00452 ![]() 说明:CBOL原文字典以并列的英文字典内容为根据,但是参考了希伯来文 与希腊文字典作过修正补充删减。因此内容与英文字典不同,敬请留意。 |
452 Annas {an'-nas} 源自希伯来文 2608; 阳性专有名词 钦定本 - Annas 4; 4 亚那 = "谦卑" 1) 犹太人的大祭司 |
00452 Ἅννας, α, ὁ 男子名 (חֲנַנְיָה-SH2608「耶和华是仁慈的」)「亚那」。(Ἅνανος的缩写)主后六~十五年的大祭司, 路3:2 约18:24 徒4:6 。该亚法的岳父, 约18:13 。* |
452 Annas {an'-nas} of Hebrew origin 02608;; n pr m AV - Annas 4; 4 Annas = "humble" 1) high priest of the Jews, elevated to the priesthood by Quirinius the governor of Syria c. 6 or 7 A.D., but afterwards deposed by Valerius Gratus, the procurator of Judaea, who put in his place, first Ismael, son of Phabi, and shortly after Eleazar, son of Annas. From the latter, the office passed to Simon; from Simon c. 18 A.D. to Caiaphas; but Annas even after he had been put out of office, continued to have great influence. |