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总共 1 笔资料,目前由第 1 笔开始印

8:8所以<1063>主指责他的百姓说<3004>(5719)(或译:所以主<2962>指前约的  <846> 缺欠<3201>(5740)<3004>(5719)):  <2400> 日子<2250>将到<2064>(5736)  <2532> 我要与<1909>以色列<2474><3624><2532> <1909> 犹大<2455><3624>另立<4931>(5692)<2537><1242> 
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KJV + Strongs and lexicons were adapted from the Online Bible. It used by permission and are copyrighted by Timnathserah Inc.