02266 ![]() 说明:CBOL原文字典以并列的英文字典内容为根据,但是参考了希伯来文 与希腊文字典作过修正补充删减。因此内容与英文字典不同,敬请留意。 |
2266 Herodias {hay-ro-dee-as'} 源自 2264; 阴性专有名词 钦定本 - Herodias 6; 6 希罗底 = "英勇的" 1)亚利多布的女儿、大希律的孙女.先是嫁给希律腓力一世, 大希律的儿子 ;后来跟希律安提帕有不合法的关系, 并诱 使希律安提帕杀害施洗约翰 ,不过罗马之行也毁了希律 安提帕;最后两人被放逐于高卢. |
02266 Ἡρῳδιάς, άδος, ἡ 名词 「希罗底」。是大希律(Ἡρῴδης-SG2264一)之孙女;希律之子阿里斯多布路之女儿;分封的王腓力之岳母(腓力娶她的女儿撒罗米〔见该字SG4539〕为妻),又是希律安提帕异母的兄弟希律腓力之妻;后来她遗弃了第一个丈夫,嫁给希律安提帕, 可6:17 太14:3 (异版在此把腓力一名省略)记载她第一任丈夫的名字叫腓力, 太14:3,6 可6:17,19,22 路3:19 。* |
2266 Herodias {hay-ro-dee-as'} from 2264;; n pr f AV - Herodias 6; 6 Herodias = "heroic" 1) daughter of Aristobulus and granddaughter of Herod the Great. She was first married to Herod Philip I, son of Herod the Great, a man in private life; but afterwards formed an unlawful union with Herod Antipas, whom she induced not only to slay John the Baptist but also to make the journey to Rome which ruined him; at last she followed him to exile in Gaul. |