以西結書 39章2節 到 39章2節     上一筆  下一筆
 * I will.
   It is probable that none of the invaders will escape:  but
   perhaps the inhabitants of Magog in general are meant.  The
   immense army of Gog, led forth against Israel, will almost
   empty his land; and the subsequent judgments of God upon those
   that remain at home, will reduce them to a sixth of the whole.

  Ps 40:14  68:2  Isa 37:29 
 * leave but the sixth part of thee.  or, strike thee with six
   plagues;  or, draw thee back with a hook of six teeth, as ch.
   38:4.  and will cause.
  38:15  Da 11:40 
 * north parts.  Heb. sides of the north.

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