提摩太后书 3章4节 到 3章4节     上一笔  下一笔
 {Traitors} (prodotai). Old word (from prodid(936d)i), in N.T.
only here,  Lu 6:16  Ac 7:52 . {Headstrong} (propeteis). Old
word (from pro and pipt(935c)), falling forward, in N.T. only here
and  Ac 19:36 . {Puffed up} (	etuph(936d)enoi). Perfect passive
participle of 	upho(935c). See  1Ti 3:6 . {Lovers of pleasure}
(phil(8864)onoi). Literary _Koin(825f) word (philos, h(8864)on(885c)), only
here in N.T. {Lovers of God} (philotheoi). Old word (philos,
theos), only here in N.T.

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