以斯帖记 9章13节 到 9章13节     上一笔  下一笔
 * If it please the king.
   Esther had probably been informed by Mordecai, that there were
   still many enemies of the Jews who sought their destruction,
   who had escaped the preceding day; and therefore begged that
   the second day might be added to the former permission; and
   that the sons of Haman, who had already been slain, might be
   suspended on gibbets, as a terror to those who sought the
   destruction of the Jews.

 * according unto.
 * let Haman's ten sons be hanged.  Heb. let men hang Haman's
   ten sons.
  De 21:23  2Sa 21:6,9  Ga 3:13 

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