:15 Isa 27:9 Mic 5:10-14 Zec 13:2
* and thy.
* so that.
These severe judgments shall effectually deter you from
idolatry, and make you abhor the least approaches to it. This
often repeated prediction has received a most wonderful
accomplishment. For neither the authority, frowns, examples,
or favour of their conquerors or powerful neighbours, nor
their own fears, hopes, interests, or predilection for the
sensual worship of idols, could prevail with them to run into
gross idolatry, either during the captivity, or ever
afterwards, to the present day, a period of 2,414; years.
經文:以西結書 23:28-23:28 註釋:
* whom thou.
17,22 16:37 Jer 21:7-10 24:8 34:20
經文:以西結書 23:29-23:29 註釋:
* deal.
25,26,45-47 16:39 De 28:47-51 2Sa 13:15
* the nakedness.
18 16:36,37
經文:以西結書 23:30-23:30 註釋:
* thou hast.
12-21 6:9 Ps 106:35-38 Jer 2:18-20 16:11,12 22:8,9
* because thou art.
經文:以西結書 23:31-23:31 註釋:
* walked.
13 16:47-51 Jer 3:8-11
* her.
2Ki 21:13 Jer 7:14,15 Da 9:12
經文:以西結書 23:32-23:32 註釋:
* drink.
Ps 60:3 Isa 51:17 Jer 25:15-28 48:26 Mt 20:22,23 Re 16:19
Re 18:6
* thou shalt be.
22:4,5 25:6 26:2 35:15 36:3 De 28:37 1Ki 9:7 Ps 79:3
Jer 25:9 La 2:15,16 Mic 7:8
經文:以西結書 23:33-23:33 註釋:
* filled.
Jer 25:27 Hab 2:16
* with the cup of astonishment.
Isa 51:17,22
經文:以西結書 23:34-23:34 註釋:
* drink.
Ps 75:8 Isa 51:17
* and pluck.
3,8 Re 18:7
經文:以西結書 23:35-23:35 註釋:
* Because.
22:12 Isa 17:10 Jer 2:32 3:21 13:25 23:27 32:33 Ho 8:14 13:6
Ro 1:28
* and cast.
1Ki 14:9 Ne 9:26
* therefore.
45-49 7:4 44:10 Le 24:15 Nu 14:34 18:22
經文:以西結書 23:36-23:36 註釋:
* wilt.
20:4 22:2 Jer 1:10 1Co 6:2,3
* judge. or, plead for.
Jer 11:14 14:11
* Aholah.
* declare.
16:2 Isa 58:1 Ho 2:2 Mic 3:8-11 Mt 23:13-35 Lu 11:39-52
Ac 7:51-53
經文:以西結書 23:37-23:37 註釋:
* they have.
5 16:32 Ho 1:2 3:1
* and blood.
39,45 16:36,38 22:2-4 24:6-9 2Ki 24:4 Ps 106:37,38
Isa 1:15 Jer 7:6,9 Ho 4:2 Mic 3:10 Lu 13:34
* have also.
4 16:20,21,36,45 20:26,31 Le 18:21 20:2-5 De 12:31
2Ki 17:17 21:6 Jer 7:31 32:35
經文:以西結書 23:38-23:38 註釋:
* they have.
7:20 8:5-16 2Ki 21:4,7 23:11,12
* and have.
20:13,24 22:8 Ne 13:17,18 Jer 17:27
經文:以西結書 23:39-23:39 註釋:
* they came.
Isa 3:9 Jer 7:8-11 11:15 Mic 3:11 Joh 18:28
* thus.
38 44:7 2Ki 21:4 2Ch 33:4-7 Jer 23:11
經文:以西結書 23:40-23:40 註釋:
* ye have.
13 Isa 57:9
* to come. Heb. coming.
2Ki 20:13-15
* thou didst.
Ru 3:3 Es 2:12
* paintedst.
{Kachalt aineych,} rendered by the LXX. [estibizou tous
ophthalmous sou;] "thou didst paint thine eyes with stibium,"
and Vulgate {circumlinisti stibio oculos tuos,} "thou didst
paint round thine eyes with stibium," or lead ore; whence it
is called in Arabic {kochl,} and in Syriac {kecholo,} and
2Ki 9:30 Jer 4:30
* and deckedst.
16:13-16 Pr 7:10 Isa 3:18-23
經文:以西結書 23:41-23:41 註釋:
* stately. Heb. honourable.
Es 1:6 Pr 7:16,17 Isa 57:7 Am 2:8 6:4
* a table.
44:16 Isa 65:11 Mal 1:7
* whereupon.
16:18,19 Pr 7:17 Jer 44:17 Ho 2:8,9
經文:以西結書 23:42-23:42 註釋:
* a voice.
This seems to be an account of an idolatrous festival, perhaps
that of Bacchus; in which a riotous and drunken multitude
assembled, adorned with bracelets and chaplets, accompanied
with music, songs, and dances.
Ex 32:6,18,19 Ho 13:6 Am 6:1-6
* common sort. Heb. multitude of men. were brought.
Job 1:15 Joe 3:8
* Sabeans. or, drunkards. bracelets.
16:11,12 Re 12:3
經文:以西結書 23:43-23:43 註釋:
* old.
Ezr 9:7 Ps 106:6 Jer 13:23 Da 9:16
* whoredoms with her. Heb. her whoredoms.
經文:以西結書 23:44-23:44 註釋:
* so went.
經文:以西結書 23:45-23:45 註釋:
* the righteous.
The Chaldeans, so called, because appointed by God to execute
his judgment on these criminals.
36 Jer 5:14 Ho 6:5 Zec 1:6 Joh 8:3-7
* after the manner of adulteresses.
37-39 16:38-43 Le 20:10 21:9 De 22:21-24 Joh 8:7
* because.
經文:以西結書 23:46-23:46 註釋:
* I will.
22-26 16:40 Jer 25:9
* to be removed and spoiled. Heb. for a removing and spoil.
Jer 15:4 24:9 34:17
經文:以西結書 23:47-23:47 註釋:
* the company.
25,29 9:6 16:41 Jer 33:4,5
* dispatch them. or, single them out.
* shall slay.
24:21 2Ch 36:17-19
* and burn.
De 13:16 Jer 39:8 52:13
經文:以西結書 23:48-23:48 註釋:
* I cause.
27 6:6 22:15 36:25 Mic 5:11-14 Zep 1:3
* that.
5:15 16:41 De 13:11 Isa 26:9 1Co 10:6-11 2Pe 2:6
經文:以西結書 23:49-23:49 註釋:
* they shall.
7:4,9 9:10 11:21 16:43 22:31 Isa 59:18
* ye shall bear.
* and ye shall know.
6:7 20:38,42,44 25:5 Ps 9:16
經文:以西結書 24:1-24:1 註釋:
1; Under the parable of a boiling pot,
6; is shewn the irrevocable destruction of Jerusalem.
15; By the sign of Ezekiel not mourning for the death of his
19; is shewn the calamity of the Jews to be beyond all sorrow.
* A.M. 3414. B.C. 590. the ninth year.
This was the ninth year of Zedekiah, about Thursday, January
30, A.M. 3414, the very day in which Nebuchadnezzar began the
siege of Jerusalem.
1:2 8:1 20:1 26:1 29:1,17 31:1 32:1,17 33:21 40:1
2Ki 24:12
經文:以西結書 24:2-24:2 註釋:
* write.
Isa 8:1 30:8,9 Hab 2:2,3
* of this.
2Ki 25:1 Jer 39:1 52:4
經文:以西結書 24:3-24:3 註釋:
* utter.
17:2 19:2-14 20:49 Ps 78:2 Mic 2:4 Mr 12:12 Lu 8:10
* the rebellious.
2:3,6,8 3:9 12:2,25 17:12 Isa 1:2 30:1,9 63:10 Ac 7:51
* Set.
6 11:3 Jer 50:13,14
經文:以西結書 24:4-24:4 註釋:
22:18-22 Mic 3:2,3 Mt 7:2
經文:以西結書 24:5-24:5 註釋:
* the choice.
20:47 34:16,17,20 Jer 39:6 52:10,24-27 Re 19:20
* burn. or, heap.
經文:以西結書 24:6-24:6 註釋:
* Woe.
9 11:6,7 22:2,6-9,12,27 23:37-45 2Ki 21:16 24:4 Mic 7:2
Na 3:1 Mt 23:35 Re 11:7,8 17:6 18:24
* to the pot.
11-13 Jer 6:29
* bring.
9:5,6 11:7-9,11 Jos 10:22
* let no.
Jos 7:16-18 1Sa 14:40-42 2Sa 8:2 Joe 3:3 Ob 1:11 Jon 1:7
Na 3:10
經文:以西結書 24:7-24:7 註釋:
* her blood.
1Ki 21:19 Isa 3:9 Jer 2:34 6:15
* she poured.
Le 17:13 De 12:16,24 Job 16:18 Isa 26:21
經文:以西結書 24:8-24:8 註釋:
* it might.
5:13 8:17,18 22:30,31 De 32:21,22 2Ki 22:17 2Ch 34:25
2Ch 36:16,17 Jer 7:18,20 15:1-4
* I have set.
16:37,38 23:45 De 29:22-28 Jer 22:8,9 Mt 7:2 1Co 4:5
Re 17:1-6 18:5-10,16
經文:以西結書 24:9-24:9 註釋:
* Woe.
6 Na 3:1 Hab 2:12 Lu 13:34,35 Re 14:20 16:6,19
* I will.
22:19-22,31 Isa 30:33 31:9 2Th 1:8 2Pe 3:7-12 Jude 1:7
Re 21:8
經文:以西結書 24:10-24:10 註釋:
* spice.
Jer 17:3 20:5 La 1:10 2:16
經文:以西結書 24:11-24:11 註釋:
* set it.
Jer 21:10 32:29 37:10 38:18 39:8 52:13
* that the filthiness.
20:38 22:15-23 23:26,27,47,48 36:25 Isa 1:25 4:4 27:9
Mic 5:11-14 Zec 13:1,2,8,9 Mal 4:1 Mt 3:12 1Co 3:12,13
The pot was Jerusalem; the flesh, the inhabitants in general:
every good piece, the thigh and the shoulder, Zedekiah, his
family, and princes; the bones, the soldiers; the fire and
water, the calamities they were to suffer; and the setting on
of the pot, the commencement of the siege.
經文:以西結書 24:12-24:12 註釋:
* wearied.
Isa 47:13 57:9,10 Jer 2:13 9:5 10:14,15 51:58 Ho 12:1
Hab 2:13,18,19
* her great.
6,13 Ge 6:5-7 8:21 Isa 1:5 Jer 5:3 44:16,17 Da 9:13,14
* her scum.
The pot being polluted with the scum, must be heated, melted,
and even burned with fire till purified; that is, Jerusalem
shall be entirely levelled with the ground, as nothing short
of this will purify it from the relics of its idolatrous
經文:以西結書 24:13-24:13 註釋:
* thy filthiness.
11 23:36-48 2Co 7:1
* because.
22:24 2Ch 36:14-16 Isa 5:4-6 9:13-17 Jer 6:28-30 25:3-7
Jer 31:18 Ho 7:1,9-16 Am 4:6-12 Zep 3:2,7 Mt 23:37,38
Lu 13:7-9 Re 22:11
* till I.
5:13 8:18 16:42 Ro 2:8,9
經文:以西結書 24:14-24:14 註釋:
* the Lord.
Nu 23:19 1Sa 15:29 Ps 33:9 Isa 55:11 Jer 23:20 Mt 24:35
* neither will I spare.
5:11 7:4,9 8:18 9:10 Jer 13:14
* according to thy ways.
16:43 18:30 22:31 23:24,29 Isa 3:11 Jer 4:18 Mt 16:27
Ro 2:5,6
經文:以西結書 24:15-24:15 註釋:
經文:以西結書 24:16-24:16 註釋:
* the desire.
18,21,25 Pr 5:19 So 7:10
* with a.
Job 36:18
* yet.
21-24 Le 10:2,3 Jer 22:10,18 1Th 4:13
* thy tears.
Jer 9:1,18 13:17 La 2:18
* run. Heb. go.
經文:以西結書 24:17-24:17 註釋:
* Forbear to cry. Heb. Be silent.
Ps 37:7 *marg:
Ps 39:9 46:10 Am 8:3 Hab 2:20
* make.
Jer 16:4-7
* bind.
23 Le 10:6 21:10
* put.
2Sa 15:30
* cover.
22 Le 13:45 Mic 3:7
* lips. Heb. upper lip, and so ver.
* eat.
Ho 9:4
* the bread of men.
{Lechem anoshim,} not "the bread of mourners," as some render,
but "the bread of other men," i.e., such as was commonly sent
to mourners on such occasions by their friends.
Jer 16:7
經文:以西結書 24:18-24:18 註釋:
* and at.
1Co 7:29,30
經文:以西結書 24:19-24:19 註釋:
12:9 17:12 20:49 21:7 37:18 Mal 3:7,8,13
經文:以西結書 24:20-24:20 註釋:
經文:以西結書 24:21-24:21 註釋:
* I will.
7:20-22 9:7 Ps 74:7 79:1 Isa 65:11 Jer 7:14 La 1:10 2:6,7
Da 11:31 Ac 6:13,14
* the excellency.
Ps 96:6 105:4 132:8
* the desire.
16 Ps 27:4 84:1
* that which your soul pitieth. Heb. the pity of your soul.
your sons.
23:25,47 Jer 6:11 9:21 16:3,4
經文:以西結書 24:22-24:22 註釋:
16,17 Job 27:15 Ps 78:64 Jer 16:4-7 47:3 Am 6:9,10
經文:以西結書 24:23-24:23 註釋:
* but.
4:17 33:10 Le 26:39
* and mourn.
Isa 59:11
經文:以西結書 24:24-24:24 註釋:
* Ezekiel.
4:3 12:6,11 Isa 8:18 20:3 Ho 1:2-9 3:1-4 Lu 11:29,30
* when.
1Sa 10:2-7 Jer 17:15 Lu 21:13 Joh 13:19 14:29 16:4
* ye shall.