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 {At Joppa} (En Iopp(8869)). The modern Jaffa, the port of
Jerusalem ( 2Ch 2:16 ). {Disciple} (math(8874)ria). Feminine form
of math(8874)(8873), a learner from manthan(935c), to learn, a late word
and only here in the N.T. {Tabitha} (Tabeitha). Aramaic form of
the Hebrew _Tsebi_ and, like the Greek word {Dorcas} (Dorkas),
means Gazelle, "the creature with the beautiful look" (or eyes),
from derkomai. The gazelle was a favourite type for beauty in
the orient (Song of Solomon  2:9,17  4:5  7:3 ). She may have had
both the Aramaic and the Greek name, Tabitha Dorcas like John
Mark. There is nothing said about a husband and so she was
probably unmarried. She is the second woman mentioned by name
after Pentecost (Sapphira the other). She did her beautiful deeds
by herself. She did not have a Dorcas society. {Did} (epoiei).
Imperfect active, her habit.

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