希伯來書 1章8節 到 1章8節     上一筆  下一筆
 {O God} (ho theos). This quotation (the fifth) is from  Ps
45:7f . A Hebrew nuptial ode (epithalamium) for a king treated
here as Messianic. It is not certain whether ho theos is here
the vocative (address with the nominative form as in  Joh 20:28 
with the Messiah termed 	heos as is possible,  Joh 1:18 ) or
ho theos is nominative (subject or predicate) with estin (is)
understood: "God is thy throne" or "Thy throne is God." Either
makes good sense. {Sceptre} (
abdos). Old word for
walking-stick, staff ( Heb 11:21 ).

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