使徒行传 21章30节 到 21章30节     上一笔  下一笔
 {All the city was shaken} (ekin(8874)h(8820)h(8820)polis hol(885c)). First
aorist passive of kine(935c), common verb for violent motion and
emotion. See also  24:5  where the word is used by Tertullus of
Paul as the stirrer up of riots! {The people ran together}
(egeneto sundrom(8820)tou laou). Rather, There came a running
together (sun-drom(885c) from sun-trech(935c)) of the people. The cry
spread like wildfire over the city and there was a pell-mell
scramble or rush to get to the place of the disturbance. {They
laid hold on Paul} (epilabomenoi tou Paulou). Second aorist
middle participle of epilambanomai with the genitive (cf.
epebalan in verse  27 ). {Dragged} (heilkon). Imperfect
active of helk(935c) (and also helku(935c)), old verb to drag or draw.
Imperfect tense vividly pictures the act as going on. They were
saving the temple by dragging Paul outside. Curiously enough both
epilabomenoi and heilkusan occur in  16:19  about the arrest
of Paul and Silas in Philippi. {Straightway the doors were shut}
(euthe(9373) ekleisth(8873)an hai thurai). With a bang and at once.
First aorist (effective) passive of klei(935c). The doors between
the inner court and the court of the Gentiles. But this was only
the beginning, the preparation for the real work of the mob. They
did not wish to defile the holy place with blood. The doors were
shut by the Levites.

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