歌羅西書 1章19節 到 1章19節     上一筆  下一筆
 {For it was the good pleasure of the Father} (hoti
eudok(8873)en). No word in the Greek for "the Father," though the
verb calls for either ho theos or ho pat(8872) as the subject.
This verb eudoke(935c) is common in the N.T. for God's will and
pleasure ( Mt 3:17  1Co 10:5 ). {All the fulness} (p(836e) to
pl(8872)(936d)a). The same idea as in  2:9  p(836e) to pl(8872)(936d)a t(8873)
theot(8874)os (all the fulness of the Godhead). "A recognized
technical term in theology, denoting the totality of the Divine
powers and attributes" (Lightfoot). It is an old word from
pl(8872)o(935c), to fill full, used in various senses as in  Mr 8:20  of
the baskets,  Ga 4:10  of time, etc. The Gnostics distributed the
divine powers among various aeons. Paul gathers them all up in
Christ, a full and flat statement of the deity of Christ. {Should
dwell} (katoik(8873)ai). First aorist active infinitive of
katoike(935c), to make abode or home. All the divine attributes are
at home in Christ (en aut(9369)).

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