启示录 6章2节 到 6章2节     上一笔  下一笔
 {And I saw and behold} (kai eidon kai idou). This
combination is frequent in the Apocalypse ( 4:1  6:2,5,8  14:1,14  19:11 ). {A white horse} (hippos leukos). In  Zec
6:1-8  we have red, black, white, and grizzled bay horses like
the four winds of heaven, ministers to do God's will. White seems
to be the colour of victory (cf. the white horse of the Persian
Kings) like the white horse ridden by the Roman conqueror in a
triumphant procession. {Had} (ech(936e)). Agreeing in gender and
case with ho kath(886d)enos. {A bow} (	oxon). Old word ( Zec
9:13f.  of a great bow), here only in N.T. {Was given}
(edoth(885c)). First aorist passive indicative of did(936d)i. {A
crown} (stephanos). See on 氦:4| for this word. {He came forth}
(ex(886c)then). Second aorist active indicative of exerchomai,
either to come out or to go out (went forth). {Conquering}
ik(936e)). Present active participle of 
ika(935c). {And to conquer}
(kai hina nik(8873)(8869)). Purpose clause with hina and the first
aorist active subjunctive of 
ika(935c). Here h(9373) nik(8873)(936e) (future
active participle with h(9373)) could have been used. The aorist
tense here points to ultimate victory. Commentators have been
busy identifying the rider of the white horse according to their
various theories. "It is tempting to identify him with the Rider
on the white horse in  19:11f. , whose name is 'the Word of God'"
(Swete). Tempting, "but the two riders have nothing in common
beyond the white horse."

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