00749 ![]() 说明:CBOL原文字典以并列的英文字典内容为根据,但是参考了希伯来文 与希腊文字典作过修正补充删减。因此内容与英文字典不同,敬请留意。 |
749 archiereus {ar-khee-er-yuce'} 源于 746 和 2409; TDNT - 3:265,349; 阳性名词 钦定本 - chief priest 64, high priest 58, chief of the priest 1; 123 1) 祭司长, 大祭司 在祭司中最大的一, 即祭司长. 他也有权行一般祭司的职分, 但其最主要的任务是在每年一度的赎罪日 时, 进入至圣所(这是其他祭司所不能进入的地方)为他自己和其他所有人的罪献祭, 并在商议宗教上的 审判事件时主持犹太人的最高评议会(即公会). 根据摩西的律法, 只有亚伦的子孙中曾任大祭司的人的 后裔才可以担任大祭司的职分, 而且其大祭司的身分是终身的. 但自从安提阿哥以比芬尼起, 西流基诸 王和其后希律家族的统治者及罗马人开始干涉大祭司的任命权, 这职分即不保证授与宗教领袖的家族, 也不再是终身的; 它变成是可以用捐钱购买的, 而且是随民政或军事长官的喜好而可任意任命的. 在大希律统治到圣城被毁的一百零七年间, 共有廿八个人曾拥有此宗教领袖的身分. 2) 大祭司们(或公会中的领袖), 除了任祭司长职分的那位外, 也包括所有曾任祭司长的人和虽然已经 去职, 但在这职分上仍具有相当权力的人, 甚至包括那些大祭司家族中对公众有相当影响力的人. 3) 用以指基督, 因其献上自己, 流血作了对神的赎罪祭, 而且已经进入天上的圣所作我们的中保 |
00749 ἀρχιερεύς, έως, ὁ 名词 一、字义:犹太教的「大祭司」,公会主席。在耶稣的审判出现, 太26:57,62,63,65 可14:60,61,63 约18:19,22,24 。他们的名字Ἀβιαθάρ为亚比亚他,Ἁνανίας亚拿尼亚,Ἅννας亚拿,Καϊάφας该亚法,∑κευᾶς士基瓦;见这些人的记载。在新约及约瑟夫中有用复数以表示属于大祭司的亲族:在位的大祭司,被免职的大祭司,以及最高祭司亲族的男性成人。ἀρχιερεῖς 带ἄρχοντες 路23:13 24:20 ;带γραμματεῖς和πρεσβύτεροι 太16:21 27:41 可8:31 11:27 14:43,53 15:1 路9:22 ;带γραμματεῖς, 太2:4 20:18 21:15 可10:33 11:18 14:1 15:31 路20:19 22:2,66 23:10 ;带πρεσβύτεροι, 太21:23 26:3,47 27:1,3,12,20 徒4:23 23:14 25:15 ;ἀ.καὶ τὸ συνέδριον ὅλον祭司和全会众, 太26:59 可14:55 徒22:30 (πᾶν τὸ συν.)。οἱ ἀρχιερείς 仅大祭司们,即公会, 徒9:14 。ἀ. τ. ἐνιαυτοῦ ἐκ.本年作大祭司, 约11:49,51 18:13 ,参 ἐνιαυτός-SG1763一.。 |
749 archiereus {ar-khee-er-yuce'} from 746 and 2409; TDNT - 3:265,349; n m AV - chief priest 64, high priest 58, chief of the priest 1; 123 1) chief priest, high priest He above all others was honoured with the title of priest, the chief of priests. It was lawful for him to perform the common duties of the priesthood; but his chief duty was, once a year on the day of atonement, to enter into the Holy of Holies (from which the other priests were excluded) and offer sacrifices for his own sins and the sins of the people, and to preside over the Sanhedrin, or Supreme Council, when convened for judicial deliberations. According to Mosaic law, no one could aspire to the high priesthood unless he were of the tribe of Aaron and descended from a high priestly family; and he on whom the office was conferred held it till death. But from the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, when the kings of Seleucideae and afterwards the Herodian princes and the Romans arrogated to themselves the power of appointing the high priests, the office neither remained vested in the pontifical family nor was conferred on any for life; but it became venal, and could be transferred from one to another according to the will of civic or military rulers. Hence it came to pass, that during the one hundred and seven years intervening between Herod the Great and the destruction of the holy city, twenty eight persons held the pontifical dignity. 2) the high priests, these comprise in addition to one holding the high priestly office, both those who had previously discharged it and although disposed, continued to have great power in the State, as well as the members of the families from which high priest were created, provided that they had much influence in public affairs. 3) Used of Christ because by undergoing a bloody death he offered himself as an expiatory sacrifice to God, and has entered into the heavenly sanctuary where he continually intercedes on our behalf. |