使徒行传 27章3节 到 27章3节     上一笔  下一笔
 {The next day} (	(8869) heter(8369)). Locative case with h(886d)er(8369)
understood. {We touched} (kat(8863)hth(886d)en). First aorist passive
of katag(935c), the usual term for "coming down" from the seas as
anag(935c) above (and verse  4 ) is for "going up" to sea. So it
_looks_ to sailors. Sidon was 67 miles from Caesarea, the rival
of Tyre, with a splendid harbour. The ship stopped here for
trade. {Treated Paul kindly} (philanthr(9370)(9373) t(9369) Paul(9369)
chr(8873)amenos). "Using (chr(8873)amenos, first aorist middle
participle of chraomai, to use) Paul (instrumental case used
with this verb) kindly" (philanthr(9370)(9373), "philanthropically,"
adverb from phil-anthr(9370)os, love of mankind). He was kindly to
Paul throughout the voyage (verse  43  28:16 ), taking a personal
interest in his welfare. {Refresh himself} (epimeleias
tuchein). Second aorist active infinitive of 	ugchan(935c) (to
obtain) with the genitive epimeleias, old word from epimel(8873),
careful, only here in the N.T. Whether it was mere hospitality we
do not know. It may have been medical attention required because
of Paul's long confinement. This is Paul's first visit to Sidon,
but Christians were already in Phoenicia ( 11:19 ) and so Paul
had "friends" here.

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