05875 05877旧约新约 Strong's number
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   见 humnos          5215
   见 psalmos         5568
   见 ode             5603

   5603 是一般的用词; 55685215 则是特别的用词.
   前者指一首诗歌, 其特性像是旧约的诗篇, 然而不是只
   有限定在这个方面; 后者则是指一首赞美的诗歌. 5568
   是有音乐伴奏的诗歌; 而5215则是指对上帝所发出的赞
   美诗歌; 5603则指一般的歌曲, 不论有没有伴奏, 或赞美
   任何的对象. 因此一首歌, 可能同时用这三个字形容之.

   See Definition for humnos          5215
   See Definition for psalmos         5568
   See Definition for ode             5603

   5603 is the generic term; 5568 and 5215 are specific, the
   former designating a song which took its general character
   from the OT Psalms, although not restricted to them, the
   later a song of praise.  While the leading idea of 5568 is a
   musical accompaniment, and that of 5215 praise to God, 5603
   is the general word for a song, whether accompanied or not,
   whether of praise  or on any other subject. Thus it is quite
   possible for the same song to be at once described by all
   three of these words.