利未记 20章16节 到 20章16节     上一笔  下一笔
 * And if a woman.
   We are assured by Herodotus (in Euterp.) that the
   abominations here referred to existed among the Egyptians,
   and even formed part of their superstitious religious system,
   and we have reason to believe that they were not uncommon
   among the Canaanites.  (See ch. 18:24, 25).  Need we wonder
   then, that God should have made laws of this nature, and
   appointed the punishment of death for these crimes?  This one
   observation will account for many of those strange
   prohibitions which we find in the Mosaic law.
 * and the beast.
  Ex 19:13  21:28,32  Heb 12:20 

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