撒迦利亚书 7章7节 到 7章7节     上一笔  下一笔
 * Should ye not hear the words.  or, Are not these the words,
  Isa 55:3,6,7 
 * cried.
  1:3-6  Isa 1:16-20  Jer 7:5,23  36:2,3  Eze 18:30-32  Da 9:6-14 
  Ho 14:1-3  Am 5:14,15  Mic 6:6-8  Zep 2:1-3 
 * former.  Heb. the hand of former.  the south.
  De 34:3  Jer 17:26  32:44  33:13 

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