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总共 2 笔资料,目前由第 1 笔开始印

2:35<2193> <302> 我使<5087>(5661)<4771>仇敌<2190>作你的<4771><4228><5286> 
7:49<2962><3004>(5719):天<3772>是我的<1473>座位<2362>  <1161><1093>是我的<1473><4228><5286>;你们要为我<1473><3618>(5692)何等的<4169>殿宇<3624>  <2228> 哪里<5101>是我<1473>安息<2663>的地方<5117>呢? 
页次:   1 

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KJV + Strongs and lexicons were adapted from the Online Bible. It used by permission and are copyrighted by Timnathserah Inc.