腓立比书 1章19节 到 1章19节     上一笔  下一笔
 {Will turn} (apob(8873)etai). Future middle indicative of
apobain(935c), old verb, to come from, to come back, to turn out.
{To my salvation} (eis s(9374)(8872)ian). For his release from prison
as he strongly hopes to see them again ( 1:26 ). Lightfoot takes
the word to be Paul's eternal salvation and it must be confessed
that verse  20  (the close of this sentence) does suit that idea
best. Can it be that Paul carried both conceptions in the word
here? {Supply} (epichor(8867)ias). Late and rare word (one example
in inscription of first century A.D.). In N.T. only here and  Eph
4:16 . From the late verb epichor(8867)e(935c) (double compound, epi,
choros, h(8867)eomai, to furnish supply for the chorus) which see in
 2Co 9:10  Ga 3:5 .

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