申命记 18章10节 到 18章10节     上一笔  下一笔
 * maketh.
  12:31  Le 18:21-30  20:2-5  2Ki 16:3  17:17  21:6  2Ch 28:3 
  Ps 106:37,38  Jer 19:4-6  32:35 
 * that useth divination.
   The precise import of the terms here used to express these
   unhallowed practices cannot be clearly ascertained:  he that
   useth divination, {kosaim, kesamim,} seems a general term for
   the various species after specified; observer of times,
   {meonain,} one who pretends to foretell by the clouds,
   planets, etc.; enchanter {menachesh,} a diviner, either by
   means of serpents, or by inspecting the entrails of beasts,
   the flight of birds, etc.; a witch, {mecashsheph,} one who
   used magical fumigations, etc.; a charmer, {chover chaver,}
   one who uses spells, or a peculiar conjunction of words, or
   tying knots, etc.; a consulter with familiar spirits, {shoel
   ov,} a pythoness; a wizard, {yidoni,} a cunning man;
   necromancer, {doresh el hammaithim} one who seeks enquiries of
   the dead.

  Ex 22:18  Le 19:26,31  20:26,27  1Sa 28:3,7,9  1Ch 10:13  2Ch 33:6 
  Isa 8:19,20  47:13  Ac 19:19  Ga 5:20 

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