彼得后书 2章20节 到 2章20节     上一笔  下一笔
 {After they have escaped} (apophugontes). Second aorist
active participle here (see verse  18 ). {The defilements} (	a
miasmata). Old word miasma, from miain(935c), here only in N.T. Our
"miasma." The body is sacred to God. Cf. miasmou in verse  10 .
{They are again entangled} (palin emplakentes). Second aorist
passive participle of emplek(935c), old verb, to inweave (noosed,
fettered), in N.T. only here and  2Ti 2:4 . {Overcome}
(h(8874)t(936e)tai). Present passive indicative of h(8874)tao(935c), for which
see verse  19 , "are repeatedly worsted." Predicate in the
condition of first class with ei. It is not clear whether the
subject here is "the deluded victims" (Bigg) or the false
teachers themselves (Mayor). See  Heb 10:26  for a parallel.
{Therein} (	outois). So locative case (in these "defilements"),
but it can be instrumental case ("by these," Strachan). {With
them} (autois). Dative of disadvantage, "for them." {Than the
first} (	(936e) pr(9374)(936e)). Ablative case after the comparative
cheirona. See this moral drawn by Jesus ( Mt 12:45  Lu 11:26 ).

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