出埃及记 33章20节 到 33章20节     上一笔  下一笔
 * Thou canst not.
   This is well explained by Rabbi Jehudah, in Sepher Cosri, (P.
   iv.  3.)  "Of that divine glory mentioned in the Scripture,
   there is one degree which the eyes of the prophets were able
   to explore; another which all the Israelites saw, as the
   cloud and consuming fire; the third is so bright, and so
   dazzling, that no mortal is able to comprehend it; but should
   anyone venture to look on it, his whole frame would be
   dissolved."  In such inconceivable splendour is the Divine
   Majesty revealed to the inhabitants of the celestial world,
   where he is said to "dwell in the light which no man can
   approach unto."  (1; Ti 6:16.)  By the "face of God,"
   therefore, we are to understand that light inaccessible
   before which angels may stand, but which would be so
   insufferable to mortal eyes, that no man could see it and

  24:10  Ge 32:30  De 5:24  Jud 6:22  13:22  Isa 6:5  Joh 1:18 
  1Ti 6:16  Heb 1:13  Re 1:16,17 

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