創世記 8章1節 到 8章1節     上一筆  下一筆
  1;  God remembers Noah, and assuages the waters.
  4;  The ark rests on Ararat.
  6;  Noah sends forth a raven and then a dove.
 13;  Noah, being commanded, goes forth from the ark.
 20;  He builds an altar, and offers sacrifice, which God accepts,
     and promises to curse the earth no more.

 * God remembered.
  19:29  30:22  Ex 2:24  1Sa 1:19  Ne 13:14,22,29,31  Job 14:13 
  Ps 106:4  132:1  136:23  137:7  Am 8:7  Hab 3:2  Re 16:19  18:5 
 * the cattle.
  Nu 22:32  Ps 36:6  Jon 4:11  Ro 8:20-22 
 * a wind.
  Ex 14:21  Ps 104:7-9  Pr 25:23 

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