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5777 时态 - 简单过去式(译注: 或称过去不定时态, 一般以 "简过" 称之)

    梅晨: 简过和不完成式都是指着过去的时间而言, 但是不完成时态是指着过去的
     一种进行式的动作, 例: 我过去正在做... ;而简过则译为: 我曾在做....
          虽然现在时态与现在进行时态没有分别, 但简过的分别却很明显.
          第一简单过去式和第二简单过去式, 在时间上没有分别, 不过是用两种
          不同的形态, 造成动词的同一时态.


   ("inceptive aorist"), 或者行动终于某一时间 ("cumulative aorist"),或者
  只是出现在某一个特定的时间  ("punctiliar aorist").
5777 Tense - Aorist

    The aorist tense is characterized by its emphasis on punctiliar
    action; that is, the concept of the verb is considered without
    regard for past, present, or future time.  There is no
    direct or clear English equivalent for this tense, though it is
    generally rendered as a simple past tense in most translations.

    The events described by the aorist tense are classified into a
    number of categories by grammarians.  The most common of these
    include a view of the action as having begun from a certain
    point ("inceptive aorist"), or having ended at a certain point
    ("cumulative aorist"), or merely existing at a certain point
    ("punctiliar aorist").  The categorization of other cases can
    be found in Greek reference grammars.

    The English reader need not concern himself with most of these
    finer points concerning the aorist tense, since in most cases
    they cannot be rendered accurately in English translation,
    being fine points of Greek exegesis only.  The common practice
    of rendering an aorist by a simple English past tense should
    suffice in most cases.