經文:約拿書 1:1-1:1 註釋:
1; Jonah, sent to Nineveh, flees to Tarshish.
4; He is bewrayed by a tempest;
11; thrown into the sea;
17; and swallowed by a fish.
* Jonah.
2Ki 14:25 Mt 12:39 16:4 Lu 11:29,30,32
* Jonas.
經文:約拿書 1:2-1:2 註釋:
* Nineveh.
3:2 4:11 Ge 10:11 2Ki 19:36 Na 1:1 2:1-3:19 Zep 2:13-15
* cry.
3:2 Isa 58:1 Jer 1:7-10 Eze 2:7 3:5-9 Mic 3:8 Mt 10:18
* for.
Ge 18:20,21 Ezr 9:6 Jas 5:4 Re 18:5
經文:約拿書 1:3-1:3 註釋:
* to flee.
4:2 Ex 4:13,14 1Ki 19:3,9 Jer 20:7-9 Eze 3:14 Lu 9:62 Ac 15:38
26:19 1Co 9:16
* from.
Ge 3:8 4:16 Job 1:12 2:7 Ps 139:7-12 2Th 1:9
* Joppa.
Jos 19:46 2Ch 2:16 Ac 9:36
* Tarshish.
As Jonah embarked at Joppa, a seaport on the Mediterranean, it
was probably either Tarsus in Cilicia, or rather Tartessus in
Spain, to which he intended to flee. When we reflect how such
a message would be received in the streets of London at this
day, we shall not wonder at the prophet's reluctance to
announce the destruction of the proud and idolatrous Nineveh.
Isa 2:16 23:1,6,10 60:9 Eze 27:12
經文:約拿書 1:4-1:4 註釋:
* the Lord.
Ex 10:13,19 14:21 15:10 Nu 11:31 Ps 107:24-31 135:7 Am 4:13
Mt 8:24-27 Ac 27:13-20
* sent out. Heb. cast forth. like. Heb. thought.
經文:約拿書 1:5-1:5 註釋:
* cried.
6,14,16 1Ki 18:26 Isa 44:17-20 45:20 Jer 2:28 Ho 7:14
* and cast.
Job 2:4 Ac 27:18,19,38 Php 3:7,8
* the sides.
1Sa 24:3
* and was.
Jud 16:19 Mt 25:5 26:40,41,43,45 Lu 22:45,46
經文:約拿書 1:6-1:6 註釋:
* What.
Isa 3:15 Eze 18:2 Ac 21:13 Ro 13:11 Eph 5:14
* arise.
Ps 78:34 107:6,12,13,18-20,28,29 Jer 2:27,28 Mr 4:37-41
* if.
3:9 2Sa 12:22 Es 4:16 Joe 2:11 Am 5:15
經文:約拿書 1:7-1:7 註釋:
* every.
Jud 7:13,14 Isa 41:6,7
* and let.
Jos 7:14-18 Jud 20:9,10 1Sa 10:20,21 14:41,42 Es 3:7 Ps 22:18
Pr 16:33 Mt 27:35 Ac 1:23-26 13:19
* for.
Jos 7:10,13 22:16-20 1Sa 14:38,39 Job 10:2
* and the.
Nu 32:23 Jos 7:18 1Co 4:5
經文:約拿書 1:8-1:8 註釋:
* Tell.
Jos 7:19 1Sa 14:43 Jas 5:16
* What is thine.
Ge 47:3 1Sa 30:13
經文:約拿書 1:9-1:9 註釋:
* I am.
Ge 14:13 39:14 Php 3:5
* and I.
2Ki 17:25,28,32-35 Job 1:9 Ho 3:5 Ac 27:23 Re 15:4
* the Lord. or, Jehovah. the God.
Ezr 1:2 5:11 7:12,13 Ne 1:4 2:4 Ps 136:26 Da 2:18,19,44
Re 11:13 16:11
* which.
Ne 9:6 Ps 95:5,6 146:5,6 Ac 14:15 17:23-25
經文:約拿書 1:10-1:10 註釋:
* were.
Joh 19:8
* exceedingly afraid. Heb. afraid, with great fear.
Da 5:6-9
* Why.
Jos 7:25 2Sa 24:3
* he fled.
3 Job 27:22
經文:約拿書 1:11-1:11 註釋:
* What.
1Sa 6:2,3 2Sa 21:1-6 24:11-13 Mic 6:6,7
* calm unto us. Heb. silent from us. wrought, and was
tempestuous. or, grew more and more tempestuous. Heb. went
and was, etc.
經文:約拿書 1:12-1:12 註釋:
* Take.
2Sa 24:17 Joh 11:50
* for.
Jos 7:12,20,21 1Ch 21:17 Ec 9:18 Ac 27:24
經文:約拿書 1:13-1:13 註釋:
* Nevertheless the.
There was great humanity and tender feeling in these men.
They were probably affected deeply with the candid confession,
the disinterested, submissive conduct of the disobedient
prophet, and were unwilling to cast him into the deep, until
they found that every effort to save themselves was in vain.
* rowed. Heb. digged. but.
Job 34:29 Pr 21:30
經文:約拿書 1:14-1:14 註釋:
* they.
5,16 Ps 107:28 Isa 26:16
* let.
Ge 9:6 De 21:8 Ac 28:4
* for.
Ps 115:3 135:6 Da 4:34,35 Mt 11:26 Eph 1:9,11
經文:約拿書 1:15-1:15 註釋:
* they.
Jos 7:24-26 2Sa 21:8,9
* and the.
Ps 89:9 93:3,4 107:29 Mt 8:26 Lu 8:24
* ceased. Heb. stood.
經文:約拿書 1:16-1:16 註釋:
* feared.
10 Isa 26:9 Da 4:34-37 6:26 Mr 4:31 Ac 5:11
* offered, etc. Heb. sacrificed a sacrifice unto the Lord, and
vowed vows.
Ge 8:20 Jud 13:16 2Ki 5:17 Ps 107:22 Isa 60:5-7
* made.
Ge 28:20 Ps 50:14 66:13-16 116:14 Ec 5:4
經文:約拿書 1:17-1:17 註釋:
* the Lord.
4:6 Ge 1:21 Ps 104:25,26 Hab 3:2
* in.
Mt 12:40 16:4 Lu 11:30
* belly. Heb. bowels.
經文:約拿書 2:1-2:1 註釋:
1; The prayer of Jonah.
10; He is delivered out of the belly of the fish.
* prayed.
2Ch 33:11-13 Ps 50:15 91:15 Isa 26:16 Ho 5:15 6:1-3 Jas 5:13
* out.
Job 13:15 Ps 130:1,2 La 3:53-56 Ac 16:24,25
經文:約拿書 2:2-2:2 註釋:
* I cried.
Ge 32:7-12,24-28 1Sa 30:6 Ps 4:1 18:4-6 22:24 34:6 65:2
Ps 120:1 142:1-3 Lu 22:44 Heb 5:7
* by reason of mine. or, out of mine.
1Sa 1:16
* out.
Ps 18:5,6 61:2 86:13 88:1-7 116:3
* hell. or, the grave.
Ps 16:10 Isa 14:9 Mt 12:40 Ac 2:27
* and thou.
Ps 34:6 65:2
經文:約拿書 2:3-2:3 註釋:
* thou.
1:12-16 Ps 69:1,2,14,15 88:5-8 La 3:54
* midst. Heb. heart. all.
Ps 42:7
經文:約拿書 2:4-2:4 註釋:
* I said.
Ps 31:22 77:1-7 Isa 38:10-14,17 49:14 Eze 37:11
* out.
1Ki 9:7 Jer 7:15 15:1
* toward.
1Ki 8:38,39,42,48 2Ch 6:38 Ps 5:7 Da 6:10
經文:約拿書 2:5-2:5 註釋:
Ps 40:2 69:1,2 La 3:54
經文:約拿書 2:6-2:6 註釋:
* bottoms. Heb. cuttings off. mountains.
De 32:22 Ps 65:6 104:6,8 Isa 40:12 Hab 3:6,10
* the earth.
Job 38:4-11 Pr 8:25-29
* yet.
Ps 16:10 Isa 38:17 Ac 13:33-37
* corruption. or, the pit.
Job 33:24,28 Ps 30:3,9 55:23 143:7
經文:約拿書 2:7-2:7 註釋:
* my soul.
Ps 22:14 27:13 119:81-83 Heb 12:3
* I remembered.
1Sa 30:6 Ps 20:7 42:5,11 43:5 77:10,11 143:5 Isa 50:10
La 3:21-26 2Co 1:9,10
* my prayer.
2Ch 30:27 Ps 18:6
* holy.
4 Ps 11:4 65:4 Mic 1:2 Hab 2:20
經文:約拿書 2:8-2:8 註釋:
1Sa 12:21 2Ki 17:15 Ps 31:6 Jer 2:13 10:8,14,15 16:19
Hab 2:18-20
經文:約拿書 2:9-2:9 註釋:
* I will sacrifice.
Ge 35:3 Ps 50:14,23 66:13-15 107:22 116:17,18 Jer 33:11
Ho 14:2 Ro 12:1 Heb 13:15
* I will pay.
De 23:18 2Sa 15:7 Job 22:27 Ec 5:4,5
* Salvation.
Ps 3:8 37:39,40 68:20 Isa 45:17 Joh 4:22 Ac 4:12 Re 7:10
經文:約拿書 2:10-2:10 註釋:
1:17 Ge 1:3,7,9,11,14 Ps 33:9 105:31,34 Isa 50:2
Mt 8:8,9,26,27
經文:約拿書 3:1-3:1 註釋:
1; Jonah, sent again, preaches to the Ninevites.
5; Upon their repentance,
10; God repents.
* the word.
* the second.
Joh 21:15-17
經文:約拿書 3:2-3:2 註釋:
* Nineveh.
Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, was situated on the eastern
bank of the river Tigris, opposite the present Mosul, about
280; miles north of Babylon, 400; N. E. of Damascus, in latitude
36; degrees 20' N. longitude 73; degrees 10' E. It was not only
a very ancient, (Ge 10:11,) but also a very great city.
Strabo says that it was much larger than Babylon, the circuit
of which he estimates at 385; furlongs; and, according to
Diodorus Siculus, it was an oblong parallelogram, extending
150; furlongs in length, 90; in breadth, and 480; in
circumference, i.e., about 20; miles long, 12; broad, and 60; in
compass. This agrees with the account given here of its being
"an exceeding great city of three days' journey," i.e., in
circuit; for 20; miles a day was the common computation for a
pedestrian. It was surrounded by large walls 100; feet high,
so broad that three chariots could drive abreast on them, and
defended by 1,500; towers 200; feet in height. See notes on
3 1:2 Zep 2:13-15
* preach.
Jer 1:17 15:19-21 Eze 2:7 3:17 Mt 3:8 Joh 5:14
經文:約拿書 3:3-3:3 註釋:
* arose.
Ge 22:3 Mt 21:28,29 2Ti 4:11
* an exceeding great city. Heb. a city great of God. So.
Ge 30:8 *marg:
Ps 36:6 *marg:
Ps 80:10 *marg:
經文:約拿書 3:4-3:4 註釋:
* Yet.
10 De 18:22 2Ki 20:1,6 Jer 18:7-10
經文:約拿書 3:5-3:5 註釋:
* believed.
Ex 9:18-21 Mt 12:41 Lu 11:32 Ac 27:25 Heb 11:1,7
* and proclaimed.
2Ch 20:3 Ezr 8:21 Jer 36:9 Joe 1:14 2:12-17
* from.
Jer 31:34 42:1,8 Ac 8:10
經文:約拿書 3:6-3:6 註釋:
* word.
Jer 13:18
* and he arose.
Ps 2:10-12 Jas 1:9,10 4:6-10
* and covered.
Es 4:1-4 Job 2:8 42:6 Jer 6:26 La 3:29 Da 9:3 Mic 1:10
Mt 11:21 Lu 10:13
經文:約拿書 3:7-3:7 註釋:
* caused.
5 2Ch 20:3 Ezr 8:21 Joe 2:15,16
* published. Heb. said. nobles. Heb. great men. herd.
Joe 1:18 Ro 8:20-22
經文:約拿書 3:8-3:8 註釋:
* cry.
1:6,14 Ps 130:1,2
* let.
Isa 1:16-19 55:6,7 58:6 Eze 18:21-24,27,28,30-32 33:11
Da 4:27 Mt 3:8 Ac 3:19 26:20
* the violence.
Isa 59:6
經文:約拿書 3:9-3:9 註釋:
1:6 2Sa 12:22 Ps 106:45 Joe 2:13,14 Am 5:15 Lu 15:18-20
經文:約拿書 3:10-3:10 註釋:
* God saw.
1Ki 21:27-29 Job 33:27,28 Jer 31:18-20 Lu 11:32 15:20
* and God repented.
4:2 Jer 18:8 Joe 2:13 Am 7:3,6
經文:約拿書 4:1-4:1 註釋:
1; Jonah repining at God's mercy,
4; is reproved by the type of a gourd.
4:9 Mt 20:15 Lu 7:39 15:28 Ac 13:46 Jas 4:5,6
經文:約拿書 4:2-4:2 註釋:
* he prayed.
1Ki 19:4 Jer 20:7
* I fled.
1:3 Lu 10:29
* thou art.
Ex 34:6,7 Nu 14:18,19 Ps 78:38 86:5,15 145:8 Ho 11:8,9
Joe 2:13,14 Mic 7:18
* and of.
3:10 Ex 32:14 Ps 90:13 Jer 18:8 Am 7:3,6
經文:約拿書 4:3-4:3 註釋:
* take.
Nu 11:15 20:3 1Ki 19:4 Job 3:20,21 6:8,9 Jer 20:14-18
Php 1:21-25
* for.
8 Job 7:15,16 Ec 7:1 1Co 9:15
經文:約拿書 4:4-4:4 註釋:
* Doest thou well to be angry? or, Art thou greatly angry?
9 Nu 20:11,12,24 Ps 106:32,33 Mic 6:3 Mt 20:15 Jas 1:19,20
經文:約拿書 4:5-4:5 註釋:
* Jonah.
1:5 1Ki 19:9,13 Isa 57:17 Jer 20:9
* till.
Ge 19:27,28 Jer 17:15,16 Lu 19:41-44
經文:約拿書 4:6-4:6 註釋:
* the Lord.
1:17 Ps 103:10-14
* gourd. or, palmcrist. Heb. Kikajon.
[Q(8c79)q(8379)(9377)n [,] probably the palma
Christi, called {kiki,} or {kouki,} by the Egyptians, and
{Elkherod} by the Arabs, from which caster oil is extracted.
It is as large as the olive tree, has leaves like those of a
vine, sometimes as broad as the brim of a hat, and is of very
quick growth.
* So.
Es 5:9 Pr 23:5 Isa 39:2 Am 6:13 Lu 10:20 1Co 7:30
* was exceeding glad. Heb. rejoiced with great joy.
經文:約拿書 4:7-4:7 註釋:
* prepared.
Job 1:21 Ps 30:6,7 102:10
* it withered.
Ps 90:5,6 Isa 40:6-8 Joe 1:12
經文:約拿書 4:8-4:8 註釋:
* that God.
6,7 1:4,17 Eze 19:12 Re 3:19
* vehement. or, silent. and the sun.
Ps 121:6 So 1:6 Isa 49:10 Re 7:16
* and wished.
3 Le 10:3 1Sa 3:18 2Sa 15:25,26 Job 2:10 Ps 39:9
經文:約拿書 4:9-4:9 註釋:
* Doest thou well to be angry? or, Art thou greatly angry?
* I do well to be angry. or, I am greatly angry.
Ge 4:5-14 Job 18:4 40:4,5
* even.
Jud 16:16 Job 5:2 Mt 26:38 2Co 7:10 Re 9:6
經文:約拿書 4:10-4:10 註釋:
* had pity on. or, spared. came up in a night. Heb. was the
son of the night.
1Sa 20:31 Ge 17:12 *marg:
經文:約拿書 4:11-4:11 註釋:
* should.
1 Isa 1:18 Mt 18:33 Lu 15:28-32
* Nineveh.
1:2 3:2,3
* sixscore.
It is generally calculated that the young children of any
place are a fifth of the inhabitants, and consequently the
whole population of Nineveh would amount to about 600,000;
which is very inferior to that of London and Paris, though
they occupy not one quarter of the ground. In eastern cities
there are large vacant spaces for gardens and pasturages, so
that there might be very "much cattle."
* that cannot.
De 1:39
* and also.
Ps 36:6 104:14,27,28 145:8,9,15,16