哥林多后书 7章6节 到 7章6节     上一笔  下一笔
 {Cormforteth} (parakal(936e)). See on 气:3-7| for this word.
{The lowly} (	ous tapeinous). See on 烘t 11:29|. Literally, low
on the ground in old sense ( Eze 17:24 ). Low in condition as
here;  Jas 1:9 . In  2Co 10:1  regarded as abject. In this sense
in papyri. "Humility as a sovereign grace is the creation of
Christianity" (Gladstone, _Life_, iii, p. 466). {By the coming}
(en t(8869) parousi(8369)). Same use of parousia as in  1Co 16:7 
which see. See also  2Co 7:7  10:10 .

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