經文:哥林多後書 1:1-1:1 註釋:
1; Paul salutes the Corinthians;
3; he encourages them against troubles, by the comforts and
deliverances which God had given him, as in all his
8; so particularly in his late danger in Asia.
12; And calling both his own conscience and theirs to witness
of his sincere manner of preaching the immutable truth of
the gospel,
15; he excuses his not coming to them, as proceeding not of
lightness, but of his lenity towards them.
* Paul.
Ro 1:1-5 1Co 1:1 1Ti 1:1 2Ti 1:1
* Timothy.
Ac 16:1 Ro 16:21 1Co 16:10 Php 1:1 2:19-22 Col 1:1,2 1Th 1:1
2Th 1:1 Heb 13:23
* the church.
Ac 18:1-11 1Co 1:2
* all.
1Co 6:11 Eph 1:1
* Achaia.
9:2 11:10 Ac 18:12 Ro 15:26 16:5 1Co 16:15 1Th 1:7,8
經文:哥林多後書 1:2-1:2 註釋:
Ro 1:7 2Sa 15:20 1Ch 12:18 Da 4:1 1Co 1:3 Ga 6:16 Eph 6:23
Php 1:2 Col 1:2 1Th 1:1 2Th 1:2 Phm 1:3
經文:哥林多後書 1:3-1:3 註釋:
* Blessed.
Ge 14:20 1Ch 29:10 Ne 9:5 Job 1:21 Ps 18:46 72:19 Da 4:34
Eph 1:3 1Pe 1:3
* the Father of our.
11:31 Joh 5:22,23 10:30 20:17 Ro 15:6 Eph 1:3,17 Php 2:11
2Jo 1:4,9
* the Father of mercies.
Ps 86:5,15 Da 9:9 Mic 7:18
* the God.
Ro 15:5
經文:哥林多後書 1:4-1:4 註釋:
* comforteth.
7:6,7 Ps 86:17 Isa 12:1 49:10 51:3,12 52:9 66:12,13 Joh 14:16
Joh 14:18,26 2Th 2:16,17
* that.
5,6 Ps 32:5,7 34:2-6 66:16 Isa 40:1 66:14 Php 1:14 1Th 4:18
1Th 5:11 Heb 12:12
經文:哥林多後書 1:5-1:5 註釋:
* as.
4:10,11 11:23-30 Ac 9:4 1Co 4:10-13 Php 1:20 3:10 Col 1:24
* so.
Lu 2:25 Php 2:1 2Th 2:16,17
經文:哥林多後書 1:6-1:6 註釋:
* whether.
4 4:15-18 1Co 3:21-23 2Ti 2:10
* it is.
Ac 21:5
* effectual. or, wrought.
4:17 5:5 Ro 5:3-5 8:28 Php 1:19 Heb 12:10,11
經文:哥林多後書 1:7-1:7 註釋:
* our.
14 7:9 12:20 Php 1:6,7 1Th 1:3,4
* as ye.
Mt 5:11,12 Lu 22:28-30 Ro 8:17,18 1Co 10:13 2Th 1:4-7 2Ti 2:12
Jas 1:2-4,12
經文:哥林多後書 1:8-1:8 註釋:
* of our.
4:7-12 Ac 19:23-35 1Co 15:32 16:9
* insomuch.
1Co 4:8 1Sa 20:3 27:1
經文:哥林多後書 1:9-1:9 註釋:
* sentence. or, answer. that.
3:5 4:7 12:7-10 Job 40:14 Ps 22:29 44:5-7 Pr 28:26 Jer 9:23,24
Jer 17:5-7 Eze 33:13 Lu 18:9
* in God.
4:13,14 Eze 37:1-14 Ro 4:17-25 Heb 11:19
經文:哥林多後書 1:10-1:10 註釋:
1Sa 7:12 17:37 Job 5:17-22 Ps 34:19 Isa 46:3 Ac 26:21 2Ti 4:17
2Pe 2:9
經文:哥林多後書 1:11-1:11 註釋:
* helping.
9:14 Isa 37:4 62:6,7 Ac 12:5 Ro 15:30-32 Eph 6:18,19 Php 1:19
Col 4:3 1Th 5:25 2Th 3:1 Phm 1:22 Heb 13:18 Jas 5:16-18
* that.
4:15 9:11,12
經文:哥林多後書 1:12-1:12 註釋:
* our rejoicing.
Job 13:15 23:10-12 27:5,6 31:1-40 Ps 7:3-5 44:17-21 Isa 38:3
Ac 24:16 Ro 9:1 1Co 4:4 Ga 6:4 1Ti 1:5,19,20 Heb 13:18
1Pe 3:16,21 1Jo 3:19-22
* simplicity.
11:3 Ro 16:18,19
* godly.
2:17 8:8 Jos 24:14 1Co 5:8 Eph 6:14 Php 1:10 Tit 2:7
* not.
17 4:2 10:2-4 12:15-19 1Co 2:4,5,13 15:10 Jas 3:13-18 4:6
* we have.
That is, "We have conducted ourselves;" for
[anastrepho [] in Greek, and
{conversatio} in Latin, are used to denote the whole of a
man's conduct, the tenor and practice of his life.
經文:哥林多後書 1:13-1:13 註釋:
* than.
4:2 5:11 13:6 Phm 1:6
經文:哥林多後書 1:14-1:14 註釋:
* in part.
2:5 Ro 11:25 1Co 11:18
* that.
5:12 1Co 3:21-23 Php 1:26 *Gr:
* your.
That is "the cause and object of your rejoicing."
* even.
9:2 1Co 15:31 Php 2:16 *Gr:
Php 4:1 1Th 2:19,20
* in the.
1Co 1:8 Php 1:6,10 1Th 3:13 5:23
經文:哥林多後書 1:15-1:15 註釋:
* in.
1Co 4:19 11:34
* that.
Ro 1:11 15:29 Php 1:25,26
* benefit. or, grace.
經文:哥林多後書 1:16-1:16 註釋:
* and to come.
Ac 19:21,22 21:5 1Co 16:5-7
經文:哥林多後書 1:17-1:17 註釋:
* lightness.
Jud 9:4 Jer 23:32 Zep 3:4
* according.
12 10:2,3 Joh 8:15 Ga 1:16 2:2 1Th 2:18
* yea.
18-20 Mt 5:37 Jas 5:12
經文:哥林多後書 1:18-1:18 註釋:
* as.
23 11:31 Joh 7:28 8:26 1Jo 5:20 Re 3:7,14
* word. or, preaching.
經文:哥林多後書 1:19-1:19 註釋:
* the Son.
Ps 2:7 Mt 3:17 16:16,17 17:5 26:63,64 27:40,54 Mr 1:1 Lu 1:35
Joh 1:34,49 3:16,35,36 6:69 19:7 20:28,31 Ac 8:37 9:20
Ro 1:3,4 2Pe 1:17 1Jo 1:3 5:9-13,20 2Jo 1:9 Re 2:18
* even.
Ac 18:5
* Silas. was not.
Ex 3:14 Mt 24:35 Joh 8:58 Heb 1:11 13:8 Re 1:8,11,17
經文:哥林多後書 1:20-1:20 註釋:
* all.
Ge 3:15 22:18 49:10 Ps 72:17 Isa 7:14 9:6,7 Lu 1:68-74
Joh 1:17 14:6 Ac 3:25,26 13:32-39 Ro 6:23 15:8,9 Ga 3:16-18,22
Heb 6:12-19 7:6 9:10-15 11:13,39,40 13:8 1Jo 2:24,25 5:11
* Amen.
Isa 65:16 *Heb:
Joh 3:5 *Gr:
Re 3:14
* unto.
4:6,15 Ps 102:16 Mt 6:13 Lu 2:14 Ro 11:36 15:7 Eph 1:6,12-14
Eph 2:7 3:8-10 Col 1:27 2Th 1:10 1Pe 1:12 Re 7:12
經文:哥林多後書 1:21-1:21 註釋:
* stablisheth.
5:5 Ps 37:23,24 87:5 89:4 Isa 9:7 49:8 62:7 Ro 16:25 Col 2:7
1Th 3:13 2Th 2:8,17 3:3 1Pe 5:10
* anointed.
Ps 45:7 Isa 59:21 61:1 Joh 3:34 Ac 10:38 Ro 8:9 1Jo 2:20,27
Re 1:6 3:18
經文:哥林多後書 1:22-1:22 註釋:
* sealed.
Joh 6:27 Ro 4:11 Eph 1:13,14 4:30 2Ti 2:19 Re 2:17 7:3 9:4
* the earnest.
5:5 Ro 8:9,14-16,23 Eph 1:14
經文:哥林多後書 1:23-1:23 註釋:
* I call.
18 11:11,31 Ro 1:9 9:1 Ga 1:20 Php 1:8 1Th 2:5
* that.
2:1-3:18 10:2,6-11 12:20 13:2,10 1Co 4:21 5:5 1Ti 1:20
經文:哥林多後書 1:24-1:24 註釋:
* that.
Mt 23:8-10 24:49 1Co 3:5 2Ti 2:24-26 1Pe 5:3
* are.
2:1-3 Ro 1:12 Php 1:25,26
* for.
5:7 Ro 5:2 11:20 1Co 15:1 Eph 6:14-16 1Pe 5:8,9
經文:哥林多後書 2:1-2:1 註釋:
1; Having shown the reason why he came not to them,
6; he requires them to forgive and to comfort that
excommunicated person,
10; even as himself also upon his true repentance had forgiven
12; declaring withal why he departed from Troas to Macedonia,
14; and the happy success which God gave to his preaching in all
* I determined.
1:15-17 Ac 11:29 15:2,37 1Co 2:2 5:3 Tit 3:12
* that.
4 1:23 7:5-8 12:20,21 13:10 1Co 4:21
經文:哥林多後書 2:2-2:2 註釋:
1:14 11:29 Ro 12:15 1Co 12:26
經文:哥林多後書 2:3-2:3 註釋:
* I wrote.
1Co 4:21 5:1-13
* lest.
12:21 13:1,2
* I ought.
* having.
1:15 7:6 8:22 Ga 5:10 Phm 1:21
經文:哥林多後書 2:4-2:4 註釋:
* out.
Le 19:17,18 Ps 119:136 Pr 27:5,6 Jer 13:15-17 Lu 19:41-44
Ro 9:2,3 Php 3:18
* not.
7:8,9,12 12:15
* that you might.
經文:哥林多後書 2:5-2:5 註釋:
* any.
Pr 17:25 1Co 5:1-5,12,13 Ga 5:10
* grieved.
Ga 4:12
經文:哥林多後書 2:6-2:6 註釋:
* punishment. or, censure. which.
13:10 1Co 5:4,5 1Ti 5:20
經文:哥林多後書 2:7-2:7 註釋:
* ye.
Ga 6:1,2 Eph 4:32 Col 3:13 2Th 3:6,14,15 Heb 12:12-15
* swallowed.
5:4 2Sa 20:19,20 Ps 21:9 56:1,2 57:3 124:3 Pr 1:12 Isa 28:7
1Co 15:54
* overmuch.
7:10 Pr 17:22 Php 2:27 1Th 4:13
經文:哥林多後書 2:8-2:8 註釋:
* that.
Ga 5:13 6:1,2,10 Jude 1:22,23
經文:哥林多後書 2:9-2:9 註釋:
* that.
7:12-15 8:24 Ex 16:4 De 8:2,16 13:3 Php 2:22
* whether.
7:15 10:6 Php 2:12 2Th 3:14 Phm 1:21
經文:哥林多後書 2:10-2:10 註釋:
* whom ye.
5:20 Mt 18:18 Joh 20:23 1Co 5:4
* person. or, sight.
經文:哥林多後書 2:11-2:11 註釋:
11:3,14 1Ch 21:1,2 Job 1:11 2:3,5,9 Zec 3:1-4 Lu 22:31
Joh 13:2 Ac 1:25 1Co 7:5 Eph 6:11,12 2Ti 2:25 1Pe 5:8 Re 2:24
Re 12:9-11 13:8
經文:哥林多後書 2:12-2:12 註釋:
* when.
Ac 16:8 20:1-6,8
* and a.
Ac 14:27 1Co 16:9 Col 4:3 Re 3:7,8
經文:哥林多後書 2:13-2:13 註釋:
* no rest.
* Titus.
8:6,16,23 12:18 Ga 2:1,3 2Ti 4:10 Tit 1:4
* I went.
Ac 20:1,2
經文:哥林多後書 2:14-2:14 註釋:
* thanks.
1:11 8:16 9:15 Eph 5:20 1Th 3:9 Re 7:12
* which.
Ps 106:47 148:14 Ro 8:37 1Co 15:37
* the savour.
15,16 So 1:3 Ro 15:19 Col 1:6,23
經文:哥林多後書 2:15-2:15 註釋:
* a sweet.
Ge 8:21 Ex 29:18,25 Eze 20:41 Eph 5:2 Php 4:18
* in them.
4:3,4 Isa 49:5,6 1Co 1:18 2Th 2:10
經文:哥林多後書 2:16-2:16 註釋:
* the savour of death.
Lu 2:34 Joh 9:39 Ac 13:45-47 20:26,27 1Pe 2:7,8
* who.
3:5,6 12:11 1Co 15:10
經文:哥林多後書 2:17-2:17 註釋:
* which.
4:2 11:13-15 Jer 5:31 23:27-32 Mt 24:24 1Ti 1:19,20 4:1-3
2Ti 2:6-18 4:3,4 Tit 1:11 2Pe 2:1-3 1Jo 4:1 2Jo 1:7-11 Jude 1:4
Re 2:14,15,20 12:9 19:20
* corrupt. or, deal deceitfully with.
* but as of sincerity.
1:12 4:2 Ac 20:20,27 Heb 11:27
* in. or, of.
經文:哥林多後書 3:1-3:1 註釋:
1; Lest their false teachers should charge him with vain glory,
he shows the faith and graces of the Corinthians to be a
sufficient commendation of his ministry.
6; Whereupon entering a comparison between the ministers of the
law and of the gospel,
12; he proves that his ministry is so far the more excellent, as
the gospel of life and liberty is more glorious than the law
of condemnation.
* begin.
2:17 5:12 10:8,12 12:11,19 1Co 3:10 4:15 10:33
* epistles.
Ac 18:27 1Co 16:3
經文:哥林多後書 3:2-3:2 註釋:
* are.
1Co 3:10 9:1,2
* in.
7:3 11:11 12:15 Php 1:7
* known.
Ro 1:8 1Co 9:2 1Th 1:8
經文:哥林多後書 3:3-3:3 註釋:
* the epistle.
Ex 31:18 Re 2:1,8,12,18 3:1,7,14,22
* ministered.
1Co 8:5-10
* the living.
6:16 Jos 3:10 1Sa 17:26 Ps 42:2 84:2 Jer 10:10 Da 6:26
Mt 16:16 1Th 1:9 Heb 9:14
* not.
Ex 24:12 34:1
* but.
Ps 40:8 Jer 31:33 Eze 11:19 36:25-27 Heb 8:10 10:16
經文:哥林多後書 3:4-3:4 註釋:
* such.
2:14 Php 1:6
* God-ward.
Ex 18:19 1Th 1:8
經文:哥林多後書 3:5-3:5 註釋:
* that.
2:16 4:7 Ex 4:10 Joh 15:5
* but.
12:9 Ex 4:11-16 Jer 1:6-10 Mt 10:19,20 Lu 21:15 24:49
1Co 3:6,10 15:10 Php 2:13 4:13 Jas 1:17
經文:哥林多後書 3:6-3:6 註釋:
* hath.
5:18-20 Mt 13:52 Ro 1:5 1Co 3:5,10 12:28 Eph 3:7 4:11,12
Col 1:25-29 1Ti 1:11,12 4:6 2Ti 1:11
* the new.
14 Jer 31:31 Mt 26:28 Mr 14:24 Lu 22:20 1Co 11:25 Heb 7:22
Heb 8:6-10 9:15-20 12:24 13:20 *marg:
* not.
Ro 2:27-29 7:6
* for.
7,9 De 27:26 Ro 3:20 4:15 7:9-11 Ga 3:10-12,21
* but the.
Joh 6:63 Ro 8:2 1Jo 1:1
* giveth life. or, quickeneth.
Joh 5:21 Ro 4:17 1Co 15:45 Eph 2:1,5 1Pe 3:18
經文:哥林多後書 3:7-3:7 註釋:
* the ministration.
6,9 Ro 7:10
* written.
3 Ex 24:12 31:18 32:15,16,19 34:1,28 De 4:13 5:22 9:9-11,15
De 10:1-4 Heb 9:4
* was.
De 4:8 Ne 9:13 Ps 19:7,8 119:97,127,128,174 Ro 7:12-14,22
Ge 3:21
* that.
Ex 34:29-35 Lu 9:29-31 Ac 6:15
* which.
10,11,14 Ro 10:4 1Co 13:10
經文:哥林多後書 3:8-3:8 註釋:
* the ministration.
6,17 11:4 Isa 11:2 44:3 59:21 Joe 2:28,29 Joh 1:17 7:39
Ac 2:17,18,32,33 Ro 8:9-16 1Co 3:16 12:4-11 Ga 3:2-5,14
Ga 5:5,22,23 Eph 2:18 2Th 2:13 1Pe 1:2 Jude 1:19,20
經文:哥林多後書 3:9-3:9 註釋:
* the ministration of condemnation.
6,7 Ex 19:12-19 20:18,19 Ro 1:18 8:3,4 Ga 3:10 Heb 12:18-21
* the ministration of righteousness.
5:21 Isa 46:13 Jer 23:6 Ro 1:17 3:21,22 4:11 5:15-21 10:3-10
1Co 1:30 Ga 5:4,5 Php 3:9 2Pe 1:1
* exceed.
10,11 1Co 15:41 Heb 3:5,6
經文:哥林多後書 3:10-3:10 註釋:
* had.
Job 25:5 Isa 24:23 Hag 2:3,7-9 Ac 26:13 Php 3:7-8 2Pe 1:17
Re 21:23,24 22:5
經文:哥林多後書 3:11-3:11 註釋:
* if.
7 Ro 5:20,21 Heb 7:21-25 8:13 12:25-29
* much.
6 4:1
經文:哥林多後書 3:12-3:12 註釋:
* we use.
4:2,3,13 Joh 10:24 16:25,29 1Co 14:19 Col 4:4
* plainness. or, boldness.
7:4 10:1 Ac 4:13,29-31 9:27,29 14:3 Eph 6:19,20 Php 1:20
1Th 2:2 1Ti 3:13
經文:哥林多後書 3:13-3:13 註釋:
* which.
Ex 34:33-35
* could not.
* to the.
Ro 10:4 Ga 3:23,24 Eph 2:14,15 Col 2:17 Heb 10:1-9
經文:哥林多後書 3:14-3:14 註釋:
* their.
4:3,4 Ps 69:23 Isa 6:10 26:10-12 42:18-20 44:18 56:10 59:10
Jer 5:21 Eze 12:2 Mt 6:23 13:11,13-15 Joh 9:39-41 12:40
Ac 28:26,27 Ro 11:7-10,25
* which vail.
4:6 Isa 25:7 Mt 16:17 Lu 18:31-34 24:25-27,44-46 Joh 8:12
Joh 12:46 Ac 16:14 26:18 Eph 1:17-20
經文:哥林多後書 3:15-3:15 註釋:
* the vail.
Ac 13:27-29
經文:哥林多後書 3:16-3:16 註釋:
* when.
Ex 34:34 De 4:30 30:10 La 3:40 Ho 3:4,5 Ro 11:25-27
* the vail.
Isa 25:7 29:18 54:13 Jer 31:34 Joh 6:45,46
經文:哥林多後書 3:17-3:17 註釋:
* the Lord.
6 Joh 6:63 1Co 15:45
* where.
Ps 51:12 Isa 61:1 Ro 8:2,15,16 Ga 4:6 2Ti 1:7
經文:哥林多後書 3:18-3:18 註釋:
* with.
* as in.
1Co 13:12 Jas 1:23
* the glory.
4:4,6 Joh 1:14 12:41 1Ti 1:11 *Gr:
* are.
5:17 Ro 8:29 12:2 13:14 1Co 15:49 Ga 6:15 Eph 4:22-24 Col 3:10
Tit 3:5 2Pe 1:5-9
* from.
Ro 8:4,7
* by the Spirit of the Lord. or, of the Lord the Spirit.
經文:哥林多後書 4:1-4:1 註釋:
1; He declares how he has used all sincerity and faithful
diligence in preaching the gospel,
7; and how the troubles and persecutions which he daily endured
for the same did redound to the praise of God's power,
12; to the benefit of the church,
16; and to the apostle's own eternal glory.
* seeing.
3:6,12 5:18 Eph 3:7,8
* as.
1Co 7:25 1Ti 1:13 1Pe 2:10
* we faint not.
16 Isa 40:30 Ga 6:9 Eph 3:13 Php 4:13 2Th 3:13 *marg:
Heb 12:3 Re 2:3
經文:哥林多後書 4:2-4:2 註釋:
* renounced.
1Co 4:5
* dishonesty. or, shame.
Ro 1:16 6:21 Eph 5:12
* not.
1:12 2:17 11:3,6,13-15 Eph 4:14 1Th 2:3-5
* by.
5:11 6:4-7 7:14
經文:哥林多後書 4:3-4:3 註釋:
* our.
Ro 2:16 1Th 1:5 1Ti 1:11
* it is.
4 2:15,16 3:14 Mt 11:25 1Co 1:18 2Th 2:9-11
經文:哥林多後書 4:4-4:4 註釋:
* the god.
Mt 4:8,9 Joh 12:31,40 14:30 16:11 1Co 10:20 Eph 2:2 6:12
1Jo 5:19 *Gr:
Re 20:2,3
* blinded.
3:14 1Ki 22:22 Isa 6:10 Joh 12:40
* test.
6 3:8,9,11,18 Joh 8:12 12:35 Ac 26:18 Col 1:27 1Ti 1:11
Tit 2:13
* the image.
Joh 1:14,18 12:45 14:9,10 15:24 Php 2:6 Col 1:15 Heb 1:3
* shine.
6 Ps 50:2 Isa 60:1,2 2Pe 1:19 1Jo 2:8
經文:哥林多後書 4:5-4:5 註釋:
* we.
Mt 3:11 Joh 1:21-23 3:27-31 7:18 Ac 3:12,13 8:9,10 10:25,26
Ac 14:11-15 Ro 15:17,18 1Co 1:13-15,23 3:5,6 10:33 Php 1:15
1Th 2:5,6 Tit 1:11 1Pe 5:2-5 2Pe 2:3
* Christ.
1:19 Mt 23:8 Ac 2:36 5:31 10:36 Ro 14:8,9 1Co 1:23 2:2 8:6
1Co 12:3 15:47 Php 2:11
* and.
1:24 5:14,15 Mt 20:25-27 Lu 22:25,26 Joh 13:14,15 Ro 15:1,2
1Co 9:19-23 Ga 5:13 2Ti 2:10
經文:哥林多後書 4:6-4:6 註釋:
* who.
Ge 1:3,14,15 Ps 74:16 136:7-9 Isa 45:7
* hath. Gr. is he who hath. shined.
Eph 1:17 5:8 2Pe 1:19
* the light.
4 3:18 Ex 33:18-23 34:5-7 Ps 63:2 90:16 Isa 6:1-3 35:2 40:5
Isa 60:2 Joh 11:40 Ac 7:55,56 1Pe 2:9
* in the.
Lu 10:22 Joh 1:14 12:41 14:9,10 Php 2:6 Col 1:15 Heb 1:3
1Pe 1:12
經文:哥林多後書 4:7-4:7 註釋:
* this.
1 6:10 Mt 13:44,52 Eph 3:8 Col 1:27 2:3
* in.
5:1 10:10 Jud 7:13,14,16-20 La 4:2 1Co 1:28 4:9-13 Ga 4:13,14
2Ti 2:20
* that.
3:5,6 12:7-9 13:4 1Co 2:3-5 Eph 1:19,20 2:5,8,9 Col 2:12
1Th 1:5
經文:哥林多後書 4:8-4:8 註釋:
* troubled.
1:8-10 6:4 7:5 11:23-30
* yet.
16,17 12:10 1Sa 28:15 30:6 Ps 56:2,3 Pr 14:26 18:10 Ro 5:3-5
Ro 8:35-37 Jas 1:2-4 1Pe 1:6,7 4:12-14
* not in despair. or, not altogether without help, or means.
1Sa 31:4 Job 2:9,10 Ps 37:33 Joh 14:18 1Co 10:13
經文:哥林多後書 4:9-4:9 註釋:
* but.
Ps 9:10 22:1 37:25,28 Isa 62:4 Heb 13:5
* cast.
7:6 Job 5:17-19 22:29 Ps 37:24 42:5,11 Isa 43:2
經文:哥林多後書 4:10-4:10 註釋:
* bearing.
1:5,9 Ro 8:17,18 Ga 6:17 Php 3:10,11 Col 1:24
* that.
13:4 Joh 14:19 Ac 18:9,10 Ro 8:17 2Ti 2:11 1Pe 4:13 Re 1:17
經文:哥林多後書 4:11-4:11 註釋:
* are alway.
Ps 44:22 141:7 Ro 8:36 1Co 15:31,49
* our.
5:4 Ro 8:11 1Co 15:53,54
經文:哥林多後書 4:12-4:12 註釋:
* death.
12:15 13:9 Ac 20:24 1Co 4:10 Php 2:17,30 1Jo 3:16
經文:哥林多後書 4:13-4:13 註釋:
* the same.
Ac 15:11 Ro 1:12 1Co 12:9 Heb 11:1-40 2Pe 1:1
* I believed.
Ps 116:10
* we also.
3:12 Pr 21:28
經文:哥林多後書 4:14-4:14 註釋:
* that.
5:1-4 Isa 26:19 Joh 11:25,26 Ro 8:11 1Co 6:14 15:20-22
1Th 4:14
* shall present.
11:2 Eph 5:27 Col 1:22,28 Jude 1:24
經文:哥林多後書 4:15-4:15 註釋:
* all.
1:4-6 Ro 8:28 1Co 3:21-23 Col 1:24 2Ti 2:10
* the abundant.
1:11 8:19 9:11,12 Ps 50:14,23 Ga 1:24 Eph 3:20,21 Col 3:16,17
Heb 13:15,16 1Pe 2:9 4:11 Re 4:8-11 5:8-14 19:4-6
經文:哥林多後書 4:16-4:16 註釋:
* we.
1 Ps 27:13 119:81 Isa 40:29 1Co 15:58
* though.
12:15 Job 19:26,27 Ps 73:26 Isa 57:1,2 Mt 5:29,30
* the.
Ro 7:22 Eph 3:16 1Pe 3:4
* is.
Ps 51:10 Isa 40:31 Ro 12:2 Eph 4:23 Col 3:10 Tit 3:5
* day by.
Lu 11:3
經文:哥林多後書 4:17-4:17 註釋:
* our.
11:23-28 Ps 30:5 Isa 54:8 Ac 20:23 Ro 8:18,34,37 1Pe 1:6 4:7
1Pe 5:10
* worketh.
Ps 119:67,71 Mt 5:12 Ro 5:3-5 Php 1:19 2Th 1:4,6 Heb 12:10,11
Jas 1:3,4,12
* far.
3:18 Ge 15:1 Ps 31:19 73:24 Isa 64:4 Lu 6:23 Ro 2:7 1Co 2:9
1Pe 1:7,8 5:10 1Jo 3:2 Jude 1:24
經文:哥林多後書 4:18-4:18 註釋:
* we.
5:7 Ro 8:24,25 Heb 11:1,25-27 12:2,3
* for.
Mt 25:46 Le 16:25,26 2Th 2:16 1Jo 2:16,17,25
經文:哥林多後書 5:1-5:1 註釋:
1; That in his assured hope of immortal glory,
9; and in expectation of it, and of the general judgment, he
labours to keep a good conscience;
12; not that he may herein boast of himself,
14; but as one that, having received life from Christ,
endeavours to live as a new creature to Christ only,
18; and by his ministry of reconciliation, to reconcile others
also in Christ to God.
* we know.
Job 19:25,26 Ps 56:9 2Ti 1:12 1Jo 3:2,14,19 5:19,20
* our.
4 4:7 Ge 3:19 Job 4:19 1Co 15:46-48 2Pe 1:13,14
* dissolved.
Job 30:22 2Pe 3:11
* a building.
Joh 14:2,3 1Co 3:9 Heb 11:10
* an.
Col 2:11 Heb 9:11,24 1Pe 1:4
經文:哥林多後書 5:2-5:2 註釋:
* we.
4 Ro 7:24 8:23 1Pe 1:6,7
* earnestly.
Php 1:23
* clothed.
3,4 1Co 15:53,54
經文:哥林多後書 5:3-5:3 註釋:
* being.
Ge 3:7-11 Ex 32:25 Re 3:18 16:15
經文:哥林多後書 5:4-5:4 註釋:
* we that.
2Pe 1:13
* do.
* but.
* that mortality.
Isa 25:8 1Co 15:53,54
經文:哥林多後書 5:5-5:5 註釋:
* wrought.
4:17 Isa 29:23 60:21 61:3 Eph 2:10
* the earnest.
1:22 Nu 13:23-27 Ro 8:23 Eph 1:13,14 4:30 1Jo 3:24
經文:哥林多後書 5:6-5:6 註釋:
* we are always.
8 Ps 27:3,4 Pr 14:26 Isa 30:15 36:4 Heb 10:35 1Pe 5:1 Re 1:9
* whilst.
1 1Ch 29:15 Ps 39:12 119:19 Php 3:20,21 Heb 11:13 13:14
經文:哥林多後書 5:7-5:7 註釋:
1:24 4:18 De 12:9 Ro 8:24,25 1Co 13:12 Ga 2:20 Heb 10:38
Heb 11:1-26,27 1Pe 1:8 5:9
經文:哥林多後書 5:8-5:8 註釋:
* and willing.
6 12:2,3 Lu 2:29 Ac 21:13 Php 1:20-24 2Ti 4:7,8 2Pe 1:14,15
2Pe 3:11,12
* present.
9 Ps 16:11 17:15 73:23-26 Mt 25:21,23 Joh 14:3 17:24
1Th 4:17,18 1Jo 3:2 Re 7:14-17 22:3
經文:哥林多後書 5:9-5:9 註釋:
* we labour. or, we endeavour.
Joh 6:27 Ro 15:20 1Co 9:26,27 15:58 Col 1:29 1Th 4:11 *Gr:
1Ti 4:10 Heb 4:11 2Pe 1:10,11 3:14
* whether.
6,8 Ro 14:8
* accepted.
Ge 4:7 Isa 56:7 Ac 10:35 Eph 1:6 Heb 12:28
經文:哥林多後書 5:10-5:10 註釋:
* we.
Ge 18:25 1Sa 2:3,10 Ps 7:6-8 9:7,8 50:3-6 96:10-13 98:9
Ec 11:9 12:14 Eze 18:30 Mt 25:31-46 Ac 10:42 17:31 Ro 14:10-12
1Pe 4:5 Jude 1:14,15 Re 20:11-15
* receive.
7:3 1Ki 8:32,39 Job 34:11 Ps 62:12 Isa 3:10,11 Mt 16:27
Ro 2:5-10 1Co 4:5 Ga 6:7,8 Eph 6:8 Col 3:24,25 Re 2:23 20:12
Re 20:13 22:12
* in.
Ro 6:12,13,19 12:1,2 1Co 6:12-20
經文:哥林多後書 5:11-5:11 註釋:
* the terror.
Ge 35:5 Job 6:4 18:11 31:23 Ps 73:19 76:7 88:15,16 90:11
Isa 33:14 Na 1:6 Mt 10:28 25:46 Mr 8:35-38 9:43-50 Lu 12:5
Heb 10:31 Jude 1:23 Re 20:15
* we persuade.
20 6:1 Lu 16:31 Ac 13:43 18:4,13 19:26 20:18-27 26:26 28:23
Ga 1:10 Col 1:28,29 2Ti 2:24-26
* but.
1:12-14 2:17 4:1,2 1Co 4:4,5 1Th 2:3-12
經文:哥林多後書 5:12-5:12 註釋:
* we.
3:1 6:4 10:8,12,18 12:11 Pr 27:2
* give.
1:14 11:12-16 12:1-9
* appearance. Gr. the face.
Ga 6:12-14
經文:哥林多後書 5:13-5:13 註釋:
* we be beside.
11:1,16,17 12:6,11 Ac 26:24,25 1Co 4:10-13 1Th 2:3-11
* it is to.
2Sa 6:21,22
* sober.
Ac 26:25 Ro 12:3
* for.
7:12 Col 1:24 1Th 1:5 2Ti 2:10
經文:哥林多後書 5:14-5:14 註釋:
* the love.
8:8,9 So 1:4 8:6,7 Mt 10:37,38 Lu 7:42-47 Joh 14:21-23
Joh 21:15-17 1Co 16:22 Eph 3:18,19 6:24 Heb 6:10 1Pe 1:8
* constraineth.
Job 32:18 Lu 24:29 Ac 4:19,20
* because.
Ro 2:2 1Co 2:14
* one.
Isa 53:6 Mt 20:28 Joh 1:29 11:50-52 1Ti 2:6 Heb 2:9 1Jo 2:1,2
* then.
3:7,9 Lu 15:24,32 Joh 5:25 11:25 Ro 5:15 14:7-9 Eph 2:1-5
Col 2:13 1Ti 5:6 Tit 3:3 1Jo 5:19
經文:哥林多後書 5:15-5:15 註釋:
* that they.
3:6 Eze 16:6 37:9,14 Hab 2:4 Zec 10:9 Joh 3:15,16 5:24 6:57
Ro 6:2,11,12 8:2,6,10 14:7,8 1Co 6:19,20 Ga 2:20 5:25 Eph 5:14
Col 2:12 3:1 1Pe 4:6 1Jo 4:9
* henceforth.
16 2Ki 5:17 Ro 6:6 Eph 4:17 1Pe 1:14,15 4:2-4
* live unto.
Lu 1:74 Ro 6:13 12:1 14:7-9 1Co 6:20 10:33 Ga 2:19 Php 1:20,21
Col 3:17,23 1Th 5:10 Tit 2:14 Heb 13:20,21 Re 1:18
經文:哥林多後書 5:16-5:16 註釋:
* know we no.
De 33:9 1Sa 2:29 Mt 10:37 12:48-50 Mr 3:31-35 Joh 2:4 15:14
Ga 2:5,6 5:6 Php 3:7,8 Col 3:11 1Ti 5:21,22 Jas 2:1-4 3:17
* yet.
Joh 6:63
經文:哥林多後書 5:17-5:17 註釋:
* be.
19,21 12:2 Isa 45:17,24,25 Joh 14:20 15:2,5 17:23 Ro 8:1,9
Ro 16:7,11 1Co 1:30 Ga 3:28 5:6 Eph 1:3,4 Php 4:21
* he is. or, let him be. a new.
Ps 51:10 Eze 11:19 18:31 36:26 Mt 12:33 Joh 3:3,5 Ga 6:15
Eph 2:10
* old.
16 Isa 43:18,19 65:17,18 Mt 9:16,17 24:35 Ro 6:4-6 7:6 8:9
Ro 8:10 1Co 13:11 Eph 2:15 4:22-24 Php 3:7-9 Col 3:1-10
Heb 8:9-13 2Pe 3:10-13 Re 21:1-5
經文:哥林多後書 5:18-5:18 註釋:
* all.
Joh 3:16,27 Ro 11:36 1Co 1:30 8:6 12:6 Col 1:16,17 Jas 1:17
* who.
Le 6:30 Eze 45:15 Da 9:24 Ro 5:1,10,11 *Gr:
Eph 2:16 Col 1:20,21 Heb 2:17 1Jo 2:2 4:10
* hath given.
19,20 Isa 52:7 57:19 Mr 16:15,16 Lu 10:5 24:47 Ac 10:36 13:38
Ac 13:39 Eph 2:17 Col 1:20
經文:哥林多後書 5:19-5:19 註釋:
* God.
Mt 1:23 Joh 14:10,11,20 17:23 1Ti 3:16
* reconciling.
Ro 3:24-26 11:15 1Jo 2:1,2 4:10
* not.
Ps 32:1,2 Isa 43:25 44:22 Ro 4:6-8
* committed, or, put in us. the word.
經文:哥林多後書 5:20-5:20 註釋:
* ambassadors.
3:6 Job 33:23 Pr 13:17 Mal 2:7 Joh 20:21 Ac 26:17,18 Eph 6:20
* as.
11 6:1 2Ki 17:13 2Ch 36:15 Ne 9:29 Isa 55:6,7 Jer 44:4
Eze 18:31,32
* in.
Job 33:6 Lu 10:16 1Co 4:4,5 1Th 4:8
* be.
Job 22:21 Pr 1:22-33 Isa 27:5 Jer 13:16,17 38:20 Lu 14:23
經文:哥林多後書 5:21-5:21 註釋:
* he.
Isa 53:4-6,9-12 Da 9:26 Zec 13:7 Ro 8:3 Ga 3:13 Eph 5:2
1Pe 3:18 1Jo 2:1,2
* who.
Isa 53:9 Lu 1:35 Heb 7:26 1Pe 2:22-24 1Jo 3:5
* we.
17 Isa 45:24,25 53:11 Jer 23:26 33:16 Da 9:24 Ro 1:17 3:21-26
Ro 5:19 8:1-4 10:3,4 1Co 1:30 Php 3:9
經文:哥林多後書 6:1-6:1 註釋:
1; That he has approved himself a faithful minister of Christ
by his exhortations,
3; and by integrity of life,
4; and by patient enduring all kinds of affliction and disgrace
for the gospel.
10; Of which he speaks the more boldly amongst them because his
heart is open to them,
13; and he expects the like affection from them again;
14; exhorting them to flee the society and pollutions of
idolaters, as being themselves temples of the living God.
* workers.
5:18-20 1Co 3:9
* beseech.
5:20 10:1 Mt 23:37 Ro 12:1 Ga 4:11,12
* ye.
Jer 8:8 Ga 3:4 Heb 12:15,25
* the.
8:1,2 Ac 14:3 Ga 2:21 Tit 2:11 1Pe 4:10
經文:哥林多後書 6:2-6:2 註釋:
* a time.
Isa 49:8 61:2 Eze 16:8 Lu 4:19 19:42-44 Heb 3:7,13 4:7
經文:哥林多後書 6:3-6:3 註釋:
1:12 8:20 Mt 17:27 18:6 Ro 14:13 1Co 8:9-13 9:12,22
1Co 10:23,24,32,33
經文:哥林多後書 6:4-6:4 註釋:
* in all.
2:17 7:11 Ac 2:22 Ro 14:18 16:10 1Co 9:11 1Th 2:3-11 1Ti 2:15
* approving. Gr. commending.
4:2 Ro 5:8
* as.
3:6 11:23 Isa 61:6 Joe 1:9 2:17 1Co 3:5 4:1 1Th 3:2 1Ti 4:6
* in much.
12:12 Lu 21:19 Ro 5:3,4 Col 1:11 1Th 5:14 1Ti 6:11 2Ti 3:10
Heb 12:1 Jas 5:7-10 Re 1:9 3:10
* afflictions.
4:17 Ac 20:23,24 Col 1:24 1Th 3:3 2Ti 1:8 3:11,12 4:5
* necessities.
11:9,27 12:10 Ac 20:34 1Co 4:11,12 Php 4:11,12
* distresses.
4:8 Ro 8:35,36 1Th 3:7
經文:哥林多後書 6:5-6:5 註釋:
* stripes.
11:23-25 De 25:3 Isa 53:5 Ac 16:23
* imprisonments.
1Ki 22:27 2Ch 16:10 Jer 33:1 37:15,16 38:6 Mt 14:3,10 Ac 5:18
Ac 12:4,5 16:24 22:24 23:35 24:27 26:10,29 28:16,17,30 Eph 3:1
Php 1:13 2Ti 1:8 2:9 Heb 11:36 13:23 Re 2:10
* in tumults. or, in tossings to and fro.
1:8-10 Ac 14:19 17:5 18:12-17 19:23-34 21:27-35 22:23 23:10
* labours.
11:23 1Co 15:10 1Th 2:9 1Ti 4:10
* watchings.
11:27 Eze 3:17 Mr 13:34-37 Ac 20:31 2Ti 4:5 Heb 13:17
* fastings.
Mt 9:15 Ac 13:3 14:23 1Co 7:5
經文:哥林多後書 6:6-6:6 註釋:
* pureness.
7:2 1Th 2:10 1Ti 4:12 5:2 Tit 2:7
* knowledge.
4:6 11:6 1Co 2:1,2,16 Eph 3:4 Col 1:9,10,27 2:3
* long suffering.
1Co 13:4 Ga 5:22 Eph 4:2,32 Col 1:11 3:12 2Ti 3:10 4:2
* by the.
3:3 11:4 Ro 15:19 1Co 2:4 Ga 3:2,5 1Th 1:5,6 1Pe 1:12
* love.
2:4 11:11 12:15 Jud 16:15 Eze 33:31 Ro 12:9 1Pe 1:22 1Jo 3:18
經文:哥林多後書 6:7-6:7 註釋:
* the word.
1:18-20 4:2 7:14 Ps 119:43 Eph 1:13 4:21 Col 1:5 2Ti 2:15
Jas 1:18
* the power.
10:4,5 13:4 Mr 16:20 Ac 11:21 1Co 1:24 2:4,5 Eph 1:19,20 3:20
Heb 2:4
* the armour.
Isa 11:5 59:17 Ro 13:12,13 Eph 6:11,13,14-20 1Th 5:8 2Ti 4:7
* on the right.
Ex 14:22 Pr 3:16
經文:哥林多後書 6:8-6:8 註釋:
* honour.
Ac 4:21 5:13,40,41 14:11-20 16:20-22,39 28:4-10 1Co 4:10-13
* evil.
Mt 5:11,12 10:25 Ac 6:3 10:22 22:12 24:5 28:22 Ro 3:8 1Ti 3:7
1Ti 4:10 Heb 13:13 1Pe 4:14 3Jo 1:12 Re 3:9
* as.
Mt 27:63 Joh 7:12,17
* true.
Mt 22:16 Mr 12:14 Joh 7:18
經文:哥林多後書 6:9-6:9 註釋:
* unknown.
Ac 17:18 21:37,38 25:14,15,19,26 1Co 4:9
* well.
4:2 5:11 11:6 Ac 19:26 Ro 15:19 Ga 1:22-24
* behold.
1:8-10 4:10,11 Ro 8:36 1Co 4:9 15:31
* as chastened.
Ps 118:17,18 1Co 11:32
經文:哥林多後書 6:10-6:10 註釋:
* sorrowful.
2:4 7:3-10 Mt 5:4,12 Lu 6:21 Joh 16:22 Ac 5:41 16:25 Ro 5:2,3
Ro 9:2 12:15 15:13 Php 4:4 1Th 3:7-10 5:16 Heb 10:34 Jas 1:2-4
1Pe 1:6-8 4:13
* poor.
* making.
4:7 8:9 Ro 11:12 Eph 3:8,16 Col 3:16 1Ti 6:18 Jas 2:5 Re 2:9
* and.
4:15 Ps 84:11 Pr 16:16 Mt 6:19,20 Lu 16:11,12 1Co 3:21-23
1Ti 4:8 Re 21:7
經文:哥林多後書 6:11-6:11 註釋:
* ye.
Ga 3:1 Php 4:15
* our mouth.
7:3,4 1Sa 2:1 Job 32:20 33:2,3 Ps 51:15
* our heart.
2:4 12:15 Ps 119:32 Hab 2:5 Eph 6:8 Php 1:8 Re 22:12
經文:哥林多後書 6:12-6:12 註釋:
* are not.
Ec 6:9 *marg:
Job 36:16 Pr 4:12 Mic 2:7
* in your.
Php 1:8 1Jo 3:17
經文:哥林多後書 6:13-6:13 註釋:
* I speak.
1Co 4:14,15 Ga 4:19 1Th 2:11 Heb 12:5,6 1Jo 2:1,12-14 3:7,18
3Jo 1:4
* be.
2Ki 13:14-19 Ps 81:10 Mt 9:28,29 17:19-21 Mr 6:4-6 11:24
Jas 1:6,7 1Jo 5:14,15
經文:哥林多後書 6:14-6:14 註釋:
* unequally.
Ex 34:16 Le 19:19 De 7:2,3 22:9-11 Ezr 9:1,2,11,12 10:19
Ne 13:1-3,23-26 Ps 106:35 Pr 22:24 Mal 2:11,15 1Co 5:9 7:39
1Co 15:33 Jas 4:4
* for.
1Sa 5:2,3 1Ki 18:21 2Ch 19:2 Ps 16:3 26:4,5,9,10 44:20,21
Ps 101:3-5 119:63 139:21,22 Pr 29:27 Joh 7:7 15:18,19 Ac 4:23
1Co 10:21 Eph 5:6-11 1Jo 3:12-14
* and what.
Pr 8:18,19 Ro 13:12-14 Eph 4:17-20 5:8-14 Php 2:15 1Th 5:4-8
1Pe 2:9,10 4:2-4 1Jo 1:5-7
經文:哥林多後書 6:15-6:15 註釋:
* what concord.
1Sa 5:2-4 1Ki 18:21 1Co 10:20,21
* or.
Ezr 4:3 Mr 16:16 Ac 8:20 1Jo 5:11-13
* an.
1Ti 5:8
經文:哥林多後書 6:16-6:16 註釋:
* what.
Ex 20:3 23:13 34:14 De 4:23,24 5:7 6:14,15 Jos 24:14-24
1Sa 7:3,4 1Ki 18:21 2Ki 17:33,34 21:4,5 23:5-7 2Ch 33:4,5
Eze 36:25 Ho 14:8 Zep 1:5 Mt 6:24 1Jo 5:20,21
* ye are.
1Co 3:16,17 6:19 Eph 2:20 Heb 3:6 1Pe 2:5
* I will dwell.
Ex 29:45 Le 26:12 Ps 90:1 Eze 43:7,9 Zec 2:10,11 Joh 6:56
Ro 8:9,11 Eph 3:17 2Ti 1:14 1Jo 4:12,15 Re 21:3
* I will be.
Ge 17:7,8 Jer 24:7 31:33 32:38 Eze 11:20 36:28 37:26,27
Ho 2:23 Zec 8:8 13:9 Ro 9:26 Heb 8:10 Re 21:7
經文:哥林多後書 6:17-6:17 註釋:
* come.
7:1 Nu 16:21,26,45 Ezr 6:21 10:11 Ps 1:1-3 Pr 9:6 Isa 52:11
Jer 51:6 Ac 2:40 Re 18:4
* and I.
Joh 6:37,38 Ro 15:7
經文:哥林多後書 6:18-6:18 註釋:
* a Father.
Ps 22:30 Jer 3:19 31:1,9 Ho 1:9,10 Joh 1:12 Ro 8:14-17,29
Ga 3:26 4:5-7 Eph 1:5 1Jo 3:1,2 Re 21:7
* the Lord.
Ge 17:1 48:3 Re 1:8 21:22
經文:哥林多後書 7:1-7:1 註釋:
1; He proceeds in exhorting them to purity of life;
2; and to bear him like affection as he does to them.
3; Whereof lest he might seem to doubt, he declares what
comfort he took in his afflictions by the report which Titus
gave of their godly sorrow, which his former epistle had
wrought in them;
13; and of their loving-kindness and obedience toward Titus,
answerable to his former boastings of them.
* therefore.
1:20 6:17,18 Ro 5:20,21 6:1-11 Heb 4:1 2Pe 1:4-8
* let.
Ps 51:10 119:9 Pr 20:9 30:12 Isa 1:16 Jer 13:27 Eze 18:30-32
Eze 36:25,26 Mt 5:8 12:33 23:25,26 Lu 11:39,40 Tit 2:11-14
Jas 4:8 1Pe 1:22 2:11 1Jo 1:7,9 3:3
* filthiness.
Isa 55:7 Jer 4:14 1Co 6:20 Eph 2:3 1Th 5:23
* perfecting.
Mt 5:48 Eph 4:12,13 Php 3:12-15 1Th 3:13 4:7 Heb 12:23
1Pe 5:10
* in.
2Ch 19:9 Ps 19:9 Pr 8:13 16:6 Ac 9:31 Heb 12:28
經文:哥林多後書 7:2-7:2 註釋:
* Receive.
11:16 Mt 10:14,40 Lu 10:8 Php 2:29 Col 4:10 Phm 1:12,17 2Jo 1:10
3Jo 1:8-10
* we have wronged.
1:12 4:2 6:3-7 11:9 12:14-18 Nu 16:15 1Sa 12:3,4 Ac 20:33
Ro 16:18 1Th 2:3-6,10 2Th 3:7-9
經文:哥林多後書 7:3-7:3 註釋:
* to condemn.
12 2:4,5 13:10 1Co 4:14,15
* for.
* ye.
3:2 11:11 12:15 Php 1:8,9
* to die.
Ru 1:16,17 1Th 2:8
經文:哥林多後書 7:4-7:4 註釋:
* my boldness.
3:12 6:11 10:1,2 11:21 Eph 6:19,20 Php 1:20 1Th 2:2
* great.
1:14 9:2-4 1Co 1:4 1Th 2:19
* I am filled.
6,7 1:4 2:14 6:10 Ac 5:41 Ro 5:3 Php 2:17 Col 1:24 1Th 3:7-9
Jas 1:2
經文:哥林多後書 7:5-7:5 註釋:
* when.
1:16,17 2:13 Ac 20:1 1Co 16:5
* our.
4:8-12 11:23-30 Ge 8:9 Isa 33:12 Jer 8:18 45:3 Mt 11:28-30
* troubled.
4:8 Job 18:11 Jer 6:25 20:10
* without.
De 32:25 1Co 15:31
* fears.
2:3,9 11:29 12:20,21 Ga 4:11,19,20 1Th 3:5
經文:哥林多後書 7:6-7:6 註釋:
* that comforteth.
1:3,4 2:14 Isa 12:1 51:12 57:15,18 61:1,2 Jer 31:13 Mt 5:4
Joh 14:16 Ro 15:5 Php 2:1 2Th 2:16,17
* comforted.
2:13 1Co 16:17,18 1Th 3:2,6,7 3Jo 1:2-4
經文:哥林多後書 7:7-7:7 註釋:
* but.
Ac 11:23 Ro 1:12 Col 2:5 1Th 3:8 2Jo 1:4
* when.
11 2:9 Ps 141:5 Pr 9:8,9
* earnest.
5:2 8:16 Lu 22:44 Php 1:20 Heb 2:1 Jas 5:17 Jude 1:3
* mourning.
10 Jud 2:4,5 Ps 6:1-6 30:5 31:9-11 38:18 51:1 126:5,6
Jer 31:18-20 Mt 5:4 26:75 Jas 4:9,10
* fervent.
1:14 2:3,4 1Th 3:6
經文:哥林多後書 7:8-7:8 註釋:
* though I made.
6,11 2:2-11 La 3:32 Mt 26:21,22 Lu 22:61,62 Joh 16:6 21:17
Heb 12:9-11 Re 3:19
* though I did.
Ex 5:22,23 Jer 20:7-9
經文:哥林多後書 7:9-7:9 註釋:
* I rejoice.
6,7,10 Ec 7:3 Jer 31:18-20 Zec 12:10 Lu 15:7,10,17-24,32
Ac 20:21
* after a godly manner. or, according to God.
10,11 1:12 *Gr:
* that ye.
2:16 10:8-10 13:8-10 Isa 6:9-11
經文:哥林多後書 7:10-7:10 註釋:
* repentance.
12:21 2Sa 12:13 1Ki 8:47-50 Job 33:27,28 Jer 31:9 Eze 7:16
Eze 18:27-30 Jon 3:8,10 Mt 21:28-32 26:75 Lu 15:10 18:13
Ac 3:19 11:18 2Ti 2:25,26
* the sorrow.
The sorrow of carnal men about worldly objects, loss of
fortune, fame, or friends; which, being separated from the
fear and love of God, and faith in his providence and mercy,
frequently drinks up their spirits, breaks their proud,
rebellious hearts, or drives them to lay desperate hands on
Ge 4:13-15 30:1 1Sa 30:6 2Sa 13:4 17:23 1Ki 21:4 Pr 15:13,15
Pr 17:22 18:14 Jon 4:9 Mt 27:4,5 Heb 12:17
經文:哥林多後書 7:11-7:11 註釋:
* that.
9 Isa 66:2 Zec 12:10-14 1Co 5:2
* carefulness.
7 1Co 12:25 Tit 3:8
* clearing.
Ge 44:6,7 1Co 5:13 Eph 5:11 1Ti 5:21,22
* indignation.
2Sa 12:5-7 Ne 5:6-13 13:25 Job 42:6 Jer 31:18-20 Da 6:14
Mr 3:5 Eph 4:26
* fear.
1 Ps 2:11 Pr 14:16 28:14 Ro 11:20 Php 2:12 Heb 4:1 12:15,16
1Pe 1:17 Jude 1:23
* vehement.
Ps 38:9 42:1 130:6 145:19 So 8:6 Isa 26:8 1Pe 2:2
* zeal.
9:2 Ps 69:9 119:139 Joh 2:17 Ac 17:16
* revenge.
Ps 35:13 Mt 5:29,30 Mr 9:43-48 Re 3:19
* approved.
6:4 13:7 Ro 14:18 2Ti 2:15
經文:哥林多後書 7:12-7:12 註釋:
* I did.
2:9 1Co 5:1
* that our.
2:4,17 11:11,28 1Ti 3:5
經文:哥林多後書 7:13-7:13 註釋:
* we were.
2:3 Ro 12:15 1Co 12:26 13:5-7 Php 2:28 1Pe 3:8
* because.
15 Ro 15:32 1Co 16:13 2Ti 1:16 Phm 1:20
經文:哥林多後書 7:14-7:14 註釋:
* if.
4 8:24 9:2-4
* we.
經文:哥林多後書 7:15-7:15 註釋:
* inward affection is. Gr. bowels are.
6:12 Ge 43:30 1Ki 3:26 So 5:4 Php 1:8 Col 3:12 1Jo 3:17
* the obedience.
2:9 10:5,6 Php 2:12 2Th 3:14
* with.
10,11 Ezr 9:4 10:9 Job 21:6 Ps 2:11 119:120 Isa 66:2 Ho 13:1
Ac 16:29 Eph 6:5 Php 2:12
經文:哥林多後書 7:16-7:16 註釋:
* that.
2Th 3:4 Phm 1:8,21
經文:哥林多後書 8:1-8:1 註釋:
1; He stirs them up to a liberal contribution for the poor
saints at Jerusalem, by the example of the Macedonians;
7; by commendation of their former forwardness;
9; by the example of Christ;
14; and by the spiritual profit that shall redound to themselves
16; commending to them the integrity and willingness of Titus,
and those other brethren, who upon his request, exhortation,
and commendation, were purposely come to them for this
* we.
* the grace.
2-7 9:12 Ac 11:23 1Co 15:10 Eph 3:8 Col 1:29
* churches.
9:2,4 11:9 Ac 16:9 Ro 15:26 1Th 1:7,8 4:10
經文:哥林多後書 8:2-8:2 註釋:
* in.
1Th 1:6 2:14 3:3,4
* the abundance.
Ne 8:10-12 Ac 2:45,46
* their deep.
Mr 12:42-44 Lu 21:1-4 Jas 2:5 Re 2:9
* the riches.
6:10 9:11,13 De 15:4 Pr 11:25 Isa 32:5-8
* liberality. Gr. simplicity.
1:12 Ro 12:8
經文:哥林多後書 8:3-8:3 註釋:
* to.
9:6,7 Mr 14:8 Ac 11:29 1Co 16:2 1Pe 4:11
* I bear.
Ro 10:2 Ga 4:15 Col 4:13
* beyond.
12,16,17 Ex 35:5,21,22,29 1Ch 29:5,6,9,13-17 Ps 110:3 1Co 9:17
Php 2:13 1Th 2:8 Phm 1:14 1Pe 5:2
經文:哥林多後書 8:4-8:4 註釋:
* that.
18,19 Ge 33:10,11 2Ki 5:15,16 Ac 16:15 1Co 16:3,4
* the ministering.
9:1,12-14 Mt 10:42 12:50 25:40,44,45 Mr 14:7 Joh 19:26,27
Ac 6:1-7 9:39-41 11:29 24:17 Ro 15:25,26 1Co 16:1,3,4,15
Ga 2:10 6:10 1Ti 5:10 Phm 1:5,6 Heb 6:10 1Jo 3:16-18
經文:哥林多後書 8:5-8:5 註釋:
* first.
5:14,15 1Sa 1:28 2Ch 30:8 Isa 44:3-5 Jer 31:33 Zec 13:9
Ro 6:13 12:1 14:7-9 1Co 6:19,20
* unto.
4:5 1Ch 12:18 2Ch 30:12
經文:哥林多後書 8:6-8:6 註釋:
* we.
16,17 12:18
* grace. or, gift.
4,19 *marg:
9:5 Php 4:18 1Pe 4:10
經文:哥林多後書 8:7-8:7 註釋:
* as.
Ro 15:14 1Co 1:5 4:7 12:13 14:12 Re 3:17
* faith.
1Co 13:2
* knowledge.
1Co 8:1,2 13:8
* in your.
* see.
9:8 Php 1:9,11 1Th 4:9,10 2Th 1:3 1Pe 1:22 2Pe 1:5-8
* this.
6 9:14 Eph 4:29 2Ti 2:1 Heb 12:28 2Pe 3:18
經文:哥林多後書 8:8-8:8 註釋:
* speak.
10 9:7 1Co 7:6,12,25
* by occasion.
1-3 9:2 Ro 11:12-14 Heb 10:24
* prove.
24 6:6 Jos 24:14 Eze 33:31 Ro 12:9 Eph 4:15 *marg:
Eph 6:24 Jas 2:14-16 1Pe 1:22 1Jo 3:17-19
經文:哥林多後書 8:9-8:9 註釋:
* the grace.
13:14 Joh 1:14,17 Ro 5:8,20,21 1Co 1:4 Eph 1:6-8 2:7 3:8,19
* though.
Ps 102:25-27 Joh 1:1-4,10 16:15 1Co 15:47 Php 2:6 Col 1:16,17
Heb 1:2,6-14
* for.
Isa 62:1 65:8 Joh 12:30 17:19 Col 1:24
* he became.
Isa 53:2 Mt 8:20 17:27 20:28 Mr 6:3 Lu 2:7 8:3 9:58 Php 2:6-8
* that ye.
6:10 Lu 16:11 Ro 8:32 11:12 1Co 3:21,22 Eph 3:8 1Ti 6:18
Jas 2:5 Re 3:18 21:7
經文:哥林多後書 8:10-8:10 註釋:
* I give.
1Co 7:25,40
* expedient.
12:1 Pr 19:17 Mt 10:42 Joh 11:50 16:7 18:14 1Co 6:12 10:23
Php 4:17 1Ti 6:18,19 Heb 13:16 Jas 2:15,16
* to be.
8 9:2
* forward. Gr. willing.
經文:哥林多後書 8:11-8:11 註釋:
經文:哥林多後書 8:12-8:12 註釋:
* if.
9:7 Ex 25:2 35:5,21,22,29 1Ch 29:3-18 2Ch 6:8 Pr 19:22
Mr 12:42-44 14:7,8 Lu 7:44-46 12:47,48 16:10 21:1-4 1Pe 4:10
經文:哥林多後書 8:13-8:13 註釋:
* not.
Ac 4:34 Ro 15:26,27
經文:哥林多後書 8:14-8:14 註釋:
經文:哥林多後書 8:15-8:15 註釋:
Ex 16:18 Lu 22:35
經文:哥林多後書 8:16-8:16 註釋:
* thanks.
Ezr 7:27 Ne 2:12 Jer 31:31 32:40 Col 3:17 Re 17:17
* earnest.
7:7,12 Php 2:20
經文:哥林多後書 8:17-8:17 註釋:
* accepted.
6 Heb 13:22
* but.
經文:哥林多後書 8:18-8:18 註釋:
* the brother.
This is generally supposed to have been Said. Luke, "whose
praise was in all the churches," on account of the gospel
which he had written, and for many zealous services in its
19,22,23 12:18
* throughout.
Ro 16:4
經文:哥林多後書 8:19-8:19 註釋:
* but.
1-4 Ac 6:3-6 15:22,25 1Co 16:3,4
* grace. or gift.
4,6,7 9:8
* to the.
1,2 4:15 9:12-14 Php 4:18,19 1Pe 4:10,11
經文:哥林多後書 8:20-8:20 註釋:
* that.
11:12 Mt 10:16 Ro 14:16 1Co 16:3 Eph 5:15 1Th 5:22
經文:哥林多後書 8:21-8:21 註釋:
* for.
Ro 12:17 Php 4:8 1Ti 5:14 Tit 2:5-8 1Pe 2:12
* not.
2:17 5:9-11 Mt 5:16 6:1,4 23:5 1Th 5:22
經文:哥林多後書 8:22-8:22 註釋:
* whom.
Php 2:20-22
* I have. or, he hath.
經文:哥林多後書 8:23-8:23 註釋:
* Titus.
6,16 7:6 12:18
* is my.
Lu 5:7,10 Phm 1:17
* and fellow-helper.
Php 2:25 4:3 Col 1:7 1Th 2:2 Phm 1:24 3Jo 1:8
* the messengers.
19 Php 2:25 *Gr:
經文:哥林多後書 8:24-8:24 註釋:
8 7:14 9:2-4
經文:哥林多後書 9:1-9:1 註釋:
1; He yields the reason why, though he knew their forwardness,
yet he sent Titus and his brethren beforehand.
6; And he proceeds in stirring them up to a bountiful alms, as
being but a kind of sowing of seed,
10; which shall return a great increase to them,
13; and occasion a great sacrifice of thanksgivings unto God.
* touching.
Ge 27:42 1Sa 20:23 2Ki 22:18 Job 37:23 Ps 45:1 Mt 22:31
Ro 11:28 Php 3:5,6
* the ministering.
12-14 8:4-15 Ga 2:10 6:10
* it is.
1Th 4:9,10 5:1 1Jo 2:27
經文:哥林多後書 9:2-9:2 註釋:
* the forwardness.
8:8,10,19 1Th 1:7
* I boast.
* that.
1:1 8:10 1Co 16:15
* provoked.
8:8 Heb 10:24
經文:哥林多後書 9:3-9:3 註釋:
* have.
4 7:14 8:6,17-24
* ye may.
5 1Co 16:1-4 Tit 3:1
經文:哥林多後書 9:4-9:4 註釋:
* they.
2 8:1-5
* be ashamed.
8:24 11:17
經文:哥林多後書 9:5-9:5 註釋:
* and make.
8:6 1Co 16:2
* bounty. Gr. blessing.
Ge 33:11 1Sa 25:27 30:26 *marg:
2Ki 5:15
* whereof ye had notice before. or, which hath been so much
spoken of before.
經文:哥林多後書 9:6-9:6 註釋:
* I say.
1Co 1:12 7:29 15:20 Ga 3:17 5:16 Eph 4:17 Col 2:4
* He which soweth sparingly.
10 Ps 41:1-3 Pr 11:18,24 19:17 22:9 Ec 11:1,6 Lu 6:38
Lu 19:16-26 Ga 6:7-9 Heb 6:10
經文:哥林多後書 9:7-9:7 註釋:
* not.
De 15:7-11,14 Pr 23:6-8 Isa 32:5,8 Jas 5:9 1Pe 4:9
* God.
8:12 Ex 25:2 35:5 1Ch 29:17 Pr 11:25 22:9 Ac 20:35 Ro 12:8
經文:哥林多後書 9:8-9:8 註釋:
* God.
2Ch 25:9 Ps 84:11 Pr 3:9 10:22 11:24 28:27 Hag 2:8 Mal 3:10
Php 4:18
* all grace.
8:19 1Pe 4:10
* always.
11 1Ch 29:12-14
* may.
8:2,7 Ac 9:36 1Co 15:58 Eph 2:10 Col 1:10 2Th 2:17 2Ti 3:17
Tit 2:14 3:8,14
經文:哥林多後書 9:9-9:9 註釋:
* He hath dispersed.
Ps 112:9
* his.
Ps 112:3 Pr 8:18 21:21 Isa 51:8 1Co 13:13 Ga 5:5,6
經文:哥林多後書 9:10-9:10 註釋:
* he.
Ge 1:11,12 47:19,23,24 Isa 55:10
* multiply.
6 Pr 11:18 Ec 11:6 Php 4:17
* increase.
Ho 10:12 Mt 6:1 Eph 5:9 Php 1:11 1Th 3:12 4:10
經文:哥林多後書 9:11-9:11 註釋:
* enriched.
8:2,3 1Ch 29:12-14 2Ch 31:10 Pr 3:9,10 Mal 3:10,11 1Ti 6:17,18
* bountifulness. or, liberality. Gr. simplicity.
8:2 *Gr:
Ro 12:8
* which.
12 1:11 4:15 8:16,19
經文:哥林多後書 9:12-9:12 註釋:
* the administration.
1 8:4
* only.
8:14,15 Php 2:25 4:18,19 Phm 1:4-7 Jas 2:14-16 1Jo 3:17
經文:哥林多後書 9:13-9:13 註釋:
* they.
Ps 50:23 Mt 5:16 Joh 15:8 Ac 4:21 11:18 21:19,20 Ga 1:24
1Pe 2:9 4:11
* professed.
10:5 Lu 6:46 Ro 10:16 16:26 Heb 5:9
* and for.
Heb 13:16
經文:哥林多後書 9:14-9:14 註釋:
* by.
1:11 Ezr 6:8-10 Ps 41:1,2 Pr 11:26 Lu 16:9 Php 4:18,19
2Ti 1:16-18
* long.
2Sa 13:29 Ro 1:11 Php 1:8 2:26 4:1
* the exceeding.
8:1,6,7 1Co 1:4,5 1Ti 1:14
經文:哥林多後書 9:15-9:15 註釋:
* Thanks.
11 2:14 1Ch 16:8,35 Ps 30:4,12 92:1 Lu 2:14,38 1Co 15:57
Eph 5:20 Jas 1:17 Re 4:9
* his.
Isa 9:6 49:6 Joh 1:16 3:16 Ro 6:23 8:32 1Jo 4:9,10 5:11,12
經文:哥林多後書 10:1-10:1 註釋:
1; Against the false apostles, who disgraced the weakness of
his person and bodily presence, he shows the spiritual might
and authority with which he was armed against all adverse
7; assuring them that at his coming he will be found as mighty
in word as he is now in writing, being absent;
12; and withal taxing them for reaching out themselves beyond
their compass, and vaunting themselves of other men's
* I Paul.
1Co 16:21,22 Ga 5:2 2Th 3:17 Phm 1:9 Re 1:9
* beseech.
2 5:20 6:1 Ro 12:1 Eph 4:1 1Pe 2:11
* by.
Ps 45:4 Isa 42:3,4 Zec 9:9 Mt 11:29 12:19,20 21:5 Ac 8:32
1Pe 2:22,23
* presence. or, outward appearance.
* base.
Rather, lowly, or humble, [tapeinos [,]
which some think refers to his lowness of stature.
10 11:30 12:5,7-9 13:4 1Co 2:3 4:10 Ga 4:13
* bold.
3:12 *marg:
7:4 11:21 13:2,3 Ro 10:20 15:15
經文:哥林多後書 10:2-10:2 註釋:
* that I.
12:20 13:2,10 1Co 4:19-21
* think. or, reckon. we walked.
11:9-13 12:13-19 Ro 8:1,5 Ga 5:16-25 Eph 2:2,3
經文:哥林多後書 10:3-10:3 註釋:
* walk.
Ga 2:20 1Pe 4:1,2
* we do.
4 Ro 8:13 1Ti 1:18 2Ti 2:3,4 4:7 Heb 12:1
經文:哥林多後書 10:4-10:4 註釋:
* the weapons.
6:7 Ro 6:13 *marg:
Ro 13:12 Eph 6:13-18 1Th 5:8
* our.
1Ti 1:18 2Ti 2:3
* mighty.
3:5 4:7 13:3,4 Jud 7:13-23 15:14-16 1Sa 17:45-50 Ps 110:2
Isa 41:14-16 Zec 4:6,7 Ac 7:22 1Co 1:18-24 2:5 2Co 13:3
Heb 11:32,33
* through God. or, to God. to the.
Jos 6:20 Isa 30:25 Jer 1:10 Heb 11:30
經文:哥林多後書 10:5-10:5 註釋:
* down.
Lu 1:51 Ac 4:25,26 Ro 1:21 1Co 1:19,27-29 3:19
* imaginations. or, reasonings. and every.
Ex 5:2 9:16,17 2Ki 19:22,28 Job 40:11,12 42:6 Ps 10:4 18:27
Isa 2:11,12,17 60:14 Eze 17:24 Da 4:37 5:23-30 Ac 9:4-6
Php 3:4-9 2Th 2:4,8
* bringing.
Mt 11:29,30 Ro 7:23
* every thought.
Ge 8:21 De 15:9 Ps 139:2 Pr 15:26 24:9 Isa 55:7 59:7 Jer 4:14
Mt 15:19 Heb 4:12
* the obedience.
Ps 18:44 110:2,3 Ro 1:5 16:26 Heb 5:9 1Pe 1:2,14,15,22
經文:哥林多後書 10:6-10:6 註釋:
* in.
13:2,10 Nu 16:26-30 Ac 5:3-11 13:10,11 1Co 4:21 5:3-5 1Ti 1:20
3Jo 1:10
* when.
2:9 7:15
經文:哥林多後書 10:7-10:7 註釋:
* ye look.
1 *marg:
5:12 1Sa 16:7 Mt 23:5 Lu 16:15 Joh 7:24 Ro 2:28,29
* If.
1Co 3:23 14:37 15:23 Ga 3:29
* even.
5:12 11:4,18,23 12:11 13:3 1Co 9:1 Ga 1:11-13 2:5-9 1Jo 4:6
經文:哥林多後書 10:8-10:8 註釋:
* though.
1:24 13:2,3,8,10 Ga 1:1
* I should not.
7:14 12:6 2Ti 1:12
經文:哥林多後書 10:9-10:9 註釋:
* terrify.
10 1Co 4:5,19-21
經文:哥林多後書 10:10-10:10 註釋:
* say they. Gr. saith he.
* but.
1 12:5-9 1Co 2:3,4 Ga 4:13,14
* and his.
11:6 Ex 4:10 Jer 1:6 1Co 1:17,21 2:1-4
經文:哥林多後書 10:11-10:11 註釋:
* such.
12:20 13:2,3,10 1Co 4:19,20
經文:哥林多後書 10:12-10:12 註釋:
* we dare not.
3:1 5:12 Job 12:2 Pr 25:27 27:2 Lu 18:11 Ro 15:18
* are not wise. or, understand it not.
Pr 26:12
經文:哥林多後書 10:13-10:13 註釋:
* we will not.
15 Pr 25:14
* according.
14 Mt 25:15 Ro 12:6 15:20 1Co 12:11 Eph 4:7 1Pe 4:10
* rule. or, line.
Ps 19:4 Isa 28:17 Ro 10:18
經文:哥林多後書 10:14-10:14 註釋:
* we stretch not.
3:1-3 Ro 15:18,19 1Co 2:10 3:5,10 4:15 9:1,2
* the gospel.
4:4 Mr 1:1 Ac 20:24 Ro 1:16 2:16 16:25 Ga 1:6-8 Col 1:5
1Ti 1:11
經文:哥林多後書 10:15-10:15 註釋:
* boasting.
13 Ro 15:20
* enlarged by you. or, magnified in you.
經文:哥林多後書 10:16-10:16 註釋:
* preach.
Ro 15:24-28
* line. or, rule.
經文:哥林多後書 10:17-10:17 註釋:
Ps 105:3 106:5 Isa 41:16 45:25 65:16 Jer 4:2 9:23,24
Ro 5:11 *Gr:
1Co 1:29,31 Ga 6:13,14 Php 3:3 *Gr:
Jas 1:9,10 *Gr:
經文:哥林多後書 10:18-10:18 註釋:
* not.
12 3:1 5:12 Pr 21:2 27:2 Lu 16:15 18:10-14
* approved.
6:4 13:7 Ac 2:22 Ro 14:18 16:10 1Co 11:19 2Ti 2:15
* but.
Mt 25:20-23 Joh 5:42-44 12:43 Ro 2:29 1Co 4:5 1Pe 1:7
經文:哥林多後書 11:1-11:1 註釋:
1; Out of his jealousy over the Corinthians, who seemed to make
more account of the false apostles than of him, he enters
into a forced commendation of himself,
5; of his equality with the chief apostles,
7; of his preaching the gospel to them freely, and without any
charge to them;
13; shewing that he was not inferior to those deceitful workers
in any legal prerogative;
23; and in the service of Christ, and in all kinds of sufferings
for his ministry, far superior.
* Would.
Nu 11:29 Jos 7:7 2Ki 5:3 Ac 26:29 1Co 4:8
* bear with me a.
4 Ac 18:14 Heb 5:2
* in.
16,17,19,21 5:13 12:11 1Co 1:21 3:18 4:10
* bear with me. or, ye do bear with me.
經文:哥林多後書 11:2-11:2 註釋:
* jealous.
Ga 4:11,17-19 Php 1:8 1Th 2:11
* I have.
Ge 24:2-5,58-67 Ps 45:10,11 Isa 54:5 62:4,5 Ho 2:19,20
Joh 3:29 Ro 7:4 1Co 4:15
* I may.
Eph 5:27 Col 1:28
* a chaste.
Le 21:13-15 Eze 44:22
經文:哥林多後書 11:3-11:3 註釋:
* I fear.
29 12:20,21 Ps 119:53 Ga 1:6 3:1 4:11 Php 3:18,19
* as.
Ge 3:4,13 Joh 8:44 1Ti 2:14 Re 12:9 20:2
* so.
13-15 2:17 4:2 Mt 24:24 Ac 20:30,31 Ga 1:6 2:4 3:1 Eph 4:14
Eph 6:24 Col 2:4,8,18 2Th 2:3-11 1Ti 1:3 4:1-4 2Ti 3:1-9,13
2Ti 4:3,4 Tit 1:10 Heb 13:9 2Pe 2:1-14 3:3,17 1Jo 2:18 4:1
Jude 1:4 Re 12:9
* the simplicity.
1:12 Ro 12:8 16:18,19
經文:哥林多後書 11:4-11:4 註釋:
* preacheth.
Ac 4:12 1Ti 2:5
* receive.
1Co 12:4-11 Ga 3:2 Eph 4:4,5
* another gospel.
Ga 1:7,8
* with him. or, with me.
經文:哥林多後書 11:5-11:5 註釋:
* I was not.
12:11,12 1Co 15:10 Ga 2:6-9
經文:哥林多後書 11:6-11:6 註釋:
* rude.
10:10 1Co 1:17,21 2:1-3,13
* not.
Eph 3:4 2Pe 3:15,16
* but we.
4:2 5:11 7:2 12:12
經文:哥林多後書 11:7-11:7 註釋:
* in.
10:1 12:13 Ac 18:1-3 20:34 1Co 4:10-12 9:6,12,14-18 1Th 2:9
2Th 3:8
經文:哥林多後書 11:8-11:8 註釋:
9 Php 4:14-16
經文:哥林多後書 11:9-11:9 註釋:
* wanted.
6:4 9:12 Php 2:25 4:11-14 Heb 11:37
* I was.
12:13 Ne 5:15 Ac 18:3 20:33 1Th 2:9 2Th 3:8,9
* the brethren.
8:1,2 Php 4:10,15,16
* See on ver.
* burdensome.
12:14-16 1Th 2:6
經文:哥林多後書 11:10-11:10 註釋:
* the truth.
31 1:23 12:19 Ro 1:9 9:1 Ga 1:20 1Th 2:5,10 1Ti 2:7
* no man shall stop me of this boasting. Gr. this boasting
shall not be stopped in me.
12,16,17 10:15 1Co 9:15-18
* the regions.
1:1 9:2 Ac 18:12,27 Ro 16:5 1Co 16:15 1Th 1:7,8
經文:哥林多後書 11:11-11:11 註釋:
* because.
6:11,12 7:3 12:15
* God.
10 12:2,3 Jos 22:22 Ps 44:21 Joh 2:24,25 21:17 Ac 15:8
Heb 4:13 Re 2:23
經文:哥林多後書 11:12-11:12 註釋:
* what.
9 1:17 Job 23:13
* that I may.
1Co 9:12 1Ti 5:14
* them.
Ga 1:7 Php 1:15-30
* they glory.
18 5:12 10:17 1Co 5:6 Ga 6:13,14
經文:哥林多後書 11:13-11:13 註釋:
* false.
15 2:17 4:2 Mt 25:24 Ac 15:1,24 20:30 Ro 16:18 Ga 1:7 2:4 4:17
Ga 6:12 Eph 4:14 Php 1:15,16 Col 2:4,8 1Ti 1:4-7 4:1-3 6:3-5
2Ti 2:17-19 3:5-9 4:3,4 2Pe 2:1-3 1Jo 2:18 4:1 2Jo 1:7-11 Jude 1:4
Re 2:2,9,20 19:20
* deceitful.
Php 3:2 Tit 1:10,11
經文:哥林多後書 11:14-11:14 註釋:
* for.
3 2:11 Ge 3:1-5 Mt 4:1-10 Ga 1:8 Re 12:9
經文:哥林多後書 11:15-11:15 註釋:
* no.
2Ki 5:13 1Co 9:11
* his.
13 Ac 13:10 Eph 6:12 Re 9:11 13:2,14 19:19-21 20:2,3,7-10
* the ministers.
23 3:9
* whose.
Isa 9:14,15 Jer 5:31 23:14,15 28:15-17 29:32 Eze 13:10-15,22
Mt 7:15,16 Ga 1:8,9 Php 3:19 2Th 2:8-12 2Pe 2:3,13-22
Jude 1:4,10-13
經文:哥林多後書 11:16-11:16 註釋:
* say.
* Let.
21-23 12:6,11
* receive me. or, suffer me.
經文:哥林多後書 11:17-11:17 註釋:
* I speak it.
1Co 7:6,12
* foolishly.
18-27 9:4 Php 3:3-6
經文:哥林多後書 11:18-11:18 註釋:
* many.
12,21-23 10:12-18 Jer 9:23,24 1Co 4:10 1Pe 1:24
* I will.
經文:哥林多後書 11:19-11:19 註釋:
* seeing.
1Co 4:10 8:1 10:15 Re 3:17
經文:哥林多後書 11:20-11:20 註釋:
* if a man bring.
1:24 Ga 2:4 4:3,9,25 5:1,10 6:12
* take.
Ro 16:17,18 Php 3:19 1Th 2:5
* a man smite.
Isa 50:6 La 3:30 Lu 6:29
經文:哥林多後書 11:21-11:21 註釋:
* as though.
10:1,2,10 13:10
* whereinsoever.
22-27 Php 3:3-6
* I speak.
經文:哥林多後書 11:22-11:22 註釋:
* Hebrews.
Ex 3:18 5:3 7:16 9:1,13 10:3 Ac 22:3 Ro 11:1 Php 3:5
* the seed.
Ge 17:8,9 2Ch 20:7 Mt 3:9 Joh 8:33-39 Ro 4:13-18
經文:哥林多後書 11:23-11:23 註釋:
* ministers.
3:6 6:4 1Co 3:5 4:1 1Th 3:2 1Ti 4:6
* I am.
5 12:11,12
* in labours.
1Co 15:10 Col 1:29
* in stripes.
24,25 6:4,5 Ac 9:16
* in prison.
Ac 9:16 16:24 20:23 21:11 24:26,27 25:14 27:1 28:16,30 Eph 3:1
Eph 4:1 6:20 Php 1:13 2Ti 1:8,16 2:9 Phm 1:9 Heb 10:34
* in deaths.
1:9,10 4:11 6:9 Ac 14:19 1Co 15:30-32 Php 2:17 Col 1:24
經文:哥林多後書 11:24-11:24 註釋:
* forty.
De 25:2,3 Mt 10:17 Mr 13:9
經文:哥林多後書 11:25-11:25 註釋:
* I beaten.
Ac 16:22,23,33,37 22:24
* once.
Mt 21:35 Ac 7:58,59 14:5,19 Heb 11:37
* thrice.
Ac 27:1-44
經文:哥林多後書 11:26-11:26 註釋:
* journeyings.
Ac 9:23,26-30 11:25,26 13:1-14:28 15:2-4,40,41 16:1-18:1
Ac 18:18-23 19:1 20:1-6 Ro 15:19,24-28 Ga 1:17-21
* in perils by mine.
Ac 9:23-25,29 13:50 20:3,19 21:28-31 23:12-22 25:3 28:10,11
1Th 2:15,16
* in perils by the.
1:8-10 Ac 14:5,19 16:19-24 19:23-41 1Co 15:32
* in perils in the city.
32 Ac 9:24 17:5
經文:哥林多後書 11:27-11:27 註釋:
* weariness.
23 6:5 Ac 20:5-11,34,35 1Th 2:9 2Th 3:8
* in watchings.
Ac 20:31
* in hunger.
Jer 38:9 1Co 4:11,12 Php 4:12
* fastings.
6:5 Ac 13:2,3 14:23 1Co 7:5
* nakedness.
Ro 8:35,36 Heb 11:37 Jas 2:15,16
經文:哥林多後書 11:28-11:28 註釋:
* those.
* the care.
Ac 15:36,40,41 18:23 20:2,18-35 Ro 1:14 11:13 15:16 16:4
Col 2:1
經文:哥林多後書 11:29-11:29 註釋:
* is weak.
2:4,5 7:5,6 13:9 Ezr 9:1-3 Ro 12:15 15:1 1Co 8:13 9:22 12:26
Ga 6:2 1Th 3:5-8
* and I burn.
13-15 Nu 25:6-11 Ne 5:6-13 13:15-20,23-25 Joh 2:17 1Co 5:1-5
1Co 6:5-7,15-18 11:22 15:12-34,36 Ga 1:7-10 2:4-6,14 3:1-3
Ga 4:8-20 5:2-4 2Jo 1:10,11 Jude 1:3,4 Re 2:2,20 3:15-18
經文:哥林多後書 11:30-11:30 註釋:
* must.
16-18 12:1,11 Pr 25:27 27:2 Jer 9:23,24
* I will.
12:5-10 Col 1:24
經文:哥林多後書 11:31-11:31 註釋:
* God.
1:3,23 Joh 10:30 20:17 Ro 1:9 9:1 Eph 1:3 3:14 Ga 1:2,3
Col 1:3 1Th 2:5 1Pe 1:3
* which.
Ne 9:5 Ps 41:13 Ro 1:25 9:5 1Ti 1:11,17 6:16
* knoweth.
經文:哥林多後書 11:32-11:32 註釋:
* Damascus.
26 Ac 9:24,25
* Aretas.
This Aretas was an Arabian king, and the father-in-law of
Herod Antipas, upon whom he made war in consequence of his
having divorced his daughter. Herod applied to Tiberius for
help, who sent Vitellius to reduce Aretas, and to bring him
alive or dead to Rome. By some means or other Vitellius
delayed his operations, and in the mean time Tiberius died;
and it is probable that Aretas, who was thus snatched from
ruin, availed himself of the favourable state of things, and
seized on Damascus, which had belonged to his ancestors.
經文:哥林多後書 11:33-11:33 註釋:
* I let.
Jos 2:18 1Sa 19:12
經文:哥林多後書 12:1-12:1 註釋:
1; For commending of his apostleship, though he might glory
of his wonderful revelations,
9; yet he rather chooses to glory of his infirmities;
11; blaming them for forcing him to this vain boasting.
14; He promises to come to them again; but yet altogether in the
affection of a father;
20; although he fears he shall to his grief find many offenders,
and public disorders there.
* expedient.
8:10 Joh 16:7 18:14 1Co 6:12 10:23
* to glory.
11 11:16-30
* I will come. Gr. For I will come. visions.
7 Nu 12:6 Eze 1:1-28 11:24 Da 10:5-10 Joe 2:28,29 Ac 9:10-17
Ac 18:9 22:17-21 23:11 26:13-19 Ga 1:12 2:2 1Jo 5:20
經文:哥林多後書 12:2-12:2 註釋:
* knew.
* in Christ.
5:17,21 13:5 Isa 45:24,25 Joh 6:56 15:4-6 17:21-23 Ro 8:1
Ro 16:7 1Co 1:30 Ga 1:22 5:6
* about.
"A.D 46, at Lystra."
Ac 14:6 22:17
* in the.
5:6-8 1Ki 18:12 2Ki 2:16 Eze 8:1-3 11:24 Ac 8:39,40 22:17
Php 1:22,23 Re 1:10 4:2
* God.
3 11:11
* caught.
4 Lu 24:51 1Th 4:17 Heb 9:24 Re 12:5
* third.
Ge 1:14-20 1Ki 8:27 Isa 57:15
經文:哥林多後書 12:3-12:3 註釋:
經文:哥林多後書 12:4-12:4 註釋:
* paradise.
Eze 31:9 Lu 23:43 Re 2:7
* lawful. or, possible.
經文:哥林多後書 12:5-12:5 註釋:
* such.
* yet.
9,10 11:30
經文:哥林多後書 12:6-12:6 註釋:
* I would.
10:8 11:16 1Co 3:5,9,10
* I will.
1:18 11:31 Job 24:25 Ro 9:1
* above that.
7 10:9,10
經文:哥林多後書 12:7-12:7 註釋:
* lest.
10:5 11:20 De 8:14 17:20 2Ch 26:16 32:25,26,31 Da 5:20 1Ti 3:6
* the abundance.
* a thorn.
Ge 32:25,31 Jud 2:3 Eze 28:24 Ga 4:13
* the messenger.
Job 2:7 Lu 13:16 1Co 5:5
* to buffet.
Mt 26:67 1Co 4:11
經文:哥林多後書 12:8-12:8 註釋:
* I besought.
De 3:23-27 1Sa 15:11 2Sa 12:16-18 Ps 77:2-11 Mt 20:21,22
Mt 26:39-44 Heb 5:7
經文:哥林多後書 12:9-12:9 註釋:
* My grace.
10 3:5,6 Ex 3:11,12 4:10-15 De 33:25-27 Jos 1:9 Isa 43:2
Jer 1:6-9 Mt 10:19,20 Lu 21:15 1Co 10:13 15:10 Col 1:28,29
1Ti 1:14 Heb 4:16
* for.
Ps 8:2 Isa 35:3,4 40:29-31 41:13-16 Da 10:16-19 Eph 3:16
Php 4:13 Col 1:11 Heb 11:34
* Most.
10,15 Mt 5:11,12
* glory.
5 11:30
* the power.
2Ki 2:15 Isa 4:5,6 11:2 Zep 3:17 Mt 28:18,20 1Pe 4:13,14
經文:哥林多後書 12:10-12:10 註釋:
* I take.
1:4 4:8-10,17 7:4 Ac 5:41 Ro 5:3 8:35-39 Php 1:29 2:17,18
Col 1:24 Jas 1:2 1Pe 1:6,7 4:13,14
* in infirmities.
* for Christ's.
4:5,11 10:18 Lu 6:22 Joh 15:21 1Co 4:10 Re 2:3
* for when.
9 13:4,9 Eph 6:10
經文:哥林多後書 12:11-12:11 註釋:
* become.
1:6 11:1,16,17
* for in.
12 11:5 1Co 3:4-7,22 Ga 2:6-14
* though.
Lu 17:10 1Co 3:7 15:8-10 Eph 3:8
經文:哥林多後書 12:12-12:12 註釋:
4:2 6:4-10 11:4,6 Ro 15:18,19 1Co 1:5-7 9:2 14:18
經文:哥林多後書 12:13-12:13 註釋:
* I myself.
14 11:8,9 1Co 9:6,12,15-18
* forgive.
經文:哥林多後書 12:14-12:14 註釋:
* the third.
That is, the third time I have purposed to visit you. See the
parallel passages.
1:15 13:1 1Co 4:19 11:34 16:5
* for I.
Pr 11:30 Ac 20:33 1Co 10:33 Php 4:1,17 1Th 2:5,6,8,19,20
1Pe 5:2-4
* for the.
Ge 24:35,36 31:14,15 Pr 13:22 19:14 1Co 4:14,15 1Th 2:11
經文:哥林多後書 12:15-12:15 註釋:
* will.
9 1:6,14 2:3 7:3 Joh 10:10,11 Ga 4:10 Php 2:17 Col 1:24
1Th 2:8 2Ti 2:10
* you. Gr. your souls.
14 Heb 13:17
* though.
6:12,13 2Sa 13:39 17:1-4 18:33 1Co 4:8-18
經文:哥林多後書 12:16-12:16 註釋:
* I did not.
13 11:9,10
* being. That is, as my enemies represent.
1:12 4:2 7:2 10:2,3 1Th 2:3,5 1Pe 2:3
經文:哥林多後書 12:17-12:17 註釋:
18 2Ki 5:16,20-27 1Co 4:17 16:10
經文:哥林多後書 12:18-12:18 註釋:
* Titus.
2:12,13 7:2,6
* with.
* walked we not in the same spirit.
8:6,16-23 Php 2:19-22
* in the same steps.
Nu 16:15 1Sa 12:3,4 Ne 5:14 Ac 20:33-35 Ro 4:12 1Pe 2:21
經文:哥林多後書 12:19-12:19 註釋:
* think.
3:1 5:12
* we speak.
11:10,31 Ro 9:1
* but.
5:13 10:8 13:10 1Co 9:12-23 10:33 14:26
* dearly.
15 7:1 Ro 12:19 1Co 10:14 Php 4:1
經文:哥林多後書 12:20-12:20 註釋:
* I shall not.
21 13:9
* and that.
1:23,24 2:1-3 10:2,6,8,9 13:2,10 1Co 4:18-21 5:3-5
* debates.
1Co 1:11 3:3,4 4:6-8,18 6:7,8 11:16-19 14:36,37 Ga 5:15,19-21
Ga 5:26 Eph 4:31,32 Jas 3:14-16 4:1-5 1Pe 2:1
* whisperings.
Ps 41:7 Pr 16:28 Ro 1:29
* swellings.
2Pe 2:18 Jude 1:16
經文:哥林多後書 12:21-12:21 註釋:
* my God.
7 8:24 9:3,4
* that I.
2:1-4 Ex 32:31 De 9:15,25 1Sa 15:35 Ezr 9:3 10:1 Ps 119:136
Jer 9:1 13:17 Lu 9:41,42 Ro 9:2 Php 3:18,19
* sinned.
* and have not.
2:5-11 7:9-11 10:6 1Co 6:9-11 Re 22:20
* uncleanness.
Ro 13:13 1Co 5:1,9-11 6:15-18 Ga 5:19 Eph 5:5,6 Col 3:5
1Th 4:3-7 Heb 13:4 1Pe 4:2,3 2Pe 2:10-14,18 Jude 1:7,23
Re 21:8 22:15
經文:哥林多後書 13:1-13:1 註釋:
1; He threatens severity, and the power of his apostleship,
against obstinate sinners.
5; And, advising them to a trial of their faith,
7; and to a reformation of their sins before his coming,
11; he concludes his epistle with a general exhortation and a
* the third.
* In.
Nu 35:30 De 17:6 19:15 1Ki 21:10,13 Mt 18:16 26:60,61
Joh 8:17,18 Heb 10:28,29
經文:哥林多後書 13:2-13:2 註釋:
* told.
1:23 10:1,2,8-11 12:20 1Co 4:19-21 5:5
* being.
* heretofore.
經文:哥林多後書 13:3-13:3 註釋:
* ye seek.
* Christ.
2:10 Mt 10:20 18:18-20 Lu 21:15 1Co 5:4,5
* which.
2:6 3:1-3 12:12 1Co 9:1-3
經文:哥林多後書 13:4-13:4 註釋:
* he was.
Lu 22:43,44 Joh 10:18 1Co 15:43 Php 2:7,8 Heb 5:7 1Pe 3:18
* yet.
Ac 2:36 4:10-12 Ro 6:4,9,10 14:9 Eph 1:19-23 Php 2:9-11
1Pe 3:18,22 Re 1:17,18
* we also.
4:7-12 10:3,4,10 1Co 2:3
* in him. or, with him.
Php 3:10 2Ti 2:11,12
* but.
Ac 3:16 Ro 6:8-11
經文:哥林多後書 13:5-13:5 註釋:
* Examine.
Ps 17:3 26:2 119:59 139:23,24 La 3:40 Eze 18:28 Hag 1:5,7
1Co 11:28,31 Ga 6:4 Heb 4:1 12:15 1Jo 3:20,21 Re 2:5 3:2,3
* in the faith.
Col 1:23 2:7 1Ti 2:15 Tit 1:13 2:2 1Pe 5:9
* Know.
1Co 3:16 6:2,15,19 9:24 Jas 4:4
* Jesus Christ.
6:16 Joh 6:56 14:23 15:4 17:23,26 Ro 8:10 Ga 2:20 4:19
Eph 2:20-22 3:17 Col 1:27 2:19 1Pe 2:4,5
* reprobates.
6,7 Jer 6:30 Ro 1:28 2Ti 3:8 Tit 1:16 1Co 9:27 Heb 6:8
經文:哥林多後書 13:6-13:6 註釋:
3,4,10 12:20
經文:哥林多後書 13:7-13:7 註釋:
* I pray.
9 1Ch 4:10 Mt 6:13 Joh 17:15 Php 1:9-11 1Th 5:23 2Ti 4:18
* approved.
6:4 10:18 Ro 16:10 1Co 11:19 2Ti 2:15 Jas 1:12 *Gr:
* honest.
8:21 Ro 12:17 13:13 Php 4:8 1Ti 2:2 1Pe 2:12
* as reprobates.
6:8,9 10:10 1Co 4:9-13
經文:哥林多後書 13:8-13:8 註釋:
10 10:8 Nu 16:28-35 1Ki 22:28 2Ki 1:9-13 2:23-25 Pr 21:30
Pr 26:2 Mr 9:39 16:17-19 Lu 9:49-56 Ac 4:28-30 5:1-11 13:3-12
Ac 19:11-17 1Co 5:4,5 1Ti 1:20 Heb 2:3,4
經文:哥林多後書 13:9-13:9 註釋:
* when.
8 11:30 12:5-10 1Co 4:10
* even.
7,11 7:1 Eph 4:13 Php 3:12-15 Col 1:28 4:12 1Th 3:10 2Ti 3:17
Heb 6:1 12:23 13:21 1Pe 5:10
經文:哥林多後書 13:10-13:10 註釋:
* I write.
2:3 10:2 12:20,21 1Co 4:21
* lest.
2,8 Tit 1:13
* according.
經文:哥林多後書 13:11-13:11 註釋:
* farewell.
Lu 9:61 Ac 15:29 18:21 23:30 Php 4:4 1Th 5:16 *Gr:
* Be perfect.
9 Mt 5:48 Joh 17:23 Jas 1:4 1Pe 5:10
* be of good.
1:4 Mr 10:49 Ro 15:13 1Th 4:18 2Th 2:16,17
* be of one.
Ro 12:16,18 15:5,6 1Co 1:10 Eph 4:3 Php 1:27 2:1-3 3:16 4:2
1Pe 3:8
* live.
Ge 37:4 45:24 Mr 9:50 Ro 12:18 14:19 1Th 5:13 2Ti 2:22
Heb 12:14 Jas 3:17,18 1Pe 3:11
* the God.
Ro 15:33 16:20 Php 4:9 1Th 5:23 Heb 13:20 1Jo 4:8-16
* with.
14 Mt 1:23 2Th 3:16 Re 22:21
經文:哥林多後書 13:12-13:12 註釋:
Ro 16:16 1Co 16:20 1Th 5:26 1Pe 5:14
經文:哥林多後書 13:13-13:13 註釋:
Ro 16:16,21-23 Php 4:21,22 Phm 1:23,24 Heb 13:24 1Pe 5:13
2Jo 1:13 3Jo 1:14
經文:哥林多後書 13:14-13:14 註釋:
* The grace.
Nu 6:23-27 Mt 28:19 Joh 1:16,17 Ro 1:7 16:20,24 1Co 16:23
Re 1:4,5
* the love.
Ro 5:5 8:39 Eph 6:23 1Jo 3:16 Jude 1:21
* the communion.
Joh 4:10,14 7:38 14:15-17 Ro 8:9,14-17 1Co 3:16 6:19 12:13
Ga 5:22 Eph 2:18,22 5:9 Php 2:1 1Jo 1:3 3:24
* Amen.
Mt 6:13 28:20 Ro 16:20,27 1Co 14:16
The most remarkable circumstance in this Epistle, observes Mr.
Scott, is the confidence of the Apostle in the goodness of his
cause, and in the power of God to bear him out in it. Opposed
as he then was by a powerful and sagacious party, whose
authority, reputation, and interest were deeply concerned, and
who were ready to seize on every thing that could discredit him,
it is wonderful to hear him so firmly insist upon his
apostolical authority, and so unreservedly appeal to the
miraculous power which he has exercised and conferred at
Corinth. So far from shrinking from the contest, as afraid of
some discovery being made, unfavourable to him and the common
cause, he, with great modesty and meekness indeed, but with
equal boldness and decision, expressly declares that his
opposers and despisers were the ministers of Satan, and menaces
them with miraculous judgments, when as many of their deluded
hearers had been brought to repentance and re-established in the
faith, as proper means could in a reasonable time effect. It is
inconceivable that a stronger internal testimony, not only of
integrity, but of divine inspiration, can exist. Had there been
any thing of imposture among the Christians, it was next to
impossible but such a conduct must have occasioned a disclosure
of it. Of the effects produced by this latter epistle we have
no circumstantial account; for the journey which St. Paul took
to Corinth, after he had written it, is mentioned by St. Luke
only in a few words, (Ac 20:2, 3.) We know, however, that St.
Paul was there after he had written this Epistle; that the
contributions for the poor brethren at Jerusalem were brought to
him from different parts to that city (Ro 15:26;) and that,
after remaining there several months, he sent salutations from
some of the principal members of that church, by whom he must
have been greatly respected, to the church of Rome (Ro 16:22,
23.) From this time we hear no more of the false teacher and
his party; and when Clement of Rome wrote his epistle to the
Corinthians, St. Paul was considered by them as a divine
apostle, to whose authority he might appeal without fear of
contradiction. The false teacher, therefore, must either have
been silenced by St. Paul, by virtue of his apostolical powers,
and by an act of severity which he had threatened, (2; Co 13:2,
3;) or this adversary of the apostle had, at that time,
voluntarily quitted the place. Whichever was the cause, the
effect produced must operate as a confirmation of our faith, and
as a proof of St. Paul's divine mission.