约翰福音 7章37节 到 7章37节     上一笔  下一笔
 {Now on the last day} (en de t(8869) eschat(8869) h(886d)er(8369)). The
eighth day which was "an holy convocation," kept as a Sabbath
( Le 33:36 ), apparently observed as a memorial of the entrance
into Canaan, hence "the great day of the feast" (	(8869) megal(8869) t(8873)
heort(8873)). {Stood and cried} (hist(886b)ei kai ekrasen). Past
perfect active of hist(886d)i used as imperfect and intransitive
and first aorist active of kraz(935c). Picture Jesus standing
(linear) and suddenly crying out (punctiliar). {If any man
thirst} (ean tis dips(8369)). Third class condition with ean and
present active subjunctive of dipsa(935c), "if any one is thirsty."
On each of the seven preceding days water was drawn in a golden
pitcher from the pool of Siloam and carried in procession to the
temple and offered by the priests as the singers chanted  Isa
12:3 : "With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of
salvation." "It is uncertain whether the libations were made upon
the eighth day. If they were not made, the significant cessation
of the striking rite on this one day of the feast would give a
still more fitting occasion for the words" (Westcott).

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